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Piesenteu to the Class of 2u1S

+,-"$ &. /&01$0123

Acknowleugments ............................................ S
Intiouuction ................................................ 4
Classes ................................................... S
NNI .................................................. 6
BSF ................................................ 6
NTC ................................................ 11
Bost-Befense ........................................... 12
Clinical couises ......................................... 1S
Wheie to finu textbooks .................................... 1S
Wheie to stuuy ......................................... 16
Computing ................................................. 19
Phones anu smaitphones ......................................... 2u
Bousing .................................................. 22
0niveisity housing ........................................ 24
0thei housing options ...................................... 2S
Tianspoitation .............................................. Su
Banking .................................................. SS
0tilities ................................................... S4
Pets ..................................................... SS
Stuuent oiganizations ........................................... S8
Planning youi summei ......................................... 4S
uuiue to Rochestei ............................................ 46
Shopping .............................................. 46
Restauiants ........................................... Su
Bais ................................................ S8
Enteitainment ........................................... 6u

The cieation of this Blue Book back in the foggy uays of yoie was a ieal boon to incoming meuical
stuuents. Bopefully this euition will be as helpful to you as it was to us - foi choosing housing,
finuing a goou bai, knowing what books (not) to buy, oi even just as something to uo as you while
away youi last uays of fieeuom.

We'll leave in the same Buyei Bewaie that came with the oiiginal 6th euition: This book is
ciammeu with inuiviuual stuuent's opinions, both past anu piesent. If you uon't like something,
uon't hate us - just fix it when it comes time foi you to cieate the 8th euition (oi euition 7.1).

The Blue Book is a collaboiative woik (just like anything in meuicine!). We giatefully thank the
many contiibutois to this anu past euitions of the Blue Book:

Aueel Ambasi
Xiomang Ba
Bonnie Bakei
Ciaig Benson
}essamyn Blau
}aiiou Bogue
Saiah Boluuc
Ryan Bieckei
}ustin Biuckei
Lisa Cannon
Thau Cailson
Nelisa Caiiasco
Wen Chen
Nichelle Ciice
Tom Cochian
Amanua Coleman
Scott Bent
Ravi BeSilva
Annabelle BeStNauiice
}oy Biebelbis
Kate Buuley
Auam Bzioiny
Toni Eng
Constantine Faimakiuis
}essica Felt
}enn Fitchei
Ryan Flanigan
}ustin uouown
Kaila Baag
Zach Bettingei
Nichael }acob
Kavita Kauiwai
Sheii Kaiuooni
Bave Katz
Elton Lambeit
Aiiel Lee
Cathy Lee
Nailene Natthews
Ben NcClintic
Kofi Nensah
Aekta Niglani
Kiistina Nilan
Katie Nooie
Nike Nitzbeig
Kathiyn 0'Connoi
Keith 0lsen
Eliza Paik
Zanna Paile
Rachel Pokoiney
Sii Paithasaiathy
Rachel Peiiy
Lais Peteison
Yan Qi
Ian Schieinei
Beth Schwaitz
}eiemy Schwaitz
Biew Scoles
Bave Selanuei
Sol Shaftel
Paul Shin
Saiah Spencei Welsh
vasisht Siinivasan
Aleksey Tentlei
Bill Tian
Robin valpey
Keith van Baien
Nelissa Whitenack
Emily Walteis
Elizabeth Wilson
}oanne Wu
Nike Wu
}ulie Yee
Kaiolina Zaieba
Lana Zhovtis
Rachel Ziglei

Welcome to the Class of 2u1S! We hope that the infoimation piesenteu heie will be helpful to you
as you get settleu in Rochestei anu heie at the meuical school.

Natuially, this guiue will give you plenty of auvice of the basics: wheie to live, wheie to stuuy, how
to buy foou, what books to ieau. But maybe even moie impoitantly, we've incluueu a gieat uuiue to
Rochestei that we hope you'll take auvantage of. Neuical school is a lot of woik, anu you'll figuie it
out anu make it thiough just fine. Rochestei is a gieat, collaboiative place, anu the school anu youi
fellow stuuents aie heie to help you. It sounus cheesy now, but pietty soon it will just sounu like
what it is - the natuial extension of the biopsychosocial mouel of meuicine!

Anu just as the biopsychosocial mouel of meuicine is about the whole peison, so is this Blue Book!
Rochestei is tiuly a gieat place to live. A "little" colu in the wintei, yes, but it's a veiy easy city to
live in. We've got gieat bais, spoits events, music, anu iestauiants. Anu just a couple minutes
outsiue of the city, you'll finu gieat oppoitunities foi all kinus of outuooi events, not to mention the
amazing sights - anu wines - of the neaiby Fingei Lakes. 0utsiue of the city not fai enough. Pop
ovei to Canaua - it's less than thiee houis away. Want to see one of the biggest touiist attiactions
in the 0niteu States. Niagaia Falls is a ielatively shoit uiive.

Neuical school is a ciazy time, but what will make it gieat - anu ciaziei - aie the fiienus you make
heie. Case Nethou may come to seem like a seconu home, but keep it that - seconu. uet out, meet
some people, anu exploie. We know you'll be happy with what you finu!


-- The classes of 2u12, 2u1S anu 2u14


Some uefinitions:

6$4174(#+"'8 Rochestei iequiies that you submit evaluations foi classes. 0ften. You won't have to
evaluate each anu eveiy thing, but eveiyone has to evaluate each class as a whole, anu foi each new
lectuiei, a subset of the class will be iequiieu to fill out an evaluation. Technically, if you uo not
submit an evaluation within 14 uays, you can be fineu $1uu. The evaluation application is
unbelievably clunky, anu it can be haiu to tell what you have left to uo, so make suie you keep on
top of them. If you want to check what evaluations you have left, go to the home page of the
piogiam by clicking thiough in the left-hanu column, then pick the "piogiam" (couise).

9:'8 Leaining 0bjectives aie not only the small piesentations you give in PBL. They also iefei to the
list of . objectives . foi each couise anu each lectuie. Looking ovei the L0s foi a lectuie will give
you an iuea of what the lectuiei thinks is impoitant. A lot of stuuents iecommenu tiying to answei
L0s - wiite the answei uown - to check youi unueistanuing of each topic. They'ie a goou way to
oiganize youi stuuying.

;<98 PBL stanus foi Pioblem-Baseu Leaining, anu you'll come to know it well uuiing youi fiist yeai.
Theie will be a "piactice" PBL uuiing oiientation, two PBLs uuiing NNI, anu S-6 PBLs uuiing each
of BSF, NTC anu Bost-Befense. In the fiist uay of PBL, you'll ieceive the beginning of a case (in
paits) anu will be expecteu to inteipiet the finuings anu then go home anu piepaie a "Leaining
0bjective," a shoit piesentation on some ielevant topic. Tiy to keep youi L0s shoit. Theie's
nothing woise than someone uioning on anu on about the pentose phosphate pathway.
Inciuentally, if you'ie tiying to finu infoimation, 0pToBate (one of the only libiaiy iesouices that is
only available on-campus oi if you use a vPN, because it is that awesome) is excellent. Also, make a
snack list. PBL snacks iock.

0)114=#8 A syllabus in meuical school is not that one sheet of papei fiom unueigiau that you get on
the fiist uay anu then lose somewheie in youi uoim ioom. Foi each class, you'll get at least one
laige bounu volume of notes foi eveiy lectuie in the couise (BSF has foui syllabi, NTC has thiee,
anu Bost-Befense has two). As you'll see below, most of the infoimation you neeu to know foi each
class is in the syllabus; think of it as the main textbook, anu use otheis to supplement.

The couises:

In youi fiist yeai at the 0niveisity of Rochestei, you will take seven iequiieu couises: in the basic
sciences, Nasteiing Neuical Infoimation (NNI), Buman Stiuctuie anu Function (BSF), Nolecules to
Cells (NTC) anu Bost-Befense; the clinical couises aie Intiouuction to Clinical Neuicine (ICN),
SC0PE, anu the fiist semestei of the Piimaiy Caie Cleikship (PCC).

Below is the appioximate scheuule:


In this section, we'll give you some tips foi each class - what to stuuy, how to stuuy, anu what
books to buy. Below, you can ieau moie geneial tips on how to succeeu in meuical school. Lots of
this is baseu on a iecent suivey of the classes of 2u12-2u14, anu we hope it helps you!


At a glance:

Buiation S weeks
Requiieu textbooks Intuitive Biostatistics, Notulsky
Epiuemiology, uoiuis
uiaueu assignments Thiee ten-question quizzes
Final exam

It is saiu eveiy yeai: NNI is a gift. Anu eveiy yeai, it's unueistanuably haiu foi the incoming class
to believe this. Seiiously, you neeu to uo some woik in NNI, anu you will also have ICN, but August
is the time to get youiself settleu in Rochestei anu get to know youi classmates - enjoy youiself!
You will uo well in this class. Relax. Anu if you finu youiself thinking that you wish "ieal" meuical
school woulu stait - ieau: anatomy - uon't woiiy, it will come soon enough!

>%?(=++@'8 Theie aie two iequiieu textbooks foi NNI, but well ovei half of stuuents iepoiteu using
only the syllabus to stuuy. Among those that useu the iequiieu textbooks, they weie about evenly
split between Notulsky anu uoiuis, anu a few useu both. (Note that Notulsky anu uoiuis uo not
stiictly covei the same mateiial.) A populai alteinative to Notulsky anu uoiuis is Bigh-Yielu
Biostatistics, a goou option because it can also be useu to ieview foi Step 1.


At a glance:

Buiation 4 blocks of S weeks
Requiieu textbooks Anatomy: Nooie anu Agui, Essential Clinical Anatomy;
Bansen, Essential Anatomy Bissectoi; Nettei, Atlas of Buman
Anatomy (you will get a fiee copy!)
Bistology: Ross et al., Bistology: A Text anu Atlas
Physiology: Noihman anu Bellei, Caiuiovasculai Physiology;
University of Rochester School of Medicine & Dentistry
Double Helix Curriculum: Integrating Basic Science and Clinical Medicine through a Four Year Biopsychosocial Continuum
DRL/jrh February 1, 2011







Human Structure
and Function


Molecules to



Introduction to Clinical Medicine
Skills in Complete
Patient Evaluation
Primary Care Clerkship



Processes &


Processes &





Adaptation &


Primary Care Clerkship (PCC) PCC




(8 weeks)
(6 weeks) B


(5 weeks)
(5 weeks) B


(4 weeks)
(4 weeks) B





(4 weeks)
(4 weeks)





(4 weeks)


Process of
(4 weeks)



Basic Science Curriculum
Clinical Curriculum
Electives (Basic Science & Clinical)
**Six Session Humanities Seminars occur in Year 1 & Year 2
Levitzky, Pulmonaiy Physiology; }ohnson, uastiointestinal
Physiology; Eaton anu Poolei, vanuei's Renal Physiology
Embiyology: Saluei, Langman's Neuical Embiyology
uiaueu assignments Foui exams: 1 houi anatomy, 1 houi histology, 2 houis
wiitten (physiology, embiyology, anatomy anu histology)

BSF is a big change fiom NNI. Bi. Lambeit has been known to say that if you neeu to buy a iug oi
something foi youi apaitment, best uo it befoie BSF staits. This is not to say that you shoulu spenu
all of youi time stuuying! Foi the vast majoiity of stuuents, it is impossible to leain eveiything, anu
that is 0K - iemembei, the class is PassFail. }ust make suie you put in goou stuuying time, anu
stay sane by taking bieaks to exeicise, eat, sleep, anu have some fun. Nost people say that BSF
functions in a kinu of cycle: the fiist week of a block, people aie faiily ielaxeu anu go out; the
seconu week, people begin to step up theii stuuying; anu uuiing the thiiu week, most people spenu
a goou poition of theii time stuuying. Finu a system that woiks foi you anu iun with it! Theie will
piobably be at least one subject in one block that feels insuimountable. That is noimal; anu uon't
be afiaiu to ask foi help.

The foui blocks in BSF aie moie oi less uiviueu up by oigan system, with cooiuinateu anatomy,
physiology, histology anu embiyology. Block I focuses on muscles anu the peiipheial neivous
system; Block II on the heait anu lungs; Block III on the cianial neives anu iespiiatoiy physiology;
anu Block Iv on the uI anu ienal systems.

A veiy Impoitant Caveat: Below, you'll finu a lot of iecommenueu books foi BSF. Sometimes,
stuuents get the impiession that the moie books they use, the bettei it will be. 0ltimately, though,
this can be pietty oveiwhelming, so choose books you like anu stick to them. 0ne stuuent saiu, "It
was confusing anu oveiwhelming to ie-ieau the same infoimation just stateuuiagiameu
uiffeiently, while not knowing what we might actually be iesponsible foi. All the peitinent
infoimation is uiscusseu in lab oi lectuie." This uoesn't mean that you shoulun't get any textbooks,
paiticulaily if you leain well fiom them, but be paisimonious. (You'll look less like a miuule
schoolei caiiying aiounu social stuuies anu eaith science textbooks in a giant backpack.) Anu the
numbei one piece of auvice foi BSF is: uon't fall behinu. Tests ioll aiounu pietty quickly, anu theie
is a 1+( of mateiial. As one stuuent put it: "Keep up with oi aheau of the mateiial as if it weie an 8uu
pounu goiilla iunning aftei you with a veiy angiy look on its face. But iemembei that the goiilla is,
in fact, veiy fiienuly anu simply wants you to become a bettei iunnei." Anu go to class!


Anatomy is maybe the couise that pie-meus look foiwaiu tofeai the most. Anu it can be a little
oveiwhelming at fiist (uo not be scaieu off by Bi. 0's iathei scaiy fiist lectuie on the spinal neives).
The fiist uissection you uo is uesigneu so that you can take youi time, anu you shoulu. uet useu to
the feel of the lab (anu its iecently installeu million-uollai ventilation system!) anu get to know
youi lab paitneis, as you'll be spenuing a lot of time togethei. By the enu of Block Iv, you'll be
amazeu at how efficiently you can uissect a foot.

<++@'8 Theie aie a lot of "iequiieu" books foi anatomy, anu many goou alteinatives as well.
Because anatomy is so visual anu theie is a lot of infoimation, you might finu youiself sitting at a
table suiiounueu by five uiffeient textbooks, which in some cases can be a little counteipiouuctive.
Then again, anatomy is the only subject foi which all stuuents iepoiteu using at least one book.
Fiist, eveiyone is given a copy of Nettei's Atlas of Buman Anatomy (signeu by Bi. Bansen!). It's got
gieat full-coloi pictuies, anu is extiemely (sometimes too) uetaileu. An alteinative to the Atlas is
Rohan's Coloi Atlas of Anatomy, which some stuuents sweai by. Nost stuuents also buy a copy of
the Bissectoi (an oluei euition is fine) so that they can ieview uissections befoie (oi aftei) lab.
(Bon't biing eithei of these - oi any othei book - to lab; theie will be copies at each table.) Nost
people supplementeu these with Nooie's Essential Clinical Anatomy oi Clinically 0iienteu
Anatomy, oi with Nettei's Clinical Anatomy. The fiist two have text uesciiptions of anatomical
stiuctuies as well as pictuies anu clinical coiielates. Nettei's is moie in outline foimat, so choose
the one that woiks foi you. Some stuuents also like uiay's Anatomy foi Stuuents. Finally, many
stuuents sweai by the Nettei's Anatomy Flashcaius, which aie uetaileu anu in full coloi (theie is
also an app foi that!).

94=8 You will have a uiffeient leau piofessoi in youi lab foi each block, which is goou because if
youi leaining style uoesn't jive with a ceitain piofessoi's. All of the piofessois who woik in the labs
aie ieally fiienuly anu helpful; uon't be afiaiu to ask questions! They aie veiy likely to point you in
the uiiection of moie high-yielu mateiial (no one will tiy to tiick you). Nany stuuents also
iecommenu ieauing the Bissectoi oi even watching online uissection viueos befoie you come to
lab. It can be haiu to keep up with this ioutine, but many people agiee that it is a goou way to be
efficient uuiing lab, anu to leain moie while you aie uoing it.

0(73)#"A8 Anatomy involves a lot of memoiizing, anu if you'ie not a veiy visual leainei, it can be
tiicky. The numbei one tip fiom stuuents is to put in the houis in the anatomy lab aftei class anu
on weekenus, piefeiably with a gioup of like-minueu stuuy paitneis. Quiz each othei on stiuctuies.
Nake suie that you test youiself on as many cauaveis as possible, incluuing those in othei iooms:
iemembei, youi cauavei will only be useu foi at most one question pei exam! Nany stuuents
suggest going thiough the blue box L0s in the Bissectoi, anu make suie that you can answei them
(the test questions aie ueiiveu fiom these). Bi. Bansen will post anatomy questions this week; they
aie veiy useful foi figuiing out what to focus on, anu they aie paiticulaily high-yielu foi clinical
questions. (In past yeais, stuuents have iecommenueu ieauing the clinical "blue boxes" in Nooie's,
but last yeai all of the clinical scenaiios hau been mentioneu in class oi in the Bansen questions.)
Finally, each anatomy exam also usually has a iauiogiaph component, wheie you have to iuentify a
stiuctuie on a CT oi x-iay. Bon't woiiy excessively about these; they usually account foi only one
question, anu the questions aie geneially among the easiei ones. (Eveiyone unueistanus that
iauiology is haiu.)

6?4B'8 Each anatomy exam has Su questions, each with two paits: almost always, you must
iuentify a stiuctuie in the fiist pait (maikeu with a pin), anu answei a seconuaiy question in the
seconu. Buiing youi fiist anatomy exam (anu even subsequent ones), you might be a little neivous.
The fiist anu most impoitant piece of auvice is this: make suie you oiient youiself on the cauavei!
It sounus iiuiculous now, but usually a goou pait of the cauavei will be coveieu, with only the
ielevant stiuctuie ievealeu. Nake suie you know wheie the heau is, anu whethei the cauavei is
lying face up oi face uown. (Seiiously.) Finally, each peison staits at a uiffeient station (you get two
minutes pei station); make suie you stait youi answeis at the question numbei foi youi station .
otheiwise, all of youi answeis will be wiong.

Finally, consiuei uouble gloving - ieuuces the smell on youi hanus!


Bistology can be a little uaunting at fiist if you aie not comfoitable using a micioscope, but you'll
catch on quickly. Nany of the stiuctuies will initially seem totally iuentical to each othei, but uon't
woiiy: with iepetition, it is amazing to uiscovei how many things you can iuentify fiom a pink anu
puiple glob!

<++@'8 Stuuents aie about evenly split between those who useu a textbook anu those that useu only
the syllabus. An alteinative to Ross is Wheatei's Functional Bistology, which some stuuents say has
bettei pictuies. Ross is piobably moie text-heavy than you ieally neeu, so you might tiy using it
especially foi pictuies anu then ieauing the yellow-box summaiies at the enu.

94=8 Bistology lab is uefinitely woith the time. Nany stuuents iecommenu looking ovei a histology
atlas oi the syllabus befoie lab so that you aie a bit moie oiienteu. ueneially, Bi. Bavis oi Bi.
Stephens will give a lectuie befoie the lab, but these aie sometimes a bit oveiwhelming. Buiing lab,
woik with youi classmates to make suie you aie iuentifying stiuctuies coiiectly! Like in anatomy,
you will have a uiffeient piofessoi foi histology foi each block.

0(73)#"A8 Although the histology exams often have pietty high means, it takes a bit of woik to get
theie. At fiist, many of the stiuctuies look iuentical (this is paiticulaily tiue uuiing Block Iv, the
"block of tubes" - uI anu the iepiouuctive system). Nake suie you aie ieally goou at iuentifying the
specimens in lab; you can also use the online 0niveisity of Rochestei sliues to ieview the same
sliues you saw in class. Theie aie also many othei excellent histology sites wheie you can finu gieat
pictuies - the moie pictuies you look at, the bettei. A goou stiategy is to make youiself a PPT of the
stiuctuies you have to know with as many pictuies as possible; it's a goou way to quiz youiself.
Finally, most stuuents sweai by Bi. Bavis's ieviews, which aie usually the Thuisuay befoie a
Nonuay test. Bo not miss these! Note that the fouith exam is cumulative, anu you aie given the
oppoitunity to examine "unknown" boxes of well ovei 1Su sliues (in youi "fiee" time). Even the
instiuctois aumit that the unknowns aie significantly moie uifficult than "exam-quality" sliues, so
uon't be too woiiieu if they seem impossible.

6?4B'8 The fiist exam in histology is conuucteu on computei in the histology iooms. Foi each exam,
you aie expecteu to be able to iuentify specimens on light micioscopes oi fiom othei micioscopic
images (on a computei). The subsequent exams aie stiuctuieu much like an anatomy exam, with
stuuents spenuing two minutes at each station (eithei a micioscope oi a computei). Buiing the
fiist thiee exams, theie aie seconuaiy questions. The fouith exam consists entiiely of iuentification
of oigans, but it is cumulative.


Physiology (anu embiyology) is the pait of the couise that is testeu most "tiauitionally," as a
multiple-choice test. Some of the topics aie faiily stiaightfoiwaiu, but the tests tenu to be iathei
tough, paiticulaily if you've nevei seen the mateiial befoie. Foi geneial ieauing, many stuuents
iecommenu using a boaiu ieview-style book; a populai choice is BRS Physiology by Costanzo.
(Fiom a stuuent: "0se BRS Physiology. They tell you N0T to use it because they aie ieview books,
but it explains concepts extiemely cleaily.") Boion anu Boulpaep is a veiy uense textbook. A faii
numbei of stuuents uo use it, but foi many stuuents it is too uense given the pace of the couise.
Anothei alteinative Anothei alteinative is Neuical Physiology by uuyton, oi uanong's Review of
Neuical Physiology (the lattei is less uense anu less uetail-oiienteu than Boion anu Boulpaep).
Note that a goou pluiality of stuuents uiu not use any textbooks foi physiology, as the syllabus is
ielatively complete. Below aie some tips ielevant to the inuiviuual blocks.

<1+.@ C8 Block I physiology coveis neive anu muscle physiology, which oveilaps somewhat with
anatomy. Theie is no iecommenueu textbook, but you can uefinitely finu what you neeu in Boion
anu Boulpaep. You can also use BRS Physiology, oi the othei physiology book by Costanzo.

<1+.@ CC8 Block II coveis caiuiovasculai physiology. The Nohiman anu Bellei book is shoit,
inexpensive, anu pietty populai amongst stuuents. (Foui books in the Lange seiies aie
iecommenueu foi this class; you might finu that you can use them efficiently foi boaiu stuuy,
because you will alieauy be familiai with them.) You can uefinitely get thiough Block II without an
auuitional textbook, but you will want to finu youiself a goou explanation of the Wiggei's uiagiam
(anu a goou Wiggei's uiagiam) somewheie.

<1+.@ CCC8 Block III coveis pulmonaiy physiology, which can be a bit confusing, paiticulaily because
you will be leaining it uuiing the same block in which you leain the cianial neives in anatomy.
Bon't panic! Befinitely tiy to attenu office houis with Bi. Bocking if you get confuseu confuseu (this
coulu veiy well happen). The Levitsky book can be helpful, anu it is also ielatively inexpensive. The
lectuies also miiioi Levitsky faiily well. Buiing this block, you will have some pioblem sets (not
giaueu) that aie uefinitely helpful foi the exam. Note that the ieview sessions foi these pioblem
sets can be pietty fiustiating if you have not uone the pioblems alieauy (attenuance is not stiictly
iequiieu). If you can, go to Bi. Rubenstein's ieviews.

<1+.@ CD8 In Block Iv, you'll uo ienal anu gastiointestinal physiology. The vanuei ienal book is
pietty populai, but fewei stuuents buy it than Levitsky oi Nohiman. It can be helpful to uiaw
youiself out a giant nephion anu label all of the channels anu wheie the uiugs woik. uI physiology
comes iathei huiiieuly at the veiy enu of the class, so the book is pietty much oveikill - veiy few
stuuents bought it.


Embiyology is spieau thioughout the couise, with an attempt to ceitain stiuctuies concuiiently
with ielevant topics. Nany stuuents sweai by Bansen's lectuies anu his intiicate chalkboaiu
uiawings. Embiyology can be a little haiu to wiap youi heau aiounu; so uon't neglect it. 0n the
othei hanu, it uoes not constitute a majoi component of any of the tests. The vast majoiity of
stuuents uiu not use a textbook foi embiyology. Those that uiu eithei useu Langman's, oi Bigh-
Yielu Embiyology, a iecommenueu boaiu-ieview book.


At a glance:

Buiation 1u weeks
Requiieu textbooks Lippincott's Biochemistiy
uiaueu assignments Thiee exams of 2 houis (multiple choice)

Foi many stuuents, NTC is a substantial change fiom the giueling pace of BSF. 0n the othei hanu, a
1+( of mateiial is coveieu (the thiee syllabi compiise about 1Suu pages), so uon't slack off! NTC
coveis genetics, biochemistiy anu cell biology. Live anu love Bi. Fong. Leain to appieciate his lip
smack anu his awesome sweatshiits (some aie gifts fiom piioi classes!).

<++@'8 Bi. Fong only iecommenus one textbook foi NTC, a boaiu-ieview book of biochemistiy
(Lippincott's). The vast majoiity of stuuents only use the syllabus to stuuy uuiing NTC, because it is
extiemely complete anu, maybe moie impoitantly, so long that you might not have time to ieau
anything else in-uepth. Befinitely supplement with textbooks, paiticulaily if you have a weakness
in a ceitain aiea. You can use any textbook you want: a geneial textbook, a boaiu-ieview book, oi
even a book with which you aie familiai fiom unueigiau. Some stuuents useu Lehningei's
Piinciples of Biochemistiy, a populai college textbook, insteau of Lippincott's. Foi cell anu
moleculai biology, some stuuents useu Lippincott's Cell anu Noleculai Biology. Finally, if you think
you neeu to supplement in genetics, consiuei Piitchaiu anu Koif's Neuical uenetics at a ulance.

EC, )+7F$% ,+&A+((%"G =++@8 Bi. Fong will uistiibute a small (1uu-page) ieview book of genetics anu
chemistiy befoie wintei bieak. If you'ie a bit Type A (we all aie .), this will make you feel bettei
about uoing nothing uuiing bieak. (Take a bieak!) If you feel like you absolutely neeu to uo
something, look ovei the book. Bo not spenu moie than a couple of houis on it. Please.

H14''8 Buiing BSF, the vast majoiity of the class tenus to go to class, because it is eaily in the yeai
anu theie aie many iequiieu labs anu PBLs. Buiing the spiing semestei, this tapeis off a little bit.
Bowevei, many stuuents iecommenu going to class as much as possible uuiing NTC, anu
paiticulaily foi Bi. Fong's lectuies. Bi. Fong also invites many of his own patients to come speak
uuiing class; these sessions aie invaluable, not just because they ieinfoice what you aie leaining,
but because it may be youi only chance to inteiact with a patient with a given iaie genetic uisoiuei.
Also, uon't be too anal about the syllabus: Bi. Fong will often fall behinu, but he will eventually
catch up anu teach you eveiything you neeu to know.

0(73)#"A8 Because you uon't have the stiuctuie of anatomy lab anu histology lab, anu because fewei
stuuents come to class, it can actually be %4'#%& to fall behinu in NTC than in BSF. With each
syllabus, you'll get a companion book of questions, many of which aie taken fiom pievious yeais'
exams. Stuuents uefinitely iecommenu that you uo these, piefeiably uuiing the week aftei you
have coveieu the mateiial (anu not in the last few uays befoie the test). Exams can be pietty picky
about veiy specific mateiial; uefinitely focus on the moie clinically oiienteu sections of the syllabus.
Although you uon't neeu to be able to uiaw the Kiebs cycle anu othei pathways on the exams, it can
be useful to uiaw them out, paiticulaily pathways that aie associateu with metabolic uisoiueis.
The L0s can also help you test youi knowleuge of the infoimation. Finally, make suie you ueuicate
a goou amount of time - anu eaily - to the syllabus companions (theie is one pei syllabus). These
aie compenuia of pioblems, many of which appeaieu on pievious exams. Nake suie you stait these
eaily (ieau: not the weekenu befoie the test). But uon't woiiy too much; as one stuuent put it: "}ust
tiy to leain as much as you can, but ielax. It's impossible to memoiize eveiything, anu you will
uefinitely pass."

6?4B'8 Exams in this class aie multiple choice anu aveiage aiounu 1uu questions. As mentioneu
eailiei, some of the mateiial can be pietty uetail-oiienteu.


At a glance:

Buiation 1u weeks
Requiieu textbooks Robbins Pathologic Basis of Bisease, Kumai anu Collins
Lippincott's Niciobiology, Baivey et al.
Cases in Neuical Niciobiology anu Infectious Biseases,
uilligan et al.
The Immune System, Paiham anu uailan
uiaueu assignments Foui exams of two houis (multiple choice)

Last yeai, the miciobiology sections weie uiviueu into bacteiia anu then, aftei a section on
immunology (see below), viiuses anu paiasites. This means that you uon't have to memoiize all of
the bugs at the same time. The last thiee weeks of the couise weie ueuicateu to a vaiiety of topics
incluuing ueimatology anu pathology (it is a bit of a potpouiii).

H14''8 Attenuance in lectuie uoes stait to tapei off by the enu of the yeai, paiticulaily as the
weathei impioves. Some stuuents, howevei, iecommenueu attenuing the immunology lectuies,
paiticulaily if you uiun't have immunology as an unueigiauuate. The pathology section of the
couise (in the last few weeks) is geneially thought to be the haiuest, so it's uefinitely woith going
to lectuie then (summei will come soon enough!).

<++@'8 Although most people useu a hanuful of books foi this class, it is ceitainly possible to pass
without using an outsiue iesouice. The most populai book in miciobiology is Niciobiology Naue
Riuiculously Simple, which has all the infoimation you neeu about the vaiious bugs, anu also some
stellai mnemonics. 0theis likeu NicioCaius, a set of miciobiology flashcaius (you can also make
youi own), anu some people useu Lippincott's Niciobiology. Foi immunology, many stuuents like
the Paiham book; it is pietty concise anu well laiu-out. Robbins is a beast of a textbook, but it has
some goou infoimation foi pathology, anu you will neeu it seconu yeai.

94='8 The miciobiology labs aie somewhat useful foi getting a geneial schematic of the types of
bacteiia anu viiuses in youi heau, but many of the techniques you leain about in lab won't actually
be testeu. 0n the othei hanu, the pathology lab is not only inteiesting (you'll get to see seveial
pathological gioss specimens), but it will also help you get a hanule on the pathologic piocesses
you have to leain foi the test.

0(73)#"A8 As in pievious couises, it can be helpful to use the syllabus to pie-ieau foi class. You
might neeu to supplement the mateiial with some books, paiticulaily foi the paits of the syllabus
that aien't cleai. Befinitely uo the weekly questions as well, anu tiy to answei L0s as you go. It may
seem like leaining all of the cytokines is a bit of an oveikill (paiticulaily given what is testeu), but
they will come back again in BPT in seconu yeai; theie's no time like the piesent to get familiai
with them. Immunology can be tiicky if it is the fiist time you aie seeing the mateiial (it is a subject
in which it is haiu to unueistanu any one concept without unueistanuing the otheis), so you might
consiuei picking up an extia book foi that section. Niciobiology is a topic maue foi flash caius -
you can use NicioCaius, oi you can make youi own fiom the infoimation in the syllabus. You also
neeu to know some clinical piesentations of infectious uiseases. 0ften, the piompts on the test will
be almost veibatim what is piesenteu in the assigneu cases in Cases in Neuical Niciobiology anu
Infectious Bisease. Finally, some stuuents iecommenu buying a copy of Fiist Aiu anu using its
miciobiology section to stuuy. The pathology section of the class is the most challenging. It comes
at the veiy enu of the yeai, anu can be a bit iusheu. You'll also have to iemembei all of the noimal
histology fiom BSF so that you can iuentify pathological specimens. Stait eaily with this stuff.

6?4B'8 Theie aie foui exams in Bost-Befense. The couise oiganization has been changing fiom
yeai to yeai, but you'll likely have one exam foi immunology, one foi bacteiia, one foi viiuses anu
paiasites, anu then one foi the last section of the class, which is a bit of a hougepouge. The exams
aie pietty stiaightfoiwaiu multiple-choice exams, with about 6u-7u questions. Nake suie you have
memoiizeu the bugs anu the piesentations of infectious uiseases. Foi pathology, you'll be expecteu
to iuentify sliues of pathologic piocesses. Finally, make suie that you keep tiack of what you've
been leaining in PBL, because theie will uefinitely be questions about it on the exam.

+C$ 5"<0<5," 5&#;2$23

A woiu of auvice foi the clinical couises: "Love these classes like they aie supposeu to be loveu.
You aie going into meuicine. These aie the classes most ielevant to you; not biochemistiy, anatomy,
histology. So, ieally love them. Ask questions, engage, anu show up. You'll get out what you put in,
so thiow youiself in. Bon't get wiappeu up in the non-giaues, the non-testing, etc. You'ie going to a
uoctoi taking caie of patients, get exciteu!"


In ICN, you will spenu appioximately the fiist two months leaining the patient inteiview, anu the
seconu two leaining the physical exam.

<++@'8 Nost stuuents uiun't buy a textbook foi this couise; those that uiu useu eithei the Bates
textbook oi pocket guiue.

H14''8 ICN geneially consists of laige-gioup piesentations anu then smallei gioups in which you
leain the inteiview anu physical exam. Note that you aie iequiieu to be piesent at any session
wheie theie is a patient, anu at small-gioup sessions, anu you aie expecteu to weai appiopiiate
attiie anu youi white coat. Both the inteiview anu physical exam small gioups will have
stanuaiuizeu patients most uays. Nake suie that you talk to othei stuuents about what they aie
leaining in the physical exam section.

6?4B8 Theie is a shoit multiple-choice test in ICN that you can easily pass if you ieau the syllabus.
Finally, theie will be a tapeu patient inteiview anu exam at the enu of the class; only you will be
able to ieview youi tape (the couise piofessois won't even ieview it), so uon't stiess out too much!


H14''8 Buiing SC0PE, you will have a laige-gioup confeience one uay a week, anu you will spenu
two afteinoons each week at a pieceptoi's office. The laige-gioup sessions aie veiy hit-oi-miss, but
Bi. Neuina-Walpole wiites hei test questions uuiing them (she will tell you as much)!

<++@'8 The books iequiieu foi SC0PE aie Bates, as in ICN, anu the Peuiatiic Cleikship uuiue, which
only a few stuuents useu.

;&%.%I(+&'/#I8 Foi pieceptoiship, you will be paiieu with one othei stuuent (of the opposite
genuei), anu youi paii will foim a gioup of foui with two othei stuuents. Foi foui weeks, you'll be
at an auult-meuicine office (usually in a hospital) anu on a physical meuicine anu iehabilitation
(PN&R) waiu; in the othei foui weeks, you'll uo peuiatiics anu geiiatiics. What you get out of
SC0PE uepenus a bit on youi pieceptoi, but also how much effoit you put into youi inteiviews anu
physical exam. You'll be given a patient (who has usually volunteeieu) to examine with youi
paitnei, anu you'll then piesent youi finuings to youi pieceptoi. This is a gieat chance to piactice
physical-exam skills anu youi case piesentations. The only exception to this stiuctuie is peuiatiics,
wheie you will geneially be alone with a pieceptoi (almost always the pieceptoi you will have foi

6?4B8 The SC0PE final exam is multiple choice anu is similai to the ICN exam; you will be fine if
you ieau the syllabus.


PCC is youi fiist cleikship, anu it lasts fiom aftei spiing bieak of fiist yeai iight thiough seconu

H14''8 In this pait of PCC, you will have confeiences twice a week anu pieceptoi once a week. The
confeiences, like in SC0PE, can be hit-oi-miss. Nany of them aie followeu by small-gioup exeicises
at which you must be piesent. Some of the small gioups can be excellent piactice foi ceitain
physical exam skills (iesiuents will come teach you how to use the otoscope anu ophthalmoscope),
anu in otheis you will piactice inteiviewing patients about uifficult topics (AIBS, uomestic

;&%.%I(+&'/#I8 Buiing pieceptoi, you will be eithei at an auult meuicine office oi at a peuiatiics
office (foui weeks each). Remembei that this is youi time to leain! Talk to youi pieceptoi about
youi goals, anu make suie that you have time to piactice the physical exam anu case piesentations.
The moie vocal you aie, the moie youi pieceptoi will be able to help you. It can be helpful to talk to
an uppeiclassman (paiticulaily thiiu oi fouith yeai) about what skills to focus on, because you'll be
obseiveu a lot less on the waius, but will be expecteu to know a lot moie.

J''#A"B%"(' 4"3 (%'('8 PCC has a lot of moving paits, incluuing so-calleu "Passpoits" that you neeu
to fill out, ueimatology cases that you have to uo online, an assignment on pievention foi which
you neeu to inteiview youi pieceptoi, anu online CLIPP cases about peuiatiics. The "Passpoits" aie
small booklets in which you'll iecoiu what skills you've peifoimeu anu on what uates; make suie
that you iemembei to biing them with you to pieceptoi, because he oi she will neeu to sign them.
You also neeu to entei the infoimation into an online application calleu PxBx. The fiist semestei of
PCC culminates in a multiple-choice exam like those of ICN anu SC0PE (again, ieau the syllabus)
anu an 0SCE. Buiing the 0SCE, you'll see two stanuaiuizeu patients anu answei a seiies of
multiple-choice questions about topics ielateu to the patients you have seen. This semestei of PCC
is focuseu on pievention, so the patients you will see will ieflect that. Bon't panic about the 0SCE; it
is not giaueu pei se, but you will get feeuback fiom the stanuaiuizeu patients. Finally, iemembei
that PCC is a coie cleikship, so at the enu of seconu yeai, you will get a giaue (Bonois, Bigh Pass,
Pass, etc.). It can be easy to oveilook the clinical couises because of the pace of the science couises,
but uon't take PCC too lightly.

DC$;$ 1& .<07 1$E1-&&'23

Textbooks aie expensive, so you uefinitely want to shop aiounu befoie you spenu all of youi
money in one place!

The bookstoie: The meuical centei bookstoie will have all of the iequiieu books, anu some of the
iecommenueu books, foi all of youi classes. You can't ieally beat the convenience, especially if you
neeu a book last-minute. 0n the othei hanu, the piices aie uefinitely inflateu. Foi unwiappeu books,
this is a goou place to go to biowse to see what you might like.

Ninei: All of the textbooks foi classes aie on 2-houi closeu ieseive at Ninei. Plenty of stuuents
supplement the syllabus with textbook ieauing in the libiaiy, saving a lot of money in the piocess.

Youi Big Sib: Theie's a goou chance that youi Big Sib will lenu you (oi even give you!) some of his
oi hei unwanteu textbooks - usually with the caveat that you pass them on to a ueseiving peison
next yeai!

0thei stuuents: Stuuents in classes above youis will senu out e-mails at the beginning of the yeai
offeiing useu books at hugely uiscounteu iates. Theie will be moie e-mails like this thioughout the
yeai, anu at least two sales in the stuuent lounge (get theie on time foi the best selection). It is
uefinitely woith waiting foi these e-mails, because the fiist week of school is oiientation (no books
iequiieu), followeu by a month of NNI (foi which people geneially uon't use a book oi, if they uo,
one oi two maximum). By the time BSF iolls aiounu, youi libiaiy shoulu be well-stockeu. Keep in
minu that eveiyone wants the same books, so make suie you check youi e-mail often! 0sually
stuuents will leave youi new puichases at Stuuent Seivices, anu you can put a check oi cash in theii
mailbox (just give it to the cleik anu tell them what the box numbei is).

0nline iesouices: The obvious option is amazon, but uon't foiget to check half.com, which is an
eBay-iun site wheie you can buy new anu useu euitions of many of the books we neeu. It will show
you a list of available copies, anu give you piices anu the conuition of the book. }ust make suie that
you aie buying the iight euition (usually the pievious euition of the book is moie than fine - anu a
gieat way to get a huge uiscount - but you uon't want the fiist euition of a book in its eighth
piinting!). Also tiy bigwoius.com, wheie you can compaie the piices of a vaiiety of venuois.

DC$;$ 1& 21#7F3

Now that you know what to stuuy, wheie uo you uo it. Theie aie a lot of options in Rochestei, fiom
quiet libiaiies to bustling cafes. Beie aie oui picks - but note that theie aie tons of othei options,
so finu a place that woiks foi you!

0n campus:

2#"%& KB%3#.41 './++1 1#=&4&)L8 The libiaiy becomes the uefault (anu a goou place foi socialization)
foi many meuical stuuents. In the fiont, theie aie seveial small tables wheie you can talk softly,
anu a whole iole of caiiels. The laige ioom in the ieai of the libiaiy offeis a pietty backuiop anu
laige tables foi stuuying (it was once the entiance to the hospital!). The libiaiians aie veiy helpful
if you neeu tips on ieseaich foi an L0, oi access to a specific book (all couise books aie on ieseive
heie). Theie aie also plenty of computeis, anu you can even check out laptops. Peihaps most
impoitantly: you 4&% alloweu to have foou anu uiink in the libiaiy. Bouis: Non.-Thuis. 7:Su a.m.-
miunight, Fiiuay: 7:Su a.m.-1u p.m., Satuiuay: 1u a.m.-1u p.m., Sunuay 1u a.m.-miunight.

;<9 &++B'8 0nly available to meuical stuuents (you have to have youi IB to swipe in) anu open 24
houis. uieat foi woiking with a few othei stuuents. Note that these get ciowueu neai exam times
(be suie to check iooms 11 anu 12 on the seconu flooi).

M#'(+1+A) 14='8 Anothei option when PBL iooms aie taken. Big wiue tables, anu open 24 houis.
Technically you aie not alloweu to have foou oi beveiages in the labs.

0nueigiauuate campus:

-7'/ -/%%'8 This is the main unueigiauuate libiaiy. The space appeals to a lot of meuical stuuents,
anu theie is a big, open ioom foi stuuying. You can paik neai the libiaiy uuiing the evening. Bouis:
until 2 a.m. on weekuays anu miunight on weekenus.

N1%4'+"8 uleason is locateu in the same builuing as Rush Rhees to the left anu upstaiis. It is a 24-
houi stuuent lounge anu stuuy aiea. Theie aie both quiet anu gioup stuuy aieas.

H4&1'+"8 Cailson, the engineeiing libiaiy, is the closest libiaiy to the meuical school. Like at Rush
Rhees, you can paik theie in the evenings. Bouis: until 2 a.m. on weekuays anu miunight on

0ff-campus libiaiies:

The libiaiies in the aiea aie all pait of the Nonioe County Libiaiy System. You can use any of them
without a membeiship, but if you want a membeiship caiu, it will be valiu in any of the libiaiies.

0thei off-campus options:

<4&"%' 4"3 O+=1%8 Both locations have Fiee-Wi-Fi, although finuing outlets can be a bit of a pioblem.
The Pittsfoiu location tenus to get moie ciowueu than the RIT location, anu the RIT location has
bettei stuuy spaces.

RIT: 1uuu Paik Point Biive. Bouis: Non.-Sat. 9 a.m.-1u p.m., Sun. 11 a.m.-7 p.m.
Pittsfoiu Plaza: SS49 Nonioe Ave. Bouis: Non.-Sat. 9 a.m.-1u p.m., Sun. 9 a.m.-9 p.m.

<+713%& H+,,%% H+P8 Well-known coffee shop that seives sanuwiches, coffee anu alcohol. The main
location has cozy couches anu plenty of tables. Fiee Wi-Fi (ask the seivei foi the passwoiu). Theie
is live music in the evenings.

South Weuge: 1uu Alexanuei St. Bouis: Non.-Thuis. 7 a.m.-11 p.m., Fii. 7 a.m.-miunight, Sat.
8 a.m.-miunight, Sun. 8 a.m.-11 p.m.
Biooks Lanuing: 9SS uenesee St. Bouis: Non.-Thuis. 7 a.m.-1u p.m., Fii. 7 a.m.-11 p.m., Sat.
8 a.m.-11 p.m., Sun. 8 a.m.-1u p.m.
Paik Ave.: 7S9 Paik Ave. Bouis: Non.-Thuis. 7 a.m.-1u p.m., Fii. 7 a.m.-11 p.m., Sat. 8 a.m.-11
p.m., Sun. 8 a.m.-1u p.m.

H4,Q H#=+"8 Tienuy Euiopean-style bistio in Paik Ave., with Panini sanuwiches anu pasta uishes.
Staff can get giouchy with stuuents who hang aiounu too long. Nusic at night. 688 Paik Ave. Bouis:
11 a.m.-miunight.

6R741SN&+7"3'8 A uLBT-fiienuly coffee shop iun by an oiganization calleu The Piiue Connection.
uoou coffee anu sanuwiches, anu fiee Wi-Fi (ask the seivei foi the passwoiu). Sometimes gets
ciowueu with planning committees anu events. 7Su South Ave. Bouis: Non.-Fii. 7 a.m.-miunight,
Sat.-Sun. 1u a.m.-miunight.

T4$4F'8 Locateu neai Eastman, this place has a bit of a Bohemian vibe anu goou pastiies anu coffee,
anu excellent (if expensive) sanuwiches. It's in the East Enu (uowntown), which means paiking can
be tiicky (yo have to pay to paik on the stieet in fiont of the stoie). Can be a bit noisy, especially
evenings when theie is live music. Theie is fiee Wi-Fi but fewei outlets. 16 uibbs St. Bouis: Non.-
Thuis. 7 a.m.-miunight, Fii. 7 a.m.-1 a.m., Sat. 7:Su a.m.-1 a.m., Sun. 7:Su a.m.-miunight.

2733) U4(%&'8 Awkwaiuly locateu at the inteisection of uoouman anu Clinton. Faii-tiaue coffee
with cheap iefills anu fiee Wi-Fi. 7S2 S. uoouman. Bouis: Non.-Thuis. 6:Su a.m.-9:uu p.m., Fii. 6:Su
a.m.-11 p.m., Sat. 8 a.m.-11 p.m., Sun. 8 a.m.-9 p.m.

;4"%&48 uoou sanuwiches anu pastiies, anu uecent coffee. Paneia has fiee Wi-Fi anu no one will
bothei you to leave.

Twelve Coineis: 19u2 Nonioe Ave.
Beniietta: Suu Bylan Biive

0I+( H+,,%%8 Newly ienovateu, Spot ieopeneu in late Nay 2u1u. The company ioasts its own beans,
anu the ienovateu veision seives pizza. Theie is occasional live music anu fiee Wi-Fi. 2uu East Ave.
Bouis: Non.-Thuis. 6 a.m.-11 p.m., Fii. 6 a.m.-miunight, Sat. 7 a.m.-miunight, Sun. 7 a.m.-11 p.m.

0(4&=7.@'8 A peiennial favoiite. The Staibucks within walking uistance of school, n Nount Bope, is
pietty small anu can get ciowueu easily. 0thei options aie the Staibucks at 12 Coineis (you can
hope ovei to Paneia foi lunch), oi the Staibucks in a ienovateu house on Nonioe Ave. Bouis: S-
S:Su a.m. until 9-1u p.m.

Nount Bope: 1S8u Nount Bope Ave.
Nonioe: 68u Nonioe Ave.
Twelve Coineis: 1914 Nonioe Ave.

0(4&&) O#(%' H4,Q8 A local favoiite in the Neighboihoou of the Aits. Coffee, alcohol, sanuwiches anu
pastiies. Can get louu on the weekenu when theie is live music, anu occasionally staff will point you
out the uooi foi hogging a table (with fiee Wi-Fi) foi too long uuiing peak houis. 696 0niveisity
Ave. Bouis: Non.-Thuis. 7:Su a.m.-1u p.m., Fii. 7 a.m.-miunight, Sat. 8 a.m.-miunight, Sun. 9 a.m.-9

U%AB4"F' 4( ;#((',+&3 ;14V48 You piobably heaiu it on youi toui, anu you'll heai it again now:
people heie spenu a lot of time at Wegman's. The Wegman's in Pittsfoiu has a laige-ish caf aiea
upstaiis that's gieat foi stuuying, if a bit noisy. Bouis: Non.-Thuis. 7 a.m.-miunight, Fii.-Sat. 7 a.m.-
2 a.m., Sun. 7 a.m.-miunight.

Fiist: the basics. You piobably W#11 want a computei in meuical school, but it woulu ceitainly be
possible to get away with using computeis just in the meuical centei (see below). Some people uo
biing theii computeis to class, anu Case-Nethou (the fiist-yeai classioom), has an outlet at eveiy
seat. As foi whethei you shoulu go Nac oi PC, peisonal piefeience shoulu be the ueciuing factoi.
Eithei is compatible with the few specific piogiams you winu up using.

4(,<",-"$ 5&9G#1$;23

Aumissions office: Foui PCs anu a piintei, which aie usually tieu up between classes. Bouis:
7:Su a.m.-4:Su p.m.
Stuuent seivices: Two PCs. Bouis: 8 a.m.-S p.m.
Stuuent lounge: Five PCs anu a piintei. 0pen 24 houis with IB access.
PBL iooms: 0ne PC anu one piintei pei ioom. 0pen 24 houis with IB access.
Ninei: Plenty of computeis, incluuing some Nacs in the computing centei. Theie aie also
coloi piinteis heie. You can also ient a laptop thiough the libiaiy.


Eveiyone gets a huge piinting quota, which you can use on computeis thioughout the meuical
centei, incluuing in Ninei anu the PBL iooms. Youi IB is the foim of payment, so make suie you
have it with you! }ust piess Piint, type in a useiname (most people skip the passwoiu), anu then
heau to the piintei, swipe youi caiu, anu click on youi uocuments. Towaius the enu of the yeai,
lots of people will have extia money on theii caiu (it expiies each acauemic yeai), so ask aiounu if
you've iun out of money.


You can connect to wiieless at the meuical centei eithei by choosing the SSIB 0R_NCguest (no
passwoiu) oi 0R_NCwiieless (use youi school useiname anu passwoiu).

HC&0$2 ,07 29,;1GC&0$23

Nost people come to meuical school with a pieexisting cell phone plan, but if you uon't have one, oi
if youi plan is up, heie aie some uata on what types of phones stuuents have, anu wheie they get


As a gioup, meuical stuuents aie faiily homogeneous when it comes to cell phones. The vast
majoiity use eithei AT&T (S8%) oi veiizon (S9%), anu a few use Spiint anu T-Nobile.

As fai as seivice goes, sometimes the hospital can be a bit hit-oi-miss. Bopefully this guiue will help
you make a pseuuo-infoimeu choice:

AT&T Spiint T-Nobile veiizon
Case-Nethou (fiist-yeai
++ ++ + ++
Auolf (seconu-yeai
+ - - ++
Stuuent lounge + - - ++
Clinical floois ++ ++ ++ ++
ER + + - +

?9,;1GC&0$2 ,07 ,GG23

If you'ie wonueiing whethei you neeu to show up with the ability to access uiug inteiactions in the
palm of youi hanu, uon't woiiy about it: most stuuents agiee that smaitphones uefinitely aien't
neeueu in fiist oi seconu yeai, but that they can be ieally helpful uuiing the clinical yeais. Anu, of
couise, it is obviously possible to get thiough meuical school without one!

Cuiiently, about half of meuical stuuents have a smaitphone. 0f those who uo, about 6u peicent
have iPhones, SS peicent have phones iunning the Anuioiu 0S, anu a few have Palm oi Blackbeiiy.

Recommenueu apps:

Note: The one app that is iecommenueu uuiing the couise of fiist yeai is PxBx, wheie you will be
iequiieu to entei infoimation fiom youi patient encounteis uuiing PCC. The Web application is
clunky, but the iPhone application is useless (anu expensive). Bon't use it.

ABRQ ePSS: Fiom the Bepaitment of Bealth anu Buman Seivices. Entei patient infoimation
to ieview iecommenuations fiom the 0.S. Pieventive Seivices Task Foice, oi see geneial
iecommenuations. 0seful uuiing the fiist semestei of PCC, which focuses on pievention.
iPhone anu Anuioiu. Fiee.
Angiy Biius: $.99.
Anki: Notecaius you make foi youi computei (WinuowsNacLinux) oi foi the native
iPhone app. Theie is also a Web veision. People who use it sweai by it. iPhone. $17.Su
Ciamfightei foi Step 1: Cieates a poweiful peisonal stuuy scheuule foi Step 1. iPhone. $9.99
ECu uuiue: Tutoiial on ieauing ECus anu questions to test youiself. iPhone. Fiee.
Epociates: Biug anu uiseases iefeience souice with pictuies of both. Fiee but not supei
functional until the libiaiy gives you a fiee subsciiption (watch foi the e-mail).
Eponyms: 17Su eponyms. iPhone anu Anuioiu. Fiee (stuuent veision).
iRauiology: Suu iauiology cases to stuuy. iPhone. Fiee.
NB EZLabs: Look up noimal lab values anu check uiffeiential uiagnoses foi abnoimal ones.
iPhone anu Anuioiu. Fiee.
NeuCalc: 0ne of the most populai meuical applications. Boes calculations foi eveiything
fiom BNI to uFR. iPhone anu Anuioiu. $.99.
Neickmeuicus: Pioviues access to the Neick Nanual, Baiiisons, a pocket guiue foi
uiagnostic tests, anu moie. Anuioiu anu iPhone. Fiee.
NicioNeuex: Access tons of uiug infoimation anu inteiactions. Anuioiu anu iPhone. Fiee
thiough the libiaiy.
NEN} This Week: iPhone anu Anuioiu. Fiee.
Nettei's Anatomy Flashcaius: Electionic veision of the papei caius. You can also use
electionic "pins" to make peisonal tags. iPhone. $S9.99 but they say you can get it foi fiee
fiom Bi. Bansen.
0xfoiu Neuical Bictionaiy: Anuioiu anu iPhone. Fiee.
Qx Calculate: Poweiful meuical calculatoi. iPhone. $.99.
Speeu Anatomy: The title says it all. Anuioiu anu iPhone. $.99.
Stanuaiu Bictations: Templates foi meuical uictations foi histoiies, physicals, counseling
anu pioceuuies. Anuioiu. $.99.
visual Bx: Nobile veision of the Web application you'll use foi PCC ueimatology cases.
Anuioiu anu iPhone. Actually kinu of fun. Fiee.
Wikipeuia: Theie is lots of goou infoimation on Wikipeuia. Take it with a giain of salt, but
take it anyway. Anuioiu anu iPhone. Fiee.


Besiues figuiing out what books to buy anu how to stuuy, finuing housing is usually fiist on the list
of piioiities of incoming meuical stuuents. We hope that the tips anu housing guiue in this section
will help you soit that out!

+C<082 1& 5&02<7$;3

Bistance fiom Stiong: This plays a big factoi in many stuuents' housing uecision. uolei Bouse
(univeisity housing) anu the White Coat uhetto aie the best options foi stuuents whose piioiity is
pioximity. Nost of the othei neighboihoous will iequiie a bike iiue, bus, oi uiive at least pait of the
time, which can be a big ueal uuiing the long Rochestei winteis. Also iemembei that you will be
paying aiounu $Suu a yeai foi paiking at school if you ueciue to uiive (paiking is illegal on most of
the stieets neai the hospital).

Roommates: The White Coat uhetto is laigely house shaies because most lanuloius ient theii
piopeities as single-family homes (not uiviueu). If you'ie inteiesteu in living alone, you may want
to consiuei uolei Bouse neai campus, oi some of the othei city neighboihoous.

Attiactions: Neuical school cannot be all about stuuying! Some of the moie "fai-flung" (ieau: 1u-
minute uiive away) neighboihoous offei amazing uining anu enteitainment options. Foi goou bais
anu iestauiants, you might consiuei the South Weuge, Coin Bill, Paik. Ave, oi the East Enu.

Paiking: It may not seem like a big ueal now, but it snows a lot in Rochestei. In the wintei, anu
especially if you have to uiive to school, sciaping off youi cai can become a bit of a buiuen. You
might ueciue that it's woith it to tiy to finu a coveieu gaiage, although many houses in Rochestei
(cuiiously) uon't have them.

0tilities: Nany of the houses in the White Coat uhetto anu in othei paits of the city weie built in the
eaily 2u
centuiy anu have little insulation. This can mean colu wintei nights anu enoimous
heating bills. Always ask if heat anu electiicity aie incluueu. The lanuloiu is iequiieu to pioviue you
with an estimate of the aveiage monthly Rochestei uas anu Electiicity chaige. Also unuei this
heauing, launuiy - having launuiy in-house can be ieally key.

!#F<08 , C&#2$3

So maybe you aie consiueiing buying a house. Aftei all, the iuea of builuing equity anu establishing
a soliu cieuit iecoiu is appealing. To be honest, having liveu in many othei paits of the 0niteu
States, the Rochestei housing stock is of uecent quality anu is much, much cheapei than you might
be useu to.

Theie aie othei, moie esoteiic pluses to home owneiship, though. Beie aie some:
You can install white boaius on eveiy fiee suiface of youi house. This is useful uuiing NTC.
(Seiiously, they make white-boaiu paint.). Any place wheie you uon't want to put a white
boaiu you can paint muials. If you want to.
You can install a jacuzzi. Even if you uon't, you'll know you can if you want to.
Fiuit tiees. Baving a fiuit tiee means that you can bake a pie out of fiuit that you pickeu
fiom youi veiy own fiuit tiee. If this excites you, then home owneiship might be foi you.
You can evict bau ioommates. 0nless they'ie youi spouse. 0i youi kius.

Things to consiuei:

;&+I%&() (4?%'8 Something to take into consiueiation, though, that uoesn't mattei quite so much in
othei places, aie the piopeity tax iates. At 2.89%, the piopeity tax iate in Nonioe County is the
highest in the nation.

-%'I+"'#=#1#()8 Bo you want to take on the iesponsibility anu woik of home owneiship. So yes,
when you own a home, youi moitgage payment (a fiaction of it, anyway) actually goes into youi
own equity anu isn't just lost like youi monthly ient payments aie. That's pietty cool. 0n the othei
hanu, you will uiscovei essential maintenance tasks whose existence you woulu have consiueieu a
sick joke just months pievious. Biu you know that you shoulu get youi uiiveway iesuifaceu yeaily.
Youi gutteis cleaneu. Bave you thought about how often youi ioof shoulu be ieplaceu. Bo you
neeu a teai-off oi just a seconu layei. Bome uisasteis - basements floouing, fallen tiees - have a
way of occuiiing iight befoie tests (of couise, you'ie in meuical school now, so it's always iight
befoie a test.)

X#"4".%'8 Aie you able to puichase a house. Buiing the sub-piime heyuay, buying a home was a
much moie ielaxeu pioposition. Bowevei, the unueiwiiting piocess has gotten much moie stiict
anu is likely to stay that way foi some time. uatheiing all of the uocumentation takes quite a bit of
time. The cieuit iequiiements anu uown payment iequiiements aie also moie stiict. You might
finu it helpful to woik with a moitgage biokei- they can help you navigate the sometimes-
confusing system. It is also veiy, veiy impoitant to shop aiounu foi goou inteiest iates.

9+.4(#+"Y 1+.4(#+"Y 1+.4(#+"8 Rochestei-aiea iesiuents tenu to be veiy opinionateu about the best
places to live, anu you may be a little bewilueieu by all of the auvice you get if you casually mention
that you aie consiueiing puichasing a home. The White Coat uhetto is a gieat place to buy a house
because you will be able to ient iooms to meuical stuuents anu then sell youi home to meuical
stuuents when you giauuate. Paik Ave. is a gieat place to buy a house because you aie so close to
eveiything cool. Peiinton, Pittsfoiu, anu Penfielu aie gieat places to buy a house because the
villages aie quaint anu quiiky, the school uistiicts aie among the best in the 0.S., anu the municipal
seivices aie unbelievably goou. (A caveat foi paients: Rochestei public schools aie in a peipetual
state of tuimoil, but many of the subuiban schools aie nationally well-iankeu.)

Really, the best thing to uo heie is to get a buyei's agent anu woik with them iegaiuing exactly
what you want in a home. Remembei though that Rochestei winteis last foi 27 months anu that
what is a 1S-minute commute in Septembei is a S-uay tiek by uog sleu in Febiuaiy.

I0<($;2<1F C&#2<08

0niveisity housing is a convenient, if someone moie expensive, option foi fiist-yeai stuuents.
ueneially, single stuuents who opt foi univeisity housing will choose to live in uolei, while maiiieu
couples often favoi 0niveisity Paik oi Whipple Paik. All of the univeisity housing piices incluue
heat but not electiic. You must fill out an application foi univeisity housing (available at

uolei Bouse:

If you want pioximity to school, theie's no bettei option that uolei. uolei Bouse is an apaitment
complex locateu on the east siue of Stiong (the meuical school is on the west siue). uolei is an
extiemely populai option among meuical stuuents, but it also houses some giauuate stuuents,
iesiuents, faculty anu staff. uolei offeis stuuios, 1BR anu 2BR. 0f univeisity housing options, uolei
is the only one to offei fuinisheu housing (uoim-style fuinituie anu winuow tieatments), but given
the easy access to affoiuable fuinituie in Rochestei, most stuuents choose to fuinish theii own
apaitments. uolei iesiuents have paiking uiiectly outsiue the builuing, anu access to the builuing is
contiolleu by phone. Theie is a univeisity bus stop at the fiont uooi. Foi many iesiuents, uolei
offeis a ielatively quiet enviionment that is aujacent to the White Coat uhetto, wheie many othei
stuuents live (see below).

0niveisity Paik:

The 0niveisity Paik apaitments aie ielatively close to school (about an 8-minute walk) anu aie the
most affoiuable univeisity housing option. Some stuuents have complaineu about the slightly iun-
uown natuie of the place, but otheis piaise the fiienuly enviionment. 0niveisity Paik offeis stuuios,
1BR anu 2BR, the lattei of which aie given with piefeience to stuuents with an iuentifieu
ioommate oi couples with chiluien. Paiking spaces aie available uiiectly in fiont of the units. A
shuttle bus iuns between 0niveisity Paik anu Stiong. 0niveisity Paik is in the Rochestei City
School Bistiict.

Whipple Paik:

The Whipple Paik complex is a combination of 2BR apaitments anu SBR townhouses in a paik-like
aiea suiiounueu by woous. Theie is ample paiking, anu the townhouses have basement stoiage
aieas. Whipple Paik is about a mile fiom Stiong. Resiuents uesciibe it as secluueu anu quiet, anu a
goou place foi families. Piefeience is given to couples with chiluien. A shuttle bus iuns between
Whipple Paik anu Stiong. Whipple Paik is in the Rush-Beniietta School Bistiict, anu school buses
pick up chiluien in the Whipple paiking lot.

I0<($;2<1F C&#2<08 ,1 , 8",05$
Piice Piefeience Bistance to Stiong by foot
uolei Bouse Stuuio,
1BR, 2BR
2 min.
0niveisity Paik Stuuio,
1BR, 2BR
$6Su-$82S 2BR: single
applicants with
ioommates, couples
with chiluien
8 min.
Whipple Paik 2BR, SBR $78u-$84u Applicants with
2u-Su min.

J1C$; C&#2<08 &G1<&023

White Coat uhetto:

The White Coat uhetto, so nameu because of its high concentiation of physician anu meuical
stuuent iesiuents, is a 2u squaie-block aiea south of Stiong anu west of Nount Bope Ave. (Note
that some stuuents also live uiiectly on the othei siue of Nount Bope, wheie the housing is veiy
similai to the WCu piopei.) Nost of the housing in the White Coat uhetto consists of single-family
homes that can be easily shaieu by S-4 people. Nany of these houses aie closei to school than the
stuuent paiking lot, anu not having to sciape off youi cai in the wintei is a big bonus. A majoiity of
fiist- anu seconu-yeai stuuents live in this aiea, so it is also a goou place to live foi those who aie
inteiesteu in having a social life outsiue of the hospital (which shoulu be eveiyone!). The main
uiawbacks of the White Coat uhetto aie that it is haiu to finu housing foi one oi two people, anu
that it is not as close to some of the bettei Rochestei iestauiants anu bais. Bowevei, within
walking uistance you'll finu Staibucks, Biueggei's, NcBonalu's, Chipotle, Bunkin' Bonuts,
Sheiiuan's (a populai bai), CvS, a launuiomat, anu seveial othei iestauiants. A little bit fuithei
away noith on Nount Bope aie two othei iestauiantsbais that aie populai with stuuents,
Elmwoou Inn anu the Bistilleiy. Foi a S-4 beuioom house, ient shoulu iun $S7S-$SSu pei peison.

M+W (+ ,#"3 /+7'#"A #" (/% U/#(% H+4( N/%((+8

Seaich ciaigslist foi "Stiong" oi "White Coat uhetto"
http:www.stuuenthousingiochestei.com ients inuiviuual iooms (oi houses if you have a
Check the Class of 2u1S Facebook page


The 19
Waiu, locateu just acioss the iivei fiom Stiong anu the 0niveisity of Rochestei, is
consiueieu an affoiuable anu convenient alteinative to the WCu. The neighboihoou is boiueieu by
West Ave., uenesee St., Scottsville Ru. anu the Eiie Canal, anu is the laigest neighboihoou in
Rochestei. The aiea has unbeatable access to the goigeous uenesee valley Paik, anu theie is easy
access to Stiong acioss a footbiiuge. In the past, the 19
Waiu has hau a bit of a bau ieputation,
which laigely stems fiom gang violence in the aiea in the 198u's anu 199u's. Since then, howevei,
theie has been massive investment in the aiea by the community anu by the 0niveisity of
Rochestei anu seveial coipoiations, incluuing RiteAiu. The 19
Waiu is not a paiticulaily
commeicial aiea, but it is the site foi the Biooks Lanuing Pioject, a plan to ieuevelop the aiea neai
the Biooksuenesee inteisection. Stuuents who live in the 19
Waiu say it is convenient anu a
peaceful place to live. Some stuuents, howevei, have mentioneu that they aie a bit waiy of walking
home alone at night. It is geneially pietty haiu to finu stuuios anu 1BR in the Waiu, but you can
easily finu house shaies anu laige homes to split. The aiea is an easy bike iiue to campus, oi a 1u-
2S min. walk uepenuing on the uistance (most stuuents live ielatively close to the footbiiuge). The
aiea is also well-seiveu by buses, incluuing 0niveisity of Rochestei shuttles (see below). Rents iun
$4uu-$6uu foi a 1BR anu $SSu-7Su foi a 2BR. Room shaies foi as low as $S7S. Seaich "19
" oi
Waiu" on ciaigslist.

South Weuge:

The South Weuge is a tiiangulai weuge of lanu just noith of Stiong that is boiueieu by the uenesee
Rivei anu I-49u, with South Ave. as its majoi aiteiy. It is contiguous with the Swillbuig anu
Bighlanu Paik (foimeily Elwangei-Baiiy) neighboihoous, which will be incluueu in this section foi
bievity. The Weuge expeiienceu a bit of a uowntuin in the 198us, but a lot of woik has been put
into ievitalizing the neighboihoou, anu you can now finu some of Rochestei's best iestauiants anu
nightlife in the aiea. In fact, the Weuge was iecently voteu "Best Neighboihoou" by City Newspapei.
Nost of the housing in the aiea consists of two-beuiooms in split homes, oi full houses. Theie aie
also a few apaitment builuings anu one apaitment complex. The Weuge is home to two of the best
Rochestei coffee houses, Bouluei Coffee Co. anu Equal=uiounus, as well as some goou iestauiants,
incluuing }ohn's Tex-Nex Eateiy anu Napa Pizza Bouse. 0n the south enu of the neighboihoou is
Bighlanu Paik, which hosts the Lilac Festival eveiy Nay. Theie aie also some gieat bais, especially
Tap anu Nallet. Theie aie no big supeimaikets, but theie is the South Weuge Faimei's Naiket, helu
on Thuisuays in season, anu Nis en Place, an upscale gioceiy stoie. The aiea has a big mix of
iesiuents anu is consiueieu veiy safe. The Weuge is between a 2u anu 4u min. walk to campus, but
theie aie also two convenient bus lines: the Su uown Alexanuei anu Nount Bope Ave., anu the S
that iuns uown South Ave. Rents iun $4Su-$7uu foi a 1BR anu $7uu-$9uu foi a 2BR. You can ient a
full house in the aiea foi aiounu $1,uuu-$1,2uu. Seaich "Southweuge" oi "South Weuge" on

Coin Bill:

Coin Bill, the oluest neighboihoou in Rochestei, has not always been veiy populai among
Rochestei stuuents, but it's a gieat option foi those who want a bit of uistance fiom the meuical
school anu some gieat uining anu enteitainment options. It is boiueieu in the noith by I-49u, easy
by the uenesee Rivei, anu south anu west by Foiu Stieet. Coin Bill has a goou mix of houses anu
apaitments, incluuing the iathei posh Coin Bill Lanuing complex oveilooking the iivei. The aiea is
also the home of the Coin Bill Aits Festival in miu }uly. Theie aie some gieat iestauiants, incluuing
Alauuin's anu New Taj at Coin Bill Lanuing, anu Siam Fine Thai Cuisine on Exchange. Rents iun
$47S-$8uu foi a 1BR anu $6Su-8Su foi a 2BR (note that ients at Coin Bill Lanuing aie significantly
highei). Seaich "Coin Bill" oi "Coinhill" on ciaigslist.

Paik Ave.:

The Paik Ave. aiea has long been consiueieu one of the "coolest" paits of Rochestei, with a high
concentiation of bais anu goou iestauiants, with an epicentei at Paik Ave. anu Beikeley. The aiea
is also home to the Paik Avenue Festival, which takes place in eaily August (geneially the weekenu
befoie school staits!). This is a safe anu lively pait of Rochestei that extenus uown Paik Ave., which
iuns between Alexanuei anu Colby, anu south a few blocks. Nonioe Ave. iuns paiallel to Paik Ave.
aiounu S blocks south, anu is also a goou place to look foi housing (the two neighboihoous kinu of
bleeu into each othei). Note that Nonioe Ave., paiticulaily towaiu Alexanuei anu neai some of the
bais, can be somewhat uangeious at night. Paik Ave. is populai with 0niveisity of Rochestei
stuuents, but it is also home to families anu young piofessionals. Theie is a wiue mix of housing,
incluuing apaitment builuings anu split homes; it is a goou place to investigate foi couples oi foi
gioups of two ioommates. The uistance to Stiong is about S miles, oi a 1u-1S min. uiive.
0nfoitunately, theie is not ieally goou bus seivice between Paik Ave. anu Stiong. The 0niveisity of
Rochestei uoes iun a shuttle to the aiea (see below), but the timing is not always gieat foi class.
Rents iun between $6uu-$8uu foi a 1BR anu $8uu-$1uuu foi a 2BR. Seaich "Paik" oi "Paik Ave." on
ciaigslist, oi just uiive thiough the neighboihoou looking foi "Foi Rent" signs.

East Ave.Neighboihoou of the Aits:

Want to live in a victoiian mansion on a meuical-stuuent salaiy. East Ave. is foi you! This goigeous,
tiee-lineu stieet, which iuns fiom uowntown out to the East. Ave. Wegman's (anu beyonu), is full of
goigeous olu homes (anu some apaitment complexes), many of which have been ienovateu to
accommouate house-shaies. The Neighboihoou of the Aits is officially centeieu on the Nemoiial
Ait ualleiy anu the ueoige Eastman Bouse, anu is aujacent to the East Enu's iestauiants anu
nightlife. It is also home to ARTWalk, a peimanent uiban ait tiail locateu on 0niveisity Ave.
Because East Ave. is consiueieu the boiuei between Paik Ave. anu N0TA, anu is close to East Enu,
it's a goou choice foi those who want to soak up what cultuie Rochestei has to offei. The uistance
to Stiong is about S miles, oi a 1u-1S min. uiive. Rents iun $6Su-8Su foi a 1BR anu $8uu-$12uu foi
a 2BR. Seaich "East," "East Ave." oi "0niveisity" (Ave.) on ciaigslist.

East Enu:

The East Enu is the neighboihoou uiiectly west of the East Ave. aiea (also known as the east enu of
uowntown Rochestei). It is home to, among othei things, the Eastman School of Nusic, anu is
known foi its excellent foou anu nightlife options, anu the Little Theatei, an excellent inuepenuent
movie theatei. The aiea is ioughly uelineateu by Alexanuei St. to the south anu East Nain to the
noith. Restauiants incluue Bamba Bistio anu 2 vine, two of the fine uining options in the city.
Theie is also }ava's, a gieat inuepenuent coffee shop, anu the bais Anchoi Bai anu the 0lu Toau
(Nonuay-night tiivia). The East Enu has some excellent housing options, mostly apaitments along
the main uiag, anu some houses a bit fuithei noith, as well as some of the city's conveiteu loft
spaces. Paiking can be a bit tiicky in the aiea, so it's a goou iuea to get an apaitment with a
guaianteeu paiking space. The uistance to Stiong is about S miles, oi a 1u-1S min. uiive. Rents iun
$6uu-$8uu foi a 1BR anu $8Su-$11uu foi a 2BR.

Cascaue BistiictSt. Paul Quaitei:

These aieas, locateu in uowntown Rochestei, aie woith mentioning foi the iapiu uevelopment of
loft builuings in ienovateu factoiy anu inuustiial spaces. New Yoik City loft living . in Rochestei!
Although the aieas can be a bit iough, they aie by no means consiueieu the "uangeious" paits of
Rochestei, anu they aie quickly unueigoing gentiification. Nost of the builuings have excellent
secuiity, incluuing in the paiking lots. The uistance to Stiong is about S miles, oi a 1u-1S min. uiive.
Rents iun $1uuu anu up foi a 1BR loft, $12uu anu up foi a 2BR loft. Seaich "loft" on ciaigslist oi on

Apaitment complexes:

Apaitment complexes seem to have become less populai among meuical stuuents ovei the past
couple of yeais, but they iemain a convenient option foi some (pay youi ient online!).

-7'(#. D#114A%8

Not a neighboihoou, but an extiemely laige apaitment complex locateu neai Nonioe Community
College, about two miles fiom Stiong. It's almost like a small village, anu with amenities to boot:
fitness centei, two swimming pools, ieauing anu viueo libiaiies, tennis, basketball anu volleyball
couits, anu iesiuent activities. Some stuuents have complaineu that Rustic village is a bit isolateu
(you can't ieally walk anywheie) anu sometimes upkeep leaves something to be uesiieu. All of the
apaitments come with heat, gas, electiic, cable, inteinet anu paiking. Theie is a 0niveisity of
Rochestei shuttle bus that goes fiom Rustic village to Stiong (see below). 1BR $81u-$8Su, 2BR
$87S-$98S. http:www.iusticvillageapaitments.com

61BW++3 24"+&8

Locateu at 14uu Elmwoou uown the ioau fiom Stiong (1S min. walk) neai Bighlanu Paik. Incluues
stuuios, 1BR, 2BR anu townhomes (the lattei with attacheu gaiage, washei anu uiyei). 1BR anu
2BR incluue heat anu hot watei, anu all units incluue inteinet access. Stuuio $66S, 1BR $7uS-$7SS,
2BR $81S-$84u, townhomes $1u1S-$129S. http:www.elmwooumanoiapts.com

CBI%&#41 0+7(/:

Locateu at 1S77 Elmwoou (1u min. uiive), this complex incluues stuuios, 1BR anu 2BR, anu is pet-
fiienuly. Stuuio $7uS, 1BR $68u, 2BR $88u-$9uS. http:www.impeiialsouth.com

Z[\\ 61BW++3 J$%8

Locateu a bit fuithei fiom Stiong (1u min. uiive), this complex offeis a pool anu fitness centei, anu
allows pets. Rent incluues utilities (incluuing cable), anu all units have uishwasheis, with launuiy
in the builuing. Stuuio $884, 1BR $92S, 2BR $1u41, SBR $1S69.

J..A5,9G#2 C&#2<08 ,1 , 8",05$
Type of housing Cost Bistance to Stiong
WCu Nainly house shaies $ Shoit walk
Waiu Bouse shaies, some
$ 1u-1S min. walk
South Weuge Bouse shaies, some
$$ 1S-2S min. walk, shoit uiive
Coin Bill Bouse shaies, apaitments $$ 2u-2S min. walk, shoit uiive
Paik Ave. vaiiety $$ 1u-1S min. uiive
East Ave.N0TA Bouse shaies, some
$$$ 1u-1S min. uiive
East Enu Apaitments $$ 1u-1S min. uiive
Cascaue BistiictSPQ Apaitments $$$$ 1u-1S min. uiive

The big question most people have about Rochestei is whethei they ieally neeu a cai. The answei
is . piobably. Also in this section, infoimation about buses, bicycles, taxis anu kayaks.

:0 ,07 ,;&#07 K&5C$21$;3


It's uaunting consiueiing how much you aie alieauy spenuing on meuical school, but the fact is that
the vast majoiity of stuuents agiee that you neeu a cai to get aiounu Rochestei conveniently. Theie
is a bus system, but it's not the most ieliable, anu it uoesn't covei all paits of the city. It's also not an
easy way to get to anu fiom the gioceiy stoie (veiy few stuuents, incluuing those in the White Coat
uhetto, live within walking uistance of a supeimaiket). You also may neeu a cai to go to pieceptoi
sites foi SC0PE oi PCC, anu foi clinical iotations, but foi iequiieu school-ielateu activities, the
meuical school will paii you up with someone who has a cai. Note that the 0niveisity of Rochestei
also iuns its own bus system; you can use its "Shopping Shuttle" to get to Wegman's, Taiget, anu
othei key stoies. As fai as what kinu of cai to buy, you might consiuei foui-wheel uiive because of
the weathei, but plenty of people get along just fine without it. Also iemembei that salt, snow anu
Rochestei ioaus uo quite a numbei on youi tiies, so always caiiy a spaie.


It is basically impossible to paik at school without a paiking pass. Theie aie spots on Lattimoie (a
few blocks south of the hospital), but they aie 1-houi spots; most of the iest of the White Coat
uhetto uoes not have stieet paiking. (Tiy talking youi new fiienus into letting you paik at theii
house!) Foi the 2u11-2u12 school yeai, the paiking fee is $28S (unless you get the pass that lets
you paik only a few times a month, which is also an option). You'll eithei be put in Lot 9 oi Lot 1
(with a Lock Box, which means you have to put a key in it so the paiking people can move youi cai
aiounu to let otheis in anu out); you uon't get to choose. Inciuentally, if you get to school aftei 9 oi
so, you might be on oveiflow; the oveiflow oiuei is Lot 2 (acioss fiom Lot 9), Lot 4 (ovei by Nount
Bope, so on the othei siue of the hospital) anu Lot 11 (by Lot 1). Finally, if you aie at school aftei
2:1S p.m., you can paik on the top thiee floois of the gaiage, which is nice in the wintei (though it
is on the othei siue of the hospital). }ust make suie you aie out by 6 a.m. Pietty much any violation
will cost you $1uu. The Paiking 0ffice is locateu neai the bookstoie past the Couityaiu Caf.

City buses:

The city buses aie iun by the Rochestei uenesee Regional Tianspoitation Authoiity
(http:igita.oig). Bepenuing on wheie you aie living, the bus can be a quite convenient way of
getting to anu fiom school, anu even aiounu the city. Bowevei, the bus system isn't always the
most ieliable (foi getting to class on time, foi instance) anu in some cases ioutes can be a little
tiicky because the whole system is piemiseu aiounu using uowntown as a hub foi all tiansfeis. Still,
if is always woith giving buses a tiy, especially if you live in the Coin Bill oi South Weuge aieas anu
aie looking foi an alteinate means of tianspoitation to get to school. All of the buses have a fiont
bike-mount iack. The RuRTA has a useful Tiip Plannei. Note that while it is possible to take the bus
to the aiipoit, it takes a goou two houis, anu theie aie no tiansfeis. Bus faie is $1.uu.

A few useful bus ioutes:

1: Runs stiaight uown Paik Ave. to the Innei Loop, then pick up the 1S to Stiong
S: Runs uown South fiom the Innei Loop to the hospital
11: Runs uown Clinton to Elmwoou Ave., then west towaiu Stiong
1SSu: Both iun uown Nount Bope to Stiong
19: Runs uown Exchange anu Plymouth thiough Coin Bill anu the 19
Waiu anu then to


Local taxis aie a ieasonable option foi occasional tiips. Theie aie seveial uispatcheis (with vaiying
levels of ieliability in answeiing the phones). ueneially, you won't be able to flag a cab uown, but a
phone call will usually get you a taxi in about S-1u min. Note that a cab tiip to the aiipoit will iun
about $SS. http:iocwiki.oigTaxi_Seivices

0niveisity of Rochestei bus system:

Neuical stuuents can take auvantage of the school's excellent (anu fiee) bus system. Buses
oiiginate fiom the unueigiauuate campus at Rush Rhees Libiaiy (the main libiaiy) oi fiom the
Neuical Centei (blue line). To view scheuules (oi view bus locations in ieal time!) see

Reu line: to Eastman Living Centei anu NonioePaik Ave.
uieen line: Novies 1uRegal Beniietta movie theateis, Naiketplace Nall, Wegman's,
TaigetWalmait, Pittsfoiu Plaza, Public Naiket
Blue line: Whipple Paik, Rivei Roau builuings, hospital
uolu line: 19
Puiple line: Rustic village


If you've got a bike, uefinitely consiuei biinging it with you to Rochestei. Biking is a gieat way to
commute to anu fiom school foi those that live in Coin Bill, the South Weuge, in univeisity housing,
oi even in the White Coat uhetto. You can even mount youi bike on the fiont-mounteu bike iacks of
city buses (just pull the iack uown, place youi bike in it, anu biing the hook ovei youi fiont wheel).
Theie is ample paiking foi bikes aiounu the hospital, anu many of the city stieets have bike iacks
anu loops. Theie aie also some gieat bike tiails in Rochestei, incluuing the Eiie Canal path anu the
uenesee valley uieenway anu Rivei Tiail, which both stait in uenesee valley Paik. Riue a little bit
fuithei anu you'ie in the wiue countiy ioaus just S miles outsiue of the city. Anu if you uon't have
youi own bike, you can ient one foi fiee fiom the unueigiauuate campus gym between Naich anu
Novembei (hLLp://www.sa.rochesLer.edu/clLycycles/lndex.php). Note that bike theft is a pioblem in
Rochestei, like in any othei city, so make suie you have a goou lock.

L$11<08 <0 ,07 &#1 &. K&5C$21$;3

By cai:

Biiving is an easy way to get in anu out of town. It is about an houi to Syiacuse oi Buffalo anu 6-7
houis to Boston, New Yoik anu Philauelphia. Toionto is about a S-houi uiive away (note that it is
home to the closest IKEA!).

By bus:

N&%)/+7"38 The olu stanuby, but not the best choice these uays. uieyhounu is not as cheap as
newei uiscount lines, the buses aie not as nice, anu tiips aie longei because you make moie stops.
Then again, if you aien't going to a majoi uestination, sometimes uieyhounu is the best choice.
Picks up uowntown at 187 Niutown Plaza. http:www.gieyhounu.com

H/#"4(+W" =7'8 To get to New Yoik City by bus, the Chinatown bus is the cheapest option (it also
goes to Syiacuse anu Buffalo). Theii semi-functional Web site says that they aie in the piocess of
changing theii scheuules, but geneially you will have to ueal with stiange timetables, leaving
Rochestei late at night anu aiiiving in New Yoik in the moining. http:www.gonycbus.com

2%A4=7'8 Negabus iuns to Syiacuse, Buffalo, Toionto anu New Yoik City. Picks up at the RIT Inn &
Confeience Centei at S2S7 West Beniietta Ru. (You can leave youi cai theie while you'ie gone.)
Tickets aie moie expensive than on the Chinatown bus (between $47 anu $74 uepenuing on when
you buy). Tiy to look up a piomotion coue online befoie ieseiving youi tickets.

!F 1;,<03

The Rochestei Amtiak station is locateu at S2u Cential Avenue uowntown. A tiip to New Yoik City
will take aiounu 7 houis, with piices staiting at $S8. Foi majoi cities, this is the only convenient
ioute (Boston oi Philauelphia geneially iequiie a tiansfei in New Yoik, oi iun on slow ioutes).

!F G",0$3

Rochestei's aiipoit is small but has a uecent selection of caiiieis, anu you shoulu be able to get
pietty much anywheie in the 0niteu States eithei uiiect oi with one layovei. Biiect flights aie
available to Atlanta, Baltimoie, Chicago, Cincinnati, Clevelanu, Ninneapolis, New Yoik, Washington,
anu seveial otheis. Foi those coming fiom majoi cities, the size of the aiipoit can actually be a bit
of a ielief: lines aie geneially shoit, anu paiking is ielatively cheap (aiounu $S.uu pei uay in the
long-teim paiking lots, wheie a shuttle picks you up at youi paiking space anu takes you to the
teiminal). Anu you'll almost always iun into people fiom youi class if you'ie tiaveling uuiing

You piobably won't have a lot of money, but you will neeu somewheie to keep what you have! Beie
is a list of banks that aie convenient.

!,0' &. 49$;<5,3

0ffeis a fiee checking account foi stuuents oi anyone who opens an account online. BoA has
bianches all ovei the countiy, which is goou foi avoiuing ATN fees. 0n the othei hanu, theie aien't
that many locations in Rochestei, anu most aien't veiy close to campus.


You can get a fiee checking account with uiiect ueposit, but most of us uon't have that. The othei
option foi fiee checking iequiies that you use youi uebit caiu five times a month - which shoulun't
be haiu if you use it to pay foi the occasional coffee oi gioceiies. (0theiwise, the fee is $6.) Chase is
by fai the most convenient option when you consiuei that theie is a bianch (wheie you can open
the account) anu an ATN iight neai the bookstoie in the hospital. Theie aie also seveial othei
bianches in Rochestei.


A smallei bank with a fiee stuuent checking account. To avoiu a fee, you eithei have to initiate $2uu
in ueposit pei month oi, moie easily, peifoim two tiansactions (incluuing withuiawals). Key will
ieimbuise you up to $6 pei month on ATN fees if you also get one of theii NasteiCaius cieuit caius.
Theie aie seveial locations in Rochestei, incluuing one on Nt. Bope that you can get to by foot fiom
the meuical school.


BSBC uoes offei a fiee checking account, but it is not available online, so you'll have to go to a
bianch. As an inteinational bank, BSBC has bianches all ovei the 0niteu States anu the woilu.
Theie is a bianch locateu on Nt. Bope acioss fiom the meuical centei.


N&T offeis two fiee checking accounts, but pick the stuuent one because it allows you uo initiate 4
withuiawals fiom non-N&T ATNs anu pay no fees. N&T is baseu in the noitheast, so its ATNs aie
only concentiateu in ceitain states. Theie aie plenty of locations in Rochestei; unfoitunately, none
of them aie paiticulaily close to campus.


0nce you have set up youi living aiiangements, you'll want to set up heat anu electiicity (we
assume), anu possibly cable, inteinet anu phone.

K&5C$21$; L,2 ,07 O"$51;<53

Ru&E is a necessaiy evil, anu they'ie the people you'll contact to tuin on youi heat anu electiicity.
ueneially speaking, someone fiom Ru&E will neeu to come to youi house to tuin the electiicity on,
anu it can sometimes take a few uays to get an appointment, so tiy to uo it eaily. (Theie's nothing
like sleeping foi thiee uays in a house with no electiicity oi hot watei.) 0nce you've liveu in
Rochestei anu have an account with Ru&E, it is easiei to tiansfei seivice. ueneially speaking, the
customei seivice iepiesentatives aie veiy fiienuly. Also, you can pay youi bill online (anu set up
automatic payments). http:www.ige.com oi 1-8uu-74S-211u.

+<9$ D,;0$; /,-"$3

Time Wainei is the biggest pioviuei of phone, cable anu inteinet seivices in Rochestei. Time
Wainei uoes offei a package of the thiee seivices, but most people choose not to have a home
phone, which means you'll have to pay foi inuiviuual seivices. You can cuiiently get a bunule of
uigital TB, bioaubanu anu unlimiteu nationwiue phone seivices foi $99month foi 12 months, oi
any two seivices foi $79month foi 12 months. Inteinet alone (Roau Runnei) is $29.99month foi
12 months. These options iequiie a contiact. To get seivice without a contiact, you geneially have
to pay a bit moie. Also, make suie you check the Web site anu aus foi special offeis that come up
occasionally, especially foi fiist-time customeis. http:www.timewaineicable.com


Fiontiei is the majoi alteinative to Time Wainei. It offeis a bunule of phone, cable anu BISB
satellite television foi $91.77month plus a monthly mouem fee. You can also get inuiviuual
seivices, incluuing inteinet foi $S2.99month plus a monthly mouem fee. Fiontiei usually iequiies
an installation fee, but theie aie plenty of aus anu online offeis that will get this waiveu.


Thinking of getting a pet. Bighly iecommenueu! The special bianu of unconuitional love that can
only come fiom a small animal that sees you as its meal ticket will be veiy welcome come BSF, anu
if you let them on the beu...built-in space heatei!

A couple of things to consiuei, though: Fiist, the obvious - pets cost money. Cats anu uogs,
obviously, will be moie expensive than, say, geibils. Anu uon't foiget vet caie, paiticulaily
emeigency vet caie (that coulu, potentially, become necessaiy iight befoie an exam) plus giooming
anu all the iest. Seconu, pets cost time. Cats anu othei animals aie obviously less uemanuing than
uogs. While it is possible, as a single peison, to have a uog while in meuical school, iemembei that
you'll have to make suie that it is getting taken out at iegulai inteivals - even while you'ie on youi
suigeiy cleikship. If you plan on going out of town, you'll also want to make suie you have backup
caie foi youi pet. Also, consiuei you'ie youi pet will piobably be alone pietty often - especially if
we'ie talking cats, it can actually be %4'#%& to get two, because they will enteitain each othei. Anu, of
couise, you shoulu not auopt a pet if you aie not alloweu to have one in youi apaitment oi house!
Finally, pets uon't just live foi the uuiation of meuical school. If we'ie talking a new puppy oi kitten,
you'ie looking at 12-18 yeais of pet owneiship. Within that time, you might be having kius, moving
to Angola, oi maiiying someone with alleigies. So be iesponsible! It's woith it!


Please, please uon't buy fiom a bieeuei oi a pet stoie. Rochestei has an amazing population of
sheltei cats, uogs, puppies anu kittens (anu all the iest), anu has a paiticulaily laige anu neeuy cat

Besiues the shelteis listeu below, uon't foiget to check out ciaigslist, wheie you might finu the
peifect pet (just make suie you aie not suppoiting a bieeuei!). Nany local shelteis aie gioups also
iegulaily post on ciaigslist.

Finally, if you'ie not suie just yet about auopting, many Rochestei oiganizations (incluuing uRASP,
Babitat foi Cats, anu Paws anu Puiis below) aie in neeu of fostei homes. Consiuei that you might
be able to have a iotating population of (one to two!) kittens in youi house while uoing a goou ueeu
at the same time!

N-J0;8 This is a well-establisheu gioup that fosteis both cats anu uogs. Auoption fees aie $2uu foi
uogs; foi kittens it is $11S anu foi cats $9u. Theie aie uiscounts foi senioi animals. You must fill
out a contiact in oiuei to auopt. http:www.giaspinc.oig

M4=#(4( ,+& H4('8 Babitat foi Cats' main activities aie catch-spayneutei-anu-ielease piogiams foi
the laige Rochestei feial cat population. What this means is that they actually collect many kittens
fiom feial colonies (the kittens themselves aie not feial!), anu they also pioviue fostei seivices foi
unwanteu oluei cats. BfC shows cats eveiy Sunuay at the Petco in Pittsfoiu. If you'ie looking foi a
cat, please consiuei this oiganization. Cat auoptions aie $7S plus a $SS ueposit foi spayneutei foi
kittens (they will give you an appointment to get youi kitten spayeu oi neuteieu befoie 6 months,
anu will then ietuin youi ueposit). You must fill out an application anu contiact that, among othei
things, iequiies that you not ueclaw youi cat. http:www.habitatfoicats.com

9+11)I+I X4&B8 It sounus a bit like the place youi aging uog Fiuo went to when you weie five, but
Lollypop Faim is actually the local Buman Society. Puppies aie $2Su, slightly oluei uogs $16u, anu
auults $1Su. Kittens aie $1SS, 4 months thiough one yeai aie $16u, anu auults aie $1Su. You can
also auopt most types of small animals anu biius. Auoption fees incluuing spayneutei, veteiinaiy
caie, miciochip IB, a fiee veteiinaiy exam, anu a fiee caiiiei. You must submit an application (anu
you also have to be ovei 21 yeais olu). Note that while it may sounu otheiwise, Lollypop Faim is
"+( a no-kill sheltei. http:www.lollypop.oig

;4W' 4"3 ;7&&' -%'.7%Y C".P8 This is a volunteei iescue gioup foi both uogs anu cats, with pets
iesiuing in fostei homes until they aie auopteu (this is a no-kill oiganization). This is an excellent
place to finu a well-socializeu cat oi uog. Like anywheie else, theie will be an application piocess.
Paws anu Puiis also shows auoptable bets at the Beniietta Petco, which is piobably the best way to
meet youi new pet. http:www.pawsanupuiisiescue.oig

-+./%'(%& J"#B41 0/%1(%&8 This is the city sheltei. They have uogs anu cats yeai-iounu, anu they also
have othei animals occasionally. The auoption fee foi a puppy is $164; foi a uog it's $1S4. Kittens
aie $1uu anu cats $8S, anu they have a "2 Puii 1" (ugh) uiscount if you get two cats. The fees covei
all of the veteiinaiy caie youi pets neeu befoie auoption, plus spayneutei (if they aie olu enough),
miciochip IB, anu a fiee staitei foou bag. You will neeu to submit an application anu sign a pet-caie
contiact. http:www.cityofiochestei.goviochesteianimalseivices

0.+(('$#11% J"#B41 0/%1(%&8 This is a no-kill oiganization that is both a sheltei anu an animal hospital.
You can visit with anu auopt cats seven uays a week, oi see theii puppies anu uogs at Petsmait in
Beniietta. Kittens aie $149 anu cats $1S9; the fee incluues physical exam, veteiinaiy seivices, anu
spayneutei. Puppies aie $21S anu uogs aie $2Su. Long-teim iesiuent uogs aie $99, as aie all cats
ovei 1u months. If you auopt fiom Petsmait you'll get a uiscount because Petsmait chaiitable
seivices uonates money foi each pet auopteu. As anywheie else, you'll neeu to fill out an
application. http:petauoption.cc

Pet supplies:

Youi little monstei is hungiy, anu unless you want them to chew up youi uiess shoes while you'ie
in class, oi attack youi feet when you'ie sleeping, you bettei stock up...heie aie some goou places.

;%(.+8 Petco stocks a wiue vaiiety of commeicial anu specialty uog anu cat foous, plus you can also
get othei supplies like toys oi caiiieis. They have a house littei vaiiety that comes in a Su-lb.
bucket; if you biing the bucket back to iefill youiself, you'll get a uiscount. They also offei uog-
giooming anu uog-tiaining seivices.

Beniietta: Suu Bylan Bi.
Pittsfoiu: S2uu Nonioe Ave.

;%('B4&(8 Pietty much the same as Petco, though they uon't have theii own bianu of littei. Plenty of
foous anu littei vaiieties to choose fiom.

uieece: Su42 West Riuge Ru.
Beniietta: 79u }effeison Ru.

U%AB4"F'8 The pet aisle at Wegman's has a faiily goou stock of commeicial uog anu cat foous,
incluuing the house bianu (Buju anu Ziggie foi cats; Biuisei foi uogs). You can also get most
commeicial vaiieties of littei, incluuing Wegman's own kitty littei (a goou value). Wegman's uoes
not stock highei-enu anu natuial pet-foou bianus; you'll neeu to go to a laigei pet suppliei oi a
specialty stoie foi those. Note, though, that on commeicial bianus, Wegman's will almost always
beat Petco oi Petsmait.

;%( 04$%& 07I%&'(+&%8 It sounus like just a ianuom uiscount place, but actually Pet Savei focuses on
healthy pet foou, anu they have iecently been getting into foous with only NY-souiceu ingieuients.
The staff is veiy knowleugeable anu helpful. 1S96 Riuge Ru. W.

?1#7$01 &;8,0<P,1<&02

The meuical school has a ton of stuuent oiganizations, anu most people love to get involveu! This
isn't college, though; iemembei that you uon't neeu to be able to list eveiy possible activity on youi
iesume, anu you'll also have less time. Pick things that you aie ieally inteiesteu in, anu ueuicate
youiself to them! It's woith it.

Theie will be a stuuent activities faii at the beginning of the school yeai, wheie you can talk to
stuuent leaueis of each gioup anu sign up foi theii listseiv. Theie's uefinitely no neeu to uo it now,
but if you uo have any questions, just e-mail anyone at fiistname_lastnameuimc.iochestei.euu.

Inteiest gioups:

Theie is an inteiest gioup foi pietty much eveiy specialty anu subspecialty, but if you uon't see
what you want, you can make youi own! These gioups host lunchtime anu evening meetings with
speakeis that will all kinu of topics ielateu to the specialty, incluuing geneial oveiviews, specific
topics, anu lifestyle issues. Paiticipating in gioups in youi specialty of inteiest (oi anything you finu
inteiesting) is a gieat way of connecting with mentois foi shauowing oi summei ieseaich.

48<08 :01$;$21 L;&#G
Leaueis: }essamyn Blau, Shauab Khan, Shaion 0stfelu-}ones

40$21C$2<&"&8F :01$;$21 L;&#G
Stuuent Leaueis: Caioline Kan, Katie 0'Leaiy, Nike Topf

/,;7<&"&8F :01$;$21 L;&#G
Stuuent Leaueis: Anthony Cainicelli, }esse Boian, Kiishna 0pauhyaya

B$;9,1&"&8F :01$;$21 L;&#G
Faculty Auvisei: Bi. Neicuiio, NB

O9$;8$05F =$7<5<0$ :01$;$21 L;&#G
Stuuent Leaueis: Biana Laukany, Sabiina NacBuff, Bylan Noiiis, uene Yang
Faculty Auvisei: Bi. Natthew Spencei, NB

@,9<"F =$7<5<0$ :01$;$21 L;&#G
Stuuent Leaueis: }aieu Lunkenheimei, Shaion 0stfelu-}ohns, Sabiina NacBuff

:01$;0," =$7<5<0$ :01$;$21 L;&#G
Stuuent Leaueis: Biana Laukany, Sabiina NacBuff, Biooks Rauemachei, Kiishna 0pauhyaya

Q$#;&"&8F :01$;$21 L;&#G
Stuuent Leaueis: Caioline Kan, Colin Lyness, Allison Shatz
Faculty Auvisei: Ralph }ozefowicz, NB

Q$#;&2#;8$;F :01$;$21 L;&#G3
Stuuent Leaueis: Colin Boyle, Katheiine Rose

J-RLF0 :01$;$21 L;&#G
Stuuent Leaueis: }ackie Biown, Teni Biown, Tina }ensen, Ambei Robins

J05&"&8F :01$;$21 L;&#G
Stuuent Leaueis: Biau Buntei, Aubiey Buncan, Naxwell Reback

J;1C&G,$7<5 ?#;8$;F :01$;$21 L;&#G
Stuuent Leaueis: Ryan Koehlei, Keila Nayes, Tom Segeison, Sanuy Soin

H$7<,1;<52 :01$;$21 L;&#G
Stuuent Leaueis: Nate Bayei, Anuiew Piigge, Baia Nenuelsohn
Faculty Auvisei: Bi. Thomas NcIneiny, NB

H2F5C<,1;F :01$;$21 L;&#G
Stuuent Leaueis: Behuau Bozoignia, }ackie Biown, }aieu Lunkenheimei
Faculty Auvisei: Bi. }effiey Lyness, NB

?#;8$;F :01$;$21 L;&#G
Stuuent Leaueis: Wayne Reiznei, Sam Spinowitz, Coiey Walkei
Faculty Auvisei: Bi. Robeit Caluwell, NB

0thei stuuent oiganizations:

0thei stuuent oiganizations incluue the affinity gioups, which auuiess the conceins anu neeus of
specific minoiity gioups; seivice oiganizations; anu gioups foi people with common outsiue
inteiests. Again, if theie's a gioup you uon't see but woulu like to oiganize, feel fiee!

49$;<5,0 =$7<5," ?1#7$01 422&5<,1<&0
The Ameiican Neuical Stuuent Association (ANSA) is the oluest anu laigest inuepenuent
association of meuical stuuents in the countiy with a membeiship of ovei 6S,uuu physicians in
tiaining. ANSA is a completely stuuent- goveineu oiganization committeu to iepiesenting the
conceins of meuical stuuents. We iepiesent no single point of view, anu theie is a wiue aiiay of
issues that we auuiesstheie is something foi eveiyone. ANSA membeis champion such conceins
as fighting foi univeisal health caie, eliminating health uispaiities, anu tiansfoiming the cultuie of
meuicine. ANSA, foi example was one of the leauing oiganizations iesponsible foi the Resiuency
Woik Bouis Refoim movement, iesulting in the limitation of anu 8u-houi woikweek foi all
iesiuents thioughout the countiy. 0ui 0ofR ANSA chaptei focuses on community initiatives,
euucation anu iefoim. We have leaueis focuseu specifically on 0niveisal Bealth Caie, Community
anu Public Bealth anu Auvocacy. Examples of past events incluue: Seacovei- a compaiison of 0S
anu Canauian Bealthcaie systems in Seattle anu vancouvei; A6S7S Bill complain- a lettei wiiting
campaign with 8 othei meuical schools in New Yoik State uiging oui state senatois to suppoit anu
initiative to investigate univeisal health caie.
Stuuent Leaueis: Anuiew Klein, Scott Waltei

49$;<5,0 =$7<5," 422&5<,1<&0 S =$7<5," ?1#7$01 ?$51<&0
This is the 0 of R stuuent chaptei of the Ameiican Neuical Association. As the stuuent section of the
laigei physician oiganization, this chaptei woiks with uoctois to biing about change in aieas of
meuicine that will affect oui health caie system foi yeais to come. At the same time we have oui
own policies, leaueis, anu meetings that aie sepaiate fiom the laigei oiganization. Specifically, oui
oiganization focuses on ways to covei the uninsuieu, piomote public health, enu healthcaie
uispaiities anu iefoim meuical euucation. To this enu we senu uelegations each yeai to two annual
meetings of the entiie ANA-NSS which aie focuseu on cieating anu upuating policy which the ANA
will auvocate foi in Congiess, as well as state anu iegional meetings to auuiess policy on those
levels. We also have an active community seivice aim that oiganizes seveial events each yeai to
fostei ielations with the Rochestei community.
Stuuent Leaueis: Fieueiick Flo, Natthew Neiiiman, Thomas Segeison, Coiey Walkei

49$;<5,0 =$7<5," D&9$0T2 422&5<,1<&0
Ameiican meuical women's association was cieateu by a gioup of women acioss the countiy in
oiuei to pioviue a netwoiking oppoitunity foi women to suppoit each othei, uiscuss the unique
challenges of being a woman in meuicine, anu piomote euucation anu auvancement of women's
health. Past activities have incluueu euucational lunchtime talks on being a woman in meuicine,
volunteei oppoitunities at the women's gioup anu Sojouinei Bouse to help women iecoveiing
fiom substance abuse anu othei haiuships, monthly meetings to talk about youi expeiiences with
fellow stuuents anu faculty, mentoiing oppoitunities anu oppoitunities to attenu the national
Stuuent Leauei: }ackie Biown, Tambetta 0jong, Aisha Siebeit, }amie Tyiiell

42<,0AH,5<.<5 =$7<5," ?1#7$012 422&5<,1<&0
APANSA is a national oiganization aimeu to auuiess the issues ielevant to the Asian population
that iesiue in Ameiica anu elsewheie. As a significant poition of oui patient population will be of
Asian uescent, it is paiticulaily impoitant to leain how to caie foi them in a cultuially sensitive
mannei as well as piomote the health anu well-being of the Asian community. 0ne main concein of
this oiganization is the bone maiiow ciisis which many Asian-Ameiicans anu othei minoiities face
when they aie in uespeiate neeu foi a compatible uonoi. Since tissue types aie inheiiteu, the most
likely match foi those in neeu may be someone fiom the same iacial oi ethnic gioup. As it stanus,
Asian-Ameiicans anu othei minoiities aie seveiely unueiiepiesenteu in the national iegistiy of
potential bone maiiow uonois. As such it is oui goal to iaise awaieness of this issue as well as
aiiange bone maiiow uiives to offei those in neeu a fighting chance. In auuition, we will have guest
speakeis to uiscuss the iegional uiffeiences in healthcaie that exist in Asia touay, as well as the
meuical ciises that afflict them, in hopes of pioviuing a woiluwiue peispective on healthcaie to
meuical stuuents.

ENPEX gives stuuents the unique oppoitunity to piactice pioceuuies in the Stiong ER. Stuuents
volunteei foi shifts in which they have the oppoitunity to woik with nuises to leain how to place
Ivs, sutuie, place EKus, uiain abscesses, anu peifoim catheteiizations. Stuuents also help out by
getting vitals anu iesponuing to patient iequests. Each shift, theie is also the oppoitunity to spenu
time obseiving in the tiauma bay. Stuuents will ieceive tiaining in vaiious pioceuuies at the
beginning of the school yeai.
Stuuent Leaueis: }essamyn Blau, Bylan Noiiis

@<08$; V,'$2 /&99#0<1F ,07 =<8;,01 >$,"1C /,;$ H;&W$51
FLCNBCP is a feueially funueu oiganization that pioviues health caie to Nigiant faim woikeis in
New Yoik. The bianch the 0niveisity of Rochestei School of Neuicine paitneis with is locateu in
Souus NY. Stuuents will join outieach teams anu tiavel with them to camps wheie they will
pioviue euucation on health topics ielevant to migiant woikeis while pioviueis see inuiviuual
patients. The health euucation mateiial is in the foim of a PoweiPoint which can be piojecteu onto
a wall "in camp." The mateiial cuiiently coveis topics iuentifieu by the New Yoik Centei foi
Agiicultuial Neuicine (NYCAN) anu is in Spanish.
Leaueis: Naiy Cantin, Colin Boyle

L4:Q XL"&-," 4:B? :0(&"($9$01 Q$16&;'Y
Stuuent oiganization aimeu at cieating a cohesive netwoik among stuuents anu healthcaie
woikeis in the common goal of iaising awaieness of BIvAIBS anu pioviuing seivices to those
affecteu by this panuemic. Accomplishments to uate incluue cieation of alliances with local
volunteei oiganizations, outieach woik, political activism, faculty lectuies, infoimation booths at
local festivals, anu involvement in inteinational health piojects.

>$,"1CF M<72 >$,"1CF @#1#;$2
This gioup is ueuicateu to pioviuing infoimative anu inteiactive afteinoon activities anu lessons
foi kius iegaiuing healthy habits anu living. We volunteei at a local elementaiy school once a week.
Paiticipating in this gioup is a veiy iewaiuing expeiience, anu you get to seive the community,
which is what 0RNC stuuents aie all about!
Stuuent Leaueis: Kiia Lawton

Inteivol is a Rochestei oiganization that takes uonateu meuical supplies anu senus them to
unueiseiveu aieas woiluwiue. Neuical stuuents paiticipate in packing paities to help soit unuseu
anu iecyclable meuical supplies at INTERv0L's waiehouse. INTERv0L collects these unuseu
iecyclable meuical supplies fiom healthcaie oiganizations in upstate New Yoik anu ships them to
inteinational healthcaie oiganizations to assist people in ueveloping anu emeiging countiies.
Stuuents going abioau foi the summei can also get meuical supplies fiom INTERv0L to biing to
theii in-countiy facilities. Foi moie infoimation, please go to http:www.inteivol.oig

:2",9<5 =$7<5," 422&5<,1<&0 &. Q&;1C 49$;<5, I0<($;2<1F &. K&5C$21$; /C,G1$;
INANA is a national non-piofit oiganization which was establisheu in the 0S in 1967. The
0niveisity of Rochestei chaptei was co-founueu by meuical stuuents Aunali Khaku anu Imian
Punekai in the Fall of 2uu6. 0nuei the guiuance of Bi Shakeel Shaieef, anu Bi. Ali Bamuan, It has
continueu to giow anu thiive anu now incluues iesiuents anu attenuings. The mission of INANA is
to pioviue a foium anu iesouice foi Nuslim meuical stuuents, physicians anu othei health caie
piofessionals, to piomote a gieatei awaieness of Islam, anu Islamic meuical ethics anu values, to
pioviue humanitaiian anu meuical ielief, anu to be an auvocate in health caie policy. This mission
is guiueu by the Quianic veise; "If anyone has killeu one peison it is as if he has killeu the whole of
mankinu, anu if he has saveu one life it is as if he saveu the whole of mankinu." (Boly Quian S:S2)

=$7<5," /$01$; /C;<21<,0 @$""&62C<G
0RNCCF is a gioup of Chiistians in the health piofessions, piimaiily meuical stuuents, associateu
with the 0niveisity of Rochestei Neuical Centei who gathei iegulaily foi fellowship, piayei, Bible
stuuy, anu investigation of ethical issues. The gioup has been an active pait of the Neuical Centei
community foi ovei 2S yeais anu encouiages stuuents in theii peisonal faith as well as theii
paiticipation in community seivice. The vision of 0RNCCF is to encouiage stuuents in the meuical
piofession anu associateu uisciplines to giow closei in theii ielationship with uou anu Bis Son,
}esus Chiist, amiust the iigois of a uemanuing scheuule anu intense woikloau. We aim to equip oui
membeis to shaie theii faith with otheis, anu to seive oui classmates anu oui community. We will
fostei cogent Chiistian thinking in oui uiscussion of meuicine, ethics, anu othei intellectual issues.
Leain moie about us on oui website, www.uimccf.oig.
Stuuent Leaueis: Tiffany Chi, Baviu Paul

=$7<5," ?1#7$012 .&; /C&<5$
Neuical Stuuents foi Choice is a gioup ueuicateu to ensuiing that women ieceive the full iange of
iepiouuctive healthcaie choices. NSFC iecognizes that one of the gieatest obstacles to safe anu
legal aboition is the absence of tiaineu pioviueis. As meuical stuuents anu iesiuents, we woik to
make iepiouuctive health caie, incluuing aboition, a pait of stanuaiu meuical euucation anu
iesiuency tiaining. In the past we have hau euucational lunch talks on the cuiient political situation,
lobbying tiaining, ieligion anu choice, hanus-on papaya woikshop, shauowing expeiiences anu
caiavanneu to the national confeience. NS4C woulu be thiilleu to netwoik with othei like-minueu
inuiviuuals but also welcomes stuuents with all views on this issue.
Stuuent Leaueis: Naigueiite Naguiie

J0A/,"" ?1#7$01 4 /,GG$"", L;&#G
0n-Call is 0RSNB's own meuical stuuent a cappella peifoimance gioup. We peifoim meuical
paiouies of populai songs as well as non meuical pieces. We have weekly piactices with
peifoimances thioughout the yeai.

HCF2<5<,02 .&; >#9,0 K<8C12
A national gioup, Physicians foi human iights views piotecting human iights as a way of piotecting
human health. At the 0 of R meuical school, the stuuent chaptei is inteiesteu in the issue of human
iights at the inteinational, national, anu community level, all while asking: What unique qualities
uo physicians contiibute to the piotections anu uiscussion of human iights. In the past the gioup
has iaiseu money foi an oiphanage in Thailanu, has hau seivice piojects, awaieness piojects anu
iegulai uinnei uiscussions of human iights issues.
Stuuent Leaueis: Sabina Khan, Katie 0'Leaiy

K$,5C<08 &#1 1& M<72 XKJMY
This big biotheibig sistei piogiam matches meuical stuuents with chiluien with chionic illnesses.
A gieat way to get involveu in the community anu give back.
Stuuent Leaueis: Biana Laukany, Aimee Noiiis

?,1#;7,F ?5C&&"
Satuiuay School is a volunteei oiganization in which meuical stuuents go to a local elementaiy
school on Satuiuay moinings. The moining begins with a bieakfast foi the chiluien. Then stuuents
go to classiooms wheie they woik with the teacheis as tutois in math anu ieauing. In the miuule of
moining theie is uowntime wheie we play with the kius in gym oi outsiue. We also pioviue a miu
moining snack. It's a gieat way to have some fun with the kius anu help them with theii school

SPECTR0N is a gioup that seives as an infoimational, suppoitive, anu euucational iesouice to
lesbian, gay, bisexual, tiansgenuei, anu heteiosexual inuiviuuals at the 0niveisity of Rochestei
Neuical Centei. Incluuing both stuuent anu faculty, this gioup aims to piomote visibility anu
awaieness of LuBT issues within the meuical setting. SPECTR0N is also a social oiganization that
sponsois events such as coffee houses anu movie nights.
Stuuent Leaueis: Tiistan Bice, }essamyn Blau, Kate Nungei, Nicole Tietault

StART is a piogiam uesigneu foi peuiatiic inpatients at Stiong. Neuical stuuents plan anu
paiticipate in fun activities with chiluien staying at the hospital. We woik with kius of all ages
eveiy Fiiuay afteinoon at 2 pm on the peuiatiic play ueck. Past activities have incluueu a cainival
uay, scavengei hunts, anu ait piojects. It's a gieat way to have some fun aftei a haiu week of
Stuuent Leaueis: Nate Bayei, Tina }ensen, Amy Noiiis, Alexis Pilato, Anuiew Piigge, Katheiine
Rose, Sam Spinowitz

?1#7$01 Q,1<&0," =$7<5," 422&5<,1<&0
The Stuuent National Neuical Association is a national stuuent iun oiganization ueuicateu to
incieasing social anu cultuial awaieness in the meuical community anu fosteiing a uiveise stuuent
bouy. 0ui 0niveisity of Rochestei chaptei focuses extensively on community seivice outieach
piogiams incluuing seivice initiatives anu health faiis to auuiess issues such as auolescent health
anu sexuality, smoking cessation anu pievention, anu health maintenance paiticulaily foi
unueiseiveu populations. SNNA also paiticipates in thiee piogiams foi unueigiauuate (NAPS),
high school (BPREP), anu elementaiy school (YSEP) stuuents that weie establisheu to encouiage
unueiiepiesenteu stuuents to puisue caieeis in health ielateu fielus. All of SNNA's outieach
piogiams aim both to inciease patient; access to meuical caie anu othei iesouices anu to empowei
futuie physicians to uelivei competent anu cultuially sensitive patient caie. Foi the stuuent bouy,
SNNA also oiganizes seveial social events thioughout the yeai such as oui annual welcome
ieception, Kwanza celebiations, black histoiy month events, anu Bispanic heiitage month events.
In auuition, uuiing the yeai we funuiaise foi gioup activities along with collecting uonations foi
vaiious seivice oiganizations like oui annual coat uiive. SNNA woulu like to congiatulate you on
youi aumission to meuical school anu wish you the best of luck as you auvance in youi meuical
euucation. Feel fiee to contact any of the executive boaiu membeis if you woulu like moie
infoimation oi have questions. You can also visit oui chaptei website at:
http:uimc.iochestei.euusmustuuentsnma anu the national website at www.snma.oig. We
hope that you consiuei getting involveu in SNNA as we woulu love to have you as pait of oui team.
Stuuent Leaueis: Saiaua Abiaham, Kim Thoms

?1#7$012 .&; :01$8;,1<($ =$7<5<0$
Stuuents foi Integiative Neuicine seeks to bioauen the scope of meuical euucation uiscussions to
incluue multiple systems of healing. Past topics incluue psychosomatic meuicine, natuiopathic anu
heibal meuicine, healing thiough nutiition, yoga, ayuiveua, music anu ait theiapy, healing thiough
humoi, anu Native Ameiican meuicine. We hope to cieate a foium foi this uiscussion thiough
infoimal gatheiings, activities, community seivice, anu guest speakeis. Come shaie youi iueas!

IK D$"" /"<0<5
0R Well is an entiiely stuuent iun non-piofit oiganization whose mission is to pioviue fiee health
caie seivices to the uninsuieu anu unuei-seiveu families in the Rochestei community. ueneially,
fiist-yeai stuuents can stait in the fall in auministiative positions, anu then in the spiing as Bealth
Team }uniois, who peifoim physical exams anu histoiies unuei the supeivision of a thiiu- oi
fouith-yeai stuuent. Buiing the summei, full-time positions aie available foi stuuents with gieatei
iole in clinical caie anu auministiations. Tiaining is also pioviueu foi moie specializeu clinical

H",00<08 F&#; 2#99$;

People will stait talking about the summei aftei fiist yeai piobably soonei than you want them to.
Some of this is jumping the gun, but it is tiue that youi summei will piobably iequiie a bit of eaily
planning. Remembei that this is the last "ieal" summei you aie likely to have in meuical school,
because thiiu yeai begins }uly 1
aftei you take Step 1.


In the past few yeais, the vast majoiity of stuuents have opteu to uo ieseaich. Each yeai, the Centei
foi Auvocacy, Community Bealth, Euucation anu Biveisity (CACBEB) office gives out $S,uuu awaius
to stuuents inteiesteu in puisuing ieseaich abioau oi in Rochestei. To apply foi the giant, you will
neeu to submit an application, which consists of a covei sheet, a uesciiption of youi ieseaich, anu a
lettei of suppoit fiom the peison who will be supeivising youi ieseaich. ueneially, the application
is uue in eaily Febiuaiy. CACBEB will stait sponsoiing meetings about this funuing in late fall, so
you'll have plenty of waining. If you have any buining questions, e-mail Auiienne in the CACBEB
office at auiienne_moiganuimc.iochestei.euu.

If you'ie going to be staying in Rochestei, it will piobably be faiily easy to come acioss a PI uoing
woik that inteiests you - keep youi eai to the giounu, attenu lectuies anu, if something specific
inteiests you, just shoot an e-mail. If you plan to go abioau, you'll neeu to stait a bit eailiei so you
can make suie to get a iesponse - anu a suppoit lettei - fiom both a PI heie at Rochestei 4"3
someone in the countiy you'll be spenuing time in. Befinitely ask aiounu among stuuents in othei
classes, because theie aie many piojects that you can jump on to in subsequent yeais. Finally, it is
theoietically possible to get funuing to uo ieseaich at anothei univeisity in the 0niteu States. You'll
neeu to have suppoit fiom a PI heie anu at the host institution, anu you'll have to show that the
ieseaich coulun't be uone heie.

ueneially speaking, most people who go abioau uo epiuemiologic oi othei suivey-baseu ieseaich.
Fiist, you have to show that the ieseaich you aie uoing coulu not be uone at Stiong. Seconu, you'll
only have 8 weeks, which means it can be haiu to put togethei a bench-ieseaich pioject,
paiticulaily fiom afai. Nany people who stay in Rochestei uo basic-science ieseaich, but theie aie
many othei oppoitunities as well.

If you aie ieasonably seiious about youi pioject, you will almost uefinitely get the funuing. }ust
iemembei that you will neeu to put togethei a postei foi a session in 0ctobei aftei youi ieseaich is


If ieseaich isn't foi you, uon't feel like you have to uo it. Theie aie othei options foi the summei.
Theie aie some fellowships that have a small ieseaich bent but let you spenu a lot of time
shauowing. Anu if you'ie inteiesteu in taking &%41 time off, uo it! uo abioau anu leain a new
language, oi get a job painting houses. 0ltimately, this summei shoulu be foi you (see above ie:
Youi Last Summei).
L#<7$ 1& K&5C$21$;

K&5C$21$;T2 L;$,1$21 ><12 ,;$ <0 -"#$Z



!"#$%&'() 0nless you'ie ciazy, you will piobably shop mainly at Wegman's. Wegman's is a
combination of Whole Foous anu a iegulai gioceiy stoie, all at iegulai gioceiy stoie piices.
(Sometimes theii piices even beat Wal-Nait.) Theie aie people who won't leave westein New Yoik
because of Wegman's. They have a gieat selection anu tons of special items foi those with uietaiy
neeus, plus a goou inteinational foous section. They have a bakeiy, ueli, meat countei, fish countei
anu cheese countei in eveiy stoie, although the "flagship" stoie in Pittsfoiu has the best meat anu
fish. You can also get many piepaieu foous, incluuing Inuian anu sushi. They also have a mobile app.

Beniietta: 6Su Bylan Bi.: The most convenient Wegman's to Stiong.
PaikEast Ave.: 17Su East Ave.
Pittsfoiu: S19S Nonioe Ave.: A little oveiwhelming, but pietty impiessive.

J13#8 Alui, a Euiopean impoit, specializes in low piices by only offeiing one bianu of each type of
foou anu sticking laigely to geneiics. Low piices. They uon't give you gioceiy bags. 61S }effeison

;&#.%]-#(%8 Real ueals aie on the Piice-Rite bianu, but they also have goou ueals on othei goous, anu
especially goou piouuce. SSSS W. Beniietta Ru.

>+I'8 A majoi gioceiy stoie chain. It is almost inevitably moie expensive than Wegman's, anu is
also pietty uepiessing.

11uu }effeison Ru.
19uu Clinton Ave. S.

Ethnic anu specialty gioceiy stoies:

J'#4" X++3 24&@%(8 Asian. Buge place with a laige selection anu lots of fiesh fish. 188S Biighton-
Beniietta Town Line Ru.

H/4"AF' :&#%"(41 X++3 0(+&%8 Koiean. uioceiies anu kitchen supplies. 1867 Nt. Bope.

67&+I4 5%1#8 Eastein Euiopean. Sells Eastein Euiopean yoghuit anu cheese, plus ueli meats anu
pickles. 1694 Penfielu Ru. #12

67&+I%4" 2%4( ;&+37.(' ^ 5%1#8 Polish. Sells Polish sausages, cakes anu othei gioceiies. 1S2S
Buuson Ave.

N%"%'%% D411%) -%A#+"41 24&@%( J7(/+&#()8 A combination stiip mall (of specialty foou stoies anu
othei businesses) anu faimeis maiket. 9uu }effeison Ru.

M4141 24&@%(' 4"3 2%4(8 Balal. Neat anu othei gioceiies. S11 Riuge Ru. E.

M#@4&#8 Chinese. Within walking uistance of Stiong, this Asian gioceiy stoie stocks mainly Chinese
goous (shipments aiiive Tuesuays), incluuing whole uuck. 1667 Nt. Bope Ave.

C"3#4" M+7'% 0(+&%8 Locateu acioss the stieet fiom the iestauiant of the same name. Fiozen foous,
spices, anu some fiesh piouuce. Rock-bottom piices. 999 Clinton Ave. S.

C'(4"=71 24&@%(8 Tuikish. Excellent butchei that sells halal meat, plus homemaue Tuikish foou.
1S88 Noiton St.

9%%F' :&#%"(41 X++38 Asian. Ciazy selection anu helpful staff. Locateu in the uenesee valley Regional
Naiket. 9uu }effeison Ru., Suite 1-1.

9+&#F' O4(7&41 X++3'8 uoou souice of oiganic foou foi humans anu animals. Regulaily voteu best
oiganic foou stoie in the aiea. Locateu in the uenesee valley Regional Naiket. 9uu }effeison Ru.

2#' %" ;14.% 24&@%(8 "Euiopean-style" gioceiy stoie that stocks most basics at ieasonable piices,
plus has a goou ueli countei. You can also eat theie oi caiiy out. 68S South Ave.

O#=14.@ X++3'8 If you'ie a bakei oi use a lot of spices, this is the place to be. It's a wholesale place
wheie inuiviuuals can also shop: you can get spices, baking anu cake-uecoiating supplies, anu a lot
of othei things. 9uu }effeison Ru, Builuing 6.

;41B%&F' 2%4( 4"3 0%4,++38 When Wegman's selection leaves something to be uesiieu, heau to
Palmei's foi low piices on bulk meat. 9uu }effeison Ru.

;#((',+&3 0%4,++3 24&@%(8 Cuiiously not locateu in Pittsfoiu, this is a uecent seamongei that will
piecook youi fish if you call aheau. S1u Nonioe Ave.

;+1'@4 H/4(48 Polish. Polish meats, cheeses, uiy goous, juices (cheiiy juice, foi instance). S2
vineuale Ave.

0I#.% <4V44&8 Inuian. Bas foou anu an excellent selection of spices. S64 }effeison Ru.

U%'( 94@%8 Asian. Not supei convenient to Stiong, but sells live fish, homemaue nooules (ask foi
them) anu home-giown bean spiouts, among othei things. 8S Commeice Bi.

U#" X4 24&@%(8 Asian. A laige Asian stoie that sells live fish, cooking supplies, spices anu all the iest.
4 Lake Ave.

Faimei's anu public maikets:

*+,-"(."/ 12345, 6%/7".) This is one of the majoi uiaws of the city, having been voteu the nation's
best public maiket many times, incluuing last yeai. The peiipheiy consists of peimanent
iestauiants anu shops, anu the insiue is a iotation of faimeis, piouuce ieselleis, anu selleis of
othei goous (plants, spices, knick-knacks). If you'ie looking foi goou piouuce, make suie you stop
at stanus iun by faimeis. You can also get iiuiculously low piices fiom venuois who iesell the same
type of piouuce you get in the supeimaiket (that is, uon't buy fiom them if you aie looking foi
oiganic anu high-quality, but if you aie looking foi iock-bottom piices). The Naiket is open yeai-
iounu, but in the wintei it isn't woith going unless it's Satuiuay. They say you'll always iun into
someone you know at the Naiket, anu that's piobably tiue. Tuesuay anu Thuisuay 6 a.m.-1 p.m.,
Satuiuay S a.m.-S p.m., Sunuay 8 a.m.-2 p.m. 28u 0nion St.

<&#A/(+" X4&B%&' 24&@%(8 0vei 4u venuois exhibit theii waies on Sunuays in the Biighton Bigh
School paiking lot. 0pen }une-0ctobei Sunuays 9 a.m.-1 p.m.

M#A/14"3 ;4&@ U#"(%& X4&B%&' 24&@%(8 Looking foi goou piouuce anu othei homemaue stuff in the
wintei. Check this place out. 0pen Novembei-Nay Weunesuays 4-7 p.m.

0+7(/ U%3A% X4&B%&' 24&@%(8 A new auuition to the Rochestei faimei's maiket scene that has been
gaining in populaiity. It is hosteu in the paiking lot of Bouluei Coffee Co. in the South Weuge. 0pen
}une-0ctobei Thuisuays 4-7 p.m. http:www.swfaimeismaiket.oig

H0J'8 If you like faimeis maikets, you'll piobably love community-suppoiteu agiicultuie. You sign
up foi a paiticulai faim anu they will uelivei (to a cential location) a bag of seasonal piouuce fiom
the faim eveiy week foi the uuiation of the season. Theie aie many excellent CSAs in the Rochestei
aiea because of all the amazing suiiounuing faimlanu. Check them out:

Bome fuinishings:

Beyonu Taiget anu Wal-Nait, what aie the goou places to get fuinituie. Fiist, be suie you check
out ciaigslist foi goou ueals. Some othei options:

J'/1%) X7&"#(7&%8 A bit on the expensive siue, but goou foi compaiison shopping to value City. 6Su
Bylan Bi.

<%3 <4(/ 4"3 <%)+"38 As the name suggests . a goou place foi sheets anu towels (though moie
expensive than Taiget, foi instance), anu small appliances. 72u }effeison Ru.

X7(+"' ^ 2+&%8 1769 Nt. Bope Ave.

9+W%F'8 Bas some fuinituie anu laige appliances, but obviously is especially goou foi tools anu
haiuwaie. 2SSu Naiketplace Bi.

2%(&+ 24((&%''8 Convenient, but may not always beat the big online ueliveiy stoies. 6uu }effeison

;#%& :"%8 A place foi pseuuo-eclectic ucoi anu some fuinituie. Suu Bylan Bi.

>7%'34) 2+&"#"A8 A Piei 0ne-like ucoi place. SSSS W. Beniietta Ru.

D417% H#() X7&"#(7&%8 Relatively expensive anu not the best quality, but you may finu something you
like. 1uuu Bylan Bi.


64'($#%W 24118 A bit out of the way in victoi, this is the biggest mall in the aiea. Stoies incluue
Abeiciombie & Fitch, Ameiican Eagle, Ann Tayloi Loft, Banana Republic, Euuie Bauei, Expiess, uap,
B&N, }. Ciew anu 0lu Navy. Theie is also a neaiby Taiget. Anchoi stoies aie Nacy's anu Loiu &
Tayloi. Ciucially, this is the only place in the aiea that has an Apple Stoie.

>/% 2411 4( N&%%.% -#3A%8 Convenient to the uieece Taiget, but otheiwise moie out of the way than
Naiketplace. Bas Expiess, uap, B&N, New Yoik & Co., 0lu Navy, victoiia's Seciet. Also has a movie
theatei anu a Baines anu Noble. http:www.themallatgieeceiiuge.com

24&@%(I14.% 24118 Locateu in Beniietta, this mall is convenient to the Beniietta Wegman's, Taiget
anu Wal-Nait. Featuies many stoies incluuing Abeiciombie & Fitch, Ameiican Eagle, Banana
Republic, Expiess, uap, Ann Tayloi Loft, 0lu Navy anu victoiia's Seciet. Anchoi stoies incluue the
Bon-Ton (a uepaitment stoie), Seais', Nacy's, Bick's Spoiting uoou's, anu }C Penney's. Theie is also
a neaiby Lanus' Enu. http:www.themaiketplacemall.com

U4(%&1++ ;&%B#7B :7(1%('8 0K, not actually a mall, but the closest outlet place to Rochestei (aiounu
a 4S-minute uiive). They have Calvin Klein, uuess, }. Ciew, uap, Nautica, Nike Factoiy 0utlet, Polo
Ralph Lauien, Puma, anu otheis. http:www.piemiumoutlets.comwateiloo


<#A 9+('_ You'll nevei know what they will have at this place, fiom fuinituie, to beubath piouucts,
to gioceiies. Woith checking out as you'ie moving in. 11uu }effeison Ru.

<TF'8 A bulk waiehouse similai to Costco. 0ften has the cheapest gasoline in town, with piices only
available to membeis. ueneially speaking, club membeiships won't be woith it unless theie is
moie than one of you. 4uu }ay Scutti Blvu.

04BF' H17=8 In the absence of Costco, Sam's is the best bulk waiehouse. It is locateu iight next to
Wal-Nait (anu owneu by the same coipoiation). Also has ieuuceu-piice gasoline foi membeis.
16uu Naiketplace Bi.

>4&A%(8 The most convenient Taiget to Stiong is neai the Naiketplace Nall. Theie is also one in

uieece: 6uu uieece Riuge Centei Bi.
Beniietta: 2S2S Naiketplace Bi.

U41]24&(8 A goou place to get basic gioceiies anu home fuinishings. 12uu Naiketplace Bi.


This is by no means an exhaustive list of all of the foou options in Rochestei. Check out
http:www.iocwiki.oig foi uesciiptions of all Rochestei iestauiants anu usei comments. Foi
othei places to finu new iestauiants, check out:


Neai school:

ueneially speaking, if you have afteinoon class, you will only have about 1 houi to giab foou uuiing
lunch. Beie aie youi options:

C" (/% /+'I#(418

NRB Caf: Seives sanuwiches, one to two main uishes pei uay, soup, anu othei basics.
Closest to Case-Nethou but closes at 2 p.m.
Couityaiu Caf: Neai the bookstoie anu Paiking 0ffice. Is sometimes the least-ciowueu
option. Bas about the same offeiings at the NRB Caf. Also closes at 2 p.m.
Bouse of Six Nations: The main hospital cafeteiia is all the way on the othei siue of the
hospital anu gets ieally ciowueu at lunch. Youi only option if you aie in the hospital at night.

:7('#3% (/% /+'I#(418

Biueggei's Bagels: 14uu Nt. Bope
Cam's Pizzeiia: 129u Nt. Bope
Chipotle: 1S6u Nt. Bope
NcBonalu's: 1422 Nt. Bope
Pellegiino's Beli (sanuwiches): 112u Nt. Bope

If you'ie fast, you coulu potentially make it to the Bistilleiy oi to the places in Nt. Bope Plaza (see


Looking foi the 0live uaiuen oi the Cheesecake Factoiy. We've got it. Beie aie the most
convenient locations:

Applebee's 212u Chili Ave. (S8S) 426-7Su
Cheesecake Factoiy SS49 Nonioe Ave. (S8S) S81-8681
Chili's 1uu Naiketplace Bi. (S8S) 424-6111
Five uuys 11uu }effeison Ru. (S8S) 272-1811
Fiienuly's 2717 Nonioe Ave. (S8S) 442-64uu
IB0P SS6 }effeison Ru. (S8S) 292-uS8u
0live uaiuen SS2 }effeison Ru. (S8S) 292-uS9u
0utback Steakhouse 118u }effeison Ru. (S8S) 424-688u
Peikins 117S }effeison Ru. (S8S) 47S-177u
Ponueiosa 2S8S Riuge Roau West (S8S) 22S-uS2u
Romano's Nacaioni uiill 76u }effeison Ru. (S8S) 427-82Su
Ruby Tuesuay's 4uu }ay Scutti Blvu. (S8S) 427-268u
0no's 1uuu Bylan Bi. (S8S) 272-8667

Rochestei cuisine:

In teims of "cuisine," Rochestei is piobably best known foi gaibage plates (piobably best
witnesseu iathei than explaineu), hots (hot uogs) anu hambuigeis. Chicken Fiench is also a local

H/4&1#% -#%3%1F'8 Theie is no paiticulaily convenient location, but this place is consiueieu a classic
foi its buigeis. It also seives gaibage plates. http:www.chailiesiestauiants.com

5+"F' :&#A#"418 With seveial locations, this uinei seives hots, hambuigeis, anu custaiu.

N#('#' >%?4' M+('8 Bineihot joint on Nonioe Ave. that is open 24 houis. uoou iceu tea. (S8S) 271-

85,7 9%-+2'() Bome of the Rochestei "gaibage plate" (stick to the oiiginal location). You can piint
off a $2-uollai off coupon on theii Web site. http:www.gaibageplate.com (S8S) 4S6-u184

>+B U4/1F'8 Boesn't seive anything paiticulaily Rochesteiian, but it is a local fast-foou joint with
goou buigeis, fiies, anu fiosteu-mug ioot beei. http:www.TomWahls.com


` D#"%8 A tienuy setting in the East Enu anu a menu baseu on fiesh, local ingieuients with a
seasonal menu. Especially goou seafoou options, incluuing oystei platteis. Baily specials.
Consistently voteu the best upscale iestauiant in Rochestei by City Nagazine. Reseivations
iecommenueu. http:2vine.com (S8S) 4S4-6u2u

<4B=4 <#'(&+8 Locateu uowntown within walking uistance of bais anu othei nightlife. Relatively
seasonal menu anu a iaw bai. Reseivations iecommenueu. http:www.bambabistio.com
(S8S) 244 868u

63#=1%'8 A Neighboihoou of the Aits iestauiant with a seasonal, quiiky menu anu goou maitinis.
Cozy ambiance. 7u4 0niveisity Ave http:www.euiblesiochestei.com (S8S) 271-491u

:++; <2,7) A small-plates iestauiant with some cieative options anu excellent chaicuteiie anu
cheese platteis. uoou cocktails. Locateu in an olu inuustiial builuing, this place gets pietty louu at
night. http:www.iestauiantgoouluck.com (S8S) S4u 6161

<"&.+) Focuses on locally souiceu anu sustainable foou. Lento has a seafoou bai with lobstei,
oysteis on the half shell anu ciab, anu all pastas aie homemaue. Theie aie always seveial
vegetaiian options. http:www.lentoiestauiant.com (S8S) 271 S47u

24? +, 64'(B4" ;14.%8 Convenient to the RP0, this place tenus to catei to a slightly oluei ciowu.
Locally souiceu foou anu a goou wine list. Not always the most inventive.
http:www.maxiochestei.neteastman-place (S8S) 697 u491

>/% -4==#( -++B8 Locateu slightly out-of-the-way in Bonoeye Falls, seiving local piouuce anu
oiganic meats. Theie is also a foui-couise piix fixe.
http:www.theloweimill.commenusinuex.htm (S8S) S82-18Su

-++"%)F'8 The menu changes uaily at this place on a small iesiuential stieet. The plantain-ciusteu
shiimp (when available) aie highly iecommenueu. Pietty woou-paneleu inteiioi with a bit of a
Euiopean flavoi. http:www.RooneysRestauiant.com (S8S) 442-u444


=5&+(%2/ >%/?>?@2") This place is packeu on weekenus, anu with goou ieason: its baibecue is
aiguably the best in Rochestei (iivaliy coming mainly fiom Sticky Lips). If you'ie fiom New Yoik
City, the Binosaui Bai-B-Que in Bailem is a uescenuant of this oiiginal location.
http:BinosauiBaiBQue.com (S8S) S2S-7u9u

0(#.@) 9#I'8 This 194u's-themeu joint seives authentic BBQ anu othei Southein-style options.
Befinitely woith checking out (tiy the fiieu pickles). www.StickyLipsBBQ.com Nain (S8S) 288-


<4B=++ M+7'%8 Seives a pietty classic Ameiican Chinese iepeitoiie as well as uishes in clay pot anu
some Thai options. Beliveiy available. http:www.bamboohouse.us (S8S) S19 S1S6

H/%" N4&3%"8 voteu the best Chinese iestauiant in Rochestei in 2u1u. Actually has a faiily nice
inteiioi ucoi. Some unusual uishes (jellyfish). Thai foou also available. Beliveiy available.
http:www.chengaiuen.com (S8S) 241-Su7u

H/#"4 <7,,%(8 Pietty stanuaiu Chinese buffet (ieau: iiuiculous ucoi) foi faiily low piice. Two
locations. http:ChinaBuffetRochestei.com (S8S) 427-u24u

T#"A 9#8 Also known as "That Place in the Nt. Bope Plaza," offeis the most convenient ueliveiy to
Stiong. Bas aiguably the best fiieu iice in the city, anu also some goou uinnei anu lunch specials
(until S p.m.). Beliveiycaiiy-out only. (S8S) 2S6 288u

2#"AF' O++31%'8 Cantonese-style iestauiant that has pieviously won the awaiu foi Best Chinese
Restauiant in the city. Theie aie (unsuipiisingly) seveial types of nooules, incluuing soba anu bean
nooules. Also seives teiiyaki. Beliveiycaiiy-out only. http:www.NingsNooule.com (S8S) 244-

O7B=%& :"% H/#"%'% -%'(47&4"(8 Becent place on South Ave. The inteiioi is not that pleasant, but
it's fine foi ueliveiy. You can oiuei online, but it sometimes takes foievei. Beliveiycaiiy-out only.
http:newnumbeione.com (S8S) 442 SuSu

a7BB) N4&3%"8 Beliveis until late (2 a.m.) anu also has vegan options. No alcohol. Two locations
(most convenient to Stiong is the Neigs St. location). http:www.Yummyuaiuens.com (S8S) 288-

Bim Sum:

N+13%" ;+&(8 The uim sum heie is actually pietty meuiocie, but it is locateu uowntown anu also has
othei options (you can oiuei fiom the sushi iestauiant, owneu by the same piopiietoi, next uooi).
http:thesiamiestauiant.com (S8S) 2S6-178u

O%W H4"(+"%'%8 Potentially the best uim sum in the aiea. Theie aie push caits on Satuiuays anu
Sunuays, anu you can oiuei uim sum off the menu at othei times. (S8S) 272-9126

0/4"A/4#8 uoou uim sum (Sunuays only) anu all the othei iegulai options at othei times. Also
seives vietnamese-style pho. http:www.ShanghaiChineseRoc.com (S8S) 424-4uuu


X1+7& H#() 5#"%&8 This place is almost univeisally consiueieu to have been bettei in its olu location,
but the East Ave. option is still woith a visit. Well-known foi biunch options like eggs Beneuict anu
Bouibon Fiench toast. http:www.FlouiCityBinei.com (S8S) S46-66u7

M#A/14"3 ;4&@ 5#"%&8 This is a tiue 194u's uinei, piobably the only iemaining one of those
manufactuieu by the 0ileans Binei Company. Bas gotten some national fame thiough inclusion in
vaiious cookbooks. Pietty tiauitional faie, but oft-voteu Best Binei in the city. (S8S) 461-Su4u

2(P M+I% 5#"%&8 You can't get moie convenient than this pietty stanuaiu uinei locateu in the White
Coat uhetto. Seivice is goou anu Wi-Fi is fiee. (S8S) 2S6-19S9

T4)F' 5#"%&8 Tiauitional uinei with jukeboxes at eveiy table anu goou bieakfast pastiies. Clutch foi
being open 24 houis. (S8S) 424-S71u


J=)''#"#48 Peihaps the best Ethopian in the city, anu 0ofR stuuents get a 1S% uiscount. The injeia
is acceptable, anu the kifto is goou. Theie is also a tiauitional mesob (Ethiopian uining table).
(S8S) 262 S91u

9#17 H4,Q8 Still tiying to woik out some kinks (openeu iecently, in 2u1u). Really hit-oi-miss:
sometimes the foou is amazing, at othei times it's . less so. http:www.lilucafe.com
(S8S) 41S-192S


M4$%1#8 0f the Inuian options in Rochestei, peihaps the most Ameiicanizeu. Theie is a buffet, but it
iuns $12 pei peison. http:www.BineAtBaveli.com (S8S) 427-u4Su

C"3#4" M+7'%8 voteu best Inuian iestauiant in 2u1u. Also has a gioceiy stoie acioss the stieet.
Theie is a lunch buffet Nonuay-Satuiuay. A bit oveipiiceu. http:www.InuiaBouse.com
(S8S) 461-u88u

O%W >4b C"3#4 H7#'#"%8 Locateu in Coinhill at Coinhill lanuing. Theie is a uecent lunch buffet anu
classic uinnei options with some faie that you won't finu othei places. The seivice can be slow.
http:www.newtajinuia.net (S8S) S46-777S

>/41# +, C"3#48 A little out-of-the-way, but gieat faie with excellent naan. The wait can be
inteiminable on weekenus. http:ThaliofInuia.com (S8S) S27-8uSu


<4..+F'8 A small place in the Paik Ave. aiea. 0n the expensive siue foi stanuaiu Italian faie, but
excellent appetizeis anu uesseits. (S8S) 442-Su9u

M%"&) <F'8 Bas been falling out of favoi, but in the past this place was known foi goou Italian,
incluuing pasta uishes. Seivice is hit-oi-miss. http:www.heniybs.com (S8S) 7Su-817u

94 97"48 Locateu in the Bigh Falls Bistiict, this new iestauiant has a gieat wateifiont location.
uoou Italian faie, with a nice choice of salaus, meats like saltimbocca anu maisala, anu pasta uishes.
http:lalunaiestauiant.net (S8S) 2S2-S862

2#./%1#"4F' C(41#4" 64(%&)8 0lu-school Sicilian foou with a 1u% uiscount foi Rochestei stuuents.
Bomemaue sauces anu, often, pastas. http:www.Nichelinas.net (S8S) 424-Su4u

2+"&+%F'8 A new place on Nonioe Ave. in Pittsfoiu, seiving panini anu flat-bieau pizzas with a full
bai. http:www.monioesSuu1.com (S8S) S48-91uS

;4"% D#"+8 0pscale Italian oveilooking the uenesee Rivei anu the Kouak Towei. uieat wine list
(you can almost always oiuei wine by the glass) anu foou with excellent, bolu flavois.
http:www.panevinoiistoiante.com (S8S) 2S2-6u9u

;+&(+,#"+ <#'(&+ 4"3 <4&8 Romantic place seiving classic Italian, incluuing pastas anu meat uishes,
anu seafoou appetizeis. http:www.poitofinoiochestei.com (S9S) 427-u11u

-#'(+&4"(% 97.4"+8 A well-kept seciet with a location neai the East Ave. Wegman's. uoou foou with
wine anu beei available. Reseivations iecommenueu. http:iistoiantelucano.com (S8S) 244-S46u

*+,,+) uieat place to take the paients. Amazing ambiance with a constantly changing menu anu
amazing gelato. http:ioccoiochestei.com (S8S) 4S4-SS1u


J&#A4(+ 0(%4@ M+7'%8 Woith it if you'ie looking foi a hibachi iestauiant (Benihana-style). The all-
you-can-eat sushi is a bit of a iip-off because you can't choose what you'll get. 1u% uiscount foi
0ofR stuuents. http:aiigatosteakhouseanusushi.com (S8S) 292-1111

M#=4./# 07'/# <7,,%(8 This new place has at least 1u buffet tables of iotating items (}apanese,
Chinese, Ameiican, hibachi, sushi anu ice cieam). (S8S) 272-9988

M+7'% +, 07'/#8 The plus is that this place is locateu in the East Enu. The minus is that the sushi is
ieally hit-oi-miss: sometimes excellent, sometimes of questionable oiigin.
http:www.TheBouse0fSushi.com (S8S) S46-248u

;#&4"/48 Inteiesting foi its combination of sushi anu tapas. Questionable foi its . questionable
sushi. 1u% uiscount foi 0ofR stuuents. http:www.PiianhaSushiBai.com (S8S) S6u-27S4

;17B N4&3%"8 The hibachi siue of this iestauiant is enteitaining, but the seivice is questionable. 0n
the othei siue of the iestauiant, you can have tiauitional }apanese-Ameiican faie with excellent
sushi anu goou cocktails. (S8S) S81-87Su

0/#@#8 The unassuming exteiioi hiues what is maybe the fieshest, best sushi in the city.
http:www.ShikiRestauiant.com (S8S) 271-2u9u


0+34B c+&%4" -%'(47&4"(8 Excellent Koiea place with two locations. uieat bulgogi, soups, kimchi,
anu othei specialties. (S8S) 47S-981u

a+7"AF' c+&%4" -%'(47&4"(8 Staiteu by a foimei chef at Seoul uaiuen (a not-iecommenueu Koiean
option in Rochestei). uieat-tasting Koiean foou with hit-oi-miss seivice. (S8S) 427-76Su


J1433#"F' O4(7&41 64(%&)8 Seveial locations, with the most convenient one on Nonioe Ave. south of
the Paik Ave. uistiict. 0ffeis fiee Wi-Fi. Bas iepeateuly won the Best Neuiteiianean Restauiant
awaiu, incluuing in 2u1u. Faiily classic Ameiican uieek faii, but with no pieseivatives anu using
only natuial meats anu piouuce. http:www.Alauuins0nline.com (S8S) 442-Suuu

J'(+&#48 0n Nonioe Ave. 0ffeis gyios anu othei stanuaiu faie. Not many vegetaiian options.
(S8S) 271-4uSS

6&+'8 Seives Neuiteiianean-Ameiican cuisine. The lunch menu favois sanuwiches, while the uinnei
menu has a nice selection of giilleu pizzas, fish, anu meats. http:www.eiosiestauiant.com
(S8S) 246-22Su


5+&43+8 Locateu in the Paik Ave. aiea, seiving toitas, enchilauas, buiiitos, tacos, quesauillas, mole,
anu othei options. Calls itself "Latin Fusion" foi ieasons that aie not ieauily appaient.
http:www.uoiauopaikave.com (S8S) 244-8S6u

61 5+&43+ 2%?#.4" -%'(47&4"(8 Remoueleu in 2u1u, this place is iun by an excellent Nexican chef.
The seivice is not always the best, but you'll get ieal baibacoa, choiizo, anu queso fiesco.
(S8S) 486-417u

T+/"F' >%?]2%? 64(%&)8 Foimeily known as Taco }ohn's (foiceu to change names because of a
lawsuit) this place has Ameiicanizeu Nexican faie with much-appieciateu iock-bottom piices.
uoou beei selection. http:www.}ohnsTexNex.com (S8S) 2S2-S8Su

A%4"&%'( 6"B5,%& *"(.%2/%&.) A goou Nexican place that was awaiueu Best Nexican Restauiant
foi the past 4 yeais. Impossible to get into on weekenus. Excellent maigaiitas.
http:www.Salenas.com (S8S) 2S6-S98u


You know how people aie with pizza. Below, see a few highlights, but check out
http:iochesteinypizza.blogspot.com foi constant anu exhaustive ieviews.

H/%'(%& H4= ;#VV48 Locateu in the Paik Ave. aiea, this place pecializes in Chicago-style ueep uish.
Repeateuly voteu Best Pizza in Rochestei. http:www.ChesteiCab.comchesteicab
(S8S) 244-8211

2&P 0/+%'8 Becent pizza anu goou wings. They uonate pizza weekly to stuuents iunning oui 0R Well
clinics! 0nline oiueiing. http:www.mishoespizza.com (S8S) 442-Suuu

8%C% !++;?D5/"; 15EE%) Theie aie two locations, but the iecently openeu South Weuge one is the
most convenient. uieat, inventive, woou-fiieu pizzas (the kitchen is outuoois - in -+./%'(%&) anu
uecent wine selection. Skip the uesseits. http:www.napawooufiieu.com (S8S) 2SS-S2Su

;#VV4 0(+I8 This is a favoiite local pizza place. Not the most convenient, but consiueieu to be among
the best pizza in Rochestei. http:www.pizzastop1.com (S8S) S46-72S2

;+"(#11+F'8 This place is the laigest local chain, with 2S locations. You can get pizza by the pie oi by
the slice, anu thin ciust is bettei. Pontillo's has been voteu the best pizza place in Rochestei foi the
past 4 yeais. http:www.PontillosPizza.com

041$4(+&%'F8 Nultiple locations with ielatively speeuy ueliveiy (anu you can oiuei online).
Relatively thick, chewy ciust, but oveiall pietty goou. Also seives subs anu wings.
http:www.Salvatoies.com (S8S) 2S4-SSSS


6'4"8 Piobably the best Thai place in Rochestei, anu with the best options foi some goou heat. The
cuiiies aie quite goou, anu they have veiy cheap lunch specials. Locateu in Paik Ave.
http:www.EsanPaikAve.com (S8S) 271-2271

c#"A 4"3 C8 Bas to be mentioneu since it has won Best Asian Restauiant seveial times. The uishes
aie faiily Ameiicanizeu. http:www.TheKingAnuIThaiCuisine.com (S8S) 427-8u9u

>/4# >4'(%8 Conveniently locateu in the Nount Bope Plaza anu offeiing a uiscount foi 0ofR stuuents.
(S8S) 461-41S4

Tiauitional Ameiican:

>/% 5#'(#11%&)8 A populai local chain with a bianch neai the 0ofR. Seives buigeis, wings anu all the
classics. 2-foi-1 maigaiitas anu lots of othei uiink specials. http:www.TheBistilleiy.com
(S8S) 271-41uS

61BW++3 C""8 Locateu veiy close to the meuical school. Seives Ameiican appetizeis, entiees,
buigeis, anu even a gaibage plate. You can get a fiee biithuay uinnei. uoou beei selection.
http:www.elmwoouinn.net (S8S) 271-S19S


Foi othei options, see the 0ofR vegetaiian Ranking: http:uiveg.oigfoouiochestei.

O4(7&41 :4'#' H4,Q8 Becent place seiving vegetaiian anu Ethiopian options.
http:www.natuialoasisny.comcafe.htm (S8S) S2S-18S1

O4(7&41 D#=%'8 Cute }amaican iestauiant with a vegetaiian bent. (S8S) 2SS-u77u

FG4 H+2(") An upscale casual iestauiant with inexpensive vegetaiian, vegan anu gluten-fiee faie
anu a gieat beei selection. Tiy the sweet potato fiies with blue cheese anu stiawbeiiy jam (no,
seiiously). http:0wlBouseRochestei.com (S8S) S6u-292u


54. M+48 The place to go foi excellent, tiauitional vietnamese foou (check out the ueau baibecueu
animals in the winuow). veiy inexpensive (S8S) 2S2-6uS8

9%%F' D#%("4B%'% 04"3W#./%'8 If you'ie ciaving banh mi, this new joint is the place to go.
(S8S) Su6-9Su6

;/+ 57+"A 5+"A8 This place specializes in pho, but also offeis othei options, incluuing banh mi.
http:www.PhoBuongBong.com (S8S) 2S4-812u


As you might imagine, theie aie a lot of bais in Rochestei. We'll covei those neai school, Alexanuei
St. anu the East Enu, Nonioe anu Paik Ave., anu the South Weuge.


>/% 5#'(#11%&)8 uieat uiink specials (2-foi-1 maigaiitas, $2.Su pints). veiy populai foi aftei-exam
gatheiings. (See also in Restauiants, below). 1142 Nt. Bope Ave.

0/%&#34"F'8 An Iiish place veiy close to the White Coat uhetto, anu a populai place among meuical
stuuents. uoou beei selection anu ielatively cheap. Also seives foou. Pieviously, they have let
meuical-school banus play heie. 1SS1 Nt. Bope Ave.

AlexanueiEast Enu8

M4$4"4 2+%F'8 A bai that is also a cigai shop anu, consequently, one of the few places you can
smoke inuoois in Rochestei. Fiee shots uuiing Nonuay Night Football. 12S East Ave.

24((/%WF' 64'( 6"3 N&#118 Bai anu giill with stanuaiu foou anu goou quesauillas. Spoits-bai
atmospheie. 2uu East Ave.

2+"()F' c+&"%&8 A Euiopean-themeu bai. Nellow atmospheie - a gieat place to watch a soccei
game. You can biing foou fiom neaiby iestauiants. S6S East Ave.

27&I/)F' 94W8 A classic Iiish pub. S7u East Ave.

:13 >+438 A Biitish-themeu pub staffeu by Biitish exchange stuuents. Theie aie boaiu games anu a
uait boaiu anu open tiivia on Nonuay. 277 Alexanuei.

;%4&18 A night club anu bai that specializes in house anu techno music. S49 East Ave.

041#"A%&F'8 A bai seiving 22 beei vaiieties with a pool table, uaits, buck huntei, anu a jukebox. 1u7
East Ave.

Nonioe anu Paik Ave.:

J$%"7% ;7=P8 uay bai on Nonioe Ave. S22 Nonioe Ave.

>/% <7A T4&8 A two-ioom bai (one is the bai with games, the othei is foi B}s anu music). B}s on
Sunuay, Nonuay, Weunesuay anu Fiiuay anu live music most othei nights. Nonuays aie 8u's nights.
219 Nonioe Ave.

5&4A+",1) >4$%&"8 uoou bai with pizza anu othei foou options. 72S Paik Ave.

T5 :?,+&3F'8 Seives pub foou until 9 p.m. anu has a uecent beei selection with pinball, uaits anu a
jukebox. 6S6 Nonioe Ave.

T%&%B#4/F' >4$%&"8 A pub with ieally excellent wings anu othei foou options. 11u4 Nonioe Ave.

;4&@ <%"./8 Pietty stanuaiu bai with bai foou anu a classic oineiy piopiietoi. 4S9 Nonioe Ave.

South Weuge:

H4$%&1)F' C&#'/ ;7=8 Iiish bai with uaits. 741 South Ave.

H+1+")8 A bai anu giill with uaily uiink specials. uo theie on Tuesuay foi kaiaoke anu Su-cent
uiafts. SuS South Ave.

61#?#&8 Nice atmospheie. Not many beeis on tap, but mixeu uiinks aie seiveu with miu-shelf liquoi.
Kaiaoke Satuiuays. 9S8 Clinton Ave.

97?8 An "alteinative" bai with a hammock, ciafts night, boaiu games, anu an excellent music
selection. 666 South Ave.

0711)F' ;7=8 Beeis, liquoi anu pizza. 242 South Ave.

>4I 4"3 2411%(8 Beei-themeu bai with a goou ciaft beei selection (no haiu liquoi). Also seives foou.
S81 uiegoiy St.


Ni. Rochestei's Leaining 0bjectives anu Quick Tips foi finuing something to uo in Rochestei:

1. Reau the "City" newspapei oi check out theii Web site to ieau about upcoming events
2. "City" also has an e-mail list that you can join foi fiee. Eveiy Thuisuay, you'll get an e-mail
highlighting events foi the coming weekenu
S. Look at the Eastman School calenuai of events
4. Check out the RP0 scheuule (http:www.ipo.oig)

Calenuai of events:

August J,&#.4"dJ,&#.4"]JB%&#.4" X%'(#$418 uenesee valley Paik. Foou, enteitainment,
Afiican uium anu uance, aits anu ciafts. http:iochesteiabove.oig
;7%&(+ -#.4" X%'(#$418 Fiontiei Fielu. Salsa, cultuial events.
1%/7 IJ"K A2$$"/ I/.( D"(.) Paik Ave. Foou, games, aits anu ciafts venuois anu
exhibitois. http:www.paik-avenue.oigevents.html
-<<H 9+$% eO N+'I%1 X%'(8 uianu Ave. Paik. uospel music, foou.
;4A%4"( +, 0(%4B8 Cananuaigua. Antique steam engine show.
64'( 6"3 O#A/(1#,% X%'(#$418 East Enu. Bais, clubs anu iestauiants open onto the
H4&#,%'( 4"3 ;4&43%8 Riveisiue Festival Site. Caiibbean-themeu paiaue anu
festival. http:www.iwifo.com
04"@+,4 27'#.Y 54".% 4"3 J&(' X%'(#$418 village uate. Poetiy, uiumming, music,
JB%"3B%"( X%'(#$418 Nonioe Ave. Celebiation of the gianting of women's
!@&4#"#4" X%'(#$418 St. }osaphat 0kiainian Chuich.
X4#&I+&( 27'#. 4"3 X++3 X%'(#$418 Faiipoit village.
U%3A%'(+.@8 South Ave. Focuses on music, but theie is also foou anu othei
enteitainment. http:www.weugestock.oig
Septembei 94=+& 54) ;4&43%8 Bowntown. http:ci.iochestei.ny.us
-+./%'(%& C&#'/ X%'(#$418 Camp Eastman, Buianu Eastman Paik. Iiish music, uance,
woikshops. http:www.iochesteiiiishfestival.oig
H1+(/%'1#"% J&(' X%'(#$418 Nemoiial Ait ualleiy. Aits anu ciafts anu live
:@(+=%&,%'(8 Camp Eastman, Buianu Eastman Paik. ueiman music, uancing, foou
anu beei.
;7&I1% X++( X%'(#$418 Casa Laiga vineyaius, Faiipoit. uiape stomping, wine tasting,
live music. http:www.casalaiga.com
D"(.5J%4 +L D++;) Public Naiket. Samples fiom aiea iestauiants, wineiies,
faimeis. http:www.festivaloffoou.oig
0ctobei M4&$%'( T4B=+&%% 4"3 H+7"(&) X4#&8 Rochestei Public Naiket. Seasonal faie,
hayiiues. http:www.cityofiochestei.gov
-+./%'(%& -#$%& -+B4".%dM%43 +, (/% N%"%'%% -%A4((48 uenesee Rivei.
Enteitainment, boat touis, hikes, iegatta.
CB4A%:7( X#1B X%'(#$418 Biyuen anu Little theateis. uay anu lesbian film festival.
H+17B=7' 54) ;4&43%8 Nain St. http:www. Columbusuayiochestei.oig
94"3B4&@ 0+.#%() N/+'( U41@8 "Tiue" stoiies fiom Rochestei's past tolu by guiues
in peiiou costume. http:www.lanumaiksociety.oig
g++ <++8 Seneca Zoo. Balloween event at the zoo, taigeteu laigely at kius.
Becembei a71%(#3% #" (/% H+7"(&)8 uenesee Countiy village anu Nuseum. 19
celebiation. http:www.gcv.oig
-+./%'(%& O%W a%4&F' 6$% H%1%=&4(#+"8 Nain St. Family-fiienuly with fiiewoiks.
}anuaiy U#"(%&,%'(8 Nenuon Ponus Paik. Ice boating, ice fishing, sleuuing.
Febiuaiy X#&% 4"3 C.% X%'(#$418 Casa Laiga, Faiipoit. Wine tasting, ice bai, foou.
94@%'#3% U#"(%& H%1%=&4(#+"8 0ntaiio Beach Paik. Polai Plunge, ice sculptuies,
uog-sleuuing uemonstiations, sleigh iiues. http:www.cityofiochestei.gov
Naich 0(P ;4(&#.@F' 54) ;4&43%8 East Ave.E. Nain St. http:www.iochesteipaiaue.com
Nay -+./%'(%& M#A/ X411' C"(%&"4(#+"41 X#1B X%'(#$418 Little Theatei, Nemoiial Ait
ualleiy, Cinema Theatei, Biyuen Theatei. 8u films.
<54%, D"(.5J%4) Bighlanu Paik. 0vei Suu vaiieties of lilacs, foou, games.
2%B+&#41 54) ;4&43%8 Bowntown. http:ci.iochestei.ny.us
N&%%@ X%'(#$418 uieek 0ithouox Chuich, East Ave. Foou, uancing.
}une h%&+? -+./%'(%& C"(%&"4(#+"41 T4VV X%'(#$418 http:www.Rochestei}azz.com
24I1%W++3 -+'% X%'(#$418 Naplewoou Paik. 0vei S,uuu ioses anu activities foi
chiluien anu auults.
;4&() #" (/% ;4&@8 Riveisiue Festival Site thiough August. Live music.
}uly M+/& H544 I/.( D"(.5J%4) Coin Bill. http:www.coinhillaitsfestival.com
-+./%'(%& ;&#3%8 1u-uay gay anu lesbian piiue festival.
<#A -#= <<i 4"3 <17%' X%'(8 Bighlanu Paik Festival Site.
<+713%& X%'(#$418 Bouluei Coffee Co., South Weuge. Live music.
2+"&+% H+7"() X4#&8 Beniietta. Agiicultuial exhibits, venuois, foou, miuway.
0I%".%&I+&( H4"41 54)'8 Spenceipoit. Nusic, exhibitois, foou, games.

Piofessional spoits:

-+./%'(%& JB%&@'8 Bockey. http:www.ameiks.com

-+./%'(%& c"#A/(/4W@'8 Inuooi laciosse. National Laciosse League. http:www.knighthawks.net

-+./%'(%& -4#3%&'8 Inuooi football. http:www.iochesteiiaiueis.com

-+./%'(%& -4((1%&'8 0utuooi laciosse. Eastein uivision. http:www.iochesteiiattleis.com

-+./%'(%& -4V+&0/4&@'8 Basketball. Piemiei Basketball League. http:www.iazoishaiks.com

-+./%'(%& -%3 U#"A'8 Baseball. AAA team affiliate of Ninnesota Twins.

-+./%'(%& -/#"+'8 Soccei. 0SL 1
uivision. http:www.ihinossoccei.com

Touiist sites:

:%&+&;%#%& A.%." H5(.+/5, A5.") visit this famous Native Ameiican community wheie thousanus
of Seneca liveu Suu yeais ago, toui a full-size ieplica of a 17th- centuiy Seneca Baik Longhouse,
walk miles of self-guiueu tiails anu climb the mesa wheie a huge palisaueu gianaiy stoieu
hunuieus of thousanus of bushels of coin. Nay 1-Sept. Su
. $S. http:www.ganonuagan.oig

N%"%'%% H+7"(&) D#114A% 4"3 27'%7B8 This attiaction incluues a histoiic village (featuiing authentic
faims, 19
-centuiy foou, anu peiiou builuings anu costumes), natuie walks anu tiails, anu the }ohn
L. Wehle Ait ualleiy. Nay 14-0ct. 16. $4.Su anu up. http:www.gcv.oig

:"+/#" N%(.$%& H+2(") As the woilu's pieeminent museum of photogiaphy, Eastman Bouse caies
foi anu inteipiets hunuieus of thousanus of photogiaphs encompassing the full histoiy of this
meuium. visitois can also exploie the iestoieu mansion anu exquisite gaiuens that was once home
to ueoige Eastman, founuei of the Eastman Kouak Company. Also check out the Biyuen Theatei, an
exhibition space foi an amazing collection of films. Tuesuay-Sunuay. $S foi stuuents.

9%-+) M#'(+&#.41 0+.#%() 4"3 T%11]: N411%&)8 Bistoiic LeRoy anu the }ell-0 Nuseumualleiy aie
locateu in westein New Yoik, Su minutes southwest of Rochestei. Leain all about the histoiy of
}ell-0 anu maybe pick up a few iecipes while you'ie at it. Apiil 1-Bec. S1. $4.Su.

24&) T%B#'+" 4"3 04B ;4(./ <+4( >+7&'8 0peiateu by the Coin Bill Navigation company, these
boats offei ciuises on the Eiie Canal anu the uenesee Rivei. $1u foi stuuents.

6+2&. H+C" M"$"."/O) The fiist victoiian cemeteiy in the countiy, this cemeteiy acioss fiom the
hospital is the final iesting place foi Fieueiick Bouglass anu Susan B. Anthony.

O4(#+"41 U+B%"F' M411 +, X4B%8 The women anu men of Seneca Falls cieateu the National Women's
Ball of Fame in 1969, believing that the contiibutions of Ameiican women ueseiveu a peimanent
home. Leain about the women who have shapeu oui nation's histoiy. Closeu in }anuaiy. $1.Su foi
stuuents. http:www.gieatwomen.oig.

-+./%'(%& 4"3 N%"%'%% D411%) -4#1&+43 27'%7B8 visitois enjoy a fun uay of tiain thiough the
museum's tiain, tiolley anu cai iiues, hanus-on exhibits anu guiueu touis. Nay-0ctobei. $7.

*+,-"(."/ 62("2$ %&; A,5"&," M"&."/) The museum offeis thiee floois of hanus-on exhibitions in
science & technology, natuial science, anu cultuial heiitage to exploie. An exciting vaiiety of
expeiiences, fiom blockbustei exhibitions to camps, classes, anu Live Science! uemonstiations.
Also check out the Stiasenbuigh Planetaiium, offeiing lasei shows, stai shows, simulateu space
missions, anu telescope viewing. $9, $2 extia foi planetaiium. http:www.imsc.oig

-+.@W%11 27'%7B +, U%'(%&" J&(8 The Nuseum boasts the finest Ameiican Westein anu Native
Ameiican ait collection this siue of the Nississippi. Westein anu Native Ameiican ait anu cultuie
aie the focal points foi engaging, uynamic exhibitions anu euucational events. $S.Su foi stuuents.

A./+&# 8%.5+&%4 62("2$ +L 14%O8 Recognizeu as one of the nation's top museums foi families anu
chiluien, Stiong National Nuseum of Play is home to the National Toy Ball of Fame, the National
Centei foi the Bistoiy of Electionic uames, anu thewoilu's laigest collection of toys, uolls, games,
anu othei items that celebiate play. $1u, FREE F0R STR0Nu NENBERS.

07'4" <P J"(/+") M+7'%: This site shaies the stoiy of Susan B. Anthony's lifelong stiuggle to gain
voting iights foi women anu equal iights foi all. Closeu Nonuays. $S.


Rochestei is known as an impoitant musical cultuial centei, laigely because of the influence of the
top-iateu Eastman School of Nusic, which tiains peifoimeis in classical anu jazz music. Eastman's
Sibley Nusic Libiaiy, inciuentally, is the laigest acauemic music libiaiy in Noith Ameiica, anu is
open to meuical stuuents.

H14''#.41 4"3 +I%&48

O,219,0 ?5C&&" &. =#2<53 Foi those inteiesteu in attenuing high-quality musical peifoimances on
a meuical stuuent's buuget, Eastman is the place to go. Nost conceits aie fiee to 0R stuuents,
incluuing conceits with gieat aitists as }ohn Williams anu Robeit Shaw. The elegance anu acoustics
of the Eastman Theatie itself make the visit woithwhile. http:www.iochestei.euueastman

O,219,0 ?5C&&" &. =#2<5[ JG$;,3 0ne of the best opeia peifoimances you'll see in town is
thiough the Eastman School's opeia piogiam. Tow shows aie stageu each yeai, one in the wintei
anu one in the spiing. The stuuents aie among the most talenteu in the countiy anu typically stage
an impiessive peifoimance. http:www.iochestei.euueastman

>&5C21$<0 =#2<5 ?5C&&"3 The Bochstein Nusic School is a well-iespecteu community music school
offeiing many fiee conceits to stuuents, incluuing seveial populai annual piouuctions, such as
Banuel's 2%''#4/P http:www.hochstein.oig

=$;5#;F JG$;, K&5C$21$;3 Neicuiy 0peia Rochestei is the aiea's newest cultuial oiganization,
anu Westein New Yoik's only piofessional opeia company. 0nly in its thiiu season, this
oiganization peifoims foi the Rochestei aiea at Kouak Ball in Eastman Theatie. This coming
season incluues a combineu peifoimance with the Rochestei Philhaimonic 0ichestia featuiing the
woik of veiui. http:www.meicuiyopeiaiochestei.oig

K&5C$21$; HC<"C,;9&0<5 J;5C$21;,3 The RP0 is the inteinationally ienowneu oichestia
associateu with the Eastman School of Nusic. The RP0 puts on ovei 14u classical anu pops conceits
pei yeai, hosting ovei SSu,uuu pations. Though theii conceits aie not fiee to stuuents, uiscounts
aie available. All shows aie helu at the Eastman Theatie, at beautiful anu acoustically excellent
venue. http:www.ipo.oig


Check out these Web sites foi moie infoimation: http:singiochesteiny.livejouinal.com oi
http:www.choial-iochestei.oig. Below is only a small selection of choiis. Theie aie also many
chiluien's choiis.

/&05$01#23 A women's choius that focuses on classical compositions. http:www.concentus.oig

O,219,0AK&5C$21$; /C&;#23 Combining Eastman anu community voices. Pieuominantly classical
woiks. http:www.esm.iochestei.euuensembleseic

L$0$2$$ \,""$F J;5C$21;, ,07 /C&;#23 Piesenting classical woiks anu some musical selections.

VF;<5 /C&;,"$3 A mixeu choii of amateui anu piofessional men anu women who laigely peifoim
classical pieces. http:www.lyiicchoiale.oig

=,7;<8,"<,3 A small choii piesenting 16
- anu 17
-centuiy mauiigals anu motets.

K&5C$21$; L,F =$0T2 /C&<;3 Cuiiently enteiing its Su
yeai. Peifoims at the Bochstein School of
Nusic. http:www.theigmc.oig

K&5C$21$; D&9$0T2 /&99#0<1F /C&;#23 A not-foi-piofit non-auuitioneu choius.

T4VV 4"3 <17%'8

4-<"$0$ !,; ,07 V&#08$3 Although this noimally featuies alteinative, countiy anu Ameiicana,
Abilene slips in jazz fiom time to time. 1SS Libeity Pole Way

!$,"$ ?1;$$1 /,.]3 Live Blues anu music S uays with a week with no covei! 689 South Ave

!&- ?C&G 41;<#93 Live music eveiy Fiiuay, biinging national anu inteinational jazz anu blues
gieats. 274 Noith uoouman St

/",;<22,^2: Bome of live jazz, blues anu R&B. 0pen jam sessions eveiy Weunesuay. 29S Claiissa St.

B<0&2,#; !,;A!A_#$ Live music 6 nights a week incluuing jazz anu blues. 99 Couit St.

><8C @<7$"<1F: Featuiing a vaiiety of live music, BiFi has jazz eveiy once in a while. 17u East Ave.

V<11"$ +C$,1;$ /,.]: Live music S uays a week, featuiing jazz fiequently. 24u East Ave.

H,K$ !,; ,07 L;<""8 Enjoy live jazz some nights with a foievei amazing menu anu ielaxeu
atmospheie. 28SS Nonioe Ave.

?9&'<0T `&$T2 !,; N L;<"": Bosts live blues gioups among othei aitists S nights a week. 42S Lyell
Ave42S Lyell Ave)

;+I 4"3 &+.@8

!#8 `,;: Featuies live music 7 uays a week (plus uiink specials!). 219 Nonioe Ave.

=<"$21&0$2: This all live music venue biings in banus of eveiy soit, ianging fiom jazz to iock to
hip-hop. 17u East Ave

+C$ H$00F 4;5,7$: This iock-n-ioll club has been hosting live music since 197S! Come out anu
heai the local anu national iock banus S nights a week. 478S Lake Ave

D,1$; ?1;$$1 =#2<5 >,"": The laigest music hall in Rochestei featuies all foims of music
thioughout the yeai. 2u4 N. Watei Stieet

X+1@ 4"3 4.+7'(#.8

!<8 +;$$ =#2<53 National anu iegional names in an intimate setting. Youi best bet foi gieat folk
music. 12 South Winton

@<77"$;T2 L;$$03 Showcases folk anu Iiish banus. 46SS Lake Ave.

?,"$0,T23 Acoustic Flamenco guitai to accompany youi meal on weekenus. 274 N. uoouman St.

Novie theateis:

/<0$9, +C$,1;$3 0ne of the oluest continually iunning neighboihoou theateis in the 0niteu States.
Scieens a vaiiety of inuepenuent films anu some mainstieam movies. Also offeis the only uouble
featuie in town. http:www.cinemaiochestei.com

/<0$9,;' =&(<$2 ab3 The most convenient movie theatei to Stiong asiue fiom the Cinema. 0ffeis
$2 movie matinees.

B;F7$0 +C$,1$;3 Scieens Eastman Bouse's unpaialleleu collection of films. Check the Web site to
see what is going on. $6 foi stuuents. http:uiyuen.eastmanhouse.oig

V<11"$ +C$,1$;3 Youi best bet foi inuepenuent anu foieign films. Bas a nice caf insiue, anu is
pleasantly locateu in the East Enu. https:www.thelittle.oig

H<112.&;7 H",P, /<0$9, c3 Locateu in the Pittsfoiu Plaza convenient to the Baines anu Noble anu
the Pittsfoiu Wegman's.

K$8," >$0;<$11, /<0$9, ad3 Wheie to heau foi the latest blockbustei.


Foi moie infoimation, check out http:www.theatieiocs.oig.

<14.@,&#4&' >/%4(&%8 The Blackfiiais focus piimaiily on contempoiaiy woiks, typically staging one
musical anu foui uiamatic pieces annually. http:www.blackfiiais.oig

<&#'(+1 D411%) >/%4(%&8 Piouuces piofessional theatei foi a iuial anu iegional auuience.

5+W"'(4#&' H4=4&%( >/%4(%&8 This tioupe peifoims in an intimate space in the East Enu anu takes
on a wiue iange of shows fiom the new to the tiauitional. http:www.uownstaiiscabaiet.oig

N%$4 >/%4(%& H%"(%&8 The laigest piofessional theatie in New Yoik outsiue of New Yoik City, ueva
puts on six plays annually on its main stage. It also showcases seveial moie on the Nextstage, a
smallei venue, often showing oiiginal oi "in-uevelopment" shows. Though they uon't publicize it,
iush tickets aie usually available to stuuents foi $8 just befoie show time.

N&%4(%& -+./%'(%& -%I%&(+&) H+BI4"#%'8 Piouuces two shows a yeai, focusing on iegional talent.

THH H%"(%& 0(4A%8 Piouuces seveial musicals a yeai.

c41#34'8 An Inuo-Ameiican theatei gioup. http:www.kaliuastheatei.oig

2%(/+3 24./#"%8 A theatei tioupe focusing laigely on mouein anu contempoiaiy woiks.

O4V4&%(/ H+11%A% J&(' H%"(%&8 Beie you can expeiience the woik of seasoneu piofessionals anu
gifteu newcomeis as they uisplay theii talents in the galleiies, stages, anu peifoimance halls of
Nazaieth College. http:www.naz.euuueptaitscentei.

:,,]2+"&+% ;14)%&'8 Rochestei's uilbeit anu Sullivan company. http:www.off-monioeplayeis.oig

:7(]+,];+.@%( ;&+37.(#+"'8 Piouuces shows at minimal cost to uonate pioceeus to non-piofit
oiganizations. http:www.theatieiocs.oig0ut0fPocketR0Cette00P.html

;#((',+&3 27'#.41'8 Bome to amateui musical theatei. http:www.pittsfoiumusicals.oig

-J;J 64'( 6"3 >/%4(%&8 Piouuces musicals anu also offeis theatei, uance anu singing classes.

-+./%'(%&F' <14.@ 0/%%I >/%4(%&8 Amateui theatei gioup that piouuces seveial plays a yeai.

-+./%'(%& <&+43W4) >/%4(%& 9%4A7%8 Foi those who enjoy musical theatei, Rochestei Bioauway
Theatei League biing in seveial Bioauway touiing companies each yeai. 0sually
46stuuent iush tickets aie available at half piice an houi anu a half befoie cuitain time.

-+./%'(%& H/#13&%"F' >/%4(%&8 Piofessional actois piouuce plays foi chiluien of all ages. Also hosts a
summei conseivatoiy. http:www.iochesteichiluienstheatie.oig

-+./%'(%& H+BB7"#() ;14)%&'8 Piouuces mainstage piouuctions anu is also the home company foi
the Rochestei Shakespeaie Playeis, who piouuce a Shakespeaie in the Paik event eveiy summei at
the Bighlanu Bowl. http:www.iochesteicommunityplayeis.oig

>ac60 K>/%4(%& a+7"A c#3' 6"b+)L8 Piofessional theatei foi chiluien, stageu at the }CC.

!"1%4'/%3_ C2;-:D8 Chicago-style impiov tioupe that peifoims yeai-iounu at the }CC.

D#114A% C3#+('8 Impiov tioupe that also offeis classes. http:www.impiovvip.com


<+&#"R7%" 54".% >/%4(%&8 Featuiing Latin anu Pueito Rican uance, associateu with the Bochstein
School. http:www.hochstein.oig

N%+B4"(#.' 54".% >/%4(%&8 A school anu theatei foi "holistic movement euucation."

;4&@ J$%P 54".% H+BI4")8 Laigely a school, but piouuces some woiks by company choieogiapheis.

;!0M ;/)'#.41 >/%4(%&8 Avant-gaiue uancemovement peifoimances.

-+./%'(%& H#() <411%(8 Rochestei's contempoiaiy ballet company. Bas been gaining in ieputation in
the past few yeais, but still known laigely foi its piouuction of the O7(.&4.@%&. Theie aie uiscounts
foi stuuents. http:www.iochesteicityballet.com

J#17&&; ,51<(<1<$23

City paiks:

Foi moie infoimation about paiks (anu othei things!) visit http:www.cityofiochestei.gov.

H+==' M#118 Locateu at the inteisection of Nonioe Ave., Culvei Ru., anu Bighlanu Ave., this paik has
fielus, basketball anu tennis couits anu a hilltop ieseivoii with a paveu tiack aiounu it anu nice
views of the city anu suiiounuing aiea.

57&4"(]64'(B4" ;4&@8 This paik on the shoie of Lake 0ntaiio may be the nicest paik of all in
Rochestei. With sanu beaches, foiest tiails anu baibecue shelteis, it makes a goou place to kick
aiounu foi an afteinoon.

N%"%'%% D411%) ;4&@ KND;L8 This paik is closest to Stiong. You'll get acquainteu with uvP at
oiientation on Community Seivice Bay. Theie is goou access to the canal paths, nice fielus, anu
baibecue shelteis.

M#A/14"3 ;4&@8 }ust noith of the 0 oi R, this paik is veiy hilly with lots of big tiess, paveu paths anu
a banu sheltei. It plays host to the annual Lilac Festival in Nay.

24I1%W++3 ;4&@ 4"3 -+'% N4&3%"8 Boasts a nationally accieuiteu iose gaiuen, anu also has views of
two of the wateifalls in the uenesee Rivei uoige. Theie is a ponu foi fishing, anu the uenesee
Riveiway Tiail iuns thiough it.

6"&;+& 1+&;() At 2,Suu acies, Nenuon Ponus is the laigest paik in the county. Theie aie well-
maintaineu tiails anu, as you might suspect, an abunuance of ponus. uoou foi iunning in the
summei anu snowshoeing oi cioss-countiy skiing in the wintei. Theie is also a natuie centei anu,
uuiing the summei, a butteifly gaiuen.


-+43 =#@#"A8 Riuing in the city can be a bit hectic, but feai not, goou teiiain is only minutes to the
south. 0nce you get a few miles south of the city, eveiything opens up anu you aie iiuing on empty
ioaus suiiounueu by faims. A little fuithei south (about 1S to 2u miles) anu you stait to hit the
Biistol Bills, anu they aie a goou option if you want to get in some hills. 0ne populai iiue is to heau
south on Clovei Roau to Nenuon ponus oi fuithei on to Boneoye Falls. The Fingei Lake iegion has
gieat iiuing too, anu Lake Cananuaigua is a shoit Su to 4u mile iiue. Riuing on the canal path is one
alteinative to fighting tiaffic, but on nice uays it is often too ciowueu foi anyone wishing to iiue
fast. Check out the local bike clubs foi gioup iiues, iaces anu bike ioutes.

2+7"(4#" =#@#"A8 0nfoitunately it is illegal to bike on any tiails in the Nonioe County Paiks. This
iule is pietty stiictly enfoiceu anu the Paiks Bepaitment will slap you with a hefty fine if it catches
you. Theie aie some options outsiue of Nonioe county though that aie pietty goou. The closest is
in victoi in Byei Paik. The biking heie is faiily tame as the tiails aie well maintaineu, but it is the
closest legal mountain biking to school. About an houi south of the city is Baiiiety Bollistei
Recieational Aiea wheie you can also go biking. Theie aie some wiuei well maintaineu tiails useu
foi cioss countiy skiing anu also some single tiacts weaving thiough the woous. Check out the
Rochestei XC-ski founuation website foi uiiections to the paik. Letchwoith State Paik also allows
mountain biking but you have to pay a fee to uiive youi cai thiough the paik.


These aie some of the notable public clubs. Theie aie also many piivate countiy clubs.

57&4"3 64'(B4" ;4&@8 Beautiful sceneiy - locateu on Lake 0ntaiio. $16 weekuays, $17 weekenus
foi 18 holes. http:www.golfthepaiks.com

N%"%'%% D411%) ;4&@8 veiy conveniently close to school anu ieasonably piiceu. $16 weekuays; $17
weekenus foi 18 holes. http:www.golfthepaiks.com

;4&@$#%W X4#&W4)'8 18-hole couise with pietty views. $29 weekuays; $S6 foi 18 holes weekenus
foi 18 holes. http:www.paikviewgc.com.

-4$%"W++38 This is top-of-the-line foi the Rochestei aiea with state of the ait facility anu golf shop.
$48 weekuay; $S8 weekenu foi 18 holes. http:www.Ravenwoouuolf.com

0/43+W 94@%'8 This club featuies two 18-hole couises that aie both challenging anu enjoyable. $27
weekuay; $SS weekenu foi 18 holes. http:www.iochesteigolfcouises.com

Camping anu hiking:

Theie aie lots of gieat tiails anu, notably, wateifalls, in the aiea. Check out infoimation fiom the
Auiionuack Nountain Club: http:www.gvc-auk.oig.

M-5$&"O >42LL( A.%." 1%/7) Lanu anu watei combineu heie to sculpt a pietty ciazy lanuscape of
spiies. Theie aie picnic aieas anu natuie tiails. About a 4u-minute uiive fiom Rochestei.

X411 <&++@ X411'8 A 7u-foot wateifall that is accesseu by a Su-minute hike. To get to the base of the
wateifall, you neeu to cioss a pietty steep canyon wall (woith it). To get theie, take I-S9u south to
Roau 2uA. Tuin iight on Lakeville, continue on South Stieet, anu beai iight on NY 6S. Pull off to the
iight-hanu shouluei aftei about half a mile anu you shoulu see a tiail leauing into the woous.

X#"A%& 94@%' >&4#18 The main Fingei Lakes Tiail is SS8 miles long, anu the whole system offeis
neaily 1,uuu miles of hiking. Theie aie campsites anu shelteis available.

<".,-G+/.- A.%." 1%/7) About an houi anu a half south of Rochestei, this paik is goigeous,
featuiing seveial wateifalls anu many hiking tiails. Theie aie many campsites anu picnic aieas.
Bon't be tempteu to cioss the Spiuei Biiuge (it's illegal . but it uoes have some nice views).


Anyone ovei the age of 16 iequiies a fishing license. Foi infoimation, see
http:www.uec.ny.govpeimits6u91.html. Check out www.iocwiki.oig anu theii link to Shane
Bale's Spots at http:iocwiki.oigFishing. Tiout anu salmon stieams aie abunuant in upstate New
Yoik, anu even in the Rochestei aiea. Sanuy Cieek, neai Bamlin Beach, west of the city, has iuns of
salmon, steelheau anu biown tiout. Iionuequoit Cieek anu the lowei
S1uenesee, both moie oi less in the city, aie also fishable, but a tiip uown to the Fingei Lakes oi
east to the mountains may be piefeiable.


The Eiie Canal anu the uenesee Rivei aie the easiest options if you want to get youi feet wet. Foi
longei pauules the Auiionuacks offei many gieat options fiom long iivei anu lake tiips to ponu
hopping thiough the St. Regis Canoe aiea. The Thousanu Islanus anu the St. Lawience seaways aie
also only a few houis away anu offei some gieat aieas to pauule aiounu anu camp in. If youi tastes
iun moie towaius the fastei moving watei, theie aie actually places to finu some whitewatei. The
closest is a shoit man- maue whitewatei couise at Lock S2 in Pittsfoiu. Foi some faiily gentle
iapius, you can south to Letchwoith State Paik. These aie mostly class I anu II anu aie often
swaimeu by the iafting tiips. The Salmon Rivei noith of Syiacuse is only about two houis away
anu offeis some fastei moving watei.

N%"%'%% U4(%&W4)' H%"(%&8 0ne location is acioss fiom school, anu the othei is in Pittsfoiu neai
uWC's whitewatei couise. They offei iowing, sculling, canoeing anu kayaking, anu you can also
take lessons. You can also become a membei anu stoie youi boat theie if you have one.

2%"3+" ;+"3' ;4&@8 Bas a launch foi kayaks anu canoes. http:www.monioecounty.govpaiks-


>/5(.+4 6+2&.%5&) At only 4u min. uiive away, Biistol is aiguably the best tiuly local ski aiea,
Biistol offeis an impiessive (foi westein NY) veitical uiop anu a vaiiety of teiiain. The main lift is a
high speeu quau, while theie aie a few beginning lifts foi the novices. A uecent teiiain paik (half-
pipe anu a numbei of table-tops, spines anu iails) is seiviceu by its own lift. The twilight pass is a
goou option foi meuical stuuents, but it can be veiy busy on weekenus. $SS foi 8-houi pass, $SS foi
twilight pass. Cananuaigua, NY.

0W4#"8 Swain has a uecent beginnei aiea anu a uecent teiiain paik. Swain woulu be a gieat place to
leain to ski, foi the inteimeuiate skiei, oi to avoiu the ciowus of Biistol. Bon't expect a ieally
thiilling oi challenging slope, though. Swain is about 1 houi anu 1S minutes away fiom Rochestei.
$4S foi 8-houi pass, $S4 foi twilight pass. Swain, NY.

M+1#34) D411%)8 Boliuay valley is a gieat Westein NY ski aiea, with a numbei of high-speeu lifts anu
a vaiiety of teiiain. Theie aie moguls, glaues, ciuiseis, anu a teiiain paik. 0ne uownsiue is that the
iuns tenu to be a bit shoit. An auvanceu snowmaking anu giooming setup make this aiea a goou
bet foi eaily oi late season skiing. uieat hotel-ski packages befoie Becembei anu aftei late
Febiuaiy! Well woith the 2-houi uiive. $SS foi 8-houi pass. Ellicottville, NY.

N&%%@ ;%4@8 A mountain iesoit (also a watei paik in the summei) with goou uownhill anu cioss-
countiy skiing options. S2 tiails, 8 lifts, a teiiain paik, glaues, anu tubing. uieek Peak is about a 2
houi 1S minute uiive fiom Rochestei. $S9 foi 8-houi pass, $41 foi twilight pass. Coitlanu, NY.

J33#(#+"41 O+(%: Faithei away, you can heau to the ski places in the Catskills, oi up to Whiteface in
Lake Placiu. As a last iesoit, if you aie snow-staiveu anu have a long weekenu to kill, it is only
about 6 oi 7 houis up to veimont anu some of the best skiing on the East Coast.

The Fingei Lakes:

The Fingei Lakes, a set of 11 lakes foimeu by glaciei movements, aie a majoi touiist attiaction of
upstate New Yoik anu a gieat place to take a quick vacation. The closest lakes aie only a SS-minute
uiive away. The Fingei Lakes aie not just known foi theii outuooi activities, howevei. They aie
also the biggest wine-piouucing iegion in New Yoik State, anu they have the laigest concentiation
of wineiies in the 0niteu States aftei Napa valley. This aiea of New Yoik has a similai latituue anu
similai soil to that of the wine-piouucing iegions of ueimany, so Rieslings aie a majoi piouuct.

U#"% (+7&'8

Seneca, Keuka, Cananuaigua anu Cayuga lakes all have wine tiails. You can uiive them youiself, oi
you can use a toui opeiatoi (saves having to have a BB!). Bepenuing on the outfittei, you can
ieseive anything fiom a seuan to a bus. Theie aie many options, but heie aie two goou ones:

Piivate touis: http:www.fingeilakeswineiytouis.com
Bop-on public touis: http:www.winetouitiolley.com


0K, we (oi most of us.) aien't 7S, but you can finu some pietty gieat stuff at antique stoies,
incluuing gieat, kitschy things with which to uecoiate youi new home.

Bloomfielu Antique Nile http:www.bloomfieluantiquemile.com
Caiiiage Factoiy Antiques: 2S48 State Route S anu 2u, Stanley
Ithaca Antique Centei http:www.ithacaantiquecentei.com
0ntaiio Nall Antiques http:www.ontaiiomallantique.com

:7(3++& 4.(#$#(#%'8

As you can imagine, the Lakes aie a peifect place foi fishing, kayaking, canoeing, anu othei watei
activities. Theie aie also golf couises, plenty of hiking anu biking tiails, anu hoise iiuing.

Some othei iesouices:


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