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April 2007 'SCARY MEDICINE: Exposing the dar side o!

The growing controversy over vaccines where children are forced to get increasing numbers of
vaccinations before attending school, and parents are forced to decide whether to comply despite
the reality that dreadful adverse reactions to the shots do regularly occur has now mushroomed
into an issue crucial to all Americans, according to the April edition of Whistleblower.
This comprehensive and powerfully eye-opening report is titled "SA!" #$%&&'$( $)posing
the dar* side of vaccines."
+or years, the vaccine debate was confined largely to the traditional childhood vaccines li*e %,T
-diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus., ##! -measles-mumps-rubella. and polio. $ven then, there were
ma/or concerns. The pertussis vaccine, for e)ample, is notorious for having rare but horrendous
side effects, and most polio cases in the world in recent years have been caused by the live-virus
vaccine itself0
1ut in recent times, many new childhood vaccines have been introduced, from rotavirus and
chic*enpo) to hepatitis 1, meningitis and pneumonia, each with their own controversies and, in
some cases, scandals. At first, the new vaccines are /ust 22suggested,22 then they became
22recommended" by pediatricians, and before long they2re 22re3uired22 before entering public school.
"A one-year-old healthy child today can get 45 different antigens in/ected into his body in one
day," warns columnist 1arbara Simpson in this issue of Whistleblower. "'o one *nows the effect
on his immune system, and such tests haven2t been conducted."
1ut it gets worse, much worse. As a result of today2s vaccine mania(
6 !ight now, state after state is attempting literally to force young, prepubescent school-girls
into getting a brand-new vaccine, with an unproven safety record, to prevent a se)ually
transmitted form of cancer. The manufacturer, pharmaceutical giant #erc*, has lobbied state
politicians to ma*e their vaccine mandatory.
6 There2s ma/or movement toward an A&%S vaccine. 7nce approved by the government, will
there be another push li*e the current one to immuni8e schoolgirls against a se)ually transmitted
disease, only this time to mandate the A&%S vaccine for everybody9
6 %espite publicity to the contrary, the controversial mercury-based vaccine preservative
Thimerosal thought by some researchers to be lin*ed to rising levels of autism in the :.S. is
still used in some vaccines.
6 Then there2s the :.S. military, which compels soldiers to get multiple vaccinations. Some
e)perts, citing compelling evidence, blame the military2s anthra) shots for the epidemic dubbed
";ulf War Syndrome."
These are /ust a few of the controversies e)plored in "SA!" #$%&&'$( $)posing the dar* side
of vaccines."
&n this highly polari8ed debate, on one side there is the medical establishment, including the
federal government2s enters for %isease ontrol and ,revention, which endlessly repeats the
mantra that vaccines are safe and effective and everybody should get them. To 3uestion their
wisdom tags one as a paranoid conspiracy theorist.
7n the other side is a substantial and growing movement of s*eptics, including many medical
professionals, who openly 3uestion vaccines. Some are strident, claiming all vaccines are bad for
all people at all times and places, and a few even impute a sinister motive to vaccine
manufacturers and the doctors that give the shots. 1ut many others are careful and nuanced and
very well informed. They consider each vaccine individually on its merits as well as its *nown and
suspected negatives and come out holding up a big "caution" sign.
<ighlights of this issue include(
6 "The dar* side of vaccines" by %avid =upelian, on what your doctor never told you
6 "1eware of vaccine bullies" by #ichelle #al*in, who says( "&nformed consent9 <a. This was
uninformed coercion"
6 "%o vaccines cause cancer9" the startling but indisputable story of how 45 to >5 million
Americans received polio shots tainted with mon*ey virus lin*ed to cancers
6 "#edical terrorists on your doorstep" by 1arbara Simpson, who shows how today2s vaccine
mania is pumping healthy children full of do8ens of foreign antigens, without their parents being
fully informed about the shots
6 "'ewborn vaccinated over parents2 ob/ections" by %iana ?ynne, who documents the 7rwellian
nightmare of a young couple as armed guards forced their infant2s vaccination against a se)ually
transmitted disease
6 "ivilians could face mandatory anthra) shots" by 1ob :nruh, on credible evidence tying the
controversial shots to ;ulf War Syndrome, and 3uoting an e)pert warning that civilians could be
re3uired to received the government2s 45 million "emergency" doses
6 "'ew study lin*s mercury to autism," documenting how the incidence of the common disorder
dropped dramatically after a controversial mercury-based preservative was removed from most
6 "+eds2 conflict of interest over vaccines9" by @on %ougherty, on the history of "incestuous"
ties between drug-ma*ers and the federal government
6 "%octors2 group opposes all vaccine mandates." The A,555-member Association of American
,hysicians and Surgeons, established in 4BA>, has called for a moratorium on the government
forcing any vaccines on the American people, warning, "7ur children face the possibility of death
or serious long-term adverse effects"
6 "Caccinations and the right to refuse," by %r. Sherri Tenpenny, who says parents, not the
state, must retain authority over America2s children
6 And much more D
"& admit it, this is a downright frightening issue of Whistleblower," said %avid =upelian, managing
editor of W'% and Whistleblower. "1ut its purpose is to 2immuni8e2 readers against the lies and
partial truths that abound in this all-important area."

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