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Shaik Rahmathullah

Compendium of Human Diseases and their Cure by

Homoeopathic Treatment
Reading excerpt
Compendium of Human Diseases and their Cure by Homoeopathic Treatment
of Shaik Rahmathullah
Publisher: Shaik Rahmathullah

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Excerpt from S.Rahmathullah: Compendium of Human Diseases and their Cure
by Homoeopathic Treatment

Depression is the most common mental disturbance, satisfying at
least four of the following criteria: altered mood, loss of interest
in usually pleasurable pursuits (such as food, sex, entertainment,
or hobbies), insomnia or hypersomnia, loss of appetite or comfort
eating, decreased ability to think or concentrate, and recurrent
thought of death. It can be classified as follows, but the validity
of the distinction is doubtful:
Endogenous depression is a pervasive and unresponsive kind of
depression occurring "spontaneously", without apparent cause. It
affects a stable pre-morbid personality and is more common from
middle age onward, and is so profound that there may be
delusion of guilt and hypochondria. The sufferer may be agitated
or completely withdrawn. Appetite, sleep and bowel habit may
also be disturbed. Symptoms vary during the day but are often
worse in early morning. Suicide is a real risk.
Melancholia is a severe depression, which may or may not have
an obvious cause. It is characterised by anorexia, insomnia,
despondency, and lack of interest in pleasurable activities,
mental agitation and suicidal tendency. Aggravation of
symptoms may occur in the early morning. Melancholia can be
climacteric, pan phobic, sexual, stuporous, etc...
Reactive depression is a fluctuating depression responsive to
environmental changes or to life disappointments, suck as grief,
loss of job, or financial disaster. It is seen in vulnerable or
predisposed personality, with more self-pity than self-blame. It
may not be accompanied by appetite, sleep and bowel disorders.
However, symptoms of anxiety may be present.
Treatment of depression requires medication and social therapy.
In minor cases, simple support, reassurance, sympathy and the
opportunity to express distress and negative feelings are often
sufficient to bring about relief.
Narayana Verlag, 79400 Kandern Tel.: 0049 7626 974 970 0
Excerpt from S.Rahmathullah: Compendium of Human Diseases and their Cure
by Homoeopathic Treatment

1. Endogenous Depression
Aconite - Sadness with solicitude; fears loss of reason, worried about
future or recovery; music is unbearable and goes through every limb.
Argentum Nit - Depression, lies with closed eyes, shunning light and
conversation; gloomy, dull, wishes to do nothing; weeps and assures
everyone that he is lost beyond hope for this world; against whatever
proposed he has the queerest objection.
Aurum Mur - Great depression of mind, as when homesick; sadness
as though a great misfortune impended; everything is disagreeable,
dreary, even nature around.
Bryonia - Great depression and very morose mood without any cause,
quite contrary to his habit; disinclined to think, with exhaustion of
intellectual powers.
Carbo An - Depression in morning on waking, with anxiety and
feeling as if abandoned; discouraged and sad, everything seems so sad
and lonely that she cannot help weeping.
Crotalus Hor - Sadness, with her thoughts dwelling on death
continually; weeping mood, agony and despair.
Curara - Depression of spirits and feeling like crying; desire only to
shut herself away from people and to be alone; discouraged and cross,
tired of everything and sick of living.
Ferrum - Mental depression occurring when alone, but without
complaints or weeping; gloomy foreboding thoughts; great solicitude
about those belonging to him, with constant thought of death.
Graphites - Sadness with of nothing but death; it frequently seems
as if his end were rear or the greatest misfortunes were impending.
Kali Brom - Deep depression, with religious delusions and feeling of
moral deficiency; frequent shedding of tears, persistent sleeplessness
and dread of impending destruction of all near to her; profound
indifference and almost disgust for her life.
Narayana Verlag, 79400 Kandern Tel.: 0049 7626 974 970 0
Excerpt from S.Rahmathullah: Compendium of Human Diseases and their Cure
by Homoeopathic Treatment

Lac Defloratum - Depression of spirits, doesn't care to live, question
as to the quickest and most certain way of hastening one's death.
Liliutn Tig - Profound depression of spirits, weeps much and is very
timid, with nausea and pain in back; indifferent about anything being
done for her; aversion to food.
Mercurius - Inexpressible pain of soul and body, anxious
restlessness, as if some evil were impended, < at night, with
praecordial anguish; constant suspicion, considering everybody his
enemy; disgusted with himself, has no courage to live; sweat of hand
and heat of face.
Natrum Mur - Lachrymose depression and disheartened all day
without any cause; sadness, apprehension, and concern about future;
< consolation, which is followed by a fluttering of heart.
Sulphur - Sadness without cause and courage and weariness of life;
Weeps easily at slightest provocation, or if on attempts to console her;
sudden sadness when walking in open air, in evening with
disinclination for everything; is filled with anxious thoughts, from
which she cannot free herself.
2. Melancholia
Agnus - Melancholy, he is dissatisfied with himself, incapable of
attending to business and indifferent to things about him; feels as if
nothing existed around him, as if he were nobody and would rather be
dead than have that feeling; when free from it, he feels exalted and
would like to read like an orator.
Aurum - Melancholia, he imagines he is unfit for this world and long
for death, which he contemplates with delight; that he has lost the
affection of his friends, which makes him sad even to tears; shuns
people, if meeting someone, it gives him a nervous trembling.
Bromium - Great depression of spirits, she is not like herself, sits
alone in her room, despondent, without doing anything; looks
constantly in one direction without saying anything.

Shaik Rahmathullah
Compendium of Human Diseases and
their Cure by Homoeopathic Treatment
A Modern Book of Homoeopathic
Therapeutics With Concise Description of
the Disease

1552 pages,
publication 2003

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