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Sarah Dubois

Emerging Trends in Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is the latest buzzword in the IT world. What exactly is cloud
computing or the cloud! The term cloud computing appeared in "##$ and later in %&&$
as 'e(in 'elly said that at some point we will all ha(e an) intercloud) cloud o* clouds+.
,'han) S.)'han)S.) and -alibeen)S.) %&"". In reality cloud ser(ices are a complex set o*
computing ser(ices accessible (ia the Internet. These ser(ices consist o* an
interconnected networ/ throughout the world that power ser(ices behind the scenes
,'han) S.)'han)S.) and -alibeen)S.) %&"".. Those who use these ser(ices may ha(e no
idea o* where the ser(ers actually are. Some o* the earliest players in the trans*ormation
o* data centers to the cloud were 0mazon) later -oogle and I12. Some uni(ersities as
well started large cloud pro3ects. Cloud computing has certain characteristics such as the
a(ailability o* large computing) pay4per4use ser(ice and no long term commitment.
0dditionally) it is a(ailable *rom any location and the ser(ices are ordered online without
a detailed contract.
The three distinct areas o* cloud architecture are the public cloud) pri(ate cloud
and the hybrid cloud. The hybrid cloud is emerging as a popular choice because o* its
mix o* pri(ate and public clouds managed together. The initial *ears companies ha(e had
o* cloud computing security ha(e waned as security has gotten better and the bene*its
outweigh the costs. 5ne ma3or bene*it is the ability *or cloud computing to deli(er new
ser(ices (ery *ast and at lower costs ,We are 6elping Ser(ice+%&"7.. 0lso) cloud
computing re8uires less capital9 operating in(estment and is easy to scale ,Digital
:eality+ %&"7..
0n emerging trend and perhaps a re8uirement o* success*ul cloud computing is
the alliances between enterprises. Companies are *orced to wor/ together to pro(ide
solutions *or customers. Digital :eality Trust and ;imbix ha(e built an alliance
combining enterprise high4per*ormance computing ,6<C. and a cloud solution by
;imbix to ser(ice the gas and oil industry because it is *aster to deploy ,Digital :eality+
%&"7.. 0lso) companies are *inding solutions to customer issues by integrating
technology. =or example 5(erture ;etwor/s is pro(iding a complete solution by
combining networ/ing elements ,data center) storage. and so*tware ser(ices. These
ser(ices are then o**ered to telecom giants li/e >erizon) 0T?T and 1ritish Telecom
,We are 6elping Ser(ice+%&"7..
Secondly) so*tware is mo(ing to the web. -radually many programs are mo(ing
their so*tware online and we may see less and less so*tware being o**ered in a retail
en(ironment. The days o* buying a disc in a box may be coming to an end. 0dobe has
stopped selling its shrin/4wrapped so*tware in India. Its ser(ices are now o**ered in a
large (irtual warehouse in the) cloud+. 6owe(er) to the disappointment o* some
customers the cost to use the so*tware is @%& 4@A& a month) some users do not li/e)
*orced renting+ o* so*tware because the prices could go up at any time ,The Call o* the+
Thirdly) 6ybrid Computing ,publicBpri(ate computing. as predicted by -artner in
%&"C will be a large shi*t *or companiesD as many as hal* o* enterprises will ha(e a
pri(ateBpublic cloud operation. Earge enterprises are augmenting their pri(ate clouds into
the public cloud along with hybrid ser(ices ,'ey 1usiness Dri(ers+ %&"7..
What are the reasons *or this hybrid computing shi*t! Three /ey business dri(ers
are interoperability) (endor independence and data compliance. Interoperability is done
through the hybrid approach because o* a seamless integration o* applications and
in*rastructure. Currently) organizations ha(e a mixture o* applications spread o(er a
(ariety o* legacy systems) public and pri(ate clouds. 6ybrid clouds are able to address
the complexity o* landscape within and organization. 6ybrid Computing allows
competition between (endors to /eep pricing in chec/. To mitigate ris/s with certain
(endors enterprises need to be aware o* how *lexible it is to port their applications or
ser(ices. The hybrid model allows *or this *lexibility ,'ey 1usiness Dri(ers+%&"7..
What /inds o* companies are suited *or the hybrid shi*t! 2ost crucial *or an enterprise is
deciding what applications are most appropriate to mo(e to the cloud. Some use cases are
pac/aged applications and collaboration solutions. The reason that pac/aged applications
can 8uic/ly be mo(ed to the cloud. Email is also suited to hybrid clouds because there
isnt a need to recon*igure. 0lso) e4commerce is suited because the plat*orm is scalable)
compliant and secure. The cloud is also e**ecti(e because it can be used to bac/up and
archi(e *iles. This can mitigate ris/ in the e(ent o* a technical *ailure. 5ne /ey *eature o*
mo(ing to the cloud is sa(ings the high costs o* a data center. It is much cheaper to use a
hybrid cloud than build a new data center. Eastly) the de(elopment o* applications is
more *lexible in the cloud and results in a reduced time to the mar/et ,'ey 1usiness
Dri(ers+ %&"7..
0s mentioned earlier data compliance has been a long running concern *or
enterprises. The part o* the cloud that is pri(ate can comply with sensiti(e data by being
stored locally within the needed territory. That way certain *ields such as healthcare and
retail /eep data sa*e and comply with the laws within a gi(en industry. The lower costs o*
processing resources can be used by the public cloud ,'ey 1usiness Dri(ers+ %&"7.. So
the combination o* a hybrid cloud le(erages di**erent *orms o* computing sol(ing many
;ext) an exciting de(elopment that I12 announced is their de(elopment o*
1luemix -arages ,<lat*orm4as4a4Ser(ice. which is a collaborati(e location where
de(elopers can create new apps and learn new de(elopment s/ills. This may accelerate
the pace o* cloud computing and trans*orm industries. 1luemix also may sol(e an old
problem o* integrating de(elopment by allowing open technologies and third4party
de(elopment. Enterprise de(elopers and born4on4the4web de(elopers will help bene*it
*rom and open en(ironment with a choice o* tools I12 Details ;ew 1lue2ixF+
2oreo(er) Cloud computing will open a gateway *or new startups) particularly in
India as entry in some areas is easier. 1lue=loc/ is a new company that was launched at
DE25 Enterprise in %&"7. It is a company that collects data using mobile de(ices which
it claims to be #GH accurate. This will help other companies because their in*ormation
with result in more e**ecti(e operational intelligence. 1lue=loc/ is using a (ariety o*
elements to do business li/e cloud computing) enterprise) mobile) consumer and social
media. 0dditionally) li/e other trends happening in cloud computing are the business
alliances. 1lue=loc/ is wor/ing with Samsung and Saphana to enhance the (alue o*
experiences to their customer base ,1lue*loc/ Eaunches =irst+ %&"7.
To add to the cloud mar/et share contest is 6< who has 3ust in(ested a sum o* "
billion into their new cloud port*olio called 6elion. 6< has already a large in*rastructure
o* data centers across the world. They ha(e also chosen to support open technology so
that de(elopers ha(e more *reedom to get to the mar/et *aster. Their new ser(ice is
supported by open source cloud in*rastructure called 5penStac/ and their ser(ices will
include <lat*orm4as4a4Ser(ice and In*rastructure4as4as4Ser(ice. The big players in the
cloud game are I12) 6<) -oogle) 0mazon and 2icroso*t. 0ll these players are now
going a*ter the enterprise mar/et with a (engeance ,S(erdli/ %&"7.
Some di**iculties in cloud computing remain) as always pri(acy o* data is big.
Especially in terms o* negligent employees or malicious threats li/e (iruses or hac/ers.
The threat needs to be managed. 0lso) standardizing ser(ices is important because o* the
hodge4podge o* so*tware. Current cloud solutions also ha(e a limited amount o* support.
0nother worry is that there are many competitors in the cloud mar/et) so choosing a
(endor who is solid or being able to manage i* a (endor disappears needs to be addressed.
0nother issue with hybrid clouds are managing them because o* the complexity. <olicies
and processes on how to go(ern them need to be put into place.,'ey 1usiness Dri(ers+
6ybrid cloud computing is becoming more /nown among high le(el executi(es
which is resulting in hype. ;ot only is cost important) agility and speed are critical
bene*its o* cloud computing) this holistic (iew needs to be addressed. This year hybrid
clouding computing is gaining prominence because o* getting the maximum amount o*
control. Collaboration should also be explored because o* the communities o* users who
could be exposed to new products. =urthermore) ad(ances in mobile enablement should
not be ignored as more people will ha(e Smartphones than computers in coming years.
0nother emerging trend will be that the cloud itsel* will create 3obs) because o* the need
*or specialists in cloud computing ,"& Emerging TrendsF%&"C.. Emerging Trends
reports a) study conducted by IDC *or 2icroso*t) Cloud computing is expected to create
o(er % million 3obs in India ,and "7 million worldwide. by %&"A ,%&"C.+.
To sum up) the big players in the cloud industry are in(esting large sums o*
money to o**er enterprise ser(ices. Companies are switching to hybrid cloud computing
(ersus pri(ate computing to capitalize on cost and de(eloping products 8uic/ly.
Enterprises are building alliances to ma/e sure their product is tailored to their customers.
Eastly) Smartphones will continue to be a popular tool connected to the cloud and
physical items li/e pac/aged so*tware will be mo(ing to the cloud instead o* being sold
Sources Cited9
1lue=loc/ Eaunches =irst :ealtime 5perational Intelligence <lat*orm That Ises
Smartphones *or Enterprise4Wide Data Collection. ,%&"7) 0pril 7.. IPR. :etrie(ed *rom
L"& Emerging Trends in Cloud Computing.L PC Quest %C Dec. %&"C. Gale Power
Search. Web. "" 0pr. %&"7.
Document I:E http9BBgo.galegroup.com.ezp4&".lirn.netBpsBi.do!idJ-0EE
Digital :ealty <artners with ;imbix to Deli(er Cloud41ased Solution *or 5il ? -as.
,%&"7) 0pril K.. India Banking News. :etrie(ed *rom http9BBgo.galegroup.com.ezp4
I12 Details ;ew 1lue2ix Ser(ices to 6elp De(elopers 1uild 0pplications in the Cloud.
,%&"7) 2ay ".. Entertainment Close-up. :etrie(ed *rom http9BBgo.galegroup.comBpsBi.do!
'ey 1usiness Dri(ers *or a 6ybrid Cloud. ,%&"7) 0pril K.. PC Quest. :etrie(ed *rom
'han) S.) 'han) S.) ? -alibeen) S. ,%&"".. Cloud computing an emerging technology9
Changing ways o* libraries collaboration. International Research : ournal o! "i#rar$
and In!ormation Science% &,%. :etrie(ed *rom
LThe Call o* the Cloud.L 'pen %" 0pr. %&"7. Gale Power Search. Web. $ 2ay %&"7.
Document I:E
S(erdli/) M.) ,%&"7. 6< :amps up Enterprise Cloud <lay with @" 1illion In(estment
:etrie(ed *rom http9BBwww.datacenter/nowledge.comBarchi(esB%&"7B&AB&$Bhp4ramps4
We are helping ser(ice pro(iders by bringing the power o* cloud to the networ/ edge.
,%&"7) 2ay A.. E(press Computers. :etrie(ed *rom http9BBgo.galegroup.comBpsBi.do!

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