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Multiple Choice
Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the uestion
1" #ross Anatom$ is also %nown as
a" Microscopic Anatom$
b" Patholo&ic Anatom$
c" Macroscopic Anatom$
'" (ia&nostic Anatom$
)" An e*ample o+ #ross Anatom$ woul' be !!!!!!!!"
a" ,iewin& an *-ra$
b" .sin& a microscope
c" Per+ormin& a complete cellular bloo' count
'" (eterminin& the etiolo&$ o+ a 'isease
/" The stu'$ o+ Ph$siolo&$ 'eals with !!!!!!!!"
a" (isease
b" #enetics
c" Structures
'" 0unctions
1" The potential outcome o+ a 'isease is the !!!!!!!!"
a" Etiolo&$
b" (ia&nosis
c" Pro&nosis
'" Treatment
2" The stu'$ o+ 'isease is %nown as !!!!!!!!"
a" Neurolo&$
b" Pathoph$siolo&$
c" Microbiolo&$
'" C$tolo&$
3" The three basic parts o+ a me'ical term inclu'e !!!!!!!!"
a" Pre+i*4 wor' root4 su++i*
b" Su++i*4 base4 meanin&
c" Pre+i*4 stem4 en'in&
'" Base4 wor' root4 stem
5" 6hat s$stem is %nown as the mathematical lan&ua&e o+ Anatom$ an' Ph$siolo&$7
2011 by Pearson, Inc.
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Professions, 2nd Edition
a" Abbreviation s$stem
b" Metric s$stem
c" En&lish s$stem
'" Customar$ s$stem
8" 6hich o+ the +ollowin& is not a vital si&n7
a" Heart Rate
b" Temperature
c" Pain
'" Respirator$ rate
9" 6hen the ph$sician has 'ocumente' several si&ns an' s$mptoms4 he will be able
to ma%e a:n; !!!!!!!!"
a" Pro&nosis
b" Etiolo&$
c" C$tolo&$
'" (ia&nosis
1<" A recor'in& o+ the electrical activit$ o+ a s%eletal muscle is a:n; !!!!!!!!"
a" electrocar'io&ram
b" electrom$o&ram
c" mamo&ram
'" mammo&ram
11" The a'=ustments that maintain a stable environment within the bo'$ are %nown as
a" Homeostasis
b" Metabolism
c" S$n'rome
'" Patholo&$
1)" Ta%in& an MR> o+ the %nee is consi'ere' &ross anatom$ because it is !!!!!!!!"
a" (i++icult
b" ,isuall$ unpleasant
c" Has 111 steps
'" >s lar&e scale
1/" The bo'$ uses +ee'bac% loops to maintain homeostasis" The response that opposes
an action is %nown as a:n; !!!!!!!!"
a" (epressin& +ee'bac% loop
b" Ne&ative +ee'bac% loop
c" Positive +ee'bac% loop
'" A++irmative +ee'bac% loop
11" Positive +ee'bac% is necessar$ in which o+ the +ollowin& situations7
a" Bloo' pressure
b" Cou&hin&
c" Blee'in&
'" Chil'birth
12" ,ital si&ns inclu'e all o+ the +ollowin& e*cept !!!!!!!!"
a" Colorin&
b" Heart rate
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c" Respirations
'" Temperature
13" RBC is the abbreviation +or !!!!!!!!"
a" Reall$ ba' cut
b" Re' an' blue circulation
c" Re' bloo' cells
'" Rupture' bloo' clot
15" The in'icators that are essential +or human li+e inclu'e all o+ the +ollowin& e*cept
a" Colorin&
b" Heart rate
c" Respirations
'" Temperature
18" 6hich is not a 'e+inition +or 'isease7
a" Not at ease
b" A con'ition in which the bo'$ +ails to +unction normall$
c" An$thin& that is a normal structure or +unction
'" An$thin& that upsets normal structure or +unction
19" The term tachycardia means !!!!!!!!"
a" 0ast heart rate
b" Slow heart rate
c" Rh$thmic heart rate
'" Stu'$ o+ the heart rate
)<" 6hich is not a s$mptom o+ metabolic s$n'rome7
a" Hi&h tri&l$ceri'es
b" ?ow H(? level
c" Hi&h bloo' pressure
'" ,omitin& an' 'iarrhea
)1" A si&n that coul' be an in'ication o+ 'iabetes is breath that smells li%e !!!!!!!!"
a" 0ruit$ +lavore' chewin& &um
b" Cla$ or starch$ paste
c" Sweat
'" Maple
))" The pre+i* hyper means !!!!!!!!"
a" Small
b" Above normal
c" Below normal
'" 6ithin
)/" The su++i* oma means !!!!!!!!"
a" Cuttin& into
b" Enlar&ement o+
c" Sur&icall$ +ormin& an openin&
'" Tumor
)1" The su++i* algia means !!!!!!!!"
a" >n+lammation
2011 by Pearson, Inc.
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b" Cell
c" Pertainin& to
'" Pain
)2" The abbreviation +or a stro%e is !!!!!!!! an' the letters stan' +or !!!!!!!!"
a" CPR4 car'iopulmonar$ resuscitation
b" CA(4 coronar$ arter$ 'isease
c" C,A4 cerebrovascular acci'ent
'" C,A4 car'iovascular acci'ent
)3" Most +evers are the bo'$@s wa$ o+ !!!!!!!!"
a" Killin& all patho&ens
b" Brea%in& up the cells o+ the patho&ens
c" Ma%in& an inhospitable environment +or patho&ens to survive
'" Preventin& patho&ens +rom repro'ucin&
)5" Sweatin& at ni&ht ma$ in'icate !!!!!!!!"
a" Tuberculosis
b" Ho'&%in@s 'isease
c" Ribo+lavin 'e+icienc$
'" S%in cancer
)8" Accor'in& to the rules o+ me'ical terminolo&$4 hepatitis is 'e+ine' as !!!!!!!!"
a" ?iver +ailure
b" >n+lammation o+ the liver
c" Cirrhosis
'" Bloo' clottin&
)9" The abbreviation use' +or twice a 'a$ is !!!!!!!!"
a" TA(
b" T>(
c" p"r"n
'" B>(
/<" ,olumes e*presse' as ounces4 pints4 uarts4 &allons4 pec%s4 bushels4 or cubic +eet
are e*amples o+ the !!!!!!!!"
a" Metric s$stem
b" En&lish s$stem
c" Scienti+ic notation
'" >nternational s$stem
/1" The 'ia&nostic proce'ure is be&un b$ +irst 'eterminin& the !!!!!!!!"
a" Pro&nosis
b" S$n'rome
c" Chie+ complaint
'" ?aborator$ tests
/)" !!!!!!!! is the branch o+ me'icine that stu'ies the characteristics4 causes4 an'
e++ects o+ 'isease"
a" Anatom$
b" Ph$siolo&$
c" Patholo&$
'" Arnitholo&$
2011 by Pearson, Inc.
Colbert, Ankney, Lee, Test Bank for Anatomy & Physiology for Health
Professions, 2nd Edition
//" The term osteoma can be 'e+ine' as !!!!!!!!"
a" Cuttin& o+ the s%in
b" Tumor o+ the bone
c" Tumor o+ the e$e
'" Cuttin& into the e$e
/1" The normal heart rate +or an a'ult is !!!!!!!! beats per minute"
a" 1<B/<
b" 5<B1)<
c" 9<B15<
'" 3<B1<<
/2" The !!!!!!!! is the pre'iction o+ the outcome o+ a 'isease"
a" Pro&nosis
b" (ia&nosis
c" Acute 'etermination
'" S$n'rome
/3" (isease-pro'ucin& microor&anisms that inva'e the bo'$ are %nown as !!!!!!!!"
a" Neo&enic
b" Aerobic
c" C$tophrenic
'" Patho&enic
/5" A con'ition in which the bo'$ +ails to +unction normall$ is !!!!!!!!"
a" (isease
b" Ph$siolo&$
c" Nosocomial
'" Epi'emiolo&$
/8" The cause o+ a 'isease is calle' its !!!!!!!!"
a" (isease
b" Patholo&$
c" Nosocomial
'" Etiolo&$
/9" A speci+ic &roup o+ si&ns an' s$mptoms that are relate' to a speci+ic 'isease is
%nown b$ which o+ the +ollowin& names7
a" (ia&nosis
b" Chie+ complaint
c" S$n'rome
'" Relapse
1<" A patient with S$n'rome C can e*hibit which o+ the +ollowin& common
a" Hi&h bloo' su&ar levels4 low bloo' pressure4 hi&h bloo' level o+ H(?
b" Hi&h bloo' su&ar levels4 hi&h bloo' pressure4 hi&h tri&l$ceri'es
c" ?ow bloo' su&ar levels4 low bloo' pressure4 hi&h tri&l$ceri'es
'" ?ow bloo' su&ar levels4 hi&h bloo' pressure4 low bloo' level o+ H(?
11" A patient who has metabolic s$n'rome is at an increase' ris% +or all o+ the
+ollowin& e*cept !!!!!!!!"
a" (iabetes
2011 by Pearson, Inc.
Colbert, Ankney, Lee, Test Bank for Anatomy & Physiology for Health
Professions, 2nd Edition
b" Heart attac%
c" Horner@s S$n'rome
'" Stro%e
1)" !!!!!!!! is the ph$siolo&ical process that monitors an' maintains a stable internal
environment or euilibrium"
a" Homeostasis
b" Ne&ative +ee'bac% loop
c" Positive +ee'bac% loop
'" Metabolism
1/" !!!!!!!! is a mechanism in our bo'$ that continuall$ senses the internal an'
e*ternal environment an' the bo'$ ma%es a'=ustments to maintain homeostasis"
a" Homeostasis
b" Ne&ative +ee'bac% loop
c" Positive +ee'bac% loop
'" Metabolism
11" !!!!!!!! is %nown as a Dvicious c$cle"E >n most cases4 this is harm+ul i+ the
vicious c$cle cannot be bro%enF sometimes it is necessar$ +or a process to run to
a" Homeostasis
b" Ne&ative +ee'bac% loop
c" Positive +ee'bac% loop
'" Metabolism
12" 6hich o+ the +ollowin& are e*amples o+ a si&n7
a" Temperature
b" Pulse
c" Pain
'" a an' b
13" All o+ the +ollowin& are s$mptoms e*cept !!!!!!!!"
a" Pain
b" Respirator$ rate
c" (iGGiness
'" >tchiness
Short Answer
6rite the wor' or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the uestion"
1" !!!!!!!!!!!! or macro anatom$ represents the stu'$ o+ the structures visible to
the unai'e' or na%e' e$e"
)" The stu'$ o+ cellular structure is calle' !!!!!!!!!!!!"
/" !!!!!!!!!!!! is the stu'$ o+ structure"
1" !!!!!!!!!!!! is the stu'$ o+ how structures wor%"
2" The stu'$ o+ 'isease is calle' patholo&$ or !!!!!!!!!!!!"
3" The wor' root in pericar'itis is !!!!!!!!!!!!"
5" A recor' o+ the breast is a:n; !!!!!!!!!!!!"
2011 by Pearson, Inc.
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Professions, 2nd Edition
8" !!!!!!!!!!!! are the combinin& +orms +or nose"
9" The process o+ recor'in& the electrical activit$ o+ the heart is a:an; !!!!!!!!!!!!
:(o not use abbreviation;"
1<" !!!!!!!!!!!! means D+ear o+"E
11" 0ormin& a sur&ical openin& in the colon is calle' !!!!!!!!!!!!"
1)" Ane who stu'ies nerves is a:n; !!!!!!!!!!!!"
1/" A &roup o+ si&ns an' s$mptoms is %nown as a:n; !!!!!!!!!!!!"
11" >+ bloo' su&ar +alls4 the bo'$ uses ne&ative +ee'bac% to !!!!!!!!!!!! bloo'
12" The i'eal normal value o+ a variable is %nown as the !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
13" Breath that smells +ruit$ ma$ be an in'ication o+ !!!!!!!! mellitus"
15" Spoon-shape' +in&er nail be's ma$ in'icate a:n; !!!!!!!! 'e+icienc$ in the bo'$"
18" >+ a patient has ha' a Dnose =obE $ou woul' sa$ in me'ical terms that the$ ha' a:n;
!!!!!!!!4 which means sur&ical repair o+ the nose"
19" The combinin& +orm +or !!!!!!!! is &astro an' a''in& the su++i* itis :which
means in+lammation; ma%es the me'ical term gastritis"
)<" Chan&es in ob=ective measurable values such as temperature :!!!!!!!!; an'
sub=ective patient perceptions :s$mptoms; can in'icate 'isease is present"
)1" The su++i* tomy means !!!!!!!! into"
))" The pre+i* !!!!!!!! in'icates Dabove normal"E
)/" The c$cle o+ ever-increasin& uterine contractions 'ue to an ever-increasin& release
o+ o*$tocin is an e*ample o+ !!!!!!!!"
)1" The wor' !!!!!!!! is constructe' usin& the 'e+inition Done who stu'ies cells"E
)2" The area o+ biolo&$ that +ocuses on the +unction an' vital processes o+ the various
structures ma%in& up the human bo'$ is !!!!!!!!"
)3" The !!!!!!!! is the pre'iction o+ the outcome o+ a 'isease"
)5" S$n'rome C is essentiall$ a s$n'rome that is create' as a result o+ poor 'iet an'
lac% o+ !!!!!!!!"
)8" Another name +or S$n'rome C is the !!!!!!!!!!! s$n'rome"
)9" The arter$ +oun' near the elbow is calle' the !!!!!!!!! arter$"
/<" The avera&e !!!!!!!! bo'$ temperature in centi&ra'e is thirt$ seven 'e&rees"
/1" The bo'$ temperature is controlle' b$ the !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
/)" The abbreviation +or imme'iatel$ is !!!!!!!!"
//" The abbreviation +or nothin& b$ mouth is !!!!!!!!!!!!!
/1" The abbreviation +or the techniue to be per+orme' on a pulseless an' non-
breathin& patient is !!!!!!"
/2" AC?S stan's +or !!!!!!!!!!
/3" The stu'$ o+ tissue samples is %nown as !!!!!!!!"
6rite IT@ i+ the statement is true an' I0@ i+ the statement is +alse"
!!!! 1" Anatom$ in #ree% means to cut apart"
!!!! )" -Anatom$ +ocuses on the +unction an' vital processes o+ the human bo'$"
2011 by Pearson, Inc.
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Professions, 2nd Edition
!!!! /" Macro means small"
!!!! 1" -A bacterial in+ection is the pro&nosis +or a Staph in+ection"
!!!! 2" -Ne&ative +ee'bac% is ba' +or the bo'$ because it increases a chan&e awa$
+rom normal"
!!!! 3" Tach$car'ia means a slow heart rate"
!!!! 5" #l$cHo is the combinin& +orm +or su&ar"
!!!! 8" ?eu%Ho is the combinin& +orm +or cell"
!!!! 9" H$pHo means above normal"
!!!!1<" -An appen'ectom$ means the sur&ical removal o+ the appen'i*"
!!!!11" Stat means ri&ht awa$ or imme'iatel$"
!!!!1)" A telescope views small ob=ects"
!!!!1/" -Cuttin& into a vein is calle' phlebotom$"
!!!!11" -(isease is a con'ition in which the bo'$ +ails to +unction normall$"
!!!!12" Pain is a vital si&n"
6rite $our answer in the space provi'e' or on a separate sheet o+ paper"
1" (iscuss how usin& abbreviations can either help or hin'er communication amon&
health care pro+essionals"
)" (iscuss how behaviors an' environmental +actors can contribute to 'isease"
/" (e+ine homeostasis" How is a control center important in maintainin&
1" 6hat are Dvital si&nsE an' wh$ are the$ calle' Dvital7E
2011 by Pearson, Inc.
Colbert, Ankney, Lee, Test Bank for Anatomy & Physiology for Health
Professions, 2nd Edition
2" (iscuss positive an' ne&ative +ee'bac% loops"
Multiple Choice
Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the uestion"
1" Knowin& the e*act bo'$ re&ion o+ a si&n or s$mptom can help a health care wor%er
'etermine the
a" Proper 'ia&nosis
b" Patient@s siGe
c" E*tent o+ in=ur$
'" Proper me'ication
)" A bo'$ in the prone position is
a" 0ace up
b" An le+t si'e
c" An ri&ht si'e
'" 0ace 'own
/" A plane is an ima&inar$ line 'ivi'in& the bo'$ into
a" Suares
b" Sections
c" Ar&ans
'" Tissues
1" (irectional terms are use' as !!!!!!!!!!!! within the bo'$"
a" ,ertical points
b" HoriGontal points
c" ?ateral points
'" Re+erence points
2" The mi'sa&ittal plane 'ivi'es the bo'$ into which parts7
a" Superior an' in+erior
b" >nternal an' e*ternal
c" Ri&ht an' le+t
'" Anterior an' posterior
3" >+ Bemia means Ebloo'E then this term means hi&h bloo' &lucose"
a" h$per&l$cemia
b" h$percholesterolemia
c" h$perlipi'emia
'" h$perbacteremia
5" 6hat 'irectional term woul' $ou use to in'icate the an%le i+ the %nee is $our point
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o+ re+erence7
a" E*ternal
b" (istal
c" >nternal
'" Pro*imal
8" A $oun& &irl +alls while ri'in& her bic$cle" >nitiall$ she seems +ine4 but later she is
complainin& o+ severe tibial pain" 6here is her pain7
a" Her +oot
b" Her lower le&
c" Her %nee
'" Her thi&h
9" The heart an' lun&s are locate' in the !!!!!!!!!!!! cavit$"
a" Posterior
b" Ab'ominal
c" Pelvic
'" Thoracic
1<" (orsal cavities contain which or&ans7
a" (iaphra&m
b" Brain an' spinal cor'
c" Stomach
'" Pancreas
11" The h$pochon'rial re&ion is locate' beneath the !!!!!!!!!!7
a" Ribs
b" Heart
c" Stomach
'" ?iver
1)" A woman involve' in a hi&h spee' car acci'ent initiall$ seems +ine4 but soon
'evelops 'i++icult$ breathin&" Jou suspect she is blee'in& into one o+ her bo'$
cavities" #iven her s$mptoms4 which one7
a" Cranial
b" Spinal
c" Thoracic
'" Ab'ominal
1/" The space within the mouth is %nown as the !!!!!!!!!!!! cavit$
a" Nasal
b" Arbital
c" Cranial
'" Aral
11" The bell$ button is locate' in which re&ion7
a" Epi&astric
b" .mbilical
c" >liac
'" H$po&astric
12" Pain in the !!!!!!!!!!!! ua'rant can be a si&n o+ appen'icitis"
a" R.K
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b" ?.K
c" R?K
'" ??K
13" 6hich test &ives the &reatest 'etail o+ tissue structures7
a" MR>
b" EK#
c" Bloo' test
'" C-ra$
15" C$anosis is a con'ition that is usuall$ a result o+ low levels o+ !!!!!!!! within the
a" Bloo'
b" A*$&en
c" Saline
'" Calcium
18" The cervical spine contains how man$ vertebrae7
a" 1)
b" 5
c" 2
'" /
19" B$ placin& $our +in&ers at the T2 vertebra4 $ou can locate which or&an7
a" Spleen
b" Ki'ne$
c" ?un&
'" Brain
)<" The t$pe o+ scan that provi'es a series o+ cross-sectional slices o+ the bo'$ is
a" MR>
b" .ltrasoun'
c" CT scan
'" Sono&raph$
)1" Bloo' is most commonl$ 'rawn +rom !!!!!!!!"
a" (eep veins
b" Central veins
c" Super+icial veins
'" (eep arteries
))" Lu&ular venous 'istention is visible in the !!!!!!!! area"
a" Nec%
b" Chest
c" Brain
'" ?un&s
)/" The 0owlers@ position +acilitates !!!!!!!!"
a" Sleepin&
b" All treatments
c" (iGGiness
'" Breathin&
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)1" An in=ur$ to the ab'ominopelvic cavit$ coul' inclu'e in=ur$ to !!!!!!!!"
a" The brain
b" The heart
c" Spleen
'" The sternum
)2" A patient with peripheral c$anosis nee's !!!"
a" A*$&en
b" 6hite bloo' cells
c" >nsulin
'" Potassium
)3" The 'an&er o+ a hernia is !!!!!!!!"
a" >nternal blee'in&
b" Bloo' +low is restricte' to the portion o+ the or&an protru'in&
c" 6hen an umbilical hernia becomes an in&uinal hernia
'" 6hen the muscle protru'es throu&h an or&an
)5" The supine position !!!!!!!!"
a" (escribes the bo'$ l$in& +ace upwar'
b" >s also calle' the anatomical position
c" (escribes the bo'$ l$in& +ace 'ownwar'
'" Both a an' b
)8" Because humans stan' an' move upri&ht4 the term dorsal can be use' in place o+
the term !!!!!!!!"
a" >n+erior
b" Posterior
c" Anterior
'" (istal
)9" A !!!!!!!! section woul' 'ivi'e the e$es +rom the bac% o+ the hea'"
a" Sa&ittal
b" 0rontal
c" Transverse
'" Mi'sa&ittal
/<" !!!!!!!! 'evices use a narrowl$ +ocuse' C-ra$ beam that circles rapi'l$ aroun'
the bo'$"
a" Ma&netic resonance ima&in& :MR>;
b" C-ra$
c" .ltrasoun'
'" Compute' tomo&raph$ :CT; scannin&
/1" The prone position !!!!!!!!"
a" (escribes the bo'$ l$in& +ace upwar'
b" >s also calle' the anatomical position
c" (escribes the bo'$ l$in& +ace 'ownwar'
'" Both b an' c
/)" The !!!!!!!! contains the heart4 lun&s4 an' lar&e bloo' vessels"
a" Thoracic cavit$
b" Ab'ominopelvic cavit$
2011 by Pearson, Inc.
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c" Cranial cavit$
'" Spinal cavit$
//" The s%in is !!!!!!!! to the bones"
a" Super+icial
b" Me'ial
c" >n+erior
'" (eep
/1" The opposite o+ super+icial is !!!!!!!!"
a" (eep
b" >n+erior
c" Posterior
'" Me'ial
/2" A section that woul' 'ivi'e the bo'$ into mirror ima&es woul' be !!!!!!!!"
a" A +rontal section
b" A cross section
c" A mi'sa&ittal section
'" A transverse section
/3" The liver can be +oun' !!!!!!!!"
a" >n the ri&ht upper ua'rant :R.K;
b" >n the epi&astric re&ion
c" >n the h$po&astric re&ion
'" Both a an' b
/5" The an%le is a !!!!!!!! structure"
a" Central
b" Peripheral
c" Thoracic
'" Superior
/8" >+ $ou li%e to sleep on $our stomach4 $ou pre+er sleepin& in the !!!!!!!! position"
a" Supine
b" Prone
c" Arthoptic
'" Ab'ominal
/9" The !!!!!!!! vertebrae are locate' in the nec%"
a" Sacral
b" Thoracic
c" Cervical
'" Cranial
1<" The lun&s are !!!!!!!! to the heart"
a" Me'ial
b" ?ateral
c" Super+icial
'" >n+raorbital
11" A plane 'ivi'in& a bo'$ into upper an' lower portions is a !!!!!!!! plane"
a" Sa&ittal
b" Coronal
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c" Mi'sa&ittal
'" Transverse
1)" Tren'elenbur& position ma$ be contrain'icate' in patients with !!!!!!!!"
a" Cerebral in=ur$
b" H$pertension
c" S%in 'isease
'" None o+ the above
1/" C$anosis causes what coloration o+ the s%in7
a" Re'
b" Blue
c" Blac%
'" 6hite
11" C$anosis is usuall$ the result o+ low levels o+ !!!!!!!! in the bloo'"
a" Carbon 'io*i'e
b" Nitro&en
c" A*$&en
'" Carbon mono*i'e
12" 6hich o+ the +ollowin& is much more serious than the other con'itions7
a" Acroc$anosis
b" Central c$anosis
c" Peripheral c$anosis
'" None o+ the above
13" The most common t$pe o+ ra'iolo&ic 'ia&nostic mo'alit$ is the !!!!!!!!"
a" C-ra$
b" CT scan
c" MR>
'" .ltrasoun'
15" The thoracic an' ab'ominopelvic cavities are separate' b$ the !!!!!!!!"
a" Ribs
b" Spinal cor'
c" (iaphra&m
'" Sternum
18" The lar&e4 'ome-shape' muscle calle' the 'iaphra&m is use' +or !!!!!!!!"
a" Circulation
b" (i&estion
c" Repro'uction
'" Breathin&
19" A patient is complainin& o+ pain an' the 'octor suspects appen'icitis" >n which
ua'rant is the pain locate'7
a" R.K
b" R?K
c" ?.K
'" ??K
2<" Jour patient complains o+ pain in the area o+ the liver" >n which ua'rant is the
pain locate'7
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a" ?.K
b" ??K
c" R.K
'" R?K
21" The 'octor has or'ere' a stu'$ to loo% at the action o+ heart valves" 6hich
proce'ure has he or'ere'7
a" C-ra$
b" CT Scan
c" MR>
'" .ltrasoun'
2)" A patient is sche'ule' to un'er&o a test an' has state' that she has ha' sur&er$ +or
a valve replacement" 6hich proce'ure coul' be contrain'icate' in this situation7
a" C-ra$
b" CT Scan
c" MR>
'" .ltrasoun'
Short Answer
6rite the wor' or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the uestion"
1" The !!!!!!!!!!!! position is l$in& with the hea' lower than the +eet"
)" The !!!!!!!!!!!! position is with the be' or e*amination table elevate' 12-3<
/" The transverse :horiGontal; plane 'ivi'es the bo'$ into superior an' !!!!!!!!!!!!
1" !!!!!!!!!!!! re+ers to bo'$ parts locate' awa$ +rom the mi'line"
2" The +rontal or!!!!!!!!!!!! plane 'ivi'es the bo'$ into anterior an' posterior
3" Posterior or !!!!!!!!!!!! means towar's the bac% o+ the bo'$"
5" !!!!!!!!!!!! re+ers to bo'$ parts close to a point o+ re+erence on the bo'$"
8" !!!!!!!!!!!! means on the outsi'e"
9" The wor' meanin& at or towar's the bo'$ sur+ace is !!!!!!!!!!!!"
1<" The opposite o+ 'orsal is anterior or !!!!!!!!!!!!"
11" The nose is !!!!!!!!!!!! to the e$es an' !!!!!!!!!!!! to the mouth"
1)" >+ $our han's an' +eet are swollen with +lui'4 $ou are sai' to have !!!!!!!!!!!!
or pe'al e'ema"
1/" (eath o+ tissue is calle' !!!!!!!!!!!!"
11" The anterior sur+ace o+ the elbow is calle' !!!!!!!!!!!!"
12" Antiperspirant spra$s are use' in the !!!!!!!!!!!! re&ion"
13" The !!!!!!!! position is la$in& +ace upwar'"
15" The wrist is !!!!!!!! to the han' an' !!!!!!!! to the elbow"
18" 6hen the hea' is lower than the heart4 &ravit$ increases the bloo' +low an'
there+ore increases the cerebral or !!!!!!!! pressure"
19" ?e+t an' ri&ht alwa$s re+ers to the !!!!!!!! le+t an' ri&ht"
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)<" (i&ital o*$&en sensors woul' be place' on a:n; !!!!!!!!!!"
)1" Patients are more prone to aspirate vomitus into their lun&s in the Tren'elenbur&
position an' there+ore shoul' not !!!!!!!! within two to +our hours o+ bein&
place' in that position"
))" The !!!!!!!!!!!!!!re&ion o+ the arm is usuall$ where bloo' pressures are ta%en"
)/" Pain in the &eneral stomach area can in'icate a variet$ o+ problems4 inclu'in& an
ulcer4 heart attac%4 appen'icitis4 !!!!!!!! 4 or liver problems"
)1" Ane o+ the problems with an C-ra$ +ilm is that it is a two !!!!!!!! view o+ a
speci+ic area"
)2" A:n; !!!!!!!! is a tear in the muscle wall that can allow a structure :usuall$ an
or&an; to protru'e throu&h it"
)3" The !!!!!!!! re&ions are locate' on either si'e o+ the epi&astric re&ion an'
contain the lower ribs"
)5" The !!!!!!!! position is sittin& in be' with the hea' o+ the be' elevate' 12 to 3<
)8" Placin& patients with secretions in the bases o+ their lun&s in the !!!!!!!! position
helps 'rain those se&ments o+ the lun&s"
)9" !!!!!!!! ima&ers use ma&netic ener&$ to pro'uce cross sectional ima&es o+ bo'$
/<" A patient is place' in a supine position an' instructe' to raise his or her ri&ht le&
while the practitioner places a han' on the patient@s ri&ht thi&h an' &ives a sli&ht
opposin& 'ownwar' +orce" This proce'ure is %nown as the !!!!!!!! test"
/1" !!!!!!!! is a con'ition o+ bluish colore' s%in that is usuall$ the result o+ low
levels o+ o*$&en in the bloo'"
/)" The !!!!!!!! re&ion is where the thi&h meets the trun% an' is also calle' the &roin
//" The Psoas test is use' to test +or !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
/1" (eath o+ the tissue is terme' !!!!!!!!!!!!"
/2" Heart +ailure can cause the bac%-up o+ +lui' into the venous s$stem thus causin&
the nec% or !!!!!!!! veins to become en&or&e' with e*tra bloo'"
/3" A hernia o+ the Dbell$ buttonE woul' be terme' an !!!!!!!!!!!!! hernia"
/5" The opposite o+ 'istal is !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
/8" The opposite o+ 'eep is !!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
/9" C$anosis +oun' in the han's an' +eet woul' be calle' peripheral or !!!!!!!!!!
1<" A:n; !!!!!!!! is a two 'imensional view o+ a speci+ic area"
11" A:n; !!!!!!!! scan creates a three 'imensional view o+ structures in the bo'$"
1)" A patient is in the >ntensive Care .nit4 has =ust ha' brain sur&er$ an' is su++erin&
+rom an increase' intracranial pressure" The !!!!!!!! position is contrain'icate'
in this situation"
6rite IT@ i+ the statement is true an' I0@ i+ the statement is +alse"
!!!! 1" -The anatomical position is a human bein& stan'in& erect +acin& +orwar' with
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+eet parallel an' arms han&in& at the si'e with palms +acin& bac%war'"
!!!! )" -The 0owler@s position is the best position +or patients havin& trouble
!!!! /" -The prone position is best +or the pelvic e*am"
!!!! 1" Cranial means superior"
!!!! 2" Me'ial means to the si'e"
!!!! 3" -Compute' tomo&raph$ :CT; scannin& uses a narrowl$ +ocuse' *-ra$ beam
that circles rapi'l$ aroun' the bo'$"
!!!! 5" -A CT scan can show the true 'epth o+ a uarter-siGe' tumor shown on
re&ular *-ra$"
!!!! 8" Peripheral re+ers to the torso an' hea'"
!!!! 9" The opposite o+ super+icial is lateral"
!!!!1<" The cranial cavit$ houses the brain"
!!!!11" -An orbital in=ur$ can cause 'ama&e to si&ht"
!!!!1)" -The pubic area is use' +or car'iopulmonar$ resuscitation"
!!!!1/" (i&ital means +in&ers an' toes"
!!!!11" Cervical means relatin& to the %nee"
!!!!12" Brachial means lower le&"
6rite $our answer in the space provi'e' or on a separate sheet o+ paper"
1" ?ist two or&ans or structures +oun' in each o+ the R.K4 ?.K4 R?K4 an' ??K"
)" ?ist an' e*plain the ma=or bo'$ planes an' sections"
/" >+ a patient complains o+ pain4 what uestions shoul' $ou as%7
1" #ive the common name +or the +ollowin& bo'$ re&ionsM +emoral4 &luteal4 lumbar4
antebrachial an' cervical"
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2" #ive the opposite o+M cau'al4 'istal4 e*ternal4 super+icial4 an' posterior"
Multiple Choice
Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the uestion"
1" The smallest unit that retains the chemical properties o+ a particular t$pe o+ matter
is a:n; !!!!!!!!"
a" Atom
b" Molecule
c" Element
'" >on
)" Atoms or molecules which carr$ a char&e are calle' !!!!!!!!"
a" Elements
b" Protons
c" Neutrons
'" >ons
/" >n a person with 'iabetes4 bloo' ma$ o+ten become aci'ic" 6hat bloo' pH mi&ht
$ou e*pect in a person with untreate' 'iabetes7
a" 5"1
b" 1<"2
c" 3"<
'" 1/")
1" 6hich o+ the +ollowin& is a characteristic o+ an covalent bon'7
a" Electrons are share'
b" Electrons are 'onate'
c" The molecule is alwa$s polar
'" Protons are involve' in the bon'
2" The molecule para++in has the +ormula C
" 6hat 'oes that tell $ou about the
a" >t is a protein
b" >t is h$'rophobic
c" >t is a nucleic aci'
'" >t is polar
3" >n a solution4 the !!!!!!!!!!!!!! is 'issolve' in the !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
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a" molecule4 element
b" solute4 solvent
c" solvent4 solute
'" element4 molecule
5" #l$co&en is a pol$sacchari'e ma'e o+ lon& chains o+ &lucose" #lucose is a
a" Pol$sacchari'e
b" (isacchari'e
c" Monosacchari'e
'" Saccharin
8" This t$pe o+ lipi' molecule is important in the structure an' +unction o+ cell
membranes !!!!!!!!"
a" 6a*
b" Phospholipi'
c" Tri&l$ceri'e
'" Estro&en
9" The buil'in& bloc%s o+ proteins are !!!!!!!!"
a" Nucleic aci's
b" Amino aci's
c" Aleic aci's
'" ?ewis aci's
1<" The chie+ t$pe o+ reaction use' 'urin& catabolism is !!!!!!!!"
a" (eh$'ration s$nthesis
b" H$'rol$sis
c" H$'ration
'" H$'ro&en bon'in&
11" 6hat 'o anabolic steroi's 'o when ta%en as me'ication7
a" (estro$ tissue
b" 0i&ht in+ection
c" Buil' up tissue
'" >ncrease +ertilit$
1)" These molecules spee' up the rate o+ biolo&ical reactions !!!!!!!!"
a" Proteins
b" EnG$mes
c" Antibo'ies
'" ATP
1/" (urin& this series o+ reactions4 $our cells use &lucose to ma%e ener&$ !!!!!!!!"
a" Metabolism
b" EnG$me catal$Ge'
c" Cellular respiration
'" Bloo' clottin&
11" This hi&h ener&$ molecule is ma'e an' spent b$ cells 'urin& metabolism
a" ATP
b" A(P
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c" AMP
'" ANP
12" 6hich o+ the +ollowin& has the hi&hest ener&$7
a" ATP
b" A(P
c" AMP
'" ANP
13" A 'ietar$ source +or io'ine is !!!!!!!!M
a" celer$
b" sea +oo'
c" bee+
'" por%
15" A s$mptom o+ +luorine 'e+icienc$ is !!!!!!!!M
a" acne
b" hair loss
c" 'ental cavities
'" low bloo' pressure
18" A lac% o+ the abilit$ o+ the bo'$ to carr$ o*$&en ma$ be 'ue to a 'e+icienc$ in
a" iron
b" copper
c" Ginc
'" &ol'
19" The molecule that is store' in the liver to be use' +or e*tra ener&$ is !!!!!!!!M
a" &lucose
b" &l$co&en
c" hemo&lobin
'" lipi's
)<" #lucose is use' b$ the cells 'urin& a series o+ chemical reactions calle' !!!!!!!!M
a" %rebs c$cle
b" cellular ventilation
c" cellular per+usion
'" cellular respiration
Short Answer
6rite the wor' or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the uestion"
1" Two or more elements =oine' to&ether is a compoun' or !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
)" The nucleus o+ an atom contains protons an' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
/" The !!!!!!!!!!!!! scale is use' to measure the stren&th o+ aci's an' bases"
1" A molecule that will mi* with water is calle' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
2" A molecule with the molecular +ormula CH
A is a:n; !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
3" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! are lipi' molecules arran&e' in rin&s"
5" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! molecules ma$ be use' +or ener&$ stora&e4 movement
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an' protection a&ainst in+ection"
8" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! are the t$pes o+ molecules involve' in cell control an'
9" All the chemical reactions in a cell are collectivel$ re+erre' to as
1<" EnG$mes can onl$ ta%e particular substrates throu&h particular reactions4 because
enG$mes are !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
11" Cellular respiration reuires both &lucose an' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
1)" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! molecules have nitro&en in their bac%bone"
1/" The +lui' in $our bo'$ is mainl$ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
11" To 'i&est +oo' $our bo'$ nee's special molecules calle' !!!!!!!!!!! that help
brea% 'own lar&e molecules"
12" !!!!!!!!!!!!!! molecules have h$'rophilic hea's an' h$'rophobic tails"
6rite IT@ i+ the statement is true an' I0@ i+ the statement is +alse"
!!!! 1" >ons are h$'rophobic"
!!!! )" -Ph$siolo&icall$ important ions are calle' trace elements"
!!!! /" -6ater has h$'ro&en bon's4 which &ive it its uniue properties"
!!!! 1" ?ea' is a biolo&ical molecule"
!!!! 2" Covalent bon's are polar"
!!!! 3" A solution with pH 8 is basic"
!!!! 5" 6ater can store more heat than air"
!!!! 8" (isacchari'es are a t$pe o+ lipi'"
!!!! 9" All steroi's are unhealth$"
!!!!1<" -Man$ carboh$'rates are ener&$ stora&e molecules"
!!!!11" Proteins have pepti'e bon's"
!!!!1)" -(eh$'ration s$nthesis can happen easil$ at room temperature"
!!!!1/" EnG$mes can be inhibite'"
!!!!11" -(urin& cellular respiration4 no ATP is ma'e"
!!!!12" -Chemistr$ is not important in anatom$ an' ph$siolo&$"
6rite $our answer in the space provi'e' or on a separate sheet o+ paper"
1" (istin&uish between the ma=or t$pes o+ chemical bon's"
)" E*plain the +unction o+ enG$mes"
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/" E*plain the molecular 'i++erences between carboh$'rates4 lipi's an' proteins"
1" E*plain the structure o+ an atom"
2" E*plain metabolism"
Multiple Choice
Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the uestion"
1" The or&anelles that provi'e 92O o+ the bo'$@s ener&$ are !!!!!!!!"
a" Ribosomes
b" Mitochon'ria
c" A'enosines
'" C$toplasma
)" Sperm cells are able to move in a swimmin& motion b$ the use o+ !!!!!!!!!!!!"
a" Centrioles
b" Cilia
c" ,esicles
'" 0la&ella
/" The molecule ma'e b$ mitochon'ria that provi'es the power to the cell is
a" ATP
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b" RNA
c" A(P
'" (NA
1" A series o+ channels +oun' within the c$toplasm that is +orme' +rom +ol'e'
membrane is !!!!!!!!"
a" #ol&i apparatus
b" 0acilitate' 'i++usion
c" En'oplasmic reticulum
'" Cell membrane
2" #iven that the$ have lots o+ &ol&i4 salivar$ &lan's an' pancreatic cells must
per+orm which +unction:s;7
a" ?ipi' s$nthesis
b" (NA s$nthesis
c" Protein s$nthesis
'" Secretion an' stora&e
3" The process o+ cleanin& 'ebris an' waste +rom the cell is carrie' out b$ !!!!!!!!"
a" ?$sosomes
b" ?ipi's
c" 0ilaments
'" Ribosomes
5" The cell receives its shape +rom a networ% o+ microtubules an' +ilaments %nown as
the !!!!!!!!"
a" C$tos%eleton
b" En'os%eleton
c" E*os%eleton
'" Micros%eleton
8" !!!!!!!!!!!! are short4 hair-li%e pro=ections +oun' on the outer sur+ace o+
speci+ic cells"
a" Capsi's
b" ,esicles
c" Cilia
'" 0la&ella
9" The most important molecules +or ma%in& the cell membrane selectivel$
permeable are !!!!!!!!"
a" Proteins
b" Phospholipi's
c" Cholesterol
'" ATP
1<" 6hen all the carrier molecules are +ull an' no more molecules can be carrie'
across the cell membrane4 this is calle' !!!!!!!!"
a" >nhibition
b" Saturation
c" Competition
'" Speci+icit$
11" 6hich microor&anism has the abilit$ to become part o+ the cell an' is then much
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har'er to 'estro$7
a" ,irus
b" 0un&i
c" Bacteria
'" ProtoGoa
1)" 6hich molecule is least li%el$ to be able to pass throu&h a cell membrane without
a" H
b" CH
c" C
'" C
1/" The process o+ allowin& substances into an' out o+ the cell is controlle' b$ the
a" Nucleus
b" Cell membrane
c" ?$sosomes
'" #ol&i apparatus
11" The cells that ma%e up the human bo'$ are calle' !!!!!!!!"
a" Mitotic cells
b" Meiotic cells
c" Eu%ar$otic cells
'" Chromosomal cells
12" 6hat section o+ the cell c$cle is actuall$ 'evote' to cell 'ivision7
a" >nterphase
b" Cellphase
c" (uophase
'" Mitosis phase
13" 6hen the bo'$ per+orms cellular respiration4 +oo' is chan&e' into a +orm o+ ener&$
calle' !!!!!!!!"
a" RNA
b" A(P
c" (NA
'" ATP
15" An or&anism that pro'uces 'isease is %nown as a:n; !!!!!!!!"
a" Ar&anelle
b" Patho&en
c" Ma&netosome
'" Centriole
18" 6hich microor&anism is sprea' b$ the release o+ spores7
a" Bacteria
b" ,irus
c" 0un&i
'" ProtoGoa
19" 6hich 'isease is cause' b$ a protoGoan7
a" Can'i'iasis
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b" Shin&les
c" Malaria
'" Strep
)<" The substance commonl$ transporte' 'urin& +acilitate' 'i++usion is !!!!!!!!"
a" #lucose
b" So'ium
c" C$toplasm
'" Potassium
)1" All o+ the +ollowin& can repro'uce ase*uall$ e*cept !!!!!!!!"
a" Animal cells
b" Plant cells
c" ,iruses
'" Bacteria
))" The mitosis phase has +our 'ivisionsF when 'o the chromosomes split7
a" Anaphase
b" Metaphase
c" Prophase
'" Telephase
)/" Cancer is 'ia&nose' b$ a variet$ o+ techniues4 inclu'in& all o+ these e*cept
a" Biops$
b" Bloo' test
c" Chemotherap$
'" >ma&in&
)1" Micro-or&anisms that live within or on us normall$ are collectivel$ calle'
a" Cancer cells
b" Normal +lora
c" Epithelial cells
'" 6hite bloo' cells
)2" Bacterial cells have no nucleus or or&anelles an' repro'uce easil$ throu&h a
process %nown as !!!!!!!!"
a" Chromatin
b" Eu%ar$osis
c" >nterphase
'" Binar$ +ission
)3" 6hich o+ these is not a +unction o+ the cell membrane7
a" Protein s$nthesis
b" Re&ulation o+ what moves into an' out o+ the cell
c" >'enti+$in& the cell
'" Hol'in& the cell to&ether
)5" These are calle' the Dpower plantsE o+ the cell !!!!!!!!"
a" Ribosome
b" Mitochon'ria
c" #ol&i apparatus
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'" ?$sosomes
)8" 6hich o+ these is not part o+ a cell7
a" The plasma membrane
b" The interstitial +lui'
c" The c$toplasm
'" The nucleus
e" All o+ the above are part o+ the cell
)9" These or&anelles contain power+ul enG$mes that ta%e care o+ cleanin& up
intracellular 'ebris an' other waste !!!!!!!!"
a" Ribosomes
b" Smooth en'oplasmic reticulum
c" Mitochon'ria
'" ?$sosomes
/<" This is the site o+ protein s$nthesis in the cell !!!!!!!!"
a" Mitochon'ria
b" ?$sosomes
c" Ribosomes
'" #ol&i apparatus
/1" This or&anelle consists o+ tin$ +lattene' sacs that help process an' pac%a&e
chemicals in the cell !!!!!!!!"
a" Ribosome
b" Mitochon'ria
c" #ol&i apparatus
'" ?$sosome
/)" These are e*tremel$ +ine hair-li%e structures on the sur+ace o+ the cell !!!!!!!!"
a" Cilia
b" Microvilli
c" 0la&ella
'" Rou&h en'oplasmic reticulum
//" This is the movement o+ water +rom an area o+ lower solute concentration to an
area o+ hi&her concentration throu&h a membrane !!!!!!!!"
a" Asmosis
b" (i++usion
c" 0iltration
'" (ial$sis
/1" (urin& this phase o+ mitosis4 the chromosomes split an' the spin'les pull them
apart !!!!!!!!"
a" Telophase
b" Anaphase
c" Metaphase
'" >nterphase
/2" (urin& this phase o+ mitosis4 chromosomes are ali&ne' in the center o+ the cell
a" Telophase
b" Anaphase
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c" Metaphase
'" Prophase
/3" This &eneral process is utiliGe' b$ the cells +or the inta%e o+ liui' an' +oo' when
the substance is too lar&e to 'i++use across the cell membrane !!!!!!!!"
a" Pinoc$tosis
b" En'oc$tosis
c" E*oc$tosis
'" Pha&oc$tosis
/5" !!!!!!!! are uniue because the$ cannot &row4 Deat4E or repro'uce b$ themselves"
a" Bacteria
b" 0un&i
c" ProtoGoans
'" ,iruses
/8" Ninet$ percent o+ the cell@s li+e is spent in which phase 'urin& the cell c$cle
a" >nterphase
b" Prophase
c" Anaphase
'" Metaphase
e" Telophase
/9" An e*ample o+ +un&al in+ection is !!!!!!!!"
a" Athlete@s +oot
b" Thrush
c" Common col'
'" a an' b onl$
1<" Malaria is cause' b$ which o+ the +ollowin& t$pes o+ in+ections7
a" ,iral
b" Bacterial
c" ProtoGoan
'" 0un&al
11" Si&ns an' s$mptoms o+ bacterial in+ection ma$ inclu'e !!!!!!!!"
a" Hi&h +ever
b" Rapi' pulse
c" Pain an' swellin&
'" All o+ the above
Short Answer
6rite the wor' or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the uestion"
1" Parts o+ the cell are calle' !!!!!!!!!!!!"
)" Because all substances cannot pass easil$ throu&h it4 cell membranes are %nown as
selectivel$ permeable or !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! membranes"
/" !!!!!!!!!!!! is the process in which a substance travels +rom an area o+ hi&her
concentration to an area o+ lower concentration"
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1" The process o+ bloc%in& a carrier is calle' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
2" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! is a process in which water will travel across a semipermeable
membrane +rom an area o+ lower solute concentration to an area o+ hi&her solute
3" 6hen a cell membrane activel$ surroun's a soli' substance an' +orms a vesicle
which moves into the cell4 this is calle' !!!!!!!!!!!!"
5" The !!!!!!!!!!!! is the control center o+ the cell"
8" !!!!!!!!!!!! act as power plants in the cell"
9" !!!!!!!!!!!! are whip-li%e tails that help cells move"
1<" Normal !!!!!!!!!!!! are bacteria that are normal in the bo'$"
11" !!!!!!!!!!!! are patho&ens that are surroun'e' b$ capsi's"
1)" 6hen cells ma%e copies o+ themselves without the involvement o+ another cell4 it
is calle' !!!!!!!!!!!!"
1/" The process o+ sortin& the chromosomes so that each new cell &ets the ri&ht
number o+ copies o+ all the &enetic material is calle' !!!!!!!!!!!!"
11" The phase in which the chromosomes become visible is !!!!!!!!!!!!"
12" The wor' +or non-cancerous is !!!!!!!!!!!!"
13" !!!!!!!! are tin$ buil'in& bloc%s o+ all matter which combine to +orm molecules"
15" !!!!!!!! is the process in which water travels throu&h a selectivel$ permeable
membrane to eualiGe concentrations o+ a solute"
18" !!!!!!!! involves usin& pressure to +orce water an' its solutes throu&h a
19" The !!!!!!!! is a series o+ channels in the c$toplasm"
)<" !!!!!!!! are microscopic4 hair-li%e pro=ections on the outer sur+ace o+ some cells"
)1" A:n; !!!!!!!! pac%a&es an' 'elivers proteins"
))" An$ time a new cell is ma'e4 it is ma'e b$ a process o+ !!!!!!!!"
)/" The brie+ portion o+ the cell c$cle that is 'evote' to actual cell 'ivision is the
!!!!!!!! phase"
)1" The phase in which the chromosomes split an' the spin'les pull apart is !!!!!!!!"
)2" ,iruses cannot &row4 eat4 or repro'uce b$ themselves4 but must enter another
!!!!!!!! to 'o its cellular activities"
)3" Bacteria4 which are pro%ar$otes4 &row rapi'l$ an' repro'uce b$ splittin& in
)5" 0ollowin& the analo&$ in $our boo%4 consi'er ribosomes the manu+acturin& plant
+or buil'in& materials use' +or !!!!!!!! an' repair"
)8" The brea%in& o++ an' sprea'in& o+ mali&nant cells is calle' !!!!!!!!"
)9" Beni&n tumors t$picall$ &row slowl$4 an' push !!!!!!!! cells out o+ the wa$"
/<" 6ithout mitosis4 $our bo'$ woul' not be able to &row4 or replace ol' or !!!!!!!!
/1" ,iruses can sta$ 'ormant in the bo'$ an' become !!!!!!!! once a&ain4 later in
/)" E*amples o+ +un&al in+ections are athlete@s +oot an' a mouth +un&us calle'
!!!!!!!! or can'i'iasis"
//" The abilit$ o+ a substance to DpullE water towar' an area o+ hi&her concentration o+
the solute is calle' !!!!!!!!"
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/1" Mitosis is the 'ivision an' sortin& o+ the &enetic material4 while !!!!!!!! is the
'ivision o+ the c$toplasm"
/2" An or&anism that pro'uces 'isease is calle' a:n; !!!!!!!!"
/3" ,iruses have their &enetic material surroun'e' b$ a protective protein coat calle'
a:n; !!!!!!!!"
/5" Bacterial in+ections are treate' with !!!!!!!!4 chemicals that can %ill the
pro%ar$otic bacteria without harmin& eu%ar$otic cells"
/8" !!!!!!!! 'i++ers +rom osmosis in that pressure is applie' to +orce water an'
'issolve' materials across a membrane"
/9" A spherical bo'$ ma'e up o+ 'ense +ibers calle' the !!!!!!!! is +oun' within the
cell nucleus"
1<" The !!!!!!!! is a networ% o+ microtubules an' interconnecte' +ilaments that
provi'e shape to the cell an' allow the cell an' its contents to be mobile"
11" 0un&i can sprea' throu&h the release o+ !!!!!!!!"
1)" !!!!!!!! are bacteria that live within or on us an' are normall$ harmless"
6rite IT@ i+ the statement is true an' I0@ i+ the statement is +alse"
!!!! 1" The stomach is an or&anelle"
!!!! )" -Proteins prevent ions +rom crossin& cell membranes"
!!!! /" -The abilit$ o+ a substance to pull water towar's an area o+ hi&her
concentration o+ the solute is +iltration"
!!!! 1" -Cellular respiration ma%es carbon 'io*i'e as a waste pro'uct"
!!!! 2" ->+ water is transporte' across a cell4 it is %nown as pha&oc$tosis"
!!!! 3" -C$toplasm is compose' o+ water4 nutrients4 an' electrol$tes"
!!!! 5" Chromatin is +oun' in the nucleus"
!!!! 8" All cells have cell membranes"
!!!! 9" -The centriole is a whip-li%e or&anelle use' +or cell movement"
!!!!1<" -The #ol&i apparatus has power+ul enG$mes that can eat cellular 'ebris"
!!!!11" ?$sis means to brea% 'own"
!!!!1)" -Metastasis is sprea'in& o+ beni&n cancer cells"
!!!!1/" Some bacteria are not patho&enic"
!!!!11" -The +our phases o+ mitosis are prophase4 metaphase4 anaphase4 an'
!!!!12" -Telophase occurs when the chromosomes line up in the center o+ the cell"
6rite $our answer in the space provi'e' or on a separate sheet o+ paper"
1" Compare an' contrast active an' passive transport"
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)" (escribe how isotonic4 h$potonic4 an' h$pertonic salt solutions a++ect osmotic
/" (iscuss the characteristics o+ carrier me'iate' transport"
1" (iscuss the levels o+ or&aniGation in the human bo'$ +rom smallest to lar&est"
2" (iscuss how cancer is mitosis run amo%"
Multiple Choice
Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the uestion"
1" Cells that are arran&e' in several la$ers are calle' !!!!!!!!!!!! cells"
a" Cuboi'al
b" Strati+ie'
c" Columnar
'" Suamous
)" The linin& o+ the urinar$ bla''er is compose' o+ which t$pe o+ cell7
a" Simple suamous
b" Transitional
c" Simple cuboi'al
'" Simple columnar
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/" This connective tissue has cells in lacunae in a &el-li%e matri* !!!!!!!!"
a" Cartila&e
b" Areolar
c" Re&ular
'" Reticular
1" Muscle tissue possesses contractilit$4 also %nown as the abilit$ to !!!!!!!!"
a" Swell
b" Mutate
c" Shorten
'" Stren&then
2" This connective tissue has cells in a mineral matri* !!!!!!!!"
a" Cartila&e
b" Reticular
c" Bone
'" Bloo'
3" 6hich membrane is the lar&est or&an o+ the inte&umentar$ s$stem7
a" Cutaneous
b" Mucous
c" Parietal
'" ,isceral
5" The colon is an or&an inclu'e' in which bo'$ s$stem7
a" #astrointestinal
b" Car'iovascular
c" >nte&umentar$
'" Repro'uctive
8" 6hich o+ the +ollowin& is consi'ere' a nonvital or&an7
a" Heart
b" #allbla''er
c" ?un&
'" ?iver
9" The pro'uction o+ bloo' cells occurs within which bo'$ s$stem7
a" Car'iovascular
b" Muscular
c" En'ocrine
'" S%eletal
1<" 6hich t$pe o+ muscle lines the bloo' vessels an' airwa$s o+ the bo'$7
a" Rou&h
b" #lia
c" Smooth
'" Striate'
11" Jour s%in4 a+ter it is e*pose' to sunli&ht4 will pro'uce which vitamin7
a" ,itamin A
b" ,itamin B
c" ,itamin C
'" ,itamin (
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1)" Processin& an' interpretin& in+ormation4 motor +unctions an' sensor$ +unctions are
responsibilities o+ which bo'$ s$stem7
a" Muscular
b" Nervous
c" Sensor$
'" En'ocrine
1/" Balance is the responsibilit$ o+ which sensor$ or&an7
a" Ear
b" E$e
c" Nose
'" Throat
11" 6hat is the +irst step in woun' healin&7
a" Re&eneration
b" >n+lammation
c" Ar&aniGation
'" Scarrin&
12" 6hich o+ the +ollowin& tissues re&enerates well7
a" Car'iac muscle
b" Nervous Tissue
c" Smooth Muscle
'" Bone
13" An e*ample o+ a s$novial =oint woul' be the !!!!!!!!"
a" A*is
b" Brachial
c" Temporal
'" Knee
15" The movement o+ +oo' is a +unction o+ !!!!!!!! muscles"
a" >nvoluntar$
b" Sensor$
c" Car'iac
'" Striate'
18" Maintainin& the proper aci'-base balance o+ the bloo' is carrie' out b$ which bo'$
a" S%eletal
b" Respirator$
c" Musculos%eletal
'" >nte&umentar$
19" T-?$mphoc$tes are specialiGe' cells pro'uce' +or which +unction7
a" Pro'ucin& re' bloo' cells
b" #enetic repro'uction
c" Saliva pro'uction
'" 0i&htin& in+ection
)<" Mucous is !!!!!!!!"
a" The t$pe o+ membrane
b" The material that collects in the corner o+ the e$e
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c" The actual substance secrete' b$ membranes
'" The substance secrete' b$ s$novial membranes
)1" SpecialiGe' in+ection-+i&htin& 6BCs are pro'uce' b$ the !!!!!!!! s$stem"
a" Car'iovascular
b" ?$mphatic
c" >nte&umentar$
'" En'ocrine
))" A patient who has 'i++icult$ conceivin& most li%el$ has a problem in the !!!!!!!!
a" Nervous
b" .rinar$
c" Repro'uctive
'" Car'iovascular
)/" Ane o+ the +unctions o+ the en'ocrine s$stem is to help $ou 'eal with stresses
pro'uce' b$ !!!!!!!!"
a" Trauma
b" (iGGiness
c" Sleeplessness
'" Nausea
)1" The term tachypnea means !!!!!!!!"
a" 0ast breathin&
b" 0ast heart rate
c" 0ast bloo' pressure rise
'" 0ast spi%e in temperature
)2" The bo'$@s lar&est or&an is !!!!!!!!"
a" The liver
b" The brain
c" The lar&e intestine
'" The s%in
)3" The s%eletal s$stem inclu'es all but which o+ the +ollowin&7
a" Bones
b" Cartila&e
c" ?i&aments
'" All o+ the above are inclu'e' in the s%eletal s$stem
)5" This t$pe o+ muscle tissue is +oun' in the stomach !!!!!!!!"
a" S%eletal
b" ,oluntar$
c" Smooth
'" Car'iac
)8" This t$pe o+ muscle tissue is +oun' in the heart !!!!!!!!"
a" S%eletal
b" ,oluntar$
c" Smooth
'" Car'iac
)9" 6hich o+ the +ollowin& is not a &lan' in the en'ocrine s$stem7
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a" Th$roi'
b" Pituitar$
c" H$pothalamus
'" Salivar$
/<" 6hich o+ these or&ans is a primar$ or&an o+ the 'i&estive s$stem7
a" ?iver
b" Pancreas
c" Small intestine
'" Both a an' c
/1" This t$pe o+ tissue provi'es rapi' communication between various parts o+ the
bo'$ !!!!!!!!"
a" Epithelial
b" Connective
c" Muscle
'" Nervous
/)" This t$pe o+ tissue covers the bo'$ an' lines man$ o+ the parts o+ the bo'$
a" Epithelial
b" Connective
c" Muscle
'" Nervous
//" This is the most common tissue an' is +oun' throu&hout the bo'$ more than an$
other +orm !!!!!!!!"
a" Epithelial
b" Connective
c" Muscle
'" Nervous
/1" This t$pe o+ tissue specialiGes in movement o+ the bo'$ !!!!!!!!"
a" Epithelial
b" Connective
c" Muscle
'" Nervous
/2" This t$pe o+ tissue can be classi+ie' b$ the shape an' arran&ement o+ its cells
a" Epithelial
b" Connective
c" Muscle
'" Nervous
/3" The !!!!!!!! s$stem transports water4 o*$&en4 an' a variet$ o+ nutrients an'
other substances necessar$ +or li+e to the cells4 an' transports waste pro'ucts awa$
+rom the cells"
a" Car'iovascular
b" .rinar$
c" (i&estive
'" Respirator$
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/5" 6hen cells are arran&e' in a scale-li%e or +lat arran&ement4 the$ are re+erre' to as
a" Suamous
b" Cuboi'al
c" Columnar
'" Transitional
/8" 6hich o+ the +ollowin& epithelial membranes is the lar&est or&an o+ the
inte&umentar$ s$stem7
a" cutaneous
b" parietal
c" visceral
'" mucous
/9" 6hich o+ the epithelial membranes encases in'ivi'ual or&ans7
a" parietal
b" mucous
c" visceral
'" cutaneous
1<" 6hich membrane lines the wall o+ the thoracic cavit$7
a" cutaneous
b" parietal
c" mucous
'" visceral
Short Answer
6rite the wor' or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the uestion"
1" 6hen similar cells act to&ether to per+orm a +unction4 the$ are calle' a:n;
)" An$ avascular tissue with no e*tracellular matri* an' an obvious top sur+ace is
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tissue"
/" The !!!!!!!!!!!!!! tissue is a sin&le la$er o+ plate-li%e cells"
1" Muscle tissue that is striate' is calle' s%eletal or !!!!!!!!!!!!"
2" A torn li&ament involves 'ama&e to !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! connective tissue"
3" Membranes that cover the brain an' spinal cor' are calle' !!!!!!!!!!!!"
5" The membrane la$er that wraps aroun' in'ivi'ual or&ans is calle' !!!!!!!!!!!!"
8" Nervous tissue has two t$pes o+ cells !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! an' &lia"
9" A'ipose tissue is more commonl$ %nown as !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
1<" Tissue healin& be&ins with cells calle' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! which 'raw the
e'&es o+ the woun' to&ether"
11" The !!!!!!!!!!!! s$stem 'elivers o*$&en to the bloo'stream"
1)" The !!!!!!!!!!!! s$stem acts as a storm 'rain an' protects the bo'$"
1/" The !!!!!!!!!!!! s$stem is the main stora&e +or calcium"
11" The sensor$ or !!!!!!!!!!!! s$stem provi'es sensor$ in+ormation +rom the
e*ternal worl'"
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12" The !!!!!!!!!!!! s$stem ri's the bo'$ o+ carbon 'io*i'e"
13" >n a serous membrane4 the membrane la$er that lines cavities is calle' !!!!!!!!"
15" The combinin& +orm +or =oints is !!!!!!!!"
18" The combinin& +orm +or vein is venHo4 veniHi an' !!!!!!!!"
19" The limbs are part o+ the !!!!!!!! s%eleton"
)<" The s%in an' hair are parts o+ the !!!!!!!! s$stem"
)1" !!!!!!!! are the sites o+ e*chan&e between bloo' an' tissue"
))" Special structures calle' l$mph no'es act as +ilters to capture unwante' particles or
)/" Hormones pro'uce' b$ the !!!!!!!! s$stem help $ou to 'eal with &eneral stress
an' stress pro'uce' b$ in+ection an' trauma"
)1" The !!!!!!!! s$stem helps re&ulate the number o+ re' bloo' cells an' the aci'-
base an' electrol$te balance o+ bloo'"
)2" The !!!!!!!! la$er lines the wall o+ the cavities in which or&ans resi'e"
)3" A membrane associate' with connective tissue is the !!!!!!!! membrane"
)5" S%eletal muscle is 'escribe' as !!!!!!!! because o+ its stripe' appearance"
)8" !!!!!!!! are conscious :an' unconscious; +eelin&s or an awareness o+ con'itions
that occur insi'e an' outsi'e o+ the bo'$"
)9" The membranes associate' with coverin& the brain an' spinal cor' are calle'
/<" The branchli%e +ormations that receive sensor$ in+ormation are calle' !!!!!!!!"
/1" The !!!!!!!! la$er4 which also pro'uces serous +lui's4 wraps aroun' the
in'ivi'ual or&ans"
/)" The bo'$@s +irst line o+ protection is its !!!!!!!!"
6rite IT@ i+ the statement is true an' I0@ i+ the statement is +alse"
!!!! 1" Suamous cells are column-li%e"
!!!! )" -Stretch$ epithelial tissue is calle' transitional"
!!!! /" Mucus lubricates tissue"
!!!! 1" -Connective tissue is the most common tissue"
!!!! 2" Bloo' is a connective tissue"
!!!! 3" ->nvoluntar$ muscle tissue is calle' s%eletal muscle"
!!!! 5" -Swellin& is alwa$s a ne&ative s$mptom which shoul' be prevente' at all
!!!! 8" Nervous tissue re&enerates well"
!!!! 9" -A mucous membrane is a 'ouble la$ere' membrane with a potential space
between the la$ers"
!!!!1<" The liver is part o+ the urinar$ s$stem"
!!!!11" -The car'iovascular s$stem is one o+ the bo'$@s control s$stems"
!!!!1)" ,eins carr$ bloo' awa$ +rom the heart"
!!!!1/" -The esopha&us is in the &astrointestinal s$stem"
!!!!11" -Nitro&en waste is usuall$ eliminate' throu&h the inte&umentar$ s$stem"
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Professions, 2nd Edition
!!!!12" -Hormones are chemicals which circulate in the bloo'stream"
6rite $our answer in the space provi'e' or on a separate sheet o+ paper"
1" E*plain the relationship between cells4 tissues4 or&ans an' s$stems"
)" Choose one s$stem an' list the parts o+ that s$stem"
/" (istin&uish between connective an' epithelial tissue"
1" E*plain the steps in woun' healin&"
2" Compare an' contrast car'iac4 smooth4 an' s%eletal muscle"
Multiple Choice
Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the uestion"
1" 6hich t$pe o+ bone is cube-shape' in appearance7
a" Short
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b" ?on&
c" Re&ular
'" >rre&ular
)" The en's o+ lon& bones are %nown as the !!!!!!!!!!!!"
a" Me'ulla
b" Periosteum
c" (iaph$sis
'" Epiph$ses
/" A narrow ri'&e o+ bone is %nown as the !!!!!!!!!!!!"
a" Crest
b" Hea'
c" Spine
'" Con'$le
1" A !!!!!!!!!!!! is a &roove or shallow 'epression on the sur+ace o+ a bone"
a" 0acet
b" Sinus
c" 0ossa
'" Meatus
2" An !!!!!!!!!!!! is a mature bone cell"
a" Asteopro&enitor
b" Asteoblast
c" Asteoclast
'" Asteoc$te
3" Compact bone is create' over the sur+ace o+ spon&$ bone b$ !!!!!!!!!!!!"
a" Asteopro&enitors
b" Asteoclasts
c" Asteons
'" Asteoblasts
5" Bone &rowth will continue +or as lon& as the !!!!!!!!!!!! plate e*ists"
a" (iaph$seal
b" Epiph$seal
c" Asteon
'" Me'ullar$
8" !!!!!!!!!!!! is the t$pe o+ connective tissue that helps to cushion the en's o+
lon& bones"
a" Spon&$ bone
b" Cartila&e
c" Bone marrow
'" S$novium
9" This t$pe o+ =oint is hel' to&ether b$ connective tissue stran's !!!!!!!!"
a" #li'in&
b" S$novial
c" Cartila&inous
'" 0ibrous
1<" 6hat t$pe o+ =oint is +orme' when an oval shape' bone +its into an elliptical
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a" Pivot
b" #li'in&
c" Hin&e
'" Ellipsoi'al
11" The =oints o+ the hips an' shoul'ers are e*amples o+ !!!!!!!!!!!! =oints"
a" Pivot
b" 0ibrous
c" Ball an' soc%et
'" Sa''le
1)" This movement occurs when $ou turn $our +oot towar' the other +oot !!!!!!!!"
a" Eversion
b" >nversion
c" Pronation
'" 0le*ion
1/" The primar$ ossi+ication center in lon& bones is locate' in the !!!!!!!!"
a" Epiph$ses
b" (iaph$sis
c" Articular cartila&e
'" Central Canal
11" The bone 'isease !!!!!!!!!!!! is a 'e&enerative 'isor'er4 characteriGe' b$
thinnin& bones"
a" Asteoporosis
b" Asteitis
c" Asteom$elitis
'" Asteosarcomas
12" The last sta&e in bone repair is !!!!!!!!"
a" Remo'elin&
b" Bon$ callus +ormation
c" So+t callus +ormation
'" Hematoma +ormation
13" 6hich mineral is inclu'e' in the composition o+ bone7
a" >o'ine
b" Calcium
c" Potassium
'" >ron
15" The spinal column an' bones o+ the mi''le ear are part o+ the !!!!!!!! s%eleton"
a" Superior
b" A*ial
c" >n+erior
'" Appen'icular
18" ?or'osis is a:n; !!!!!!!! curvature o+ the lower bac% an' is commonl$ calle'
a" ?e+t lateral4 swa$bac%
b" Posterior4 swa$bac%
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c" Anterior4 swa$bac%
'" Anterior4 hunchbac%
19" Jour te*tboo% lists ei&ht causative a&ents +or bone an' =oint 'isor'ers other than
osteoporosis an' arthritis" 6hich o+ these is not one o+ them7
a" Nutritional 'isor'ers
b" (e&enerative 'isor'ers
c" Tumors
'" Asteomalacia
)<" !!!!!!!! is a nutritional 'isor'er cause' b$ a vitamin ( 'e+icienc$"
a" Asteomalacia
b" Ric%ets
c" Scurv$
'" Both a an' b
)1" Scoliosis is an e*ample o+ what classi+ication o+ 'isor'ers7
a" >n+ection
b" Con&enital
c" Trauma
'" Secon'ar$
))" >+ the bo'$ is not in balance4 re&ar'less o+ the cause4 spinal curvatures ma$ be
e*a&&erate'4 lea'in& to !!!!!!!!"
a" K$phosis
b" Scoliosis
c" ?or'osis
'" All o+ the above
)/" 6hich o+ these is not a t$pe o+ arthritis7
a" Rheumatoi'
b" Asteo
c" Septic
'" Cruciate
)1" A bone +racture in $our arm woul' be part o+ the !!!!!!!! 'ivision o+ the
a" Thoracic
b" Appen'icular
c" A*ial
'" Spinal
)2" This re+ers to the sha+t o+ a lon& bone !!!!!!!!"
a" Epiph$ses
b" Periosteum
c" (iaph$sis
'" En'osteum
)3" This is the stron&4 +ibrous connective tissue coverin& the bone !!!!!!!!"
a" Epiph$ses
b" Periosteum
c" (iaph$sis
'" En'osteum
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)5" This term re+ers to the en's o+ a lon& bone !!!!!!!!"
a" Epiph$ses
b" Periosteum
c" (iaph$sis
'" En'osteum
)8" This membrane lines the spon&$ bone !!!!!!!!"
a" Epiph$ses
b" Periosteum
c" (iaph$sis
'" En'osteum
)9" This is the location in the bone where hemopoiesis occurs !!!!!!!!"
a" Epiph$ses
b" Periosteum
c" (iaph$sis
'" Me'ullar$ cavit$
/<" The microscopic c$lin'rical-shape' unit o+ compact bone is calle' !!!!!!!!"
a" The en'osteum
b" The cancellous
c" The osteon
'" The trabeculae
/1" The bar an' plate-li%e tissue o+ spon&$ bone are calle' !!!!!!!!"
a" 0la&ellite
b" Asteoc$tes
c" Asteon
'" Trabeculae
/)" Bone-buil'in& cells are calle' !!!!!!!!"
a" Asteoblasts
b" Asteoclasts
c" Asteoc$tes
'" Hemopoietics
//" The s%eleton can still &row as lon& as there is cartila&e le+t in the !!!!!!!!"
a" Haversian s$stem
b" (iaph$sis
c" Epiph$seal plate
'" Chon'roc$tes
/1" An abnormal si'e-to-si'e curve in the vertebral column is calle' !!!!!!!!"
a" ?or'osis
b" K$phosis
c" Scoliosis
'" Conve*ities
/2" The number o+ pairs o+ true ribs is !!!!!!!!"
a" 1)
b" 11
c" 2
'" 5
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/3" These =oints permit the wi'est ran&e o+ movement !!!!!!!!"
a" Hin&e
b" Pivot
c" Sa''le
'" Ball an' soc%et
/5" This bone con'ition occurs most +reuentl$ in postmenopausal women with
calcium 'e+iciencies !!!!!!!!"
a" Ric%ets
b" Asteomalacia
c" Asteoporosis
'" Pa&et@s 'isease
/8" Ensurin& that $oun& chil'ren ha' a su++icient amount o+ vitamin ( woul' prevent
a" Ric%ets
b" Asteomalacia
c" Asteoporosis
'" Pa&et@s 'isease
/9" Another name +or a compoun' +racture is !!!!!!!!"
a" An open +racture
b" A close' +racture
c" A comminute' +racture
'" An impacte' +racture
1<" !!!!!!!! is a &eneral term use' to 'escribe an in+lammator$ process o+ a =oint or
a" Arthritis
b" Asteoarthritis
c" #out
'" Bursitis
11" !!!!!!!! is a 'e&enerative con'ition that is a result o+ simple Dwearin& outE o+ a
=oint +rom a sports in=ur$4 trauma4 repetitive motion4 obesit$4 or =ust the a&in&
a" Rheumatoi' arthritis
b" Asteoarthritis
c" #out
'" Bursitis
1)" !!!!!!!! is a chronic4 s$stemic 'isease that is believe' to be an autoimmune
con'ition a++ectin& the connective tissue o+ the bo'$"
a" #out
b" Bursitis
c" Septic arthritis
'" Rheumatoi' arthritis
1/" !!!!!!!! is the result o+ the in+ective process o+ a patho&en that was intro'uce' to
a =oint +rom a penetratin& woun' or a bloo'-borne patho&en"
a" Rheumatoi' arthritis
b" #out
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c" Septic arthritis
'" Arthritis
11" A cle+t palate is an e*ample o+ which o+ the +ollowin&7
a" Con&enital 'isor'er
b" (e&enerative 'isor'er
c" >n+ection
'" Nutritional 'isor'er
12" Asteoporosis is an e*ample o+ which o+ the +ollowin&7
a" Con&enital 'isor'er
b" >n+ection
c" (e&enerative 'isor'er
'" Nerve 'isor'er
13" Si&ns an' s$mptoms o+ osteoarthritis inclu'e which o+ the +ollowin&7
a" Loint 'evelops a croo%e' 'e+ormation
b" #reater ran&e o+ motion
c" Pain+ul swellin& o+ a++ecte' =oint
'" a an' c onl$
15" This is a common sports in=ur$ cause' b$ twistin& o+ the le&4 or an anterior or
posterior blow when the le& is plante' or bearin& wei&ht !!!!!!!!"
a" Cruciate li&ament tears
b" #out
c" Asteomalacia
'" Asteoporosis
Short Answer
6rite the wor' or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the uestion"
1" The hollow re&ion in the bone is the !!!!!!!!!!!! cavit$"
)" Tarsals are e*amples o+ !!!!!!!!!!!! bones"
/" ,ertebrae are e*amples o+ !!!!!!!!!!!! bones"
1" Spon&$ bone tissue is arran&e' in bars an' plates calle' !!!!!!!!!!!!"
2" The pro'uction o+ re' bloo' cells is %nown as er$thropoiesis or!!!!!!!!!!!!"
3" An articulatin& en' o+ a bone that is roun'e' an' enlar&e' is calle' a:n;
5" A hollow area is a:n; !!!!!!!!!!!!"
8" A tube or tunnel-li%e passa&ewa$ throu&h bone is a canal or!!!!!!!!!!!!"
9" The lar&er version o+ a tubercle locate' onl$ on the +emur is the !!!!!!!!!!!!"
1<" Assi+ication or !!!!!!!!!!!! is the term use' to 'escribe the +ormation o+ bone in
the bo'$"
11" Bro%en bones will not %nit to&ether unless the$ are touchin& or !!!!!!!!!!!"
1)" The clavicle an' s%ull bones +orm via !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ossi+ication"
1/" The tissue ma%in& up most o+ $our s%eleton until embr$onic wee% 8 is %nown as
11" 6hen =oints become in+lame'4 this is calle' !!!!!!!!!!!!"
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12" !!!!!!!!!!!! means to move awa$"
13" The en' o+ the bone is calle' the !!!!!!!!"
15" A special +orm o+ connective tissue that can withstan' a +air amount o+ +le*in&4
tension4 an' pressure is !!!!!!!! or li&aments an' ten'ons"
18" 6hen =oints become in+lame'4 it is calle' !!!!!!!!4
19" 6hen two or more bones meet4 we have an !!!!!!!!"
)<" !!!!!!!! 'escribes increasin& the an&le o+ a =oint"
)1" Cruciate li&ament tears are treate' with rest4 immobiliGation4 an'Hor !!!!!!!!
))" Pain me'ication can inclu'e non-steroi'al anti-in+lammator$ 'ru&s :NSA>(s; such
as napro*en an' ibupro+en" These 'ru&s re'uce !!!!!!!!4 thus re'ucin& pain an'
)/" Because o+ the continual brea%'own o+ ol' an' creation o+ new bone4 a'ults
actuall$ nee' more calcium in their 'iets than 'o !!!!!!!!"
)1" Asteoporosis is a metabolic problem with slow4 pro&ressive 'ecrease in bone
)2" A compoun' or !!!!!!!! +racture is particularl$ nast$ because 'eep tissue has the
potential to be e*pose' to bacteria once the bone is set into place4 increasin& the
chance +or in+ection"
)3" A patient shoul' see the 'octor +or an$ obvious bone 'e+ormit$ or misali&nment o+
a:n; !!!!!!!!"
)5" ,er$ tou&h4 whitish ban's that connect +rom bone to bone are calle' !!!!!!!!"
)8" Another term +or the pro'uction o+ re' bloo' cells is !!!!!!!!"
)9" !!!!!!!! is a chronic4 s$stemic 'isease that is believe' to be an autoimmune
con'ition a++ectin& the connective tissue o+ the bo'$"
/<" !!!!!!!! bones are +airl$ eual siGe' in wi'th an' len&th4 similar to a cube4 an'
are mostl$ +oun' in $our wrists an' an%les"
/1" !!!!!!!! =oints are +oun' in $our %nees an' elbows"
/)" >+ a bone is crushe' to the point that it becomes +ra&mente' or splintere'4 that is
classi+ie' as a !!!!!!!! +racture"
//" The !!!!!!!! in women is 'i++erent than in men" This +act can be use' to i'enti+$
the se* o+ a s%eleton4 such as in a mur'er case or an archeolo&ical +in'"
/1" Asteoporosis research is showin& that !!!!!!!!4 especiall$ wei&ht bearin& an'
impact +orms4 improves bone 'ensit$"
/2" !!!!!!!! is a con'ition in which the upper portion o+ the spine e*hibits a posterior
curve4 pro'ucin& what is commonl$ calle' a humpbac% or hunchbac%"
/3" !!!!!!!! is a lateral curvature o+ the spine"
/5" !!!!!!!! is an anterior curve o+ the lower bac% an' is commonl$ calle' swa$bac%"
/8" A +ine +racture that 'oes not completel$ brea% or 'isplace the bone is a:n;
!!!!!!!! +racture"
/9" A:n; !!!!!!!! or close' +racture is a brea% without a puncture to the s%in"
1<" An in'ivi'ual in an acci'ent who has a bone that is severel$ twiste' ma$ receive
a:n;!!!!!!!! +racture"
11" !!!!!!!! +ractures are incomplete brea%s4 which more o+ten occur in chil'ren
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because the$ have so+ter4 more pliable bone than a'ults"
1)" A +racture in which the bone is pushe' throu&h the s%in is re+erre' to as a:n;
!!!!!!!! or open +racture"
1/" Ten'onitis or ten'initis o+ten occurs in con=unction with !!!!!!!!"
6rite IT@ i+ the statement is true an' I0@ i+ the statement is +alse"
!!!! 1" -Ben'in& $our %nee is an e*ample o+ =oint e*tension"
!!!! )" -The 'eltoi' muscle moves the arm awa$ +rom the bo'$" >t is a +le*or"
!!!! /" Supination turns the palm 'ownwar'"
!!!! 1" -Ane hun're' twent$-si* bones comprise the appen'icular s%eleton"
!!!! 2" -The appen'icular s%eleton inclu'es bones o+ the thora*4 spinal column4
h$oi' bone4 bones o+ the mi''le ear4 an' s%ull"
!!!! 3" The tarsals are the toe bones"
!!!! 5" There are twelve thoracic vertebrae"
!!!! 8" The s%ull has mainl$ s$novial =oints"
!!!! 9" -Ance $ou reach pubert$ bone stops re&eneratin&"
!!!!1<" -The heel o+ the +oot is %nown as the acromion process"
!!!!11" The patella is the %neecap"
!!!!1)" Bone is covere' b$ en'osteum"
!!!!1/" -The linin& o+ a +reel$ movin& =oint is cartila&e onl$"
!!!!11" 0ibrous =oints are not +reel$ movin&"
!!!!12" -Arthritis is mainl$ cause' b$ crac%in& $our %nuc%les an' slouchin&"
6rite $our answer in the space provi'e' or on a separate sheet o+ paper"
1" E*plain the microanatom$ o+ compact bone"
)" (escribe how the bo'$ ma%es new bone"
/" ?ist +ive t$pes o+ bone 'isor'ers"
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1" ?ist three t$pes o+ =oint 'isor'ers"
2" E*plain the steps in bone repair"
Multiple Choice
Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the uestion"
1" Thin m$o+ilaments are calle' !!!!!!!!"
a" P bars
b" M$osin
c" M$o+ibril
'" Actin
)" Muscles ma$ be name' usin& !!!!!!!!"
a" Spee'
b" Action
c" A&e
'" M$o+ilament t$pe
/" 6hen the nervous s$stem si&nals a muscle to contract !!!!!!!!!!!! ion channels
a" Phosphorus
b" So'ium
c" M$osin
'" Actin
1" S%eletal muscle pro'uces bo'$ movement as well as maintains our !!!!!!!!!!!!
as we sit"
a" Stren&th
b" ,aso'ilation
c" ,asoconstriction
'" Posture
2" The !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! is the prime elbow +le*or"
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a" Biceps +emoris
b" Biceps brachii
c" Triceps brachii
'" 0le*or 'i&itorum
3" The !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! muscle is locate' on the +ront o+ the lower le&"
a" #astrocnemium
b" ?atissimus 'orsi
c" Tibialis anterior
'" Hamstrin&s
5" 6hich t$pe o+ muscle will not re&enerate once it is severel$ 'ama&e'7
a" Smooth
b" ,isceral
c" Car'iac
'" S%eletal
8" 6hich term is use' to 'esi&nate muscle pain7
a" M$al&ia
b" Ata*ia
c" Paral$sis
'" Spasm
9" 6hich 'isor'er a++ects the peripheral nervous s$stem usuall$ with ascen'in&
paral$sis startin& in the +eet7
a" Muscular '$stroph$
b" #uillain-BarrQ s$n'rome
c" M$asthenia &ravis
'" Tetanus
1<" Striate' muscles4 which appear to have stripes4 are in which t$pe o+ muscle7
a" S%eletal
b" >nternal
c" ,isceral
'" Smooth
11" Bloo' is pumpe' throu&h the heart b$ which t$pe o+ muscle7
a" S%eletal
b" Smooth
c" Car'iac
'" ,isceral
1)" The stationar$ attachment o+ the muscle is calle' the !!!!!!!!!!!!"
a" Point o+ movement
b" Point o+ insertion
c" Point o+ control
'" Point o+ ori&in
1/" The onl$ muscle that possesses both voluntar$ an' involuntar$ abilities is the
a" Heart
b" ?un&
c" (iaphra&m
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'" Brain
11" Rotation occurs when $ou have movement aroun' a:n; !!!!!!!!"
a" A*is
b" ,essel
c" ,ertebrae
'" Ball an' soc%et
12" The muscle movement that enables a =oint to ben' is the !!!!!!!!"
a" 0le*ion
b" 0le*or
c" E*tension
'" E*tensor
13" Muscle cells are ma'e up o+ !!!!!!!!"
a" P bars
b" M$osin
c" M$o+ibrils
'" Actin
15" The m$o+ilaments use' 'urin& muscle contractions will return to their restin& state
when the !!!!!!!! rela*"
a" Sarcomeres
b" M$osin
c" Actin
'" P Bars
18" 6hen the nervous s$stem si&nals a muscle to contract4 the !!!!!!!! ion channels
a" Phosphorus
b" So'ium
c" M$osin
'" Actin
19" S%eletal muscles are able to contract !!!!!!!! times +aster than smooth muscle"
a" )<
b" 1<
c" 2<
'" 3<
)<" Appro*imatel$ !!!!!!!! percent o+ the bo'$@s wei&ht comes +rom its muscles"
a" 12
b" 2<
c" 32
'" 8<
)1" The part o+ the muscle that attaches to the bone that is stationar$ is calle' the
a" Point o+ movement
b" Point o+ insertion
c" Point o+ control
'" Point o+ ori&in
))" The s$mptom o+ shin splints is !!!!!!!!"
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a" Patellar 'isplacement
b" Swellin& in the wrist
c" Pain in the tibia
'" Bruisin& o+ the shins
)/" M$asthenia &ravis is a:n; !!!!!!!! 'isor'er"
a" Mali&nant
b" #enetic
c" M$osin
'" Autoimmune
)1" The etiolo&$ o+ +ibrom$al&ia is !!!!!!!!"
a" .n%nown
b" Acute in=ur$
c" Su''en4 involuntar$ muscle spasms
'" Bacterial in+ection
)2" (uchenne muscular '$stroph$ is a:n; !!!!!!!! 'e+ect in muscle protein
a" Autoimmune
b" #enetic
c" .n%nown
'" Acute
)3" The bacteria clostri'ium tetani release a to*in that !!!!!!!!"
a" Rela*es muscles an' ti&htens li&aments
b" Causes intermittent muscle spasms
c" Causes the patient to &o into shoc%
'" Keeps muscles constantl$ contracte'
)5" 6hich o+ the +ollowin& is not a s$mptom o+ m$opath$7
a" 6ea%ness
b" #enetics
c" Sti++ness
'" Spasm
)8" Atroph$ means muscles !!!!!!!!"
a" Have increase' &rowth
b" 6aste awa$
c" 6ill be scarre'
'" (evelop e*cessivel$ in chil'hoo'
)9" The to*in use' in Boto* to treat wrin%les is !!!!!!!!"
a" Botulinum to*in
b" Clostri'ium tetani
c" Staph
'" Acet$lcholine
/<" A severe muscle strain can cause all o+ the +ollowin& s$mptoms e*cept !!!!!!!!"
a" Complete loss o+ movement
b" Swellin&
c" Severe pain
'" 0ever
/1" The location o+ pain is con+ine' to ten'er points in !!!!!!!!"
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a" Muscular '$stroph$
b" Tetanus
c" M$asthenia &ravis
'" 0ibrom$al&ia
/)" Another name +or a voluntar$ muscle is !!!!!!!!"
a" Striate' muscle
b" Car'iac muscle
c" S%eletal muscle
'" Both a an' c
//" This t$pe o+ muscle tissue contains striations"
a" ,oluntar$ muscle
b" Car'iac muscle
c" Smooth muscle
'" Both a an' b
/1" Another name +or visceral muscle is !!!!!!!!"
a" Car'iac muscle
b" ,oluntar$ muscle
c" Smooth muscle
'" Striate' muscle
/2" Stren&th trainin& causes !!!!!!!!"
a" Muscle atroph$
b" A 'ecrease in bloo' vessels to a muscle
c" Muscle h$pertroph$
'" A 'ecrease in the number o+ mitochon'ria in a muscle cell
/3" >n the ben'in& o+ the elbow !!!!!!!!"
a" The triceps brachii is the s$ner&ist
b" The biceps brachii is the prime mover
c" The biceps brachii is the anta&onist
'" The brachialis is the prime mover
/5" The triceps brachii an' the biceps brachii !!!!!!!!"
a" Are s$ner&istic +or each other
b" Both have their ori&in in the +orearm
c" Are anta&onist to each other
'" Both have their insertions in the shoul'er
/8" >ntercalate' 'iscs are +oun' in !!!!!!!!"
a" Striate' muscle
b" Car'iac muscle
c" Smooth muscle
'" All o+ the above
/9" 6astin& awa$ or 'eterioration o+ muscle is calle' !!!!!!!!"
a" H$pertroph$
b" An%$losis
c" Atroph$
'" M$ositis
1<" !!!!!!!! is an in=ur$ that is the result o+ overuse4 overstretchin&4 or +orcible
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stretchin& o+ a muscle be$on' its +unctional capacit$" >t sometimes involves a
ten'on or li&ament"
a" Avulsion
b" Sprain
c" Shin splints
'" Strain
11" A stron&4 tou&h stran' or cor' o+ 'ense connective tissue that serves as an
attachment +or muscle to bone is !!!!!!!!"
a" A li&ament
b" Cartila&e
c" A'ipose tissue
'" A ten'on
1)" En'urance trainin& results in !!!!!!!!"
a" Muscle atroph$
b" An increase in bloo' vessels to a muscle
c" Muscle h$pertroph$
'" An increase in muscle +ibers
1/" The movement that is opposite o+ +le*ion is !!!!!!!!"
a" Ab'uction
b" Rotation
c" E*tension
'" Supination
11" !!!!!!!! provi'es the ener&$ to help the m$osin hea's +orm an' brea% the
crossbri'&es with actin"
a" ATP
b" Calcium
c" Potassium
'" ,itamin (
12" All o+ the +ollowin& can be use' in namin& a muscle e*cept !!!!!!!!"
a" ?ocation o+ attachments
b" SiGe
c" Action
'" Shape
e" Color
13" Pectoralis ma=or is locate' in or near the !!!!!!!!"
a" Elbow
b" Chest
c" .pper portion o+ the thi&h
'" 0ront o+ lower le&
15" S$mptoms o+ ten'inosis inclu'e which o+ the +ollowin&7
a" Pain
b" Ten'erness
c" Sti++ness
'" All o+ the above
18" A common runnin&-relate' in+lammator$ in=ur$ o+ the e*tensor muscles an'
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surroun'in& tissues o+ the lower le&s is calle' !!!!!!!!"
a" Shin splints
b" Ten'initis
c" Muscle sprain
'" M$opath$
19" The ma=orit$ o+ +ibrom$al&ia patients are !!!!!!!!"
a" Men
b" 6omen
c" Chil'ren
'" El'erl$
2<" This bacteria releases a to*in that %eeps muscles constantl$ contracte' an' causes
a" Menin&itis
b" E" Coli
c" Staph$lococcus aureus
'" Clostri'ium tetani
21" 6hich o+ the +ollowin& con'itions can be the result o+ prolon&e' ph$sical activit$4
e*cessive +lui'Helectrol$te loss4 or menstruation7
a" Tetanus
b" 0ibrom$al&ia s$n'rome
c" CrampsHspasms
'" StrainsHten'initis
2)" Pro&ressive +luctuatin& muscle wea%ness4 o+ten startin& in the +acial or e$e muscles
are si&ns an' s$mptoms o+ which 'isease7
a" Mitochon'rial m$opath$
b" 0ibrom$al&ia s$n'rome
c" M$asthenia &ravis
'" (uchenne muscular '$stroph$
2/" Pro&ressive 'escen'in& muscle spasm4 ri&i'it$4 sti++ness an' pain4 especiall$ in the
=aw are si&ns an' s$mptoms o+ which 'isease7
a" Tetanus
b" 0ibrom$al&ia s$n'rome
c" CrampsHspasms
'" StrainsHten'initis
Short Answer
6rite the wor' or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the uestion"
1" The / t$pes o+ muscle are car'iac4 s%eletal4 an' !!!!!!!!!!!!"
)" !!!!!!!!!!!! attach bone to bone"
/" The en' o+ the muscle that is attache' to the movin& bone is the !!!!!!!!!!!!"
1" Muscles that cause movement in the opposite 'irection o+ the prime mover when
the$ contract are calle' !!!!!!!!!!!!"
2" The muscle that controls breathin& is the !!!!!!!!!!!!"
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3" A muscle that ben's a =oint is calle' a:n; !!!!!!!!!!!! muscle"
5" The sternoclei'omastoi' is attache' at the sternum4 mastoi' process an'
8" Motor neurons release the neurotransmitter !!!!!!!!!!!!"
9" (urin& muscle contraction m$osin hea's bin' to !!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
1<" >ncrease' muscle &rowth is calle' !!!!!!!!!!!!"
11" Muscles convert !!!!!!!!!!!! to &lucose"
1)" !!!!!!!!!!!! means muscle pain or ten'erness"
1/" !!!!!!!!!!!! is a con'ition o+ muscle wastin&"
11" !!!!!!!!!!!! is a bacterial in+ection that causes ri&i' paral$sis"
12" !!!!!!!!!!!! 'escribes increasin& the an&le o+ a =oint"
13" !!!!!!!! is the stu'$ o+ muscles an' movement"
15" 6hen bloo' vessels &et lar&er in 'iameter4 it is calle' !!!!!!!!"
18" 6hen the bo'$ 'ies4 e*cess calcium remains in the muscles an' causes the
!!!!!!!! +ibers to shorten an' sti++en the bo'$"
19" (urin& an asthma attac%4 the smooth muscles in the airwa$s o+ the lun&s
!!!!!!!!4 causin& the patient to have 'i++icult$ &ettin& air in an' out"
)<" Tetanus is a muscle 'isease cause' b$ an untreate' bacterial in+ection o+ a:n;
)1" The ma=orit$ o+ +ibrom$al&ia s$n'rome patients are !!!!!!!!"
))" ,asoconstriction can cause bloo' pressure to !!!!!!!!"
)/" ,aso'ilation can cause the bloo' pressure to !!!!!!!!"
)1" Some muscular 'iseases can cause !!!!!!!!4 which is a con'ition o+ irre&ular
muscle movement an' lac% o+ muscle coor'ination"
)2" The main s%eletal muscle that controls our breathin& is the !!!!!!!!"
)3" A:n; !!!!!!!! is a test in which a muscle &roup is stimulate' with an electrical
impulse that causes a contraction"
)5" 6hen e*cess calcium remains in the muscles throu&hout the bo'$ an' causes the
muscle +ibers to shorten :contract; an' sti++en the whole bo'$4 !!!!!!!! has set in"
)8" !!!!!!!! are 'onut-shape' muscles that act as 'oorwa$s to let materials in an'
out b$ alternatel$ contractin& an' rela*in&"
)9" A common runnin&-relate' in+lammator$ in=ur$ o+ the e*tensor muscles an'
surroun'in& tissues o+ the lower le&s is calle' !!!!!!!!"
/<" !!!!!!!! or ten'initis is a 'e&enerative 'isease lea'in& to brea%'own an' scarrin&
o+ ten'ons4 that appears to be cause' b$ the +ailure o+ ten'ons to repair themselves
a+ter in=ur$"
/1" The sarcomere has the actin an' m$osin +ilaments arran&e' in repeatin& units
separate' +rom each other b$ 'ar% ban's calle' P!!!!!!!!"
/)" !!!!!!!! :also %nown as loc% =aw; is a muscle 'isor'er cause' b$ an untreate'
bacterial in+ection o+ a woun'"
//" Muscle strains are in=uries cause' b$ overstretchin& the !!!!!!!! or the muscles
/1" !!!!!!!! is a 'e&enerative 'isease lea'in& to brea%'own an' scarrin& o+ ten'ons"
/2" Cramps or !!!!!!!! are a su''en4 severe involuntar$ muscle contraction"
/3" !!!!!!!! cause pain in the tibia re&ion"
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/5" !!!!!!!! is a potentiall$ 'ea'l$ 'isease cause' b$ +oo' poisonin& with the
Clostri'ium botulinum bacteria"
/8" Strains :tears; or !!!!!!!! can be cause' b$ an acute in=ur$ or chronic overuse or
6rite IT@ i+ the statement is true an' I0@ i+ the statement is +alse"
!!!! 1" Smooth muscle is +oun' in the stomach"
!!!! )" ?i&aments attach muscle to bone"
!!!! /" The rectus +emoris is in the arm"
!!!! 1" -Ab'uction moves a muscle awa$ +rom mi'line"
!!!! 2" -E*tension 'ecreases the an&le between ) bones"
!!!! 3" ,asoconstriction ma%es vessels smaller"
!!!! 5" -Car'iac muscle is onl$ +oun' in the heart"
!!!! 8" H$pertroph$ is muscle wastin&"
!!!! 9" -Ata*ia is partial or total loss o+ the abilit$ to move muscles"
!!!!1<" Sprains are tears or brea%s in li&aments"
!!!!11" -#uillain-BarrQ s$n'rome is a 'isor'er o+ the peripheral nervous s$stem"
!!!!1)" -An electrom$o&raph recor's electrical activit$ in muscles"
!!!!1/" -A hernia is cause' when ten'ons become in+lame'"
!!!!11" -The pectoralis ma=or muscle is name' +or its action"
!!!!12" Smooth muscle is voluntar$ muscle"
6rite $our answer in the space provi'e' or on a separate sheet o+ paper"
1" E*plain the steps un'erl$in& s%eletal muscle contraction"
)" E*plain wh$ corpses become sti++"
/" ?ist the rules +or namin& muscles
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1" E*plain the structure o+ a sarcomere"
2" Compare an' contrast m$asthenia &ravis4 muscular '$stroph$4 #uillain-BarrQ
S$n'rome an' tetanus"
Multiple Choice
Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the uestion"
1" 6hat is the la$er o+ s%in that we can see7
a" Subcutaneous +ascia
b" Epi'ermis
c" Stratum basale
'" (ermis
)" Patches o+ melanin +oun' on the s%in +orm !!!!!!!!!!!!"
a" Melanoc$tes
b" 0rec%les
c" Bilirubin
'" Carotene
/" The con'ition o+ $ellow =aun'ice occurs when the bo'$ buil's up e*cess
a" Carotene
b" Melanin
c" Bilirubin
'" 0rec%les
1" Colla&enous an' elastic +ibers o+ the !!!!!!!!!!!! ma%e it possible +or the s%in
to +le* with movement o+ the bo'$"
a" (ermis
b" Subcutaneous
c" Epi'ermis
'" 0ascia
2" !!!!!!!!!!!! sweat &lan's become active at pubert$"
a" Sebaceous
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b" Apocrine
c" Salivar$
'" Eccrine
3" The s%in is attache' to the muscles o+ the bo'$ b$ the !!!!!!!!!!!! la$er"
a" Epi'ermis
b" (ermis
c" H$po'ermis
'" Subcutaneous
5" Connective tissue o+ the s%in is 'evelope' +rom !!!!!!!!!!!!"
a" Melanoc$tes
b" 0ibroblasts
c" Colla&en
'" 0ascia
8" 6hat is the 'e&ree o+ burn in which all three la$ers o+ s%in have been 'estro$e'
an' the victim +eels no pain7
a" 0irst
b" Secon'
c" Thir'
'" 0ourth
9" The Drule o+ !!!!!!!!!!!!E is a s$stem 'evise' to assess the amount o+ bo'$
sur+ace a++ecte' b$ a burn"
a" >n=ur$
b" Nines
c" Man$
'" 0ive
1<" A+ter a severe burn4 a patient ma$ reuire a:n; !!!!!!!!!!!!4 in which s%in is
remove' +rom an una++ecte' area o+ his bo'$ an' move' to the burne' area"
a" Antibacterial patch
b" Hetero&ra+t
c" (onor site
'" Auto&ra+t
11" Epi'ermal cells are slou&he' o++ +rom the !!!!!!!!"
a" Basal la$er
b" Clear la$er
c" Horn$ la$er
'" (ermal la$er
1)" SpecialiGe' epithelial cells ori&inatin& +rom the nail !!!!!!!!!!!! +orm $our
a" Root
b" Cells
c" Be'
'" Base
1/" 6hat color woul' $ou e*pect to see at a health$ nail be'7
a" Blanche
b" 6hite
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c" Pin%
'" Tan
11" B$ the time epi'ermal cells reach the sur+ace o+ the epi'ermis the$ are +ille' with
a" Keratin
b" Carotene
c" ?unula
'" #ranulosa
12" The inte&umentar$ s$stem pla$s an important role in re&ulatin& the bo'$@s
a" Environment
b" Composition
c" Elasticit$
'" Temperature
13" Me'ication place' into the s%in is calle' !!!!!!!!"
a" >ntravascular
b" >ntramuscular
c" >ntracutaneous
'" >ntraspinal
15" !!!!!!!! is a 'isease in which there is re'uce' bloo' +low to the e*tremities"
a" P,(
b" Laun'ice
c" (ermatitis
'" RBC
18" 6hich o+ the +ollowin& is not a +un&al in+ection7
a" Tinea pe'is
b" Tinnitus corporis
c" Tinea cruris
'" Tinea corporis
19" 0ourth 'e&ree burns penetrate !!!!!!!!"
a" To the muscle
b" To the subcutaneous tissue
c" To the s%in
'" To the bone
)<" Laun'ice is cause' b$ a buil'-up in the bo'$ o+ !!!!!!!!"
a" Carotene
b" Bilirubin
c" Melanin
'" Bile
)1" Pubic lice are o+ten calle' !!!!!!!!"
a" Bu&s
b" Se* bu&s
c" Nits
'" Crabs
))" Treatment +or Herpes is !!!!!!!!"
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a" Antivirals
b" Antibiotics
c" Steroi's
'" Me'icate' cream
)/" (iabetes is a 'isease that ma$ cause re'uce' bloo' +low to the e*tremities" This
con'ition is %nown as !!!!!!!!"
a" Keloi'
b" 0olliculitis
c" Peripheral vascular 'isease :P,(;
'" (ermatitis
)1" Plantar warts are +oun' !!!!!!!!"
a" An chil'ren@s han's an' +in&ers
b" Aroun' the mouth an' nose
c" An the &enitals
'" An the sole o+ the +oot
)2" A lesion can inclu'e all o+ the +ollowin& e*cept !!!!!!!!"
a" 6oun'
b" >n=ur$
c" Sin&le patch o+ s%in
'" >n+ecte' +ollicle
)3" A con'ition that has a Dbulls-e$eE maculeHpapule is !!!!!!!!"
a" Scabies
b" #eneral warts
c" Acne
'" ?$me 'isease
)5" Tinea capitis4 tinea corporis4 tinea pe'is4 an' tinea cruris are cause' b$ !!!!!!!!"
a" Bacteria
b" Mites
c" 0un&i
'" Rin&worms
)8" Causes o+ alopecia :bal'ness; inclu'e !!!!!!"
a" Chemotherap$ an' other me'ications
b" A&in& an' here'it$ +actors
c" Scalp in+ections
'" All o+ the above
)9" 6hich statement is not true o+ the epi'ermis7
a" >t is a strati+ie' suamous epithelium"
b" >t is compose' mostl$ o+ connective tissue"
c" >t is the outermost la$er o+ s%in"
'" >t contains the stratum corneum"
/<" The stratum corneum !!!!!!!!"
a" >s compose' o+ mostl$ 'ea' cells
b" >s the innermost la$er o+ the epi'ermis
c" Contains melanoc$tes which &ive the s%in color
'" Both b an' c
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/1" The s%in tans in response to sunli&ht because o+ the release o+ !!!!!!!!"
a" Keratin
b" Melanin
c" Sebum
'" Colla&en
/)" !!!!!!!! is a chronic s%in con'ition mar%e' b$ thic%4 +la%$4 re' patches o+
various siGes4 covere' with white4 silver$ patches"
a" Psoriasis
b" Atopic 'ermatitis :ecGema;
c" Herpes Goster
'" Seborrheic 'ermatitis
//" !!!!!!!! is an eruption o+ e*tremel$ pain+ul vesicles that occur in a ban'-li%e
pattern alon& the course o+ a spinal nerve pathwa$"
a" Scabies
b" Pe'iculosis
c" Herpes Goster
'" Acne vul&aris
/1" The treatment o+ cellulitis inclu'es !!!!!!!!"
a" >ncision an' 'raina&e
b" Antibiotics
c" Anti+un&al me'ications
'" All o+ the above
/2" 6hich o+ the +ollowin& is not +oun' in the 'ermis o+ the s%in7
a" Connective tissue
b" Nerve en'in&s
c" Melanoc$tes4 which &ive the s%in color
'" Sweat &lan's
/3" The la$er o+ epithelial tissue un'er the +in&ernail4 actuall$ part o+ the epi'ermis4 is
calle' !!!!!!!!"
a" The nail bo'$
b" The cuticle
c" The lunula
'" The nail be'
/5" This t$pe o+ &lan' secretes oil +or the s%in an' hair"
a" A sebaceous &lan'
b" A su'ori+erous &lan'
c" An eccrine &lan'
'" An apocrine &lan'
/8" Burns that are characteriGe' b$ blisters4 severe pain4 an' swellin& are classi+ie' as
a" 0irst-'e&ree burns
b" Secon'-'e&ree burns
c" Thir'-'e&ree burns
'" 0ourth-'e&ree burns
/9" The rule o+ nines is use' to !!!!!!!!"
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a" (etermine the 'epth o+ burns
b" (etermine the color o+ burns
c" (etermine the bo'$ sur+ace area burne'
'" Both a an' b
1<" This s%in in+ection is also calle' +uruncles"
a" Tinea
b" >mpeti&o
c" 6arts
'" Boils
11" This s%in in+ection is cause' b$ a papilloma virus"
a" Tinea
b" >mpeti&o
c" 6arts
'" Boils
1)" >n'ivi'uals with a mal+unctionin& a'renal &lan' ma$ have what color o+ s%in7
a" Blue
b" Re'
c" Jellow
'" BronGe
1/" 0olliculitis is in+lammation o+ the hair +ollicles an' is usuall$ cause' b$ what t$pe
o+ bacteria7
a" Streptococcus
b" Staph$lococcus
c" M$cobacterium
'" E" Coli
11" Chic%en po* is cause' b$ the !!!!!!!! virus"
a" Herpes varicella
b" Herpes Goster
c" Herpes simple* t$pe 1
'" Herpes simple* t$pe )
12" 0ever blisters or col' sores are cause' b$ the !!!!!!!! virus"
a" Herpes varicella
b" Herpes Goster
c" Herpes simple* t$pe 1
'" Herpes simple* t$pe )
13" #enital herpes is cause' b$ the !!!!!!!! virus"
a" Herpes varicella
b" Herpes Goster
c" Herpes simple* t$pe 1
'" Herpes simple* t$pe )
15" Shin&les is cause' b$ the !!!!!!!! virus"
a" Herpes varicella
b" Herpes Goster
c" Herpes simple* t$pe 1
'" Herpes simple* t$pe )
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18" !!!!!!!! are normall$ +oun' on chil'ren@s han's an' +in&ers"
a" Plantar warts
b" Common warts
c" #enital warts
'" None o+ the above
19" !!!!!!!! are +oun' on the sole o+ the +oot an' ten' to &row inwar' e*hibitin& a
smooth sur+ace"
a" Plantar warts
b" Common warts
c" #enital warts
'" None o+ the above
2<" !!!!!!!! are hi&hl$ conta&ious an' se*uall$ transmitte'"
a" Plantar warts
b" Common warts
c" #enital warts
'" None o+ the above
21" !!!!!!!! is the most common t$pe o+ +un&al s%in in+ection an' is hi&hl$
a" Tinea corporis
b" Tinea un&uium
c" Tinea cruris
'" Tinea pe'is
2)" !!!!!!!! is a +un&al in+ection o+ the &roin an' scrotal areas that mainl$ a++ects
a" Tinea corporis
b" Tinea un&uium
c" Tinea cruris
'" Tinea pe'is
2/" !!!!!!!! is incorrectl$ calle' rin&worm"
a" Tinea corporis
b" Tinea un&uium
c" Tinea cruris
'" Tinea pe'is
21" !!!!!!!! is a con'ition in which a +un&al in+ection is involve' with either
+in&ernails or toenails"
a" Tinea corporis
b" Tinea un&uium
c" Tinea cruris
'" Tinea pe'is
22" Cellulitis is an in+lammator$ con'ition o+ the s%in an' subcutaneous tissue cause'
b$ what bacteria7
a" Streptococcus
b" Staph$lococcus
c" M$cobacterium
'" E" Coli
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23" A burn victim comes into $our local Emer&enc$ Room an' $ou are helpin& to
assess the e*tent o+ their burns" >n $our assessment4 $ou notice that the patient has
burns on their hea' an' nec%4 their ri&ht arm4 ri&ht le&4 an' the +ront o+ the torso"
Jou 'etermine that the patient has burns over !!!!!!!! O o+ their bo'$"
a" 12
b" 3/
c" 21
'" /3
Short Answer
6rite the wor' or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the uestion"
1" The la$er in which epi'ermal cells are born is %nown as the !!!!!!!!!!!!"
)" The outermost sur+ace o+ the s%in is %nown as the !!!!!!!!!!!!"
/" !!!!!!!!! are responsible +or $our s%in color"
1" !!!!!!!!!!!! &lan's secrete oil"
2" 0at cells are %nown as !!!!!!!!!!!!"
3" Cells which can 'evelop into connective tissue are calle' !!!!!!!!!!!!"
5" Two +actors when assessin& burns are !!!!!!!!!!!! an' area 'ama&e'"
8" A +irst 'e&ree burn penetrates throu&h the !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
9" Sublin&uall$ means un'er the !!!!!!!!!!!!"
1<" Hair is compose' o+ +ibrous protein calle' !!!!!!!!!!!!"
11" !!!!!!!! or bilirubin is the substance that &ives s%in a $ellow hue"
1)" Hair stan's on en' in an attempt to re&ulate !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
1/" A:n; !!!!!!!!!!!! is a crac% or &roove in the s%in"
11" This !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! la$er o+ the s%in re&enerates easil$ a+ter in=ur$"
12" A boil is also calle' a:n; !!!!!!!!!!!!"
13" The basal la$er o+ the epi'ermis is %nown as !!!!!!!!"
15" The +ront o+ the !!!!!!!! is consi'ere' to be 18O o+ the s%in sur+ace area"
18" Hair is compose' o+ +ibrous protein calle' !!!!!!!!"
19" 6hen bloo' vessels &et lar&er in 'iameter it is %nown as !!!!!!!!"
)<" 6hen bloo' vessels &et smaller in 'iameter it is %nown as !!!!!!!!"
)1" A:n; !!!!!!!! or hive is a small4 raise'4 roun' area on the s%in that sometimes
))" 6arts4 or !!!!!!!!4 are cause' b$ the papilloma virus"
)/" Alopecia is the term +or an$ t$pe o+ !!!!!!!! loss"
)1" ?$me 'isease involves multiple bo'$ s$stems as a result o+ a bacterial !!!!!!!!
that is sprea' b$ the bite o+ a 'eer tic%"
)2" Severe burns reuire healin& at an intensit$ the bo'$ !!!!!!!! normall$ achieve
on its own"
)3" Trappe' sebum can sta&nate an' 'r$ out4 becomin& 'ar%ene'" This is calle' a:n;
)5" >'eall$ a woun' heals +rom the insi'e4 wor%in& its wa$ towar' the outsi'e or
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)8" 6hen accessin& burns4 there are two +actorsM the !!!!!!!! o+ the burn an' the siGe
o+ the area burne'"
)9" >nitiall$ the patient with thir' 'e&ree burns will +eel no !!!!!!!!"
/<" Herpes is a li+elon& virus that pro'uces s%in in+lammation :lesions; in the +orm o+
/1" As bilirubin buil's up in the bo'$4 !!!!!!!! occurs4 &ivin& the s%in a 'eeper
$ellow color"
/)" !!!!!!!! is characteriGe' b$ the Dbull@s e$eE rash as a result o+ a bacterial
in+ection that is sprea' via the bite o+ the 'eer tic%"
//" !!!!!!!! is a con'ition in which a +un&al in+ection is involve' with either
+in&ernails or toenails"
/1" A mass o+ e*cessive scar tissue that has a raise' an' +irm4 irre&ular shape is calle'
a:n; !!!!!!!!"
/2" The hair that $ou see is calle' the sha+t4 an' the root e*ten's 'own into the 'ermis
to the !!!!!!!!"
/3" The sebaceous &lan' secretes !!!!!!!!4 an oil$ substance that coats the +ollicle
an' wor%s its wa$ to the s%in@s sur+ace"
/5" Tin$ mites that burrow into the s%in to la$ e&&s cause a con'ition %nown as
/8" !!!!!!!! is the bo'$@s attempt to &et as much DhotE bloo' e*pose' to a cooler
surroun'in& environment so the heat ra'iates awa$ +rom the bo'$"
/9" Turnin& an' pa''in& are important in the prevention o+ 'ecubitus !!!!!!!!"
1<" E*cessive bruisin& coul' in'icate s%in4 !!!!!!!!4 or circulator$ problems as well
as ph$sical abuse"
11" 0olliculitis presents with +ormations o+ small !!!!!!!! that surroun' the +ollicle"
1)" 6arts or !!!!!!!! are cause' b$ the papilloma virus4 which causes a h$pertroph$
o+ the %eratin cells in the s%in"
1/" Cellulitis4 i+ le+t untreate'4 can lea' to li+e threatenin& con'itions such as
11" A +irst-'e&ree burn has 'ama&e' onl$ the !!!!!!!! la$er o+ s%in4 the epi'ermis4
an' is classi+ie' as a partial-thic%ness burn"
12" A +ourth-'e&ree burn &oes all the wa$ to the !!!!!!!!"
13" A secon'-'e&ree burn involves the entire 'epth o+ the !!!!!!!! an' a portion o+
the 'ermis an' can cause blisterin&"
15" A thir'-'e&ree burn a++ects all three o+ the s%in !!!!!!!! an' is classi+ie' as a
+ull-thic%ness burn"
18" A:n; !!!!!!!! is a classic e*ample o+ a +irst-'e&ree burn"
19" !!!!!!!! is the term +or an in+estation with lice that is the result o+ 'irect contact
with a person in+este' with lice or sharin& ob=ects that ma$ be in+este'"
2<" !!!!!!!! is the term +or an$ t$pe o+ hair loss4 an' can be acute or chronic"
21" A:n; !!!!!!!! is a patholo&icall$ altere' piece o+ tissue that can inclu'e a woun'
or in=ur$ o+ a sin&le in+ecte' patch o+ s%in"
2)" !!!!!!!! or hives are itch$ wheals surroun'e' b$ a re' in+lame' area"
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6rite IT@ i+ the statement is true an' I0@ i+ the statement is +alse"
!!!! 1" -The stratum basale is the outermost sur+ace o+ the s%in"
!!!! )" Carotene &ives a bluish hue to the s%in"
!!!! /" -Secon' 'e&ree burns involve the entire 'epth o+ the epi'ermis an' a portion
o+ the 'ermis"
!!!! 1" -0irst 'e&ree burns a++ect all three o+ the s%in la$ers"
!!!! 2" -Each upper limb is consi'ere' 9O o+ the bo'$ s%in sur+ace area"
!!!! 3" KeratiniGation so+tens cells"
!!!! 5" -The part o+ the hair that $ou see outsi'e the bo'$ is the +ollicle"
!!!! 8" -The white4 hal+-moon shape' area o+ $our +in&er nail is calle' the cuticle"
!!!! 9" An in+ecte' blac%hea' is a pustule"
!!!!1<" -As $our temperature rises 'urin& activit$4 $our bo'$ si&nals bloo' vessels to
!!!!11" -Muscles in $our s%in are calle' arrector pili"
!!!!1)" -The most 'an&erous t$pe o+ s%in cancer is basal cell carcinoma"
!!!!1/" A pol$p is a small tumor with a stem"
!!!!11" -A vesicle is a small4 +lui'-+ille'4 raise' spot on the sur+ace o+ the s%in"
!!!!12" -EcGema is a 'isor'er that results primaril$ +rom an aller&ic reaction"
6rite $our answer in the space provi'e' or on a separate sheet o+ paper"
1" (istin&uish between +irst4 secon' an' thir' 'e&ree burns"
)" E*plain the =ourne$ o+ an epi'ermal cell +rom birth to 'eath"
/" (escribe how trans'ermal me'ication wor%s"
1" How 'o we assess peripheral per+usion7
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2" How is hair use' in +orensics7
Multiple Choice
Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the uestion"
1" The part o+ the nervous s$stem which is locate' outsi'e the brain an' spinal cor' is
calle' the !!!!!!!!!!!! s$stem"
a" En'ocrine
b" Central nervous
c" Sensor$
'" Peripheral nervous
)" The autonomic s$stem is 'ivi'e' into which two s$stems7
a" Somatic4 autonomic
b" S$mpathetic4 paras$mpathetic
c" Motor4 sensor$
'" >nput4 output
/" M$elin is a lipi' insulation pro'uce' b$ the !!!!!!!!"
a" Micro&lia
b" Ali&o'en'roc$tes
c" Astroc$tes
'" Epen'$mal cells
1" 6hich part o+ the neuron is responsible +or cell metabolism7
a" Bo'$
b" (en'rite
c" A*on
'" S$napse
2" Neurons with the abilit$ to monitor the environment are calle' !!!!!!!!!!!!
a" Accessor$
b" Motor
c" Sensor$
'" Autput
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3" Neurons are able to &enerate tin$ electrical currents b$ chan&in& the
!!!!!!!!!!!! o+ their membranes"
a" Composition
b" Shape
c" Pathwa$
'" Permeabilit$
5" >+ a cell is more positivel$ char&e' than it is when restin&4 it is sai' to be
a" Re+ractor$
b" RepolariGe'
c" (epolariGe'
'" PolariGe'
8" A cell which is more ne&ativel$ char&e' than at rest is !!!!!!!!"
a" PolariGe'
b" H$perpolariGe'
c" (epolariGe'
'" Re+ractor$
9" >mpulses are con'ucte' rapi'l$ i+ !!!!!!!!!!!! is present"
a" Calcium
b" So'ium
c" M$elin
'" Spinal +lui'
1<" 6hich o+ the +ollowin& is a me'ical 'isor'er in which the m$elin in the CNS has
been 'estro$e' !!!!!!!!"
a" Multiple sclerosis
b" Muscular '$stroph$
c" #uillain-BarrQ@ s$n'rome
'" M$asthenia &ravis
11" The nerves &oin& to the upper limbs =oin the spinal cor' at the !!!!!!!!!!!!
a" Cervical
b" Thoracic
c" ?umbar
'" Sacral
1)" The thir'4 innermost la$er o+ the menin&es is calle' the !!!!!!!!"
a" (ura mater
b" Arachnoi' mater
c" Pia mater
'" Epi'ural mater
1/" Me'ication is o+ten in=ecte' into the !!!!!!!!!!!! space to alleviate pain"
a" ,ertebral
b" Epi'ural
c" Sub'ural
'" Subarachnoi'
11" 6hich part o+ the spinal cor' carries sensor$ in+ormation7
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a" Commissure
b" ,entral root
c" Column
'" (orsal root
12" 6hich spinal cor' tracts carr$ sensor$ in+ormation7
a" Super+icial
b" ,entral
c" Ascen'in&
'" >n+erior
13" Acute treatment +or spinal cor' in=ur$ inclu'es !!!!!!!!"
a" >ce
b" Heat
c" >mmobiliGation
'" Ph$sical therap$
15" 6hich o+ the +ollowin& is not one o+ the three broa' cate&ories o+ causes in
peripheral neuropath$7
a" Trauma
b" Paral$sis
c" S$stemic
'" >n+ectionHautoimmune
18" A ua'riple&ic with 'ama&e hi&h in the cervical spinal cor' ma$ have a paral$Ge'
'iaphra&m4 such that the patient cannot !!!!!!!! on his own"
a" Breathe
b" Swallow +oo'
c" Close their e$es
'" Spea%
19" The autonomic nervous s$stem is a sub'ivision o+ the !!!!!!!!"
a" Central nervous s$stem
b" S$mpathetic nervous s$stem
c" Peripheral nervous s$stem
'" Paras$mpathetic nervous s$stem
)<" (en'rites !!!!!!!!"
a" Are usuall$ hi&hl$ branche'
b" Carr$ impulses awa$ +rom the cell bo'$
c" Are usuall$ surroun'e' b$ m$elin
'" All o+ the above
)1" Sensor$ neurons are also calle' !!!!!!!!"
a" >nterneurons
b" >nput neurons
c" Autput neurons
'" #lia cells
))" Neurons that carr$ in+ormation between neurons are calle' !!!!!!!!"
a" >nterneurons
b" E++erent neurons
c" Motor neurons
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'" A++erent neurons
)/" This t$pe o+ &lia cell pro'uces m$elin +or cells in the brain !!!!!!!!"
a" Micro&lia
b" Ali&o'en'roc$tes
c" Astroc$tes
'" >nterneurons
)1" >n+lammation o+ the membranes coverin& the brain an' spinal cor' is calle'
a" Encephalitis
b" Menin&itis
c" Blepharitis
'" Pol$neuritis
)2" This t$pe o+ &lia cell attac%s microbes an' removes 'ebris"
a" Micro&lia
b" Ali&o'en'roc$te
c" Astro&lia
'" Neurilemma
)3" 6hich o+ the +ollowin& statements is not true o+ multiple sclerosis7
a" >t is consi'ere' a m$elin 'isor'er"
b" Patients ma$ have 'isturbances in vision4 balance4 speech4 or movement"
c" Most patients are initiall$ 'ia&nose' with relapsin&-remittin& MS4 but at least
2<O o+ them will pro&ress to the chronic pro&ressive +orm"
'" >t a++ects )4<<<B14<<< people in the .nite' States"
)5" 6hen a cell becomes stimulate' :e*cite'; !!!!!!!!"
a" The interior o+ the neuron becomes more ne&ative
b" So'ium &ates in the cell membrane close
c" So'ium &ates in the cell membrane sprin& open
'" The entire neuron remains at rest
)8" The outermost o+ the menin&es is the !!!!!!!!"
a" Pia mater
b" Choroi' ple*us
c" Arachnoi' mater
'" (ura mater
)9" ?oss o+ motor an' sensor$ control o+ the trun% o+ the bo'$ an' lower e*tremities
as a result o+ a spinal cor' in=ur$ 'escribes !!!!!!!!!!"
a" Peripheral neuropath$
b" Kua'riple&ia
c" Paraple&ia
'" A slippe' 'is%
/<" This 'isease is characteriGe' b$ ascen'in& paral$sis !!!!!!!!"
a" M$asthenia &ravis
b" Polio
c" #uillain BarrQ s$n'rome
'" Charcot Marie Tooth 'isor'er
/1" This 'isease is characteriGe' b$ pro&ressive +luctuatin& muscle wea%ness startin&
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in the +acial or e$e muscles !!!!!!!!"
a" M$asthenia &ravis
b" Polio
c" #uillain BarrQ s$n'rome
'" Charcot Marie Tooth 'isor'er
/)" Patients who have an in=ur$ to their cervical spinal cor' se&ment an' are paral$Ge'
in all +our limbs are %nown as !!!!!!!!"
a" Paraple&ics
b" Kua'riple&ics
c" Su++erin& +rom #uillain BarrQ s$n'rome
'" None o+ the above
//" Patients with in=uries to the thoracic spinal cor' se&ment with two paral$Ge' le&s
are sai' to be !!!!!!!!"
a" Paraple&ics
b" Kua'riple&ics
c" Su++erin& +rom #uillain BarrQ s$n'rome
'" None o+ the above
/1" A potentiall$ +atal con'ition is an in+ection o+ the menin&es calle' !!!!!!!!"
a" Polio
b" Menin&ectom$
c" Menin&itis
'" All o+ the above
/2" This in+lammator$ con'ition is a result o+ repetitive motion an' lea's to numbness
in the palm an' +in&ers !!!!!!!!"
a" carpal tunnel s$n'rome
b" menin&itis
c" m$asthenia &ravis
'" botulism
/3" An in=ection o+ a local anesthetic into the spinal column is calle' a:n; !!!!!!!!"
a" epiph$sis
b" epi'ural
c" sub'ural
'" cutaneous
/5" Spinal root 'irectional terms are !!!!!!!!M
a" anterior an' posterior
b" superior an' in+erior
c" (orsal an' ventral
'" 'istal an' pro*imal
Short Answer
6rite the wor' or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the uestion"
1" The !!!!!!!!!!!! or paras$mpathetic branch o+ the nervous s$stem 'eals with
maintenance o+ homeostasis"
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)" The &lial cells which remove 'ebris are calle' !!!!!!!!!!!!"
/" The !!!!!!!!!!! horn contains motor neurons"
1" There are twelve pairs o+ !!!!!!!! nerves"
2" The spinal !!!!!!!!!!!!4 pro=ectin& +rom both si'es o+ the spinal cor' in pairs4
+use to +orm spinal nerves"
3" Branches an' recombinations o+ nerves are calle' !!!!!!!!!!!!"
5" !!!!!!!!!!!! are the simplest +orm o+ motor output"
8" (urin& !!!!!!!!!!!!!! o+ the action potential4 so'ium ions are +lowin& into a
9" The !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tract carries pain an' temperature in+ormation"
1<" The input si'e o+ the nervous s$stem is %nown as !!!!!!!!!!!!"
11" The perio' when a cell is unable to accept another stimulus is the !!!!!!!!!!!!
1)" Bare spots between a'=acent cells are calle' no'es o+ !!!!!!!!!!!!"
1/" Tin$ sacs at nerve terminals4 calle' !!!!!!!!!!!!4 release contents +rom the cell
when calcium +lows in"
11" !!!!!!!!!!!! inhibit the release o+ pain neurotransmitters"
12" The membrane that is li%e a spi'er web is calle' !!!!!!!!!!!!"
13" The lipi' !!!!!!!! increases action potential con'uction spee'"
15" #uillain-BarrQ s$n'rome is a rapi' onset paral$sis cause' b$ in+lammation o+
!!!!!!!! nerves"
18" Repetitive motion can cause !!!!!!!! s$n'rome in the wrists"
19" A:n; !!!!!!!! is a &roup o+ nerve cell bo'ies outsi'e the CNS"
)<" Pre&an&lionic neurons release the neurotransmitter !!!!!!!! :(o not use the
)1" 0ollowin& a spinal cor' in=ur$4 the 'i++erence between bein& able to breathe on
$our own or reuirin& a:n; !!!!!!!! is literall$ a matter o+ centimeters"
))" Bruises to the spinal cor' ma$ resolve with time an' rehabilitation4 but a severe'4
or crushe' spinal cor' is usuall$ a:n; !!!!!!!! in=ur$"
)/" A ver$ common +orm o+ peripheral neuropath$ cause' b$ repetitive motion is
)1" Epi'ural in=ections o+ steroi's are sometimes prescribe' +or patients with chronic
lower bac% in=uries to relieve pain4 an' !!!!!!!!"
)2" The most common s$stemic 'isor'er that causes peripheral neuropath$ is
)3" The whole series o+ permeabilit$ chan&es within the cell an' the resultant chan&es
in char&e across the cell membrane is calle' the !!!!!!!!"
)5" Between a'=acent &lial cells on a*ons are tin$ bare spots calle' !!!!!!!!"
)8" The neurotransmitter &roup !!!!!!!! inhibit release o+ pain neurotransmitters"
)9" The !!!!!!!! is locate' in a hollow tube runnin& insi'e the vertebral column +rom
the +oramen ma&num to the secon' lumbar :?); vertebrae"
/<" !!!!!!!! is cause' b$ an autoimmune attac% on the m$elin in the central nervous
/1" #uillain BarrQ s$n'rome is the autoimmune 'estruction o+ the !!!!!!!! nervous
s$stem m$elin an' o+ten occurs a+ter a viral in+ection"
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/)" !!!!!!!! is an autoimmune attac% o+ the acet$lcholine receptor at the
neuromuscular =unction"
//" !!!!!!!! is cause' b$ 'estruction o+ ventral horn motor neurons b$ poliom$elitis
/1" !!!!!!!! is usuall$ mechanical in=ur$ to spinal cor' tissue"
/2" !!!!!!!! 'ama&e to peripheral nerves ma$ be 'ue to in=ur$ or illness"
6rite IT@ i+ the statement is true an' I0@ i+ the statement is +alse"
!!!! 1" -The autonomic s$stem controls voluntar$ movement"
!!!! )" Ali&o'en'roc$tes ma%e m$elin"
!!!! /" -Potassium ions move across neurons 'urin& 'epolariGation"
!!!! 1" There are ei&ht cervical nerves"
!!!! 2" -The se&ments o+ the spinal cor' are name' +or their +unction"
!!!! 3" #uillain-BarrQ@ s$n'rome is incurable"
!!!! 5" -SSR>s prevent the clean up o+ a neurotransmitter"
!!!! 8" -The peripheral nervous s$stem is ever$thin& outsi'e the brain an' spinal
!!!! 9" -M$asthenia &ravis is an autoimmune 'isor'er in which the immune s$stem
attac%s an' 'estro$s acet$lcholine receptors"
!!!!1<" -A s$napse is a =unction between two no'es o+ Ranvier"
!!!!11" -Electrical s$napses use neurotransmitters to sen' in+ormation to other cells"
!!!!1)" -(en'rites &enerate an' sen' si&nals to other cells"
!!!!1/" Action potentials are Dall or none"E
!!!!11" Cell bo'ies are m$elinate'"
!!!!12" M$elinate' a*ons are white"
6rite $our answer in the space provi'e' or on a separate sheet o+ paper"
1" E*plain how multiple sclerosis a++ects the bo'$"
)" ?ist the steps in chemical s$naptic transmission"
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/" (e+ine the purpose o+ the +ollowin& cellsM micro&lia4 oli&o'en'roc$tes4 astroc$tes4
Schwann cells4 an' epen'$mal cells"
1" ?ist the three phases o+ the action potential"
2" ?ist the menin&es an' e*plain their anatom$"
Multiple Choice
Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the uestion"
1" 6hat is the lar&est part o+ the brain7
a" Cerebellum
b" Cerebrum
c" Brain stem
'" H$pothalamus
)" The &rooves an' ri'&es o+ the brain are %nown as !!!!!!!!!!!!"
a" Hemispheres
b" ?obes
c" Convolutions
'" Menin&es
/" Heart beat4 breathin&4 an' the car'iovascular s$stem are controlle' b$ the
a" Me'ulla oblon&ata
b" Mi'brain
c" Cerebellum
'" Cerebrum
1" The internal anatom$ o+ the brain has which structure7
a" 6hite matter onl$
b" 6hite matter surroun'e' b$ &ra$ matter
c" #ra$ matter onl$
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'" #ra$ matter surroun'e' b$ white matter
2" The ri&ht an' le+t hemisphere o+ the cerebrum are connecte' b$ the
a" Postcentral &$rus
b" Precentral &$rus
c" Corpus callosum
'" ,entricles
3" 6hich structure in the 'iencephalon rela$s in+ormation to the cerebrum7
a" Thalamus
b" H$pothalamus
c" Pineal bo'$
'" Pituitar$ &lan'
5" 6hat cranial nerve is chie+l$ responsible +or e$e movements7
a" Al+actor$
b" 0acial
c" H$po&lossal
'" Aculomotor
8" 6hat number cranial nerve is the va&us nerve7
a" C
b" >>
c" ,>>>
'" C>>
9" To what sense 'oes somatic sensation re+er7
a" Taste
b" Touch
c" Smell
'" ,ision
1<" 6hich tract carries +ine touch an' vibration to the cerebral corte*7
a" (orsal column tract
b" Spinothalamic tract
c" Spinocerebellar tract
'" ,entral column tract
11" Ance touch in+ormation is sent to the brain4 un'erstan'in& will occur in the
!!!!!!!!!!!! area"
a" Sensor$ association rela$
b" #an&lionic association
c" Somatic sensor$ corte*
'" Somatic sensor$ association
1)" A+ter a plan +or movement has been 'evelope'4 it leaves the !!!!!!!!!!!! an'
connects with neurons in the thalamus"
a" Nuclei
b" ?imbic s$stem
c" Motor corte*
'" Spinal tract
1/" 6here are the neurons +or the autonomic s$stem locate'7
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a" Corpus callosum
b" Spinal cor' an' brain stem
c" Cerebral corte*
'" >nsi'e neurotransmitters
11" A woman +alls 'own a +li&ht o+ stairs carr$in& a lar&e bo*" She is a'mitte' to the
hospital paral$Ge' on the ri&ht si'e an' unable to spea%" 6here is her in=ur$7
a" Spinal cor'
b" Temporal lobe
c" 0rontal lobe
'" Brainstem
12" (urin& sur&er$4 &eneral anesthesia inhibits the !!!!!!!!!!!!4 causin&
unconsciousness in the patient"
a" Reticular s$stem
b" Basal nuclei
c" ?imbic s$stem
'" H$pothalamus
13" 6hich o+ these is a t$pe o+ paral$sis7
a" Spastic
b" Bivalvular
c" Re+le*ive
'" Ra'ical
15" Some patients with a severe case o+ !!!!!!!! must be %ept on a ventilator until
the paral$sis resolves"
a" #uillain BarrQ s$n'rome
b" Muscular '$stroph$
c" Multiple sclerosis
'" Am$otrophic lateral sclerosis
18" A sub'ural hematoma woul' be between the !!!!!!!!"
a" Arachnoi' mater an' subarachnoi'
b" (ura mater an' the arachnoi' mater
c" (ura an' vertebral column
'" Arachnoi' an' pia mater
19" A brain in=ur$ with swellin& an' blee'in& with possible severe hemorrha&in&
:hematoma; is %nown as a !!!!!!!!"
a" Concussion
b" Contusion
c" T>A
'" C,A
)<" 6hich o+ the +ollowin& statements is not true o+ the cerebellum7
a" >t is consi'ere' the Dlittle brain"E
b" >t lies un'er the occipital lobe o+ the cerebrum"
c" >t is responsible +or sensor$ an' motor coor'ination an' balance"
'" >t helps re&ulate water balance an' sleep c$cles"
)1" The somatic nervous s$stem carries impulses +rom the brain an' spinal cor' to
2011 by Pearson, Inc.
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a" Car'iac muscle tissue
b" S%eletal muscles
c" Smooth muscles
'" All o+ the above
))" A mil' brain in=ur$ is commonl$ %nown as a !!!!!!!!"
a" Contusion
b" Hemorrha&e
c" Hematoma
'" Concussion
)/" A !!!!!!!!4 which is swellin& an' blee'in& at the site o+ in=ur$4 is more serious
than a concussion"
a" Convulsion
b" Hemorrha&e
c" Hematoma
'" None o+ the above
)1" A !!!!!!!! is cause' b$ 'isruption o+ bloo' +low to a portion o+ the brain 'ue to
either hemorrha&e or bloo' clot"
a" Cerebrovascular acci'ent
b" Stro%e
c" a an' b onl$
'" None o+ the above
)2" A mini stro%e is %nown as a !!!!!!!!"
a" T>A
b" Transient necrotic attac%
c" Stro%e
'" a an' b onl$
)3" A !!!!!!!! is a pool o+ bloo' between an$ o+ the la$ers o+ menin&es an' the
a" Contusion
b" Hemorrha&e
c" Hematoma
'" Concussion
)5" This is the most common cause o+ 'ementia amon& people 32 $ears or ol'er
a" AlGheimer@s 'isease
b" Par%inson@s 'isease
c" (ementia
'" Travis@ 'isease
)8" 6hich +issure 'ivi'es the brain into a le+t an' ri&ht hemisphere7
a" transverse
b" lon&itu'inal
c" me'ial
'" sa&ittal
)9" The lobe responsible +or vision !!!!!!!!M
a" occipital
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b" +rontal
c" parietal
'" me'ial
/<" The lobe responsible +or taste !!!!!!!!M
a" +rontal
b" parietal
c" temporal
'" occipital
/1" This structure is responsible +or the secretion o+ melatonin !!!!!!!!"
a" pituitar$ &lan'
b" thalamus
c" h$pothalamus
'" pineal bo'$
/)" H$'ocephalus is a result o+ an e*cess o+ what +lui'7
a" bloo'
b" CS0
c" CNS
'" A?S
//" A &roup o+ nerve cell bo'ies outsi'e the CNS is calle' a !!!!!!!!"
a" &an&lion
b" &lia
c" 'en'rites
'" a*ons
/1" The s$stem that controls moo' !!!!!!!!"
a" reticular
b" somatic
c" s$mpathetic
'" limbic
/2" A non-pro&ressive movement 'isor'er e*hibitin& classic spastic paral$sis
a" muscular '$stroph$
b" Huntin&ton@s 'isease
c" cerebral pals$
'" C,A
Short Answer
6rite the wor' or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the uestion"
1" The !!!!!!! is 'ivi'e' into two hemispheres"
)" The !!!!!!!!!!!! lobes are responsible +or conscious thou&ht"
/" (ama&e to the !!!!!!!!!!!!! lobes lea's to sensor$ perception problems"
1" Heartbeat is controlle' in the !!!!!!!!!!!!"
2" The siGe o+ the map o+ a bo'$ part in the postcentral &$rus is 'etermine' b$ the
!!!!!!!!!!!!! o+ the bo'$ part"
3" H$'rocephalus is treate' b$ me'ication an' b$ insertin& a:n; !!!!!!!!!!!!"
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5" Cross communication between the ri&ht an' le+t si'es o+ the brain is throu&h the
8" The 'iencephalon inclu'es the !!!!!!!!!!!!4 h$pothalamus4 pineal bo'$4 an'
pituitar$ &lan'"
9" The pineal bo'$ secretes the hormone !!!!!!!!!!!!"
1<" (iGGiness is one s$mptom o+ 'ama&e to the !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cranial nerve"
11" The C>> cranial nerve4 the !!!!!!!!!!!!4 is un'er the ton&ue"
1)" A:n; !!!!!!!!!!!! is a &roup o+ nerve cell bo'ies outsi'e the CNS"
1/" Pre&an&lionic neurons release the neurotransmitter !!!!!!!!!!!!"
11" A stro%e is also %nown as a:n; !!!!!!!!!!!! :(o not use abbreviation;"
12" An accumulation o+ bloo' between the 'ura mater an' arachnoi' space is calle'
13" Emotions are inte&rate' in the !!!!!!!! lobes"
15" Brain cavities are calle' !!!!!!!!"
18" The C cranial nerve is the !!!!!!!! nerve"
19" Brain 'ama&e similar to that cause' b$ traumatic brain in=ur$ is cause' b$ a lac%
o+ o*$&en4 stro%es4 or brain !!!!!!!!"
)<" The ventricles o+ the brain4 the central canal o+ the spinal cor'4 an' the
subarachnoi' space4 surroun'in& both parts o+ the CNS4 are all +ille' with
)1" The !!!!!!!! nerve is sensor$ cranial nerve4 responsible +or hearin& an' balance"
))" The !!!!!!!! is an anatomicalHph$siolo&ic protective structure o+ the brain
believe' to consist o+ walls o+ capillaries in the CNS an' surroun'in& &lial
)/" !!!!!!!!:CP; is a permanent4 non-pro&ressive set o+ motor 'e+icits 'ia&nose' in
in+ants an' $oun& chil'ren4 &enerall$ thou&ht to be 'ue to 'ama&e to the motor
)1" The !!!!!!!! 'ivision o+ the autonomic nervous s$stem controls the +li&ht-or-
+i&ht response"
)2" !!!!!!!! is a con'ition o+ e*cess CS0 in brain 'ue to trauma4 birth 'e+ects4
tumors4 etc"
)3" (ama&e to brain tissue 'ue to mechanical in=ur$4 lac% o+ o*$&en4 or brain
hemorrha&e causes !!!!!!!! brain in=ur$"
)5" Ris% +actors +or !!!!!!!! inclu'e premature birth4 low birth wei&ht4
'evelopmental abnormalities4 an' perinatal brain in=ur$"
6rite IT@ i+ the statement is true an' I0@ i+ the statement is +alse"
!!!! 1" -#$ri an' sulci are %nown as convolutions"
!!!! )" Parietal lobes are responsible +or vision"
!!!! /" -The pons is in+erior to the me'ulla oblon&ata"
!!!! 1" -The mi'brain is the most superior portion o+ the brainstem"
!!!! 2" -The 'iencephalon controls hormone levels"
2011 by Pearson, Inc.
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!!!! 3" Thirst is re&ulate' in the thalamus"
!!!! 5" -Respirator$ arrest is a clear si&n o+ brain 'ama&e a+ter a +all"
!!!! 8" The optic nerve controls smell"
!!!! 9" Pain is perceive' in the s%in"
!!!!1<" -The limbic s$stem controls emotions an' moo's"
!!!!11" -The paras$mpathetic s$stem controls the D+i&ht or +li&htE response"
!!!!1)" -A brain tumor in the +rontal lobe mi&ht cause si&ni+icant chan&es in
!!!!1/" -Paral$sis is the inabilit$ to control voluntar$ movement"
!!!!11" -Cerebral pals$ usuall$ be&ins a+ter a&e 2<"
!!!!12" Ministro%es are calle' DT>As"E
6rite $our answer in the space provi'e' or on a separate sheet o+ paper"
1" E*plain wh$ cerebral spinal +lui' balance is important in the brain"
)" ?ist the twelve cranial nerves"
/" E*plain how we interpret touch"
1" E*plain wh$ han's4 lips4 an' hea' have so man$ neurons"
2" ?ist +ive common e++ects o+ a stro%e"
2011 by Pearson, Inc.
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Multiple Choice
Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the uestion"
1" 6hich o+ the +ollowin& is liste' as one o+ our visceral senses7
a" Touch
b" Pain
c" Hun&er
'" Heat
)" The !!!!!!!!!!!! o+ the e$e wor%s similarl$ to the shutter o+ a camera"
a" E$eli'
b" ?ens
c" Cornea
'" >ris
/" Jour tears act as a lubricant an' !!!!!!!!!!!! to protect the e$es +rom
a" Antiseptic
b" Moisture
c" Bath
'" #laGe
1" The cornea is +oun' within the !!!!!!!!!!!! o+ the e$e"
a" Sclera
b" Choroi'
c" Retina
'" Con=unctiva
2" The e$e receives most o+ its nourishment +rom the vessels within the
a" Retina
b" Sclera
c" Con=unctiva
'" Choroi'
3" The vision center o+ the brain is locate' in the !!!!!!!!!!!! lobe"
a" Aptic
b" Accipital
c" Temporal
'" H$pothalamus
5" ?i&ht passes to the e$e throu&h what openin&7
a" E$eball
b" ?ens
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c" Pupil
'" >ris
8" To help 'ia&nose sleep 'isor'ers4 'octors will measure which sta&e o+ sleep7
a" REM
b" M$opia
c" PER?A
'" Ambl$opia
9" 6hat are the three tin$ bones locate' in the mi''le ear7
a" Pinnas
b" Cerumen
c" Assicles
'" Cochleas
1<" The !!!!!!!!!!!! contain sensors necessar$ +or euilibrium"
a" Cochlea
b" Semicircular canals
c" ,estibule
'" >ncus
11" The bon$ lab$rinth is another name +or the !!!!!!!!!!!!"
a" Au'itor$ nerve
b" Auter ear
c" Mi''le ear
'" >nner ear
1)" The process o+ soun' waves travelin& to the brain is %nown as !!!!!!!!!!!!
a" Soun'
b" Sensorineural
c" Bone
'" Neural
1/" !!!!!!!!!!!! is the name &iven +or the 'istinct taste o+ &lutamates"
a" #ustator$
b" .mami
c" Meniere
'" Tinnitus
11" Tactile corpuscles is the name &iven to the receptors +or which sense7
a" Taste
b" Smell
c" Hearin&
'" Touch
12" E*periencin& pain in the ri&ht shoul'er 'ue to liver 'isease is an e*ample o+
!!!!!!!!!!!! pain"
a" Re+erre'
b" (is&uise'
c" Phantom
'" Pseu'o
13" Ambl$opia 'evelops most commonl$ in !!!!!!!!"
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a" A'ults
b" Chil'ren
c" Patients with asti&matism
'" The el'erl$
15" A patient who has itchin& in the ears 'ue to a buil'up o+ ear wa* coul' be sai' to
have too much !!!!!!!!"
a" Cerumen
b" 0lui'
c" Eustachian
'" Cochlea
18" Clou'in& o+ the e$e lens cause' b$ protein clumpin& is calle' !!!!!!!!"
a" Blepharitis
b" A cataract
c" Clou'in&
'" Asti&matism
19" Receptors o+ the !!!!!!!! senses receive the si&nal o+ nausea"
a" ,isceral
b" Cutaneous
c" Accommo'ation
'" ?ab$rinthitis
)<" Cataract +ormation is attribute' to all o+ these e*cept !!!!!!!!"
a" A&in&
b" #en'er
c" Con&enital 'e+ects
'" Trauma
)1" >n 'iabetic retinopath$4 increase' bloo' su&ar 'ama&es the !!!!!!!! in the retina
o+ the e$e"
a" Sclera
b" ?ens
c" Con=unctiva
'" Bloo' vessels
))" All o+ the +ollowin& are s$mptoms o+ otitis me'ia e*cept !!!!!!!!"
a" Sinus in+ection
b" Pus
c" E'ema
'" Pain
)/" Si&ht can be consi'ere' !!!!!!!!"
a" A &eneral sense
b" A special sense
c" A chemoreceptor
'" Both b an' c
)1" 6hich o+ the +ollowin& is not associate' with the retina7
a" Ro's
b" ?ens
c" Cones
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'" Photopi&ments
)2" The e*ternal ear en's at the !!!!!!!!"
a" Auricle
b" T$mpanic membrane
c" E*ternal au'itor$ canal
'" Tra&us
)3" 6hich o+ the +ollowin& is not a bone o+ the mi''le ear7
a" Cochlea
b" Stapes
c" >ncus
'" Malleus
)5" 6hich o+ the +ollowin& structures in the inner ear is the or&an o+ hearin&7
a" Bon$ lab$rinth
b" Semicircular canal
c" ,estibule
'" Cochlea
)8" A 'e+ect o+ the !!!!!!!! results in 'i++icult$ in visual 'etection o+ color an' +ine
a" ?ens
b" Cones
c" Ro's
'" Cones an' ro's
)9" The sense o+ touch can be consi'ere' !!!!!!!!"
a" A &eneral sense
b" A special sense
c" A chemoreceptor
'" Both b an' c
/<" Receptors use' to locate bo'$ parts are consi'ere' !!!!!!!!"
a" A special sense
b" A chemoreceptor
c" A thermoreceptor
'" A proprioceptor
/1" 6hich o+ the +ollowin& is not one o+ the three la$ers o+ tissue that +orms the
a" Con=unctiva
b" Sclera
c" Choroi'
'" Retina
/)" The sensor receptive cells in the retina that +unction best in 'im li&ht an' enable
ni&ht vision are the !!!!!!!!"
a" >ris
b" Pupil
c" Ro's
'" Cones
//" An in+lammation o+ the thin4 transparent membrane coverin& the visible portion o+
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the sclera an' linin& the insi'e o+ the e$eli's results in !!!!!!!!"
a" Con=unctivitis
b" Choroi'itis
c" Cornea abrasion
'" ?ens 'istortion
/1" A clou'$ or opaue area in the normall$ clear lens o+ the e$e is calle' a !!!!!!!!"
a" St$e
b" (etachment
c" Cataract
'" None o+ the above
/2" ,ision impairment as a result o+ ol' a&e an' the loss o+ elasticit$ in the lens is
calle' !!!!!!!!"
a" Asti&matism
b" M$opia
c" Presb$opia
'" (iplopia
/3" A chronic 'isease o+ the inner ear mar%e' b$ a recurrin& s$n'rome o+ verti&o4
tinnitus4 an' pro&ressive hearin& loss is calle' !!!!!!!!"
a" Cholesteatoma
b" Atosclerosis
c" Meniere@s 'isease
'" Mastoi'itis
/5" 6hich o+ the +ollowin& is attribute' to the 'evelopment o+ cataracts7
a" Trauma
b" Con&enital 'e+ects
c" A&in&
'" All o+ the above
/8" >+ le+t untreate'4 cataracts can lea' to what7
a" Blin'ness
b" Presb$opia
c" M$opia
'" H$peropia
/9" 0arsi&hte'ness is also %nown as !!!!!!!!"
a" H$peropia
b" M$opia
c" Presb$opia
'" Ambl$opia
1<" 0arsi&hte'ness that is 'ue to the a&in& process is %nown as !!!!!!!!"
a" H$peropia
b" M$opia
c" Presb$opia
'" Ambl$opia
11" Nearsi&hte'ness is also %nown as !!!!!!!!"
a" H$peropia
b" M$opia
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c" Presb$opia
'" Ambl$opia
1)" ?aG$ e$e is also %nown as !!!!!!!!"
a" H$peropia
b" M$opia
c" Presb$opia
'" Ambl$opia
1/" Swimmer@s ear is also %nown as !!!!!!!!"
a" E*ternal otitis
b" Atitis Me'ia
c" >nternal otitis
'" None o+ the above
11" S$mptoms o+ otitis me'ia inclu'e all o+ the +ollowin& e*cept !!!!!!!!"
a" Pus
b" Arthral&ia
c" E'ema
'" Pain
12" A +eelin& o+ 'iGGiness an' or whirlin& in space is calle' !!!!!!!!"
a" ,erti&o
b" Purulence
c" EcGema
'" Tinnitus
13" Rin&in& in the ears is also %nown as !!!!!!!!"
a" ,erti&o
b" Purulence
c" EcGema
'" Tinnitus
Short Answer
6rite the wor' or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the uestion"
1" S%in is the location o+ receptors +or $our sense o+ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
)" The !!!!!!!!!!!! is the colore' part o+ the e$e"
/" The vitreous humor is in the !!!!!!!!!!!! chamber o+ the e$e"
1" The &lobe-shape' or&an o+ vision is the !!!!!!!!!!!!"
2" The !!!!!!!!!!!! is the openin& throu&h which li&ht passes into the e$e"
3" !!!!!!!!!!!! is a 'isease characteriGe' b$ increase' pressure in the e$e"
5" The !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! contains li&ht-sensitive neurons"
8" ?aG$ e$e is calle' !!!!!!!!!!!!"
9" The si&nals +rom the e$e are carrie' on the cranial nerve %nown as
1<" Pin% e$e is calle' !!!!!!!!!!!!"
11" 6hat $ou perceive as taste is mainl$ a++ecte' b$ the sense o+
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1)" The bones o+ the mi''le ear are the malleus4 incus4 an' !!!!!!!!!!!!"
1/" The !!!!!!!!!!!! or auricle is the e*ternal part o+ the ear"
11" The ear'rum is also calle' the !!!!!!!!!!!! membrane"
12" The tubes that connect the mi''le ear to the phar$n* are calle' !!!!!!!!!!!!
13" Nearsi&hte'ness is calle' !!!!!!!!"
15" >+ the e$e cannot +ocus on nearb$ ob=ects4 the con'ition is calle' !!!!!!!! or
18" A clou'e' lens is calle' a:n;!!!!!!!!"
19" There are times when an optometrist nee's to 'ilate the pupils +or better !!!!!!!!
o+ inner e$e parts 'urin& the e*am"
)<" Acute con=unctivitis is commonl$ calle' !!!!!!!! aureus"
)1" >n &laucoma4 peripheral vision is re'uce'4 which eventuall$ pro&resses to
!!!!!!!! vision an' then blin'ness"
))" Atitis me'ia can per+orate the !!!!!!!! membrane :ear'rum;"
)/" ?ab$rinthitis is an in+lammation o+ the !!!!!!!! ear an' is usuall$ cause' b$
in+ections an' can cause verti&o"
)1" H$peropia is when the e$e cannot +ocus properl$ on !!!!!!!! ob=ects"
)2" Tinnitus can occur as a result o+ chronic e*posure to lou' !!!!!!!!"
)3" The !!!!!!!! or colore' part o+ the e$e helps re&ulate the amount o+ li&ht that
enters the e$e"
)5" The pro=ectin& part o+ the ear which collects an' 'irects soun' waves into the
au'itor$ canal is calle' the pinna or !!!!!!!!"
)8" !!!!!!!! :+arsi&hte'ness; occurs when the e$e cannot +ocus properl$ on nearb$
)9" The !!!!!!!! be&ins in the inner ear an' carries the ampli+ie' vibrations +rom the
t$mpanic ossicles"
/<" Continue' sensor$ stimulation causes some sensors to 'esensitiGe in an interestin&
phenomenon calle' !!!!!!!!"
/1" Pain receptors are also calle' !!!!!!!!"
/)" Pain is +elt +or as lon& as the stimulus is there that is c"ausin& it or unless a person
is un'er !!!!!!!!"
//" The !!!!!!!! &lan's pro'uce tears4 sprea' over the e$e sur+aces b$ blin%in&4
which are nee'e' +or constant cleansin& an' lubrication"
/1" The sclera contains a specialiGe' portion calle' the !!!!!!!!4 which is transparent
to allow li&ht ra$s to pass into the e$e"
/2" !!!!!!!! is cause' b$ increase' pressure in the +lui' o+ the e$e4 which inter+eres
with optic nerve +unctionin&"
/3" !!!!!!!! is an in+lammation o+ the membrane that lines the e$e characteriGe' b$
pin% or re' swollen e$es"
/5" The acute in+ective phase o+ con=unctivitis is commonl$ calle' !!!!!!!!"
/8" A:n; !!!!!!!! is a con'ition in which the lens loses its +le*ibilit$ an'
transparenc$ an' li&ht cannot pass throu&h the clou'e' lens"
/9" !!!!!!!! is cause' b$ increase' pressure in the +lui' o+ the e$e4 which inter+eres
with optic nerve +unctionin&"
2011 by Pearson, Inc.
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1<" !!!!!!!! is an acute in+ection o+ the mi''le ear4 commonl$ cause' b$ a bacteria
or virus4 an' is +reuentl$ +oun' in in+ants an' $oun& chil'ren"
11" !!!!!!!! is +reuentl$ associate' with an upper respirator$ in+ection such as the
common col'"
1)" >+ le+t untreate'4 otitis me'ia can cause a per+oration o+ the !!!!!!!! or ear'rum"
1/" !!!!!!!! is an in+lammation o+ the inner ear an' is usuall$ cause' b$ in+ections"
11" !!!!!!!! is a chronic con'ition that a++ects the lab$rinth an' lea's to pro&ressive
hearin& loss an' verti&o"
12" !!!!!!!! can be either partial or complete an' is cause' b$ a variet$ o+
con'itions4 ran&in& +rom in+lammation an' scarrin& o+ the t$mpanic membrane to
au'itor$ nerve an' brain 'ama&e"
13" Clinicall$4 !!!!!!!! can occur as a result o+ chronic e*posure to lou' noises4
Meniere@s 'isease4 some me'ications4 wa* buil'-up4 or various 'isturbances to the
au'itor$ nerve"
6rite IT@ i+ the statement is true an' I0@ i+ the statement is +alse"
!!!! 1" The malleus is the outer ear"
!!!! )" The sense o+ smell is calle' &ustator$"
!!!! /" -Soun' is transmitte' to the brain b$ hair cells"
!!!! 1" -The si&nal is carrie' +rom the ear to the brain b$ the optic nerve"
!!!! 2" -Bacteria +rom the nasal cavit$ can travel to the ear"
!!!! 3" ?acrimal &lan's are en'ocrine &lan's"
!!!! 5" -Tears act as an antiseptic to 'ecrease &erms in the e$eball"
!!!! 8" The vitreous humor is water$"
!!!! 9" Ro's are active in 'im li&ht"
!!!!1<" -Photopi&ments un'er&o chemical chan&es when li&ht hits them"
!!!!11" -The innermost la$er o+ the e$e is the cornea"
!!!!1)" -Ciliar$ muscles surroun' the lens in the e$e"
!!!!1/" The lens is locate' behin' the pupil"
!!!!11" -PER?A stan's +or pupils4 eual4 rotatin& to the li&ht4 an' accommo'atin&"
!!!!12" REM sleep re+ers to rapi' e$e movement"
6rite $our answer in the space provi'e' or on a separate sheet o+ paper"
1" ?ist the +ive senses an' their or&ans"
2011 by Pearson, Inc.
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)" (escribe how $our e$e is li%e a camera"
/" 0ollow the path o+ soun' +rom air to the brain"
1" (escribe wh$ chil'ren &et otitis me'ia"
2" (escribe re+erre' an' phantom pain"
Multiple Choice
Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the uestion"
1" 6hich o+ the en'ocrine or&ans can e++ectivel$ control the pituitar$ &lan'7
a" Pancreas
b" H$pothalamus
c" Th$roi'
'" Pineal
)" Chemical messen&ers release' 'irectl$ into the bloo'stream4 with the abilit$ to
a++ect cells +or hours or 'a$s4 are calle' !!!!!!!!"
a" Neurotransmitters
b" (en'rites
c" Hormones
'" Sensor$ cells
/" A speci+ic t$pe o+ hormone4 calle' !!!!!!!!!!!!4 has the abilit$ to interact
'irectl$ with the cell@s (NA"
a" A'renaline
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b" Protein
c" Sebum
'" Steroi's
1" A stan'ar' level4 %nown as the !!!!!!!!!!!!4 is necessar$ to maintain the bo'$@s
a" Set point
b" Tar&et level
c" Norm
'" Kuotient
2" 6hen a patient is e*periencin& a +ever4 the !!!!!!!!!!!! resets the bo'$@s
temperature set point"
a" Brain
b" H$pothalamus
c" A'renal &lan'
'" Pituitar$ &lan'
3" 6hich o+ the +ollowin& hormones are 'irectl$ controlle' b$ the nervous s$stem7
a" A*$tocin
b" Cortisol
c" Epinephrine
'" >nsulin
5" Ane wa$ in which the bo'$ will cope with increase' stress is to increase the
secretion o+
a" Cortisol
b" Norepinephrine
c" A*$tocin
'" Prolactin
8" 6hich hormone4 pro'uce' b$ the pituitar$ &lan'4 is responsible +or 'ecrease'
a" Prolactin
b" Anti'iuretic hormone
c" A'renocorticotropic hormone
'" ?uteiniGin& hormone
9" The !!!!!!!!!!!! is part o+ the 'iencephalon an' is commonl$ calle' the Dmaster
a" A'renal
b" Pineal
c" Th$roi'
'" Pituitar$
1<" The !!!!!!!!!!!! is 'ivi'e' into a posterior an' anterior se&ment"
a" Th$roi'
b" Th$mus
c" Pituitar$
'" A'renal
11" A stature 'isor'er in which the bo'$ pro'uces either too much or too little &rowth
hormone is a 'isor'er o+ which en'ocrine &lan'7
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a" Anterior pituitar$
b" Posterior pituitar$
c" A'renal me'ulla
'" A'renal corte*
1)" Th$ro*in an' triio'oth$ronine4 hormones necessar$ +or cell metabolism4 are
pro'uce' in the !!!!!!!!!!!! &lan'"
a" Pituitar$
b" A'renal
c" Th$mus
'" Th$roi'
1/" !!!!!!!!!!!! &lan' is important in re&ulatin& the bloo' &lucose"
a" Th$mus
b" Pancreas
c" Pineal
'" Th$roi'
11" The !!!!!!!!!!!! &lan's are locate' above each %i'ne$"
a" Th$roi'
b" A'renal
c" Pineal
'" Avaries
12" 6hat is the name o+ the con'ition in which the bo'$ is not pro'ucin& a'euate
amounts o+ insulin7
a" (iabetes mellitus
b" (iabetes insipi'us
c" (war+ism
'" H$perth$roi'ism
13" !!!!!!!! steroi's are a class o+ molecules that cause an increase in muscle mass"
a" Anti-in+lammator$
b" Anabolic
c" NSA>(s
'" Metabolic
15" Cushin&s@ 'isease causes wei&ht !!!!!!!! an' #raves@ causes wei&ht !!!!!!!!"
a" #ain4 loss
b" ?oss4 loss
c" ?oss4 &ain
'" #ain4 &ain
18" The release o+ norepinephrine an' epinephrine into the bloo' stream increases all
o+ these e*cept !!!!!!!!"
a" Respiration
b" Saliva
c" Pulse or heart rate
'" Bloo' pressure
19" Pre'nisone can be use' as an anti-in+lammator$ 'ru& to treat !!!!!!!!"
a" Severe aller&ies
b" Rheumatoi' arthritis
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c" Ather chronic con'itions
'" All o+ the above
)<" The t$pical onset o+ t$pe > 'iabetes is be+ore !!!!!!!!"
a" Pubert$
b" A&e 1<
c" A&e 2B3
'" A&e 1<
)1" A woman is in labor but the uterine contractions stop" This coul' be cause' b$
insu++icient !!!!!!!! :a hormone;"
a" A*$tocin
b" A(H
c" Pituitar$ hormone
'" Melatonin
))" A 'e+icienc$ in the release o+ vasopressin :anti'iuretic hormone RA(HS; b$ the
posterior pituitar$ &lan' causes !!!!!!!!"
a" H$po&l$cemia
b" (war+ism
c" (iabetes insipi'us
'" None o+ the above
)/" Treatment o+ 'iabetes mellitus inclu'es !!!!!!!!"
a" A controlle' 'iet an' e*ercise
b" >nsulin a'ministration i+ nee'e'
c" Bloo' an' urine testin&
'" All o+ the above
)1" H$persecretion o+ #H that causes over&rowth o+ the han's an' +eet4 abnormal
thic%enin& o+ the bones o+ the +ace4 an' e*cessive over&rowth o+ so+t tissue4
occurrin& in a'ulthoo'4 is calle' !!!!!!!!"
a" Acrome&al$
b" #i&antism
c" (war+ism
'" All o+ the above
)2" (ama&e to the pituitar$ &lan'4 which causes h$popituitarism4 can result +rom
a" Ra'iation
b" Sur&ical removal
c" Tumors
'" All o+ the above
)3" The master &lan' o+ the en'ocrine s$stem is the !!!!!!!!"
a" Th$roi' &lan'
b" Pituitar$ &lan'
c" A'renal &lan'
'" None o+ the above
)5" >nsulin an' &luca&on are pro'uce' b$ the !!!!!!!!"
a" Pancreas
b" Th$mus
2011 by Pearson, Inc.
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c" A'renal corte*
'" None o+ the above
)8" H$persecretion o+ cortisol causes !!!!!!!!"
a" A''ison@s 'isease
b" Cushin&@s s$n'rome
c" M$*e'ema
'" None o+ the above
)9" >nsu++icient secretion o+ PTH b$ the parath$roi' &lan' is calle' !!!!!!!!"
a" H$perpituitarism
b" H$poparath$roi'ism
c" H$perparath$roi'ism
'" H$popituitarism
/<" The s$n'rome cause' b$ h$persecretion o+ the a'renal corte*4 which results in
e*cessive circulatin& cortisol levels4 +ati&ue4 muscular wea%ness4 an' chan&es in
bo'$ appearance is calle' !!!!!!!!"
a" Cushin&@s s$n'rome
b" Hashimoto th$roi'itis
c" A''ison@s 'isease
'" None o+ the above
/1" 6hich o+ the +ollowin& statements is not true o+ the en'ocrine s$stem7
a" The or&ans o+ the en'ocrine s$stem are wi'el$ 'isperse' in the bo'$"
b" All or&ans in the en'ocrine s$stem are &lan's"
c" En'ocrine &lan's secrete their pro'ucts into 'ucts lea'in& to bo'$ cavities"
'" En'ocrine &lan's pro'uce hormones"
/)" (war+ism can be cause' b$ a !!!!!!!!"
a" H$persecretion o+ ACTH
b" H$posecretion o+ ACTH
c" H$persecretion o+ &rowth hormone
'" H$posecretion o+ &rowth hormone
//" 6hich o+ the +ollowin& is not true o+ o*$tocin7
a" >t is pro'uce' in the th$roi' &lan'"
b" >t causes the contractions o+ the uterus 'urin& labor"
c" >t is one o+ the +ew hormones that is re&ulate' b$ a positive +ee'bac% loop"
'" >t stimulates Dmil% let'ownE in nursin& mothers"
/1" 6hich o+ the +ollowin& is true o+ the a'renal me'ulla7
a" >t respon's to stimuli +rom the s$mpathetic nervous s$stem"
b" >t helps pro'uce the D+i&ht-or-+li&htE response"
c" >t releases epinephrine"
'" All o+ the above are true o+ the a'renal me'ulla"
/2" 6hich o+ the +ollowin& is not true o+ the th$mus &lan'7
a" >t is locate' in the nec%"
b" >t is an en'ocrine &lan'"
c" >t pro'uces th$mosin"
'" >t is important in the bo'$@s immune s$stem"
/3" 6hich o+ the +ollowin& is not true o+ the pineal &lan'7
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a" >t is locate' in the brain"
b" >t pro'uces melatonin"
c" >t helps re&ulate the bo'$@s Dbiolo&ical cloc%"E
'" All o+ the above are true o+ the pineal &lan'"
/5" A con'ition that is characteriGe' b$ the pro'uction o+ lar&e amounts o+ ver$ 'ilute
urine is calle'7
a" (iabetes insipi'us
b" (iabetes mellitus
c" #estational 'iabetes
'" Luvenile 'iabetes
/8" A con'ition that is characteriGe' b$ a 'ecrease in pituitar$ +unction cause' b$
tumors4 sur&er$4 ra'iation4 or hea' in=ur$ is calle' !!!!!!!!"
a" H$perpituitarism
b" Cushin&@s s$n'rome
c" H$popituitarism
'" A''ison@s 'isease
/9" 6hich o+ the +ollowin& hormones are not a++ecte' b$ h$popituitarism7
b" ?H
c" #H
'" A*$tocin
1<" An overpro'uction o+ pituitar$ hormones is calle' !!!!!!!!"
a" Cushin&@s s$n'rome
b" A''ison@s 'isease
c" H$perpituitarism
'" H$popituitarism
11" An over-pro'uction o+ cortisol causes !!!!!!!!"
a" Cushin&@s s$n'rome
b" A''ison@s 'isease
c" #raves@ 'isease
'" H$perpituitarism
1)" All o+ the +ollowin& are s$mptoms o+ Cushin&@s s$n'rome e*cept !!!!!!!!"
a" .pper bo'$ obesit$
b" Roun' +ace
c" Eas$ bruisin&
'" H$po&l$cemia
1/" 0ati&ue4 +eelin& col'4 'r$ s%in4 brittle nails4 an' le& cramps are all s$mptoms o+
which 'isease7
a" H$perth$roi'ism
b" H$poth$roi'ism
c" A''ison@s 'isease
'" Cushin&@s s$n'rome
11" Sweatin&4 muscle tremors4 tach$car'ia4 an' irritabilit$ are s$mptoms o+ which
a" H$perth$roi'ism
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b" H$poth$roi'ism
c" A''ison@s 'isease
'" Cushin&@s s$n'rome
12" 6hich o+ the +ollowin& is an earl$ s$mptom o+ h$po&l$cemia7
a" Nervousness
b" 6ea%ness
c" (i++icult$ spea%in&
'" All o+ the above
13" S$mptoms o+ A''ison@s 'isease inclu'e all o+ the +ollowin& e*cept !!!!!!!!"
a" ?ow bloo' pressure
b" Hi&h bloo' pressure
c" 6ei&ht loss
'" E*cessive s%in pi&mentation
15" >n chil'ren4 +ailure to attain normal hei&ht or abnormall$ slow &rowth are
s$mptoms o+ !!!!!!!!"
a" #i&antism
b" (war+ism
c" T$pe >> 'iabetes
'" None o+ the above
Short Answer
6rite the wor' or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the uestion"
1" The liver brea%s 'own &l$co&en into !!!!!!!!!!!!"
)" >+ a 'iabetic chec%s her bloo' su&ar an' is !!!!!!!! she shoul' ta%e some su&ar"
/" !!!!!!!!!!!! hormone stimulates tissue &rowth"
1" The pancreas secretes insulin an' !!!!!!!!!!!!"
2" A patient e*periences a&itation4 increase' heart rate an' bloo' pressure" She thin%s
she is &oin& insane" She has a hormone imbalance calle'
3" Chemical messen&ers release' b$ en'ocrine &lan's are calle' !!!!!!!!!!!!"
5" !!!!!!!!!!!! moves calcium into bones"
8" !!!!!!!!!!!! +ee'bac% increases the ma&nitu'e o+ chan&e"
9" The i'eal value +or a bo'$ characteristic is calle' a:n; !!!!!!!!!!!!"
1<" >+ a person is 'eh$'rate' the$ will secrete less !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hormone +rom
the posterior pituitar$"
11" !!!!!!!!!!!! hormone stimulates sperm pro'uction"
1)" .terine contractions are increase' b$ the hormone !!!!!!!!!!!!"
1/" The !!!!!!!!!!!! &lan' is locate' in the upper thora*"
11" The !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! secretes several vital steroi' hormones"
12" The !!!!!!!!!!!! within the brain controls hormone levels4 but is not calle' the
master &lan'"
13" !!!!!!!! mellitus is 'ue to a 'ecrease in insulin secretion or 'ecrease' sensitivit$
to insulin"
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15" The !!!!!!!! &lan' secretes th$ro*ine"
18" !!!!!!!! tissue uses &lucose +rom bloo' to +orm +at"
19" A''ison@s 'isease is cause' b$ insu++icient pro'uction o+ !!!!!!!!
)<" Appropriate bloo' &lucose levels are vital +or cellular !!!!!!!!"
)1" >+ #H secretion is insu++icient 'urin& chil'hoo'4 chil'ren 'o not &row to the
stan'ar' hei&ht" This is a t$pe o+ !!!!!!!!"
))" >+ stress becomes chronic4 the secretion o+ !!!!!!!! an' cortisol4 becomes
)/" H$popituitarism causes loss o+ an$ or all anterior !!!!!!!! hormones4 inclu'in&
ACTH4 #H4 ?H4 an' TSH4 causin& a variet$ o+ s$mptoms"
)1" Stature 'isor'ers result in well-below avera&e hei&ht :calle' !!!!!!!! ; or well-
above normal hei&ht :calle' &i&antism;"
)2" Cushin&@s s$n'rome is cause' b$ over-secretion o+ !!!!!!!!"
)3" The a'renal corte* ma%es 'oGens o+ steroi' hormones %nown collectivel$ as
)5" #luca&on puts &lucose into the bloo'stream mainl$ b$ 'irectin& the liver to release
&lucose store' in the +orm o+ !!!!!!!!"
)8" The !!!!!!!! is lar&el$ responsible +or maintainin& bloo' su&ar :&lucose; levels
at or near a set point"
)9" The a'renal &lan's are split into two re&ionsM the a'renal corte*4 an outer la$er4
an' the !!!!!!!!4 the mi''le o+ the &lan'"
/<" !!!!!!!! tri&&ers our sleep b$ pea%in& at ni&ht an' causin& 'rowsiness"
/1" The !!!!!!!! &lan'4 locate' in the anterior portion o+ $our nec%4 is responsible +or
secretin& the hormones th$ro*ine :T1; an' triio'oth$ronine :T/;4 un'er or'ers
+rom the pituitar$ &lan'
/)" >+ an$ o+ the bo'$@s 'oGens o+ homeostatic values become seriousl$ 'isrupte'4 the
control s$stems wor% to brin& them bac% to set point" This process is calle'
//" Ane special class o+ hormones4 !!!!!!!!4 is particularl$ power+ul because the$
can bin' to sites insi'e cells b$ passin& easil$ throu&h the tar&et cell membrane"
/1" The male &ona' is responsible +or secretin& the hormone !!!!!!!!"
/2" !!!!!!!!4 the most common cause o+ h$perth$roi'ism4 is also an autoimmune
/3" H$popituitarism is characteriGe' b$ the loss o+ an$ or all !!!!!!!! pituitar$
/5" Stature 'isor'ers that result in well-below-avera&e hei&ht are calle' !!!!!!!!"
/8" Aversecretion o+ &rowth hormone :#H; in a'ults4 a+ter bones have stoppe'
&rowin&4 causes !!!!!!!!"
/9" The most common cause o+ h$poth$roi'ism is !!!!!!!!"
1<" A common s$mptom o+ h$perth$roi'ism is !!!!!!!!"
11" A:n; !!!!!!!! is the enlar&ement o+ the th$roi' an' can be the result o+ either
h$poth$roi'ism or h$perth$roi'ism"
1)" !!!!!!!! is the primar$ si'e e++ect o+ insulin therap$"
1/" !!!!!!!! is cause' b$ insu++icient pro'uction o+ a'renal corticosteroi's"
2011 by Pearson, Inc.
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11" !!!!!!!! causes e*cess cortisol in response to stressors"
12" !!!!!!!! levels are increase' 'urin& perio's o+ stress"
13" Chronic stress causes both ph$siolo&ical an' !!!!!!!! chan&es"
6rite IT@ i+ the statement is true an' I0@ i+ the statement is +alse"
!!!! 1" Sweat &lan's are en'ocrine &lan's"
!!!! )" -Melatonin is release' b$ the pineal &lan'"
!!!! /" Avaries secrete estro&en"
!!!! 1" #luca&on lowers bloo' su&ar"
!!!! 2" -Hormonal tar&ets are 'istant +rom secretion in the en'ocrine s$stem"
!!!! 3" -0ollicle Stimulatin& Hormone is secrete' in the ovaries"
!!!! 5" Cortisol is secrete' b$ the a'renal &lan'"
!!!! 8" -Renin is secrete' b$ the anterior pituitar$"
!!!! 9" Prolactin stimulates mil% pro'uction"
!!!!1<" -Restlessness is a s$mptom o+ h$perth$roi'ism"
!!!!11" H$po&l$cemia is hi&h bloo' su&ar"
!!!!1)" -?e+t untreate'4 'iabetes mellitus can be +atal"
!!!!1/" Epinephrine is also %nown as a'renalin"
!!!!11" -Norepinephrine is both a hormone an' a neurotransmitter"
!!!!12" -Pre'nisone is use' to prevent or&an re=ection"
6rite $our answer in the space provi'e' or on a separate sheet o+ paper"
1" E*plain how one en'ocrine &lan' is controlle' b$ another"
)" E*plain the control o+ bloo' su&ar b$ pancreatic hormones"
/" 6h$ is the use o+ in=ecte' steroi's so 'an&erous7
2011 by Pearson, Inc.
Colbert, Ankney, Lee, Test Bank for Anatomy & Physiology for Health
Professions, 2nd Edition
1" 6hat is the purpose o+ a set point in the bo'$7
2" (escribe how the th$roi' an' parath$roi' &lan's interact"
Multiple Choice
Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the uestion"
1" Bloo' vessels that carr$ bloo' awa$ +rom the heart are calle' !!!!!!!!"
a" Arteries
b" Arterioles
c" ,eins
'" Capillaries
)" Bloo' is pumpe' to the bo'$ 'urin& this part o+ the car'iac c$cle !!!!!!!!"
a" Atrial s$stole
b" Atrial 'iastole
c" ,entricular s$stole
'" ,entricular 'iastole
/" 6hat is the name o+ the structure that separates the lower chambers o+ the heart7
a" Atrial mitral valve
b" ,entrical SA no'e
c" >nteratrial septum
'" >nterventricular septum
1" 6hat is the vessel that brin&s bloo' to the heart +rom the trun% an' pelvic re&ion7
a" Superior vena cava
b" >n+erior vena cava
c" Superior aorta
'" >n+erior arter$
2" 6hat is another name +or the le+t atrioventricular valve7
a" Atrial valve
b" Bicuspi' valve
c" Tricuspi' valve
'" Semilunar valve
3" 6hich section o+ the heart receives bloo' +rom the ri&ht coronar$ arter$7
a" Ri&ht atrium
b" ?e+t atrium
2011 by Pearson, Inc.
Colbert, Ankney, Lee, Test Bank for Anatomy & Physiology for Health
Professions, 2nd Edition
c" Ri&ht ventricle
'" ?e+t ventricle
5" The &roup o+ pacema%er cells near the entrance o+ the superior vena cava +orm the
a" Bun'le o+ His
b" Atrioventricular no'e
c" M$ocar'ium
'" Sinoatrial no'e
8" 6hich cranial nerve releases a neurotransmitter that can 'ecrease the pulse an'
+orce o+ contraction7
a" Ab'ucens
b" ,a&us
c" H$po&lossal
'" Trochlear
9" >+ heart rate 'ecreases4 what happens to bloo' pressure7
a" nothin&
b" >t 'epen's on other con'itions
c" >t increases
'" >t 'ecreases
1<" >+ a patient has been in+ecte' b$ parasites4 which white bloo' cell woul' be
elevate' in the bloo'stream7
a" Eosinophil
b" Basophil
c" Neutrophil
'" Monoc$te
11" 6hich cells are involve' in the pro'uction o+ antibo'ies7
a" Monoc$tes
b" ?$mphoc$tes
c" Er$throc$tes
'" Platelets
1)" Lill is Rh ne&ative" Her +irst bab$ was Rh ne&ative" She is pre&nant a&ain4 but the
bab$ is Rh positive" 6ithout me'ical treatment4 will her antibo'ies attac% the
bab$@s bloo'7
a" $es
b" no
c" probabl$ not since her +irst chil' is Rh ne&ative
'" probabl$ $es since her +irst chil' is Rh ne&ative
1/" Capillar$ be's are +e' b$ the
a" Capillaries
b" ,enules
c" Arterioles
'" Platelets
11" >+ the innermost wall o+ a vessel is 'ama&e'4 the !!!!!!!!!!!! be&in the repair b$
attachin& to the 'ama&e' site"
a" 0ibrin
2011 by Pearson, Inc.
Colbert, Ankney, Lee, Test Bank for Anatomy & Physiology for Health
Professions, 2nd Edition
b" Platelets
c" 0ibrino&en
'" Thrombin
12" 6hat clottin& protein4 pro'uce' b$ the liver4 be&ins the clottin& process7
a" Thrombin
b" Prothrombin
c" 0ibrin
'" 0ibrino&en
13" 6hat color will bloo' e*hibit i+ it has a hi&h o*$&en content7
a" Blue
b" Colorless
c" Bri&ht re'
'" Purple
15" The pH value measures the levels o+ !!!!!!!!"
a" 6BCs an' RBCs
b" Electrol$tes
c" Anti&ens an' antibo'ies
'" Aci'it$ an' al%alinit$
18" 6hich 6BC is e++ective in 'e+en'in& the bo'$ a&ainst parasites7
a" Eosinophil
b" Basophil
c" Neutrophil
'" Monoc$te
19" 6hat is the most common bloo' t$pe amon& Americans7
a" A
b" B
c" A
'" AB
)<" Peripheral vascular 'isease :P,(; is cause' b$ !!!!!!!!"
a" H$pertension
b" H$potension
c" An&ina
'" Atherosclerosis
)1" ?eu%emia is usuall$ 'ue to bone marrow cancer4 an' creates a hi&her number o+
!!!!!!!! than normal"
a" 6BCs
b" Platelets
c" RBCs
'" Thromboc$tes
))" 6hich o+ the +ollowin& is not a cause o+ thromboc$topenia7
a" ,itamin K 'e+icienc$
b" Bone marrow cancer
c" ?iver '$s+unction
'" Proper spleen +unction
)/" >schemia o+ the m$ocar'ium causes !!!!!!!!"
2011 by Pearson, Inc.
Colbert, Ankney, Lee, Test Bank for Anatomy & Physiology for Health
Professions, 2nd Edition
a" M$ocar'ial in+arction
b" An&ina
c" Heart +ailure
'" A murmur
)1" The term +or the stoppa&e o+ bloo' +low is !!!!!!!!"
a" Homeostasis
b" Hemosclerosis
c" Hemothrombus
'" Hemostasis
)2" A substance that 'ecreases the bo'$@s abilit$ to clot is !!!!!!!!"
a" Aspirin
b" ,itamin K
c" ,itamin A
'" EnG$me
)3" The !!!!!!!! nervous s$stem si&nals bloo' vessels to constrict"
a" Paras$mpathetic
b" Central
c" S$mpathetic
'" Peripheral
)5" >n terms o+ their location or movement4 an embolus is a !!!!!!!! clot4 an' a
thrombus is a !!!!!!!! clot"
a" Stationar$4 stationar$
b" 0loatin&Hmovin&4 stationar$
c" 0loatin&Hmovin&4 +loatin&Hmovin&
'" Stationar$4 +loatin&Hmovin&
)8" The bicuspi' or mitral valve is the valve !!!!!!!!"
a" Between the le+t atrium an' le+t ventricle
b" That opens +rom the ri&ht ventricle into the arter$
c" Between the ri&ht atrium an' ri&ht ventricle
'" That opens +rom the le+t ventricle into the arter$
)9" 6hich o+ the +ollowin& is not a white bloo' cell7
a" Neutrophil
b" Thromboc$te
c" ?$mphoc$te
'" All o+ the above are white bloo' cells
/<" This is the appro*imate number o+ re' bloo' cells in one cubic millimeter o+ bloo'"
a" 1 million
b" / million
c" 2 million
'" 5 million
/1" The role o+ hemo&lobin in the re' bloo' cell is to !!!!!!!!"
a" Carr$ o*$&en
b" Carr$ carbon 'io*i'e
c" Carr$ hormones
'" Both a an' b above
2011 by Pearson, Inc.
Colbert, Ankney, Lee, Test Bank for Anatomy & Physiology for Health
Professions, 2nd Edition
/)" This clottin& 'isor'er is an inherite' 'isor'er"
a" Thrombosis
b" Thromboc$topenia
c" Hemophilia
'" Embolism
//" This is a con'ition where an arter$ has become abnormall$ wi'ene' because o+ a
localiGe' wea%ness in the arterial wall"
a" An aneur$sm
b" >schemia
c" #an&rene
'" Phlebitis
/1" Another name +or Dhar'enin& o+ the arteriesE is !!!!!!!!"
a" An&ina pectoris
b" M$ocar'ial in+arction
c" Arteriosclerosis
'" Embolism
/2" This is a con'ition usuall$ +oun' in the le&s where bloo' pools in the veins
because the veins have become 'ilate' an' 'istorte'"
a" An aneur$sm
b" Phlebitis
c" ,aricose veins
'" #an&rene
/3" A heartbeat that is below 3< beats per minute is calle' !!!!!!!!"
a" Tach$car'ia
b" Bra'$car'ia
c" Sinus '$srh$thmia
'" 0ibrillation
/5" A person with t$pe A bloo' !!!!!!!!"
a" Has anti-A antibo'ies
b" Has A anti&ens
c" Has anti-B antibo'ies
'" Both b an' c above
/8" The bloo' t$pe consi'ere' the universal 'onor is t$pe !!!!!!!!"
a" A
b" B
c" A
'" AB
/9" The con'ition in which the patient e*periences chest pain with e*ertion is
a" An&ina pectoris
b" Coronar$ arter$ 'isease
c" M$ocar'ial in+arction
'" Con&estive heart +ailure
1<" The con'ition in which a re'uction in the uantit$ o+ either re' bloo' cells or
hemo&lobin e*ists is !!!!!!!!"
2011 by Pearson, Inc.
Colbert, Ankney, Lee, Test Bank for Anatomy & Physiology for Health
Professions, 2nd Edition
a" Anemia
b" Thromboc$topenia
c" ?eu%emia
'" Pol$c$themia
11" Si&ns an' s$mptoms o+ ri&ht-si'e' heart +ailure inclu'e all o+ the +ollowin& e*cept
a" Lu&ular vein 'istention
b" Pulmonar$ e'ema
c" E'ema or swellin& o+ han's an' +eet
'" Splenome&al$
1)" 6hich o+ the +ollowin& is a si&n or s$mptom o+ le+t-si'e' heart +ailure7
a" Lu&ular vein 'istention
b" E'ema or swellin& o+ han's an' +eet
c" Pulmonar$ e'ema
'" Hepatome&al$
1/" Car'iac tampona'e ma$ result +rom !!!!!!!!"
a" Pericar'itis
b" En'ocar'itis
c" Heart +ailure
'" H$pertension
11" Con&estive heart +ailure is now calle' !!!!!!!!"
a" Pericar'itis
b" En'ocar'itis
c" Heart +ailure
'" H$pertension
12" This 'ru& commonl$ re'uces or eliminates an&ina pectoris 'ue to its abilit$ to
increase bloo' +low to the car'iac muscles b$ 'ilatin& coronar$ bloo' vessels"
a" Epinephrine
b" ?asi*
c" A*$&en
'" Nitro&l$cerin
13" Abnormal heart rh$thms are calle' !!!!!!!!"
a" Arrh$thmias
b" Sinus rh$thm
c" Bra'$car'ia
'" Tach$car'ia
15" !!!!!!!! is a con'ition in which chronic low levels o+ o*$&en :'ue to lun&
'isease or livin& in hi&h altitu'es; cause the bo'$ to pro'uce more than normal
amounts o+ er$throc$tes to transport more e++icientl$ the smaller amounts o+
available o*$&en"
a" Primar$ pol$c$themia
b" Primar$ er$throc$topenia
c" Secon'ar$ pol$c$themia
'" Secon'ar$ er$throc$topenia
18" !!!!!!!! is cause' b$ bone marrow cancer stimulatin& an over-pro'uction o+
2011 by Pearson, Inc.
Colbert, Ankney, Lee, Test Bank for Anatomy & Physiology for Health
Professions, 2nd Edition
a" Primar$ pol$c$themia
b" Primar$ er$throc$topenia
c" Secon'ar$ pol$c$themia
'" Secon'ar$ er$throc$topenia
19" !!!!!!!! is a bloo' con'ition in which there is a less than normal number o+ re'
bloo' cells or there is abnormal or 'e+icient hemo&lobin"
a" Sic%le cell anemia
b" ?eu%emia
c" ?eu%oc$tosis
'" Anemia
2<" !!!!!!!! is an inherite' con'ition in which re' bloo' cells an' hemo&lobin
molecules 'o not +orm properl$"
a" Sic%le cell anemia
b" ?eu%emia
c" ?eu%oc$tosis
'" Anemia
21" !!!!!!!! is usuall$ 'ue to bone marrow cancer4 an' is a con'ition in which a
hi&her than normal number o+ white bloo' cells are pro'uce'"
a" Sic%le cell anemia
b" ?eu%emia
c" ?eu%oc$tosis
'" Anemia
2)" !!!!!!!! also e*hibits as a situation in which there is a hi&her than normal
number o+ white bloo' cells" >n this case4 the cause is o+ten an in+ection that is
bein& +ou&ht"
a" Sic%le cell anemia
b" ?eu%emia
c" ?eu%oc$tosis
'" Anemia
Short Answer
6rite the wor' or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the uestion"
1" The !!!!!!!!!!!! is the tip o+ the heart4 'istal to the hea'"
)" The bicuspi' valve is also calle' the !!!!!!!!!!!! valve"
/" Car'iac output is 'etermine' b$ heart rate an' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
1" The !!!!!!!!!!!! si'e o+ the heart pumps bloo' to the lun&s"
2" (urin& a severe hemorrha&e4 bloo' vessels will !!!!!!!!!!!!!! causin& an
increase in peripheral resistance in an attempt to raise bloo' pressure"
3" Re' bloo' cells are calle' !!!!!!!!!!!!"
5" T$pe !!!!!!!!!!!! is the universal recipient o+ bloo' 'onations"
8" The mi''le la$er o+ the vessel is the tunica !!!!!!!!!!!!"
9" A+ter leavin& the A, no'e4 the electrical impulse sprea's to the
2011 by Pearson, Inc.
Colbert, Ankney, Lee, Test Bank for Anatomy & Physiology for Health
Professions, 2nd Edition
1<" >n an EK#4 the !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wave correspon's to atrial 'epolariGation"
11" !!!!!!!!!!!! is the process in which neutrophils surroun' an' in&est inva'ers"
1)" !!!!!!!!!!!! or clottin& is the prevention o+ blee'in&"
1/" The smallest arteries are !!!!!!!!!!!!"
11" (urin& ventricular s$stole4 the !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! valves are close'"
12" The epicar'ium is also the !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
13" The sinoatrial no'e is also calle' the !!!!!!!!"
15" !!!!!!!! is the chemical s$mbol +or mercur$"
18" !!!!!!!! 'e+en' a&ainst parasites"
19" A lower number o+ white cells than normal is !!!!!!!!"
)<" Tissue 'eath is calle' !!!!!!!! or necrosis"
)1" E*tremel$ low bloo' pressure4 as in shoc%4 can a++ect bloo' pro+usion to vital
or&ans an' cause tissue 'ama&e an' !!!!!!!!"
))" Peripheral vascular 'isease is a con'ition cause' b$ plaue buil'up calle'
atherosclerosis in the !!!!!!!! arteries"
)/" >n a bloo' trans+usion4 i+ the patient receives bloo' o+ the wron& bloo' t$pe4 the
'onor@s anti&ens an' the recipient@s antibo'ies !!!!!!!! an' cause serious harm
or 'eath"
)1" The me'ication nitro&l$cerin increases bloo' +low to car'iac muscle b$
vaso'ilation o+ the !!!!!!!! bloo' vessels"
)2" 6omen who smo%e an' use oral contraceptives are at a hi&her ris% o+ +ormation o+
thrombi in the bloo' vessels4 which can brea% o++ to become !!!!!!!!"
)3" !!!!!!!! is a t$pe o+ bloo' cancer that can cause increase' 6BCs"
)5" 6hen an in+ection occurs4 the bo'$ pro'uces a:n; !!!!!!!! than normal number
o+ neutrophils4 which are one t$pe o+ 6BC"
)8" The +irst hour o+ a m$ocar'ial in+arction :heart attac%; is critical4 so emer&enc$
services shoul' be calle' imme'iatel$ even i+ the patient !!!!!!!! the$ are havin&
a heart attac%"
)9" Anemia is a bloo' con'ition in which there are +ewer than normal RBCs or there is
an abnormalit$ or 'e+icienc$ o+ !!!!!!!!"
/<" Antibo'ies o+ten react with the anti&ens that cause' them to +orm4 an' the anti&ens
stic% to&ether4 or !!!!!!!!4 in little clumps"
/1" A hi&h-+at an' hi&h-salt 'iet4 a&e4 obesit$4 smo%in&4 stress4 an' 'ecreasin&
+le*ibilit$ o+ the bloo' vessels can all contribute to !!!!!!!!"
/)" A t$pe o+ clot calle' a:n; !!!!!!!! or emboli can partiall$ or totall$ bloc% bloo'
+low to a portion o+ the heart4 resultin& in a coronar$ thrombosis4 which can cause
a heart attac%"
//" !!!!!!!! is a con'ition in which there are +ewer than normal circulatin& platelets"
/1" Since t$pe AB 'oesn@t contain plasma anti-A antibo'ies or anti-B antibo'ies4 it
can@t clump with an$ 'onate' bloo' that contains A or B anti&ens" Because o+ this4
a t$pe AB person is labele' a:n; !!!!!!!!"
/2" Basophils are important because the$ secrete the chemical !!!!!!!!4 which helps
to %eep bloo' +rom clottin& as it courses throu&h bloo' vessels"
/3" A:n; !!!!!!!! is a result o+ bloo' lea%in& bac%war' 'ue to a +ault$ heart valve or
2011 by Pearson, Inc.
Colbert, Ankney, Lee, Test Bank for Anatomy & Physiology for Health
Professions, 2nd Edition
a narrowe' valve openin&"
/5" !!!!!!!! is a narrowin& o+ a valve an' can be cause' b$ rheumatic +ever4
con&enital ori&in4 or the a&in& process"
/8" A:n; !!!!!!!! is a wea%enin& an' 'istortion o+ the walls o+ an arter$ an' can be
cause' b$ h$pertension or trauma"
/9" !!!!!!!! is o+ten calle' chest pain an' is cause' b$ ischemia o+ the m$ocar'ium4
as a result o+ poor bloo' per+usion o+ the heart tissue"
1<" Coronar$ arter$ 'isease or CA( is an insu++icient bloo' +low to the heart tissue" >t
is usuall$ 'ue to !!!!!!!! but ma$ be 'ue to clot:s; in a coronar$ arter$"
11" A:n; !!!!!!!! is a clot that has move' or travele' an' can be cause' b$
thrombophlebitis4 venous stasis4 or contraceptives"
1)" !!!!!!!! is a chronic increase in pressure an' can be cause' b$ here'it$4 'iet4 or
1/" !!!!!!!! can be cause' b$ con'itions or situations that lea' to a 'ecrease' bloo'
+low to the heart tissue4 an' lea's to ischemia or necrosis :(o not use the
11" !!!!!!!! veins are 'ilate' an' 'istorte' bloo' veins that are normall$ +oun'
super+iciall$ in the le&s but can also be +oun' in the rectum"
12" !!!!!!!! ma$ be cause' b$ 'ecrease' re' bloo' cell :RB; pro'uction"
13" !!!!!!!! is an inherite' blee'in& 'isor'er"
15" !!!!!!!! is a less than normal level o+ platelets4 that ma$ be 'ue to leu%emia4 or
bone marrow aplasia"
6rite IT@ i+ the statement is true an' I0@ i+ the statement is +alse"
!!!! 1" All arteries carr$ o*$&enate' bloo'"
!!!! )" Arteries have thinner walls than veins"
!!!! /" ->t is calle' s$stole when the heart contracts"
!!!! 1" The va&us nerve increases heart rate"
!!!! 2" -The ventricles are contracte' 'urin& the KRS interval o+ the EK#"
!!!! 3" Plasma is a $ellowish +lui'"
!!!! 5" Monoc$tes are er$throc$tes"
!!!! 8" T$pe AB has no anti&ens"
!!!! 9" -The innermost la$er o+ the bloo' vessel is the tunica interna"
!!!!1<" -(urin& the +inal sta&e o+ clottin& the clot becomes water soluble"
!!!!11" -(urin& severe 'eh$'ration4 bloo' pressure rises"
!!!!1)" A +loatin& embolus is a thrombus"
!!!!1/" -(ecrease' bloo' +low to tissues is calle' ischemia"
!!!!11" Atherosclerosis is cause' b$ plaue"
!!!!12" -Heart valves close when their tissue is 'epolariGe'"
2011 by Pearson, Inc.
Colbert, Ankney, Lee, Test Bank for Anatomy & Physiology for Health
Professions, 2nd Edition
6rite $our answer in the space provi'e' or on a separate sheet o+ paper"
1" (raw the EC# tracin& an' 'escribe what P4 KRS4 an' T in'icate"
)" Trace the +low o+ bloo' throu&h the heart +rom superior an' in+erior vena cave to
/" (iscuss wh$ an A ne&ative mother shoul' be concerne' about her secon'
1" E*plain the clottin& process"
2" E*plain the +actors that in+luence bloo' pressure"
Multiple Choice
Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the uestion"
1" (urin& metabolism4 $our bo'$ pro'uces the waste pro'uct !!!!!!!!!!!!"
a" A*$&en
2011 by Pearson, Inc.
Colbert, Ankney, Lee, Test Bank for Anatomy & Physiology for Health
Professions, 2nd Edition
b" Nitro&en
c" Carbon mono*i'e
'" Carbon 'io*i'e
)" The process o+ &as e*chan&e between air an' bloo' is calle'
a" ,entilation
b" E*ternal respiration
c" >nternal respiration
'" Respiration
/" The respirator$ s$stem terminates at the
a" Alveoli
b" Bronchus
c" Bronchioles
'" ?un&s
1" 6hat re&ion contains the coarse nasal hairs7
a" Phar$n&eal
b" ,estibular
c" Al+actor$
'" ?ar$n&eal
2" !!!!!!!!!!!! cells are responsible +or the pro'uction o+ mucus"
a" #oblet
b" Epithelial
c" Cilia
'" Basal
3" The vocal cor's are locate' in the !!!!!!!!!!!!"
a" Nasal cavit$
b" ?ar$n*
c" Arophar$n*
'" ?ar$n&ophar$n*
5" The trachea e*ten's +rom the lar$n* to the !!!!!!!!!!!! vertebrae"
a" )n' cervical
b" 1st thoracic
c" 3th thoracic
'" 1th lumbar
8" T$pe >> cells that line the alveoli are responsible +or the pro'uction o+
a" Carina
b" Sur+actant
c" Carbon 'io*i'e
'" Nitro&en
9" The 'iaphra&m is covere' b$ a serous membrane calle' the !!!!!!!!!!!!"
a" ,isceral membrane
b" ,isceral pleura
c" Musculo-serous membrane
'" Parietal pleura
1<" The area o+ the le+t lun& that correspon's to the ri&ht mi''le lobe is
2011 by Pearson, Inc.
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Professions, 2nd Edition
a" ?in&ula
b" Hilum
c" Carina
'" Sternum
11" 6hich re&ion o+ the brain controls breathin&7
a" H$pothalamus
b" Cerebrum
c" Me'ulla oblon&ata
'" Accipital
1)" All o+ these muscles ai' ventilation e*cept !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "
a" Ab'ominal
b" Pleural
c" Accessor$
'" Respirator$
1/" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! is the amount o+ &as move' 'urin& normal ventilation"
a" >nspirator$ reserve volume
b" ,ital Capacit$
c" Ti'al ,olume
'" E*pirator$ reserve volume
11" 6hen the 'iaphra&m contracts4 lun& volume !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
a" (ecreases
b" >ncreases
c" Sta$s the same
'" Chan&es 'epen'in& on circumstances
12" The !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nerve carries impulses to the 'iaphra&m"
a" Phrenic
b" ,a&us
c" (iaphra&matic
'" Thoracic
13" (ue to the structure o+ the !!!!!!!!4 a lar&e amount o+ moisture is a''e' to the
respirator$ s$stem ever$ 'a$"
a" Nares
b" Trachea
c" Conchae
'" Eustachian tube
15" The Dclean-upE cells are locate' in the !!!!!!!! la$er o+ alveolar membrane"
a" Sur+actant
b" Epithelial
c" >nterstitial space
'" Capillar$ en'othelium
18" The %i'ne$s attempt to increase hemo&lobin levels in the bo'$ b$ the release o+
a" >ron
b" A*$&en
c" Er$throc$tes
2011 by Pearson, Inc.
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'" Er$thropoietin
19" The 'iaphra&m receives help +rom the !!!!!!!! muscles in the activit$ o+
a" Pleural
b" Thoracic
c" Accessor$
'" Respirator$
)<" Pleural e++usion with pus is a:n; !!!!!!!!"
a" H$'rothora*
b" Emp$ema
c" Emph$sema
'" EcGema
)1" A lac% o+ lun& sur+actant causes !!!!!!!! lun&s that resist e*pansion"
a" 0lopp$
b" >n+lame'
c" >n+ecte'
'" Sti++
))" The ma=orit$ o+ cases o+ chronic bronchitis are cause' b$
a" Asthma
b" Aller&ies
c" Smo%in&
'" 0un&i
)/" 6hich o+ the +ollowin& is not part o+ the upper respirator$ tract7
a" Trachea
b" ?ar$n*
c" Phar$n*
'" Nose
)1" 6hich o+ the +ollowin& is not part o+ the lower respirator$ tract7
a" Trachea
b" ?ar$n*
c" Bronchi
'" ?un&s
)2" 6hich o+ the +ollowin& is not a sub'ivision o+ the phar$n*7
a" Tracheophar$n*
b" Nasophar$n*
c" Arophar$n*
'" ?ar$n&ophar$n*
)3" This structure is not a part o+ the lar$n* !!!!!!!!"
a" Th$roi' cartila&e
b" ,ocal cor's
c" Epi&lottis
'" Eustachian tubes
)5" The +irst respirator$ structures without cartila&e as a supportin& tissue are
a" Primar$ bronchi
2011 by Pearson, Inc.
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b" Secon'ar$ bronchi
c" Bronchioles
'" Alveolar 'ucts
)8" The movement o+ air into an' out o+ the lun& is calle' !!!!!!!!"
a" Evacuation
b" Perspiration
c" Respiration
'" ,entilation
)9" The e*chan&e o+ &ases between the cells an' the bloo' is calle' !!!!!!!!"
a" Evacuation
b" Perspiration
c" Respiration
'" ,entilation
/<" The amount o+ air that can be +orcibl$ ta%en in a+ter normall$ inhalin& is calle'
a" Ti'al volume
b" Resi'ual volume
c" >nspirator$ reserve volume
'" E*pirator$ reserve volume
/1" A collection o+ air or &as in the thoracic cavit$4 as the result o+ a stab woun' or
&unshot woun' to the chest 'escribes a con'ition calle' !!!!!!!!"
a" Emph$sema
b" Bronchiectasis
c" Pneumoconiosis
'" Pneumothora*
/)" !!!!!!!! is a 'estructive 'isease o+ the alveoli an' the a'=acent capillar$ walls
resultin& in chronic '$spnea4 cou&h4 an' the characteristic barrel chest"
a" Emph$sema
b" Bronchiectasis
c" Pneumoconiosis
'" Pneumothora*
//" 6hich o+ the +ollowin& is not a respirator$ structure7
a" ?ar$n*
b" Esopha&us
c" Bronchi
'" Nose
/1" The two most important respirator$ control centers are locate' in this part o+ the
brain !!!!!!!!"
a" Me'ulla oblon&ata
b" Pons
c" Cerebral corte*
'" Cerebellum
/2" Chemoreceptors that help re&ulate breathin& can be +oun' !!!!!!!!"
a" >n the me'ulla oblon&ata
b" >n the caroti' arter$
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c" >n the aorta
'" Both b an' c
/3" ?abore' or 'i++icult breathin& is re+erre' to as !!!!!!!!"
a" Apnea
b" ($spnea
c" Eupnea
'" Che$ne-Sto%es respiration
/5" Shortness o+ breath is calle' !!!!!!!!"
a" ($spnea
b" Eupnea
c" Arthopnea
'" 6heeGin&
/8" !!!!!!!! is a con'ition in which there is air insi'e the thoracic cavit$ an' outsi'e
o+ the lun&s"
a" Pleuritis
b" Pleuris$
c" Pneumothora*
'" Hemothora*
/9" !!!!!!!! is a con'ition in which there is an e*cessive buil'-up o+ +lui' in the
pleural space between the parietal an' visceral pleura"
a" Pneumothora*
b" Pleural e++usion
c" Pulmonar$ e'ema
'" Emp$ema
1<" !!!!!!!! is pus in the pleural space"
a" Hemothora*
b" Pleural e++usion
c" H$'rothora*
'" Emp$ema
11" !!!!!!!! is bloo' in the pleural space"
a" Hemothora*
b" Pleural e++usion
c" H$'rothora*
'" Emp$ema
1)" !!!!!!!! is 'istin&uishe' b$ havin& reversible airwa$ narrowin& an' airwa$
h$perreactivit$F an' is most commonl$ characteriGe' as an in+lammator$ process"
a" Asthma
b" Emph$sema
c" Chronic bronchitis
'" Bronchiectasis
1/" !!!!!!!! is characteriGe' anatomicall$ as the permanent4 abnormal enlar&ement
o+ 'istal airwa$ spaces an' 'estruction o+ the alveolar walls"
a" Asthma
b" Emph$sema
c" Chronic bronchitis
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'" Bronchiectasis
11" !!!!!!!! is associate' with a chronic pro'uctive cou&h4 enlar&ement o+ mucous
&lan's4 an' h$pertroph$ o+ the airwa$ smooth muscle !!!!!!!!"
a" Asthma
b" Emph$sema
c" Chronic bronchitis
'" Bronchiectasis
12" The inabilit$ to &et air out o+ the lun&s is %nown as !!!!!!!!"
a" H$perin+lation
b" Bronchospasm
c" CAP(
'" #as trappin&
13" 6hich o+ the +ollowin& 'ru&s has as its basic purpose to re'uce the wor% o+
breathin&4 increase the o*$&en content o+ the bloo'4 an' re'uce the wor% o+ the
a" Antivirals
b" >nsulin
c" A*$&en
'" Antibiotics
15" 6hich 'ru& provi'es rapi' relie+ o+ an acute situation o+ airwa$ narrowin&7
a" Broncho'ilators
b" Steroi's
c" A*$&en
'" Antibiotics
Short Answer
6rite the wor' or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the uestion"
1" The trachea branches into mainstem !!!!!!!!!!!!"
)" The bronchi branch into !!!!!!!!!!!!"
/" The part o+ the respirator$ s$stem that carries air but has no &as e*chan&e
capabilit$ is calle' the !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gone"
1" The process o+ &as e*chan&e is %nown as !!!!!!!!!!!!"
2" Air +ille' cavities in the +acial bones are %nown as !!!!!!!!!!!!"
3" 0oo' is prevente' +rom enterin& the trachea b$ the !!!!!!!!!!!!"
5" The win'pipe is %nown as the !!!!!!!!!!!!"
8" The site o+ bi+urcation in the bronchi is calle' the !!!!!!!!!!!!"
9" Premature in+ants are o+ten in 'an&er 'ue to a lac% o+ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! in the
1<" As CA
levels rise4 pH 'ecreases an' !!!!!!!!!!!! rate increases"
11" The alveoli consists o+ !!!!!!!!!!!!! cells"
1)" The orophar$n* is line' with !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! epithelium"
1/" A $oun& woman 'ives into the sur+4 hittin& her hea' an' causin& a spinal cor'
in=ur$" She is in respirator$ arrest" Her in=ur$ is most li%el$ above the
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!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! spinal cor' se&ment"
11" The motor neurons +or ventilation are in the brain re&ion %nown as the
12" Re' bloo' cell numbers are controlle' b$ a hormone release' b$ the
13" A*$&en is abbreviate' as the chemical si&n !!!!!!!!"
15" Carbon 'io*i'e is abbreviate' as !!!!!!!!"
18" The smallest bloo' vessels are %nown as !!!!!!!!"
19" Pro'ucin& soun' is %nown as !!!!!!!!"
)<" Al+action is the sense o+ !!!!!!!!"
)1" The vocal cor's are +oun' in the !!!!!!!!"
))" The liui' !!!!!!!! la$er lines the alveoli"
)/" Re' bloo' cells are %nown as !!!!!!!!"
)1" Chronic obstructive pulmonar$ 'isease :CAP(; is a &lobal term +or the con'itions
o+ emph$sema4 an' chronic !!!!!!!!"
)2" >n pleural e++usion4 i+ the +lui' in the pleural space has pus4 it is %nown as
)3" There has been recent concern about a multi 'ru&-!!!!!!!! +orm o+ TB that 'oes
not respon' to the usual TB 'ru&s an' that has a hi&h mortalit$ rate"
)5" The terms iron-poor blood or tired blood come +rom the +act that a patient with
low levels o+ iron tires easil$ 'ue to low !!!!!!!! or hemo&lobin levels"
)8" E*cessive secretions an' +lui'4 such as in pneumonia4 act as barriers an' re'uce the
!!!!!!!! in the bloo'"
)9" Bloo'$ +lui' +oun' in the pleural cavit$Hspace is calle' a:n; !!!!!!!!"
/<" >n susceptible in'ivi'uals4 !!!!!!!! causes recurrent episo'es o+ wheeGin&4
breathlessness4 chest ti&htness4 an' cou&h4 particularl$ at ni&ht an' in the earl$
/1" The lun&s resi'e in the thoracic cavit$ an' are separate' b$ a re&ion calle' the
!!!!!!!!4 which contains the esopha&us4 heart4 &reat vessels4 an' trachea"
/)" Swallowe' materials pass throu&h the !!!!!!!! to &et to the stomach"
//" A:n; !!!!!!!! is a con'ition in which there is an e*cessive buil'-up o+ +lui' in the
pleural space between the parietal an' the visceral pleura"
/1" The !!!!!!!!4 or breastbone4 is centrall$ locate' on the anterior portion o+ the
thoracic ca&e an' is comprise' o+ the manubrium4 bo'$4 an' *iphoi' process"
/2" (urin& increase' ph$sical activit$ or in 'isease states in which more o*$&en is
reuire'4 !!!!!!!! are use' to help pull up $our rib ca&e to ma%e an even lar&er
space in the thoracic cavit$"
/3" !!!!!!!! is a respirator$ in+ection causin& pressure4 pain an' o+ten a hea'ache"
/5" The nasophar$n* contains l$mphatic tissue o+ the immune s$stem4 calle' the
!!!!!!!!4 an' passa&ewa$s to the mi''le ear calle' eustachian tubes"
/8" The ma=or patholo&$ o+ the upper airwa$s inclu'e !!!!!!!! or aller&ies o+ the
sinuses4 nose4 or throat"
/9" !!!!!!!!4 or sore throat4 causes 'iscom+ort especiall$ when swallowin&"
1<" !!!!!!!!4 or an in+lame' voice bo*4 is characteriGe' b$ hoarseness an' loss o+
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11" !!!!!!!! is a con'ition in which the alveoli o+ the lun&s are either partiall$ or
totall$ collapse'"
1)" !!!!!!!! is a lun& in+ection that can be cause' b$ a virus4 +un&us4 bacterium4
aspiration4 or chemical inhalation"
1/" !!!!!!!! is 'e+ine' as the presence o+ pro'uctive cou&h 'urin& / months o+ the
$ear +or ) consecutive $ears4 provi'e' that other causes o+ chronic sputum
pro'uction are e*clu'e'"
6rite IT@ i+ the statement is true an' I0@ i+ the statement is +alse"
!!!! 1" -The upper respirator$ tract be&ins at the nares an' en's at the trachea"
!!!! )" -The nasal cavit$ is 'ivi'e' into ri&ht an' le+t halves b$ a septum"
!!!! /" -The pontine respirator$ &roup is the chie+ respirator$ center"
!!!! 1" -Respirator$ mucosa is ciliate' cuboi'al epithelium with &oblet cells"
!!!! 2" The orophar$n* is behin' the mouth"
!!!! 3" -The ma=or t$pe o+ alveolar cell is T$pe >>4 or &ranular pneumoc$tes"
!!!! 5" -The hormone er$thropoietin is release' in the lun&s"
!!!! 8" ->nspire' ob=ects usuall$ lo'&e in the le+t lun&"
!!!! 9" -The thoracic cavit$ an' the upper si'e o+ the 'iaphra&m are line' with the
visceral pleura"
!!!!1<" -The hilum is the area where the root o+ each lun& is attache'"
!!!!11" -The thoracic ca&e consists o+ twelve pairs o+ elastic arches o+ bone calle'
!!!!1)" The cerebrum controls breathin&"
!!!!1/" -The 'ome-shape' muscle that acts to ventilate is the 'iaphra&m"
!!!!11" -The portion o+ the sternum where CPR is per+orme' is the *iphoi' process"
!!!!12" -Atelectasis is the situation in which the air sacs collapse"
6rite $our answer in the space provi'e' or on a separate sheet o+ paper"
1" ?ist the chan&es in the la$ers o+ the wall o+ the respirator$ s$stem +rom con'uctin&
Gone to respirator$ Gone"
)" 6h$ 'o we breathe throu&h our noses7
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/" (iscuss how the an&le o+ branchin& o+ the bronchi ma%es a 'i++erence in which
lun& receives aspirations"
1" E*plain the mechanism o+ ventilation"
2" (iscuss the e++ect o+ sur+actant"
Multiple Choice
Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the uestion"
1" >n a''ition to stora&e o+ white bloo' cells the l$mphatic s$stem is also responsible
a" Pro'ucin& patho&ens to +i&ht in+ections
b" Pro'ucin& +lui's to supplement the car'iovascular s$stem
c" Pro'uction o+ some t$pes o+ white bloo' cells
'" Maturation o+ some t$pes o+ re' bloo' cells
)" ?$mph no'es can be 'escribe' as
a" Small encapsulate' bo'ies
b" Patches o+ c$to%ines
c" >mmature antibo'ies
'" Ar&anelles o+ immunit$
/" ?$mphatic trun%s +rom the lumbar re&ion empt$ into the
a" ?e+t l$mphatic 'uct
b" Ri&ht l$mphatic 'uct
c" Sacral 'uct
'" Thoracic 'uct
1" 6hich structure will sometimes 'isappear in a'ults7
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a" Sinus
b" Spleen
c" Th$mus
'" Pancreas
2" .niue molecules +oun' on the outer sur+ace o+ cell membranes are calle'
a" Anti&ens
b" Antibo'ies
c" >nter+eron
'" C$to%ines
3" >nnate immunit$ tri&&ers a series o+ mechanisms that tar&et speci+ic patho&ensF the
mechanisms are calle'
a" Passive immunit$
b" Helper cells
c" Activation cells
'" A'aptive immunit$
5" The bo'$ has both ph$sical an' chemical !!!!!!!!!!!! to prevent inva'ers +rom
a" Cells
b" Barriers
c" No'es
'" C$tes
8" The +irst leu%oc$tes to arrive at the site o+ 'ama&e are the
a" Neutrophils
b" Basophils
c" Mast cells
'" (en'rite cells
9" The !!!!!!!!!!!! cells release antibo'ies to 'estro$ cells that carr$ non-sel+
a" Mast
b" B-l$mphoc$tic
c" T-l$mphoc$tic
'" Natural %iller
1<" 6hat is the c$to%ine which is pro'uce' to stimulate macropha&es an' cause 'eath
o+ cancer cells7
a" >nter+eron
b" >nterleu%in
c" C$to%inase
'" Tumor necrosis +actor
11" 6hat name is &iven to the series o+ reactions responsible +or activation o+ twent$
normall$ inactive proteins7
a" Complement casca'e
b" >n+lammator$ response
c" Mar&ination selection
'" (i++erentiation process
1)" 0or $our bo'$ to launch an e++ective response to inva'in& patho&ens4 innate
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immunit$ must =oin +orces with the
a" ?$mphatic s$stem
b" Car'iovascular s$stem
c" A'aptive immunit$
'" H$pothalamus
1/" There are two t$pes o+ proli+eration4 one +or !!!!!!!!!!!! an' one +or all other
t$pes o+ l$mphoc$tes"
a" Natural %iller cells
b" B-cells
c" Helper T-cells
'" (en'ritic cells
11" !!!!!!!!!!!! are essential +or the repro'uction o+ B cells an' other t$pes o+ cells"
a" Memor$ B-cells
b" Helper T-cells
c" C$toto*ic T-cells
'" Re&ulator$ T-cells
12" Ance the threat o+ invasion is over4 the !!!!!!!!!!!! are responsible +or Dturnin&-
o++E the response"
a" Memor$ B-cells
b" Re&ulator$ T-cells
c" C$toto*ic T-cells
'" Helper B-cells
13" The H>, virus tar&ets !!!!!!!! cells"
a" Natural %iller cells
b" B-cells
c" Helper T-cells
'" (en'ritic cells
15" >t is because o+ a'aptive !!!!!!!! that people normall$ &et chic%en po* onl$
a" >mmunit$
b" 6BCs
c" Antibo'ies
'" Anti&ens
18" Barriers inclu'e all o+ the +ollowin& e*cept !!!!!!!!"
a" Mucous membranes
b" S%in
c" Sebaceous &lan's
'" Nails
19" 6hich sta&e o+ cancer woul' mean it ha' sprea' to nearb$ tissues7
a" Sta&e +our
b" Sta&e seven
c" Sta&e two
'" Sta&e +ive
)<" 6hich o+ the +ollowin& is not one o+ the immune s$stem@s components7
a" Barrier
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b" NSA>(
c" >n+lammation
'" Chemical
)1" The !!!!!!!! &lan' is lar&er in chil'ren because the$ are e*pose' to man$ new
a" Th$mus
b" Th$roi'
c" Thalamus
'" Tinnitus
))" >n rheumatoi' arthritis4 the immune s$stem attac%s the !!!!!!!!"
a" Pleural membrane
b" Mucous membrane
c" S$novial membrane
'" M$elin membrane
)/" The !!!!!!!! in the chest is part o+ the l$mphatic s$stem an' helps T
l$mphoc$tes mature"
a" Phar$n&eal tonsils
b" Spleen
c" Palatine tonsils
'" Th$mus
)1" The spleen is a l$mph or&an that +ilters bloo' an' also acts as a reservoir +or
a" 6ater
b" 0at
c" >nterstitial +lui'
'" Bloo'
)2" #ettin& a +lu shot to protect a&ainst the +lu is an e*ample o+ !!!!!!!!"
a" Natural passive immunit$
b" Natural active immunit$
c" Arti+icial active immunit$
'" Arti+icial passive immunit$
)3" The +etus receives antibo'ies +rom the mother which last several wee%s a+ter birth"
This is an e*ample o+ !!!!!!!!"
a" Natural passive immunit$
b" Natural active immunit$
c" Arti+icial active immunit$
'" Arti+icial passive immunit$
)5" >+ $ou have ha' the chic%en po* once4 $ou will not &et chic%en po* a&ain" This is
an e*ample o+ !!!!!!!!"
a" Natural passive immunit$
b" Natural active immunit$
c" Arti+icial active immunit$
'" Arti+icial passive immunit$
)8" >+ $ou are e*pose' to hepatitis A an' have not been vaccinate' a&ainst it4 $ou ma$
receive antibo'ies +rom another person" This is an e*ample o+ !!!!!!!!"
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a" Natural passive immunit$
b" Natural active immunit$
c" Arti+icial active immunit$
'" Arti+icial passive immunit$
)9" A c$to%ine pro'uce' b$ cells in response to invasion b$ a virus is !!!!!!!!"
a" Complement
b" >nter+eron
c" >nterleu%in
'" Mucus
/<" The &roup o+ 'iseases that occur when antibo'ies 'evelop an' be&in to 'estro$ the
bo'$@s own cells is !!!!!!!!"
a" >mmuno'e+icienc$ 'iseases
b" Autoimmune 'iseases
c" >mmunocompetent 'iseases
'" (iseases o+ the reticuloen'othelial s$stem
/1" The activate' l$mphoc$tes must ma%e thousan's o+ copies o+ themselves in or'er
to +i&ht o++ the thousan's o+ patho&ens repro'ucin& in the bo'$" This repro'uction
o+ l$mphoc$tes is calle' !!!!!!!!"
a" ?$mphoc$te proli+eration
b" ?$mphoc$te activation
c" (i++erentiation
'" >mmuniGation
/)" H>, in+ection an' subseuentl$ A>(S4 is characteriGe' b$ severe 'ecrease in
immune +unction4 particularl$ !!!!!!!!"
a" Memor$ B-cells
b" Neutrophils
c" Helper T-cells
'" Plasma cells
//" >+ the bo'$ is e*pose' to the same patho&en in the +uture4 memor$ cells allow the
bo'$ to mount a much +aster response to the invasion %nown as the !!!!!!!!
a" Primar$
b" Secon'ar$
c" Tertiar$
'" Kuaternar$
/1" 6hat %in' o+ cells pro'uce antibo'ies7
a" T cells
b" B cells
c" NK cells
'" Neutrophils
/2" 6hich o+ these is an autoimmune 'isease7
a" c an' ' onl$
b" >n+luenGa
c" Rheumatoi' arthritis
'" S$stemic lupus er$thematosus :S?E;
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/3" >n this sta&e o+ cancer4 sprea' to 'istant tissues an' or&ans is present !!!!!!!!"
a" Sta&e >
b" Sta&e >>
c" Sta&e >>>
'" Sta&e >,
/5" >n this sta&e o+ cancer4 no sprea' +rom the ori&in is present !!!!!!!!"
a" Sta&e >
b" Sta&e >>
c" Sta&e >>>
'" Sta&e >,
/8" >n this sta&e o+ cancer4 sprea' to nearb$ l$mph no'es is present !!!!!!!!"
a" Sta&e >
b" Sta&e >>
c" Sta&e >>>
'" Sta&e >,
/9" This sta&e o+ cancer is o+ten terminal !!!!!!!!"
a" Sta&e >
b" Sta&e >>
c" Sta&e >>>
'" Sta&e >,
1<" The si&ns an' s$mptoms o+ in+lammation inclu'e all o+ the +ollowin& e*cept
a" Col'
b" Pain
c" Swellin&
'" Re'ness
11" S$mptoms o+ rheumatoi' arthritis inclu'e !!!!!!!!"
a" Loint sti++ness
b" S$mmetrical =oint 'ama&e
c" (ecrease' ran&e o+ motion
'" All o+ the above
1)" Si&ns an' s$mptoms o+ aller&ies can inclu'e all o+ the +ollowin& e*cept !!!!!!!!"
a" 6ei&ht loss
b" 6heeGin&
c" .pper respirator$ in+ections
'" Hives
Short Answer
6rite the wor' or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the uestion"
1" The !!!!!!!!!!!! s$stem is the transport s$stem +or patho&ens an' white bloo'
)" ?$mph capillaries empt$ into l$mphatic !!!!!!!!!!!!"
/" The !!!!!!!!!!!! is a l$mphatic or&an that 'estro$s re' bloo' cells"
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1" The !!!!!!!!!!!! is the so+t or&an between the aortic arch an' sternum"
2" An$ or&anism that inva'es $our bo'$ an' causes 'isease is a:n; !!!!!!!!!!!!"
3" !!!!!!!!!!!! immunit$ is $our bo'$@s inborn abilit$ to +i&ht in+ection"
5" !!!!!!!!!!!! are molecules on the outer sur+ace o+ cells"
8" !!!!!!!!!!!!4 or white bloo' cells4 'e+en' the bo'$"
9" !!!!!!!!!!!!4 an' mast cells4 release chemicals to promote in+lammation"
1<" ,accination tri&&ers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! immunit$"
11" .ltimatel$ the cause o+ 'eath in A>(S patients is !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
1)" 6allin& o++ an in+ecte' area is calle' !!!!!!!!!!!!"
1/" Selection o+ l$mphoc$tes which react to anti&ens is calle' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
11" Re'ness4 heat4 swellin& an' pain are si&ns o+ !!!!!!!!!!!!"
12" The repro'uction o+ activate' B cells is calle' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
13" !!!!!!!! +i&ht parasitic worms"
15" !!!!!!!! means to brea% 'own or 'estro$"
18" Cancers that are 'ia&nose' a+ter the$ have alrea'$ sprea' to other or&ans are much
more li%el$ to be !!!!!!!!"
19" There are several 'i++erent t$pes o+ leu%emia base' on the !!!!!!!! o+ 6BCs an'
the nature o+ the patient@s s$mptoms"
)<" 6hen the h$pothalamus causes a rise in bo'$ temperature 'urin& an illness4 it is
purposel$ tr$in& to 'estro$ the inva'in& !!!!!!!!"
)1" S$mptoms o+ leu%emia are cause' b$ 'ecrease' +unction o+ 6BCs :i+ the cells are
immature; an' 'ecrease' !!!!!!!! o+ RBCs an' platelets"
))" >n !!!!!!!! 'isor'ers4 the bo'$ +ails to reco&niGe Dsel+E an' 'estro$s its own
)/" The in+lammator$ response is the same4 whether it is a mechanical in=ur$4 a woun'
in+ection4 'ama&e 'ue to a patho&en4 or !!!!!!!! throat"
)1" A rise in bo'$ temperature is one wa$ the immune s$stem 'eliberatel$ tries to %ill
a:n; !!!!!!!!"
)2" The lumbar4 intestinal4 an' intercostal trun% all empt$ into the !!!!!!!! 'uct4 a
lar&e 'uct that runs +rom the ab'omen up throu&h the 'iaphra&m an' into the le+t
subclavian vein"
)3" Cells have molecules on the outer sur+ace o+ their membranes to 'istin&uish
whether the$ are +rien' or +oe" These molecules are calle' !!!!!!!!"
)5" Complement !!!!!!!! is a comple* series o+ reactions that activate )< proteins
that are usuall$ inactive in the bloo' unless activate' b$ a patho&en invasion"
)8" >+ an inva'er has an opportunit$ to enter the bo'$4 white bloo' cells4 or !!!!!!!!4
are responsible +or 'e+en'in& the bo'$ a&ainst inva'ers"
)9" !!!!!!!! are proteins pro'uce' b$ 'ama&e' tissues an' white bloo' cells that
stimulate immune response in a variet$ o+ wa$s4 inclu'in& increasin&
in+lammation4 stimulatin& l$mphoc$tes4 an' enhancin& pha&oc$tosis"
/<" !!!!!!!! is characteriGe' b$ +our car'inal si&nsM swellin&4 pain4 heat4 an' re'ness"
/1" The 'estruction o+ sel+-reco&niGin& l$mphoc$tes is %nown as !!!!!!!!"
/)" !!!!!!!! arthritis is an autoimmune 'isor'er in which the immune s$stem attac%s
the s$novial membrane o+ a patient@s =oints"
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//" C$toto*ic T cells release a c$to%ine calle' !!!!!!!!4 which causes in+ecte' cells
to 'evelop holes in their membranes an' 'ie"
/1" !!!!!!!! is sta&e' an' pro&nosis is 'etermine' b$ the amount o+ metastasis4
tumor characteristics4 an' l$mph no'e involvement"
/2" !!!!!!!! is a cancer o+ the bone marrow an' bloo'4 characteriGe' b$ the
overpro'uction o+ white bloo' cells"
/3" >n+lammation that becomes s$stemic an' is cause' b$ aller&ic reactions to insect
stin&s4 nuts4 or shell+ish is calle' !!!!!!!!"
/5" !!!!!!!! is the rise in bo'$ temperature as a 'eliberate attempt b$ the immune
s$stem to 'estro$ the patho&ens that have inva'e' the bo'$"
/8" !!!!!!!! 'isor'ers occur when the immune s$stem attac%s some part o+ the bo'$"
The bo'$ +ails to reco&niGe Dsel+E an' 'estro$s its own tissue as i+ it were an
/9" !!!!!!!! arthritis is an autoimmune 'isor'er in which the immune s$stem attac%s
the s$novial membrane o+ patient@s =oints"
1<" S$stemic lupus er$thematosis :S?E; is a:n; !!!!!!!! 'isor'er in which the
immune s$stem attac%s a variet$ o+ structures in the bo'$"
11" Acuire' immune 'e+icienc$ s$n'rome :A>(S; is an immune !!!!!!!! 'isor'er
cause' b$ in+ection with the human immuno'e+icienc$ virus :H>,;"
1)" !!!!!!!! are cause' b$ the overreaction o+ the immune s$stem to t$picall$
harmless anti&ens4 li%e mol'4 pollen4 or animal +ur"
1/" !!!!!!!! is cause' b$ the uncontrolle' proli+eration o+ l$mphoc$tes"
6rite IT@ i+ the statement is true an' @0@ i+ the statement is +alse"
!!!! 1" -Anti&en 'ispla$in& cells are in+ecte' b$ patho&ens so the$ can 'ispla$ the
!!!! )" -0ever is cause' b$ neurotransmitters release' b$ patho&ens"
!!!! /" ->nnate immunit$ improves with e*perience"
!!!! 1" -Anti&ens are the bo'$@s weapons a&ainst 'isease"
!!!! 2" -?$mph no'es contain bloo' sinuses4 an' re' an' white pulp"
!!!! 3" -All l$mphoc$tes are part o+ a'aptive immunit$"
!!!! 5" -Macropha&es are part o+ innate immunit$"
!!!! 8" Memor$ B cells remember patho&ens"
!!!! 9" -An increase in cell number is calle' proli+eration"
!!!!1<" -The Human >mmuno'e+icienc$ ,irus :H>,; tar&ets C(-) cells"
!!!!11" -Natural immunit$ is acuire' 'urin& vaccination"
!!!!1)" Macropha&es in&est inva'ers"
!!!!1/" -Autoimmune 'isor'ers are the opposite o+ immuno'e+icienc$ 'isor'ers"
!!!!11" -A h$persensitivit$ reaction is also calle' an aller&$"
!!!!12" -T l$mphoc$tes are responsible +or a'aptive immunit$ %nown as antibo'$
me'iate' immunit$"
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6rite $our answer in the space provi'e' or on a separate sheet o+ paper"
1" (escribe wh$ no'es are locate' near lun&s4 'i&estive4 an' repro'uctive or&ans"
)" (iscuss how cancer is sta&e'"
/" How 'oes sel+ vs" non-sel+ reco&nition a++ect the immune s$stem7
1" Compare an' contrast innate vs" a'aptive immunit$"
2" E*plain wh$ H>, causes severe immune 'e+icienc$ b$ attac%in& one t$pe o+ cell"
Multiple Choice
Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the uestion"
1" The 'i&estive tract be&ins at the oral cavit$ an' en's at the !!!!!!!!"
a" Phar$n*
b" Colon
c" Anus
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'" Appen'i*
)" 6hich o+ the +ollowin& is a +unction o+ the oral cavit$7
a" Starch 'i&estion
b" Protein 'i&estion
c" Peristalsis
'" Nutrient absorption
/" An abnormall$ +orme' !!!!!!!!!!!! will inter+ere with the 'evelopment o+ clear
a" Molar
b" 0renulum
c" ,ermi+orm
'" (uo'enum
1" The smallest o+ the salivar$ &lan's are the !!!!!!!!"
a" Sublin&uals
b" Subman'ibulars
c" Paroti's
'" Subbuccals
2" The !!!!!!!!!!!! teeth are bla'e shape' an' use' +or cuttin& +oo'"
a" >ncisor
b" Canine
c" Bicuspi'
'" Molar
3" The !!!!!!!!!!!! is use' b$ both the 'i&estive an' respirator$ s$stems"
a" Epiphar$n*
b" Arophar$n*
c" Nasophar$n*
'" ?ar$n*
5" The esopha&us 'i++ers +rom the rest o+ the alimentar$ tract in that it possesses no
a" A'ventitia
b" Muscularis
c" Mucosa
'" Serosa
8" The stomach has +our re&ions4 the area that connects with the small intestine is
calle' the
a" 0un'us
b" Bo'$
c" P$lorus
'" Car'iac re&ion
9" The stomach releases the hormone !!!!!!!!!!!! to ai' in 'i&estion"
a" Pepsin
b" HC?
c" Secretin
'" #astrin
1<" 6hat is the last section o+ the small intestine4 be+ore it empties into the lar&e
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intestine4 calle'7
a" (uo'enum
b" Stomach
c" Le=unum
'" >leum
11" 6hich hormone is responsible +or inhibitin& the release o+ &astric =uice7
a" S>P
b" Pepsin
c" CCK
'" #astrin
1)" This or&an has an e*tra la$er o+ muscle !!!!!!!!"
a" Stomach
b" Colon
c" ?iver
'" Spleen
1/" The appen'i* is attache' at which area7
a" Colon
b" Anus
c" Cecum
'" Rectum
11" 6hich or&an is responsible +or the pro'uction o+ bile7
a" ?iver
b" Stomach
c" Small intestine
'" ?ar&e intestine
12" Hepatoc$tes receive bloo' +rom both the hepatic arter$ an' the !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
a" Hepatic vein
b" Hepatic portal vein
c" Hepatic portal arter$
'" Hepatic capillaries
13" The !!!!!!!! is the base4 or +loor o+ the mouth"
a" Ton&ue
b" So+t palate
c" ?abia
'" Har' palate
15" The structure responsible +or the absorption o+ e*cess water is the !!!!!!!!"
a" Stomach
b" ?ar&e intestine
c" ?iver
'" Spleen
18" EnG$mes are necessar$ +or 'i&estionF !!!!!!!! is pro'uce' to brea% 'own +ats"
a" Nuclease
b" ?ipase
c" Carboh$'rase
'" Maltase
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19" The t$pe o+ hernia where the stomach protru'es throu&h the 'iaphra&m an' into
the thoracic cavit$ is !!!!!!!!"
a" Hiatal
b" Hepatic
c" Cholec$stic
'" Celiac
)<" Pancreatitis can be cause' b$ all but which one o+ the +ollowin&7
a" #allbla''er 'isease
b" E*cessive pancreatic enG$me activation
c" ?ithotrips$
'" E*cessive alcohol consumption
)1" 6hich o+ these is not one o+ the causes o+ 'ental caries7
a" Carboh$'rate-rich 'iet
b" ?(?
c" Poor 'ental h$&iene
'" ?ac% o+ re&ular 'ental visits
))" ?actose intolerant patients cannot 'i&est the !!!!!!!! in mil%"
a" Protein
b" Su&ar
c" 0at
'" Cholesterol
)/" Hepatitis can be cause' b$ an$ o+ the +ollowin& e*cept !!!!!!!!"
a" The common col'
b" An in+ectious a&ent
c" A to*in
'" Share' nee'les
)1" A colostom$ ma$ be the appropriate treatment +or !!!!!!!!"
a" H$peractive peristalsis
b" Allowin& healin& a+ter sur&er$
c" Chronic constipation
'" None o+ the above
)2" !!!!!!!! is a +orm o+ chronic in+lammator$ bowel 'isease"
a" #astroenteritis
b" >rritable bowel s$n'rome
c" Crohn@s 'isease
'" Peritonitis
)3" !!!!!!!! is cause' b$ a viral an'Hor bacterial in+ection an'Hor in+lammation o+ the
stomach an' small intestine"
a" #astroenteritis
b" Peritonitis
c" >rritable bowel s$n'rome
'" Crohn@s 'isease
)5" Pol$posis is a small tumor with a pe'icle in the mucous membrane o+ the
a" Stomach
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b" Small intestine
c" (uo'enum
'" Colon
)8" The punchin& ba&-shape' structure han&in& 'own +rom the so+t palate is calle' the
a" 0renulum
b" Papillae
c" .vula
'" Palatine tonsil
)9" This t$pe o+ tooth is responsible +or crushin& an' &rin'in&"
a" >ncisor
b" Canine
c" Premolar
'" Molar
/<" This substance is the outer coverin& o+ the shell o+ the tooth in the crown"
a" Cementum
b" Enamel
c" (entin
'" Pulp
/1" Most o+ the interior o+ the tooth is ma'e o+ this substance"
a" Cementum
b" Enamel
c" (entin
'" #in&iva
/)" This con'ition is the crac%in& an' associate' in+lammation +oun' on the lips an'
corners o+ the mouth are not cause' b$ cancer4 but rather can be trace' to
in+ections4 aller&ies4 or even to nutritional 'e+icienc$"
a" Perio'ontitis
b" (ental caries
c" #in&ivitis
'" Cheilitis
//" 6hich o+ the +ollowin& is not a salivar$ &lan'7
a" Sublin&ual &lan'
b" Subman'ibular &lan'
c" Subma*illar$ &lan'
'" Paroti' &lan'
/1" This enG$me is pro'uce' b$ the salivar$ &lan's an' be&ins the chemical 'i&estion
o+ carboh$'rates !!!!!!!!"
a" Salivar$ am$lase
b" Salivar$ maltase
c" Salivar$ sucrase
'" Salivar$ lactase
/2" The or'er o+ the se&ments o+ the small intestine +rom the stomach to the lar&e
intestine is which o+ the +ollowin&7
a" >leum4 =e=unum4 'uo'enum
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b" (uo'enum4 ileum4 =e=unum
c" Le=unum4 'uo'enum4 ileum
'" (uo'enum4 =e=unum4 ileum
/3" This structure increases the sur+ace area o+ the linin& o+ the small intestine
a" Peptase
b" ?acteals
c" ,illi
'" Ch$le
/5" Pancreatic =uice contains enG$mes that help 'i&est !!!!!!!!"
a" Carboh$'rates
b" 0ats
c" Proteins
'" All o+ the above
/8" The or'er in which material passes throu&h the lar&e intestine is !!!!!!!!"
a" (escen'in& colon4 transverse colon4 ascen'in& colon4 cecum
b" Ascen'in& colon4 cecum4 transverse colon4 'escen'in& colon
c" Cecum4 'escen'in& colon4 transverse colon4 ascen'in& colon
'" Cecum4 ascen'in& colon4 transverse colon4 'escen'in& colon
/9" The process o+ carboh$'rate 'i&estion be&ins in the !!!!!!!!"
a" Mouth
b" Stomach
c" Small intestine
'" ?ar&e intestine
1<" 6hich o+ the +ollowin& is the en' pro'uct o+ protein 'i&estion7
a" 0att$ aci's
b" #l$cerol
c" Simple su&ars
'" Amino aci's
11" Protein 'i&estion be&ins in the !!!!!!!!"
a" Mouth
b" Stomach
c" Small intestine
'" ?ar&e intestine
1)" 6hich o+ the +ollowin& is the en' pro'uct o+ +at 'i&estion7
a" Amino aci's
b" #l$cerol
c" Simple su&ars
'" Both a an' b
1/" An acute or chronic in+lammation o+ the stomach is calle' !!!!!!!!"
a" Colitis
b" Stomatitis
c" #astritis
'" #astric ulcer
11" A !!!!!!!! is an ulcer occurrin& in the lower portion o+ the esopha&us4 stomach4
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an' 'uo'enum cause' b$ the brea%'own o+ the mucosal membrane b$ the aci' o+
&astric =uices an' pepsin"
a" (uo'enal ulcer
b" Stomatitis
c" #astritis
'" Peptic ulcer
12" !!!!!!!! isHare varicose veins o+ the rectum"
a" Rectitis
b" Hemorrhoi's
c" Colostom$
'" None o+ the above
13" A hernia or out-pouchin& o+ intestines into the in&uinal re&ion o+ the bo'$ is calle'
a:n; !!!!!!!!
a" (iaphra&matic hernia
b" .mbilical hernia
c" >n&uinal hernia
'" Hiatal hernia
15" !!!!!!!! is ina'euate absorption o+ nutrients +rom the intestinal tract" >t is
cause' b$ a variet$ o+ 'iseases an' 'isor'ers o+ the pancreas an' &allbla''er"
a" C$stic +ibrosis
b" Malabsorption s$n'rome
c" Pancreatitis
'" Hepatitis
18" !!!!!!!! is an in+ectious or in+lammator$ process o+ the peritoneum"
a" Colitis
b" Hepatitis
c" Pancreatitis
'" Peritonitis
19" !!!!!!!! are small &rowths that contain a pe'icle or +oot-li%e attachment in the
mucous membranes o+ the lar&e colon"
a" (iverticulitis
b" .lcerative colitis
c" Pol$ps
'" >n+lammator$ bowel 'isease
Short Answer
6rite the wor' or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the uestion"
1" The &astrointestinal s$stem ta%es in4 or !!!!!!!!!!!!4 raw materials"
)" The &astrointestinal s$stem brea%s 'own4 or !!!!!!!!!!!!4 materials"
/" Another name +or the 'i&estive tract is the !!!!!!!!!!!! :#>; tract"
1" (urin& swallowin&4 the !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! prevents +oo' +rom enterin& the nasal
2" The action o+ chewin& is %nown as !!!!!!!!!!!!"
3" Materials are eliminate' +rom the 'i&estive tract b$ !!!!!!!!!!!!"
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5" The small intestine has pro=ections on the sur+ace o+ its epithelial cells %nown as
!!!!!!!!!!!!!! which increase sur+ace area"
8" >nternall$4 the teeth are ma'e o+ !!!!!!!!!!!!"
9" The !!!!!!!!!!!! is a +lap o+ tissue that covers the airwa$ to the lun&s"
1<" (eci'uous teeth are commonl$ calle' !!!!!!!!!!!! teeth4 because the$ +all out"
11" The rh$thmic4 muscular contraction o+ the 'i&estive s$stem is %nown as
1)" Partiall$ 'i&este' +oo' is %nown as !!!!!!!!!!!!"
1/" The chie+ 'i&estive enG$me in the stomach is !!!!!!!!!!!!"
11" The !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! phase o+ &astric activit$ be&ins when $ou see or
smell +oo'"
12" The peritoneum has 'rapes o+ membrane %nown as !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
13" The 'i&estive tract be&ins in the mouth an' en's at the !!!!!!!!"
15" >n+lammation o+ the appen'i* is calle' !!!!!!!!"
18" !!!!!!!! is the muscle action that mi*es ch$me with 'i&estive =uices"
19" The con'ition o+ stones in the &allbla''er is !!!!!!!!"
)<" The esopha&us 'oes not have a mucus barrier to protect it" Chronic aci' !!!!!!!!
causes in+lammation an' then ulceration4 an' i+ le+t untreate'4 can pro&ress to
esopha&eal cancer"
)1" A &allstone can lo'&e in the bile !!!!!!!!4 causin& e*treme pain that ma$ ra'iate
to the ri&ht shoul'er :an e*ample o+ re+erre' pain;"
))" E*cessive consumption o+ alcohol can cause !!!!!!!!"
)/" Perio'ontal 'isease is the ma=or cause o+ tooth loss in !!!!!!!!"
)1" 6hen +lui's in the small intestine are rushe' throu&h the lar&e intestine be+ore the
water is a'euatel$ re-absorbe'4 !!!!!!!! is the result"
)2" Heartburn occurs when the lower esopha&eal sphincter 'oesn@t close properl$4
allowin& &astric =uices bac% into the !!!!!!!!"
)3" Stomach ulcers are li%el$ 'ue to 'e+ective &astric mucosa or a wea% p$loric
)5" Stones can +orm +rom substances in the bile while it is store' in the &allbla''er"
This con'ition is calle' !!!!!!!!"
)8" !!!!!!!!4 also %nown as 'ental cavities4 is the &ra'ual 'eca$ o+ teeth that can
result in in+lame' tissue"
)9" The ton&ue pushes the +oo' into a ball-li%e mass calle' a:n; !!!!!!!! so it can be
passe' on to the phar$n*"
/<" A lar&e !!!!!!!! salivar$ &lan' is +oun' sli&htl$ in+erior an' anterior to each ear"
These are the ones that swell up an' ma%e $ou loo% li%e a chipmun% when $ou &et
the mumps"
/1" The +irst set o+ teeth are calle' !!!!!!!! :bab$; teeth4 an' the$ +all out in time"
/)" !!!!!!!! is an acute or chronic in+lammation o+ the stomach 'ue to in+ection4
spic$ +oo's4 e*cess aci' pro'uction4 stress4 alcohol4 aspirin consumption4 or heav$
//" The nasophar$n* is bloc%e' b$ the so+t palate4 an' a +lap o+ tissue calle' the
!!!!!!!!4 a part o+ the lar$n*4 covers the airwa$ to the lun&s as the trachea rises -
'urin& swallowin&"
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/1" (ental !!!!!!!! :cavities; are a result o+ microor&anisms attac%in& tooth enamel"
/2" !!!!!!!! 'isease is the ma=or cause o+ tooth loss in the a'ult population"
/3" !!!!!!!! is the term +or a loss o+ appetite"
/5" !!!!!!!! is the in+lammation o+ the &allbla''er"
/8" !!!!!!!! is the +ormation o+ stones or calculi in the &allbla''er or common bile
/9" !!!!!!!! is a chronic in+lammator$ 'isease o+ the liver4 lea'in& to irreversible
scarrin& an' 'estruction o+ active liver tissue"
1<" !!!!!!!! 'isease is a +orm o+ chronic in+lammator$ bowel 'isease a++ectin& the
ileum an'Hor colon"
11" !!!!!!!! re+lu* 'isease is the erosion o+ the esopha&eal linin& 'ue to aci' re+lu*4
o+ten 'ue to a wea%ene' lower esopha&eal sphincter"
1)" !!!!!!!! is the in+lammation o+ the &ums that ma$ lea' to tooth loss"
1/" !!!!!!!! is the 'ischar&e o+ purulent material +rom 'ental tissue"
6rite IT@ i+ the statement is true an' I0@ i+ the statement is +alse"
!!!! 1" -The oral cavit$ is line' with strati+ie' suamous epithelium"
!!!! )" Canine teeth are transitional teeth"
!!!! /" -The har'est biolo&icall$ manu+acture' substance is enamel"
!!!! 1" -The orophar$n* is line' with respirator$ mucosa"
!!!! 2" -The stomach can increase its 'iameter because o+ ru&ae"
!!!! 3" -(irectl$ a+ter leavin& the stomach4 materials &o to the =e=unum"
!!!! 5" -Pepsin is one o+ ver$ +ew enG$mes which are active at ver$ low pH"
!!!! 8" -The +inal 'oor o+ the stomach that nee's to open +or ch$me to travel to the
small intestine is the +un'us"
!!!! 9" -The 'escen'in& colon is the +irst part o+ the lar&e intestine"
!!!!1<" -The liver stores ,itamins A4 B
4 K4 an' C"
!!!!11" The pH o+ ch$me is usuall$ 5"2-8"8"
!!!!1)" Cholelithiasis means hi&h cholesterol"
!!!!1/" -Cirrhosis A4 B4 C4 (4 an' E are viruses that 'ama&e the liver"
!!!!11" Salivar$ am$lase 'i&ests proteins"
!!!!12" -#astrin is release' when ch$me enters the 'uo'enum"
6rite $our answer in the space provi'e' or on a separate sheet o+ paper"
1" ?ist the or&ans o+ the alimentar$ canal in or'er +rom mouth to anus"
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)" E*plain the hormonal control o+ 'i&estion"
/" (e+ine an' 'escribe #ER("
1" (iscuss the +unction o+ each o+ the parts o+ the alimentar$ canal"
2" (escribe the anatom$ o+ the peritoneum" How is peritoneum 'i++erent +rom other
serous membranes7
Multiple Choice
Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the uestion"
1" 6ithout +unctionin& %i'ne$s4 +lui' an' ion !!!!!!!!!!! woul' %ill $ou in a
matter o+ 'a$s"
a" >mbalance
b" Euilibrium
c" Reactions
'" >mpurities
)" The %i'ne$s are covere' b$ a la$er o+ connective tissue calle' the !!!!!!!!"
a" Renal pelvis
b" Renal sinus
c" Renal capsule
'" Renal hilum
/" 6hat are the vessels that lea' to the &lomeruli7
a" Arcuate arteries
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b" A++erent arterioles
c" E++erent arterioles
'" Renal arterioles
1" Bloo' leaves the %i'ne$ throu&h the !!!!!!!!"
a" E++erent arterioles
b" Hepatic vein
c" Renal nephron
'" Renal vein
2" #lomerular +iltrate is chemicall$ most similar to !!!!!!!!"
a" .rine
b" Plasma
c" ?$mph
'" C$toplasm
3" The +irst section o+ the nephron loop &lomerular +iltrate encounters is the
a" Ascen'in& loop
b" (istal tubule
c" (escen'in& loop
'" Pro*imal tubule
5" 6hat is the most common cause o+ prolon&e' vasoconstriction in the %i'ne$7
a" >ncrease' bloo' pressure
b" (ecrease' bloo' pressure
c" Anti'iuretic hormone
'" (iabetes mellitus
8" 6hat are the three processes necessar$ +or the +ormation o+ urine7
a" >nta%e4 concentration4 an' output
b" Chemical4 muscular4 an' neural action
c" 0iltration4 reabsorption4 an' secretion
'" Arterioles4 nephrons4 an' venules
9" >+ bloo' pressure 'rops below normal ran&e4 what shoul' happen to &lomerular
+iltration rate4 to compensate7
a" >t shoul' 'ecrease
b" >t shoul' increase
c" >t shoul' sta$ the same
'" >t 'epen's on the situation
1<" !!!!!!!!!!!! is the mechanism use' to protect the &lomerulus +rom minor
chan&es in bloo' pressure"
a" 0iltration
b" Saturation
c" Autore&ulation
'" Selection
11" An$thin& that will a++ect reabsorption an' secretion in the %i'ne$ will a++ect urine
a" Chemistr$
b" 0low
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c" Accumulation
'" 0iltration
1)" Hormones that re&ulate bloo' pressure also a++ect
a" Number o+ nephrons
b" Permeabilit$ o+ &lomerular capsule
c" Reabsorption an' secretion
'" .reters an' urethra
1/" 6hich steroi' is secrete' b$ the a'renal corte* to increase reabsorption o+ so'ium
a" Anti'iuretic hormone
b" Al'osterone
c" A'renalin
'" An&iotensin
11" New research has shown that urination is actuall$ controlle' b$ the !!!!!!!!"
a" Ki'ne$
b" Bla''er
c" Pons
'" .reters
12" .rinar$ tract in+ections are o+ten cause' b$ !!!!!!!!!!!! bacteria in the urinar$
a" S$mbiotic
b" 0ecal
c" Ab'ominal
'" >ntestinal
13" Bowman@s capsule4 the renal membrane that surroun's the &lomerulus4 is also
calle' the !!!!!!!!"
a" Renal corpuscle
b" #lomerular capsule
c" Renal tubule
'" #lomerular +iltrate
15" Substances are move' throu&h a +ilter b$ 'i++erences in !!!!!!!! across the +ilter"
a" Pressure
b" Apenin&s
c" Tubules
'" ,essels
18" 6hich part o+ the renal tubular s$stem reabsorbs or secretes the most substances7
a" (istal Tubule
b" Collectin& 'uct
c" Pro*imal Tubule
'" (escen'in& loop
19" Substances that are reabsorbe' or secrete' in the ascen'in& loop inclu'e !!!!!!!!"
a" So'ium
b" Potassium
c" Chlori'e
'" All o+ the above
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)<" The patient with 'iabetes insipi'us will have copious amounts o+ !!!!!!!! urine"
a" To*ic
b" Concentrate'
c" Clou'$
'" (ilute
)1" Ane o+ the most important ris% +actors +or %i'ne$ 'isease is !!!!!!!!"
a" H$pertension
b" ACE inhibitors
c" H$potension
'" ,aso'ilation
))" Ki'ne$ stones can be cause' b$ an$ o+ the +ollowin& e*cept !!!!!!!!"
a" Ki'ne$ in+ection
b" Calcium
c" .ric aci'
'" Potassium
)/" The onl$ cure +or en'-sta&e renal 'isease is !!!!!!!!"
a" Peritoneal 'ial$sis
b" ?ithotrips$
c" Bloo' trans+usion
'" Ki'ne$ transplant
)1" >schemia o+ the %i'ne$s :as well as an$ other or&an; is tissue in=ur$ +rom too little
!!!!!!!! to the tissues"
a" Hormones
b" A*$&en
c" #lucose
'" 6ater
)2" 6hich o+ the +ollowin& is not a +unction o+ the urinar$ s$stem7
a" Removin& waste pro'ucts +rom the bloo'
b" Maintainin& the proper electrol$te balance in the bloo'
c" Maintainin& the proper pH level o+ the bloo'
'" All o+ the above are +unctions o+ the urinar$ s$stem
)3" 6hich o+ the +ollowin& statements is untrue o+ the %i'ne$s7
a" The ri&ht %i'ne$ is sli&htl$ hi&her than the le+t %i'ne$"
b" The %i'ne$s are outsi'e the peritoneal cavit$"
c" The %i'ne$s are surroun'e' b$ a la$er o+ +at"
'" The %i'ne$s are a++ecte' b$ bloo' pressure"
)5" The outermost la$er o+ the %i'ne$ is calle' the !!!!!!!!"
a" Renal pelvis
b" Renal me'ulla
c" Renal corte*
'" Cal$*
)8" The innermost la$er o+ the %i'ne$ is calle' the !!!!!!!!"
a" Renal pelvis
b" Renal me'ulla
c" Renal corte*
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'" Cal$*
)9" 6hich o+ the +ollowin& parts o+ the %i'ne$ is actuall$ an e*pansion o+ the upper
en' o+ the ureter7
a" Renal pelvis
b" Renal me'ulla
c" Renal corte*
'" Cal$*
/<" 6hich o+ the +ollowin& is consi'ere' the +irst se&ment o+ the renal tubules7
a" #lomerulus
b" Pro*imal convolute' tubule
c" (istal convolute' tubule
'" Collectin& tubule
/1" 6hich o+ the +ollowin& structures 'rains into the collectin& 'ucts7
a" #lomerulus
b" Pro*imal convolute' tubule
c" (istal convolute' tubule
'" ?oop o+ Henle
/)" Even thou&h this structure is part o+ the circulator$ s$stem4 it is inclu'e' in the
'iscussion o+ the urinar$ s$stem !!!!!!!!"
a" #lomerulus
b" Pro*imal convolute' tubule
c" Renal pelvis
'" ?oop o+ Henle
//" The =u*ta&lomerular apparatus o+ the %i'ne$s release a hormone !!!!!!!!"
a" Calle' anti'iuretic hormone
b" That 'ilates bloo' vessels
c" That causes vasoconstriction
'" That increases the absorption o+ chlori'e +rom the +iltrate
/1" The process b$ which most o+ the material in the nephron moves bac% into the
bloo' is calle' !!!!!!!!"
a" 0iltration
b" Reabsorption
c" Secretion
'" Micturition
/2" This hormone woul' ten' to 'ecrease the amount o+ urine pro'uce'"
a" Anti'iuretic hormone
b" Al'osterone
c" Atrial natriuretic hormone
'" Both a an' b
/3" This hormone woul' ten' to increase the amount o+ urine pro'uce' !!!!!!!!"
a" Anti'iuretic hormone
b" Al'osterone
c" Atrial natriuretic hormone
'" Both a an' b
/5" The tube that carries urine out o+ the %i'ne$ is calle' the !!!!!!!!"
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a" .rethra
b" Collectin& tube
c" .reter
'" Bla''er
/8" The tube that carries the urine out o+ the bo'$ is calle' the !!!!!!!!"
a" .rethra
b" Collectin& tube
c" Tri&one
'" .reter
/9" The process b$ which urine is passe' out o+ the bo'$ is calle' !!!!!!!!"
a" .rination
b" ,oi'in&
c" Mastication
'" Both a N b
1<" Severe pain4 hematuria4 +ever4 chills4 nausea4 an' urinar$ ur&enc$ are s$mptoms o+
a" Ki'ne$ stones
b" Pol$c$stic %i'ne$ 'isease
c" >schemic nephropath$
'" (iabetic nephropath$
11" Enlar&e' c$stic %i'ne$s4 h$pertension4 .T>4 'ilute urine4 liver c$sts4 pain4
hematuria4 an' aneur$sm are s$mptoms o+ !!!!!!!!"
a" Ki'ne$ stones
b" Pol$c$stic %i'ne$ 'isease
c" >schemic nephropath$
'" (iabetic nephropath$
1)" This con'ition is cause' b$ chronic h$per&l$cemia !!!!!!!!M
a" Ki'ne$ stones
b" Pol$c$stic %i'ne$ 'isease
c" >schemic nephropath$
'" (iabetic nephropath$
1/" Copious4 'ilute urine is a s$mptom o+ !!!!!!!!"
a" .remia
b" Renal +ailure
c" (iabetes insipi'us
'" .rinar$ tract in+ection
11" Pain+ul urination4 urinar$ +reuenc$4 ni&httime urination4 an' +oul smellin&4 clou'$
urine are s$mptoms o+ !!!!!!!!"
a" .remia
b" Renal +ailure
c" (iabetes insipi'us
'" .rinar$ tract in+ection
12" 0reuent urination without pain or in+ection is a s$mptom o+ !!!!!!!!"
a" An overactive bla''er
b" Hemol$tic uremic s$n'rome
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c" .rinar$ tract in+ection
'" .remia
13" Hi&h bloo' pressure is a common 'isease that can a++ect the %i'ne$s" Ane wa$ o+
treatin& hi&h bloo' pressure is to 'ecrease bloo' volume b$ 'ecreasin& bo'$ water"
This can be accomplishe' b$ usin& what %in' o+ 'ru&7
a" Bloo' thinners
b" ACE stimulators
c" (iuretics
'" (opamine
15" .rine leaves the %i'ne$s throu&h the !!!!!!!!"
a" .rethra
b" .reters
c" Bla''er
'" None o+ the above
18" .rine leaves the bla''er throu&h the !!!!!!!!"
a" .rethra
b" .reters
c" Ki'ne$s
'" None o+ the above
Short Answer
6rite the wor' or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the uestion"
1" The !!!!!!!!!!!! carries urine +rom each %i'ne$ to the urinar$ bla''er"
)" The space insi'e the %i'ne$ is calle' the renal !!!!!!!!!!!!"
/" The collectin& 'ucts empt$ into !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
1" Bloo' enters the renal corpuscle via the !!!!!!!!!!!!"
2" There are no !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! veins in the %i'ne$"
3" The !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!are stripe' areas o+ the renal me'ulla"
5" All o+ the !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! in &lomerular +iltrate is t$picall$ reabsorbe' an'
won@t be in urine"
8" ?on& term use o+ non-steroi'al anti-in+lammator$ 'ru&s causes !!!!!!!!!!!!
9" !!!!!!!!!!!! is an en'ocrine 'isor'er characteriGe' b$ too little anti-'iuretic
hormone or the insensitivit$ o+ the %i'ne$ to A(H"
1<" The !!!!!!!!!!!! is the +unctional unit o+ the %i'ne$"
11" The renin-an&iotensin-al'osterone !!!!!!!!!!! s$stem is a series o+ chemical
reactions that re&ulate bloo' pressure"
1)" !!!!!!!!!!!! means to crush stones"
1/" The ascen'in& nephron loop is permeable onl$ to !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
11" S$mpathetic output causes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! &lomerular +iltration"
12" PK( stan's +or !!!!!!!!!!!! 'isease"
13" !!!!!!!! moves +lui' an' chemicals into the nephron"
15" !!!!!!!! is the movement o+ molecules +rom hi&h to low concentrations"
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18" !!!!!!!! is the movement o+ water across a semipermeable membrane"
19" Bloo' +lows to the &lomerulus via the !!!!!!!! arteriole"
)<" Bloo' +lows +rom the &lomerulus into the !!!!!!!! arteriole"
)1" >n both &lomerulosclerosis an' &lomerulonephritis4 there is 'ecrease' waste
pro'uct removal an' the electrol$te !!!!!!!! is abnormal"
))" An in+ection with the bacteria E" Coli 4 usuall$ +rom eatin& un'ercoo%e'
!!!!!!!!4 can cause hemol$tic uremic s$n'rome"
)/" Renal +ailure is also %nown as !!!!!!!! 'isease4 %i'ne$ 'isease4 or %i'ne$ +ailure"
)1" 6hen bloo' +low to the nephrons 'ecreases +or a perio' o+ time4 the o*$&en bein&
'elivere' to the nephron also 'ecreases lea'in& to tissue in=ur$" This in=ur$ is
classi+ie' as !!!!!!!!"
)2" Nephropath$ is a term +or %i'ne$ 'isease especiall$ when there is 'ama&e to the
nephron@s !!!!!!!! apparatus"
)3" There is no cure +or PK( e*cept %i'ne$ !!!!!!!!"
)5" >t is not uncommon +or trauma patients to !!!!!!!! a trauma onl$ to sustain or&an
'ama&e 'ue to ischemia"
)8" The &lomerulus is protecte' +rom minor chan&es in bloo' pressure b$ a mechanism
calle' !!!!!!!!"
)9" !!!!!!!! is a &eneral term +or %i'ne$ 'isease particularl$ 'ama&e to the +ilterin&
apparatus o+ the nephrons"
/<" The secon' +actor that a++ects tubular reabsorption an' secretion is a special t$pe
o+ circulation aroun' the nephron loop4 calle' !!!!!!!! circulation"
/1" !!!!!!!!:A(H; is ma'e b$ the h$pothalamus an' secrete' +rom the posterior
pituitar$ when bloo' pressure 'ecreases or bloo' ionic concentration increases"
/)" !!!!!!!! is in+lammation o+ the &lomerulus"
//" !!!!!!!! is a common con'ition with s$mptoms o+ urinar$ ur&enc$4 ni&httime
urination4 an' urinar$ +reuenc$ with or without incontinence4 but without pain or
obvious urinar$ patholo&$ such as hematuria or .T>"
/1" The in'entation that &ives the %i'ne$ its bean-shape' appearance is calle' the
/2" Each a++erent arteriole lea's to a ball o+ capillaries calle' a:n; !!!!!!!!"
/3" Renal p$rami's are separate' b$ narrow !!!!!!!!4 which are e*tensions o+ the
cortical tissue"
/5" Ki'ne$ stones are cause' b$ increase' urine concentration4 in+ection4 an' %i'ne$
'isease" The$ can be ma'e o+ !!!!!!!! an' uric aci' cr$stals"
/8" !!!!!!!! %i'ne$ 'isease is a &enetic 'isor'er that causes lar&e c$sts to +orm in the
/9" !!!!!!!! nephropath$ is cause' b$ 'ecrease' bloo' +low to the %i'ne$s"
1<" (iabetic !!!!!!!! is a t$pe o+ %i'ne$ 'isease cause' b$ 'iabetes mellitus"
11" (ru&-in'uce' !!!!!!!! is a t$pe o+ %i'ne$ 'isease cause' b$ 'ru&s to*ic to
%i'ne$ tissue4 especiall$ contrast '$es an' NSA>(s"
1)" !!!!!!!! is scarrin& o+ the &lomerulus"
1/" !!!!!!!! is a bloo' con'ition that accompanies %i'ne$ 'isease an' appears to be
'ue to the accumulation o+ or&anic wastes in the bloo' stream"
11" !!!!!!!! uremic s$n'rome is a 'isor'er cause' b$ an in+ection with the bacteria
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E" Coli 4 t$picall$ +rom un'ercoo%e' meat"
12" Acute renal +ailure is a rapi' 'ecrease in %i'ne$ +unction4 as measure' b$ bloo'
urea an' !!!!!!!! levels4 that 'evelops over minutes or 'a$s"
13" !!!!!!!! renal +ailure is 'e+ine' as an on&oin&4 pro&ressive %i'ne$ 'isease o+
three months or more"
15" !!!!!!!! is the inabilit$ to control urination"
6rite IT@ i+ the statement is true an' I0@ i+ the statement is +alse"
!!!! 1" Me'ulla means inner portion"
!!!! )" -The +unctional unit o+ the %i'ne$ is the neuron"
!!!! /" -More than 1< &allons o+ bloo' are +iltere' ever$ )1 hours"
!!!! 1" -0iltration is controlle' b$ chan&in& pressure"
!!!! 2" -A sphincter controls the release o+ urine"
!!!! 3" -The ureter is the tubin& that transports urine +rom the bla''er to the outsi'e
o+ the bo'$"
!!!! 5" -(iabetes mellitus is cause' b$ pro'uction o+ too little insulin or b$
insensitivit$ to insulin"
!!!! 8" -The visceral la$er o+ the &lomerular capsule is ma'e o+ specialiGe' cells
calle' po'oc$tes"
!!!! 9" -The ur&e to urinate is cause' b$ s%eletal muscle contraction"
!!!!1<" -Anti'iuretic hormone is secrete' b$ the %i'ne$s"
!!!!11" Al'osterone is a steroi'"
!!!!1)" -6ater is reabsorbe' in the 'escen'in& loop"
!!!!1/" -Ca++eine promotes the wor%in& o+ anti'iuretic hormone"
!!!!11" -Atrial natriuretic pepti'e has the opposite a++ect o+ A(H
!!!!12" -The urinar$ bla''er serves as a reservoir +or urine"
6rite $our answer in the space provi'e' or on a separate sheet o+ paper"
1" E*plain how bloo' loss a++ects the %i'ne$"
)" ?ist an' e*plain three hormones which can re&ulate %i'ne$ +unction"
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/" (escribe how +iltration is re&ulate'"
1" E*plain how 'iabetes mellitus a++ects the %i'ne$s"
2" (escribe how %i'ne$ stones are cause'"
Multiple Choice
Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the uestion"
1" 6hich pair o+ chromosomes woul' result in the birth o+ a male7
a" CC
b" CJ
c" JJ
'" CP
)" >n the human li+e c$cle4 the +ertiliGe' e&& is calle' a:n; !!!!!!!!"
a" P$&ote
b" #ona'
c" Embr$o
'" 0etus
/" 6hich o+ the +ollowin& is an e*ample o+ primar$ &enitalia in a +emale7
a" Avi'ucts
b" ,a&ina
c" Avaries
'" Testes
1" The outermost la$er o+ the uterus is calle' the !!!!!!!!"
a" Perimetrium
b" M$ometrium
c" En'ometrium
'" E*ometrium
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2" The &lan's that are responsible +or the pro'uction o+ mil% are calle' the !!!!!!!!"
a" S%enes &lan's
b" Mammar$ &lan's
c" ?acteal &lan's
'" M$ometrial &lan's
3" 6hat are the primar$ &enitalia in a male7
a" Epi'i'$mis
b" .reter
c" Seminal vesicles
'" Testes
5" Menstruation is the term &iven to the actual she''in& o+ the !!!!!!!!"
a" Perimetrium
b" M$ometriun
c" En'ometrium
'" E*ometrium
8" The release o+ a mature e&& +rom the ovar$ is calle' !!!!!!!!"
a" Avulation
b" 0ertiliGation
c" Menses
'" Menopause
9" How man$ chromosomes will $ou +in' in a success+ull$ +ertiliGe' e&&7
a" )1 pairs
b" 13 pairs
c" )/ pairs
'" 13 pairs
1<" A+ the hormones necessar$ +or menstruation4 which one comes +rom the ovar$7
a" 0ollicle stimulatin& hormone
b" Estro&en
c" ?uteiniGin& hormone
'" Testosterone
11" >n utero4 the +etus is nourishe' b$ the !!!!!!!!"
a" .mbilical cor'
b" Amniotic +lui'
c" Placenta
'" Amnion
1)" ?abor is 'ivi'e' into sta&esF in which sta&e will the bab$ actuall$ be 'elivere'7
a" 1st
b" )n'
c" /r'
'" 1th
1/" Sperm mature in the !!!!!!!!"
a" Seminal ,esicles
b" Epi'i'$mis
c" Testes
'" Semini+erous tubles
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11" Prior to pubert$4 testosterone !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 0SH an' ?H"
a" >nhibits
b" Releases
c" Has no e++ect on
'" Catal$Ges
12" The movement o+ semen out o+ the penis is %nown as !!!!!!!!"
a" Erection
b" Arousal
c" E=aculation
'" Semen e=ection
13" 0emales have all the e&&s the$ will ever have b$ the a&e o+ !!!!!!!!"
a" 1 months in utero
b" 8 months
c" Pubert$
'" 1/ $ears
15" Breast cancer occurs in the !!!!!!!! &lan's"
a" #enital
b" Mammar$
c" ,ulvar
'" En'ocrine
18" The repro'uctive cells are calle' !!!!!!!!"
a" Ava
b" Sperm
c" #ametes
'" All o+ the above
19" This coile' tube is a comma-shape' structure that lies alon& the top o+ an' behin'
the testis !!!!!!!!"
a" Semini+erous tubule
b" (uctus 'e+erens
c" E=aculator$ 'uct
'" Epi'i'$mis
)<" The &ona's inclu'e !!!!!!!!"
a" The ova in the +emale an' sperm in the male
b" The penis in the male an' the vulva in the +emale
c" The testes in the male an' the ovaries in the +emale
'" Both a an' c are &ona's
)1" A+ter ovulation4 the rupture' +ollicle is trans+orme' into the hormone-secretin&
structure calle' the !!!!!!!!"
a" Corpus luteum
b" Antrum
c" #raa+ian +ollicle
'" #ranulose cells
))" 6hich o+ the +ollowin& is not a +unction o+ estro&en7
a" (evelopment an' maturation o+ the +emale repro'uctive or&ans
b" >nitiation o+ the +irst menstrual c$cle
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c" Appearance o+ pubic hair an' breast 'evelopment
'" All o+ the above are +unctions o+ estro&en
)/" The smooth muscle la$er o+ the uterus is calle' the !!!!!!!!"
a" En'ometrium
b" 0un'us
c" Cervi*
'" M$ometrium
)1" The part o+ the uterus that lies above the point where the uterine tubes attach is
calle' the !!!!!!!!"
a" Bo'$
b" Cervi*
c" 0un'us
'" M$ometrium
)2" The narrow4 lower part o+ the uterus is calle' the !!!!!!!!"
a" Bo'$
b" Cervi*
c" 0un'us
'" M$ometrium
)3" 6hich o+ the +ollowin& is not true o+ the va&ina7
a" >t is part o+ the +emale e*ternal &enitalia"
b" >t receives sperm 'urin& intercourse"
c" >t is the last part o+ the birth canal"
'" All o+ the above are true o+ the va&ina"
)5" The phase o+ the menstrual c$cle that 'irectl$ prece'es ovulation is calle'
a" The secretor$ phase
b" The proli+erative phase
c" Menses
'" Menarche
)8" 6hich o+ the +ollowin& is the hormone most responsible +or stimulatin& immature
ovarian +ollicles to start &rowin&7
a" Estro&en
b" Pro&esterone
c" 0ollicle-stimulatin& hormone
'" ?uteiniGin& hormone
)9" 6hich o+ the +ollowin& is the hormone most responsible +or ovulation7
a" Estro&en
b" Pro&esterone
c" 0ollicle-stimulatin& hormone
'" ?uteiniGin& hormone
/<" The absence o+ normal menstruation is calle' !!!!!!!!"
a" ($smenorrhea
b" Amenorrhea
c" ($s+unctional uterine blee'in&
'" En'ometriosis
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/1" 0ailure o+ the testes to 'escen' into the scrotal sac is calle' !!!!!!!!"
a" H$'rocele
b" Cr$ptorchi'ism
c" Prostatitis
'" None o+ the above
/)" An abnormal collection o+ +lui' within the testes is calle' !!!!!!!!"
a" H$'rocele
b" Cr$ptorchi'ism
c" Prostatitis
'" None o+ the above
//" This bloo' test is +or prostate cancer !!!!!!!!"
a" PAP
b" SAP
c" PSA
'" ASP
/1" This t$pe o+ cancer is the most common non-s%in +orm o+ cancer that a++ects
American men !!!!!!!!"
a" Testicular cancer
b" Breast cancer
c" Melanoma
'" Prostate cancer
/2" This 'isor'er increases with a&e an' is relativel$ common4 with 2<O o+ men
between the a&es o+ 1< an' 5< havin& some 'e&ree o+ this 'isor'er !!!!!!!!"
a" Erectile '$s+unction
b" >ncontinence
c" Prostatitis
'" Melanoma
/3" A bab$ born be+ore /5 wee%s &estation is consi'ere' !!!!!!!!"
a" 0ull-term
b" ?ate
c" Premature
'" None o+ the above
/5" Ane o+ the most important proce'ures to 'etect breast cancer at an earl$4 more
treatable sta&e is re&ular !!!!!!!!"
a" Pap tests
b" Breast sel+-e*aminations
c" Testicular sel+-e*aminations
'" None o+ the above
/8" Si&ns an' s$mptoms o+ PMS inclu'e all o+ the +ollowin& e*cept !!!!!!!!"
a" Constipation
b" 0ati&ue
c" Mental con+usion
'" 0eelin& o+ euphoria
/9" Si&ns an' s$mptoms o+ breast cancer inclu'e which o+ the +ollowin&7
a" Bloo'$4 brown or serous nipple 'ischar&e
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b" Noticeable lump
c" Chan&es in breast tissue
'" All o+ the above
1<" Si&ns an' s$mptoms o+ postpartum 'epression inclu'e !!!!!!!!"
a" 0ati&ue
b" An*iet$
c" 0eelin& o+ worthlessness
'" All o+ the above
11" A proce'ure in which the amniotic sac is puncture' an' +lui' is with'rawn is
calle' a:n; !!!!!!!!"
a" Amniocentesis
b" Ab'ominocentesis
c" Thoracentesis
'" None o+ the above
1)" This s$n'rome is a &enetic 'isor'er that can result in a broa' ran&e o+ mal+unctions
o+ the male repro'uctive s$stem4 +rom complete lac% o+ e*ternal or internal male
&enitalia to patients with ambi&uous &enitalia to patients who have t$pical male
&enitalia but are sterile"
a" Testosterone 'e+icienc$
b" An'ro&en insensitivit$ s$n'rome
c" BPH
'" E(
Short Answer
6rite the wor' or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the uestion"
1" >n animals4 +emales pro'uce e&&s an' males pro'uce !!!!!!!!!!!!"
)" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! stimulates ovulation"
/" A+ter ovulation4 estro&en !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #nRH secretion"
1" (urin& the !!!!!!!!!!!!! phase4 the en'ometrium is buil'in& up"
2" Repro'uctive or&ans are calle' !!!!!!!!!!!!"
3" Another name +or ovi'ucts is !!!!!!!!!!!! tubes"
5" The rupture' +ollicle le+t behin' in the ovar$ 'urin& ovulation will become the
!!!!!!!!!!!! an' secrete hormones to help maintain the thic%ene' en'ometrium"
8" The !!!!!!!!!!!! &lan' surroun's the urethra"
9" !!!!!!!!!!!! is the most important male hormone"
1<" The !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! are posterior to the bla''er in males"
11" !!!!!!!!!!!!!! is a mi*ture o+ sperm4 su&ar4 water an' electrol$tes"
1)" The +inal sta&e o+ labor is the !!!!!!!!!!!!! sta&e"
1/" The 'evelopin& embr$o secretes the hormone !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tellin& the
woman@s bo'$ that she is pre&nant"
11" The implantation o+ en'ometrial tissue outsi'e o+ the uterus is calle'
12" The most common cause o+ male urinar$ s$mptoms is !!!!!!! :.se the
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13" Patients with !!!!!!!!!!!! have an e*tra cop$ o+ chromosome )1"
15" The +emale &ona's are the !!!!!!!!"
18" The +ertiliGe' e&& is %nown as the !!!!!!!!"
19" The breasts are also %nown as !!!!!!!! &lan's"
)<" A:n; !!!!!!!! is an abnormal collection o+ +lui' in the testes"
)1" (own S$n'rome patients have a wi'e ran&e o+ !!!!!!!! abilities"
))" A common bloo' test calle' prostate-speci+ic anti&en4 :PSA; can help 'etect
!!!!!!!! cancer"
)/" Erectile '$s+unction me'ications such as ,ia&ra an' ?evitra increase the
li%elihoo' o+ erection b$ increasin& !!!!!!!! accumulation in the erectile tissue"
)1" 6omen have some natural !!!!!!!! hormone4 an' males have some natural
estro&en hormone"
)2" The possibilit$ o+ havin& a bab$ with (own S$n'rome increases 'ramaticall$ in
+emales over !!!!!!!! $ears o+ a&e :.se the numeral;"
)3" Prostate cancer is the most common cancer :o+ non-s%in cancers; a++ectin&
!!!!!!!! in this countr$"
)5" 6hen menstrual 'isor'ers lessen a woman@s ualit$ o+ li+e4 the$ ma$ be 'ia&nose'
with !!!!!!!!"
)8" Treatment o+ erectile '$s+unction 'epen's on the !!!!!!!! cause"
)9" ,a&initis is the in+lammation o+ the va&ina4 usuall$ cause' b$ microor&anisms
such as bacteria or !!!!!!!!"
/<" There is a testes-bloo' barrier to prevent the !!!!!!!! s$stem +rom 'estro$in&
sperm4 which the white bloo' cells woul' reco&niGe as inva'ers"
/1" !!!!!!!! is the e*pulsion o+ semen :sperm an' assorte' chemicals; +rom the
/)" 0ollowin& birth4 the bab$ is o+ten +e' with breast mil%" Ane o+ the complications is
!!!!!!!! which is an in+lammation o+ the breast"
//" 6hen cells ma%e i'entical copies o+ themselves without the involvement o+
another cell4 the process is calle' !!!!!!!!"
/1" The e*ternal +emale &enitalia are %nown as the !!!!!!!!"
/2" The uterine tubes4 which are about 1 inches lon& an' not attache' to the ovaries4
be&in as a lar&e +unnel4 the in+un'ibulum4 surroun'e' b$ ciliate' pro=ections4 the
/3" The process o+ sortin& the chromosomes so that each new cell &ets the ri&ht
number o+ copies o+ all o+ the &enetic material is calle' !!!!!!!!"
/5" The !!!!!!!! la$er o+ the uterus she's about ever$ )8 'a$s when a woman has
her perio'"
/8" !!!!!!!! is the continue' proli+eration4 'eca$ an' blee'in& o+ en'ometrial tissue
in the ab'ominal an' pelvic cavities that can cause scarrin& an' 'ama&e to the
/9" The !!!!!!!! is the area between the va&ina an' the rectum"
1<" The !!!!!!!! &lan's are mil% pro'uction &lan's house' in the breasts"
11" !!!!!!!! is the absence o+ menstruation"
1)" !!!!!!!! is pain+ul menstruation"
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1/" The e*act cause o+ PMS is not 'etermine' but ma$ be 'ue to irre&ular levels o+
estro&en or !!!!!!!!!!!
11" Si&ns an' s$mptoms o+ !!!!!!!! inclu'e hematuria4 '$suria4 pain+ul intercourse4
an' e*cessive menstrual blee'in&"
12" !!!!!!!! cancer is the most common mali&nanc$ amon& women an' the lea'in&
cause o+ 'eath between a&es 1<B22"
13" !!!!!!!! cancer ma$ have a &enetic pre'isposition4 an' current research shows a
connection with the HP, an' earl$ an' +reuent se*ual activit$"
15" !!!!!!!! is an in+lammation o+ the va&ina cause' b$ in+ection4 irritation4 or
18" !!!!!!!! is a con'ition in which the placenta separates +rom the uterus"
19" !!!!!!!! pre&nanc$ is also %nown as a tubal pre&nanc$"
2<" Beni&n prostatic h$perplasia or!!!!!!!! is the non-cancerous enlar&ement o+ the
prostate an' is the most common cause o+ lower urinar$ tract s$mptoms in men"
6rite IT@ i+ the statement is true an' I0@ i+ the statement is +alse"
!!!! 1" -Lust be+ore ovulation4 estro&en levels 'rop"
!!!! )" -Normall$4 an a'ult human has )/ chromosomes"
!!!! /" #nRH is release' b$ the pituitar$ &lan'"
!!!! 1" -The union o+ &enetic material is calle' +ertiliGation"
!!!! 2" -The e*ternal &enitalia o+ the +emale are %nown as the uvula"
!!!! 3" HC# is secrete' b$ the ovar$"
!!!! 5" -The +unctional la$er o+ en'ometrium is she' when a woman has her perio'"
!!!! 8" -The prepuce is a small erectile structure in women"
!!!! 9" The epi'i'$mis is superior to the testis"
!!!!1<" -?H an' 0SH stimulate sperm pro'uction an' maturation"
!!!!11" -Erection is cause' b$ muscle contraction in the penis"
!!!!1)" -The spermatic cor' consists o+ the seminal vesicles an' semini+erous tubules"
!!!!1/" -The testes are outsi'e o+ the ab'ominopelvic cavit$"
!!!!11" -The +emale repro'uctive s$stem is hospitable to sperm"
!!!!12" -An e&& ma$ be +ertiliGe' b$ more than one sperm"
6rite $our answer in the space provi'e' or on a separate sheet o+ paper"
1" Trace the path o+ a sperm 'urin& e=aculation"
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)" (iscuss en'ometriosis"
/" ?ist an' brie+l$ e*plain the +unction o+ hormones controllin& +emale repro'uction"
1" E*plain the role o+ testosterone in male repro'uction"
2" ?ist the phases o+ the +emale repro'uctive c$cle an' brie+l$ 'e+ine them"
Multiple Choice
Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the uestion"
1" 0orensic science is the application o+ science to !!!!!!!!"
a" Me'icine
b" Biolo&$
c" Crime
'" Histor$
)" 6hat part o+ lon& bones contain hi&h levels o+ o*$&en7
a" Me'ulla
b" En's
c" Sha+t
'" Marrow
/" 6hat common +oo' reacts with pewter an' was once thou&ht to be poisonous7
a" Tomatoes
b" Apples
c" 0i&s
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'" Bananas
1" The male an' +emale s%eleton 'i++er in what manner7
a" 0emales have a wi'er pelvis
b" Males have a wi'er pelvis
c" 0emales have +ewer rib bones
'" Males have more rib bones
2" A timeline containin& substances someone in&ests4 or becomes e*pose' to4 can be
+oun' in the !!!!!!!!"
a" Hair
b" Bones
c" Teeth
'" E$es
3" 0in&erprints were +irst su&&este' to be an ai' in solvin& various crimes in
a" 191<
b" 158)
c" 13<1
'" 188<
5" (NA +in&erprintin& is per+orme' in which manner7
a" Blottin& 'i&its on paper
b" Splittin& (NA molecules
c" (ustin& the scene with pow'er
'" (ustin& cells +or ver$ small prints
8" Patients between the a&es o+ 53 an' 81 are classi+ie' as !!!!!!!!"
a" Elite ol'
b" Joun&er ol'
c" Al'er ol'
'" Be&innin& ol'
9" The hallmar% si&n o+ a&in& is the bo'$@s 'ecrease' abilit$ to !!!!!!!!"
a" A'apt to stressors
b" Maintain homeostasis
c" Maintain hair color
'" Maintain s%in elasticit$
1<" 6hat is a common +oo' that ma$ taste metallic to the &eriatric patient7
a" Tomato =uice
b" Aran&e =uice
c" Apple =uice
'" #rape =uice
11" 6hat are some o+ the potential behavior chan&es relate' to pain7
a" Euphoria
b" >ncrease' mobilit$
c" >ncrease' ener&$
'" A&itation an' con+usion
1)" A health$ human brain will continue to 'evelop until the appro*imate a&e o+
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a" 2<
b" 3<
c" )2
'" /2
1/" A 'ecrease in the +unction o+ the !!!!!!!!!!!! can lea' to accumulation o+
me'ication in the &eriatric patient"
a" Ki'ne$s
b" Heart
c" ?un&s
'" ,essels
11" Seein& multiple 'octors at the same time can lea' to !!!!!!!!"
a" ?oss o+ insurance
b" Carcinoma
c" Pol$pharmac$
'" >ncrease' a&itation
12" Carpal tunnel s$n'rome is a result o+ 'ama&e to the !!!!!!!!!!!! nerve"
a" Carpal
b" ?ateral
c" Me'ian
'" Ra'ial
13" (isease processes4 alon& with a&in&4 will !!!!!!!! the loss o+ bo'$ reserves
a++ectin& recover$ a+ter sur&er$"
a" Accelerate
b" (ecrease
c" Slow
'" (iminish
15" The el'erl$ are increasin&l$ more 'i++icult to me'icall$ evaluate 'ue to the three
ma=or chan&es in the patients" 6hich o+ the +ollowin& is not one o+ them7
a" 6orsenin& vision
b" (ecrease' hearin&
c" >ncrease' memor$
'" Possible mental abilities
18" 6hich li+est$le choice a'versel$ a++ects the car'iovascular s$stem4 as well as other
a" >lle&al 'ru& use
b" Smo%in&
c" (rin%in& alcohol
'" All o+ the above
19" The best wa$ to protect $oursel+ an' others +rom sprea'in& or &ettin& in+ections is
to !!!!!!!!"
a" 6ear &loves +or ever$ patient encounter
b" 6ash han's be+ore an' a+ter each patient
c" Ta%e lar&e 'oses o+ vitamin C
'" 6ear a lab coat over $our clothes or uni+orm when with patients
)<" >+ a +etus 'oes not &et enou&h calcium in the mother@s 'iet4 the +etus !!!!!!!!"
a" #ets it +rom convertin& other nutrients
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b" Brea%s 'own hisHher own bones that ha' 'evelope' so +ar
c" (oes not &et enou&h calcium an' ma$ not 'evelop properl$ because o+ the
'" #ets it +rom the mother@s bones an' teeth4 wea%enin& them
)1" 6hich o+ these is not a common behavioral chan&e 'ue to pain7
a" Bein& &rump$
b" Swearin&
c" Havin& a loss o+ appetite
'" >ncrease' social interaction
))" Smo%in& mothers have a ten'enc$ towar' !!!!!!!!"
a" Babies o+ lower birth wei&hts
b" Premature births
c" A hi&her rate o+ S>(S
'" All o+ the above
)/" 0or several hun're' $ears it was believe' that !!!!!!!! were poisonous"
a" #rapes
b" Popp$ see's
c" Tomatoes
'" 6atermelons
)1" A s%ull +ra&ment +oun' in a 1<<-$ear-ol' trash 'ump at this settlement provi'e'
evi'ence that s%ull sur&er$ ha' been per+orme' on a patient !!!!!!!!"
a" Me*ico Cit$4 Me*ico
b" Cairo4 E&$pt
c" Bei=in&4 China
'" Lamestown4 ,ir&inia
)2" Currentl$4 the &eriatric patient &roup calle' the ol'er ol' are i'enti+ie' as
a" A&e 22 to 31
b" A&e 32 to 52
c" A&e 53 to 81
'" A&e 82 an' ol'er
)3" !!!!!!!! can reveal the race o+ an in'ivi'ual"
a" Hair
b" E$es
c" (i&estive or&ans
'" Clothin&
)5" Bone 'ensit$ usuall$ reaches its &reatest pea% aroun' a&e !!!!!!!!"
a" /2
b" 12
c" 22
'" 32
)8" >nterest in +in&erprints has been aroun' +or a lon& perio' o+ time" Their uniueness
was 'iscovere' in the !!!!!!!!"
a" 1)<<s
b" 12<<s
c" 13<<s
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'" 18<<s
)9" A techniue calle' vi'eo s%ullB+ace superimposition was use' to i'enti+$
a" Lose+ Men&ele
b" Tutan%hamen4 DKin& TutE
c" Both a an' b
'" None o+ the above
/<" An ol'er patient ma$ lose up to !!!!!!!! neurons a 'a$"
a" 1<<
b" 14<<<
c" 1<4<<<
'" 1<<4<<<
/1" Proo+ that the ancient E&$ptians were stric%en with !!!!!!!! was 'iscovere' b$
e*aminin& their s%eletons"
a" Tuberculosis
b" Anthra*
c" Cancer
'" Par%inson@s 'isease
/)" A+ten4 &eriatric patients are un'erme'icate' +or !!!!!!!!"
a" Pain
b" H$pertension
c" (iabetes
'" Asteoporosis
//" Ane common occupational con'ition relate' to repetitive motion4 such as t$pin& on
a %e$boar'4 pla$in& a piano4 or hammerin&4 is %nown as !!!!!!!!"
a" ?oc% =aw
b" Carpal tunnel s$n'rome
c" >ncontinence
'" Asteoporosis
/1" (NA +in&erprintin& techniues have been use' to i'enti+$ !!!!!!!!"
a" ,ictims o+ the 6orl' Tra'e Center
b" Thomas Le++erson@s chil'ren
c" Lose+ Men&ele
'" All o+ the above
/2" As an in'ivi'ual a&es4 he or she ma$ lose which o+ the +ollowin&7
a" Muscle mass
b" Neurons
c" Bone 'ensit$
'" All o+ the above
/3" The number o+ taste bu's 'ecreases b$ about !!!!!!!! percent as the bo'$ a&es"
a" )<
b" 2<
c" /<
'" 1<
/5" 6hich o+ the +ollowin& is a barrier to proper nutrition7
2011 by Pearson, Inc.
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a" Tooth loss
b" (i++icult$ swallowin&
c" (ecrease' saliva
'" All o+ the above
/8" 6hich o+ the +ollowin& can be a tri&&er to ma%e a cell cancerous7
a" #enes
b" Ra'iation
c" Sunli&ht e*posure
'" All o+ the above
/9" Between the a&es o+ )< an' 8<4 we lose about !!!!!!!! percent o+ our renal
a" )2
b" 2<
c" 1<
'" /<
1<" The a&in& process a++ects the inte&umentar$ s$stem in all o+ the +ollowin& wa$s
e*cept !!!!!!"
a" >ncrease' s%in elasticit$
b" >ncrease' s%in 'elicac$
c" Multiple s%in lesions
'" >ncreases in s%in cancer
11" A&in& can a++ect the rates o+ 'ru& !!!!!!!!"
a" Absorption
b" Metabolism
c" E*cretion
'" All o+ the above
1)" Appro*imatel$ !!!!!!!! percent o+ all lun& cancers can be trace' to smo%in&"
a" 3<
b" 5<
c" 8<
'" 9<
1/" 6hich o+ the +ollowin& vitamins is nee'e' +or proper ni&ht vision an' helps to
resist in+ections7
a" ,itamin A
b" ,itamin B
c" ,itamin C
'" ,itamin (
11" 6hich o+ the +ollowin& vitamins is nee'e' to promote stron& bones an' teeth7
a" ,itamin A
b" ,itamin B
c" ,itamin C
'" ,itamin (
12" 6hich o+ the +ollowin& vitamins is nee'e' to promote health$ muscular &rowth7
a" ,itamin A
b" ,itamin B
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c" ,itamin C
'" ,itamin (
13" 6hich o+ the +ollowin& vitamins is nee'e' to ai' in absorption o+ iron7
a" ,itamin A
b" ,itamin B
c" ,itamin C
'" ,itamin (
15" 6hich o+ the +ollowin& vitamins is nee'e' +or proper bloo' clottin&7
a" ,itamin K
b" ,itamin C
c" ,itamin E
'" ,itamin (
18" 6hich o+ the +ollowin& vitamins is nee'e' to promote muscle &rowth4 an' ma$
re'uce the ris% o+ Par%inson@s 'isease7
a" ,itamin K
b" ,itamin C
c" ,itamin E
'" ,itamin (
Short Answer
6rite the wor' or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the uestion"
1" Tuberculosis is 'etectable in the lun&s4 brain4 %i'ne$s4 an' the en's o+ lon&
)" The +emale pelvis4 in &eneral4 has a pubic an&le o+ !!!!!!!!!!!! 'e&rees or
&reater :.se the numeral;"
/" Since hair &rows relativel$ slowl$4 it can contain a:n; !!!!!!!!!!!! o+ substances
that an in'ivi'ual in&este' or was e*pose' to"
1" 0orensic scientists can use the molecule +oun' in the nucleus o+ our cells4
!!!!!!!!!!!!4 to i'enti+$ in'ivi'uals"
2" The use o+ multiple me'ications b$ the el'erl$ is %nown as !!!!!!!!!!!!"
3" >nte&umentar$ problems can be re'uce' b$ not !!!!!!!!!!!! an' limitin&
e*posure to the !!!!!!!!!!!!"
5" There is a:n; !!!!!!!!!!!!O 'ecrease in the +unction o+ most bo'$ s$stems each
$ear4 be&innin& aroun' the a&e o+ thirt$ :.se the numeral;"
8" >n the absence o+ 'isease4 the brain continues to mature up to the a&e o+
!!!!!!!!!!!! :.se the numeral;"
9" Repetitive motion can lea' to a con'ition calle' !!!!!!!!!!!!"
1<" Appro*imatel$ 8<O o+ all lun& cancers can be trace' to !!!!!!!!!!!!"
11" !!!!!!!!!!!! is the most 'ea'l$ +orm o+ s%in cancer"
1)" ,itamin !!!!!!!!!!!! is nee'e' +or proper bloo' clottin&"
1/" The human papilloma virus causes &enital !!!!!!!!!!!!"
11" The metal !!!!!!!!!!!! has been 'etecte' in the bones o+ me'ieval s%eletons an'
can be trace' to eatin& +rom pewter plates"
12" 6hether s%eletal remains are o+ a man or a woman can be 'etermine' b$
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e*aminin& the !!!!!!!!!!!!"
13" The hallmar% si&n o+ a&in& is the 'ecreasin& abilit$ to maintain !!!!!!!!"
15" A 'ru& ta%en b$ a patient with impaire' renal +unction4 such as an el'erl$ person4
ma$ not be metaboliGe' correctl$ b$ the %i'ne$s" This ma$ cause a:n; !!!!!!!! o+
the 'ru&"
18" Carpal tunnel s$n'rome is a common occupational con'ition that is relate' to
!!!!!!!! movements"
19" Anal&esics are stron&er an' last !!!!!!!! in the el'erl$ patients"
)<" The lun&@s initial response to an inhale' irritant is to !!!!!!!! or restrict the
airwa$ an' minimiGe the inhalation o+ more irritant4 even thou&h this ma%es
breathin& 'i++icult"
)1" A&in& a++ects the rates o+ a 'ru&@s absorption4 its 'istribution throu&h the bo'$4 the
metabolism o+ the me'ication4 an' the !!!!!!!! o+ the 'ru& +rom the bo'$"
))" Man$ tri&&ers can ma%e a cell cancerous4 such as e*posure to sunli&ht4 ra'iation4
an' !!!!!!!!"
)/" Cancer treatment o+ten involves !!!!!!!! as much o+ the cancer as possible4 an'
then +ollowin& up with ra'iation an'Hor chemotherap$ to %ill an$ cancer or cancer
cells remainin& in the bo'$"
)1" !!!!!!!! is the treatment o+ cancer with chemicals that %ill rapi'l$ 'ivi'in& cells"
)2" !!!!!!!! cause:s; cauli+lower-li%e &rowths on the penis an' va&ina"
)3" !!!!!!!!4 the a'ministration o+ man$ 'ru&s at the same time4 is a ma=or concern
+or the el'erl$"
)5" Man$ t$pes o+ cancer can be prevente' or mana&e' with a health$ 'iet an'
)8" The con&enital con'ition o+ !!!!!!!! can be prevente' b$ a 'ietar$ supplement o+
a member o+ the vitamin B comple*4 +olic aci'"
)9" 0in&erprints are actual !!!!!!!! that +orm a pattern on the anterior sur+ace o+ the
han's an' also on the plantar sur+ace o+ the +eet"
/<" The !!!!!!!! pelvis is more +unnel shape' an' is heavier an' stron&er4 with a
pubic an&le o+ 9< 'e&rees or less"
/1" Bone scourin& is the 'estruction o+ the smooth bone sur+ace as a result o+
coloniGation b$ the tuberculosis !!!!!!!!"
/)" (urin& the a&in& process4 there is a 'ecrease in the total bo'$ water +or both males
an' +emales" The clinical si&ni+icance o+ this is that ol'er patients have a ten'enc$
to !!!!!!!! more rapi'l$"
//" The senses o+ taste an' smell !!!!!!!! as a natural process o+ a&in&"
/1" 6ithin the car'iovascular s$stem4 the a&in& process causes such chan&es as
!!!!!!!! o+ heart valves4 which 'ecreases their e++icienc$"
/2" 6ithin the car'iovascular s$stem4 we also see a lessenin& in the !!!!!!!! o+
bloo' vessels4 which lea's to increase' bloo' pressures"
/3" There is an increase o+ !!!!!!!!4 which is the loss o+ bla''er control4 in the
el'erl$ population"
/5" !!!!!!!! is the a'ministration o+ man$ 'ru&s at the same time"
/8" Smo%in& a++ects the heart b$ re'ucin& the availabilit$ o+ !!!!!!!! to the heart
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/9" Smo%in& with alcohol consumption lea's to a:n; !!!!!!!! in stomach an' mouth
1<" !!!!!!!! steroi's are use' to increase stren&th an' en'urance rapi'l$ an' to buil'
muscle mass"
11" Smo%in& mothers ten' to have babies o+ !!!!!!!! birth wei&hts4 a ten'enc$
towar' premature births4 an' a hi&her rate o+ su''en in+ant 'eath s$n'rome
1)" The se*uall$ transmitte' 'isease !!!!!!!! has s$mptoms o+ +lui'-+ille' vesicles
on the penis an' blisters in an' aroun' the va&ina"
1/" The se*uall$ transmitte' 'isease !!!!!!!! has s$mptoms o+ purulent 'ischar&e
+rom the urethra4 '$suria4 an' urinar$ +reuenc$ in malesF an' purulent va&inal
'ischar&e4 abnormal menstrual blee'in&4 an' possible sterilit$ in +emales"
11" The se*uall$ transmitte' 'isease !!!!!!!! can be as$mptomatic"
12" The se*uall$ transmitte' 'isease !!!!!!!! is a s$stemic 'isease that can lea' to
lesions4 l$mph no'e enlar&ement4 nervous s$stem 'e&ra'ation4 an' chancre sores"
13" This se*uall$ transmitte' 'isease !!!!!!!! creates cauli+lower-li%e &rowths on the
penis an' va&ina"
6rite IT@ i+ the statement is true an' I0@ i+ the statement is +alse"
!!!! 1" -0orensic science is the application o+ science to law"
!!!! )" -The in+amous NaGi Men&ele has never been +oun'"
!!!! /" -0orensic (NA evi'ence is the onl$ wa$ to i'enti+$ the se* o+ the victim"
!!!! 1" -The race o+ the in'ivi'ual can be 'etermine' b$ e*aminin& their hair"
!!!! 2" ->n chil'ren is it nearl$ impossible to tell the se* o+ a s%eleton"
!!!! 3" -The most common cause o+ respirator$ illness is &enetic 'isor'ers"
!!!! 5" ->'entical twins will have the same +in&erprints"
!!!! 8" -0orensic science has conclusivel$ prove' that Thomas Le++erson 'i' not
+ather chil'ren with his slave4 Sall$ Hemmin&s"
!!!! 9" -0rom a&es )< to 5< we see a loss o+ lean bo'$ mass 'ue to up to /<O loss in
the number o+ muscle cells4 atroph$ o+ muscle cells4 an' a &eneral 'ecrease in
muscle stren&th"
!!!!1<" -As we a&e4 our &ustator$ senses become stron&er to compensate +or hearin&
an' vision loss"
!!!!11" -A+ten &eriatric patients are un'er-me'icate' +or pain"
!!!!1)" -A 'iet rich in so'ium an' vitamins helps to maintain &oo' bone &rowth an'
!!!!1/" >t is important to sta$ well-h$'rate'"
!!!!11" -(ue to its sterile nature4 urine can be use' to clean a woun'"
!!!!12" -Spina bi+i'a can be prevente' b$ a'euate ascorbic aci' in&estion 'urin&
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6rite $our answer in the space provi'e' or on a separate sheet o+ paper"
1" (iscuss how +orensic scientists solve m$steries"
)" (iscuss how vitamin 'e+iciencies a++ect health"
/" E*plain how (NA is use' to solve crimes or i'enti+$ remains"
1" ?ist +ive s$mptoms o+ se*uall$ transmitte' 'iseases"
2" ?ist +ive behavioral choices to improve health"
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)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
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)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
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)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
Test Ban% Cop$ri&ht
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
Test Ban%
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
Test Ban% Cop$ri&ht
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
2011 by Pearson, Inc.
Colbert, Ankney, Lee, Test Bank for Anatomy & Physiology for Health
Professions, 2nd Edition
Test Ban%
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
Test Ban% Cop$ri&ht
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
Test Ban%
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
Test Ban% Cop$ri&ht
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
Test Ban%
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
Test Ban% Cop$ri&ht
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
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)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
Test Ban% Cop$ri&ht
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
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)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
Test Ban% Cop$ri&ht
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
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)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
Test Ban% Cop$ri&ht
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
Test Ban%
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
Test Ban% Cop$ri&ht
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
Test Ban%
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
2011 by Pearson, Inc.
Colbert, Ankney, Lee, Test Bank for Anatomy & Physiology for Health
Professions, 2nd Edition
Test Ban% Cop$ri&ht
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
Test Ban%
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
Test Ban% Cop$ri&ht
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
Test Ban%
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
Test Ban% Cop$ri&ht
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
Test Ban%
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
Test Ban% Cop$ri&ht
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
Test Ban%
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
Test Ban% Cop$ri&ht
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
Test Ban%
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
Test Ban% Cop$ri&ht
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
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)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
Test Ban% Cop$ri&ht
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
Test Ban%
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
Test Ban% Cop$ri&ht
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
Test Ban%
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
2011 by Pearson, Inc.
Colbert, Ankney, Lee, Test Bank for Anatomy & Physiology for Health
Professions, 2nd Edition
Test Ban% Cop$ri&ht
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
Test Ban%
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
Test Ban% Cop$ri&ht
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
Test Ban%
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
Test Ban% Cop$ri&ht
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
Test Ban%
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
Test Ban% Cop$ri&ht
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
Test Ban%
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
Test Ban% Cop$ri&ht
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
Test Ban%
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
Test Ban% Cop$ri&ht
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
Test Ban%
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
Test Ban% Cop$ri&ht
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
Test Ban%
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
Test Ban% Cop$ri&ht
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
Test Ban%
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
2011 by Pearson, Inc.
Colbert, Ankney, Lee, Test Bank for Anatomy & Physiology for Health
Professions, 2nd Edition
Test Ban% Cop$ri&ht
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
Test Ban%
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
Test Ban% Cop$ri&ht
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
Test Ban%
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
Test Ban% Cop$ri&ht
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
Test Ban%
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
Test Ban% Cop$ri&ht
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
Test Ban%
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
Test Ban% Cop$ri&ht
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
Test Ban%
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
Test Ban% Cop$ri&ht
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
Test Ban%
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
Test Ban% Cop$ri&ht
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
Test Ban%
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
Test Ban% Cop$ri&ht
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
Test Ban%
2011 by Pearson, Inc.
Colbert, Ankney, Lee, Test Bank for Anatomy & Physiology for Health
Professions, 2nd Edition
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
Test Ban% Cop$ri&ht
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
Test Ban%
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
Test Ban% Cop$ri&ht
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
Test Ban%
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
Test Ban% Cop$ri&ht
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
Test Ban%
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
Test Ban% Cop$ri&ht
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
Test Ban%
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
Test Ban% Cop$ri&ht
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
Test Ban%
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
Test Ban% Cop$ri&ht
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
Test Ban%
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
Test Ban% Cop$ri&ht
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
Test Ban%
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
Test Ban% Cop$ri&ht
)<11 b$ Pearson E'ucation4 >nc"4 .pper Sa''le River4 New Lerse$
2011 by Pearson, Inc.
Colbert, Ankney, Lee, Test Bank for Anatomy & Physiology for Health
Professions, 2nd Edition

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