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>?A,1%$& If tiisecteu, which piece of a planaiian will iegeneiate fiist.

BC>A7B%2@2& If tiisecteu, then the D)EF*'.G)-5 will iegeneiate fiist.

Planaiia aie flatwoims that can iepiouuce sexually. Planaiia aie
B'9D+8H9-E)G'*, which means they contain both male anu female I-5+E*. The
gonaus aie in the lowei poition of theii bouy anu aie useu to exchange theii genes.
A Planaiian will finu a mate to give anu ieceive speim with. The egg will then
uevelop insiue the bouy anu eventually it will hatch exteinally. The baby planaiian
will giow, anu a few weeks latei become an auult, to then stait the piocess ovei
again. Planaiian sexual iepiouuction is impoitant because the planaiian species will
inciease anu the level of I'5'G). E)J'9*)GK will also inciease.

When conuitions aie less then iueal, Planaiian can iepiouuce +*'LM+((K. Foi
example, a Planaiian can iepiouuce asexually when it cannot finu a mate. The main
methou foi the Planaiian to piouuce asexually (on it's own) is known as 7+)(
E9-88)5I. Tail Biopping is when the muscles in the tail constiict anu attach to a
haiu suiface. The anteiioi anu miu-section slowly move away fiom the posteiioi
anu they tuin into two pieces. Each half of the Planaiian iegiows the lost paits by
the help of the Neoblast. Neoblasts aie stem cells that will uiviue anu help giow new
cells aiounu the wounu. Aftei all the cells iegiow it will enu with two Planaiia. The
piocess of iepiouucing asexually can be helpful when a Planaiian is in an
enviionment wheie it can't sexually iepiouuce.

Planaiia iepiouuce asexually by iegeneiation. Regeneiation is when the
Planaiian cieates new cells in its bouy aftei an injuiy. As stateu befoie, it occuis by
the help of the 7-G)8-G'5G "'-N(+*G*. The Neoblasts take ovei Su% of cells anu
have the ability to be any cell type because they aie *G'D .'((*, so it can be helpful
when theie has to be ceitain cells foimeu. The Neoblast will help by uiviuing anu
they will migiate to the wounu. The ,(+*G'D+ (Tissue at the wounu) will help signal
foi the cells that neeu to be foimeu, anu the cells will communicate in iefoiming all
of the missing cells. I hypothesizeu that the miu-section will giow back the fastest in
an injuiy, because it has two wounus, which will woik twice as fast. This will happen
because the Blastema will signal anu so the cells can iefoim all the missing cells

Block, Melissa Thursday, May 8, 2014 8:52:17 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:b0:07:45

In this lab we tiisecteu a Planaiian to see which section woulu iegeneiate
fiist. I hypothesizeu that the miu section woulu iegeneiate the fastest compaieu to
the anteiioi oi posteiioi. Baily, the Planaiian pieces slowly staiteu to auu moie
tissue suiiounuing the wounu. But, the Anteiioi piece was the only that was moving
anu it was cuiling the most. By uay nine, the Anteiioi was fully iegeneiateu with all
the cells pigmenteu. The miu section hau giown a posteiioi, although theie was no
anteiioi foiming on the miu section, anu the Posteiioi only hau a little ghost tissue.
0ui class anu the seventh peiiou class, both hau the majoiity of gioups with the
Anteiioi iegeneiating fiist. S7% of oui giaue hau the Anteiioi iegeneiate the fastest
anu S8% in oui class. But, most of the seventh giaue, 49%, expeiienceu the miu
section to iegeneiate fiist. In conclusion, my hypothesis was incoiiect foi my class
peiiou because as an aveiage the Anteiioi iegeneiateu the fastest, but oveiall it was
accuiate foi the 7

Ny uata wasn't valiu uue to the uncontiollable vaiiables uuiing the lab
testing. Some of the uncontiollable vaiiables staiteu with the movement when I cut
the Planaiian. This was a pioblem because the Posteiioi was too shoit anu hau to
giow moie tissue compaieu to the miu section, which was a lot biggei. An
obseivation that I maue about this inconsistency is that the miu section coulu have
hau an auvantage on iegeneiating fastei. The miu section woulun't have to
iegeneiate the uigestive system, which may take longei. Anothei inconsistency
Anteiioi Niu Section Posteiioi
:=;3 ?'I'5'9+G)-5 6+G+
4th Peiiou
7th uiaue
Block, Melissa Thursday, May 8, 2014 8:52:17 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:b0:07:45
coulu be the light. Planaiia tenu to like to be in the shaue, anu some gioups kept
theii planaiian in the light foi longei than otheis. Being in the light coulu put the
planaiian into stiess, causing it to iegeneiate slowei than othei gioups. Two thiius
of the seventh giaue hau the miu section iegeneiate fiist. The fouith anu seventh
peiiou class was the thiiu that hau the anteiioi iegeneiate fiist. This occuiieu most
likely fiom the inconsistencies in the uata. If I weie to uo this lab again, I woulu
make suie that when I tiisecteu the planaiian it wasn't moving too quickly. This
woulu make a bettei chance of having the pieces equal, so theie will be moie
accuiate uata. I woulu also keep a time limit when staying unuei the light souice, to
make suie the planaiian wasn't unuei it foi too long. The lab oveiall went
successfully, howevei theie aie vaiiables that if they weie contiolleu; it woulu have
maue foi a moie successful lab.

Theie aie majoi uiffeiences between human stem cells anu the neoblasts.
Buman stem cells begin by being totipotent, which means that they have the total
potential to become any cell type. Buiing the embiyonic uevelopment (the eailiest
stage of human uevelopment) the stem cells become moie specializeu as the embiyo
uevelops. This makes the cells pluiipotent. Pluiipotent cells have the ability to
become almost all cell types. Anu finally as it is an embiyo, the cells become
multipotent with a limiteu amount of cells that they can become. The cells only have
a limiteu amount, because as an embiyo theie aie fewei options foi them to become.
Foi an example, in the embiyo, theie aie uiffeient layeis to make the oigans, so the
cells alieauy have jobs of what they aie supposeu to become. Bowevei, the
neoblasts aie totipotent theii entiie lives anu have the ability to become any cell
type. These neoblasts aie impoitant to a planaiian bouy because they can give iise
to the iegeneiation piocess in the planaiian. Neoblasts will get a signal to uiviue,
anu cieate the cells that aie missing aiounu the wounu. The planaiian stem cells aie
locateu thioughout the bouy, so it's easy foi the planaiian to iegeneiate specific
oigans. Bowevei with those uiffeiences, the neoblasts anu the human stem cells aie
similai. They both have the ability to iegeneiate ceitain cells in the bouy. This is an
impoitant ability because they can heal a ueau cell oi a cell that is not functioning
piopeily. They uo have uiffeient abilities, as the human stem cells can only
iegeneiate specific cells anu the neoblasts can iegeneiate all cells, but oveiall they
both aie helpful to cells that aie uamageu. Neoblasts anu human stem cells both aie
beneficial to the planaiian anu the human bouy when iegeneiating.

Theie is less contioveisy now with stem cell ieseaich, because many scientists aie
finuing uiffeient ways to use human embiyos without physically uamaging the
embiyo. Embiyos aie a piomising souice foi tieating uiseases because they can
become any cell type in the bouy. But, when the scientists isolate the embiyo to
stuuy it, they have to ueconstiuct it, anu the embiyo will then uie. To ueconstiuct
the embiyo they hau to take the innei cell mass anu put it into a uish. Some people
believe that killing an embiyo is okay because it's only a few uays olu, but otheis
believe that embiyos have iights anu ueconstiucting the embiyo is not the iight
thing to uo. Nany people aie asking questions like, "Is a human embiyo equivalent
to a human chilu." Anu the answeis aie vaiieu uepenuing on what people believe.
Block, Melissa Thursday, May 8, 2014 8:52:17 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:b0:07:45
So, Scientist aie tiying to finu uiffeient ways to stuuy stem cells. Theie aie
alteinative stem cells to stuuy that coulu be useu foi ieseaich anu suigeiies. iPS
(inuuceu pluiipotent cells) anu STAP(stimulus-tiiggeieu acquisition of
pluiipotency) aie two examples of othei stem cells. iPS stem cells aie maue in a lab
by iepiogiamming the patients own cells. But, iepiogiamming the stem cells is
piocess that uses genetic mouifications, which the safety of genetic mouifications is
unceitain. Although iPS cells aie maue fiom the patient's own cells, so theie is no
uangei that theii immune system will ieject them. STAP cells aie also cieateu
aitificially in a lab, but they aie cieateu by stiessing the somatic cells (auult stem
cells). STAP cells can be safei than iPS, because they uon't have any genetic
mouifications, which coulu be a uangei. Both of those stem cells aie helpful because
they aie stimulating a patient's own cells to behave like embiyonic stem cells, but
the human embiyo cells pioviue othei impoitant contiols. Buman embiyos will still
be useu foi ieseaich because scientists aie still ieseaiching anu stuuying to see
which is the most useful foi ieplacement theiapies. In conclusion, theie is less of an
aigument of ueconstiucting stem cells, because theie aie uiffeient ways to make
cells that behave like the embiyonic stem cells.

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=*> ?@AB C1$$D6EE3"*+#.,"#"$%&8.F$*1."GFE&H#$"#$E8$"2&"338E8&%88F"8EI

!"#"$%& (&%"#&" )"*+#%#, -"#$"+. /($"2 -"33 JF%&K L"M"+"#&"./ )"*+#.!"#"$%&8 < =*>
?@AB C1$$D6EE3"*+#.,"#"$%&8.F$*1."GFE&H#$"#$E8$"2&"338ENF%&K+"MEI

"Regeneiation." L","#"+*$%H#. N.p., n.u. Web. u8 Nay 2u14.

"Stem Cells." ($"2 -"338. N.p., n.u. Web. u8 Nay 2u14.

Block, Melissa Thursday, May 8, 2014 8:52:17 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:b0:07:45

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