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100 South 8th Street

Arma, KS 66712
Tel. (620)347-4525
Mailing Address:
PO Box 948
Arma, KS 66712
Weekly Bulletin
Saint Joseph Church, Arma
Last Week July 2013 to date
Contributions $1,251.00 $63,094.86
Expenses $65,617.90
Over/ (Under) ($2,523.04)

MA55 5cHbUL
Sat. 5:30pm 4:00pm
Sun. 10:00 am 8:00 am

Sat. 2:00-2:30pm 3:15-3:45pm

Weekdays before Mass;
anytime by appointment.

Fr. Roger Lumbre

Janel Scales/Marcel Normand
Bookkeeper/Bulletin Editor

Georganne Galichia

Rectory Office Hours
Wednesdays 9AM-Noon
Tel. (620) 347-4525
Saint Joseph Parish Mission Statement:
The faith-filled parishioners of Saint Joseph Catholic Church of Arma, in union with the Blessed
Trinity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, value tradition and prayer. We are committed to strong
leadership, responsive community service, and forming caring, welcoming, intimate relationships
with our fellow brothers and sisters. We seek to become a more diverse, vibrant, active church

Notes from the Pastor - As I am away on vacation, I might not be able to write something re-
lated to our parish current events. I will be writing (or pre-writing) and reprinting some articles that
might be of practical interest for all of our parishioners!
One of these is the question on Divorce and Holy Communion. A couple of parishioners have
approached me and asked if being divorced is a condition that automatically impedes the person
from Holy Communion. Originally, I believe it doesnt unless one enters into another marriage civil-
ly, and I thought what I originally know, was correct until another person, told me otherwise. With-
out verifying the truth and relying solely on his credibility, of course it is also my fault, even with
doubts I accepted it. Until again some of you come to me with the same question. In fact there was
one (who was divorced but did not remarry) who I told that she could not receive communion until
she get the declaration of nullity from the tribunal. I was wrong! If she reads this article, I sincere-
ly apologize. Because I have now ascertained the truth and consult the expert opinion of our dioce-
san canon lawyer, Fr. John Hotze and he confirmed it that divorced people could receive commun-
ion unless they do marry civilly (because theres no way they can marry again church unless they get
the declaration of nullity from the diocesan marriage tribunal. The following is the theological
basis from the Catechism of the Catholic Church:
2384 Divorce is a grave offense against the natural law. It claims to break the contract, to which
the spouses freely consented, to live with each other till death. Divorce does injury to the covenant of
salvation, of which sacramental marriage is the sign. Contracting a new union, even if it is recog-
nized by civil law, adds to the gravity of the rupture: the remarried spouse is then in a situation of
public and permanent adultery:

Altar Servers:


E. M. E.

Gift Bearers
4:00 PM
Grant Waterman

Bernie Wingebach
& Aaron Kreutzer
Linda Carpino
Pat Westhoff

Margaret Setina
& Gay Kranker
8:00 AM
Grant Waterman
& Elana Bonine
Joyce Klinkon
& Frank Grano
Joan Black
Joe Broyles

Greg & Tracey Bogina
Next Sunday(06/01/2014) Next Saturday (05/31/2014)













4:00 PM
5:30 PM
8:00 AM
10:00 AM
7:00 AM
5:30 PM
6:30 PM
8:00 AM
7:00 AM
4:00 PM
5:30 PM
8:00 AM
10:00 AM

Ad Dantis
Verl Diskin
Pro Populo
Mary Masser
NO Eucharistic Adoration
NO Eucharistic Adoration
Ad Dantis
Vera Diskin
Raymond LaSota
Pro Populo

Mass Schedules & Intentions for May 24th-June 1st:
Saint Josephs Upcoming Events

Eucharistic Adoration: Thursdays from 8:30am to 3:00pm

Finance Council Parish Council
Next Meeting, TBA Next Meeting, TBA
At 6:00pm After 5:30pm Mass

St. Ann Altar Society Knights of Columbus
Next meeting, TBA 1st Tuesday of Month, 7pm
Rectory at 6pm St. Michael Parish Hall

Parish Pastoral Council Officers:
Chair: Pat Westhoff Members at Large: Betty Rons, Dustin Ashmore,
Joe Broyles, Debbie Amershek Secretary: Karen Pryer

Worship Committee: Parish Finance Council:
Chair Karen Pryer Chair Fred Bogina
E.M.Es Joann Black Members Joe Polhlopek,
Ushers/Greeters Bill Harman Judy Wingebach,
Altar Society Judy Smerchek Linda Broyles
Lectors Marcel Normand
Music Jan Harman
Arma Parishioners: Their Once in a Lifetime Trip to Rome
St. Joseph parishioners Ron and Janet Pommier, Franklin, told me of their
trip of a lifetime to Rome and the Vatican recently to witness the canoniza-
tions of St. John XXIII and St. John Paul II. As he and I visited, he men-
tioned they will celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary in August. He met
Janet in unusual circumstances for she lived in Cleveland, Ohio. It happened
that Ron accompanied another family member to Cleveland for the wedding
of his cousin. As it turned out, this cousin was also a cousin to Janet--they
had a mutual cousin! And so, Ron met Janet at the wedding. This led to their
eventual marriage and move to Kansas. They have four sons, married with
families: Chris, Kevin, and Allen live in this area, while Michael resides in
Nevada, MO. And now, Ron and Janets story:
Thanks to the generosity of our children and their families, Janet and I had
the opportunity to travel to Rome and the Vatican City to witness the canoni-
zation of Pope John XXIII and Pope John Paul II. Janet is particularly devot-
ed to John Paul II and the boys gave her this trip as a birthday gift. The expe-
rience was unlike anything we could have imagined. We were joined by Ja-
nets sisters, Shirley and Gloria, as well as approximately a million other
pilgrims from all over the world.
We left our hotel (a fifteen minute walk to the Vatican) at 3:30AM for the
canonization scheduled at 10:00AM. The first real congestion began just as
we crossed the ancient city walls of Rome. From there, it took us three hours
to move about a hundred yards toward the Via Della Coniliazion (the central
street into St. Peters Square) along one of the side streets, Via Della Tra-
spontina. The next fifty yards took us another three hours. To say that the
streets were crowded does not even begin to describe the crush of people
trying to get a view of the ceremony. One could literally not fall down, there
was no room to fall. These people were speaking a dozen different languages
and many were carrying signs and banners representing their country, or
their region or even their parish.
When we finally got onto the Via Della Conciliazion, we found a place
where we could stand comfortably to view the ceremony on one of several
large screen televisions set up along the street by the Vatican. Our view was
somewhat obstructed by a line of columns supporting street lights, but we
could hear quite well since there was a set of loudspeakers about one hun-
dred feet behind us. The closest we were able to get was approximately a
half a mile from St. Peters Square.
The ceremony itself was simple, but moving. A litany of the saints preced-
ed the proclamation of the sainthood and the Mass. Our memory of the Latin
Mass was sorely tested as we tried to follow along. Fortunately, the Order of
the Mass is the same in any language and we were able to keep up, for the
most part. What was most surprising to me was that at the Communion, a
procession of priests came along the center of the street and offered Com-
munion to all who could make their way to the center. Unfortunately, we
were not in position where we could do that. None the less, offering Com-
munion to a million people is an amazing feat.
While the ceremony and the Mass were equally divided between the two
newly canonized saints, the crowd (at least in our area) appeared to be large-
ly in support of St. Pope John Paul II. Every time his name was mentioned, a
loud cheer rose from the crowd and most of the banners in our area carried
his image or name. He was obviously loved the world over.
Within the larger story of the canonization, smaller stories abound; we
found ourselves standing next to a couple from Poland who had travelled
extensively in the US and spoke English quite well. They told us that they
had arrived at the location at 2:00AM and were able to get no closer. It
turned out that they had met John Paul II several times while helping to plan
a youth day in Poland. They and their daughters helped to coordinate the
youth day with the Vatican. They had several photos of their family with the
Pope and told us stories of their devotion to him.
This was a once in a lifetime experience and we are so blessed that our
children provided this opportunity to us.
Article by Marcel Normand

We Thank our advertisers for your support!
If a husband, separated from his wife, approaches anoth-
er woman, he is an adulterer because he makes that wom-
an commit adultery, and the woman who lives with him is
an adulteress, because she has drawn another's husband to

2385 Divorce is immoral also because it introduces dis-
order into the family and into society. This disorder brings
grave harm to the deserted spouse, to children traumatized
by the separation of their parents and often torn between
them, and because of its contagious effect which makes it
truly a plague on society.
2386 It can happen that one of the spouses is the inno-
cent victim of a divorce decreed by civil law; this spouse
therefore has not contravened the moral law. There is a
considerable difference between a spouse who has sin-
cerely tried to be faithful to the sacrament of marriage and
is unjustly abandoned, and one who through his own
grave fault destroys a canonically valid marriage.

It is without doubt that divorce does injury to the cove-
nant of salvation, of which sacramental marriage is the
sign (Catechism 2384). Yet while the Catholic Church
teaches that marriage is, by its very nature, intended to last
until death, it acknowledges that being divorced is not
necessarily sinful. If, for example, one spouse is divorced
by the other, it is obviously possible for a Catholic to find
himself divorced entirely against his will! The Catechism
makes a very clear and necessary distinction (Catechism
The fact is, the Church does not teach that Catholics are forbidden to
receive Holy Communion if they are divorced. Rather, it teaches that
a Catholic who has been divorced and remarried, without having first
obtained an annulment of the first marriage, is not permitted to receive
the Eucharist.
The reason for this is, if a Catholic does remarry under these cir-
cumstances, he necessarily does so outside the Catholic Church, either
in a non-Catholic religious ceremony, or in a civil proceeding (before
a justice of the peace, for example). The Catholic Church naturally
does not accept that this second marriage is valid! Instead, the Cate-
chism teaches that the remarried Catholic is living in a state of sin
with the new spouse. A person in this situation cannot remarry in the
Catholic Church; he is impeded from doing so because he is already
married to someone else (canon law - 1085).
I hope you found this helpful and if you have more question dont
hesitate to ask me. I am still continually learning as well.
God bless you all! Fr. Roger

Ice Cream Social
Mark your calendars - Sunday, Ice Cream Social, June 22 from
1:30pm to 3:00pm. It will be held in the hall and St. Joseph Church
Lawn. The Golden Anniversary Committee would like to invite every-
one. More information will follow in a few weeks.
Hickory Bend, LLC
100 South 8th Street
Arma, KS 66712
Tel. (620)347-4525
Mailing Address:
PO Box 948
Arma, KS 66712
Weekly Bulletin
Saint Joseph Church, Arma
Last Week July 2013 to date
Contributions $1,251.00 $63,094.86
Expenses $65,617.90
Over/ (Under) ($2,523.04)

MA55 5cHbUL
Sat. 5:30pm 4:00pm
Sun. 10:00 am 8:00 am

Sat. 2:00-2:30pm 3:15-3:45pm

Weekdays before Mass;
anytime by appointment.

Fr. Roger Lumbre

Janel Scales/Marcel Normand
Bookkeeper/Bulletin Editor

Georganne Galichia

Rectory Office Hours
Wednesdays 9AM-Noon
Tel. (620) 347-4525
Saint Joseph Parish Mission Statement:
The faith-filled parishioners of Saint Joseph Catholic Church of Arma, in union with the Blessed
Trinity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, value tradition and prayer. We are committed to strong
leadership, responsive community service, and forming caring, welcoming, intimate relationships
with our fellow brothers and sisters. We seek to become a more diverse, vibrant, active church

Notes from the Pastor - As I am away on vacation, I might not be able to write something re-
lated to our parish current events. I will be writing (or pre-writing) and reprinting some articles that
might be of practical interest for all of our parishioners!
One of these is the question on Divorce and Holy Communion. A couple of parishioners have
approached me and asked if being divorced is a condition that automatically impedes the person
from Holy Communion. Originally, I believe it doesnt unless one enters into another marriage civil-
ly, and I thought what I originally know, was correct until another person, told me otherwise. With-
out verifying the truth and relying solely on his credibility, of course it is also my fault, even with
doubts I accepted it. Until again some of you come to me with the same question. In fact there was
one (who was divorced but did not remarry) who I told that she could not receive communion until
she get the declaration of nullity from the tribunal. I was wrong! If she reads this article, I sincere-
ly apologize. Because I have now ascertained the truth and consult the expert opinion of our dioce-
san canon lawyer, Fr. John Hotze and he confirmed it that divorced people could receive commun-
ion unless they do marry civilly (because theres no way they can marry again church unless they get
the declaration of nullity from the diocesan marriage tribunal. The following is the theological
basis from the Catechism of the Catholic Church:
2384 Divorce is a grave offense against the natural law. It claims to break the contract, to which
the spouses freely consented, to live with each other till death. Divorce does injury to the covenant of
salvation, of which sacramental marriage is the sign. Contracting a new union, even if it is recog-
nized by civil law, adds to the gravity of the rupture: the remarried spouse is then in a situation of
public and permanent adultery:

Altar Servers:


E. M. E.

Gift Bearers
4:00 PM
Grant Waterman

Bernie Wingebach
& Aaron Kreutzer
Linda Carpino
Pat Westhoff

Margaret Setina
& Gay Kranker
8:00 AM
Grant Waterman
& Elana Bonine
Joyce Klinkon
& Frank Grano
Joan Black
Joe Broyles

Greg & Tracey Bogina
Next Sunday(06/01/2014) Next Saturday (05/31/2014)













4:00 PM
5:30 PM
8:00 AM
10:00 AM
7:00 AM
5:30 PM
6:30 PM
8:00 AM
7:00 AM
4:00 PM
5:30 PM
8:00 AM
10:00 AM

Ad Dantis
Verl Diskin
Pro Populo
Mary Masser
NO Eucharistic Adoration
NO Eucharistic Adoration
Ad Dantis
Vera Diskin
Raymond LaSota
Pro Populo

Mass Schedules & Intentions for May 24th-June 1st:
Saint Josephs Upcoming Events

Eucharistic Adoration: Thursdays from 8:30am to 3:00pm

Finance Council Parish Council
Next Meeting, TBA Next Meeting, TBA
At 6:00pm After 5:30pm Mass

St. Ann Altar Society Knights of Columbus
Next meeting, TBA 1st Tuesday of Month, 7pm
Rectory at 6pm St. Michael Parish Hall

Parish Pastoral Council Officers:
Chair: Pat Westhoff Members at Large: Betty Rons, Dustin Ashmore,
Joe Broyles, Debbie Amershek Secretary: Karen Pryer

Worship Committee: Parish Finance Council:
Chair Karen Pryer Chair Fred Bogina
E.M.Es Joann Black Members Joe Polhlopek,
Ushers/Greeters Bill Harman Judy Wingebach,
Altar Society Judy Smerchek Linda Broyles
Lectors Marcel Normand
Music Jan Harman
Arma Parishioners: Their Once in a Lifetime Trip to Rome
St. Joseph parishioners Ron and Janet Pommier, Franklin, told me of their
trip of a lifetime to Rome and the Vatican recently to witness the canoniza-
tions of St. John XXIII and St. John Paul II. As he and I visited, he men-
tioned they will celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary in August. He met
Janet in unusual circumstances for she lived in Cleveland, Ohio. It happened
that Ron accompanied another family member to Cleveland for the wedding
of his cousin. As it turned out, this cousin was also a cousin to Janet--they
had a mutual cousin! And so, Ron met Janet at the wedding. This led to their
eventual marriage and move to Kansas. They have four sons, married with
families: Chris, Kevin, and Allen live in this area, while Michael resides in
Nevada, MO. And now, Ron and Janets story:
Thanks to the generosity of our children and their families, Janet and I had
the opportunity to travel to Rome and the Vatican City to witness the canoni-
zation of Pope John XXIII and Pope John Paul II. Janet is particularly devot-
ed to John Paul II and the boys gave her this trip as a birthday gift. The expe-
rience was unlike anything we could have imagined. We were joined by Ja-
nets sisters, Shirley and Gloria, as well as approximately a million other
pilgrims from all over the world.
We left our hotel (a fifteen minute walk to the Vatican) at 3:30AM for the
canonization scheduled at 10:00AM. The first real congestion began just as
we crossed the ancient city walls of Rome. From there, it took us three hours
to move about a hundred yards toward the Via Della Coniliazion (the central
street into St. Peters Square) along one of the side streets, Via Della Tra-
spontina. The next fifty yards took us another three hours. To say that the
streets were crowded does not even begin to describe the crush of people
trying to get a view of the ceremony. One could literally not fall down, there
was no room to fall. These people were speaking a dozen different languages
and many were carrying signs and banners representing their country, or
their region or even their parish.
When we finally got onto the Via Della Conciliazion, we found a place
where we could stand comfortably to view the ceremony on one of several
large screen televisions set up along the street by the Vatican. Our view was
somewhat obstructed by a line of columns supporting street lights, but we
could hear quite well since there was a set of loudspeakers about one hun-
dred feet behind us. The closest we were able to get was approximately a
half a mile from St. Peters Square.
The ceremony itself was simple, but moving. A litany of the saints preced-
ed the proclamation of the sainthood and the Mass. Our memory of the Latin
Mass was sorely tested as we tried to follow along. Fortunately, the Order of
the Mass is the same in any language and we were able to keep up, for the
most part. What was most surprising to me was that at the Communion, a
procession of priests came along the center of the street and offered Com-
munion to all who could make their way to the center. Unfortunately, we
were not in position where we could do that. None the less, offering Com-
munion to a million people is an amazing feat.
While the ceremony and the Mass were equally divided between the two
newly canonized saints, the crowd (at least in our area) appeared to be large-
ly in support of St. Pope John Paul II. Every time his name was mentioned, a
loud cheer rose from the crowd and most of the banners in our area carried
his image or name. He was obviously loved the world over.
Within the larger story of the canonization, smaller stories abound; we
found ourselves standing next to a couple from Poland who had travelled
extensively in the US and spoke English quite well. They told us that they
had arrived at the location at 2:00AM and were able to get no closer. It
turned out that they had met John Paul II several times while helping to plan
a youth day in Poland. They and their daughters helped to coordinate the
youth day with the Vatican. They had several photos of their family with the
Pope and told us stories of their devotion to him.
This was a once in a lifetime experience and we are so blessed that our
children provided this opportunity to us.
Article by Marcel Normand

We Thank our advertisers for your support!
If a husband, separated from his wife, approaches anoth-
er woman, he is an adulterer because he makes that wom-
an commit adultery, and the woman who lives with him is
an adulteress, because she has drawn another's husband to

2385 Divorce is immoral also because it introduces dis-
order into the family and into society. This disorder brings
grave harm to the deserted spouse, to children traumatized
by the separation of their parents and often torn between
them, and because of its contagious effect which makes it
truly a plague on society.
2386 It can happen that one of the spouses is the inno-
cent victim of a divorce decreed by civil law; this spouse
therefore has not contravened the moral law. There is a
considerable difference between a spouse who has sin-
cerely tried to be faithful to the sacrament of marriage and
is unjustly abandoned, and one who through his own
grave fault destroys a canonically valid marriage.

It is without doubt that divorce does injury to the cove-
nant of salvation, of which sacramental marriage is the
sign (Catechism 2384). Yet while the Catholic Church
teaches that marriage is, by its very nature, intended to last
until death, it acknowledges that being divorced is not
necessarily sinful. If, for example, one spouse is divorced
by the other, it is obviously possible for a Catholic to find
himself divorced entirely against his will! The Catechism
makes a very clear and necessary distinction (Catechism
The fact is, the Church does not teach that Catholics are forbidden to
receive Holy Communion if they are divorced. Rather, it teaches that
a Catholic who has been divorced and remarried, without having first
obtained an annulment of the first marriage, is not permitted to receive
the Eucharist.
The reason for this is, if a Catholic does remarry under these cir-
cumstances, he necessarily does so outside the Catholic Church, either
in a non-Catholic religious ceremony, or in a civil proceeding (before
a justice of the peace, for example). The Catholic Church naturally
does not accept that this second marriage is valid! Instead, the Cate-
chism teaches that the remarried Catholic is living in a state of sin
with the new spouse. A person in this situation cannot remarry in the
Catholic Church; he is impeded from doing so because he is already
married to someone else (canon law - 1085).
I hope you found this helpful and if you have more question dont
hesitate to ask me. I am still continually learning as well.
God bless you all! Fr. Roger

Ice Cream Social
Mark your calendars - Sunday, Ice Cream Social, June 22 from
1:30pm to 3:00pm. It will be held in the hall and St. Joseph Church
Lawn. The Golden Anniversary Committee would like to invite every-
one. More information will follow in a few weeks.
Hickory Bend, LLC

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