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Complete plan to crack IIT JEE Advanced in one year

Joint Entrance Examination (JEE), is the entrance examination to the prestigious IITs. With the changes in education patterns in India, JEE has changed over the
years from subjective to screening-mains to objective to mains-advanced and so is the need to bring changes in preparation patterns. The ideal time for
preparation is 2 years with your +2 classes as the syllabus for JEE is same as that of these classes. But, preparing for JEE in one year- is it possible? Definitely,
yes and here is how-
Well, everyone has different grasping power, some are slow learner, and some are not. Some like studying at a stretch, some like doing it in part. Time
management and how you study thats all up to you. What you need to do first and foremost is set targets to cover syllabus and act accordingly. As simple as that.
Here is an idea about preparation pattern.
Physics In physics a major portion of questions come from Mechanics and Electromagnetism around 65%. In mechanics, there are no formulas everything is
conceptual, so practice as much as you can and do not stick with mainstream questions, try different types of questions. While in electromagnetism, there are a lot
of formulas and a whole lot of concepts, this is the most difficult part of the syllabus. Avoid going deep into the topic and concepts, the questions that appear in
JEE are not tough, but are based on applied knowledge. So, strengthen your theoretical knowledge. Modern physics is easy and covers around 10% of the
questions, basics are enough for it. Optics and Properties of matter account for 15% of the questions, in both these topics there are not much concepts and regular
questions appear in examination. The last part is Heat and thermodynamics which accounts for 10% of the questions, the questions are generally numerical based
on basic laws. So, here is your time scheme
Mechanics (1 month) + Electrodynamics (2 months) + Optics (2 weeks) + Properties of matter (2 weeks) + Heat and Thermodynamics (3 weeks) + Modern Physics
(1 week)
Chemistry Physical chemistry accounts for about 30% of the question paper and the questions are rather typical than applied, this is the most scoring part of
chemistry section. Inorganic chemistry also has about 30% of questions, it has both applied as well as typical questions, preparing for it takes a lot of time because
being able to solve questions you first need to know basic properties. Organic chemistry covers around 40% of the questions, where most of the questions are
applied and based on series of reactions except GOC, bit hard to begin with but once you get the concept there is nothing easier than organic chemistry. Time
Physical (1 month) + Inorganic (1.5-2 months) + Organic (2-2.5 months)
Mathematics Algebra comprising majorly of Complex number, Permutation Combination and Probability almost accounts for 10% of the question paper. These
3 topics cover 80% of algebra portion; questions are relatively easy and scoring. Co-ordinate geometry is conceptual and covers 25% of questions; regular
questions come from this portion. Vector and 3D is the most scoring section of the paper and covers 30% of question, sometimes questions are bit lengthy, but the
effort fetches reward. The most important and difficult portion is calculus, which solely accounts for 35% of the question paper and needs lots of practice, there is
no trend in types of questions. Time scheme
Algebra (2 weeks) + Co-ordinate geometry (1 month) + Vector/3D (1.5 months) + Calculus (2 months)
5 months is quite a sufficient time to finish up the syllabus, the rest of the time should be used for question practice, attempting question papers in time constraints,
revising concepts and formulae. Just remember; never pick two difficult topics to study at the same time. E.g. dont study electrodynamics, calculus and organic
together. Always choose one difficult topic with two easy topics; it reduces the burden and effort.
Revision tactics-
Make formulae sheets along with your preparation, You can also use 100Marks Mind Maps.
Keep marking tricky question, to look upon at the time of revision.
Always solve questions in time constraints.
It is not at all necessary to attempt questions in order, start with the easiest.
You only have 1 year, focus on problem solving tactics rather than analysis of questions.
If reverse approach is easy to do, then use it rather than following full solution procedure.
Have faith in yourself.

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