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IOS Application Security Part 12 Dumping Keychain Data.html[25.05.2014 18:04:25]

In the previous article, we looked at the different ways in which we could analyze the network traffic and the api calls being made through an IOS
application. In this article, we will look at how we can dump the contents of the Keychain from an IOS device.
Keychain Basics
According to Apple, a Keychain in an IOS device is a secure storage container that can be used to store sensitive infromation like usernames,
passwords,network passwords, authentication tokens for different applications. Apple itself uses the Keychain to store Wi-fi network passwords,
VPN credentials etc. Its a sqlite database file located at /private/var/Keychains/keychain-2.db and all the data stored in it is encrypted. Developers
usually want to leverage this feature of the operating system to store credentials rather than storing it themseleves in NSUserDefaults, plist files
etc. The reason for this could be that the developer may not want the user to log in everytime and hence store the authentication information
somewhere in the device and use it to log in the user automatically whenver the user opens up the app again. The keychain information for every
app is stored outside of its sandbox.
It is also possible to share keychain data between applications through keychain access groups. This group has to be specified while saving the
data in the keychain. The best way of saving data in Keychain is to use the KeychainItemWrapper class by Apple. A sample project can be found
here. The first step is to create an instance of the class.
Keychai nI t emWr apper *wr apper = [ [ Keychai nI t emWr apper al l oc] i ni t Wi t hI dent i f i er : @Passwor d accessGr oup: ni l ] ;
IOS Application Security Part 12 Dumping Keychain Data
Source: http://highaltitudehacks.com/2013/08/20/ios-application-security-part-12-dumping-keychain-data/
IOS Application Security Part 12 Dumping
Keychain Data
Aug 20th, 2013
Posed by Prateek Gianchandani
IOS Application Security Part 12 Dumping Keychain Data.html[25.05.2014 18:04:25]
The identifier will help in fetching this information from the keychain later. In case you have to share information across applications, then you will
have to specify an access group. Applications with the same access group can have access to the same keychain information.
Keychai nI t emWr apper *wr apper = [ [ Keychai nI t emWr apper al l oc] i ni t Wi t hI dent i f i er : @Account Number accessGr oup: @YOUR_APP_I D_HERE. com. your company. Gener i cKeychai nSui t e] ;
To save info in the keychain, just use the setObject:forKey: method. In this case (id)kSecAttrAccount is a predefined key that we can use to define
the account name for which we are storing the data. The kSecClass specifies the kind of information we are storing, in this case a generic
password.The kSecValueData key can be used to store any form of data, in this case a password.
[ keychai nI t emWr apper set Obj ect : kSecCl assGener i cPasswor d f or Key: ( i d) kSecCl ass] ;
[ wr apper set Obj ect : @" user name" f or Key: ( i d) kSecAt t r Account ] ;
[ keychai nI t emWr apper set Obj ect : @" passwor d" f or Key: ( i d) kSecVal ueDat a] ;
[ wr apper set Obj ect : ( i d) kSecAt t r Accessi bl eAl waysThi sDevi ceOnl y f or Key: ( i d) kSecAt t r Accessi bl e] ;
The kSecAttrAccessible variable is used to specify when does the application need access to that data. We should be careful while using this
option and use the most restrictive option. There are six possible values for this key which can be found in the screenshot below from
IOS Application Security Part 12 Dumping Keychain Data.html[25.05.2014 18:04:25]
Ofcourse, we should never use kSecAttrAccessibleAlways. A safe option to go for would be kSecAttrAccessibleWhenUnlocked. Also, there are
options that end with ThisDeviceOnly. If this option is chosen, the data is encrypted with a hardware specific key and hence could not be
transferred to or viewed from another device. Even though they enforce additional security, it might not be a good idea to use them unless you
have a good reason to not allow the migration of data between backups.
To fetch information from the keychain, use this.
NSSt r i ng *account Name = [ wr apper obj ect For Key: ( i d) kSecAt t r Account ] ;
Analyzing Keychain read-write using Snoop-it
One of the great tools to analyze the data being written to the keychain is Snoop-it. If you havent seen it yet, check out this tutorial in the same
IOS Application Security Part 12 Dumping Keychain Data.html[25.05.2014 18:04:25]
series on Snoop-it. Now run the project GenericKeychain on your jailbroken device and analyze it using Snoop-it. There is already a tutorial for
running applications with self-signed certificates in this series which could be found here. This app is just a sample project to demonstrate how to
read and write from Keychain using a Obective-C wrapper class KeychainWrapper. Make sure this app is being analyzed using Snoop-it. Now
open the app and this is the interface that we see.
Now enter some username and password and save it. In this case, lets enter the username as Test User and the password as password. You
will see that Snoop-it detects any change to the keychain and is able to tell us the information stored in the keychain. It also tells us the protection
attributes for the saved information.
IOS Application Security Part 12 Dumping Keychain Data.html[25.05.2014 18:04:25]
Here is the info that gives away the username and password.
Now, enter an account number. Snoop-it is able to detect that as well.
IOS Application Security Part 12 Dumping Keychain Data.html[25.05.2014 18:04:25]
As you can clearly note, Snoop-it is able to detect the action on the keychain database file as well, i.e whether it is a read, write or a delete. If you
reset the contents of the keychain by tapping on Reset, you will see that it detects that as well.
Dumping Keychain data using Keychain Dumper
One of the most popular tools for dumping information from the keychain is Keychain dumper by ptoomey3. The github page for this project can be
found at this link https://github.com/ptoomey3/Keychain-Dumper. J ust go to this url and download the zip file and unzip it. Inside this folder, the
only file that we are interested is the keychain_dumper binary. The information that is allowed to be accessed by an application in the keychain is
specified in its entitlements. This binary is signed with a self signed certificate with wildcard entitlements and hence it is able to access all the
keychain items. There could also have been other ways to make sure all the keychain information is granted, like having the entitlements file
contain all the keychain access groups or using a specific keychain access group that provides access to all the keychain data. For e.g a tool
Keychain-viewer uses the following entitlments.
com. appl e. keyst or e. access- keychai n- keys

com. appl e. keyst or e. devi ce

J ust upload this binary into your device in the /tmp folder and make sure its executable.
Now make sure that the keychain database file stored at the location /private/var/Keychains/keychain-2.db is world readable.
Now run the binary.
IOS Application Security Part 12 Dumping Keychain Data.html[25.05.2014 18:04:25]
IOS Application Security Part 12 Dumping Keychain Data.html[25.05.2014 18:04:25]
As you can see, it dumps all the keychain information. You can see a lot of usernames and passwords stored here. For e.g, we can see that the
Mail app stores the username/password of your account in the keychain. Similarly, it is possible to find passwords of some wireless networks that
you have previously connected to and much more information. By default, the command above will only dump out the generic and internet
passwords. You can see the usage information by using the -h command.
IOS Application Security Part 12 Dumping Keychain Data.html[25.05.2014 18:04:25]
You can dump all the information using the -a command.
One of the things that could make the information in the keychain more secure is using a strong passcode. This is because the passcode is used
to encrypt the data in the keychain for specific protection attributes and hence having a strong passcode would enforce better security. IOS by
default allows for a 4 digit passcode which could range from 0-9999 and hence could be bruteforced in a few minutes. We will look at bruteforcing
passcodes later in this series. But there is also another option to set alphanumeric passwords which would take significantly more time to be
IOS Application Security Part 12 Dumping Keychain Data.html[25.05.2014 18:04:25]
bruteforced. A combination of a proper protection attribute combined with a strong passcode will help in keeping the data in the keychain much
more difficult to be fetched out.
In this article, we looked at how easy it is to dump information from the Keychain of an IOS device. Even though keychain is a much better place of
storing credentials and sensitive information than something like NSUserDefaults or plist files, it is however not difficult to break into it either.

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