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2 0 1 4 P O S T E R S E R I E S
The New
Do Workout A, Workout B, and Workout C once a week, resting a day betweei
them. For A and B, do one of the two routines described below according t
the first chart at right. For Workout C, do all 1 0 exercises as one megacircuit. (T he move
in Workout B become exercises 6 through 1 0 .) T he chart at far right shows your work an'
rest times and which exercise to start at. (I f you start at 1 0 , your next exercise will be 1 .) R es
2 minutes after you complete al1 1 0 . T hat's 1 round. Do the number shown for each wee
1 / Dumbbell Split Squat
Grab a pair of dumbbells and hold them at your sides, palms in; stand in
a staggered stance, your left foot in front of your right [A]. Slowly lower
your body as far as you can [B]. Pause, and push yourself back up to the
starting position as quickly as possible. Complete the prescribed num-
ber of reps, switch legs, and repeat.
2 / Dumbbell Single-Arm Snatch
Hold a dumbbell in front of your waist, feet shoulder-width apart [A]. Dip
down [B], and then explode up, raising your elbow and keeping the
weight as close to your body as possible [C]. Allow your forearm to rotate
up and back until your arm is straight and your palm is forward. Pull your
body under the weight [D]. Do all your reps, switch arms, and repeat.
3 / Dumbbell Straight-Leg Deadlift
Grab a pair of dumbbells with an overhand grip and hold them at arm's
length in front of your waist. Place your feet hip-width apart and bend
your knees slightly [A]. Without changing the bend in your knees, lower
your torso until it's almost parallel to the floor [B]. Pause, raise your torso
back up to the starting position, and repeat.
4 / Rolling Plank
Assume a pushup position but rest your body weight on your forearms
instead of your hands [A]. Shift your weight onto your left forearm and
pull your right shoulder blade back as you rotate your torso up until
you're facing sideways [B]. Pause, and return to the starting position.
Repeat to your other side. That's 1 rep. Continue alternating sides.
5 / Lateral Duck-Under
Secure a barbell in a squat rack so the bar is slightly above waist level.
Stand with your left side to the bar [A]. Step under the bar, squatting and
ducking low as you follow your left leg with your torso and right leg
Rise to a standing position on the other side of the bar [C]. Reverse the
move and return to the starting position. (No bar? Just pretend.)
ROUTINE 1 / The Lunatic Ladder
Do this as a circuit, completing 1 set of each exer
cise in succession and resting only as long as
you need between themto maintain good form.
For each exercise, use a weight you can lift about
1 2 times, and then climb the ladder. For circuit 1
do 4 reps of each move For circuit 2 . do 6 reps
for circuit 3, do 8 reps. T hen repeat the ladder once
more (twice total) Want more? Add a third ladder
4 R E P S
6 R E P S
CI R CUI T 3 8 R E P S

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