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By Patricia Mora, America’s Baby Boomer Advocate and Coach

Probably one of the most commonly asked and pondered questions across the ages is: “Why
am I here?”

If now is a time in your life when you feel there is something hidden, a purpose for it all,
waiting below the surface, this report is dedicated to you.

Are we preprogrammed before birth? Is it karma? Or do we become what we think about as

they tell us in the hit “The Secret”? Perhaps you feel stuck in a rut right now.

Fortunate are those who understand their purpose, a calling or mission, early in life. (Picture
Bill Gates, Olympians, Mother Teresa, artists, authors, etc) For most, it’s a journey of self-
discovery plus trial and error while at “schoolhouse earth”.

#1. How Do I Find My Purpose?

It’s time for some self-reflection on your part. Start with: What are your values? What are
your God-given talents and skills? Where are you successful at right now? What do you enjoy
doing? The answers are within. No one can answer for you. This is your journey.

Things probably are not perfect in your life = welcome to the majority. But you have survived!
You have choices. You know something more is waiting or you wouldn’t be reading this.

My question to you is: “What are you doing with what you’ve got right now?”

Are you groping around hoping to find “it” so life will suddenly be magical? Or like most of us,
you’ve been fishing in a puddle marked “I Wish Someday …” instead of the ocean called “Life
Skills and Interests”.

Wishes (and puddles) evaporate if they are not fed. Oceans, skills, and talents remain.
But how many of us repeat “I wish I had …..! I wish I could ….! If only I wasn’t ….!” and on
and on?
Wishes DO NOT take you to where you want to be unless you settle for puddles with worms!

It’s wishbone …. Or backbone. You cannot have both. YOUR choice!

When I gently ask people “What do you want?” 90+% of the time they tell me what they
DON’T want! “How do you see your life this time next year?” I ask again. “Well, I don’t want
to be broke. I don’t want to lose my job or be sick.” “That’s not what I asked you!”

There’s a major difference knowing what you WANT vs. thinking about what you DON’T want.
Many of us have been conditioned into a pattern that focuses our energy and attention on
things we DON’T want.

#2. The Happiest People are Those Who Bring Out The best in
The happiness is within ourselves …. Not in somebody or something that will MAKE us feel
“good” for this moment. (As in more toys or bigger homes)

As we become examples of our choices, we become the kind of person we want to attract into
our lives (that “birds of feather…thing”). As we progress on becoming this person, this
image, we also begin to dive down into our own consciousness, our identity, into our own

When I heard “We are what is in our subconscious“, I immediately researched what my
subconscious was!

I only knew it as the little “pssstt ” sitting on my shoulder whispering what NOT to do! One of
my past mentors TOLD me to read this Classic book “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind”
by Dr. Joseph Murphy. The insight I gained from diving into this man’s work of 50+ years ago
was incredible! It is not difficult to read … but it will rock your world! If you do nothing else at
“Boomers With Purpose“, please get this book from Barnes & Noble or from this Quick Link at

“Be an example of the behavior you choose to observe in the world”. - Gandhi

Connecting with your core values, God-given talents, and awakened interests are
what triggers the passion burning deep within.

When was the last time you had a good honest, tear producing belly laugh? Send a post on my
Blog: http://www.BoomersWithPurpose.com Open new doors. Please share your thoughts.

#3. “Experience is not what happens to you. It is what you do with

what happens to you.” - Aldous Huxly
How many times have you looked back on your life and seen challenging times that ended up
one of life’s greatest lessons? You grew and learned. You were stretched in ways you did not
know existed (that‘s why it was painful). I required 2 life changing experiences before that
wisdom sunk in.

It’s in the “dark valleys” we learn and grow. Those places we do not want to tread, only to be
tossed in. Maybe the death of spouse or child. Maybe a divorce or betrayal of a trusted
partner. Perhaps financial ruin or a crime against us … in the dark places.

Recognizing in the actual moment when things appear to be at their worst, the secret is to
search for the lesson, the inspiration. And yes, I said “SEARCH” because that is not what our
mind will be telling us to do.

Probably first comes the confusion “Why ME?” followed by the anger and injustice. Many
good people get stuck here. The fortunate move on. What’s the difference between the 2

Consider the lopsided perception that we want to collect all the quarters we can, BUT we only
expect ALL the heads …. No tails! Knowing all the quarters there are, how many would you
actually collect? NONE! We want all the goodness without any of the challenges. That my
friend is called an illusion. Make your mess your message! Use these life experiences to
uncover strengths that moved you forward.

Quantum physics tells us every single thing comes with a positron which has positive charge,
but there’s also an electron which has a negative charge. This simply means for everything
that’s really great,

there’s also something that’s not! That’s the exchange. The price to pay for the

When you dig in and look “How does this grow ME?” It goes back to another age old question
…. “Why do bad things happen to good people?” I do know it is much easier to walk this
lonely road with someone who has been there and back. That’s the strength in networking
with like-minded people. Even if your friends are not there yet, you be the first to guide them.

#4. How Do I Know Where to Begin?

Begin by reflecting upon your childhood. No, I will not take you on a journey into all those
tangled emotions ... But understand there are certain events, people, and things that we
experience throughout life, that still move us today, living in .… that mysterious word again:

What brings up raw emotions? The scab that never completely healed. Which moments bring
you to tears? The good and the bad? What makes you sing? Why?

My friend: This is plain, pure energy moving through your body that brings the “E-motion” into
you .… the life …. The “WHO“ you are. Simply energy in motion. Do not run away from it. IT

“The Unexamined life is not worth living”. - Socrates

Do you run away from analyzing these emotions? Are you afraid to revisit them? I was! But
as soon as I pushed myself forward, like a drop of sand dropped into the hour glass each time I
did, eventually the cold hollow pain got smaller and smaller and crept into the corner where I
could control it.

Who told you that you couldn’t? What stops you from the next step towards freedom?

This is where we go with Boomers With Purpose. No … not heavy duty psychology …. Just
what YOU need to take the next step. As the Bible says: “Nothing new under the sun”.
Someone else has overcome those very blocks that trip you up. Sign up in the Newsletter for
next free mastermind session.

You are not alone!

Ask yourself what you actually believe. This is called self-reflection. Self-discovery.
Connecting with gut intuition and deep interests. Is there an entrepreneur locked inside your

The Law of Life is the law of belief. Simply put: “It’s the thoughts in your mind without
“thinking” about them. As a person thinks, feels, and believes, so is the condition of his or her
mind, body and circumstances” - Dr. Murphy
Now we dip into the subconscious mind again. No self-discovery could begin without visiting
this mystical place first. The power of the subconscious mind: The blessings, the nightmares,
and the hidden habits are here. It’s what keeps your heart beating and your liver functioning.
Can “you” speed up the digestion or kidneys? Yes, we can “get our knickers in a knot” or our
“bowels in an uproar”, but can you really control all those little nano-second things that keep
you, YOU? No! It’s something more powerful than your thinking brain. But what does that
have to do with my purpose in life?

When you are ready to “boot out the beast” and look for the light,
step into the comforting Boomer Support Group.

#5. For Your World to Change, You Must Change Your Mind First ….
Starting From the Inside Out! - Patricia Mora, Boomers With Purpose Unlimited
Picture your subconscious mind as a darkroom. It’s the secret place only you know about
where your outer life is developed.

Consider this: It isn’t your parents, background, manner of dress, location of house, job, or
automobile you drive that determines the substance of this once you are an adult.

So Pat …. “Where does it come from?” you wonder.

Good question. It is in the beliefs taking shape as you read this, image by image, feeling by
feeling, light and shadow, in your personal, hidden darkroom. Consider when we constantly
develop negative thoughts, painful old pictures revisited, or what we don’t want, why we
should be surprised to see these darkroom thoughts (images) popping up in our day-to-day
living. It is on the developed film we review!

Grow a healthy respect for your day to day random thoughts. Your thoughts are who YOU

This touches upon the 2/3 hidden substance of that within ourselves which CONTROLS us.
(Picture an iceberg here). What people see is merely a tiny portion of the whole entity. The
“power potion” is hidden below the surface - the subconscious.
Grow your mind … Grow your lifestyle.

How? By replacing the bad with good. Think: Garbage in …. Garbage out. What are you
feeding yourself everyday?

Choose the good stuff! Take a step into learning, reading or listening to C.D.’s. “Well Pat, I
don’t like reading and I don‘t have money to buy cd‘s!” you say. OK, so how about simply
chatting online with a growing networking group going your direction?

We are seekers. We are growing. We are connecting.

That is the joy of the baby boomer, retiree, or work at home groups. NO pressure! Many
active and progressive like-minded groups are available for you. This is one of my favorites.

Find a safe haven in the storm. People who support the person taking their next step. A safe
platform to air views, problems, and solutions. Mention your thoughts about a business that’s
churning in your mind. Get honest unbiased feedback. If not …. Why not? What is stopping

If thoughts are the power that fuels the images in my mind ….. What kind of fuel (the
thoughts) I am pumping in every day?

If you don’t like it, what are you DOING to change it? Change the fuel (the film in the

#6. We DO NOT Want Just The Money!

We yearn for the FREEDOM to live the way we desire.

Freedom from financial pressures releases a lot of creativity in us. It is here you really uncover
your life’s true purpose. Find a place where you thrive. But where do you START?

#7. Get plugged into a Proven PLAN for Your Next Step

It is proven you must first accept the idea of wealth and abundance in your subconscious mind
BEFORE it will be given to your hidden darkroom of new pictures.
When your darkroom for negatives and film is filled with great NEW ideas, NEW pictures by
design, you don’t need to worry about replacing the old ones. It just happens.

Will it happen overnight? Of course not.

No longer be a victim of old pictures you thought you had no part in retaining, forced to review
all your life!

Put in new film = Get new pictures! Become the person you knew you could be!

#7. Summary: There will always be choices when we look deep


As we live on purpose, we will feel which choices to make. Just STOP. Listen. The path
becomes clear one step at a time.

The secret is to follow your heart. Not what someone, years ago, told you it should be. Step
out of the box and into your soul. Discover what shouts inside: “LET ME OUT.” Reconnect
with your dreams sitting over on the shelf. If not now …. When?

Remember in striving for harmony first, then wealth, we become fulfilled in all areas of our life:
Financial, Relationships, Mental, Physical, and a Spiritual connection to the “All Knowing

Review: www.BoomersWithPurpose.com to release and pursue your passions. “Passions to

Profits” begins here in this new step by step, Done-In-A-Day Total System. To get you started, I
am giving this special offer for as long as I can. Test this program and I‘ll include a FREE
bonus ½ hr coaching for your personal “fast start“ gift.

No I did not create this system (darn!). But after 3 years of trial and costly error, I can stand
squarely and say “This is the absolute easiest, most complete system I’ve ever seen!” (or I’d
be using something else).

Feel DONE-IN-A-DAY Easy! Hey - What if it turns out to be FUN and PROFITABLE in the process!
When you are ready to take a step forward

Get an in-depth introduction here of what is waiting for you from my friend and creator of the
program, Mike. Then call me for your walk-thru using this special link.

“I dream my painting, and then I paint my dream”. - Vincent Van Gogh

Your dream is waiting.

Patricia Mora
America’s Baby Boomer Advocate and Coach
Boomers With Purpose Unlimited, Colorado Springs, Colorado USA

Email: pat@boomerswithpurpose.com
Direct Office Phone: 719-264-1915 MTS

P.S.* Special introductory bonus offer for your FREE 30 Day TEST DRIVE plus FREE
Coaching Call for your Fast Start. Use the entire system for no charge!

P.S. “Money isn’t everything …. But it ranks right up there with oxygen!” - Zig Ziggler

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