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Chakra Color Note

Root Red C
Sacral Orange D
Solar Plexus Yellow E
Heart Green F
Throat Blue G
Third Eye Indigo A
Crown Violet or White B

Root Chakra


Color: Red
Freq: 528hz
Musical Note: C
Sound: RA
Mantra: LAM
Animal: Elephant
Geometric Shape: Yellow Square
Element: Earth

The root chakra is located at the base of the spine where the snake, the kundalini, is coiled
three and one half times when at rest. This is the chakra of manifestation and is associated with
grounding, survival and beginnings. There are many kundalini sites on the web. The following
are interesting and offer links to other resources: the Kundalini Yoga organization and a
personal kundalini experience. Numerous books have been written on the subject including:
"Kundalini Awakening A Gentle Guide to Chakra Activation and Spiritual Growth" by John Selby
and "Wheels of Light" by Rosalyn Bruyere.

According to Dr. Hiroshi Motoyama in Theories of the Chakras, when the root chakra is in the
process of awakening, the area around the navel feels filled with energy and there can be a
sensation of tremendous heat. When meditating on this chakra, often a disc of vaircolored light
(red, blue and gold) is seen in the abdomen or at the third eye level. Additionally, you may
experience enriched emotions, increased sensitivity, be more emphatic and better able to
control your emotions.

Following is a table listing the symbols and sounds associated with the first or root chakra:

Root Chakra Symbols, Sounds, and Associations

Lotus Symbols: There are four red petals, a yellow square, a downward pointing triangle, the
Shiva lingam, the Kundalini coiled three and one half times (not shown), the white elephant, and
eight outward pointing arrows. Above the bija or seed symbol are the Child Brahma and the
Shakti Dakini.

Sanskrit Name and Meaning: Muldhara - root support

Location: base of spine, pelvic plexus-region between anus and genitals

Element: Earth

Parts of the Body: adrenal glands, legs, feet, bones, large intestine, teeth

Malfunction: weight problems, hemorrhoids, degenerative arthritis, knee troubles, sciatica

Bija Sound: Lang

Petal Sounds: Vang, Shang, Kshang, Sang

Animals: Elephant, ox, bull

Yoga Path: Hatha yoga

Incense: cedar

Minerals: ruby, bloodstone, garnet

Deities: Brahma, Dakini, Ganesha, Kubera, Uma, Lakshmi, Prisni, Gaia, Persephone, Erda,
Ereshkigal, Anat, Ceridwen, Geb, Hades, Pwyll, Dumuzi, Tammuz, Atlas

Sacral Chakra


Color: Orange
Freq: 285hz
Musical Note: D
Sound: MA
Mantra: VAM
Animal: Makara
Geometric Shape: White Crescent Moon
Element: Water

The sacral chakra is located in the lower abdomen, centered between the navel and the genitals
and is the vortex of change, emotion, pleasure and movement. It deals with opposites, polarities
and empathy. This chakra corresponds to the nerve ganglion, is connected to the sciatic nerve,
and is frequently referred to as the "seat of life". The Chinese I Ching system is based in an
understanding of this chakra as is Tai Chi (yin/yang).

Following is a table listing the symbols and sounds associated with the sacral chakra:

Sacral Chakra Symbols, Sounds, and Associations

Lotus Symbols: There are six lotus petals, usually vermilion in color. There are also two inner
six-petaled lotuses (not shown) and within the middle lotus is the crescent moon. A makara, a
water creature physically similar to an alligator with a coiled tail, is within the moon. Above the
bija or seed symbol are Visnu and Shaki Rakini.

Sanskrit Name and Meaning: Svadhisthana - sweetness

Location: Hypogastric plexus; genitals, womb

Element: Water

Parts of the Body: ovaries, testicles, womb, genitals, kidney, bladder, circulatory system

Malfunction: impotence, frigidity, uterine, bladder, or kidney trouble, stiff lower back

Bija Sound: Vang

Petal Sounds: Bang, Bhang, Mang, Vang, Rang, Lang

Animals: Makara, fish, sea creatures

Yoga Path: Tantra yoga

Incense: orris root, gardenia, damiana

Minerals: carnelian, moonstone, coral

Deities: Indra, Varuna, Vishnu, Rakini, Diana, Jemaya, Tiamat, Mari, Conventina, Poseidon,
Lir, Ganymede, Dionysius, Pan

Solar Plexus Chakra


Color: Yellow
Freq: 639hz
Musical Note: E
Sound: DA
Mantra: RAM
Animal: Ram
Geometric Shape: Downward Facing Red Triangle
Element: Fire

The solar chakra is located at the navel and is the vortex of transformation. This chakra deals
with self-esteem, energy, will, power and autonomy. It is the place of information or temporal

Following is a table listing the symbols and sounds associated with the solar chakra:

Solar Plexus Symbols, Sounds, and Associations

Lotus Symbols: There are ten blue lotus petals, a triangle pointed downward with a running ram
at the point. Above the bija or seed symbol are Visnu and Shaki Lakini, the three-faced and
four-armed goddess who is the dispeller of fear and grantor of petitions or prayers.

Sanskrit Name and Meaning: Manipura - lustrous gem

Location: navel, solar plexus

Element: Fire

Parts of the Body: pancreas, adrenals, digestive system, muscles

Malfunction: ulcers, diabetes, hypoglycemia, digestive disorders

Bija Sound: Rang

Petal Sounds: Dang, Dhang, Rlang, Tang, Thang, Dang, Dhang, Nang, Pang, Phang

Animal: Ram

Yoga Path: none associated

Incense: dragon's blood, sandalwood, saffron, musk, cinnamon, ginger

Minerals: yellow citrine, topaz, amber, rutilated quartz

Deities: Agni, Surya, Rundra, Likini, Ra, Apollo, Helios, Athene, Brigit, Amaterasu, Belenos,

Heart Chakra


Color: Green
Freq: 174hz
Musical Note: F
Sound: SA
Mantra: YAM
Animal: Black Antelope
Geometric Shape: Hexagram

The heart chakra is located in the heart area and is the vortex of balance, love, compassion,
healing, and unity. The heart is the termination point of the sacred spiral, the intersection point
of the body, the center point, the balance point. According to the Upanishads it is "When all the
knots of the heart are unloosened, then even here in this human birth, the mortal becomes
immortal. This is the whole teaching of the scriptures." Anodea Judith in "Wheels of Life"
indicates that understanding and control of the breath are required to open the heart chakra.

When the heart chakra is beginning to open, Dr. Motoyama indicates in his book Theories of the
Chakras, that there is often pain in the front of the chest or irregular function of the heart, like an
accelerated pulse. When meditating, a disc of deep vermillion or golden light is often preceived
on front of the heart or the third eye.

Following is a table listing the symbols and sounds associated with the heart chakra:

Heart Chakra Symbols, Sounds, and Associations

Lotus Symbols: There are twelve lotus petals encasing a six-pointed star. An antelope runs at
the bottom most point of the star. Above the bija or seed symbol are Isvara and Shakti Kakini.

Sanskrit Name and Meaning: Anahata - unstruck, unhurt, fresh, clean

Location: heart

Element: Air

Parts of the Body: thymus, lungs, heart, pericardium, arms, hands

Malfunction: asthma, high blood pressure, heart disease, lung disease

Bija Sound: Yang

Petal Sounds: Kang, Khang, Gang, Ghang, Yong, Cang, Chang, Jang, Jhang, Uang, Tang,

Animals: antelope, birds, dove

Yoga Path: Bhakti yoga

Incense: yarrow, jasmine, lavendar, orris root, meadowsweet, marjoram

Minerals: emerald, jade, rose quartz

Deities: Vishnu, Krishna, Lakshmi, Kama, Isvara, Vayu, Aditi, Urvasi, Eros, Freyja, Maat,
Aphrodite, Isis, Aeolus, Shu, Asclepius, Pan, Dian Cecht

Throat Chakra


Color: Blue
Freq: 396hz
Musical Note: G
Sound: SE
Mantra: HAM
Animal: White Elephant
Geometric Shape: White Circle With Downward-Pointing Triangle

The throat chakra is located in throat area and is the vortex of sound, vibration and
communication. Mantras, telepathy, and creativity are associated with this communications
center. There are numerous websites on sound and sound healing. Glen Velez, the creator of
"Rhythms of the Chakras, drumming for the body's energy centers", has a site that offers a
sample of his compositions. Click on the "A Rig Solo" for a sample of his music. Sound has long
been used to heal. Click here to link to coloradohealthnet.org, a website offering healing sound

Following is a table listing the symbols and sounds associated with the throat chakra:

Throat Chakra Symbols, Sounds, and Associations

Lotus Symbols: There are sixteen lotus petals, one for each of the sixteen Sanskrit vowels, and
a triangle pointing down. Within the triangle is a white circle representing the full moon
and within the full moon is a white elephant. Above the bija or seed symbol are Sadasiva, the
three-eyed, ten-armed and five-faced form of Shiva, and Gauri, Shiva's consort. Sadasiva is
sitting on a white bull and wearing a tiger skin.

Sanskrit Name and Meaning: Vishuddha - purification

Location: throat

Element: Akasha (sound)

Parts of the Body: thyroid, parathyroid, shoulders, neck, arms, hands

Malfunction: sore throat, stiff neck, hearing problems, thyroid problems, colds

Bija sound: Hang

Petal Sounds: Ang, ng, Ing, ng, Ung, ng, Ring, Rng, Lring, Lrng, Eng, Aing, Ong, Aung,
Ang, Ahang

Animals: elephant, bull, lion

Yoga Path: Mantra yoga

Incense: frankincense, mace, benzion

Minerals: aquamarine, celestite, turquoise

Deities: Saravati, Ganga, the Muses, Nabu, Brigit, Apollo, Hermes, Seshat

Third Eye Chakra


Color: Indigo
Freq: 852hz
Musical Note: A
Sound: SO
Mantra: KSHAM
Geometric Shape: Downward-Pointing Golden Triangle

The third eye is located between the eyebrows and is the vortex of intuition, imagination,
visualization, clairvoyance and vision. Many believe that this chakra is connected with the pineal
gland and is the "seat of the soul". It vibrates at a higher frequency than sound. The third eye's
vibration is that of light.

Following is a table listing the symbols and sounds associated with the sixth chakra:

Third Eye Symbols, Sounds, and Associations

Lotus Symbols: There are two white lotus petals that look somewhat like wings on which the
inner spirit can soar and a yellow or golden triangle pointing down. The symbol resembles an
actual eye. Below the bija or seed symbol is Hakini sitting on a white lotus with six arms and six
red faces. Above her (and above the bija symbol) is the crescent moon and the "dot of

Sanskrit Name and Meaning: Ajna - perception

Location: Medula plexus, the point between the eyebrows

Element: Light

Parts of the Body: pineal, eyes

Malfunction: blindness, eyestrain, blurred vision, headaches, nightmares

Bija Sound: Aum

Petal Sounds: Hang, Kshang

Animal: Owl

Yoga Path: Yantra yoga

Incense: mugwort, saffron, star anise, acacia

Minerals: star sapphire, lapis lazuli, quartz

Deities: Shakti Hakini, Krishna, Paramasiva, Isis, Themis, Apollo, Iris, Morpheus, Tara, Hecate,

Crown Chakra


Color: Violet
Freq: 963hz
Musical Note: B
Sound: GN
Mantra: OM

The crown chakra is located above the head and is the vortex of consciousness and
transcendence. When developed we discover the thousand-petaled lotus blooming at the
top of the head. In Sanskrit, this chakra is called the Sahasrara, meaning thousandfold or
infinite. Yogis call it the "seat of enlightenment". The element of this chakra is thought
and its function is knowing. This knowing comes from meditation.

Following is a table listing the symbols and sounds associated with the seventh or
crown chakra:

Crown Chakra Symbols, Sounds, and Associations

Lotus Symbols: There are 1,000 lotus petals representing the infinite. In the center of
this lotus symbol is the full moon.

Sanskrit Name and Meaning: Sahasrara - thousandfold

Location: top of the head

Element: Thought

Parts of the Body: pituitary gland, central nervous system, cerebral cortex

Malfunction: inability to learn, confusion, apathy, alienation, depression, boredom

Bija Sound: none

Petal Sounds: none

Animals: none associated

Yoga Path: Jnana yoga, meditation

Incense: lotus, gotu kola

Minerals: diamond, amethyst

Deities: Shiva, Varuna, Ama-kala, Zeus, Odin, Nut, Enki, Inanna, Mimir, Ennoia

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