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Management Information Systems

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1. Transforming Information into Knowledge
A firm must expend additional resources to discover
patterns, rules, and contexts where the knowledge
2. Wisdom
Thought to be collective and individual experience of
applying knowledge to the solutions of problems.
Wisdom involves where, when, and how to apply
3. Tacit Knowledge
Knowledge residing in the minds of employees that
has not been documented
4. Explicit Knowledge
Knowledge that has been documented that resides
in an e-mail, voice mail, graphics, and unstructured
document as well as structured documents.
5. Organizational Learning
Organizations that learn then adjust their behavior to
reflect that learning by creating new business
processes and by change is called organizational
6. Knowledge Management
The set of business processes developed in an
organization to create, store, transfer, and apply
knowledge. It increases the ability of the
organization to learn from its environment and to
incorporate knowledge into its business processes.
7. Communication of Practice (COPs)
Informal social networks of professionals and
employees within and outside the firm who have
similar work-related activities and interests.
8. Enterprise-Wide Knowledge Management Systems
General -purpose firm wide efforts to collect, store,
distribute, and apply digital content and knowledge.
9. Knowledge Work Systems (KWS)
Specialized systems built for engineers, scientists,
and other knowledge workers charged with
discovering and creating new knowledge for a
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10. Intelligent Techniques
Data mining, expert systems, neural networks, fuzzy
logic, genetic algorithms, and intelligent agents.
11. Structured Knowledge
Explicit knowledge that exists in formal documents,
as well as in formal rules that organizations derive
by observing experts and their decision-making
12. Enterprise Management Systems
Help organizations manage both types of
information. Have capabilities for knowledge
capture, storage, retrieval, distribution, and
preservations to help firms improve their business
processes and decisions.
13. Taxonomy
To organize information into meaningful categories
so that it can be easily accessed.
14. Digital Asset Management Systems
help companies classify, store, and distribute these
digital objects
15. Knowledge Network Systems
Address the problem that arises when the
appropriate knowledge is not in the form of a digital
document but instead resides in the memory of
expert individuals in the firm.
16. Social Bookmarking
Makes it easier to search for and share information
by allowing user to save their bookmarks to Web
pages on a public Web site and tags these
bookmarks with key words.
17. Folksonomies
A user-created taxonomies created for shared
bookmarks, delicious and digg are two popular
social bookmarking sites.
18. Learning Management Systems (LMS)
Provides tools for the management, delivery,
tracking, and assessment of various types of
employee learning and training.
19. Computer Aided Design (CAD) Automates the creation and revisions of designs,
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using computers and sophisticated graphics
20. Virtual Reality Systems
Visualization, rendering, and simulation capabilities
that go far beyond those of conventional CAD
systems. They use interactive graphics software to
create computer-generated simulations that are so
close to reality that users almost believe they are
participating in real-world situation.
21. Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML)
A set of specifications for interactive, 3-D modeling
on the World Wide Web that can organize multiple
media types, including animation, images, and audio
to put users in a simulated real-world environment.
22. Investment Workstations
Used by the financial industry to leverage the
knowledge and time of its brokers, traders, and
portfolio managers.
23. Knowledge Discovery
Neural networks and data mining are used for it.
They can discover underlying patterns, categories,
and behaviors in large data sets that could not be
discovered by managers alone or simply through
24. Artificial Intelligence (AI)
technology, which consists of computer-based
systems (both hardware and software) that attempt
to emulate human behavior.
25. Expert Systems
Are an intelligent technique for capturing tacit
knowledge in a very specific and limited domain of
human expertise.
26. Knowledge Base
Expert systems model human knowledge as a set of
rules that collectively are called...
27. Inference Engine Strategy used to search through a knowledge base.
28. Forward Chaining
The inference engine that begins with the
information entered by the user and searches the
rule base to arrive at a conclusion.
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29. Backward Chaining
The strategy for searching the rule base starts with a
hypothesis and proceeds by asking the user
questions about selected facts until the hypothesis is
either confirmed or disproved.
30. Case-Base Reasoning (CBR)
Descriptions of past experiences of human
specialists, represented as cases, are stored in a
database for later retrieval when the user encounters
a new case with similar parameters.
31. Fuzzy Logic
Is a rule based technology that can represent such
imprecision by creating rules that use approximate
or subjective values.
32. Neural Networks
Used for solving complex, poorly understood
problems for which large amounts of data have been
33. Machine Learning
A related AI technology focusing on algorithms and
techniques allowing computers to "learn" by
extracting information using computations and
statistical methods.
34. Genetic Algorithms
Useful for finding the optimal solution for a specific
problem by examining a very large number of
possible solutions for that problem.
35. Hybrid AI systems
Genetic algorithms, fuzzy logic, neural networks, and
expert systems can be integrated into a single
applications to take advantage of the best features
of these technologies.
36. Intelligent Agent
Software programs that work in the background
without direct human intervention to carry out
specific, repetitive, and predictable tasks for an
individual user, business process, or software
37. Agent-Based Modeling
Applications that have been developed to model the
behavior of consumers, stock markets, and supply
chains and to predict the spread of epidemics.
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38. Unstructured Decisions
Those in which the decision makers must provide
judgement, evaluation, and insight to solve the
39. Structured Decisions
Repetitive and routine, they involve a definite
procedure for handling them so that they do not
have to be treated each time as if they were new.
40. Semistructured
Only part of the problem has a clear cut answer
provided by an accepted procedure.
41. Intelligence
Consists of discovering, identifying, and
understanding the problems occurring in the
organization. Why, where and what effects it is
having on the firm.
42. Design
Involves identifying and exploring various solutions
to the problem.
43. Choice Consists of choosing among solution alternatives
44. Implementation
Involves making the chosen alternative work and
continuing to monitor how well the solution is
45. Classical Model of Management
Describes what managers do, was largely
unquestioned for the more than 70 years since the
1920s. Henri Fayol
46. Behavioral Models
State that the actual behavior of managers appears
to be less systematic, more informal, less reflective,
more reactive and less well organized than the
classical model would have us believe.
47. Managerial Roles
Expectations of the activities that managers should
perform in an organization.
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48. Interpersonal Role
Managers acting as leaders, attempting to motivate,
counsel, and support subordinates.
49. Informational Role
Managers act as nerve centers of their
organizations, receiving the most concrete,
up-to-date information and redistributing it to those
who need to be aware of it.
50. Decisional Role
Managers act as entrepreneurs by initiating new
kinds of activities, they handle disturbances arising
in the organization and they allocate resources to
staff members who need them, lastly they negotiate
conflicts and mediate between conflicting groups.
51. Group Decision Support Systems (GDSS)
Specialized systems that provide a group of
electronic environment in which managers and
teams are able to collectively make decision and
design solutions for unstructured and semistructured
52. Database-Driven DSS
Extract useful information that was previously buried
in large quantities of data.
53. DSS Database
A collections of current or historical data from a
number of applications or groups.
54. DSS Software System
Contains the software tolls that are used for data
55. Model
An abstract representation that illustrates the
components or relationships of a phenomenon.
56. Sensitivity Analysis
Models ask what if questions repeatedly to
determine the impact on outcomes of changes in
one or more factors.
57. Pivot Table A table that displays two or more dimensions of data
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in a convenient format.
58. Data Visualization
Tools that help users see patterns and relationships
in large amounts of data that would be difficult to
discern if the data were presented as traditional lists
of text.
59. Graphic Information Systems (GIS)
Special category of DSS that use data visualization
technology to analyze and display data for planning
and decision making in the form of digitized maps.
60. Customer Decision Support Systems (CDSS)
Support the decision-making process of an existing
or potential customer.
61. Balance Scorecard Method
The leading methodology for understanding the
really important information needed by a firm's
executive branch. It is a framework for
ope-rationalizing a firm's strategic plan by focusing
on measurable outcomes on four dimensions of firm
62. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
The measures proposed by senior management for
understanding how well the firm is preforming along
any given dimension.
63. Drill Down
Moving from one piece of summary data to lower
and lower levels of details.
64. Rationalization of Procedures
A deeper form of organizational change - one that
follows quickly from early automation.
65. Business Process Re-engineering (BPR)
Business processes are analyzed, simplified, and
66. Paradigm Shift
Involves rethinking the nature of the business and
the nature of the organization.
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67. Work Flow management
The Process of streamlining business procedures so
that documents can be moved easily and efficiently.
68. Business Process Management (BPM)
Enables organizations to manage incremental
process changes that are required simultaneously in
many areas of business.
69. Total Quality Management (TQM)
Make quality the responsibility of all people and
functions within an organization. Holds that the
achievement of quality control is an end in itself.
70. Six Sigma
Specific measure of quality, representing 3.4 defects
per million opportunities.
71. Benchmarking
Consists of setting strict standards for products,
services, and other activities, and then measuring
performance against those standards.
72. Systems Development
The activities that go into producing an information
system solution to an organizational problem or
73. Systems Analysis
The analysis of the problem that the organization will
try to solve with an information system.
74. Feasibility Study
Systems analysis includes this to determines
whether that solutions was feasible, or achievable,
from a financial, technical, and organizational
75. Information Requirements
Involve identifying who needs what information,
where, when, and how.
76. Systems Design
Systems analysis describes what a system should
do to meet information and this system shows how
the system will fulfill this objective.
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77. Programming
System specifications that were prepared during the
design stage are translated into software program
78. Testing
Conducted to ascertain whether the system
produces the right results.
79. Unit Testing
Consists of testing each program separately in the
80. System Testing
Tests the functions of the information system as a
81. Acceptance Testing
Provides the final certification that the system is
ready to be used in a production setting.
82. Conversion
The process of changing from the old system to the
new system.
83. Parallel Strategy
Both the old system and its potential replacement
are run together for a time until everyone is assumed
that the new one functions correctly.
84. Direct Cut-Over
Replaces the old system entirely with the new
system on an appointed day.
85. Pilot Study
Strategy introduces the new system to only a limited
area of the organization, such as single department
or operating unit.
86. Phased Approach
Introduces the new system in stages, either by
functions or by organizational units.
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87. Documentation
Showing how the system works from both a
technical and end-user standpoint is finalizing during
88. Production Stage
Systems are reviewed by both users and technical
specialists to determine how well it has met its
original objectives and to decide whether any
revisions or modifications are in order.
89. Maintenance
Changes in hardware, meet requirements, or
improve processing efficiency.
90. Structured
Refers to the fact that the techniques are step by
step, with each step building on the previous one.
91. Data Flow Diagram (DFD)
Primary tool for representing a system's component
processes and the flow of data between them, it
offers a logical graphic model of information flow,
partitioning a system into modules that show
manageable levels of detail.
92. Process Specifications
Describe the transformation occurring within the
lowest level of the data flow diagrams. They express
the logic for each process.
93. Structure Chart
A top-down chart, showing each level of design, its
relationship to other levels, and its place in the
overall design structure.
94. Object-Oriented Development
Uses the object as the basic unit systems analysis
and design.
95. Object
Combines data and the specific processes that
operate on those data.
96. Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE)
Provides software tools to automate the
methodologies we have just described to reduce the
amount of repetitive work the developer needs to do.
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97. Systems Life Cycle
Is the oldest method for building information
systems. This methodology is a phased approach to
building a system, dividing systems to development
into formal stages.
98. Prototype
A working version of an information System or part
of the system, but it is meant to be only preliminary
99. Iterative
The process of building a preliminary design, trying it
out, refining it, and trying again.
100. End-User Interface
Part of the system with which end users interact,
which has online display and data-entry screens,
reports or web pages.
101. End-User Development
Types of information systems that can be developed
by end users with little or no formal assistance from
technical specialists.
102. Fourth-Generation Languages
Software tools that enable end users to create
reports or develop software applications with
minimal or no technical assistance.
103. Query Languages
Software tools that provide immediate online
answers to requests for information that are not
104. Request for Protocol (RFP)
A detailed list of questions submitted to packaged-
software vendors.
105. Rapid Application Development (RAD)
Used to describe this process of creating workable
systems in a very short period of time.
106. Joint Application Design (JAD)
Used to accelerate the generation of information
requirements and to develop the initial systems
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107. Agile Development
Focuses on rapid delivery of working software by
breaking large project into a series of small
sub-projects that are completed in short periods of
time using iterations and continuous feedback.
108. Component-Based Development
Enables a system to be build by assembling and
integrating existing software components.
109. Project
Is a planned series of related activities for achieving
a specific business objective.
110. Project Management
Refers to the application of knowledge, skills, tools,
and techniques to achieve specific targets within the
specified budget and time constraints.
111. Scope Defines what works is or is not included in a project.
112. Information Systems Plan
Supports their overall business plan and in which
strategic systems are incorporated into top-level
113. Critical Access Factors (GSFs)
The strategic analysis, or critical success factors,
approach argues that an organization's information
requirements are determined by a small number of...
114. Portfolio Analysis Can be used to evaluate alternative system projects.
115. Scoring Model
Is useful for selecting projects where many criteria
must be considered.
116. Tangible Benefits Can be quantified and assigned a monetary value.
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117. Intangible Benefits
Cannot be immediately quantified but may lead to
quantifiable gains in the long run. For instance more
efficient customer service or enhanced decision
118. Capital Budgeting
Are one of several techniques used to measure the
value of investing in long-term capital investment
119. Real Options Pricing Models (ROPMs)
Uses the concept of options valuation borrowed from
the financial industry.
120. User-Designer Communications Gap
Users and Informations systems specialists tend to
have different background, interests, and priorities.
121. Change Management
The process of organizational change surrounding
system building was not properly addressed,
successful system building requires careful.....
122. Implementation
Refers to all organizational activities working toward
the adoption, management, and routinization of an
innovation, such as new information systems.
123. Change Agent The system analyst is...
124. Formal Planning Tools and Formal Control Tools For documenting and monitoring plans
125. Gantt Chart
Lists project activities and their corresponding start
and completion dates.
126. PERT charts
Useful, PERT stands for program evaluation and
review technique, a methodology developed by the
U.S Navy during the 1950s to manage the Polaris
submarine missile program.
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127. External Integration Tools
Consists of ways to link the work of the
implementation team to users to all organizational
128. Ergonomics
Refers to the interactions of people and machines in
the work environment.
129. Organizational Impact Analysis
Explains how a proposed system will affect
organizational structure, attitudes, decision making,
and operations.
130. Socio-Technical Design
One way of addressing human and organizational
131. International Information Systems Architecture
Consists of the basic informations systems required
by organizations to coordinate worldwide trade and
other activities.
132. Global Culture
Created by television, the Internet and other globally
shared media such as movies now permits different
culture and peoples to develop common
expectations about right and wrong, desirable and
undesirable, heroic and cowardly.
133. Particularism
Making judgements and taking action on the basis of
narrow or personal characteristics, in all its forms
rejects the very concept of a shared global culture
and rejects the penetration of domestic markets by
foreign good and services
134. Trans-border Data Flow
Defined as the movement of informations across
international boundaries in any form.
135. Domestic Exporter
Strategy is characterized by heavy centralization of
corporate activities in the home country of origin.
Multinational Strategy concentrates financial management and
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control out of central home base while decentralizing
production, sales, and marketing operations to units
in other countries.
137. Franchisers Are an interesting mix of old and new
138. Core Systems
Systems that support functions that are absolutely
critical to the organizations
139. Legitimacy
Defined as the extent to which your authority is
accepted on ground of competence, vision or other
140. Cooptation
Defined as bringing the opposition into the process
of designing and implementing the solution without
giving up control over direction and nature of the
141. Software Localization
The entire process of converting software to operate
in a second language...
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