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Prenatal Yoga Can Be a Great Way to Prepare for

Find out if this type of prenatal exercise is right for you.
Much like other types of childbirth-preparation classes prenatal yoga is a !ultifaceted approach
to exercise that encourages stretching !ental centering and focused breathing. "esearch
suggests that prenatal yoga is safe and can ha#e !any benefits for pregnant $o!en and their
babies such as%
&!pro#e sleep
"educe stress and anxiety
&ncrease the strength flexibility and endurance of !uscles needed for childbirth
'ecrease the risk of pre-ter! labor pregnancy-induced hypertension and intrauterine
gro$th restriction ( a condition that slo$s a baby)s gro$th
What happens during a typical prenatal yoga class*
+ typical prenatal yoga class !ay in#ol#e%
Breathing: Focus on breathing in and out slo$ly and deeply through the nose. +lso practice
different breathing techni,ues and !aking deep sounds such as hu!!ing or grunting. -hese
techni,ues !ay help you reduce or !anage shortness of breath during pregnancy and $ork
through contractions during labor.
Gentle Stretching: You)ll be encouraged to gently !o#e different areas of your body such as
your neck and ar!s through their full range of !otion.
Postures: While standing sitting or lying on the ground you)ll gently !o#e your body into
different positions ai!ed at de#eloping your strength flexibility and balance. Props ( such as
blankets cushions and belts ( !ay be used to pro#ide support and co!fort. You)ll also continue
to focus on your breathing.
Cool Down and Relax: +t the end of each prenatal yoga class you)ll relax your !uscles and
restore your resting heart rate and breathing rhyth!. You !ay be encouraged to listen to your
o$n breathing pay close attention to sensations thoughts and e!otions or repeat a !antra or
$ord to bring about a state of self-a$areness and inner cal!.
+re there special safety guidelines for prenatal yoga*
-o protect your health and your baby)s health during prenatal yoga follo$ basic safety
guidelines. For exa!ple%
-alk to your health care pro#ider% Before you begin a prenatal yoga progra! !ake sure you
ha#e your health care pro#ider)s ./. You !ay not be able to do prenatal yoga if you are at
increased risk of pre-ter! labor or ha#e certain !edical conditions such as heart disease or
back proble!s.
0et realistic goals% For !ost pregnant $o!en at least 12 !inutes of !oderate physical
acti#ity is reco!!ended on !ost if not all days of the $eek. 3o$e#er e#en shorter or less
fre,uent $orkouts can help you stay in shape and prepare for labor.
Pace yourself% &f you can)t speak nor!ally $hile you)re doing prenatal yoga you)re probably
pushing yourself too hard.
0tay cool and hydrated% Practice prenatal yoga in a $ell-#entilated roo! to a#oid
o#erheating. 'rink plenty of fluids during prenatal yoga to keep yourself hydrated.
+#oid certain postures% When doing poses bend fro! your hips ( not your back ( to
!aintain nor!al spine cur#ature. +#oid lying on your belly or back doing deep for$ard or
back$ard bends or doing t$isting poses that put pressure on your abdo!en. You can
!odify t$isting poses so that you only !o#e your upper back shoulders and rib cage. +#oid
in#erted poses $hich in#ol#e extending your legs abo#e your heart or head unless you)re
an experienced yoga practitioner. +s your pregnancy progresses use props during postures
to acco!!odate changes in your center of gra#ity. +sk your instructor to guide you about
safe postures.
'on)t o#erdo it% +s you do prenatal yoga pay attention to your body and ho$ you feel. 0tart
slo$ and a#oid positions that are beyond your le#el of experience or co!fort. 0tretch only as
far as you $ould ha#e before pregnancy. &f you experience any pain or other red flags (
such as #aginal bleeding decreased fetal !o#e!ent or contractions ( during prenatal yoga
stop and contact your health care pro#ider.

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