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Palm Sunday

Today we celebrate Jesus, the suffering Messiah. He is the one of whom Isaiah
foretold: My face I did not shield from buffets and spitting. He is the Christ who took
the form of a slave, . . . obediently accepting even death, death on a cross. He is the savior
who suffered willingly for sinners and whose suffering makes us pleasing to God.

We all suffer in our own way. We experience physical pain and hardship. We
suffer watching our friends and relatives suffer. We are often offended or
abandoned by others, and we add to our suffering by our own sinfulness.

The world around us is filled with suffering: the victims of war and poverty;
people living in streets or in shantytowns; starving children; lonely elderly;
people dying of AIDS, cancer, or some other disease.

Today’s liturgy teaches us to welcome our suffering, to bear witness to (God) by

following (Christ’s) example of suffering. We pray that the world united with
him in his suffering on the cross may share his resurrection and new life. Gerald Darring.

“Had Jesus merely said that his mission was

to set people free from sin and all forms of
oppression, his words would have fallen on
deaf ears. He had to work at this task of lib-
eration. He not only talked about freeing the
poor and oppressed but, undeterred by criti-
cism, actually welcomed the poor and sin-
ners to share at his table. Like Jesus, we must
be able to accompany others in their suffer-
ing and be willing to suffer with them.”
U.S. Bishops, To the Ends of the Earth (1986)
March 16, 2008
Some καιρός / kairos thoughts…
καιρός / kairos—Greek—time—viewed as an occasion rather than an extent

The custom of scapegoats

perdured, Jesus,
can I live with this

I want to blame
for what I do
Prayer List
I cannot carry Pray the rosary for world peace, Avis Cox, Fr. Clarence Biggers, Gladys and
Ben Kramkowski, Rita Moenk, Doug Bearden, Sarah Snider, Thornton/Lynch
this burden— family, Ryan Amsberry, Annie & family, Connie, her mother & family, Blake,
Erik, Campbell family, Jonathan & family, Sharon & family, Will, FMS, Cap.
Corp., Patrick & Brittany, Broughman family, Fannie Crowder & family, VAL,
Father Ingram’s father & family, Karen’s mother & friend, Cheryl Mobley &
“Leave all” said Jesus family, William Hudson, Robert, Walter, Danielle, Christopher, Barbara,
Katherine, Nicholas, Kaylin, Kasie, Mary Beth & family, Mary Ann Mahoney
“then & family, Donna & family, Ann Chancellor & family, Duffie, Sheila & family,
cancer patients & families, military & families, Brandon, Plantation Villa
come, follow me” residents, Don, Mrs. Carpenter, Mr. & Mrs. Rooks, Katherine & family, Mr.
Dunn, Mr. & Mrs. Barlow, Jane & family, Scott & family, Diane & Peter,
Michele & Gary, Lucy’s father & family, Bobbie, Joan & family, Karl’s mother
& family, Bernard & Anna, June & family, Tina & family, Belinda & family,
but Jesus, OLM family, Kat, Delgratia & family, Mr. Gomez & family, Sara & family, Dr.
Lynch & family, Rob/Allie & family, Chuck & family, Frank & family, Liesa &
they family, mother of Dr. Petros, Dr. Issa & family, Odessa, Anita’s mother &
family, Ruby, Ruby’s mother & family, Davies family, Katie & family, family of
Angie, Ann & family, Gretchen & family, Eileen, Scott & family, Robert,
will think I’m Flavia & family, Tony’s family, Roy & Martha Wright, Roy, Alice Swygert,
Alan, Nard, Tony, Glenda, Nelson, J. Bob, Munn, Vogt, Wolfe families,
crazy Russell & family, Ola, Gene Wilson & family, Jane Brock & family, Janet
Kramer & family, Elayne & family, Winnie, Phil & family, Tony, Stan, Emily &
family, Ruthie & Ed, Mr. Bergin & family, Karen, Bernard’s father, Angie’s
brother, Russell & family, Mrs. Sanseverino & family, CC Center, veterans &
“I know” said He families Jessie Emmett, Mark, Michael’s mother, Carrie, VAMC, Rambo’s
mother & family, Josephine Mary, Mary Anna, S. Paul, Tony, J. W. Wilson &
family, Jason & Kim, Josie, Kelly, Gail, Mickey’s family, Jon & Janet Cook &
family, Karen’s cousin, Mike Aguado & family, Carl & family, Dr. Lopez &
family, Dr. Vanapalli & family, Dr. Yu, Christian, Aaron, Marina & family,
J. Janda Poem from liturgy.slu.edu
Mary, Susan & family, Michael’s grandfather & family, family of Zach, Bonnie
Dobmeier, Katie Whatley, Carla Smith, Mary Scarnati, Ann Baker, Brad &
“Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he Amanda Roberts, Michael & family, Julian Campbell, Berger family, Mendez
family, Ikai family, Joshua Moser, Stephanie Christian, Carolyn Williamson,
who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna Chris B., Julia, Angie & Mel Russ, Joey Milani, King Cooper Jr. & family, Mary
Ondovchik, Ann Rudy, Edna & Joe, Henry & Anna, Peggy Cable, Claude
in the highest heavens!” We use this “shout” Rickman, Leonard & Mary, Patricia, Kathy, Madi, Tom Sullivan, Connie
Graham, Anderson family, Chris Stahler family, Frances Homsey, Gus
during the eucharistic prayer. We greet the Kneidinger, Steven, Barbara, Mary Jo Shamas, Brian Strickland, Carlo
coming of our Savior into the new Jerusalem, Dellaquila, Katherine Catti, Maria Beck, Stephanie & Mark Fletcher, Joanna &
Mike Spataro, Justino Prado, Ambreen & family, Elaine Cole, Elysa Cole-Ali,
and we join his once-and-for-all Passover. Shirley Walton, Leroy & Lynn Burrows, Marie McDemmond, Eric Hawthorne,
Barbara Ferrante, Mya, Fred First, Pat & Joe Craddock, Ann McCormick,
This holy week we will ponder and worship Elaine Vaughn, Bill & Irene Hartman, Mary Campbell, Molly & family,
Shanna, Frances James, Randy Taylor, Jack Gray, Hattie & Pete Jackson, Lase
the great works of the Lord on our behalf: his Heim, John & Mickie Todd, Rhonda Boyle, Sr. Mary Bonaventure, mommy/
“pass-over” through death to new life and our daddy, Craig Timmons, Carolyn Boccella, Chad Nostrant, Debbie McCoud,
Mark & Pam Lennon, Theresa Ngoddy, Gloria/Olisa Chukwuma, Sarah
nourishment in the Eucharist. Maranatha! Snider, Heidi FitzGerald, Justin E., Dorene Trumble, Danielle Vincent, Linda
Montgomery, Andrea Warren, Pat Reeves, Chuck & Cotton Elphingstone,
Come, Lord Jesus! Caron Pierre & family, Connie & family, Kathy’s friend, Lily Bosco, Anna &
family, Olivia, Jim Powers
Text, Philip J. Sandstrom, STD © 2001, OCP. All rights reserved.

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