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Non-narrative fiction,

A reflective piece on The Survival of Human Race

Imagine one day all food and plants ceased to exist. Imagine one day the mother Earth can
no longer sustain life. It is not happening now, but scientists are postulating that these
might be the fate of the green planet we are living now. With the increase in average global
temperature is increasing as a result of global warming. Unstable whether all over the world
that is making us anxious. It is highly unlikely that the Earth will survive for too long. Then,
what would happen to the destiny of human race, would we be able to survive?
Scientists believe that we might be able to survive if we found a habitable planet in
one of the many galaxies in our universe. But the problem is, are there such thing as
habitable planet that can sustain humans life like the Earth does. NASAs astronomers using
the Keplers Space Telescope identified an Earth-sized planet orbiting a star in a habitable
zone. Habitable zone meaning that there is a region in the outer space that has similar
condition as the condition of the Earth, the difference is that it is not on the same galaxy or
solar system as the Earth does.
So if this planet really is habitable, can it sustain humans life. There might be water,
oxygen and plants on the planet, but are they safe to humans consumption. Even on the
Earth there are so many plants that are poisonous to human. If the plants on the habitable
planet are not consumable, then we can bring Earth plants and crops to the planet and let
them grow on the planet. The conditions the planet might not be favourable to the growth
of the plant, but we can build greenhouse on the planet and create a more favourable
environment for the plants just like how it is on Earth.
These habitable planets located thousand miles from the Earth. Their distance are
not even measured with miles, instead they use light years. The nearest habitable planet
discovered was about five hundred light years from the Earth. That would take us hundreds
of years to reach the planets if we use normal spaceship speed, unless we have spaceship
that can travel in the speed of light, we can reach the planet in like five hundred years. If we
need to arrive at the planet faster we can build spaceship that can travel faster than the
speed of light. Travelling faster than the speed of light is like disappear from the eye sight
just before you blink, not in a blink of eyes; it is actually faster than that.

If we cannot travel faster than the speed of light we can build spaceship than can
sustain life for few generations of human being. I could say a super jumbo spaceship that
has the same system as the Earth which can regulate its own condition with facilitation from
human. With current technology that we have right now, I believe we can build this super-
sized spaceship. Have you ever seen the U.S aircraft carrier, do you know how massive it is?
With your naked eyes, you would never imagine that human can build such a massive
machine. That is why I said we can build supersized spaceship. The spaceship should have its
own water cleaning system, air renewal system, temperature regulatory system and other
regulatory system that are needed for proper functioning of the spaceship as mini Earth.
Most of the things I write might sound nonsense to some people. But who knows the
next few generations of human being might be able to walk on planet foreign to our feet.
606 words

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