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April 28, 2014 [BRIEFING NOTES]


TLR staff for their participation on NPQML on
Wednesday night
Sandra for the fantastic year 8 Enrichment day
Cat and Katie for organising the debate mate
and for Nichola Morris and Katie Robinson for
attending supporting the students on their
debating skills. Students represented the school
exceptionally well and were a credit to the school.
Nicola Ellis - for her support and above and
beyond attitude in making sure that all students
are ready for their drama and art exams and
ensuring progress is made.
Nubilas great contribution towards future
vocational curriculum developments.
Sadiq, Brian, Sandra for stepping up and taking
on additional classes and providing quality
progressive work for cover lessons. Early
feedback from student voice is that they are
enjoying the challenge provided in these lessons.
Denise for all her hard work covering a staff
absence. Denise has shown excellent
behavioural management skills and quality
teaching. She has shown excellent flexibility,
consistency and carried out background reading
in order to deliver GCSE History!
Zahid for his work with Victoria Park primary
school in teaching Urdu to their Y4 students over
the past 6 weeks. The feedback from the Y4
students and their teacher has been very positive
and will hopefully lead to other members of the
department undertaking some primary teaching
once Y11 have completed their GCSE courses.
Jenna identified a need for some work to take
place with Year 7 regarding racism awareness.
She has organised, prepared and delivered an
assembly for the whole year group on this
subject. Excellent example of a member of staff
identifying an issue and being proactive in
planning a response to a problem.
Paula Bailey and Rebecca Udall for taking the
Girls Yr 8 to the MUFC Foundation Festival.
Nichola Morris, Kirsty Roban, Chris Saxton
and Carol Compton, Jane and Katie for leading
revision sessions with Year 11's on Saturday.
Karen for organising the link up with Trafford
College and the fabulous work being done by
adult learners with additional needs in our

Max in working hard to create a positive
relationship this week with a student and taking
steps to resolve the issues in an additional
session on Thurs after school. Teachers and
other adults set high expectations and
authoritatively impart knowledge to ensure
students are engaged in learning, and
generate high levels of commitment to
learning across the school.

1 to 1 meetings by GCSE PE staff with all GCSE
PE students to review revision done over easter
and fine tune the signposting to revision that is
totally personalised based on their EBi's from
past papers and end of unit test diagnostic
feedback. Students reported feeling more
confident as we enter less than 550 minutes of
the course left. Teachers systematically and
effectively check pupils understanding
throughout lessons, anticipating where they
may need to intervene and doing so with
notable impact on the quality of learning.

Team MFL for completing DIRT lessons this
week. Theimpact has been that MFL students
have been excellent in reflecting on their
progress to date and identifying what they now
need to do in order to achieve their targets in
July. Teachers systematically and effectively
check pupils understanding throughout
lessons, anticipating where they may need to
intervene and doing so with notable impact on
the quality of learning.

Mez delivered a lesson on Religious experience:
The extension task included great examples of
how to stretch and challenge using a questioning
thread that students could pickup and explore;
Students saw the challenge from the onset,
through the transition of levels to grades, and the
use of peer assessment and peer sharing,
resulted in students quickly moving towards their
individualised learning outcomes. Teachers use
well-judged and often imaginative teaching
strategies, including setting appropriate
homework that, together with clearly directed
(was sharply focused) and timely support and
intervention, match individual needs

Team Art for facilitating a collection of amazing
art submissions by our Year 11 students. Much
of the teaching in all key stages in Art is
outstanding and never less than consistently
good. As a result students make rapid
progress and attain well.

Author Rainor Hoess is in
school this Thursday

April 28, 2014 [BRIEFING NOTES]

Cold Call Technique to eliminate passive learning.
In order to make engaged participation the expectation, call on students regardless of whether they have
raised their hands.
*Allows you to check the understanding effectively and systematically.
*Increases speed in both the terms of your pacing and the rate at which you can cover material. (You are not
waiting for volunteers)
*Allows you to distribute work more broadly around the room and signal to students not only that they are
likely to be called on to participate, and therefore that they should engage in the work of the classroom, but
that you want to know what they have to say. Cold call is NOT chastening or stressful if done correctly.
*It will help you distribute work around the room more authoritatively. You make me accountable.

Cold Call can be hands up/hands down. Move between hands and cold calling at your discretion. Cold Call can
vary in terms of when you say the name of the student youre calling on. Most common and effective is to
Question. Pause. Name. Sometimes you may want to help prepare someone with processing delays by
precall. Tell the student that he or she can be expected to be called on later in the lesson. This could be done
privately. You may want to set ground rules to ensure students do not call out answers in unison.

100 Percent to fully engage learners
Theres one acceptable percentage of students following a direction:
100%. Should the signal for silence be hand raising or put eyes
on you. The most sustainable form of compliance is one that for
both students and teachers is clearly an exercise that will help
students achieve, not an empty exercise in teacher power.
The author says that the teacher raising their hand for silence
is commonly used and misused often. It becomes very easy for
teachers to learn to ignore non compliance. A common
misperception is that ignoring misbehaviour-or
addressing it by praising students who are behaving-is the
least invasive form of intervention. But ignoring misbehaviour is the most invasive or of intervention because
it becomes more likely that the behaviour will persist and expand.
1. Cold call is predictable. Use it a little bit every
day instead of inconsistently.
2. It is systematic. Should not carry emotion. It is
the way we do business here. Everyone should
be involved. It is not punishment but instead a
chance to shine.
3. It is positive. Dont use it to catch someone.
You want students to succeed.
4. It is scaffolded. Especially effective when you
start with simple questions and progress to
harder ones, drawing students in. Unbundle or
break larger questions up into a series of smaller

Three cold call varieties:

1. Follow-on to a previous question. Ask a simple
question and then ask the students a short
series of further questions (two to four) in
which her opinions are further developed or
understanding further tested.
2. Follow-on to another students comment. This
reinforces the importance of listening to peers
as well as teacher.
3. Follow-on to a students own earlier comment.
This signals that once the student has spoken,
shes not done. Sue, you said earlier that ..

The Key Message...Thankyou for your efforts in March on developing the feedback you give to students. As discussed in last Thursdays
briefing the missions for the next month are as follows.
The mission is for the next 2 months:
1. To ensure we continue to deliver a great programme for Y11 to succeed.
2. Make sure our Y8s and 9s continue to work hard but are prepared for the pathway choices
3. Continue to maintain the highest expectations of our students in terms of hard work, presentation and behaviour.
4. Please help me in our recruitment drive to find and select the best staff for our school interviews begin next week for 6
externally advertised posts.
5. And finally please use the opportunities on offer to plan, grow and develop, to make our school even greater to work in
and come to. We need you to make our school great.
2 techniques that can be used in classrooms to assist you in delivering Mission 3: Continue to maintain the highest
expectations of our students in terms of hard work, presentation and behaviour, can be found below.:
100% Potential fast and invisible interventions. Try to
have the correction as near the top of the list as possible:
1/ Nonverbal intervention. (Gestures to or eye contact
with the off task student.)
2/ Positive group intervention.(Quick verbal reminder to
the group about what they should be doing)
3/ Anonymous individual correction. (We need two
people to )
4/ Private individual correction. (Seek to correct privately
and quietly)
5/ Lightning quick public correction. (Your goal in making
an individual verbal correction should be to limit the
amount of time a student is onstage for something
negative and focus on telling the student what to do right
rather than scolding about what he did wrong)
6/ Consequence. (Consequences should be delivered in
the least invasive, least emotional manner)

April 28, 2014 [BRIEFING NOTES]

Leadership team messages
Teaching and Intervention
1. IRIS bookings are open for Summer
term 1 for all staff.
Lead & Manage
1/ Pls can each academic school ensure that KS3 analysis
and interventions are ready for War room.
2/ Appointments:
Congratulations to
Reena appointed as Deputy Head, Dixons Academies.
Chris appointed as Director of Stretford Baccalaureate
Gill - appointed as Interim Director of PE and Sport (SHS)
Behaviour & safety
1/Pls only use Patrol to support intervention.
Please do not call patrol and demand for
students to be removed from classes or send
children outside. These actions do not feature in
our behaviour system and exacerbate situations.
Whole school since Sept 94.9%
Whole school for 22/04/14 25/04/14
Whole school lates 53 this week at 6.7%
Mandela 94.8% House of week

Attainment & Progress
April. 3pm RBW

THINK TANK: Was a message from the Headteacher about the next 2 half months and the level of
planning required using a collaborative approach from all staff.

Planning events for all staff teams, including a
fully funded planning residential for each
academic school.

7 new leadership posts with paid responsibility to
be advertised to our own teaching staff in May.

Year groups in September

Revamped Houses in September

School day 5 mins longer (tutorial) in sept

New academic school (Stretford Baccalaureate)
to address our students holistic development

The mission is for the next 2 months:

1. To ensure we continue to deliver a great
programme for Y11 to succeed.
2. Make sure our Y8s and 9s continue to work
hard but are prepared for the pathway choices
3. Continue to maintain the highest
expectations of our students in terms of hard work,
presentation and behaviour.
4. Please help me in our recruitment drive to
find and select the best staff for our school
interviews begin next week for 6 externally
advertised posts.
5. And finally please use the opportunities on
offer to plan, grow and develop, to make our school
even greater to work in and come to. We need you
to make our school great.

Internal Appointments: Required for September 2014:
(Full time, permanent unless stated)

Applications open to all permanent members of
teaching staff:

Deputy Director of Stretford Baccalaureate
(TLR 2b: 4,266)

Director of Year (TLR 2c: 6,258)

4 x House Leader (TLR 3: 1,600) Fixed Term
for 1 year.

Assistant Headteacher (L10) Fixed Term for 1

How to ApplyIf you wish to apply please submit an
expression of interest identifying your suitability for and
potential impact in the role.
Expressions of interest should be addressed to the
Headteacher, on no more than two sides of A$, font size 11
Deadline for applications is Noon, Friday 9 May 2014.
Internal post or Email applications are acceptable. All
applications should be emailed to hadshead@stretfordhigh.com
or posted to Helen Adshead for the attention of The
Headteacher; Mr J Haseldine, Stretford High School,
Interviews scheduled to be confirmed.
April 28, 2014 [BRIEFING NOTES]

Academic School Awards
PEXA KYAS JAMES For his commitment with the school production at rehearsals and also at home
in learning all his lines. An absolute superstar!
PE SARAH CHUNARA For representing the school superbly at the recent Girls Football Festival
SCIENCE ROMARIO BIYERE For excellent progress and being a lead learner
ENGLISH NADIYAH HAJEFI For her outstanding IGCSE English Literature result and always working
exceptionally hard in class.
LANGUAGES AYMAN NADEEM For consistently high effort and platinum attitude to learning.
HUMANITIES USAMA RAZA Usama has shown dedication, drive and self-discipline over the last four
months; propelling him toward the highest possible grade: A*. He has taken
ownership of his learning and is developing transferable skills which will aid his
transition into further education. Well done, Usama
VOCATIONAL JUNAID BUTT Due to hard work put in over the last few weeks, Junaid is working above his
target grade in Computing.
For significant improvement in behaviour of late and working really hard in his
intervention classes

Whole school




GCSE Drama exam.
EAL workshop in Directed Time for all staff 3pm.
Art/Text/Photog exams
KS3 War Room 3pm RBW room
SENCO Interviews

Yr 7/8 Mixed Handball Festival (Home) 4-5.30pm AHo
Yr 10 Rugby League 9s Festival (Home) 2-4pm TFr
Rainer Hoess visit.
Vocational Learning Teacher Interviews
M Wicks, Principal Wellacre visit.
Yr 9 Boys Football Hub Festival at The Cliff. Bus leaves 9am (DGr/PBa)



Mr J Haseldine Headteacher
Stretford High School
Headteacher Awards Ayman Nadeem - Consistently hard working and helpful student.
Highly commended Sabahat Mubasher & Ahmedsaeed Chunara: For their contribution
to newsround and their rise to becoming local celebrities!

External Vacancies for SEPT 2014:
Teacher of Geog/PSHCE
Teacher of Maths
Teacher of DesTech FT
Teacher of DesTech PT
Teacher of Mandarin 1 Yr Fixed, PT
See HAD for details

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