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Yoga Teacher Training in Goa

Goa is famous for its beauty and tranquility. It is a popular tourist destination that vaunts
a surfeit of gorgeous features, including splendid beaches, relaxing atmosphere, amusing
bird life and magnificent palm trees. These topographies of Goa makes it a perfect place
for practicing yoga and attaining inner peace. One such beach is Arambol beach here
our prestigious institute is located. It is the last beach in !orth Goa and the best suitable
for a yoga seeker ho is in search of inner peace. Though it is located faraay, the
excellent transportation system available there makes it easily reachable to the tourists
and yoga seekers.
"oga Teacher Training in Goa Teaching Syllabus
1.Techniques, Training and Practice
This category includes a lot more apart from offering training for asanas, kriyas, mantra,
pranayama, meditation, chanting and other traditional techniques of yoga. These sessions
ould include a blend of both #$ analytical training about teaching and practicing the
techniques, and %$ supervised practice of the techniques. &oth of the areas ould receive
significant prominence.
2.Teaching Methodology
'essions on the sub(ect of business aspects of teaching yoga are scheduled under special
Topics on communication skills like time management, group dynamics, and the
establishment of boundaries and priorities are dealt in under this category.
)e train you to address the needs of an individual in specific and groups to the extent
possible in group setting.
)e also emphasis on the principles of observation, demonstration, correcting and
assisting teaching styles, the student learning process, qualities of a teacher and business
aspects of teaching yoga. The Teaching *ethodology category covers a comprehensive
overvie and exploration of teaching methods, rather than the procedure to teach or
practice specific techniques. "ou may have a look at the instances of the topics
mentioned belo attain a clarity into the differences beteen both the above mentioned
Example Techniques, Training and Practice Topics
The ,ive -ategories of Asana+ The trainee ill learn and practice the key poses in each
category of asanas like standing poses, tists, forard bends, backbends and inversions.
The trainee ill then instigate to cultivate a relationship of both the procedure and the
purpose of these to categories.
*aps of Alignment+ Trainees ill attain ability to align maps for each of the five
categories of asanas through experience and observation of ho the poses in each
category share a mutual basis, and ho to shape upon this basis.
.rinciples of /emonstrating Asanas+ this section deals ith ho active demonstrations in
class can help highlighting an alignment or other focus for the specific posture or
sequence of postures.
Example Teaching Methodology Topics
0earning *odalities+ recognising your principal style, and learning to teach based on
learning styles of others
1se of 0anguage and 2oice+ 0ecture and discussion on passive vs. active language and
the effective use of both3 positive and cogni4ant communication, and characteristic
speech and communication methods
3.Anatomy and Physiology
Anatomy and physiology principles to yoga is given special attention.
This category deals ith much more apart from physiology 5bodily systems, organs, etc.$
and human physical anatomy. It may also include energy anatomy and physiology
5chakras, nadis, etc.$. It includes both the study of physiology and anatomy apart from its
application to yoga practice 5advantages, healthy movement patterns, etc$.
.Yoga Philoso!hy, "thics and #i$estyle $or Yoga Teachers
'pecial sessions on ethics for yoga teachers are conducted.
This category involves ith the study of traditional texts and yoga philosophies, like the
6atha "oga .radipika and "oga 'utras.
"oga lifestyle implies the perception of non7violence 5ahimsa$, and the conceptions of
karma and dharma.
8thics for yoga teachers involve student7 teacher relationships and community. It also
includes reali4ing the value of teaching yoga as a service and serving others 5seva$
'pecial 9equirements+ 8ach trainee must teach as the lead instructor. .ractice teaching
does not include observing, assisting or giving feedback.
This section deals ith a lot more apart from .ractice teaching, observing others
teaching, assisting students hile someone else is teaching and receiving and giving
"oga Teacher Training in Goa &ate Schedule
#. :#st !ovember.to %;th !ovember %:#<
%. :%=th !ovember. to %<rd /ecember. %:#<
<. :>th ?anuary to <rd ,ebruary. %:#@
@. #:th ,ebruary to #:th *arch. %:#@

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