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How we can feed the world without trashing it

November 2009

06 Forests
06 Key variables and inputs

09 Feasibility of diet and farming scenarios
10 Land availability
10 Feasibility by diet


11 Environmental and health impacts of increasing meat consumption
12 Reducing meat consumption: benefits for animals, people and the planet
13 The effects of climate change
14 Fuelling the world in 2050 – possible bioenergy scenarios


Figures and tables

05 Figure 1. World regions used in this study
08 Table 1. Basic characteristics of the four diets
09 Table 2. Feasibility analysis of all 72 scenarios
13 Table 3. Modelled climate impact on cropland yields in 2050 with and without
CO2 fertilisation
This briefing paper was produced by Compassion in World Farming and Friends of the Earth.
It summarises an original study undertaken by researchers at The Institute of Social Ecology,
Alpen Adria Universität Klagenfurt, Vienna, Austria, and Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact
Research, Potsdam, Germany, and draws out implications and recommendations arising from
the research findings. The authors of the full research report are: Karl-Heinz Erb, Helmut
Haberl, Fridolin Krausmann, Christian Lauk, Christoph Plutzar, Julia K. Steinberger, Christoph
Müller, Alberte Bondeau, Katharina Waha, Gudrun Pollack. The full research report can be
found at:

2 EATING THE PLANET? Compassion in World Farming and Friends of the Earth

The escalating demands of a growing and further intensification of crops and livestock
increasingly affluent world population are farming, including genetically modified
putting the natural world under mounting crops. However, a major international
pressure. Human use of land, along with assessment of agriculture (IAASTD, 2008)
climate change, is undermining the Earth’s suggested a different approach, highlighting
ability to deliver vital life-support services. the huge environmental and social costs of
intensive agriculture. The UN-sponsored
While “Green Revolution” technologies such
assessment was produced over four years and
as progress in plant breeding, fertiliser
involved a multi-disciplinary team of 400
production, pesticide use and mechanisation
scientists. Its findings have been endorsed by
have resulted in increases in yields and
58 governments, including the UK. Professor
efficiencies, they have also had major
Bob Watson, (now the Chief Scientific
widespread negative environmental and
Advisor for the UK Department of
social impacts. These include the degradation
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs), who
of soils and ecosystems around the world,
chaired the process, concluded at the launch
excessive use of water and loss of crop and
that “business as usual is not an option”.
species diversity. Biodiversity is being lost up
Instead the assessment recommended that
to 1,000 times as quickly as it would naturally
researchers should urgently work with
(Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, 2005).
farmers’ and communities’ traditional
Farming around the world is both affected
knowledge to deliver agro-ecological
by, and a contributor to, climate change,
production – farming that balances
with 22 per cent of emissions generated by
environmental sustainability, social equity
agriculture of which 80 per cent comes from
and economic viability.
livestock production (McMichael et al., 2007).
Feeding the world sustainably, fairly and
Intensive animal production has boosted
humanely in the coming decades, under
production yields but these developments
increasing pressures due to climate change, is
come at a severe price – these systems include
one of the greatest challenges facing
production methods that cause significant
humanity. Friends of the Earth and
and widespread animal suffering, such as the
Compassion in World Farming commissioned
selection of animals for rapid growth, leading
a study to model how the Earth can provide
to lameness and other physiological disorders,
sufficient food and fuel for its likely
and the use of cages and crates which
population in 2050 while meeting the
severely restrict animal behaviour.
following objectives:
The world population is expected to increase
• Reducing agriculture’s environmental impact
significantly in the coming decades, with
current predictions indicating that it will reach • Reducing animal suffering through
9.16 billion by 2050. The number of hungry humane methods of livestock farming
people in the world is increasing and is now
• Protecting areas that are critical to life on
over one billion (FAO, 2009). At the same
Earth such as tropical forests
time, around the same number of people are
defined as obese – overweight to a level • Tackling the contrast of widespread
which endangers their health - highlighting obesity in some world regions and
how damaging the global food system is. malnourishment in others
Whilst the food crisis is not new, recent • Investigating the potential for the use of
fluctuations in commodity prices have biomass for energy provision where it can
brought political attention to the challenge be sustainably produced and is proven to
of feeding a growing world population. reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
Agribusiness has been quick to promote

Compassion in World Farming and Friends of the Earth EATING THE PLANET? 3

Humans already use 75.5 per cent of the world’s land, creating a challenge for feeding the growing population

The full research study, entitled ‘Eating the Planet: Feeding and fuelling the world
sustainably, fairly and humanely’ focused on land and biomass use, including cropland
farming, livestock rearing, bioenergy production and conversion of primary biomass to food
and fuel. It was not within the scope of the primary research to consider the social,
economic and political factors which influence decisions on production, diet, land use
or choice of technology. This briefing summarises the findings of the study and looks at
their implications.

• Although availability of good agricultural • Sufficient food can be provided in 2050

land is limited, this study finds that without further deforestation, although
feeding the world in 2050 is possible robust policy intervention would be needed
without the most intensive forms of to halt current rates of deforestation
animal and crop production or a massive
• Optimistic expectations of future
expansion of agricultural land
bioenergy potentials should be
• Humane livestock farming can be adopted reconsidered and lowered
and environmental objectives in crop
• The effects of climate change on future
production can be met without
crop yields are highly uncertain. Climate
jeopardizing food security. Humane and
change impacts are likely to affect levels of
sustainable farming can provide sufficient
food supply and bioenergy potentials.
food to feed a growing world population
For the full report and executive summary see:
• Options for providing sufficient food and
fuel are greatly expanded if developed www.foe.co.uk/eatingtheplanet/fullreport
countries adopt healthier, lower-meat diets
and food is distributed more equally www.ciwf.org/eatingtheplanet

4 EATING THE PLANET? Compassion in World Farming and Friends of the Earth

To calculate the demand for, and availability example, cropland, grazing areas, forestry,
of, food and fuel in 2050, current data on infrastructure), an assessment of the global
human land use was used and a set of human appropriation (use) of the net
estimates developed based on predicted primary productivity of the land (HANPP) and
population growth, future crop yields, biomass (such as food and fuel) production
availability of agricultural land, farming and consumption. HANPP is an indicator of
systems and diets in 2050. how intensively land is being used and is
defined as the difference between the net
The study was carried out on the level of
primary production (NPP) of potential
eleven world regions1 as defined by the United
vegetation and the amount of NPP
Nations Statistical Division (UNSD, 2006, see
remaining in ecosystems after harvest.
Figure 1). Eleven food categories were
identified (cereals; roots and tubers; sugar The likely availability of, and demand for,
crops; pulses; oil crops; vegetables and fruits; cropland in 2050 was calculated on the basis
meat of ruminants (grazers); milk, butter and of different variables using the following
other dairy products; meat of pigs, poultry and data and estimates: forecast population size;
eggs; fish; other crops). Seven food crop associated growth in urban areas and rural
categories were used: cereals; oil-bearing infrastructure; crop yields as predicted by the
crops; sugar crops; pulses; roots and tubers; United Nations Food and Agriculture
vegetables and fruits; and others. Organisation (FAO); predicted growth in
cropland area; different livestock systems
Current land use data shows that humans
and diets.
already use 75.5 per cent of the world’s land
area. Of the remaining 24.5 per cent that is The potential for bioenergy production was
not yet used, about half is of extremely low calculated by assuming that 50 per cent of the
productivity and the remainder comprises residues left over from croplands after
either areas of high conservation value such as deduction of all biomass required for feeding
pristine forests or areas with low productivity and bedding livestock could be used for
that are very difficult or impossible to bioenergy. Any excess cropland was assumed
cultivate, such as alpine or Arctic tundra. to be available for bionergy production.

The analysis was based on combined regional

data on human land use in the year 2000 (for

Figure 1. World regions used in this study

Northern Africa and
Western Asia
Sub-Saharan Africa
Central Asia and
Russian Federation
Southern Asia
Eastern Asia
South-Eastern Asia
Northern America
Latin America and
the Caribbean
Western Europe
Eastern and
South-Eastern Europe
Oceania and Australia

Region area, population density, gross domestic product (GDP), land use and other
indicators are all provided in the main report annex.

Compassion in World Farming and Friends of the Earth EATING THE PLANET? 5
Forests such as climate change and water availability
(IAASTD, 2008).
The study excluded forests both for
methodological clarity and based on the • Wholly organic crop yield refers to 100 per
central principle that their survival is critical cent organic cropland agriculture.
to the future of life on Earth and that they
• Intermediate crop yield is the numerical
should be protected. Any cropland expansion
mean between the FAO intensive and
was expected to occur in areas currently used
wholly organic yields. It could be
as grazing land. In reality, current rates of
interpreted as 50 per cent organic, 50 per
deforestation in South America, Africa and
cent intensive cropping or reflect the use
South East Asia are high and agricultural
of more environmentally sustainable
expansion is one of the key drivers. If current
farming methods across the board,
trends continue, a further 100 million
achieving average yields in between the
hectares of pasture could be converted for
FAO intensive and wholly organic forecasts.
cropland, including for soy for animal feed,
in Brazil alone, forcing cattle ranchers further 2. The amount and distribution of land
into forests (Rabobank, 2008). Without suitable for agriculture: The expected
robust and urgent policy intervention, growth in urban and infrastructure areas
deforestation will certainly continue. This was calculated on the basis of forecast
study adopted a zero-deforestation starting population growth. The area of currently
point to assess the potential to produce unused land and land under forestry was
enough food for a growing population held constant. Areas of currently unused
without further deforestation. land with particularly high productivity
(including pristine forests) were excluded
Key variables and inputs from the study. Cropland is instead
The following inputs were used in the study expected to expand into areas currently
to model future food production scenarios: used as grazing land. Two cropland
expansion scenarios were considered:
1. Potential crop yields in 2050:
• ‘Business as usual’ land use change: This
• FAO intensive crop yield is based on FAO estimate was based on FAO predictions for
predictions of an increase in crop yields of 54 cropland expansion. It assumes that global
per cent. This is highly optimistic and, even if cropland areas grow by 9 per cent, thereby
biologically possible, would only be realised replacing grazing areas.
with extensive investment in agricultural
research and development. Achieving these • ‘Massive’ land use change: In this case
yields in the short term would cause further global cropland grows by 19 per cent, again
severe biophysical challenges such as soil replacing land currently used as grazing land.
erosion and may be limited by other factors

Forests are critical for the Earth’s survival

6 EATING THE PLANET? Compassion in World Farming and Friends of the Earth
3. Three livestock systems: Currently around
60 billion animals (poultry and mammals)
are used to produce food annually, and
according to the FAO, this number could
double by 2050. The majority of this
increase in production is forecast to come
from intensive, indoor livestock systems
(FAO, 2009b). A global move to more
humane free-range systems would vastly
improve farm animal welfare. In this study,
all three livestock scenarios involve a

Photo ©: Compassion in World Farming

mixture of subsistence systems, extensive
market-integrated systems and
commercially-oriented modern animal
production systems.

• Intensive livestock system: The number

of animals reared intensively in indoor
systems increases to 45 per cent, replacing
many subsistence farms (which are
decreased by 50 per cent). The proportion
of organic and humane farms is very low.

• Humane livestock system: Free-range

systems (similar to typical UK and Sow stalls in an intensive pig farm, Denmark

European Union standards) replace all

intensive, indoor-housed systems and • Western high meat: Economic growth
some subsistence systems. and consumption patterns accelerate in
the coming decades, leading to global
• Organic livestock system: organic livestock
adoption of western style diets with
rearing which adheres to the International
relatively very high meat and dairy
Federation of Organic Agriculture
consumption. Average calorie intake
Movements (IFOAM) standards replaces
increases and reaches at least 3,000 kcal
all intensive systems, and some
per person per day in all regions. On
subsistence systems.
average, 44 per cent of protein intake is
4. Four diets were defined, based on assumed to come from animal products.
different calorie counts and varying
• Current trend: Over time, meat
proportions of animal products. Countries
consumption increases in line with GDP.
with high gross domestic product (GDP) per
This diet scenario projects this trend into
capita on average consume more food and
the future. By 2050, every region attains
have a higher proportion of animal products
the diet of the country with the richest
in the diet than countries with low GDP. For
diet in that region. Calorie intake ranges
example, the average North American
between 2,700 kcal per person per day in
consumes twice as much protein as an
the poorest regions and 3,600 kcal per
average Sub-Saharan African, with almost
person per day in the wealthiest regions,
two-thirds of protein coming from animal
with a world average of 3,000 kcal per
products, compared to just one-fifth in the
person per day.
case of an average Sub-Saharan African.

Compassion in World Farming and Friends of the Earth EATING THE PLANET? 7
• Less meat: This diet is based on satisfying • Fair less meat: This diet assumes a fair and
growing food and nutrition demands with equal distribution of 2,800 kcal per person,
a lower meat diet. It has the same level of per day. The proportion of animal protein
dietary energy - 3,000 kcal per person per in the diet is maintained at 20 per cent for
day on average - as the ‘current trend’ diet everyone, marking an increase in meat and
but with 30 per cent of protein from dairy consumption in the poorest regions
animal products. The proportion of animal and a decrease in wealthy regions. This
products in the diet decreases in wealthy diet is sufficient in terms of both quantity
regions such as North America, Oceania and quality on an average per person
and Western Europe and increases in Sub - basis. It is consistent with healthy diet
Saharan Africa and Southern Asia. recommendations of consumption of
around 90 g of meat per day (McMichael
et al., 2007). In terms of calorie intake, this
diet is in line with average diet levels in
the year 2000. However this diet model
ensures the global population receives this
level of calorie intake equally, so regional
calorie intakes in developed countries
would reduce and, conversely, increase
in some developing regions.

Table 1. Basic characteristics of the four diets

Diet Global Global ‘Business- Global Average Globally

increase increase as-usual’ protein calorie equitable
in dietary in animal evolution from animal intake (Kcal distribution
energy protein of diet products (%) person/day) of food

Western high meat ✔ ✔ ✔ 44% 3170

Current trend ✔ ✔ ✔ 38% 2990

Less meat ✔ 30% 2990

Fair less meat 20% 2800 ✔

8 EATING THE PLANET? Compassion in World Farming and Friends of the Earth

Feasibility of diet and farming scenarios

The variable crop yields, livestock systems, land use changes and diets were combined within the
model, resulting in a combination of the 72 scenarios. Each one was assessed for feasibility in
terms of land use to provide sufficient food for the world population in 2050. The results are
presented in Table 2. The feasibility of each scenario was determined as:

• Probably feasible (yellow +/-): demand for • Highly feasible (blue ++): cropland availability
cropland and availability differ by less exceeds demand by more than 20 per cent
than 5 per cent
• Not feasible (blank -): cropland demand
• Feasible (green +): cropland availability exceeds cropland availability by more
exceeds demand by more than 5 per cent than 5 per cent

Table 2. Feasibility analysis of all 72 scenarios

CROP FAO FAO Inter- Inter- Wholly Wholly

YIELDS intensive intensive mediate mediate Organic Organic

LAND USE Massive Business as Massive BAU Massive BAU


Western Intensive +/-
high meat
- - - - -

Western Humane - - - -
high meat
- -

Western Organic
high meat
- - - - - -

Current Intensive + + + +/-

- -

Current Humane + + + +/-

- -

Current Organic + +/- +/- +/-

- -

Less Intensive + + + + +/-


Less Humane + + + + +/-


Less Organic + + + +
- -

Fair less Intensive ++ + ++ + +/- +/-


Fair less Humane ++ + ++ + +/- +/-


Fair less Organic ++ + ++ + +/-


Compassion in World Farming and Friends of the Earth EATING THE PLANET? 9
Scenarios may be unfeasible, or undesirable, require a trade-off between massive land use
for reasons other than cropland availability. change and further intensification of crops or
For example, even if it were possible to attain livestock production systems. This diet would
the FAO’s high yield forecast, achieving these probably be feasible without massive land use
high levels could itself undermine future food change and with humane livestock production
production capacity through use of and intermediate yields (between organic and
inappropriate agricultural technologies, the intensive). However, alongside the
deterioration of soils due to unsustainable environmental implications of this diet
cropping practices or salinization resulting outlined below, uncertainties over the effects
from poor irrigation techniques. Determining of climate change highlight the need to
the feasibility of scenarios for such reasons was urgently reconsider food systems that involve
outside the scope of the primary research, but such high levels of animal consumption.
is discussed later.
The ‘less meat’ diet: Saving natural resources
Land availability and promoting global food security

There was sufficient grazing area in all The study showed that reducing meat
scenarios, even those that involved massive consumption would result in lower use of the
cropland area change. Deforestation was not world’s natural resources and would open up
included in the modelling and the results of more options for less intensive farming.
the study show that forests do not need to be Under the ‘less meat’ diet it is possible to
cleared to feed a growing world population. feed the world whilst adopting lower input-
output crop and livestock farming systems
The ‘western high meat’ diet required
that have significant benefits for the
massive land use change in order to be at all
environment and animal welfare, i.e.
feasible. All other diet and animal
humane or organic livestock systems
production scenarios could be adopted
combined with intermediate crop yields,
without requiring massive land use change,
whilst avoiding massive land use change.
with intermediate yields.
The ‘fair less meat’ diet: Fair global food
Feasibility by diet supplies providing environmental benefits
The ‘western high meat’ diet: Expansion of
The aim of the ‘fair less meat’ diet was to
diets based on high levels of meat and dairy
assess whether it would be feasible to feed
products is not an option
the world on a highly resource-efficient diet,
Global adoption of the ‘western high meat’ made available equally to the world’s
diet is only probably feasible with massive population. This diet had the lowest meat
land use change. This would mean that an consumption of the four models and easily
additional three million km2 of land would be provided sufficient food to feed the global
needed for agricultural production, expanding population. Under this diet, even wholly
into grazing land, with potential for serious organic crop systems could probably be
detrimental environmental consequences. It adopted globally, together with humane
would rely on a highly optimistic 54 per cent livestock systems, to produce enough food
increase in crop yields in line with the highest without massive land use change. The
possible FAO forecasts. This approach would adoption of intermediate yields would even
also rely on confining the vast majority of guarantee sufficient food under all livestock
farm animals in inhumane intensive systems, including organic.
production systems.
Humane and sustainable farming can
‘Current trend’ diet: trade-offs between feed the world
massive land use change and intensification
It has previously been presumed that feeding
Results show that achieving current diet the world’s growing demands would require
trends in 2050 is possible in a number of significant agricultural intensification and
different scenarios, but to be feasible would maximisation of yield of both crops and

10 EATING THE PLANET? Compassion in World Farming and Friends of the Earth
livestock systems, with the potential for intermediate crop yields whilst avoiding
disastrous environmental and animal welfare massive land use change.
impacts. This study shows that even under the
This suggests that, in order to feed the world
current trends diet, it would probably be
in 2050, a potentially detrimental rush to
feasible to feed the world under humane
further intensification is unnecessary. Humane
animal rearing systems and intermediate crop
and sustainable farming systems, which can
yields, without the need for massive land use
protect both the environment and farm
change. If diets change to ‘less meat’, it would
animal welfare, can be considered as a
even be feasible to produce enough food
mainstream agricultural strategy.
under organic livestock systems with


Environmental and health impacts The demand for land for feed production
of increasing meat consumption under both the ‘current trend’ and ‘western
high meat’ diet scenarios will increase pressure
Continuing along the existing global trajectory toward crop intensification and opening up of
of increasing meat and dairy consumption is new croplands, potentially resulting in further
likely to lead to further agricultural biodiversity loss. Intensification could impact
intensification of both crop yields and farm on both crop and grazing lands, which include
animal production systems plus, in the case of a large variety of ecosystems. Grazing land, for
the ‘western high meat’ diet, massive land use example, comprises intensively-cultivated
change. This could lead to significant further meadows as well as semi-natural landscapes
pressure on available resources and is and it is often of very high ecological and
incompatible with a fair global food supply. biodiversity value. Biodiversity is already being
lost up to 1,000 times faster than natural rates of
Both the ‘western high meat’ and ‘current
species loss (Millennium Ecosystem Assessment,
trend’ diet scenarios are likely to have an
2005). Agricultural intensification and expansion
enormous impact on the environment and
is a major factor as it drives habitat loss.
accelerate climate change. Globally, livestock
Populations of 45 per cent of Europe’s common
production already contributes 18 per cent to
bird species declined across 20 countries
global greenhouse gas emissions, more than
between 1980 and 2005, with farmland birds
the emissions from all transport (Steinfeld et
particularly affected, driven by agricultural
al., 2006). Currently around 60 billion animals
intensification and the resulting deterioration
(poultry and mammals) are used to produce
of farmland habitats (Donald et al., 2001).
food annually (FAO, 2009b). This number would
be likely to double under the ‘current trend’ Areas likely to be affected under these
diet, and would be further increased in the scenarios include the Cerrado of Brazil, one
‘western high meat’ diet. An expansion of of the largest and most biodiverse savannah
animal production by 2050 is likely to lead to areas in the world covering an area the size
a massive rise in greenhouse gas emissions, of Western Europe. The Cerrado comprises
increasing the likelihood that the world will fail large stretches of grassland, scrub and areas
to prevent dangerous climate change. Doubling of woodland which run alongside river banks.
livestock production will put pressure on other It is internationally recognized as a
resources, such as water, the use of which in biodiversity hotspot and is home to 40 per
agriculture is already predicted to increase by 70 cent of Brazil’s mammals, over 900 species of
- 90 per cent in the coming decades as a result birds and 10,000 species of plants. More than
of increased demand for food (IAASTD, 2008). half of the Brazilian Cerrado has been

Compassion in World Farming and Friends of the Earth EATING THE PLANET? 11
replaced by crops and pasture in the last 35 production system, or on a wholly organic
years and it is now one of the world’s main system with improvement in organic yields.
regions of soya and beef production (Marris,
The findings of this research support previous
2005). Further loss of areas such as the
studies demonstrating that a reduction in the
Cerrado could occur under a scenario of
consumption of animal products would reduce
massive agricultural expansion.
human pressure on the environment. Switching
Reducing meat consumption: to a lower meat diet would reduce pressure on
benefits for animals, people and land as, under these diet scenarios, feeding the
the planet world will be possible without massive land use
change. This is consistent with previous studies,
Maximising yields or expanding cropland at all which showed that reducing global meat
costs, irrespective of the environmental, social consumption could free up one million square
or animal welfare impacts involved, is not kilometres of cropland and 27 million square
necessary to feed the world’s expanding kilometres of pasture that could be used to
population. Furthermore, less intensive store large amounts of carbon as the
humane and sustainable farming can easily vegetation regrows (Stehfest et al., 2009).
feed the world in 2050 if the developed world
reduces its meat consumption. Lower-meat A switch to organic farming or a greater
diets should be pursued for their benefits not proportion of organic agriculture would have
only in reducing GHG emissions and benefiting a number of environmental benefits, including
biodiversity, but also for human health. increasing organic matter in soils and better
soil structure (Mäder et al., 2002, Marriott and
The ‘less meat’ diet would decrease Wander, 2006, Fließbach et al., 2007); reduced
consumption of animal products in North soil erosion (Reganold et al., 1987, Siegrist et
America, Western Europe and Oceania. Meat al., 1998), greater biodiversity compared to
intake would increase in Northern Africa, conventional agriculture (Bengtsson et al.,
Western Asia and in Sub-Saharan Africa for 2005, Hole et al., 2005) and lower GHG
nutritional reasons as current consumption of emissions, in particular due to the lack of
animal products is relatively very low. On synthetic nitrogen fertiliser use which is
average, the proportion of animal protein in prevalent in intensive crop agriculture.
the diet would decrease to 30 per cent, from a
global average of 38 per cent in 2000. This Lower meat consumption would result in lower
scenario would have significant environmental greenhouse gas emissions. In 2001, the
and human health benefits, would be feasible Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
under realistic intermediate crop yield (IPCC) noted that “a shift from meat towards
forecasts and would not require massive land plant production for human food purposes,
use change. It would also have significant farm where feasible, could increase energy efficiency
animal welfare benefits as animals would not and decrease greenhouse gas GHG emissions”
need to be kept in intensive close-confinement (IPCC, 2001). The lower land use change
livestock production systems. possible under these diet scenarios would also
reduce the carbon emissions from soils and
There is huge potential to feed the planet allow for more soil carbon sequestration.
using organic agriculture. Adoption of the ‘fair
less meat’ diet would make organic crop Human health would benefit under
farming a feasible way to feed the world. ‘contraction and convergence’ of diets: western
While wholly organic crop yields would only countries would cut back on their meat and
be probably feasible with massive land use dairy consumption, while those in developing
change, a mixture of organic and conventional countries increase their consumption according
crop yields (as shown in the intermediate crop to their dietary needs (McMichael et al., 2007).
yield scenario) is feasible without major land Reducing meat consumption in developed
use change. This means that it would be countries would reduce the risk of obesity,
possible to provide everyone with a sufficient heart disease and some cancers (Costello, 2009).
diet on a mixed conventional/organic crop According to Lord Jay and Professor Marmott,

12 EATING THE PLANET? Compassion in World Farming and Friends of the Earth
writing in The Lancet, improving health and
tackling climate change through a reduction
in meat consumption should be seen “as an
opportunity rather than a cost” (Jay and
Marmott, 2009).

The effects of climate change

The impacts of climate change on crop yields
through changes in temperature, precipitation
and carbon dioxide (CO2) fertilisation are
highly uncertain. Plants take up atmospheric
CO2 for photosynthesis. Higher CO2 levels can © Compassion in World Farming/Amit Pasricha
therefore, under certain circumstances
Sheep grazing on arid land in India
(predominantly sufficient nutrient supply),
boost plant growth and alleviate water stress
– this is known as the CO2 fertilisation effect. scenarios would be at least ‘probably
However, while detectable under controlled feasible’. If it is assumed that the full CO2
conditions, the magnitude of this effect under fertilisation effect takes place, 62 of the 72
real world conditions is highly uncertain. The scenarios would be at least probably feasible.
study finds that impacts of climate change on
yields would be negative if only changes in It was not possible to model the relationship
precipitation and temperature were taken between factors such as nutrient and water
into consideration and the CO2 fertilisation availability and climate change, even though
effect did not occur, whereas it can be it is clear that such feedbacks will be very
strongly positive if it is assumed to be fully important. In particular water availability is
effective (Table 3). likely to be a limiting factor in achieving crop
yields; decreasing precipitation would lead to
The effect of these yield changes has a water stress and crop failures. Whether or
significant impact on the feasibility of the 72 not farmers will be able to attain increased
scenarios: If the CO2 fertilisation effect is not crop yields under elevated CO2
taken into account, only 34 of the 72 concentrations is also highly uncertain.

Table 3. Modelled climate impact on cropland yields in 2050 with and without
CO2 fertilisation.

Mean crop yield change under climate change 2050

with CO2 fertilisation without CO2 fertilisation

Northern Africa and Western Asia + 4.44 % - 8.65 %

Sub-Saharan Africa + 8.46 % - 6.17 %

Central Asia and Russian Federation + 24.91 % + 5.12 %

Eastern Asia + 11.96 % - 3.90 %

Southern Asia + 18.45 % - 15.61 %

South-Eastern Asia + 28.22 % - 15.83 %

Northern America + 12.45 % - 6.25 %

Latin America & the Caribbean + 12.39 % - 7.02 %

Western Europe + 16.42 % + 2.04 %

Eastern & South-Eastern Europe + 19.08 % - 0.66 %

Oceania and Australia + 0.74 % - 16.02 %

Compassion in World Farming and Friends of the Earth EATING THE PLANET? 13
Fuelling the world in 2050 – The potential of bioenergy to meet future
possible bioenergy scenarios energy needs cannot be considered in isolation:
diets, agricultural production technology and
The study finds that the realistic future other factors will determine how much of the
bioenergy potential is considerably lower Earth’s biomass will be available for energy use.
than many studies have put forward – a
maximum of 70-100 EJ/yr under realistic A wealth of studies from international
combinations of assumptions by 2050 (with a organisations - the FAO, the World Bank, the
maximum of 160 EJ/yr under unlikely OECD and the Royal Society amongst others -
scenarios) - and that will depend on future have warned that exploiting the world’s
diets, livestock systems, yields and land use. theoretical bioenergy potential will have
dramatic negative social and ecological
The bioenergy potential that this calculation impacts, such as further pressure on small
represents is a maximum estimate, based on farmers and communities that depend on the
the most efficient way of converting biomass land, upward pressure on food prices and
to energy, for example, combined heat and land rights conflicts. It could also trigger
power plants that are able to utilise primary indirect land use change such as
solid biomass without significant conversion deforestation in South East Asia and Latin
losses. In reality only a small fraction of America. In the worst cases this would result
biomass is converted in this way. When in net increases in greenhouse gas emissions.
converting biomass into liquid biofuels for
transport use, a large part of the available
energy is lost.

Large-scale production of biofuels will lead to an increase in food scarcity and rising prices

14 EATING THE PLANET? Compassion in World Farming and Friends of the Earth

Maximising yields and expanding cropland sustainable farming options are, and adds
at all costs, irrespective of the impact on weight to claims that researchers should be
the animals, people and the planet, is not working with farmers’ and communities’
necessary to feed the world now and in the traditional knowledge to deliver farming
future. Abandoning environmentally- that balances environmental sustainability,
damaging intensive farming will not social equity and economic viability.
jeopardize future world food supplies,
The impact of climate change on future food
especially if people in developed countries
production is uncertain but even if climate
adopt healthier, lower-meat diets.
change has a negative impact on crop yields,
Contrary to current thinking, it is possible to a global lower-meat diet will still allow for
feed the world using solely humane (free- the world to be fed. Climate change should
range) farm animal production systems. not be used as a justification for further
Humane animal production can feed the intensification that will worsen the vicious
world without massive land use change. It has circle of environmental degradation and
considerable benefits for animal welfare but greater greenhouse gas emissions.
could also provide environmental benefits
Globally, total GHG emissions must be
such as promoting biodiversity and reducing
reduced by at least 80 per cent by 2050.
environmental pollution (CIWF, 2009).
Given the significant contribution of
Reducing meat consumption in the agriculture to climate change, it is vital that
developed world increases the resource- policy and research focus on reducing
efficiency of diets. This research provides emissions. Intensive crop yields are currently
a new line of evidence supporting the associated with energy intensive inputs,
scientifically-established correlation between such as nitrogen fertilisers. Taking account
the proportion of animal products in human of the need to mitigate and adapt to
diets and their environmental impact (e.g., climate impacts, an intermediate system of
Stehfest et al., 2009). With a billion people crop yields with ‘fair less meat’ diets should
in the world malnourished, and the same be pursued.
number of people obese – overweight to a
Expectations for the potential of bioenergy
level which endangers their health –
as a future fuel should be lowered to more
adjusting diets globally will benefit rich
realistic levels and should not be viewed in
countries as well as developing ones.
isolation from world food supplies. Any land
There is room for better farming, with no given over to bioenergy should be used in
need to destroy forests. At the moment we the most energy and land-efficient way for
are cutting down forests at a rate of 13 heat and electricity production only. Targets
million hectares per year, mainly to grow for transport biofuels should be abandoned.
animal feed and make space for cattle
Organic farming can play a significant role in
ranching (FAO, 2005).
feeding a world population of 9.2 billion in
2008 saw the release of the most 2050, while enhancing farmland biodiversity
comprehensive international agriculture and maintaining ecosystem services. With the
assessment ever conducted (IAASTD, 2008). adoption of healthy and fair diets, organic
It concluded that continuing with an farming can no longer be dismissed as a
intensive model of agriculture was not an luxury that the world cannot afford. In fact, a
option because of its huge environmental mixture of organic and free-range farming
and social costs. This new research can deliver a range of sustainable diet
demonstrates how feasible and viable options for the world’s 2050 population.

Compassion in World Farming and Friends of the Earth EATING THE PLANET? 15

Farming policy Governments should incorporate less but better meat (‘better’
assess how policies, research priorities and meaning reduced global environmental
development programmes need to change impact and improved animal welfare).
to ensure that the 22 key findings of the
Organic agriculture Given the recognised
International Assessment of Agricultural
environmental and animal welfare benefits,
Knowledge, Science and Technology for
support should be increased for research
development (IAASTD) are implemented so
and development into organic and other
that future food production takes place in
environmentally and socially sustainable
a way that benefits farmers, poor people
agricultural practices, for both crops and
and the environment (see box below).
animal production. There would be clear
In the light of the meat and dairy industry's benefits if it were possible to sustainably
significant contribution to climate change improve organic efficiencies and yields.
and global biodiversity loss, the UK Redirecting “mainstream” agricultural
Government should bring forward a research and development in a more
legislative commitment to measure the environmentally sustainable direction would
role of UK consumption and production be a valuable goal for the benefit of people,
of animal products and a strategy to reduce animals and the planet.
their impact. Public money spent on farming
Humane farming Governmental and
subsidies should be shifted from supporting
intergovernmental targets and incentives
intensive and factory farming to agriculture
are needed for both farmers and consumers
with proven environmental benefits such
to support the transition to lower-input,
as organic and other extensive methods
extensive livestock production. A
of production.
government-supported meat reduction
Diets Action should be taken by governments strategy would further enable farmers to
and the food industry in developed countries reduce animal stocking densities and move
to reduce consumption of animal products. from intensive to more extensive methods.
Any reductions would be beneficial in terms
Bioenergy Optimistic expectations of future
of climate and other environmental impacts,
bioenergy potentials should be reconsidered
animal welfare and biodiversity. This could
and lowered in the light of this study. Any
include public awareness-raising campaigns
consideration of the expansion of bioenergy
aimed at enabling people to adopt lower-
production must be preceded by careful
meat diets and reducing demand for
consideration of the direct and indirect
intensively-reared meat, with the aim of
impacts on climate emissions, biodiversity
achieving specific dietary changes which
and food supply. An integrated view of food

Recognised the complexities of the problems instance providing ecosystem services and
facing world agriculture in delivering functions, maintaining landscapes and
wholesome safe and affordable food cultures and protecting animal welfare.
without causing long-term harm to local
Acknowledged the key role that the local
communities and the environment in the
knowledge of farmers, particularly women,
face of climate change.
and other small-scale food producers should
Acknowledged the failure of past play in the future in developing appropriate
technological innovations and trade to technologies and knowledge systems.
benefit poor people and to cause harm to
Recommended the need to focus
the environment.
knowledge, science and technology on
Emphasised the multi-functionality of agroecology in order to produce sufficient
agriculture in providing more than food, food whilst benefiting the environment and
fibre, raw materials and biomass, for communities.

16 EATING THE PLANET? Compassion in World Farming and Friends of the Earth
and energy needs and potential must be which can ensure enough food can be
adopted when designing future bioenergy produced in future, such as the ‘fair and less
policies and incentives. Any land given over meat’ diet under intermediate yields.
to bioenergy should be used in the most
Forests It is clear from this research that
energy and land-efficient way for heat and
deforestation is not required to feed the
electricity production only. Targets for
world, yet deforestation continues.
transport biofuels should be abandoned.
Protecting forests – essential if we are to
Climate change Further research needs to prevent runaway climate change, irreversible
focus on the impact of climate change on biodiversity loss and damage to ecosystem
agriculture, as well as on reducing the services – requires a strong and fair global
impacts of agriculture on climate change. agreement on forest protection as well as a
This should include developing the potential concerted effort to support countries in
of alternatives to high resource input implementing and enforcing national
production methods, such as humane and policies. Action at national and international
sustainable farming. Taking a precautionary level should recognise the rights of forest-
approach (e.g. assuming that any CO2 dependent communities and avoid measures
fertilisation benefits are cancelled out by that would commoditise forest resources.
changes in rainfall and more erratic or
extreme weather), global policy should
encourage a move towards food systems

We can feed the world using humane and sustainable farming

Compassion in World Farming and Friends of the Earth EATING THE PLANET? 17

18 EATING THE PLANET? Compassion in World Farming and Friends of the Earth

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Compassion in World Farming and Friends of the Earth EATING THE PLANET? 19
How we can feed the world without trashing it

ISBN 1-900156-47-4

We are grateful to The Sheepdrove Trust for funding this study

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