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Information Brochure

Summer School (Sponsored by ICAR)

Modern Techniques and Approaches in Storae of
!ar"ested and #rocessed #lant and Animal $ood #roducts
%une && to %uly &' ()&*
Course +irector
+r, +attatreya M, -adam
Course Co.+irectors/
+r, Suresh -, +e"at0al and +r, Sandeep Mann
Aricultural Structures and 2n"ironment Control +i"ision
Central Institute of #ost.!ar"est 2nineerin and
Technoloy (CI#!2T)' #3/ #A4' 5udhiana6&*&))*
Central Institute of #ost.!ar"est 2nineerin and
Technoloy (CI#!2T)' I,C,A,R, #3/ #A4'
5udhiana6&*&))* (#un7ab)
Summer School (Sponsored by ICAR)
Modern Techniques and Approaches in Storage of Harvested
and Processed Plant and Animal Food Products
The storage of food grains, vegetables and animal products is an economic activity
practiced by cultivators, traders and retailers. Quantitative and qualitative losses and changes
take place during storage of food commodities Stared food commodities are prone to attack by
insects, mites, rodents, fungi and bacteria. Rodents, insects and mites are the most important
haards to the safe storage of food grains. !egetables and animal products are spoiled by
bacteria, insects and fungi. Scientific storage methods are needed to prevent the economic
losses that occur during storage of harvested and processed food commodities. "dvanced
storage facilities are important to ensure household and community food security. This #ill
also ensure the soothe farmers a adequate return on their produce and #ill avoid the situation
of farmers being forced to sell at lo# prices in the glut that often follo#s a harvest. Scientific
storage involves controlling the factors, like temperature, moisture, light, pests and hygieneto
minimie the losses and damages during storage due to insects, rodents and micro$orgamsms%
chemical damage through rancidity development and flavour changes, etc and physical damage
through crushing, breaking, etc. &urther hygienic and sanitary storage conditions are also
important from food safety point of vie#.
Objectives The ma'or ob'ective of this summer school is to provide training to scientists and
teachers to update their skill and impart the modern scientific kno#ledge in the field of post$
harvest storage of plant and animal produce. This training on modern techniques of food
processing research and development is an important step to achieve post$harvest losses
reduction, safe handling and in realiing the goals of food security of the nation. This summer
school gives an opportunity to young scientists and teachers to discuss and e(change their
ideas #ith e(perts)resource persons #ho are #orking in this field.
About !"PH#T
The !entral "nstitute of Post$Harvest #ngineering and Technolog% &!"PH#T' #as
established on *+ ,ecember 1+-+ at .udhiana, /un'ab, 0ndia as a nodal institute to undertake
lead researches in the area of the post$harvest engineering and technology appropriate to
agricultural production catchment and agro)food$industries. The institute1s second campus #as
established on 1+ 2arch 1++3 at "bohar, /un'ab, 0ndia #hich is primarily responsible for
conducting research and development activities on fruits and vegetables, and commercial
horticultural crops. 40/56T is also headquarters for t#o "ll 0ndia 4oordinated Research
/ro'ects 7"04R/s8 vi. "04R/ on /ost$5arvest Technology 7/5T8 at 3- 4entres and "04R/
on "pplications of /lastics in "griculture 7"/"8 at 11 4entre9s.
40/56T envisions higher profitability of agricultural production systems ensuring
better income to farmers and increased employment opportunities in rural sector through
efficient post$harvest engineering and technological interventions for loss reduction and value
addition to agricultural produce and by$products resulting in high quality and safe food and
feed at competitive prices for domestic and e(port markets.
!limate ( The !it%
.udhiana, popularly kno#n as 2anchester of 0ndia is located on the bank of river
Satlu' and is centrally located on the map of /un'ab. :eographically, it lies bet#een north
latitude 3;<$3=9 and 3;<$;19 and east longitude >?<$1-9 and >@<$*;9. 0t covers an area of 3-?>
kmA. Being in the centre of /un'ab and situated on :rand Trunk Road and the main rail#ay
line, it has developed into a main industrial and commercial hub of the state. .udhiana is
famous for its hosiery and te(tiles, bicycle and se#ing machine industry. /un'ab being the
granary of 0ndia, and .udhiana an industrial city, many food grain stocks and its processing
units are located around it.
.udhiana has a tropical climatic condition. &rom "pril to Cune, the city e(periences
summer season. The city remains e(cessively hot, ma(imum temperature reaches up to 3-D4.
Cune brings a little rain but it does not help reduce the scorching heat as the average minimum
temperature hardly drops to **D4.
!ourse content The course content #ill broadly cover modern concepts of food storage,
distribution, advanced techniques in food quality evaluation, measurement and analytical
techniques, environment management, food handling systems, transportation, food
irradiation, R&0,, hybrid cool system, 2"/ and smart packaging technologies, froen storage,
4"/ storage, biosensors, nano technology, novel methods in drying, clean and green
technologies in food processing, spectroscopy approaches to quality evaluation,
pesticide)chemical residues, food safety and 5"44/ in food storage and processing.
i8 2aster1s ,egree in /rocessing and &ood 6ngineering) /ost$harvest Technology) ,airy
6ngineering and Technology) "gril. 6ngineering ) 4hemical 6ngineering ) Biochemical
6ngineering ) &ood Science and Technology) &ood Technology) &ood and Eutrition)
!eterinary 7./T8) &ish /rocessing) 5orticulture ) 2icrobiology or equivalent.
ii8 Forking not belo# the rank of Scientist) "ssistant /rofessor) "ssistant Scientist and
equivalent in the concerned sub'ect under 04"R 0nstitutes) State "gricultural Gniversity)
5orticultural and &orestry Gniversity) !eterinary and &ishery Gniversity) 4entral
Ho) to appl%
0nterested candidates may apply online by registering at 4B/ portal 7httpH))iasri.res.in)cbp)8
strictly follo#ing the guidelines available at link httpH))iasri.res.in)cbp)To,o#nload):uidelines
I*;toI*;participateI*;inI*;trainingI*;program.pdf. Hard cop% of online filled form
and application filled in prescribed format should be sent to 4ourse ,irector &or#arded
through competent authorities. "pplication may be sent in advance in case of any delay
anticipated in for#arding through proper channel. 5o#ever, the final selection #ill be made
only if the application duly recommended by the authority is received. " postal order of Rs.
?;)$ 7non$refundable8 dra#n in favour of the *irector+ !"PH#T+ ,udhiana payable at
.udhiana should be sent along #ith the application.
,ast date for submission of Application 1?
2ay *;1= 7"dvance copy8, 1+
2ay *;1=
7Through proper channel copy8.
Selection of !andidates Selected candidates #ill be intimated on or after 1?
2ay, *;1= by e
"fter the candidates are intimated of their selection, they should immediately reply #ith firm
acceptance and travel plan. 4ancellation at the last moment for casual reasons after acceptance
#ill be regarded as a breach of ethical conduct since it may deprive other eager candidates #ho
could have availed this opportunity.
Travelling+ boarding and lodging facilities The boarding, lodging and travelling e(penses of
the selected candidates #ill be met from 04"R funds as per norms and operational guide lines
for organiation of Summer school. /articipants #ill be paid to and fro fare by shortest route as
per their entitlement% ho#ever, reimbursement may be restricted to "4$000 Tier in train 7due to
fund limitation8 or bus or any other means of transport in vogue, as the case may be. &are by of
"4 00 or "irfare by 0ndian "irlines 76conomy 4lass8 may be admitted upon availability of
sufficient fund. The participants #ill be paid actual T" on production of documentary proof.
/articipants are requested to send their travel plan in advance. The participants #ill be
provided free boarding and lodging at the 0nstitute :uest house. .ocal candidates #ill be
provided lunch and forenoon)afternoon tea.
-ote /articipants are advised not to bring their spouse)children along #ith them during
training period.
Application ma% be sent to
*r. *attatre%a M. /adam+
Senior Scientist and 4ourse ,irector
4entral 0nstitute of /ost$5arvest 6ngineering and Technology 740/56T8
/JH /.".G. .udhiana K1=1;;= 7/un'ab8
/h 7J8H ;1@1$*3131*3, 2H ;+=1>?+@-+=
&a(H ;1@1$*3;-@>; FebsiteH ###.ciphet.in
6 mailH kadam1kLyahoo.com
4ourse 4o$,irectorsH
*r. Suresh /. *evat0al *r. Sandeep Mann
Senior Scientist 7./T8 Senior Scientist 7"SM628
"gricultural Structures and 6nvironmental 4ontrol ,ivision, 40/56T, .udhiana$1=1;;=
!ontact *etails
1. *r. *attatre%a M. /adam+ Senior Scientist and 4ourse ,irector,
4entral 0nstitute of /ost$5arvest 6ngineering and Technology 740/56T8
/JH /.".G. 4ampus. .udhiana K1=1;;= 7/un'ab8
6 mailH kadam1kLyahoo.com,
/h 7J8H ;1@1$*3131*3, 2obileH ;+=1>?+@-+=, &a(H ;1@1$*3;-@>;
*. ,r. S. E. Cha
5ead, "SM 64 ,ivision, 40/56T, /JH /"G, .udhiana
6mailH sn'haNciphetLyahoo.co.in
/hone H ;1@1$*3131;+ &a( H ;1@1$*3;-@>;
3. ,r. R. O. :upta
,irector, 40/56T, /JH /"G, .udhiana
6 mailH ciphet.directorLgmail.com, ciphetLsify.com
&or further details, updates on summer school, trainings M other activities of 40/56T, .udhiana
Oeep visiting ))).ciphet.in
Modern Techniques and Approaches in Storae o!
Har"ested and Processed P#ant and Ani$a# Food Products
(%une &&' ()&* 6 %uly )&' ()&*)

!entral "nstitute of Post$Harvest #ngineering and Technolog% &!"PH#T'+
".!.A.1. PO PA2+ ,udhiana3454665 &Punjab'
"tem "nformation
4 Full -ame in 7loc0 letter
8 ,esignation
9 /resent 6mployer and "ddress
5 "ddress to #hich reply should be sent
regarding this Summer SchoolH 7/l.
provide detailed postal address for fast
communication8 /hone #ith ST, codeH
6 mail
: /ermanent "ddress
; ,ate of Birth
< Se( 7/lease tick in appropriate bo(8 2ale &emale Jther
= Teaching) Research) /rofessional
e(perience 72ention post held8
during last ? years and number of
publications #ith details.
/ost 5eld in past ? years Eo. of /ublication
Sie Recent
> 2arital status 7Tick in appropriate bo(8 2arried Gnmarried Jther
46 2ention if you have participated in any
research seminar, summer) #inter school)
short course etc. during the previous
years under 04"R)other org.
44 1egistration Fee
"mountH Rs.?;.;; 7Rupees &0&TQ
JE.Q8, To be submitted through
/ostal Jrder only.
/ostal Jrder /ayable toH
*irector+ !"PH#T+ ,udhiana
/ostal Jrder Eo.
48 Academic record
-ote #nclose 7iodata
13. ,iscipline and 6(perienceH
1=. .evel of kno#ledge of post$harvest 6ngineering and Technology, /rocessing, Storage,
Statistics and 2athematicsH
,ate NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Signature of the applicant
1?. Recommendation of the &or#arding 0nstitute
Official Seal
0t is certified that the information furnished has been verified by the office records and found correct.
Signature and ,esignation #ith official seal of the Sponsoring "uthorityNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN
*iscipline Aear *ivision?
2niversit%?"nstitution Percent Mar0s
/h. ,.
2. Tech) 2. Sc.
B.Tech.) B. Sc
1;R* ) P00
1; ) P

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