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Book: Basic Drama Projects by Fran Averett Tanner, Ph.D., 2004
Course Objectives:
To develop artistic perception, creative expression, and aesthetic valuing; to develop the
to connect and apply hat is learned in dra!a to other art "or!s, sub#ects, and careers. $n
course, students ill learn theatre ter!inology "or the stage, acting, directing, and
aspects o" production. %uch o" the course content ill be studied through active, hands&
pro#ects. 'tudents ill learn to do acting ar!&ups, i!provisations, !onologues, and
to&, three,
and "our&person scenes. Per"or!ances and so!e selected in&class or( !ay be video&
"or analysis and evaluation. 'tudents ill read and analy)e scenes and plays. They ill
brie" scenes based on short stories, parts o" novels, and*or their on inspiration. Finally,
students ill research artists in the theatre and attend and revie at least one live
and one !ovie per se!ester. 'tudents ill also participate in the "all and spring Dra!a
Essential Outcomes / Units o Stu!":
$n order to receive a "inal grade o" +,- or better, the student !ust be able to de!onstrate
pro"iciency o" all o" the "olloing outco!es.
#irst Semester:
/0 De"ine a !ini!u! o" /00 theatre vocabulary ter!s; 20 per"or! a ar!&up routine; 10
per"or! a panto!i!e; 40 i!provise a scene ith a partner; 20 plan and present stage
!ove!ent "or a scene; 30 plot and execute three stage crosses; 40 per"or! vocal
exercises; 50 per"or! an i!provised scene as part o" an ense!ble; 60 create characters
and i!provise a scene ith a partner; /00 use characteri)ations in a group scene; //0
bloc( and per"or! a dra!atic scene ith a partner; /20 bloc( and per"or! a co!ic scene
ith a partner; /10 verbally and in riting evaluate the per"or!ances o" other students
selecting good 7ualities and areas o" i!prove!ent; /40 pro#ect believable e!otions and
intentions; /20 pro#ect believable e""ective staging 8using stage areas and acting
positions0; /30 use one9s body "reely and expressively in !oving on stage ith gestures
and "acial expressions; /40 rite a revie o" one live play and one "il!; /50 or(
e""ectively ith others to develop dra!atic presentations; /60 ta(e part actively and
enthusiastically in presentations and "eedbac(.
Secon! Semester:
/0 De!onstrate all o" the "irst se!ester techni7ues and s(ills "or per"or!ances; 20
de!onstrate standard acting techni7ues in to or three short acting scenes; 10 participate
in "inal scene or one&act or "ull&length play "or an audience or rite a research paper on
any topic pertaining to theatre.
In preparing for public performance the student will:
a. :ehearse under direction o" a student director and*or the teacher.
b. ,ooperate and "ollo directions.
c. Participate in at least one area o" the technical side o" production;costu!es, props,
!a(eup, set design, set construction, lighting, sound, videography, theatre !anage!ent,
progra! design, and publicity.
d. Atten! any !andatory a"ter&school rehearsals and all $ublic $erormances. ,all the
teacher i" uinable to attend. <Failure to attend public per"or!ance results in an #.
e. Per"or! at least to nights "or an audience.
". %e!ori)e dialogue hich ill be per"or!ed ithout a script.
g. =se language to express and co!!unicate thoughts and "eelings e""ectively.
<Only unavoidable emergency accepted for failure to attend a public performance.
%ra!in&: Dra!a "older o" handouts and class notes 20 points per ite!
>o!eor( 20&20 points
$n&class or( 20&20 points
Tests 20&20 points
$n&class dra!a pro#ects 8graded by rubric0 /00 points ?
'cript riting /00 points
'artici$ation in $ro!uctions /,000 points ?
Final @xa!s 200 points each
California State Standards
Artistic Perception:
! Processing" analy#ing" and responding to sensory information through the language
s$ills uni%ue to the arts! Theatre descriptor: Students perceive the environment and
respond" using movement and voice! &hey observe informal productions" theatrical
productions" films" and electronic media and respond to them" using the vocabulary and
language of the theatre!
Creative Expression:
'! Creating" performing" and participating in the arts! Theatre descriptor: Students
$nowledge and s$ills in acting" directing" and script writing through their own
and imagination as well as through their research of literature and history! &hey create
and perform theatrical productions and e(plore the elements and technology of
production through varied media!
Historical and Cultural Context:
)! *nderstanding historical contributions and cultural dimensions of the arts! Theatre
descriptor: Students research relationships between theatre and dramatic literature"
history" and culture! &hey investigate major themes" historical periods" and styles of
theatre in various cultures throughout the world!
Aesthetic Valuing:
+! ,esponding to" analy#ing" and ma$ing judgments about wor$s in theatre! Theatre
descriptor: Students describe" analy#e" interpret" and derive meaning from wor$s in
theatre! &hey develop criteria and then ma$e critical judgments about and determine the
%uality of theatre e(periences and performances based on elements and principles of
Res$onsibilities o t(e stu!ent:
/. Abide by the Pierce >igh Discipline %atrix.
2. There ill be no distracting noises or action when a person or persons are
performing on stage or in class.
1. 'ub#ect !atter o" per"or!ances ill be in good taste and not o""ensive to anyone in
class or in the audience.
4. Aanguage used in class ill not o""end anyone.
2. Bear co!"ortable clothing "or ar!&up exercises and easy !ove!ent.
3. This is a projectperformance!oriented class hich !eans that students !ust be
present in class to participate in activities. Any unexcused absence on the day an
assign!ent is due ill result in an +F- grade "or the assign!ent.
4. Ce sure you have had a good brea("ast. There ill be no eating, drin(ing 8except
ater0, or gu! cheing alloed in class.
5. There ill be no earing o" hats or sunglasses in class.
6. Do use o" pagers, cell phones, headphones or other electronic e7uip!ent is per!itted
in class.
/0. Ce seated in class on ti!e, ready to give attention, concentrate, and participate 8three
consecutive tardies result in an a"ter&school detention0.
//. ,o!e to Dra!a class prepared ith any !aterials necessary to participate in the
class9s current pro#ect 8e.g. script, pencils, paper, text, etc.0.
/2. 'ho respect to the teacher, other students, the property o" others, and school
/1. Do the ho!eor( assigned and turn it in hen it is due.
/4. >o!eor( !issed due to an illness is due one day a"ter student9s return to school.
/2. 'tudents are responsible "or (noing hat an assign!ent is even hen they are
absent. >ave a "riend in class ho can let you (ino hat the assign!ent is.
/3. $" a student !isses a test, it is the student9s responsibility to contact the teacher and
arrange to ta(e the test at a ti!e agreed upon tby the teacher and student.
/4. Participate as part o" a tea!.
/5. 'tudents are expected to support and encourage their "ello students in classor(.
/6. >ave "un ith Dra!a.
20. 'et goals "or yoursel".
Disci$line 'olic":
/. A arning is given at "irst digression "ro! acceptable behavior.
2. A second arning is given and parent is called.
1. Bith the third arning, detention is assigned.
4. A "ourth arning results in suspension "ro! class or "ro! school.
It is hoped that Drama students will develop self discipline and focus to wor$ together to
in a constructive" creative way so that they may grow as artists and communicators!
2. Tests. Eral exa!s, #ournals and ritten exa!s are given periodically.
3. Cring ho!eor( to class on the day it is due, do not do the ho!eor( in class.
4. Aate ho!eor( ill not be accepted.
5. >o!eor( !ay be turned in one day late i" you have an e)cuse! absence.
*(e Drama +otebook
All students are re7uired to have a dra!a "older. Folders should contain the "olloing
a. This syllabus
b. Dra!a vocabulary sheets
c. Dra!a pro#ect activity sheets and dra!a pro#ect criti7ue sheets
d. Dotes ta(en in class about dra!a topics and schedules
e. Britten revies "ro! one play and one !ovie per se!ester
". Progra! and tic(et stub "ro! the play you attended and revieed
g. Tic(et stub "ro! the !ovie you attended and revieed.
A separate "older ill be provided to hold the current production script.
Dra!a "olders should be brought to class everyday. 'tudents ill not be excused a"ter the
beginning o" class to go get the!. The "olders ill be collected and graded several ti!es
each se!ester.
Units o Stu!":
Unit One,*(e Basics. Bar! =p; Ebservation; Panto!i!e; $!provisation
Unit *-o,Elements o Actin&. %ove!ent; 'tage Directions; Foice Production and
Articulation; @nse!ble Bor(
Unit *(ree,Creatin& a C(aracter. ,haracter Analysis; ,haracter Develop!ent;
:oles; ,o!ic :oles
Unit #our,*(e 'la". The Play; The Director and Producer; The ,ast; Cloc(ing;
Attending a
Unit #ive,*ec(nical *(eatre. 'et Design and ,onstruction; Aighting 'ound;
%a(eup; Props
Unit Si),*(eatre .istor". Pri!itive Theatre; %edieval Theatre; /6th ,entury Theatre;
,entury Theatre
Some o t(e Beneits o Drama:
Cy participating in Dra!a you ill increase your aareness o" your surroundings;
increase your
aareness o" yoursel" in group exercises; i!prove your listening s(ills and aareness o"
enhance your physical !ove!ent and expression; sharpen your diction and vocal
s(ills. Gou ill also experience these other outco!es.
Communication H by presenting your artistic ideas through class activities,
per"or!ances, ritten and verbal criti7ues, vieing o" actual productions, and
researching theatre topics
Critical *(inkin& H by solving the proble!s posed in classroo! activities and
per"or!ances and by understanding the ethical and aesthetic poer o" stage
'ersonal Res$onsibilit" H by attendance and punctuality in class, by ta(ing initiative
in classroo! activities, and by planning and !anaging your ti!e in rehearsal and in
preparing pro#ects
Social Res$onsibilit" H by or(ing ith others in class activities, by !a(ing an
active contribution to shos, and by your service to the co!!unity through play

I have read and am in agreement with the policies set in this syllabus!
----------------------------- -------------
Parent Date
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Student Date

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