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Actuality and its Correlates

Phillip Potamites
October 31, 2007

1 Introduction uated against a yet-unanswered question of

human consistency.
This paper surveys statistical distributions Given the small size of the data set, it is
of embedded clause entailments. It evalu- also not too surprising that the top-ranked
ates the success of algorithms which predict features contained many seemingly irrele-
these entailments, and considers aspects of vant items. However, of the top 20 mu-
these algorithms which affect performance. tual information scores for hypotheticality,
It further considers the ability of these algo- 50% were intuitively related to hypotheti-
rithms to harvest items which select these cal clauses. These significant, preceding
entailments, and measures correlations of features included items like “seem”, “tell”,
entailments with other features of embed- “order”, “trying”, “think”, etc.. 40% of the
ded clauses. Bayesian scores for actuality were intuitively
The data consisted of 500 sentences ex- related to actuality; this list included items
tracted from Moby Dick, and the algorithms like “begin” and “knows”. Thus, it seems
were tested on another 50 sentences from reasonable to hope that larger data sets,
the same book. All quotes are from Moby with simple interpretative labels, could de-
Dick unless otherwise noted. rive important lexical knowledge about the
The accuracy of the algorithms, with the items that select those labels.
best parameters, improved from under 40% The data also show significant correla-
to almost 70%, as they trained over these tions of actuality with finiteness and non-
500 sentences. These scores were well actuality with non-finiteness. Furthermore,
above the base-line, ‘best-label’ scores of among ‘that’-clauses, relative clauses are
about 35%. Still, the top-score of 69% is significantly more actual, while comple-
hardly competitive by contemporary, com- ment clauses are significantly more hypo-
putational standards. However, given the thetical. More sophisticated labeling strate-
minimal assumptions of the bagged obser- gies could be directed towards heightening
vations used for these predictions, and the these correlations, perhaps eventually ful-
extremely small size of the available data, filling the linguist’s ideal of absolute deter-
this learning progress appears promising. minacy.1
Larger data sets and more structured ob-
servations should both be expected to of- 1
For instance, it seems likely that the relative
fer enhanced performance. However, this clause actuality would depend on the actuality of the
study suggests that learning significant se- NP involved, and we might be able to prove that hy-
pothetical relative clauses always modify imaginary
mantic implications on small data sets, with NPs. If correct, we could then argue a perfect correla-
unstructured observations is possible. The tion, though we’d still be left to determine which NPs
limits of these methods also need to be eval- are presupposed and which are imagined.

2 Annotations to be classified as demonstratives, prepo-
sitions, or clauses. ‘That’-clauses were ad-
A predicate like ‘dare’ shows how embed- ditionally distinguished as relative or com-
ded clauses can vary in implication of actu- plement clauses. ‘For’-clauses were in-
ality, as well as subject manifestation. stead categorized as finite (a bit like ‘be-
cause’), or overt-subject ‘to’ clauses (the
(1) Implicatives: (see Karttunen (1970), usual form discussed in the linguistics liter-
Karttunen (1971)) ature), or other non-finite forms (frequently
‘-ing’). ‘To’-clauses were distinguished by
a. He dared to speak to the king.
their subject manifestation (whether imme-
→ He spoke to the king.
diate, elsewhere in the sentence, or entirely
b. He didn’t dare speak to the king. absent from the sentence). The full sets of
→ He didn’t speak to the king. possible labels, for each kind of cue, are
listed below, and then discussed further.
(2) a. He dared her to speak to the king.
9 She spoke to the king. • ’that’
b. He didn’t dare her to speak to the
– [thing=], [CompleteCl:], [RelCl:]
9 She didn’t speak to the king. – [actual:], [iffy:], [denied:], []

Karttunen also points out how some • ’for’

predicates reverse the entailments.
– [prep/part:], [for+fin:],
(3) a. He failed to leave. [for+subj+to:], [for-fin:]
→ He didn’t leave. – [actual:], [iffy:], [denied:], []
b. He didn’t fail to leave
→ He left. • ’to’

– [prep/part:], [<-above=subj],
Other predicates sustain the entailment
[=subj], [subj???], [subj->],
under negation.
(4) Factives: (see Kiparsky and Kiparsky – [actual:], [iffy:], [denied:], []
? Pre-determined dependencies:
a. She was happy that he listened.
→ He listened. – [prep/part:] → []
b. She was not happy that he left. – [thing=] → []
→ He left.
As noted above, relative modification
This study collected sentences contain- and finiteness both showed significant cor-
ing ‘that’, ‘for’, or ‘to’. They first had relations with actuality. In contrast, subject

manifestation was not found to have any b. “ If you make the least damn bit of
significant correlation with actuality. noise , ” replied Samuel , “ I will
These labels have been chosen with the send you [prep/part:] [] to hell .
primary intention of being intuitively ob- ” (-quoting Life of Samuel Comstock
vious to untrained informants. In the fu- (The Mutineer))
ture, it would be useful to expand this study
by evaluating consistency among numer- This ethic of overt discernibility also
ous informants, so theoretical jargon has blurs a number of distinctions which
been avoided. trained linguists have found significant.
Thus, rather than using a label like ‘D’, as The subject categories only hint in what di-
in ‘demonstrative’, this study uses the label rection to look for the subject, if present at
[thing=]. As shown by the ‘pre-determined all (while using [subj???], if the subject is
dependencies’, this label is necessarily fol- completely absent from the sentence). The
lowed by a null label [], and is exempted [<-above=subj] label makes no effort to dis-
from questions about its actuality. For in- tinguish raising complements from control
stance, complements, nor from purpose clauses:

(7) They seemed [<-above=subj] [iffy:] to

(5) He’s a raal2 oil-butt , [thing=] [] that fel- endeavor [<-above=subj] [iffy:] to con-
low ! (-quoting Cooper’s Pilot) ceal themselves behind the whale , in
order [<-above=subj] [iffy:] to avoid
However, the prepositional category is being seen by us . (-quoting Cook’s Voy-
annotated as [prep/part:], so as to avoid ages)
the complex question of distinguishing par-
ticles from prepositions. They are equally Control and raising have been distin-
exempted from actuality questions. For guished, by linguists, because a controller
instance, it is unclear if the ‘to’ in ‘be- (like ‘endeavor’) assigns a thematic role,
longest to’ should be analyzed identically to whereas no thematic role is assigned by a
the ‘to’ in ‘send to’, but, for the purposes raiser (like ‘seem’). Purpose clauses (like
of this study, they identically select noun ‘in order to’, or ‘to’ used equivalently) have
phrases, and are therefore categorized as also been distinguished because the con-
[prep/part:]: trol is not obligatory and their subject may
just as well be characterized by [subj???] ,
(6) a. Thou belongest [prep/part:] [] to [=subj], or [subj->].
[thing=] [] that hopeless , sallow Identifying these additional categories,
tribe which no wine of this world or ones like them, may prove useful
will ever warm ; in subsequently predicting important la-
bels.4 While purpose interpretations may
I suspect this word to be an old, perhaps pre-
standardized, spelling of ‘real’, or perhaps intended Though in what contexts remains a matter of de-
to imitate some vernacular. Other versions of Moby bate.
Dick maintain the spelling, so it is apparently not just Jerry Hobbs (p.c.) suggests that identifying silent
a typo of the Gutenberg edition. subjects in adjuncts with the main clause subjects

be straight-forwardly intuitive, the control- in a complement relation, it is intuitively
raising distinction can be controversial, and clear that it was the Dutch and the English
difficult for untrained informants, or even who wished to discover a passage to India.
linguists (see Perlmutter (1970) on the dou- Thus, this current study only queries the in-
ble nature of ‘begin’). This preliminary tuitive knowledge that the understood sub-
study, however, only deployed the imme- ject of the infinitive has been previously
diately relevant interpretations and overtly mentioned, or not, or will be, etc.
observable properties. This extreme attempt to refrain from dis-
Thus the properties of the overt string putable structural decisions has still run
are favored over any complications aris- into some difficult questions. [=subj] is in-
ing from structural assumptions. For in- tended to indicate overt, adjacent subjects,
stance, non-c-commanding binding has re- but interveners like negation even appear
quired special theoretical mechanisms, but in main clauses. It seemed unreasonable
this study also blends such items into con- to suggest that the subject was in some up-
trolled labels. per, preceding position for every intervener,
even if the intervener provided no oppor-
(8) a. The voyages of the Dutch and tunity of confusing the subject reference.
English [prep/part:] [] to the Thus, [=subj] indicates a manifest, adjacent
Northern Ocean , in order , if subject in (9a), even though ‘not’ is actually
possible , [<-above=subj] [iffy:] intervening, but the parentheticals in (9b,c),
to discover a passage through it which include NP arguments, are lumped
[prep/part:] [] to India , though with controlled structures.
they failed of their main object ,
laid-open the haunts of the whale.
(9) a. So he makes the best of it ; and
(-quoting McCulloch’s Commercial
when the sailors find him not
[=subj] [denied:] to be the man
Notice how the above purpose clause im- [RelCl:] [actual:] that is adver-
plies control from the prepositional phrase tised , they let him pass , and he
of the subject, which structurally could be descends into the cabin .
presumed to be embedded at an unavail- b. I told him [prep/part:] [] for
able level.5 While theorists may suggest heaven’s sake [<-above=subj]
that this control relation is distinct from that [iffy:] to quit.
would probably give better than 80% accuracy. A c. Stammering out something , I
selection of 50 sentences from Moby Dick showed
knew not what , I rolled away
that 86% of the adjunct subjects were identified with
the main clause subject. On the other hand, only from him against the wall , and
about 69% of complement subjects were identified then conjured him , whoever
with main subjects; As Jerry notes, lexical informa-
tion can be used to achieve better accuracy for the sic sentence like “Some man from every city likes
complements. it”. There is a bound reading available for the pro-
Binding theory required the extensions of Hig- noun, ‘it’, even though the binder, ‘every’, is embed-
ginbotham (1983) or Safir (1984) to cope with a clas- ded within the NP.

or whatever he might be , [<- tion can arise out of simple statistical prece-
above=subj] [iffy:] to keep quiet dence and succession.
, and let me get up and light the Existing parsers may show much higher
lamp again . accuracy distinguishing Ps, Ds, and C/Ts.
If so, relying on judgments from those sys-
As shown and partially discussed, both tems should remove a large number of er-
the complete subject resolution and the rors in assigning the subsequent actual-
proper scope of the various labels are left to ity labels. Future improvements may well
future research and/or independent mod- make use of more structural information.
ules. This study only investigated eliciting label
indicators from a small set of unstructured
3 Algorithm Comparison strings. The general correlations described
in section 4 rely on these unstructured ob-
Determining scope requires trustworthy servations, so it is important to recognize
parsing which requires theoretical certainty. their potentially marginal predictive value.
Instead word bags divided into preceding Labels were predicted, and features
and following have been used. This method ranked, by a variety of evaluation met-
avoids theoretical assumptions, disputable rics. 3 of these methods are compared be-
corpora, and the scarcity of the data. More low. Features were word occurences (pre-
research is needed to compare the benefits ceding or following) that were harvested
of N-grams, word bags, distance weighting, from the training data and counted, where
similarity extensions, and tree-geometric they appeared within a sentence including,
features. or within a given range of, the cues ‘that’,
This current study asks how well sig- ‘for’, or ‘to’.
nificant linguistic knowledge can be culled
from small sets of unstructured sequential 3.1 Bayes
strings, with rudimentary interpretative la-
bels. Parsing has been refrained from be- A standard method of predicting labels de-
cause of its dubious theoretical status, and rives probabilities for any label, given a set
the questionable state of current systems’ of features (p(`|f1 , ..., fn )), from a naive ap-
accuracy, particularly in regard to preposi- plication of Bayes rule.
tional and other adjunct attachments. Even
N-grams have been dispensed with, due to p(`) ni=0 p(fi |`)
the problem of ‘the sparseness of the data’ p(`|f1 , ..., fn ) = Q n (1)
i=0 p(fi )
(also known as ‘the poverty of stimulus’).
N-grams fix word-features into specific po- The naive assumption lies in both of the
sitions. Bags allow a word to be identified substitutions implicit in the above formula.
with a single feature regardless of its ex-
act sequential positioning. This study at- Y
p(f1 , ..., fn |`) = p(fi |`) (2)
tempts to provide evidence that syntacti-
cally and semantically significant informa-

3.2 Mutual Information
p(f1 , ..., fn ) = (3) Mutual information is another way of eval-
p(fi )
i=0 uating probability relationships.7 It is nor-
Taking the feature product alleviates the mally given by the following formula.
data scarcity problem, by providing a way
of distinguishing probabilities of unseen p(`, f )
mi`f = p(`, f )log (8)
joint events. p(`)p(f )
To avoid zeroing the above equation, Applying this metric to predict labels, it
and accept the possibility of hitherto un- seemed reasonable to sum the contributions
encountered events, “smoothing” redis- of features present in a given observation
tributes some probability from previously which we wish to label. The logarithmic
encountered types. As implemented here, scale however makes some contributions
we basically pretend that we have seen ev- less than 0, where 0 seemed a more prefer-
ery possible joint event at least once. The able baseline for no known evidence. So it
relevant equations, in terms of counts, are was discarded. Maintaining the joint proba-
given below:6 bility coefficient, with the result of squaring
the nominator, actually hurt performance
c(`) + |F |
p(`) = (5) slightly. On the other hand, giving some
N + |F L| weight to the number of features active in
a given observation, for a given label, made
c(fi , `) + 1
p(fi |`) = (6) for significant improvement.
c(`) + |F | Because mutual information tends to
overvalue the importance of rare events,
c(fi ) + |L|
p(fi ) = (7) performance is improved by discounting by
N + |F L| a ratio of either the label or feature count,
|F | is the number of feature types, |L| is whichever is smaller. The final equations,
the number of label types, and |F L| is their in terms of counts, are shown below.
6 n
These equations insure the following equalities X c(`, fi )
which are crucial to Bayes’ Theorem: ` = arg max n dN (9)
`∈£ c(`)c(fi )
p(`)p(f |`) p(f, `)
= = p(`|f ) (4) min(c(`), c(fi ))
p(f ) p(f ) d= (10)
min(c(`), c(fi )) + 1
It is also important that N=c(L)=c(F), where c(L)
and c(F) are the counts of all label and feature events N is the count of all labeled events, which
respectively. The naive/independence assumption
considers every feature-label co-occurrence a single is the remaining normalizer from the proba-
event, so labels are counted for exactly the number bility equation above (being the same for all
of features that they possess. An analysis that only
counted labels for their proper occurrence would Thanks to Patrick Pantel for his classroom mate-
seem to require a theory of Bayesian Expectation. rial presenting mutual information.

observations, it can be ignored). d is the dis- whereas 82% of the ‘for’-occurences were
counting factor. n is just the number of fea- prepositional in the training set, only 56%
tures active for that potential labeling event. were prepositional in the test set. These
Basically, it makes 2 mediocre features bet- proportions are also listed in tables 22 and
ter than 1 good one. 23.

3.3 Best Label Table 1: [prep/part:]

26 possible answers bayes mi bl
proposed answers 44 24 68
The above 2 evaluation metrics can be com- correct answers 25 18 26
pared to a base-line method of prediction. recall .96 .69 1.0
The ‘best label’ method just calculates the precision .57 .75 .38
f-measure .72 .72 .55
label that is most likely to appear in any
position for any cue, and always assigns
that label. In this study, that meant al-
ways assigning [prep/part:][] for any ap- Table 2: [iffy:]
42 possible answers bayes mi bl
pearance of ‘for’ or ‘to’, and alternating proposed answers 25 32 0
between [thing=][] and [CompleteCl:][] for correct answers 22 24 0
recall .52 .57 0
‘that’. Because the test set had a lower precision .88 .75 n/a
proportion of nominal ‘that’s, the [thing=] f-measure .65 .65 n/a
method only made 33%, whereas the [Com-
pleteCl:] strategy scored 37%.8 For ‘[iffy:]’ (table 2), the mi method is
more optimistic. Notice that one of the
3.4 Results primary differences between the methods
lies in multiplying or dividing by the la-
Table 1 shows the performance of each bel count/probability. Thus the mi method
method, in predicting ‘[prep/part:]’, using is more generous with the label that is
bags of 3 preceding and 3 following words. less likely from a non-conditioned perspec-
The mi method is far more conservative in tive. That optimism did not, however, bring
deploying the most likely [prep/part:] la- much recall, and the overall f-measure is
bel, but its overall f-measure still turns out again the same. As above, significant differ-
exactly the same. The bayes method over- ences in the two sample distributions also
deploys this label, but at least the recall ben- appear influential. [iffy:] was much more
efits from this optimism. In fact, the prepo- likely in the test set than in the training: 22%
sitional probability was much higher in the of ‘that’s were [iffy:] in the training set, and
training set than in the test set. For instance, 7% of ‘for’s, compared to 40% of ’that’s and
22% of ‘for’s, in the test set. See tables 22,
Here are the relevant counts with percentages:
23. These differences partially account for
‘that’ train test the significant underestimation of the [iffy:]
[thing=] 114(43%) 7(26%) label, by these algorithms.
[CompleteCl:] 110(41%) 15(56%) Tables 3-6 show the overall performance
[RelCl:] 44(16%) 5(18%)
of the different methods as they learn from

bayes ♦
mi +
0.8 label 

% Correct ++++++++++++++++++++++
0.4 +++++++++++
♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
 ♦ ♦♦♦    
0.2 ♦

0 100 200 300 400 500
Learning Set Size

Table 3: Grade by Training

bayes ♦
mi +
0.8 label 

♦♦+ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
♦♦♦+ ♦♦♦ ++
0.6 ♦ + + ++++ ++++ ++++++++++++++++
♦+ + +
♦+++++ +
% Correct +++
0.4 ++   

0 100 200 300 400 500
Learning Set Size

Table 4: Grade by Training

bayes ♦
mi +
0.8 label 

♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
♦♦ +++ ++++ +++++++++++++++++
♦ ++++++++++
% Correct ♦♦♦♦♦
++ ++
0.4 ++ ♦+++++


0 100 200 300 400 500
Learning Set Size

Table 5: Grade by Training

bayes ♦
mi +
0.8 label 

% Correct ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
++ ++ +++ +
♦+ +++++++++
+ +
++ +♦♦++ +♦
+ ♦♦♦++
+♦♦♦♦ ♦ +
0.4 + +
♦♦ ♦♦
+ +
♦ ♦
+ +♦ ♦♦♦♦ 
♦+ ♦  
+ +
♦♦ ♦
0.2 ♦

0 100 200 300 400 500
Learning Set Size

Table 6: Grade by Training

10 to 490 labeled sentences. The different to useless, over-fit, coincidences, like ‘He’,
tables correspond to different sized bags, which we intuitively know to be irrelevant.
with spread referring to the distance, in Such distractor features are likely to de-
words, considered on each side of a cue. crease performance.
They make a simple point, worth demon- Brent (1991) suggests a binomial test, in
strating: more is not always better. In so far accepting success for some cued evidence
as eliciting information from bags is con- as real evidence of that subcategorization
cerned, considering ever more distant fea- frame. Here, there is no assumption that
tures only increases the amount of noise in words are positively or negatively sub-
the system. Future implementations may categorized. They are just more or less as-
find suitable ways to weight feature dis- sociated.
tance. Or structural information, appro- This study examines whether the clas-
priately handled, may begin to determine sic χ2 -test can help distinguish the ‘over-fit’
what kind of distances should be traversed. associations, presumably arisen from our
Hopefully, larger training sets would sparse data, and noisy, incomplete repre-
continue the improvement, but consistency sentations, from those features which we in-
may be limited further by both observa- tuitively know to imply intentional worlds.
tional limitations and subjective fluctua- The goal is for trainable systems to be able
tions of human judgments. These are 3 di- to automatically gather this kind of knowl-
rections for future research. edge from strings with elementary interpre-
tative labels.
As shown by tables 9, 10, “seemed” eas-
4 Ranks and Correlations ily passes the χ2 -test for statistical signif-
icance, but “seem” just barely misses the
For a single feature, and a given label, the commonly accepted p-value of <.05. The
main difference in algorithms lies in the dif- failure signifies little more than the value of
ference between smoothing and discount- morphological parsing. With enough data,
ing. As shown by tables 7 and 8, their top- such knowledge might also also arise from
ranked features, for the most part, over- statistical combinatorics. There may also be
lap. Both methods learn the pervasive im- questions about the validity of χ2 -tests for
portance of “seemed”, “seem”, and “order” such small cell values.
(basically from the purpose clauses) for pre-
dicting non-actuality, as shown in table 7.
They also learn the importance of “began”, Table 9: p(χ2 > 7.63, f ◦ = 1) = .0057
“found”, and “maketh”9 for predicting ac- pre: seemed *
tuality, as shown in table 8. [actual:] 0 171
However, they also attribute significance [iffy:] 11 242

The great Leviathan [RelCl:] [actual:] that
Fortunately, the χ2 -test successfully re-
maketh the seas [=subj] [actual:] to seethe like a
boiling pan . (-quoting Lord Bacon’s Version of the jects ‘He’, as shown by table 11.
Psalms) But it also rejects items which were intu-

Table 7: [iffy:] :pre:

mi bayes
1. seemed 2.90 seemed 0.8
2. seem 2.40 seem 0.67
3. order 2.21 order 0.63
4. He 2.05 He 0.6
5. would 1.94 would 0.57
6. almost 1.94 who 0.57
7. into 1.94 almost 0.57
8. trying 1.94 into 0.57
9. made 1.94 trying 0.57
10. who 1.92 made 0.57
11. do 1.84 do 0.56
12. than 1.84 than 0.56
13. are 1.84 are 0.56
14. man 1.80 man 0.55
15. take 1.80 take 0.55
16. what 1.76 what 0.53
17. have 1.60 concluded 0.5
18. told 1.58 nigh 0.5
19. tell 1.55 seeks 0.5
20. think 1.55 never 0.5

Table 8: [actual:] :pre:

mi bayes
1. began 3.25 began 0.63
2. found 2.29 maketh 0.5
3. maketh 2.26 sounds 0.5
4. sounds 2.26 circumstance 0.5
5. circumstance 2.26 moment 0.5
6. moment 2.26 window 0.5
7. window 2.26 knows 0.5
8. knows 2.26 sea 0.5
9. sea 2.26 begin 0.5
10. begin 2.26 once 0.5
11. once 2.26 found 0.5
12. was 2.05 he’s 0.43
13. now 1.81 whales 0.43
14. the 1.80 was 0.43
15. he’s 1.70 Leviathan 0.43
16. whales 1.70 well 0.43
17. Leviathan 1.70 same 0.43
18. well 1.70 sure 0.43
19. same 1.70 nothing 0.43
20. sure 1.70 The 0.43

Table 10: p(χ2 > 3.42, f ◦ = 1) = .064 Table 15: p(χ2 > 2.83, f ◦ = 1) = .092
pre: seem * 2 340
[actual:] 0 171 10 496
[iffy:] 5 248
Surprisingly, ‘who’ really does seem, in
Table 11: p(χ2 > 1.42, f ◦ = 1) = .23 this data, to correlate with non-actuality,
pre: He * as presented in table 16.10 The associa-
[actual:] 1 170 tion seems particularly bizarre in that ‘who’
[iffy:] 5 248 is often associated with relative clauses,
which will here be shown, in ‘that’-clauses,
to positively correlate with actuality.
itively appealing, like “trying” and “told”,
as shown by tables 12 and 13, respectively.
Table 16: p(χ2 > 4.78, f ◦ = 1) = .029
pre: who *
Table 12: p(χ2 > 2.04, f ◦ = 1) = .15 [actual:] 0 170
pre: trying * [iffy:] 7 246
[actual:] 0 171
[iffy:] 3 250 The correlation arises from phrases like
the following:

(10) a. This savage was the only per-

Table 13: p(χ2 > 2.73, f ◦ = 1) = .099
son present who seemed [<-
pre: told *
above=subj] [iffy:] to notice my
[actual:] 0 171
entrance .
[iffy:] 4 249
b. Woe [prep/part:] [] to him who
It is possible to attribute this failure to the seeks [<-above=subj] [iffy:] to
lack of data. Given the way that the χ2 -test pour oil upon the waters when
works, if we doubled our observations, as God has brewed them into a gale !
supposed in table 14, even ‘trying’ would
pass. On the other hand, given its outside
(11) a. a deep stupor steals over him ,
co-occurence with [actual:], such supposi-
as over the man who bleeds [<-
tion, as imagined in table 15, would not
above=subj] [iffy:] to death
help ‘He’ beat the arbitrary standard of 5%,
though it starts coming close. b. And eternal delight and delicious-
ness will be his , who coming
[<-above=subj] [iffy:] to lay him
Table 14: p(χ2 > 4.08, f ◦ = 1) = .043
0 342 Note that this issue also arises particularly be-
cause features were only collected where they were
6 500 associated with labels.

down , can say with his final
breath – O Father ! Table 19: p(χ2 > 76.72, f ◦ = 1) = 1.97 ×
finite non-finite
Whereas ‘who’ in examples (10a,b) might
[actual:] 114 60
be said to ‘accidently’ embed an intensional
[iffy:] 58 193
selector, the ‘who’ in examples (11a,b) actu-
finite: [CompleteCl:], [RelCl:], [for+fin:]
ally seems to transmit the hypothetical na-
non-finite: [for-fin:], [for+subj+to:]
ture of the head noun. This kind of usage
suggests a possible tendency to use ‘who’
rather than ‘that’ with more hypothetical
entities. Such speculation is another avenue ments involved, and a more developed the-
for future research. ory of imaginary NPs, and intentional con-
Thus, the χ2 -test can help exclude some texts. The rudimentary labeling strategy
rash conclusions; however, depending on employed here only begins to point in di-
whether we accept ‘who’ as appropriately rections for more precise inquiry.
correlated, some over-fit coincidences may
be sustained by this limited data.
Table 20: p(χ2 > 5.83, f ◦ = 1) = .0157
When other labels were included in the
[CompleteCl:] [RelCl:]
feature rankings, labels tended to fill in the
[actual:] 65 33
top ranked spots (by design, labels came
[iffy:] 48 9
in pairs). Table 17 shows the top-ranked
preceding features for the [iffy:] label, with
In contrast, the remarkable behavior dis-
other labels, and table 18 does the same for
played by the alternations of ‘dare’, at the
beginning of this paper, does not appear to
Among these labels, a pattern seems to
be part of any generalizable correlation (ta-
emerge. The labels associated with [iffy:]
ble 21). Capturing this correlation would
also tend to be those associated with non-
presumably require more lexically specific
finiteness, while the labels associated with
[actual:] are also more associated with
finiteness. We can test this correlation with
a χ2 -test, as well, and as table 19 shows, it Table 21: p(χ2 > 2.63, f ◦ = 3) = .4514
handily defies the expectations of the null [<-] [=] [???] [->]
hypothesis. [actual:] 48 7 3 2
[CompleteCl:] also appears under both [iffy:] 134 30 19 4
the [iffy:] and [actual:] rankings (tables
17, 18), while [RelCl:] only appears with Linguists have proposed correlations
[actual:] (table 18). A χ2 -test suggests among subject interpretations and tense
that there is a significant correlation be- (Landau (2000)), and among ‘for’, subjects,
tween actuality and relativity (table 20). In- and irrealis interpretations (Pesetsky and
creasing the correlation probably would in- Torrego (2001)-(2006)). This study took a
volve more precise labeling of the argu- more general view of subject manifestation

Table 17: [iffy:] :pre:

mi bayes
1. [subj???] 4.96 [<-above=subj] 0.67
2. [=subj] 4.89 [=subj] 0.55
3. [<-above=subj] 4.88 [subj???] 0.5
4. [for+subj+to:] 4.40 [CompleteCl:] 0.38
5. [to+ing:] 4.09 seemed 0.30
6. [for-fin:] 3.06 [to+ing:] 0.27
7. seemed 2.84 [for+subj+to:] 0.25
8. [CompleteCl:] 2.84 seem 0.23
9. [subj->] 2.75 who 0.23
10. seem 2.60 [subj->] 0.22

Table 18: [actual:] :pre:

mi bayes
1. [for+fin:] 8.05 [RelCl:] 0.58
2. [RelCl:] 7.39 [for+fin:] 0.5
3. [CompleteCl:] 5.43 [CompleteCl:] 0.49
4. began 3.61 [<-above=subj] 0.24
5. found 2.86 began 0.21
6. circumstance 2.71 found 0.17
7. knows 2.71 was 0.17
8. sea 2.71 [=subj] 0.15
9. begin 2.71 circumstance 0.15
10. once 2.71 knows 0.15

and hypotheticallity, and did not directly 6 Future Research
test those claims, so the lack of correlation
displayed here does not directly discount Numerous developments have suggested
the claims made there. Hopefully future themselves. More data is called for. New
studies will adhere directly to their labeling labeling strategies can be entertained. More
claims, and test the statisitical significance elaborate feature observations should be
of the correlations they posit. developed. New cue sets should be col-
This study relies completely on the pres-
5 % ence of key function words, but clauses
can be introduced by many predicates, of-
For the sake of general summary, table 22 ten without the overt use of these function
presents the percentage distribution of the 3 words. Thus, future studies will expand
relevant functional items as D/Ps or clause the set of cues to collect the selectional dis-
markers associated with different implica- tributions of many such predicates. Cues
tions, across the sample of 500 sentences like “who” or “how” would also expand
studied here. the data relevant to complement/relative
clause interpretations.
Possible labeling alternatives have also
Table 22: Training Set Dist.
been suggested along the way. Ad-
that for to
junct/complement distinctions could corre-
[thing=] ,
late well with subject identification, as sug-
[prep/part:] .43 .82 .46
gested by Jerry Hobbs (see fn. 4). The
[actual:] .35 .11 .12
proposals of Pesetsky and Torrego (2001)
[iffy:] .216 .07 .39
or Landau (2000) also imply other rele-
[denied:] .004 0 .02
vant properties of clauses, though assigning
them would also require more subtle lin-
The distributions of the test set are also guistic judgments.
provided for comparison (table 23). It also might be appropriate to use graded
judgments for these kinds of interpreta-
tions. It is almost ironic that this paper
Table 23: Test Set Dist.
that for to makes so much of probabilistic inference,
[thing=] , and yet still assigns coarse categories of cer-
[prep/part:] .26 .56 .39 tainty like [actual:]. This matter of actuality
[actual:] .29 .22 .11 seems highly susceptible to an analysis that
[iffy:] .41 .22 .47 attributes degrees of likelihood. How to
[denied:] .04 0 .03 deploy, interpret, and compare such scalar
judgments is also a topic for future research.
This study also made use of the coars-
est possible observations: unordered word
bags. More sophisticated observations need

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