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Day 2, Session 7 Grade 9

Session Topic: Assessment of Learning Outcome

Episode Title: Assessing Students Holistically
Duration: 3 hours
Resources Needed: PowerPoint Presentation
DepEd Order No. 3! s. "#$"
%as& 'ards
(anila paper
Objectives: )n this session! the participants are e*pected to+
,ain a clear and functional understanding of the theories! principles!
philosophy! policies! features of assessment as stipulated in DepEd
Order No. 3! s. "#$"
Distinguish -etween and among assessment of! as! and for learning
De.elop prototype performance tas&s and assessment tools
Articulate the importance of .iewing assessment as a means to inform
instruction and impro.e teaching
Assessment is one critical part of curriculum implementation! of teaching and
learning processes. %his is the true test of a relia-le! resilient! and /uality0assured
education system. Hence! assessment should -e .iewed as one holistic approach to
diagnosing instructional deli.ery! forming and summing up teaching! gi.ing feed-ac&!
and e.entually impro.ing teaching.
)n this session! we shall ha.e a clearer and -etter understanding of how
assessment is done in the 1 to $" 2asic Education Program.
E.eryone understands the meaning of north. Now! do this+ 'lose your eyes . .
. point to the north. (aintain your position . . . now open your eyes and loo& around.
Are you pointing to the same direction3 4hy3
Process this acti.ity -y saying+ People .iew one thing in different ways. )t is
important that whate.er those ways are! all of us would -e pointing at the same right
direction when we tal& a-out the 1 to $" 2EP.
$. ,roup pa* into 5.
". As& each group to come up with a list of acti.ities that would assess students
A 6 1nowledge
2 6 Process7S&ills
' 6 8nderstanding
D 6 Product7Performance
3. Let participants present their outputs.
1 2014 Training of Trainers/Teachers
$. How did you find the tas& gi.en you3
". 4hat classroom acti.ities can -e gi.en under 1nowledge! Process7S&ills!
8nderstanding! and Product7Performance3
3. 4hich of these acti.ities can -e considered in each category3
5. 4hich of these acti.ities can -e classified as diagnostic! formati.e! or
summati.e in nature3
9. 4hy is it necessary to assess students -efore! during! and after the lesson3
:. 4hat ma&es a holistic assessment3
. 4hat ha.e you reali;ed a-out assessment of learning outcome3
4or&ing as a group! prepare a performance tas& guided -y the ,<ASPS
(odel. Prepare a ru-ric to rate the performance of the students. )dentify a specific
competency from the %eacher=s ,uide.
, >goal?
< >roles?
A >audience?
S >situation?
P >product7performance?
S >standard?
Present your output.
$. How did you find the acti.ity3
". 4hat helped you in doing the tas&3
3. 4hat -loc&ed you from doing it3
5. 4hat did you consider in coming up with a performance tas&3 <u-rics3
9. 4hat insights did you gain from this acti.ity3
,i.e a lecturette on Assessment of Learning Outcome -ased on DepEd
Order No. 3! s. "#$".
Emphasi;e the alignment7congruency of the assessment tool with the
learning competencies! program standard and performance standard.
Learners who o-tain a rating of 2 >-eginning? should undergo remediation as
soon as possi-le. As a matter of policy! e.ery learning deficiency should -e
-ridged e.en for those students whose le.el of proficiency is a-o.e the
2eginning Le.el. Appropriate inter.ention should -e pro.ided until the
students reach Proficiency Le.el.
,i.e emphasis on the use of authentic assessment tools.
<u-rics should go with product7performance assessment.
2 2014 Training of Trainers/Teachers
)ndi.idually! thin& of a performance tas& that would assess the &nowledge!
s&ills! and attitude of your students at the end of the unit and prepare a ru-ric to rate
them o-@ecti.ely.
>Note+ %his can -e gi.en as an assignment.?
(A teac)er is a ver* special person w)o uses )is or )er creativit*
and in+uirin, -ind to develop t)e rare talent o. encoura,in, ot)ers
to think,
to dream,
to learn,
to try,
to do!
!e"er#$ Con%#in
& 2014 Training of Trainers/Teachers

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