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a. Eukaryotic cells are composed of many membranous organelles.

These organelles are

what differences eukaryotic from prokaryotic. Eukaryotic cells always contain a nucleus.
The nucleus is an organelle that is important for genetic control. It also contains most of
the genes in the form of DNA. This DNA is linear. In addition, the nucleus directs protein
synthesis. There are three parts that compose the nucleus: the nucleolus, chromatin and
finally the nuclear envelope. The nucleolus is a nonmembranous organelle which is
composed of dense granules and fibers. Here ribosomes are synthesized by DNA.
Moreover some proteins are assembled into large or small ribosomal subunits which
exit through the nuclear pores. A nucleus can have one or more nucleoli. Furthermore,
chromatin is the uncoiled and not condensed form of DNA and proteins. The coiled and
visible DNA is before cell division, which then is called chromosomes. DNA is what codes
later for protein synthesis made by ribosomes. The nuclear envelope is a double
membrane, which is usually known as the phospholipid bilayer (composed of lipid
bilayer and embedded proteins), that encloses the nucleus from the cytoplasm. This
envelope is perforated by nuclear pores; they are continuous in the inner and outer part
of the phospholipid bilayer. The nuclear envelope is then followed by the endoplasmic
reticulum. This organelle is an extensive network that occupies about half of the total
cellular membrane. It is composed of membranous sacs and tubes which is called the
cisternae. The cisternae separate the endoplasmic reticulum lumen from cytosol. The
endoplasmic reticulum has two parts: the rough and the smooth region. The smooth
region is the outer surface and it lacks ribosomes. In this region lipids are being
synthesized by specific enzymes such as steroids, there is detoxification of poison also
by enzymes such as drugs or alcohol by increasing the hydroxyl concentration and
making the poison soluble, stores calcium ions which trigger contraction (sarcoplasmic
reticulum), glycogenolysis-the breakdown of glycogen, and it packages proteins for
transport. Moreover, the rough region synthesizes and secretes proteins by bound
ribosomes (primary amino acids into polypeptide chains by peptide bonds- and
secondary coils and foils the polypeptide chain, made by H-bonds -structure). It is
called rough because of the ribosomes bounded to its surface. The polypeptide chain
from bound ribosome goes through the endoplasmic reticulum lumen, crosses by the
pores made by protein complexes until they get to the endoplasmic reticulum
membrane. Most of secretory proteins are glycoproteins (proteins with covalently
bonded carbohydrates). Ribosomes can also appear in the cytosol, but still the secretory
proteins produced in the rough endoplasmic reticulum are made so that they can be
exocytosed and be used by other parts of the body. One important organelle that
should also be present is mitochondrion. These organelles are the sites for cellular
respiration to occur, this means that it creates ATP from sugars, fuels, etc. with the help
of oxygen. All of them are by a double membrane each composed of a phospholipid
bilayer composed of lipids and proteins. Their membrane proteins are created by the
free ribosomes in the cytoplasm rather than in the rough endoplasmic reticulum. The
inner membrane, called the cristae, is folded in order to give more surface area so that
reactions can occur. Here some metabolic steps of cellular respiration occur. The space
between inner and outer membrane is called the intermembrane space, and the second
space (inside inner membrane) is called the mitochondrial matrix. This matrix contains
many ribosomes and mitochondrial DNA. The amount of mitochondria found in a cell
depends on the cells metabolic activity. Finally, other organelle is one of the
microtubules from the cytoskeleton called centrioles. Centrioles are found inside the
centrosomes (nine set of triple microtubules). The centrioles are found near the nucleus
and just before the cell divides, these centrioles replicate. They are indispensable but
may help to organize microtubules assembly.
b. Prokaryotic cells can have the same functions without the membranous organelles
mentioned above. For example prokaryotic cells such as bacteria and archea do have
DNA and RNA but they do not have it enclosed in the nucleus. Moreover the circular
DNA, called plasmids, is compacted in a region called nucleoid. DNA still has the code for
protein synthesis and even though there is no endoplasmic reticulum the mRNA is still
translated by free ribosomes located in the cytosol. These free ribosomes are the ones
who synthesize proteins instead of the ones synthesized in the rough endoplasmic
reticulum. The difference on the ribosomes is that for example there are fewer
ribosomal mRNA and obviously less ribosomal proteins. Moreover prokaryotes lack
mitochondria but still they use ATP as the chemical energy for cellular work. Instead of
having the whole process in the mitochondria (citric acid cycle and electron transport
chain) these cells just have glycolysis which occurs in the cytosol creates ATPs by
splitting fuels such as sugars, fats, etc. This is why bacteria have alcohol fermentation,
anaerobic process of cellular respiration, showing glycolysis in their ATP production.
Mitochondria are said to be really similar to prokaryotes, and that is evidence for
endosymbiosis which leads to the evolution of the eukaryotic cell.
Bibliography :

Reece, N. C. (2005). AP Biology. San Francisco: pearson Education.

Mortgage, L (2012). Prokaryotic Cell Structure and Function. Retrieved on October 24,
2012 from: http://www.shmoop.com/biology-cells/prokaryotic-cells.html

N.A (2012). Chromatin Function. Retrieved on October 24, 2012 from :

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