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of Love and
White Sexual
Revised Edition
Siloa Levi
!nostic "hu#ch of St$ Ma#%
Dedicated to Mikaela
*Love is the highest #eligion+
, Saael Aun Weo#
Table of "ontents

-$ Love and "hastit%
.$ The /o#tal Atan
0$ 'ando#a1s 2ox
3$ Ma#% Speaks
4$ '#ophets and Angels
5$ Sexual Magic
A2)6T TH/S "H6R"H
The !nostic "hu#ch of St$ Ma#% 7as founded in "anbe##a8 A"T on the .-
9ecebe#8 .:-.$
)u# fi#st challenge 7as to b#eak f#ee of the ainst#ea Anglican and
chu#ches$ This is done no78 to the eba##assent of the h%poc#itical
7ho kne7 nothing of eithe# chastit% o# Sexual Magic$
M% p#iest1s nae is Siloa ;p#onounced Shil,o,a< Levi$ The L)R9 !od has
given e the chance to becoe his p#iest$ The en of the "atholic and
Anglican chu#ches could not do this fo# e$
Since age fifteen / studied the 2ible$ M% o#iginal fail% 7as not
"h#istian8 and
/ have 7anted to find out the t#uth fo# %self$ Actuall% a dedicated
becoes pa#t of a ne7 fail%= ne7 fathe#8 othe#8 b#othe#s8 siste#s$
"h#istians > #eal ones > have chastit% and #elationships and sex$ The
7oan is ado#ed and 7o#shipped b% the pe#fect an$
All of %ou 7ho a#e pu#e of hea#t8 7elcoe to the fai# clea# 7ate#s of the
?ountain of Ete#nal Life$
Siloam Levi
"hastit% is the p#ese#vation of the vital ene#g% and fluids of 7oan and
)u# o7n sexual ene#g%8 ale and feale seen8 is the Elixir of Life$ To
p#actice chastit% and to save ou# inte#nal ene#g% is to bottle and
p#ese#ve this
elixi#$ )u# sex,ed teache#s did not kno7 about chastit%$ What the% taught
us is
Cuite 7#ong$
"hastit% eans keeping saved 7hat 7ould no#all% be 7asted$ /t is the
foundation of the happiest a##ied lives and the pe#fection of
What about loveD We obse#ve that love sta#ts 7ith nothing and coes out of
no7he#e$ A fe7 looks and sighs can tu#n into soething so big it shakes up
7o#ld$ Aothing can copa#e to the divine enchantent of love$
Love teaches us things that the ost highl% Cualified scientists and
docto#s and p#ofesso#s could neve# even d#ea about$
Love akes the co##upt bishops8 igno#ant popes and a##ogant p#iests look
utte# fools$
?#iendliness becoes adi#ation 7ith b#ave 7o#ds and noble deeds$ The bud
adi#ation and a7e blossos into the #ose of love$
The 7o#ds8 */ love %ou+ a#e actuall% a Mant#a ;chant< of 7hite agic$ The
7e sa% the8 the o#e po7e#ful the Mant#a gets$
We a#e filled 7ith happiness 7hen 7e conteplate the beaut% and g#ace of
)u# 7o#ds tu#n into the ost elegant and po7e#ful exp#essions$ The books
/saiah8 EEekiel and Fe#eiah help us discove# the sec#ets of fine speech$
The p#iests of the ainst#ea chu#ch inte#p#et the 2ible like a histo#%
This is as useless as t#%ing to #ead it blindfolded$ Thei# heads a#e full
of gossip8
one%8 ne7slette#s8 chu#ch fGtes8 and annual eetings$ The#e is no #oo left
thei# b#ains fo# !od$
Bes8 the#e a#e soe good chu#ches8 but love does not live in an% specific
one of
the$ Bou could sa% that love is on the doo#s and 7indo7s of eve#% house$
The p#ophet Hosea8 o# Hoshea8 is nicknaed the Prophet of Love$ His nae in
Heb#e7 eans *salvation$+ Hosea is salvation$ /n fact8 it looks like it
has been
co##ected and adHusted in va#ious 7a%s ove# the illenia$ We a#e also told
the books of the 2ible a#e written in code$ The ke% to c#ack the code in
book is8 */s#ael is sin$+
2ack to chastit%$ The#e a#e guidelines fo# diet and chastit%$ Soe of us
can eat
an%thing and keep ou# chastit%8 7hile othe#s ust take up ext#ee diet
#est#ictions in o#de# to p#ese#ve it$
Let us take a look at ho7 the einent place of chastit% #uns th#ough all
%tholog% and all #eligions$
I The epic sto#% of 2eo7ulf8 f#o )ld England8 tells of a he#o 7ho
kills a d#agon$
I The !#eek %th of 2elle#ophon is about the sla%e# of the "hiae#a
;an%,headed onste#<$
I The Ao#se Edda contains the tale of noble Sigu#d8 7ho sla%s the g#eat
snake called ?Jfni#$
The prophet Hosea
I /n the "h#istian t#adition8 the#e a#e a#t7o#ks of Ma#% #esting he# foot
upon a snake1s head$
And so on$
The evil se#pent o# d#agon is lust$ The he#o is the pe#fect an ;o# the
7oan8 7ho is also a he#o in chastit%<$ With the help of Ma#%8 the evil
snake is
This is the deepe# eaning$
To get chastit% 7e ust 7o#k ha#d to clean out all the ate#ialistic
#ubbish that
has piled up in ou# life ove# the %ea#s$ 'op cultu#e has #uined us$
pop cultu#e has offe#s us should be #eHected$
This is 7hat akes people no7ada%s so *fake+ and phon%$ 'op cultu#e
us to accept eve#%thing it gives us8 7hen in #ealit% 7e ust accept none
of it$
'op cultu#e ust be #eHected if 7e 7ant to p#og#ess spi#ituall%$ The
7as a tie of g#eat p#og#ess in a#t8 science8 philosoph%8 and classical
usic$ /t
is ve#% good and 7o#th7hile to find out o#e about these things and becoe
#efined and cultu#ed pe#son$
"hastit% is not fo# 7ips8 but the o#e effo#t 7e put into becoing pe#fect
people8 the o#e 7e succeed ;and the o#e Healous and eba##assed othe#
people 7ill get<$
The o#e 7e b#eak a7a% f#o this ode#n cultu#e8 and the o#e 7e educate
ou#selves in ou# spa#e tie to becoe 7ell,#ead and intelligent8 the o#e
lives 7ill change$
We 7ant not Hust a health% bod%8 but a beautiful ind8 a pe#fect ind$
The Hindi 7o#d *Ktan+ is 7#itten like so=

What is the AtanD
'lease pa% close attention 7hen / sa% that 7e a#e used to seeing seven
7ith ou# e%es8 #ed8 o#ange8 %ello78 g#een8 blue8 indigo and violet8 o#
cobination of the f#o shades #anging f#o 7hite to black$ This is the
colou# spect#u$
The#e is actuall% an E/!HTH ")L)6R8 7hich looks nothing like an% of the8
but soething like all of the togethe# and ixed 7ith black$
/f the Atan has a colou#8 it is the eighth colou#$
Atan is a bit like a flae in a agic lap o# u#n$
The Atan is like a d#ea of glo7ing lights 7hich a#e silent and still 7ith
one a#ound$
)ne can meditate on the Atman$
Meditation can be done 7hile 7o#king8 7alking o# conve#sing$ Meditation
no#all% done 7hile sitting and unoccupied$ /f 7e lea#n to see Ktan in
editation8 7e see it especiall% 7hen soeone looks at us 7ith pu#e love8
see the majestic eihth colo!r in thei# e%es$
Atan is beaut% itself$
Atan is t#eendous and aHestic po7e#$
We should editate on the Atan$
'AA9)RA1S 2)L
The#e is a !#eek fai#%tale called 'ando#a1s 2ox$ This is the sto#%=
'ando#a 7as the ve#% fi#st 7oan on
Ea#th$ Meus8 king of gods8 dec#eed that
she should be c#eated to #epa% the
Light,bea#e# '#oetheus fo# stealing
fi#e f#o the gods and giving it to
So the c#aftsan god Hephaestus
c#eated the 7oan out of cla%8 and
gave he# beaut%$ Athena taught he#
fab#ics and needle7o#k and ho7 to
ake things 7ith he# t7o handsN she
clothed he#8 and Athena1s fello7
goddesses and aids gave he# He7els8
and flo7e#s to 7ea# in he# hai#$
The goddess Aph#odite taught he# ho7
to fall in love8 and to sigh and long fo#
he# loved one$
Athena gave he# all kinds of fine things to 7ea# so that she 7ould be
to all en8 and He#es8 the god of 7isdo8 ade he# intelligent and cleve# so
that she kne7 ho7 to get 7hat she 7anted$
She 7as naed 'ando#a8 7hich in !#eek eans *All,gifted$+ Each of the gods
had given he# a gift8 and the gifts 7ould be the #uin of all en 7ho had
accepted fi#e f#o '#oetheus$ This 7as Meus1 plan$ Meus sent 'ando#a 7ith
He#es8 7ho 7as also the essenge#,god8 to Epietheus ;'#oetheus1 half,
b#othe#<$ '#oetheus had 7a#ned Epietheus neve# to accept an% gift f#o
Meus in case it 7as a t#ick in disguise8 but Epietheus8 enchanted b%
beaut%8 igno#ed this advice$
So Meus sent 'ando#a to an 7ith a box 7hich she 7as inst#ucted neve# to
open$ 2ut cu#iosit% got the bette# of he#$ She opened the lid of the box8
and out
fle7 all the plagues and evils in the 7o#ld$ )nl% one thing 7as left in
the box8
and that 7as Hope$
For, it is I who am the first: and the last.
It is I who am revered: and the despised.
It is I who am the mother of my father; and the sister of my husband.
And it is he who is my offsprin.
;?#o Thunder, Perfe!t "ind<
Hail Ma#%8 full of g#ace8
)u# Lo#d is 7ith thee$
2lessed a#t thou aong 7oen8 and blessed is the f#uit of th% 7ob8 Fesus$
Hol% Ma#%8 Mothe# of !od8 p#a% fo# us sinne#s8 no7 and at the hou# of ou#
Isaiah #$e%iel Hosea "i!ah
/n olde# da%s the p#ophets > the se#vants of !od > 7e#e g#eat #ebels 7ho
defeated death8 as Hosea sa%s in "hapte# -0 of his book8 and so the% have
"ecome immortal$ The people of this 7o#ld se#ve the devil of popula#
one%8 fast food8 po#nog#aph%8 and so on8 and so the% a#e o#tal8 7hich
the% g#o7 old and die$
We cannot see the p#ophets 7ith the naked e%e$ 9oes that ean the p#ophets
don1t exist8 that the% a#e *ade up+ o# ake,believeD An%one 7ho ca#es to
the p#ophets th#ough thei# books8 naes o# pictu#es 7ill have thei#
blessing and
Thei# books have thei# o7n cha#acte#8 thei# o7n living pe#sonalit%8 thei#
colou#s and shades$ Thei# 7o#ds a#e #h%thic8 poetic8 agnetic and
2ehind the lette#s and 7o#ds8 7e can see an% inte#esting places and
c#oss#oads8 fa#s8 castles8 cities8 fields of 7heat8 sto#% skies$$$
The chu#ches of this popula# cultu#e see to believe that the p#ophets
#aving aden 7ho died long ago and 7ill neve# be seen again$
/ disag#ee 7ith this idea$
When 7e #ead books on agic8 7e find an% naes of angels$ !ab#iel is the
bea#e# of good ne7s$ Michael is the angel of p#otection$ The a#changel
7as the one 7ho #ecoended % nicknae Siloa$ The angels 7ho 7atch us
and visit us a#e inc#edibl% beautiful8 but of cou#se the% a#e no#all%
Saael Aun Weo# sa%s that Sexual Magic is the 7a% fo# us to becoe like
the8 afte# 7e leave behind eve#%thing that ties us do7n in this 7o#ld$
When / talk about chastit% and Sexual Magic8 ost of % so,called f#iends
7ant nothing to do 7ith e$ )# the% Hust igno#e the point and t#% to
bothe# e
7ith talk about alcohol8 violence8 d#ugs8 po#n and c#ie$
As Saael Aun Weo# #ightl% sa%s in The Perfe!t "atrimony= *Evil ones hate
Sexual Magic$+
2ut8 so fa# as / have unde#standing of a difficult topic8 this is exactl%
7hat /1
going to talk about$ What does it eanD
Sexual Magic is to sexuall% connect 7ith one pe#son of the opposite sex8
7ithout #eaching the o#gas$ Oissing8 ca#essing8 s7eet 7o#ds8 eb#aces8 a#e
height of #oance$ This is the highe# ethod of sex8 the opposite to 7hat
on in all the po#nog#aph% and all the houses in this count#%$ He#e is the
techniCue= The an sits on the floo# of the bed#oo and c#osses his legs$
7oan 7ill sit on top of hi and 7#ap he# legs a#ound hi to initiate sexual
contact8 so that he is inside he# du#ing sex$
The% should keep ve#% still$ The couple should have a cal8 clea# ind$
Sexual Magic opens the doo# into the #esplendent abode of the Atan$
/n 7hite Sexual Magic8 a an does not eHaculate the vital fluid8 and 7oan
does not shed he# feinine seen b% #eaching the o#gas$ 2ut the kind of sex
this societ% calls *no#al8+ the #utting up and do7n8 is fo#bidden to the
!nostics of this chu#ch$ ?o# us it is taboo$
We becoe pe#fect huan beings in Sexual Magic= the pe#fect 7oan and the
pe#fect an$ 2% loving each othe# pe#fectl%8 a beautiful 7ife becoes a
p#iestess and a husband a p#iest= the Oing and Pueen of the sun and oon$
Ao7 7e 7ould like to unde#stand 7h% ost "h#istians hate sex8 and / offe#
explanation$ /f / told the that pa#t of being a "h#istian is to have sex
letting go of an% of the sexual ene#g% o# fluids8 the% 7ould f#eak out$
2ut this is
the t#uth$
We can #epeat Mant#as in Sexual Magic$ )ne of the suggested in Maste#
Saael1s Perfe!t "atrimony is the Mant#a */$A$)$+ ;'#onounced *EEEEE+
*AAAAA+ *)))))$+<
/$A$)$ is a nae of !od= othe#s include *El%on+ *Eshe#eh%eh+ *Shaddai+
*Tet#ag#aaton+$$$ !od has an% naes$$$
Anothe# Mant#a fo# the couple to sa% is */ love %ou8+ because love is the
foundation of the 'e#fect Mat#ion%$ This is ve#% good if 7e sa% these
and kno7 that the% a#e t#ue$
The goddess Ma#% should p#eside ove# ou# p#actice of Sexual Magic$ The
Fesus 7ill help us #eain 7ithout lust$ /n the book of Revelation8 "hapte#
08 7e
*As an% as / love8 / #ebuke and chasten= be Eealous the#efo#e8 and
2ehold8 / stand at the doo# and knock= if an% an hea# % voice8 and open
doo#8 / 7ill coe in to hi8 and 7ill sup 7ith hi8 and he 7ith e$+
'lease be patient and unde#stand the eaning of these sentences$
To #epent is to t!rn awa# from evil8 f#o the sexual o#gas$
Sexual Magic is the doo#$
To sup ;o# dine< is to sha#e ou# Ho%$
The people of toda% abuse sex so uch that the% can onl% think of it as
The#e a#e soe #ules 7e need to follo7 no doubt$ We should get a##ied to
pe#son ;not th#ee< and 7e should at least be engaged befo#e 7e begin ou#
intiate contact$
/ 7ill sa% again and again that sex is sac#ed and should be t#eated as
hol%$ And
again= Sexual Magic is sexual contact bet7een an and 7oan 7ithout
#eaching the o#gas$
Sex is fo# people 7ho a#e in love8 and 7ho have pu#ified theselves
befo#ehand$ 9o %ou kno7 7hat it eans to be pu#eD Reebe# that ninet% nine
pe#cent of 7hat %ou1ve lea#nt8 and 7hat %ou #ead o# see on television8 is
coplete #ubbish$ To go in the #ight di#ection is to be pu#e$
/ have ade it % Hob to 7#ite about love8 chastit%8 the Atan8 !#eek
%tholog%8 Ma#%8 p#ophets8 angels and Sexual Magic$ /f %ou a#e #eading
%ou ight like to lea#n o#e about these things8 even if %ou have to #ack
intelligent b#ain at fi#st to figu#e it all out$ M% #ecoendation is to
online fo# books on agic like *The 'e#fect Mat#ion%+ and look at the
;the#e1s a #eason 7h% it1s banned in schools<N one da% it 7ill ake uch
sense and %ou1ll 7onde# 7h% %ou didn1t begin ea#lie#$$$ ma# Mar# "less

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