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1) Communication is the process through which parties change information by speeches,

messages, thoughts, feelings and body language. Each party involved in this core process gives
or gets piece of information, so on we can emphasize in this process a sender and a receiver.
2) The communication process can be performed in many ways, the most basic way of
communicating is the verbal form of communication which consists in the communication
between parties performed under a concise set of grammar and logical rules; further on there
can be identified another feature of the communication which consists in the common
nonverbal communication having gestures, body language and face expression as main features.
Also the communication can be in an oral or a written form.
3) In the communication process the context has a very important role such that it is the
background whereon this process is performed. An important feature that must belong to all
the parties involved in this process is to have a basic-previous knowledge of the environment or
the framework within the communication is held. Example, the word chips appearing in a
business letter written by a manufacturer of computer memory cards is more likely to be
interpreted as meaning a computer chip. The same word - chip - spoken in a fast food restaurant
is more likely to be interpreted as referring to potato chip
4) There can be identified three different types of skills in the communication process as
following: Verbal communication skills; Nonverbal Communication skills, Written
communication skills.
5) A feedback consists in a set of information(both positive and negative) regarding the activity
performed in an established timeframe by an entity .Within a feedback , the sender emphasizes
his opinion about the receivers results with both positive and negative remarks, and usualy the
feedback has an improval effect, because the receiver can be aware by both negative or positive
aspects of his results and having this information he can focus more to improve the bad aspects.
6) The Networking is an information exchange process between two or more parties. This process
implies the establishment of relationships between people or companies based on a certain
purpose rather than a simple acquaintance relationship. The communication is vital in the
networking process.
7) Networking principles
8) The nonverbal communication has as main features the following properties : gesture, body
language or posture, facial expression, eye contact, tone of voice(rhythm, intonation) and even
the apparel has an importance in this. The nonverbal communication helps the sender to send
non verbal messages.
9) The barries that can occur in the commmunication process are : Physical barriers, perceptual,
emotional, cultural, language, gender and interpersonal . The perceptual barrier consist in the
difference ways of perception that people have. In this case it is about virtues , values and biliefs
that can be different from person to person and here can be a gap in the communication .
Emotional barrier consist in the fear , uncertainty and misstrust that can occur during a
conversation . It can affect negatively the communication between the parties by creating a
vague communication context. Gender barrier can also occur especially in the Far eastern
countries (South Korea and Japan) due to the conservative principles of man power applied in
these countries.
10) Business communication involves a discusion based on a business theme. It is very concise and
very polite. Effective business communication starts by asking the right questions to understand
the other party needs and wants, to be able to recommend a product or service customized to
the customer. One good tip would be to speak, pause, and listen and then take a decision. There
are several ways of communicating in business : Face to face, video based, telephone,
documents, leters, reports and feedbacks, and these comprises all the communication forms:
verbal, nonverbal , written and oral.

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