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Improving Communication Mathematics with

Nurhasanah Siregar
Universitas Negeri Medan
Abstract: Mathematical communication skills is one of the capabilities that must be owned
either school student elementary school to college level. The use of tools such as computer
software, is one of solution to improve communication of mathematics skill. GeoGebra is on of
computer softawre can use to improve communication of mathematics skill. This software easy
to download because its free and easy to used.
Keywords: Geogebra, communications mathematics.
1. Background
Learning math is a part of the whole educational process of the school
or college math teacher. One of the failures at this time due to not being able to
make students think critically and creatively.The majority of students find it
difficult to be able to quickly absorb and understand the math , this difficulty
relates to the way teachers provide classroom exercises in a less varied
(Tandiling, 2012). Teachers not as a conduit of information (transfer of
knowledge) , but as a driver of student learning(stimulation of learning in order
to improve own knowledge through a variety of activities including the use of
technology and able to communicate. According to Silver and Smith (Umar ,
2012) is a teacher's job : (1) make students are involved in every math
assignment; (2) set the intellectual activity of students in the classroom as a
discussion and communication; (3) help students understand mathematicalideas
and observe the students' understanding.
The rapid development of the times creates asharing of ideas and the
use of media tools in learning. The use of technology slowly but surely become
something important in education. One of them is the use of computers, many
software that can be used in learning, especially the learning of mathematics.
Computers are very helpful in learning mathematics, using a computer can
make conckrti abstract material. The number of mathematical material which
requires either a two-dimensional graphic images and three-dimensional.If this
is done manually likely require quite a long time due to the limited ability of
Computer Algebra System (CAS) and Dynaminc Geometry System
(DGS) are two large groups sharing the type of software. Mathematica, Direc,
Mample, Matlab or programs that like algebra belonging to the CAS, while
Geometry Sketchpad, Cabry, Wingeon or software that reeked of geometry
belonging to the DGS. Many studies say that the use of instructional media in
the form of ICT can improve student learning . Based on the research results
and Labovic Blyth (2009 ) of students felt they enjoy and find it helpful to use
Maple to study mathematics. In this case Kusuma (2008) states that computers
can provide assistance not only to students who are classified as fast learner
and slow learner but also to the students with the underachiever category,
through a variety of support and challenge that are repetitive, exploratory in the
form of enrichment ( enrichment) dynamic. Other studies also concluded that
students' motivation is taught by using GeoGebra better than not using
GeoGebra , and learning persetasi also tend to be higher than the usual class
(Widyaningrum and Murwanintyas, 2012).
2. Geogebra
Creating a fun learning mathematics is an obligation that we have to
do as a teacher. By creating a fun learning math learning objectives likely to be
achieved.Learning mathematics in the school expected to realize the learning
objectives formulated by the Ministry of Education ( 2006) that is trained how
to think and reason in drawing conclusions , develop creative activities
involving imajination, intuition and discovery by developing divergent
thinking, original, curiosity , make predictions and conjecture as well try,
develop problem solving skills and develop the ability to convey information
and communicate ideas. Many ways in which the teachers to make the learning
fun, one of them is to use a tool or medium of learning. Currently, many tools
we can find, the internet can be uploaded. The selection tools or instructional
media can maximum and optimum student learning outcomes. One of the
learning tools that can be used is GeoGebra.
GeoGebra is a computer program for learning mathematics .GeoGebra
integrates algebra, geometry and calculus in one package and incorporate it
into a math learning tool (Hohenwarter&Hohenwarte, 2009). GeoGebra using a
variety of languages in the world one of which is Indonesian.This program can
be obtained at www.geogebra.com. GeoGebra mathematics provides an
accessible learning environment that integrates multiple representations
Mathematica, computetional utilities, and documentation tools. Screen's not
only the various representastions are automatically linked , they can also be
dynamically manipulated to Illustrate or Simulate the dynamic nature of
mathematical ideas . It sipssible and pedagogically Necessary to have
backpackers to explore the mathematical ideas . In GeoGebra , there are two
types of mathematical objects : free ( or independent ) object and dependent
objects . Free objects are the strating point of subsequent mathematical
relations, and can be freely dragged Thus or manipulated , while the dependent
objects rely on one or more free object or other dependent objects and therefore
cannot be freely manipulated.
GeoGebra stands as an equitably accessible digital environment that
appeals to mathematics educators and students at all levels as they strive to
promote sensemaking and deep mathematical understanding. For example,
when we draw a line segmentconnectting two points A and B, the points are
free objects and the segment will be dependent on the point A and B. The
perpendicular bisector of the segment AB sill also bedependet on A and B. In
other words, if we change the positions of A and B, both the segment AB and
its perpendicular bisector will change accordingly.
3. Communication of Mathematic.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics ( NCTM ) states that
communication is a way of sharing ideas and clarifying understanding. When
students are challenged to think and reason about mathematics and give to
recount their thoughts orally or in writing , they learn to explain. Listen to the
explanation of others provides an opportunity for students to develop their own
understanding ( NCTM, 20010 in Eviana et al ). Meanwhile, according to the
Kutikulum Tingkat satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) communication skills is one of
the competencies required of high school students . The importance of
communication skills trained to students supported by a vision of mathematics
education which has two-way development that meets the needs of the present
and future (Sumarmo in Tandiling, 2012).
It is inevitable that during this math teachers only provide routine
matters but our students must be trained to have the ability to reason logically,
systematically, carefully and think critically and objectively and openly.
According to Baroody (Umar, 2012) learning should be able to help students
communicate mathematical ideas through communications that represent the
five aspects, listening, reading, discussion and writing. This is because
mathematics is not just a thinking tool, making settlement patterns, tools to
solve problems and draw conclusions because mathematics is a means of social
communication , both among students, students and teachers.
4. Applications in the screen's Addition and Reduction in
Primary Schools
One of the most basic materials are addition and subtraction. Usually
elementary school children would be difficult to understand negative numbers
add up to a positive number (example -7 +5 ) or subtract negative numbers
with the negative (-5 -5 or -7 - (-7 )). Usually when a teacher gives an
understanding of positive sign (+) met with a positive sign (+) then the result is
positive, while if such signs meet the different positive or negative meets
positive negative met then the result is negative. Such an understanding is
likely to go wrong, because the multiplication operation has not been
introduced earlier. How rote without understanding the meaning of an activity
makes students become qualified memorization tricks . Whereas in study
mathematics understand the problem is something that must be developed and
owned by each student . Note the picture below , how GeoGebra provide an
understanding of addition and substraction.

Pic 1. Addition with geogebra

How does this sum with GeoGebra? The answer is quite simple. The teacher
simply asks students to draw red dots slider and blue. After that the students
can see and compare the results. As shown for example want to do a sum (-2) +
6, drag the red slider to the number(-2) then drag the blue slider as far as six
steps or until the blue numbers into six figures, and see the results. Of these
issues teacher can be explored skill of communicatioan of mathematics
students through questions such as:
1. How the results obtained when (-5) +6?
2. Which way the blue arrow?
3. Which way the red arrows?
4. How many numbers must be passed from the red arrows to get an
5. How results are obtained if 10 +4?
6. Which way the way the blue arrow?
7. Shows what number?
8. What can you tell from the above events?

Pic 2: Substraction with Geogebra
5. Conclusion
Communication is important mathematics, it was revealed in the
educational curriculum. Communication skills at the level of elementary school
children can be improved through learning aids such as computers. One of the
software that can be used is GeoGebra. This software give renders it easy for
teachers to multimedia-based props. Provide resolution screen's colors, images,
animations, and ease of use as well as a variety of languages including
Indonesian. Besides, this software provides the facility of online group to
exchange ideas with other state netizen.
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Menengah Atas, J urnal Penelitia Pendidikan, Vol 12 No 1, April 2012

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