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By Dr.

Jalil for me:

Bryta car 200
Anacardium 30
Kaliphos 6C

Kali Brom:
1. Mind.Unconscious of what is occurring around them; cannot recognise, nor be comforted by,
their friends.Memory absolutely destroyed; anmia; emaciation.Loss of memory; had to be told
the word before he could speak it (amnesic aphasia).Inability to express oneself.Writing almost
unintelligible from omission of words or parts of words; words repeated or misplaced.Mentally
dull, torpid; perception slow, answers slowly.Benumbed sensation of brain.Fearful, apprehensive
mood; imagines he cannot pass a certain point.Drowsiness.Fears to be alone.Frightful
imaginings at night (in pregnant women during later months), they are under impression that they
have committed, or are about to commit, some great crime and cruelty, such as murdering their
children or husbands.Hallucinations of sight and sound, with or without mania, precede brain and
paralytic symptoms.Delirium, with delusions; thinks he is pursued; will be poisoned; is selected for
Divine vengeance; that her child is dead, &c.Delirium tremens, in first or irritative stage; face
flushed; eyes red; delirium active; horrid illusions; hard, quick pulse.Puerperal mania, with fulness
of blood-vessels of brain.Hands constantly busy; all sorts of fearful delusions; walks the room
groaning, bemoaning his fate; full of fear; unsteady.Fits of uncontrollable weeping and profound
melancholic delusions.Feeling of lightness and exhilaration in place of heaviness and
depression.Depressed; low-spirited; has nervous anxiety.Profound melancholic depression, with
religious delusions and feeling of moral deficiency; frequent shedding of tears, low-spirited and
childish, giving way to her feelings; profound indifference and almost disgust for life
(melancholia).Profound melancholy from anmia.Night terrors of children (not from
indigestion), with screaming in sleep, trembling, unconsciousness of what is around them; cannot
recognise, nor be comforted by, their friends; sometimes followed by squinting.
Kali Phos:
1. Mind.Morose, irritable; tearful; averse to be talked to; everything is too much; depression.Lethargy.Cannot recall names or
words; mind sluggish, but will act if aroused.Extreme lassitude and depression; apprehensive.Loss of memory.Exhaustion after
moderate mental effort.Flies into a passion and can hardly articulate; tongue feels thick.Restless.Nervous; starting.Perverted
affections; cruel to husband; to baby.Indifferent and captious.

Natrum Carb:
1. Mind.Marked degree of gaiety.Joyous talkativeness.Inclination to sing.Sadness and discouragement, with tears, and
inquietude respecting the future.Inquietude, with fits of anguish, esp. during a storm, and while engaged in intellectual
labour.Mind much agitated, every event (music) causes trembling.Timidity.Estrangement from individuals and from
society.Hypochondriacal humour and disgust of life.Dejection.Disposition to take alarm.Irritable.Spite and
malevolence.Disposition to be angry, and violent fits of passion.Difficulty in conceiving and combining ideas when
reading or listening.Makes mistakes in writing.Difficulty of comprehension, which is unnatural to him when in health;
imbecility, or weakness of intellect.Unfitness for intellectual labour and meditation, which fatigue the head.Infirmity of
Mind.--Fixed ideas. Hallucinations; thinks he is possessed of two persons or wills. Anxiety when walking, as
if pursued. Profound melancholy and hypochondriasis, with tendency to use violent language. Brain-fag.
Impaired memory. Absent mindedness. Very easily offended. Malicious; seems bent on wickedness. Lack
of confidence in himself or others. Suspicious (Hyos). Clairaudient, hears voices far away or of the dead.
Senile dementia. Absence of all moral restraint.
1. Mind.Hypochondriacal sadness, and melancholy ideas.Anthropophobia.Anxiety, apprehension,
and fear of approaching death.Fear and mistrust of the future, with discouragement and
despair.Disposition to take everything amiss, to contradict, and to fly into a rage.Frequently
screams loudly, as if to call some one; so furious has to be restrained.Manners awkward,
silly.Disposition to laugh at serious things, and to maintain a serious demeanour when anything
laughable occurs.State as if there were two wills, one of which rejects what the other
requires.Fixed ideas: that he is double; that there is no reality in anything, all appears like a
dream; that a stranger is constantly by his side, one to the r., the other to the l.; her husband is not
her husband, her child is not hers; fondles, then pushes them away.Want of moral sentiment
(wickedness, impiety, hardness of heart, cruelty).Irresistible desire to blaspheme, and to
swear.Sensation as if the mind were separated from the body.Weakness of mind and of
memory.Loss of memory.Soon forgets everything; consciousness of forgetfulness takes away
appetite.Weakness of all the senses.Absence of ideas.
1. Mind.Incapacity to think; confused.Loss of comprehension; as if a barrier between the senses
and external objects.Idiocy, in some cases alternating with furor.Great anxiety and
restlessness, followed by violent pains in head and abdomen.Bad humour;
irritability.Irritability, esp. in the afternoon, and in the open air.Delirium: sees cats and dogs;
tries to jump out of the window.Loquacious gaiety.
Argentum Nit:
1. Mind.Mental anxiety.Very impulsive; always in a hurry but accomplishes nothing; in continual
motion; he walks fast.Hurries restlessly to fulfil engagements, fears to be late when there is
plenty of time.Melancholic; does not undertake anything lest he should not succeed.Impulse
to throw herself from the window.Frequent errors of perception; mistakes distances; fears
house-corners.Time seems to pass very slowly.Apprehension when ready to go to church or
opera, bringing on diarrha.Easily angered or excited, anger brings on symptoms, cough, pain,
&c.Profound melancholy; imagines if left alone will die; apprehends incurable disease of
brain.Nightly nervousness, with heat and fulness in the head.Nervous, faintish, and tremulous
sensation.Awful faces appear on shutting eyes.Apathy.Mental operations sluggish; thought
requires effort.Complete loss of consciousness.Memory impaired, cannot find the right
word.Building castles in the air by day: monstrous visions by night.

Memory and Memory Loss Homeopathic Remedies
Homeopathic remedies are non-toxic natural medicines safe for everyone including infants and pregnant or nursing women. You may use 6X, 30X, 6C or
30C potencies. Learn more about homeopathy >
The following homeopathic remedies for memory loss are listed as main remedies (including others) and cover these specific issues:
Childhood memory loss may mean some sort of abuse that has been suppressed.
Carcinosin perfectionist people, craves dancing, music, and travel; obsessive-compulsive, fears, loves excitement; chronic fatigue from being
Stramonium hallucinations, delirium, curses, mania, paranoia, talkative, religious delusions, fear of the dark, thinks partner is unfaithful.
Thuja dull mind, isolated, slow comprehension, mistakes in writing and talking; speech is confused; vanishing thoughts, doesnt know where he
is; feels alone; feels he is dirty.
Baryta carb childish behavior, irresolute, cant recall past events. Mental dullness, bashful, silly.
Cocculus indicus with dizziness, also from sleep loss. Slow to understand. Memory blanks out, from distractions. Causes from nursing a loved
Lycopodium dyslexia, weakness of memory for names, letters; cant spell. Tired form 4 pm to 8 pm. Confused from common words, problems
with math, low self esteem.
Mercurius solubis - instability of ideas, forgetful, nervous, distrustful, losing reason, wants to escape, sensitive to temperature changes.
Phosphoric acid mental exhaustion, slow to comprehend, especially from disappointed love or some grief. Vanishing thoughts on reading.
Phosphorus over excitable, anxiety, fears of thunderstorms, spacey, wants sympathy, clairvoyant.

Forgetfulness in the elderly
Ambra Grisea embarrassed, timid, cant urinate around others, slow comprehension, music makes them weep. Jumps from one subject to
Baryta carb childish behavior, irresolute, cant recall past events. Mental dullness, bashful, silly.
Conium slow comprehension. Difficulty in reading concentration. Alzheimer symptoms, depressed, grieving, breast problems in women.
Lycopodium dyslexia, weakness of memory for names, letters; cant spell. Tired form 4 pm to 8 pm. Confused from common words, problems
with math, low self esteem.
Phosphoric acid mental exhaustion, slow to comprehend, especially from disappointed love or some grief. Vanishing thoughts on reading.
Forgot what you are about to do
Cannabis indicus fearful, anxious, fuzzy thinking, history of pot use, talkative, spacey, disoriented; sense of time-passes too slowly.
Other remedies include Bar-c, Carb-ac, Card-m, Chel, Lac-c, Nux-m, Onos, Sulph, Thuj.
Forgot what you have just done
Cannabis indicus fearful, anxious, fuzzy thinking, history of pot use, talkative, spacey, disoriented; sense of time-passes too slowly.
Other remedies include Acon, Androc, Bar-c, Calc-phos, Hyos, Kali-c, Nux-m, Onos, Oxygen.
Forgot what has happened
Cannabis indicus fearful, anxious, fuzzy thinking, history of pot use, talkative, spacey, disoriented; sense of time-passes too slowly.
Lachesis with jealousy, talkative, high sex drive.
Natrum mur with grief, loss of words.
Nux moschata sleep during day, foggy thoughts.
Forgets names
Anacardium nervous exhaustion from over study; cant work; low self esteem; absent-minded; especially from a fright; memory loss with
depression; vanishing thoughts.
Baryta carb acts as a child, shy or timid, learning disabilities or may be emotionally backward.
Cannabis indicus fearful, anxious, fuzzy thinking, history of pot use, talkative, spacey, disoriented; sense of time-passes too slowly.
Hepar sulph forgetful, dull memory, critical, over-sensitive, talks fast, restless, hurried, irritable.
Lycopodium dyslexia, weakness of memory for names, letters; cant spell; tired from 4 pm to 8 pm; confused from common words, problems with
math, low self esteem.
Medorrhinum hurried, anxious, irritable, wild feeling in head, panic attacks, fears of dark, difficult comprehension; despairs of recovery.
Sulphur fanciful ideas, dull mind, forgetful, especially for names, misplaces things, words, talking, writing, repeats things; lazy, bored easily,
impatient, quarrelsome, worse from heat.
Other remedies include Anac, Calc, Crot-h, Guaiacum, Kali-p, Lyc, Med, Rhus-t, Sulph.
Forgets persons
Crotalus Horr with bleeding problems and heart issues.
Other remedies include Agar, Anac, Hyos, Phos-ac, Stram, Tarentula, Verat-a.
Forgetful while reading
Anacardium nervous exhaustion from over study; cant work; low self esteem; absent-minded; especially from a fright; memory loss with
depression; vanishing thoughts.
Cannabis indicus fearful, anxious, fuzzy thinking, history of pot use, talkative, spacey, disoriented; sense of time-passes too slowly.
Helleborus from a head injury, mental dullness, weak memory, blank thoughts, feels guilty or even suicidal.
Hyoscyamus quarrelsome, immodest, obscene, jealous, nervous agitation; picks at bed clothes; muttering, delirium, suspicious, anxiety on
hearing running water.
Lachesis talkative, jumps from subject to subject; vengeful, foolish, manic depressive; paranoia; worse after sleep, from grief.
Lycopodium dyslexia, weakness of memory for names, letters; cant spell. Tired form 4 pm to 8 pm. Confused from common words, problems
with math, low self esteem.
Medorrhinum hurried, anxious, irritable, wild feeling in head, panic attacks, fears of dark, difficult comprehension; despairs of recovery.
Mercurius solubis - instability of ideas, forgetful, nervous, distrustful, losing reason, wants to escape, sensitive to temperature changes.
Natrum muriaticum fear of the future, isolates self, dwells on unpleasant past memories, fears of robbers, heights; mistakes in speaking,
awkward speech.
Nux Moschata memory weakness, confused, loss of entire past life; thoughts vanish when talking, reading or writing; headaches, sense of
duality, constantly sleeping.
Phosphoric acid mental exhaustion, slow to comprehend, especially from disappointed love or some grief. Vanishing thoughts on reading.
Staphysagria poor memory from an emotional trauma or abuse; wants to be alone; ailments from abuse or suppressed anger, humiliation;
memory loss when angry.
Other remedies include Onos, Op.
Sudden forgetfulness
Anacardium nervous exhaustion from over study; cant work; low self esteem; absent-minded; especially from a fright; memory loss with
depression; vanishing thoughts.
Cannabis indicus fearful, anxious, fuzzy thinking, history of pot use, talkative, spacey, disoriented; sense of time-passes too slowly.
Carbo veg with apathy; irritable to family; heart or digestive problems, gas or bloating.
Kali brom memory issues with intense religious feelings, feels condemned by god; may have acne issues; sense of paranoia.
Moschus memory problems with hysteria; has anger fits and respiratory issues.
Forgets words
Baryta carb acts as a child, shy or timid, learning disabilities or may be emotionally backward.
Cannabis indicus fearful, anxious, fuzzy thinking, history of pot use, talkative, spacey, disoriented; sense of time-passes too slowly.
Plumbum met slow progressive memory loss; can also have physical numbness or paralysis; may be self centered, rude or arrogant; hates
children, may feel violent.
Pulsatilla with hormonal issues, memory fades in and out; cries easily, moody.
Other remedies include Anac, Arg-nit, Arn, Dulc, Hell, Hep-s, Kali-br, Kali-c, Kali-phos, Lach, Nat-m, Nux, m, Nux-v, Op, Phos-ac, Sulph.

Forgetful while writing
Cannabis indicus fearful, anxious, fuzzy thinking, history of pot use, talkative, spacey, disoriented; sense of time-passes too slowly.
Crocus sativa moods alternate and uncontrollable laughter, hemorrhage issues.
Natrum muriaticum fear of the future, isolates self, dwells on unpleasant past memories, fears of robbers, heights; mistakes in speaking,
awkward speech.
Nux Moschata memory weakness, confused, loss of entire past life; thoughts vanish when talking, reading or writing; headaches, sense of
duality, constantly sleeping.

1. Mind.Extreme anguish, esp. in the evening, with disposition to weep and great fear of the future.Gloomy and
peevish.Indisposed to speak; inclination to lassitude.Remorse.Tearful moroseness; with sensation of internal
uneasiness.Indifference.Great love of labour.Weakness of memory.Nocturnal delirium and agitation.Sadness from
1. Mind.Hysterical anguish, with sadness and great inclination to weep, from suppression of, or from too free an
indulgence in, the sexual instinct.Anthropophobia, and yet fear of solitude.Timidity of character (fear of
robbers).Superstitious ideas.Disposition to be frightened.Ill-humour and moroseness.Hypochondriacal
indifference.Want of mental energy.Inaptitude for labour.Irritability, and disposition to be angry.Derangement of
ideas and mania.Confusion of ideas, as from drowsiness.Slowness of conception.Weakness of the intellectual faculties,
and of the memory.Ready forgetfulness; excessive difficulty of recollecting things.Delirium.
Mind.Great anguish, insupportable anxiety, and uneasiness, from which patient seeks relief in open air.Fear, and presentiment
of death.Discouragement; distrust; easily affected to tears.Mental dejection and melancholy, with apprehension, uneasiness
about one's malady, great tendency to give way to sorrow, to look upon the dark side of everything, and to think oneself
persecuted, hated and despised by acquaintances.Dread of death; fears to go to bed; fear of being poisoned.Thinks she is
some one else; in the hands of a stronger power; that she is dead and preparations are being made for her funeral; that she is
nearly dead and wishes some one would help her off.Sadness when awaking in the morning or night (particularly in the
morning); no desire at all to mix with the world.Restless and uneasy; does not wish to attend to business, but wants to be off
somewhere all the time.Sadness, and disgust to life.Mistrust, suspicion, and a strong tendency to take everything amiss, to
contradict and to criticise.Frantic jealousy.Indolence, with dislike and unfitness for any labour whatever, either mental or
bodily.Timidity of character, with variableness and indecision.Great apathy and extraordinary weakness of memory, everything
that is heard is, as it were, effaced, even orthography is no longer remembered, and there is forgetfulness even of things on the
point of utterance.Confusion as to time.Mistakes are made in speaking and writing, as well as in the hours of the day and the
days of the week.Imbecility and loss of every mental faculty.Over-excitement and excessive nervous irritability, with a tendency
to be frightened.Perfect happiness and cheerfulness followed by gradual fading of spirituality, want of self-control and
lasciviousness; felt as if she was somebody else and in the hands of a stronger power.Amativeness.Affections of the intellect in
general.State of ecstasy and exaltation which even induces tears, desire to meditate, and to compose intellectual works, with a
sort of pride.Frantic loquacity with elevated language, nicely chosen words, and rapid and continual change of subject-
matter.Loquaciousness, with mocking jealousy, with frightful images, great tendency to mock, satire and ridiculous
ideas.Nocturnal delirium with much talking, or with murmuring.Dementia and loss of consciousness.

Natrum Mur:
1. Mind.Melancholy sadness, which induces a constant recurrence to unpleasant recollections, and much weeping; all
attempts at consolation <.Obliged to weep.Hypochondriacal, tired of life.Joyless, taciturn.Great tendency to
start.Hurriedness, with anxiety and fluttering of heart.Prefers to be alone.Anthropophobia.Anxiety respecting the
future.Anguish, sometimes during a storm, but esp. at night.Indifference, laconic speech, moroseness, and unfitness for
labour.Impatient precipitation and irritability.Timidity.Hatred to persons who have formerly given offence.Irascibility
and rage, easily provoked.Inclination to laugh.Laughs so immoderately at something not ludicrous that tears come into
her eyes and she looks as if she had been weeping.Alternate gaiety and ill-humour.Laughs immoderately and cannot be
quieted.Difficulty of thinking; absence of mind.Weakness of memory and excessive forgetfulness.Heedlessness and
distraction.Tendency to make mistakes in speaking and writing.Brain-fag, with sleeplessness, gloomy
forebodings.Exhaustion after talking, embarrassment of brain.Incapacity for reflection, and fatigue from intellectual
labour.Distraction; does not know what he ought to say.Awkwardness.
1. Mind.Illusions or hallucinations about snakes; imagines they are all around her; that they are creeping into her bed; fears
to close her eyes.Horrible visions, fears they will take objective form; when sitting still and thinking.Wakes at night with
a sensation that she was lying on a large snake.After menses, imagines all sorts of things about snakes.Woke at
daylight, feeling that she was a loathsome, horrible, mass of disease.Could not bear to have any one part of her body
touch another; felt if she could not get out of her body in some way, she would soon become crazy; could not think of
anything but her own condition.Feels weak, and nerves so thoroughly out of order, that she cannot bear one finger to
touch the other (nervous throat affection).Is impressed with the idea that all she says is a lie; that all her symptoms are
unreal, and the result of a diseased imagination; it seems to be very difficult to speak the truth, but continually distrusts
things; when reading anything she rapidly changes the meaning, omitting or adding things.Imagines that he wears some
one else's nose (diphtheria).Felt very short in morning while walking; ditto in evening.Finds it very difficult to read
understandingly anything requiring a mental effort to follow it.Very restless; cannot concentrate her thoughts or mind to
read; wants to leave everything as soon as it is commenced.When speaking, substitutes the name of the object seen for
that which is thought.Cannot remember what she reads, but can remember other things.In writing, uses too many
words or not the right ones; very nervous.Absent-minded.Cannot bear to be left alone for an instant (diphtheria).Fear:
of disease; of consumption; of heart disease; of falling downstairs.Fits of weeping two or three times a day
(metritis).Depression.(Thinks she is looked down upon by every one, and feels insulted thereat.).Anxious.Easily
excited; easily startled.Cross and irritable; while headache lasted.(Attacks of rage, cursing and swearing at the slightest

1. Mind.Melancholy and sadness, with grieving ideas; uneasiness respecting the patient's own condition and prospects,
and about business affairs, so as to become exceedingly unhappy, disgusted with life, and even to despair of eternal
salvation.Egoistic.Dwells on religious or philosophical speculations; anxiety about soul's salvation; indifference about lot
of others.Vexatious and morbid ideas of the past arise and cannot be got rid of.Hypochondriac mood (through the day,
in evening he is inclined to be merry).Strong tendency to weep, and frequent weeping, alternating sometimes with
involuntary laughter.Disconsolate humour, with scruples of conscience, even with respect to the most innocent
actions.Fits of anguish, esp. in evening; timidity and great tendency to be frightened.Precipitation, restlessness, and
impatience.Peevishness; childish peevishness in grown people.Ill-humour, moroseness, quarrelsome disposition,
disposition to criticise, and dislike to conversation.Irritability, disposition to anger and passion.Great indolence and
repugnance to all exertion, both mental and bodily.Too lazy to rouse himself up, and too unhappy to live.Indecision,
awkwardness (at his work), inadvertence, anthropophobia, with feeling of giddiness.Stupidity and imbecility, with
difficulty in understanding and in answering correctly.In afternoon, stupefied state after a glass of wine.Great weakness
of memory, chiefly for proper names.Misplaces or cannot find the proper word when he speaks.Mistakes as to time,
thinks it earlier than it is; at vesper bell (7 p.m.) insists it is only 5 p.m., quite angry when one attempts to convince her of
her error.Forgetfulness of that which is about to be uttered.Great flow of ideas, for the most part sad and unpleasant,
but sometimes gay, and interspersed with musical airs.Strong tendency to religious and philosophical reveries, with fixed
ideas.Incoherent speech.Mania, with a settled idea of having all things in abundance, possessing beautiful things,
&c.Delirium, with carphologia.Errors respecting objects, a hat is mistaken for a bonnet, a rag for a handsome gown,
&c.Foolish happiness and pride; fantastic illusions of the intellect, esp. if one turns everything into beauty, as an old rag
or stick looks to be a beautiful piece of workmanship; everything looks pretty which the patient takes a fancy
to.Melancholia and epilepsy, with strong impulsive tendency to suicide by drowning or leaping from window; five fits a
day with at times two hours of unconsciousness, always < during menses (Sul. 10m cured).

Staphy: Mind.Hypochondriacal humour, with indifference to everything (after onanism).Apathetic; gloomy.Sadness, with fear
for the future.Weeping, and grief respecting the state of Health.Susceptibility.Patient is so sensitive that the least action or
word troubles or annoys his feelings.Amorous dreams.Desire for death.Anxiety and agitation, which allow no rest.Ill-humour,
irascibility, spitefulness, inducing patient to fling violently whatever is at hand; in the morning.Justifiable ill-humour over what
has happened or has been done by oneself; weeping and dejected over the supposed ill consequences of it.Hypochondria and
hysteria after unmerited insults (or sexual excesses), with complaints of flatulence.Dislike to conversation, meditation, and all
intellectual and serious labour.Weakness of memory; a few minutes after reading anything can recollect it only dimly, and
whenever he thinks of anything the sense escapes him; call scarcely recall it after long reflection.Instability of ideas. Excessively
dull intellect, with inability to attend to any occupation.Delusions with respect to past events.Illusion, as if all surrounding
objects were lower, and the patient himself much taller than in reality.

Plumbum Met:
1. Mind.Silent melancholy and dejection.Great anguish and uneasiness, with sighs.Anxiety, with restlessness and
yawning.Weariness and dislike to conversation and labour.Discouragement.Weariness of life.Weakness or loss of
memory.Slow of perception; increasing apathy.Unable to find proper word while
talking.Coma.Imbecility.Dementia.Mania.Delirium; alternating with colic.Fury.Frantic delirium (bites, strikes), sometimes
with demented aspect.Dread of assassination, poisoning; thinks every one about him a murderer.

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