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SWA Monitoring HPOM & BMT

Environment Overview
ECC Landscape
PI Landscape
GRC Landscape
EP Landscape
Components monitored by SAPSPI
- Number of free backround work processes!
- Last successfu" update statistics
- Orac"e Locks #more t$an % $ours&
- 'issin primary database inde(es
- Spoo" Numbers) w$en *sed Numbers reac$ +,-
- OS co""ector status
- .ia"o response time #runnin more t$an /,0,,, msec in t$e "ast $our&
- .ia"o 1ueue time #230,,, msec in t$e "ast 23 minutes&
- Spoo" 4ueue "ent$ e(ceeds +5-
- SAP 6uffer swaps #Proram0 Sin"e Record0 C*A 7 etc&
- A6AP .umps #w$en t$ere are / dumps in t$e "ast 3 minutes&
- 8ai"ed SAP 6asis 6ackround 9obs! Ot$er critica" fai"ed :obs are
monitored by Sc$edu"in team t$rou$ 'AES;RO!
- O"d SAP Locks #more t$an /< $ours&
- SAP *pdate status #a"ert w$en it is not active&
- C$eck dia"o work processes w$en t$ey are in PRI= mode!
- C$eck S'%2 for t$e fo""owin error codes #A,30 A,>0 6?, 0 8<+0 85?0
8520 8AI0 8A90 86N0 86*0 GEG0 P,/0 P,+0 P,60 1,S0 1,;0 1,*0 R,O0
R,R0 R2P0 R%,0 R@30 S2/0 S/,0 *S+&
- 'onitorin t$e system overa"" status #A"ert w$en SAP is down or $un&
'onitored fi"esystems and processes
Filesystem monitoring
- % full warning (IE 80% full)
- % full page (IE 90% full)
- filesytem NOT mounted
- tunale (warning!page) for ea"# filesytem on system
- typi"ally monitor $ust filesystems related to %&'!(asis
Ora"le )elated
- in"orre"tly in a"*up mode (IE no a"*up a"tually running)
- Tale monitoring
- o$e"ts +, 80% of ma- e-tents
- &r"#i.e mode
- &r"#i.e mode on!off
- Ora"le errors
- tra"e files
- /ataase #ealt#
- 0pdates Ora"le statisti"s
- 0pdates ne-t e-tent si1es
- /aily /ataase 2erifi"ations (/(23s)
- 4ee*ly full Ora"le e-ports
- &.ailaility of &ppli"ation ser.er 5 6I
- monitor up!down if "onfigured in 667%
- ITScheck for connectivity between SAP R/3 and ITS
Components monitored by SAPSPI
Oracle DB-SPI Base
Description DBSPI Template/Metric Frequenc
.atabase Status SuspendA.own .6SPIB,,,2 3
.atabase Process C$eck .6SPIB,,,% 3
C of sements t$at cannot e(tend .6SPIB,,2< 23
C of sements approac$in ma( e(tent .6SPIB,,25 23
;ab"espaces free space .6SPIB,%,< 3
;ab"espaces free space Emai" .6SPIB,%,< 3
Orac"e Listener process status 3
.6SPI errors .6SPIB'essaes!
Oracle DB-SPI Message Interceptor
Description O!SD
.6SPI2,B%% or %/) *nab"e to connect to database! Critica"
.6SPI2,B%@) Connect to .6 timed out after seconds! P"ease c$eck database! Critica"
.6SPI2,B%5) Orac"e Listener process is not runnin! Critica"
.6SPI2,B%>) *nab"e to c$eck Orac"e ListenerD .6SPI is not confiured! 'edium
.6SPI2,B%+) One or more Orac"e network services are not confiured! Critica"
.6SPI2,B%) *pper bound is "ower t$an "ower bound! 'edium
.6SPI2,B/,) Cannot connect to t$e Orac"e Listener usin EuserApassF Critica"
.6SPI2,B/) Inva"id c$aracter in rane #number e(pected&! 'edium
.6SPI2,B32) Interna" Error from I;O interface! Critica"
.6SPI%,B2) ;$e confiuration fi"e does not e(ist! P"ease confiure t$is node! *rent
Description O!SD
.6SPI%,B/) Co""ectionAAna"ysis $as been turned ONAO88 Critica"
.6SPI/,B2) Synta( error! 'edium
.6SPI/2B%) .up"icate definition of database! Gi$
.6SPI/2B+) Co""ection for metric fai"ed #dbspiHerrorI!!!& *rent
.6SPI@,B2@) ;$e ca"" to function -s in -s fai"ed! Critica"
.6SPI@,B2<) Sysprofi"e name J-sJ not found! *nab"e to ca"cu"ate metric! Gi$
.6SPI2,B2) Inva"id c$aracter in rane!
.6SPI2,B%3) Error durin *.' code e(ecution for metric!
.6SPI2,B>2) *nab"e to ain "ock fi"e! 8i"e a"ready in use by anot$er process!
.6SPI%,B%) 'etric $as no report defined!
.6SPI%,B3) .6BSPI .SI "ofi"es need to be converted!
.6SPI/,B%) No instance defined for EGO'EF B inored!
.6SPI/,B/) EParmF a"ready defined ear"ier B inorin t$is definition!
.6SPI/,B@) 8i"ter for metric K a"ready defined ear"ier B inorin t$is definition
.6SPI/2B2,) No *.' confiuration avai"ab"e #confi fi"e insta""edL&!
.6SPI/2B22) 'etric a"ready defined!
.6SPI/2B2) Report a"ready defined!
.6SPI/2B/) COLLEC; statement missin for metric!
.6SPI/2B@) COLLEC; statement for metric a"ready defined!
.6SPI/2B3) COLLEC; option for metric a"ready defined B inored!
.6SPI/2B5) 'etric not defined!
.6SPI/2B>) Report not defined!
.6SPI@,B22) *nab"e to create view for tab"e Etab"eF for metric EmetricF!
.6SPI@,B2/) Connection attempt to server -s wit$ user -s fai"ed!
.6SPI@,B23) *nab"e to "oad dbspi stored procedures on server -s!
.6SPI) A"" remainin errors!
Oracle DB-SPI Oracle log-#ile
Description Frequency OVSD
ORA-00018 Max number of sessions exceeded 10 minutes Urgent
ORA-00019 Max number of sessions licenses exceeded 10 minutes Urgent
ORA-00020 Max number of processes exceeded 10 minutes Urgent
ORA-00025 ailed to allocate memor! 10 minutes Urgent
ORA-00050 O"# error occurred $%ile obtaining en&ueue 10 minutes Urgent
ORA-00051 'ime-out occurred $%ile $aiting for resource 10 minutes Urgent
ORA-00052 Max number of en&ueue resources exceeded 10 minutes Urgent
ORA-0005( Max number of en&ueues exceeded 10 minutes Urgent
ORA-00055 Max number of )M*+*O,-# exceeded 10 minutes Urgent
Description Frequency OVSD
ORA-0005. Max number of temp table loc/s exceeded 10 minutes Urgent
ORA-00059 Max number of datafiles exceeded 10 minutes Urgent
ORA-0000( *O1+2*3# initiali4ation parameter exceeded 10 minutes Urgent
ORA-00105 )eadloc/ detected 6public ser7ers8 10 minutes Urgent
ORA-001551 #!stem tablespace cannot be broug%t offline 10 minutes Urgent
ORA-001555 ,annot drop s!stem rollbac/ segment 10 minutes Urgent
ORA-001550 ,annot drop s!stem tablespace 10 minutes Urgent
ORA-001555 Out of transaction slots in transaction tables 10 minutes Urgent
ORA-001555 #naps%ot too old 10 minutes Urgent
ORA-001558 Out of transaction 2)s in rollbac/ segment 10 minutes Urgent
ORA-001502 ailed to extend rollbac/ segment 10 minutes Urgent
ORA-0015.2 Rollbac/ segment to big 10 minutes Urgent
ORA-00205 3rror reading control file 10 minutes ,ritical
ORA-00200 3rror $riting control file 10 minutes ,ritical
ORA-00210 ,annot open control file 10 minutes ,ritical
ORA-00210 Unable to determine bloc/ si4e for control file 10 minutes ,ritical
ORA-0021. 2nconsistent control file bloc/ si4e 10 minutes ,ritical
ORA-00218 ,%anged control file bloc/ si4e 10 minutes ,ritical
ORA-00221 3rror on $rite to control file 10 minutes ,ritical
ORA-00255 3rror arc%i7ing log 10 minutes Urgent
ORA-0025. Arc%i7er stuc/ 10 minutes Urgent
ORA-00205 2nstance reco7er! re&uired 10 minutes Urgent
ORA-002.0 3rror creating arc%i7e log 10 minutes Urgent
ORA-002.2 3rror $riting arc%i7e log 10 minutes Urgent
ORA-00290 Operating s!stem arc%i7ing error 10 minutes Urgent
ORA-00(02 *imit of number of redo logs exceeded 10 minutes Urgent
ORA-00(55 Redo log $rite error 10 minutes Urgent
ORA-00(58 #ingle process redo failure 10 minutes ,ritical
ORA-00(.1 9o free buffer %andles a7ailable 10 minutes Urgent
ORA-00(90 *og file is being cleared: cannot become current
10 minutes
ORA-00(92 *og file is being cleared: operation not allo$ed 10 minutes Urgent
ORA-005(0 Oracle is not licensed 10 minutes Urgent
ORA-005(. Oracle feature is not licensed 10 minutes Urgent
ORA-0055( bac/ground process did not start 10 minutes ,ritical
ORA-00555 bac/ground process failed $%ile starting 10 minutes ,ritical
ORA-00555 bac/ground process did not start after n seconds 10 minutes ,ritical
ORA-00550 bac/ground process started $%en not expected 10 minutes Urgent
ORA-0055. fatal error in bac/ground process 10 minutes ,ritical
Description Frequency OVSD
ORA-00559 bac/ground process unexpectedl! terminated 10 minutes ,ritical
ORA-005.0 *1;R process terminated $it% error 10 minutes ,ritical
ORA-005.1 )<;R process terminated $it% error 10 minutes ,ritical
ORA-005.2 =MO9 process terminated $it% error 10 minutes ,ritical
ORA-005.( AR,> process terminated $it% error 10 minutes ,ritical
ORA-005.5 #MO9 process terminated $it% error 10 minutes ,ritical
ORA-005.5 'R;R process terminated $it% error 10 minutes ,ritical
ORA-005.0 R3,O process terminated $it% error 10 minutes ,ritical
ORA-005.. #9=x process terminated $it% error 10 minutes ,ritical
ORA-00580 *,-x process terminated $it% error 10 minutes ,ritical
ORA-0058( )uring s%utdo$n a process abnormall! terminated 10 minutes ,ritical
ORA-00000 2nternal error code 10 minutes Urgent
ORA-00001 ,leanup loc/ conflict 10 minutes Urgent
ORA-00002 2nternal programming exception 10 minutes Urgent
ORA-0000( Oracle #er7er session terminated b! fatal error 10 minutes Urgent
ORA-00005 3rror occurred at recursi7e #?* le7el 10 minutes Urgent
ORA-00000 2nternal error code 10 minutes Urgent
ORA-00.0( Maximum number of dictionar! cac%e instance
loc/s exceeded
10 minutes
ORA-01115 2O error $riting bloc/ to file 10 minutes ,ritical
ORA-01115 2O error reading bloc/ from file 10 minutes ,ritical
ORA-01110 3rror in opening datafile 10 minutes ,ritical
ORA-01118 ,annot add more datafiles 10 minutes Urgent
ORA-01122 datafile failed 7erification c%ec/ 10 minutes Urgent
ORA-0112( ,annot start online bac/up 10 minutes Urgent
ORA-01128 ,annot start online bac/up 10 minutes Urgent
ORA-01159 ,annot s%utdo$n because online bac/up set 10 minutes Urgent
ORA-01155 )atabase bus! 10 minutes Urgent
ORA-01155 )atabase is being open or closed 10 minutes Urgent
ORA-01251 3xternal cac%e %as died 10 minutes Urgent
ORA-01252 )ata file suffered media failure 10 minutes Urgent
ORA-0125( #!stem tablespace file suffered media failure 10 minutes Urgent
ORA-015.5 Max number of concurrent transactions exceeded 10 minutes Urgent
ORA-015.8 Oracle data bloc/ corrupted 10 minutes ,ritical
ORA-01599 ,ac%e space is full 10 minutes Urgent
ORA-01028 Max number of extents reac%ed for rollbac/
10 minutes
ORA-01029 Max number of extents reac%ed sa7ing undo 10 minutes Urgent
ORA-010(0 Max number of extents reac%ed in temp segment 10 minutes Urgent
Description Frequency OVSD
ORA-010(1 Max number of extents reac%ed in table 10 minutes Urgent
ORA-010(2 Max number of extents reac%ed in index 10 minutes Urgent
ORA-01050 Unable to extend rollbac/ segment 10 minutes Urgent
ORA-01051 Unable to extend sa7e undo segment 10 minutes Urgent
ORA-01052 Unable to extend temp segment 10 minutes Urgent
ORA-0105( Unable to extend table 10 minutes Urgent
ORA-01055 Unable to extend index 10 minutes Urgent
ORA-01055 Unable to extend cluster 10 minutes Urgent
ORA-01050 Max number of extents reac%ed in cluster 10 minutes Urgent
#%utting do$n instance 6abort8 10 minutes
#%utting do$n instance 6immediate8 10 minutes
#%utting do$n instance 6normal8 10 minutes *o$
#tarting Oracle instance 6normal8 10 minutes
#tarting up Oracle R)<M# 10 minutes
)efault ,ondition for Oracle #er7er 10 minutes
W$at%s Monitore& 'Basis Tool(it ) Hig$-le"el*
- Interation with SAP!" BRToo#" and SAP$BA %"in Tivo#i a" the &backint&
- 'onitor" SAPARC( fi#e"y"te) and ca##" BRARC(I*+ when nece""ary
- Sin#e "cri,t back%, of co),#ete SAP "y"te) -$B ,#%" U.I/ fi#e"0

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