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How to Weld Aluminum

Three Methods: Prepari ng to Wel d Practicing the Wel d Welding the Metal
Welding is the process of joining 2 metal components by melting them
together. Welding any material is a challenging process requiring experience;
welding lightweight metals like aluminum requires the utmost precision to
ensure a strong bond. Knowing how to weld aluminum is a matter of
assembling the right tools, exercising caution and patience, and gaining
experience. Follow this guide to weld aluminum with a TIG welder.
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Assemble the tools you' ll need. To weld aluminum, you will need several tools.
TIG (tungsten inert gas) wel der. This type of welder uses a tungsten
electrode and an inert gas to shield the welding area. The precision achieved
with this type of welder is crucial when working with aluminum, especially thin
TIG welders are expensive, so look into rental possibilities. Contact a
local welding supply store or home hardware outlet and inquire about
rental possibilities.
It is possible to weld aluminum with other welding processes, such as
MIG welding, but TIG welding is the most painless method and is
well-suited for beginners.
Aluminum filler rod. This is the material that will bond the two pieces. Try to
avoid using rusty or dirty filler rods, as these will lead to weaker welds.
A canister of argon gas for use as shielding. Pure argon is a cost effective
gas solution. 3% helium can be added to increase arc stability.
Gas needs to be acquired from authorized gas dealers. Most welding
supply stores will be able to provide gas or refer you to an outlet that
Make sure to use al l of the proper safety equipment. Welding requires a bevy
of personal protective equipment. Make sure to wear a heavy welding helmet and
a pair of thick gloves (the thicker the better). You will need to wear a shirt with long
sleeves made from a thick fabric; TIG welding produces a large amount of ultraviolet
radiation, and if you weld in short sleeves you will get burns along your arms.
Try to find a shirt that is thick, 100% cotton.
Your welding gloves should be insulated and fire-resistant.
Try to use a helemts with a lens that automatically darkens during the welkding
process. The lens should be rated 10-13 shade.
Aluminum Brazing Products
Braze Pastes, Wire, Rings Solder Pastes, Wires,
Method 1 of 3: Preparing to Weld
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Make sure that your pants do not have cuffs that can catch flaming material.
Keep a fire extinguisher easily accessible in case of any stray sparks.
Cl ean the al uminum. Over time, aluminum forms a thin coat of aluminum oxide
on its exterior, which melts at a much higher temperature than aluminum. So,
before welding any piece of aluminum (even a brand new piece), you have to clean
away the aluminum oxide.
Spray the joints with acetone. Rinse the work piece in water, and then allow it
to dry thoroughly. Scrub the aluminum with a stiff brush with stainless steel
bristles to finish the cleaning process.
The welder itself will clean the metal as welds, but this is often not efficient
enough to remove all contaminants.
Cl ean the filler rod. A dirty filler rod can contaminate the weld just as easily as a
dirty work piece. Use an abrasive cleaning pad to ensure that the rod is
contaminant free.
Brace the torch with your hand. For practice, keep the torch unlit to save metal.
Using the base of your gloved hand on the table for support, hold the torch with a
slight angle tilting back, about 10. Hold the tip of the tungsten about 1/4" away from
the aluminum.
If you pull the tip too far away, it will cause the arc to spread too much and the
weld will become difficult to control.
Move the torch. With the torch in proper position, practice moving your hand
along the path that you will be welding. Make sure to practice with gloves on to
simulate the amount of effort required. For small welds move your entire hand, instead
of just the fingers.
Hol d the fil ler at the correct angle. You will lead the weld with the filler rod,
which should be held at about a 90 angle to the torch tip. The torch should
always be pushed and not dragged.
If the filler and the tip come into contact, your weld will be contaminated and
lose structural integrity.
Preheat the al umi num work pi ece. Aluminum is much easier to weld when the
work is already much hotter than room temperature. When welding thick pieces of
aluminum, welding without preheating can lead to a very weak, shallow bond.
You can heat the work piece by putting it directly in an oven, or you can use a
Method 2 of 3: Practicing the Weld
Method 3 of 3: Welding the Metal
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gas torch to apply heat to the heat sink that the work is clamped to. This will
distribute the heat throughout the work piece.
Aim for a temperature of about 350F (176C).
Fit the work pieces together as tightl y as possible. TIG welders will be
unforgiving if the joint is not fitted very tightly; you will be left with gaps in the joint.
Make the work pieces fit together as tightly as possible by filing them before clamping
them together.
Set the amperage of your welder. Aim to use about 1 amp per 0.001 inch (0.025
mm) of the work piece's thickness. It is a good idea to set the welder's amperage
to higher than your expected need and then tone the current back with the foot pedal.
Start the weld. Begin by extending the tungsten electrode no more than the
diameter of the torchs nozzle. For example, if you are using a 1/4" wide nozzle,
your tungsten tip should extend no more than 1/4" from the nozzle. Tap the electrode
tip against the work piece and then pull it away about 1/8 inch (3 mm). Use the foot
pedal to create the electrical arc.
Create the puddle. Melt the work piece until you have an adequately sized
puddle. Add just enough of the filler rod to fill in the joint, and then move to the
next portion of the weld. Continue until the entire joint is welded properly.
As you weld, heat will increase throughout the work piece. Use your foot pedal
to lower the amperage as you go to maintain control of the puddle.
Push the puddle. Slowly push the puddle that the torch creates down the joint,
adding filler as you go. Move at an even pace to keep the puddle a consistent
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TIG welder
Aluminum filler rod
Argon gas
Welding helmet
Thick gloves
Fire extinguisher
Long-sleeved shirt
Things You'll Need
3 Ways to Weld Aluminum- wikiHow http://www.wikihow.com/Weld-Aluminum
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Stainless steel brush
Gas torch
Heat sink
Thanks to al l authors for creating a page that has been read 86,544 ti mes.
Categories: Welding
Recent edits by: Xhohx, Serendipitee, Unavowed
In other languages:
Espaol: Cmo soldar aluminio, Portugus: Como Soldar Alumnio, Italiano: Come
Saldare l'Alluminio, Deutsch: Aluminium schweissen
Zeromag - degauss
Demagnetize and null magnetic field Stops arc
blow when pipe welding
Sources and Citations
Article Info
3 Ways to Weld Aluminum- wikiHow http://www.wikihow.com/Weld-Aluminum
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