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Why German secret agency/agencies is/are behind the Satanic

Ritual Abuse and are terrorizing me

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Preliminary remarks: I communicate solely incidents when persons
hostilely approach to me, not when approaches are ambiguous or
friendly. When persons contact me in the public I always act
unobtrusive and passive. I never worked for for a secret service.
This list is just an excerpt of what has happened respectively is still going on.
2005 2007 My undercover investigations
I have been undercover investigating in a case of Ritual Abuse in the office and milieu of a left-wing
extremist political organization which evidentially supports terrorist groups worldwide. In that
organization are many professionally trained secret service agents. In that organization are many
satanists and many pedophiles. There were public attempts by that organization to legalize child
pornography and sex between adults and children. As far as I know all of the persons in that milieu
were seeing themselves as anti-Fascists. I investigated solely because of compassion and in order
to find out more before I would go to the authorities.
Principal offenders of torture and rape were swaggering that they would be protected by German
secret service/s doing the criminal acts.
Supplement: The operator of the office (and high ranking member of that organization) where I have
been undercover investigating made statements that she would be against ritual violence. Actually that
peron is satanist and occultist and had at any time close contact to the satanists who perpetrated
/perpetrate satanic ritual abuse. One of the both men I have identified as principal offenders of the satanic
ritual abuse was for a while office manager of that office. All of these persons are agents of the domestic
intelligence service Verfassungsschutz, the operator of the office too.
Important advice for persons dealing withe the issue of ritual violence:
There are in Germany persons who state in the public that they would be against ritual violence but
actually have different motives and are part of the perpetrators effords to delude the public and to
persecute victims, survivors and helpers of ritual abuse. BE ALLWAYS SUSPICIOUS ! Perpetrators of ritual
abuse relentlessly infiltrate the society and are (trying to get) in key positions in society. That is organized
2006 I went to the law enforcement
I reported all to law enforcement authorities. I also reported it to German secret services. I desperately
tried to help the victim. It was obvious to me that there where various persons in that organization who
were not what they pretended to be. From a present-day perspective it was naive to do that.
After reporting all to the authorities persons of that organization and persons on their behalf began
increasingly to persecute and to offend me: Physical surveillance, physical attacks, street theatre,
surveillance of my mobile phone,electronic communication, my apartment. Continued and systematic
defamation and much more. Increasingly occult attacks.
2006 2014 German domestic intelligence service contacts me
Various contacts.
Over a number of years an unknown person contacted my on my mobile phone which was and still is
under surveillance obviously by German secret service/s (too). She pretended that she was from a call
center and wanted to sell me a new electricity contract of another company. I didnt want a new
electricity contract. On my argument that I would intent to relocate soon she reacted that I could take
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Satanismus und Ritueller Missbrauch im Zusammenhang
mit Linksextremismus und Internationalem Terrorismus
Why German secret agency/agencies is/are behind the Satanic Ritual Abuse and are terrorizing me | thomasrosenstengel 05.05.2014
http://thomasrosenstengel.wordpress.com/2014/03/09/why-german-secret-agency-agencies-are-behind-the-satanisc-ritual-abuse-and-terrorizing-me/ 1 / 4
that contract with my without problems. She was very intrusive. I have been curious about to find out
what she really wants from me. So I agreed with her request that she would call me later again.
Sometimes she called me at an interval of six months, sometimes more often. She used boldly
different accents like Polish, German with no accent. I dont get often phone calls like that. Everytime it
was exactly the same voice, the same person.
The office of the electricity provider the woman on the phone offered to me is located in Dsseldorf, capital of the federal
state Nordrhine-Westphalia. The domestic intelligence service of Nordrhine-Westphalia is located in Dsseldorf too.
July 2013 Hostile approach by the German domestic intelligence service of NRW
Im a trained car mechanic and I have already been working for automobile manufacturers in the past
years. July 2013 I worked for an employer in the German federal state of Baden-Wuerttemberg
spending the nights in hotels. At that workplace I became a target of mobbing perpetrated by a
colleague from another temporary employment agency for unknown reasons. I havent given an
occasion for mobbing. Every night I got massively attacked by the same perpetrators who attacked
me in my apartment in Dortmund before.
The only other job I had during the last few years was in Dortmund, inside of Nordrhine-Westphalia. There I got massively
mobbed too.
When I was traveling home to Dortmund via train in one of the trains I was sitting alone in a train
compartment. A young woman came in, sat down and began to talk to me. She had the exactly same
voice of the woman who called me on the phone.
During that conversation she wanted to make me believe that she would be working for the German
secret service, for the constitution protection. She asked me where I come from and why Im traveling.
I answered some of her questions. She said that she does not think that one can change the world (for
the better). She asked me if I would believe that one can change the world. She tried to tell me quite
clearly that I shall not travel too far away from Dortmund because of my family (My family got already
targeted years ago). She named a town within Nordrhine-Westphalia that would not be too far away.
She tried to make me believe that she would be a secret agent of the State Office for the Protection of
the Constitution of Northrhine-Westphalia (domestic intelligence service). She furthermore told me that
she once has been a target of mobbing and further more. I relocated December 2008 to the
apartment where I live the present (I didnt talk to her about that and other issues). She indicated that
her secret service would have influenced the landlord of my apartment in order to make sure that they
cannot throw me out because of noise I make in my apartment. She said that they would continue
protecting me that way in case I would relocate.
February 2013 to the present Much more increased attacks
Although I suffered attacks by persons who later turned out as the ones from the house since February
2013 at least two persons use at least two apartments in the house where I live. They attack me 24/7.
It is physical attacks and occult attacks. They have let me know since February 2013 that its them who
attack me. The attacks are very serious. They terrorize me day and night.
2013 The house where I live got repeatedly surrounded by police patrol cars
Then two younger women came to my apartment door, rang/knocked at the door and said Thats
him, Mr. Rosenstengel, open the door. demonstratively and others. I didnt open the door.
The Left-wing extremists evidentially support terrorists. The Antifa evidentially throw Molotov
cocktails on police officers at demonstrations in Germany. One can find sympathizers of those
organizations in the police too. But I believe that the most police officers are no supporters of them at
The police officers of these operations possibly didnt know at all what the operation is all about.
Such an incident didnt happen again.
Why German secret agency/agencies is/are behind the Satanic Ritual Abuse and are terrorizing me | thomasrosenstengel 05.05.2014
http://thomasrosenstengel.wordpress.com/2014/03/09/why-german-secret-agency-agencies-are-behind-the-satanisc-ritual-abuse-and-terrorizing-me/ 2 / 4
07. of February 2014, 18.13 h threat to kill me on the sidewalk
I have been walking on the sidewalk a few meters away from the entrance of the house where I live. A
young man on a mountain bike approached in front of me on the sidewalk. While he passed by he
shouted: I will kill you too. (German: Dich werde ich auch noch tten.) and rode away the way I
came from.
The secret service agent from the train signified that the secret service would be helping me by
preventing that my landlord would kick me out (I dont know if he ever tried and noone ever
complained). But the secret service did nothing against the at least two offenders located in
the house.
The said secret service agent called me on my mobile phone which must be reckoned by everyone
who knows about my experience as under surveillance by secret services as well as the left-wing
extremist organization/s. For a conspirational attempt to contact me one can use other ways. On these
reasons she must have been someone who isnt bothered by becoming detected by German secret
services (and possibly other countries secret services as well). Or she must be actually someone from
a German secret service.
The secret service does obviously control the offenders from in the house. The secret service
obviously intimidates me. BTW: An unknown person told me a few weeks ago We dont want you to
leave Germany. The secret service prevents me from earning money in Germany. The secret service
does not want me to leave Germany or the state of Northrhine-Westphalia. They want to keep me poor
and unable to move away and they want to keep me unable to go away from Germany. They control
me by poverty. With all the attacks perpetrated by them and their Antifa-agents the secret service want
to keep me in a permanent state of abuse, trauma and suppression. In addition they make an example
on me.
I cannot exclude that there are possibly even in the different secret services in Germany persons who
are against the crimes they do to their victims, the torture they do to me. But it is for sure that German
authorities were and are not able to get me out of this. Some tried, Some dont want to help me.
Some are my enemies.
If you want to find out more about the illegal and despicable activities of German secret services
please google: Targeted Individuals , Trauma Based Mind Control , Satanic Ritual Abuse ,
Ritual Abuse , Occult Attacks , Occult Gang Stalking , Spiritual Warfare .
And of course you can find out more about the criminal activities of German secret services in
mainstream media for example about the case of the NSU (Nationalsozialistischer Untergrund
National Socialist Underground )
Some of you may wonder why I havent relocated yet. I tried. But I have no money. I get attacked day
and night. I suffer a lot. And the spiritual warfare / occult attacks happen on the distance too. I
experienced that.
I need protection. I want to be free. I want to help others who suffer such terrible kinds of violence.
I want to leave Germany. Even if I could: I do not want to live in this country.
In the GDR existed residential obligation for their citizens, not in the FRG. In both countries there
exist/ed experiments on humans, slavery and a systematic violation of human rights.
All crimes have already been reported to German law enforcement authorities.
- Thomas Rosenstengel
Ritual Abuse is a global phenomenon. Ritual Abuse is recognized by the United Nations as a
significant factor in the international trafficking of women and children.
From: Ritual Abuse and Torture in Australia by ASCA Advocates for Survivors of Child Abuse,
April 2006
Why German secret agency/agencies is/are behind the Satanic Ritual Abuse and are terrorizing me | thomasrosenstengel 05.05.2014
http://thomasrosenstengel.wordpress.com/2014/03/09/why-german-secret-agency-agencies-are-behind-the-satanisc-ritual-abuse-and-terrorizing-me/ 3 / 4
Written by thomasrosenstengel
03/09/2014 at 20:52
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged with anti-Americanism, anti-Semitism, antiamerikanismus, Anticonstitutional,
Antisemitismus, auslnder, auslnderpolitik, Baden-Wrttemberg, Baden-Wuerttemberg,
BfV, black magic, Bundesamt fr Verfassungsschutz, child fucker, child porn, Criminal
Satanism, cuba, DDR, Deutsche Demokratische Republik, einflussmagie, esoterik,
esoterism, ETA, Extremism, Extremismus, Extremist Militant, FARC, felony, feminism,
feminismus, Folter, folterer, frauenhaus, frauenhuser, frauenrechte, frauenrechtler,
frauenrechtlerin, Gangstalking, GDR, Geheimdienst, German Democratic Republic, Hamas,
Hexe, Hexer, Hexerei, Hezbollah, Hisbollah, immigration policy, Influence Magic,
International Terrorism, Internationaler Terrorismus, kinderficker, kinderporno, Krimineller
Satanismus, kuba, Landesamt fr Verfassungsschutz, left, Left-wing Extremism, leftist, LfV,
linke, linken, linker, linkest, Linksextrem, Linksextremismus, Magick, marx, marxism,
marxismus, midle east, migrationspolitik, Ministerium Fr Staatssicherheit, Ministry Of State
Security, naher osten, Nordrhein-Westfalen, occult, Occult Gang Stalking, occultism,
okkultismus, pdokriminell, pdokriminelle, pdophil, pdophile, pdophilie, pedophile,
pedophiles, PKK, Police State Security, Polizeilicher Staatsschutz, PSI, Rape, rapist, rapists,
Remote Influencing, Remote Viewing, Ritual Abuse, Ritueller Missbrauch, rotlackierte
faschisten, russia, russland, Satanic Ritual Abuse, Satanischer Ritueller Missbrauch,
Satanism, Satanismus, Schwarzmagie, sex offender, Sexualstraftter, sorcery, spiritual
abuse, spiritual warfare, Spirituelle Kriegsfhrung, Spiritueller Missbrauch, State Security,
Terrorism, Terrorismus, Torture, torture based mind control, torturer, Totalitarian
Dictatorship, Totalitre Diktatur, trauma based mind control, venezuela,
Verfassungsfeindlich, verfassungsschutz, vergewaltiger, Wichter, Witch, Witcher, wolf im
schafspelz, wolf in sheeps clothing
Warum Kritiker und Skeptiker die Existenz des Paranormalen bestreiten und damit auch die Existenz okkulter
Angriffe in Konsequenz
Warum deutsche/r Geheimdienst/e hinter dem Satanischen Rituellen Missbrauch stecken und mich terrorisieren
Thomas Rosenstengel
Schwanenwall 6
44135 Dortmund
Mobile: 0049 (0) 151 2429 8935
E-mail: thomas.rosenstengel@outlook.de
All kinds of communication are not safe.
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Why German secret agency/agencies is/are behind the Satanic Ritual Abuse and are terrorizing me | thomasrosenstengel 05.05.2014
http://thomasrosenstengel.wordpress.com/2014/03/09/why-german-secret-agency-agencies-are-behind-the-satanisc-ritual-abuse-and-terrorizing-me/ 4 / 4

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