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Miracles in Prayer Complimentary eBook by Robin Duncan 1

The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com

Copyright 2011

Miracles in Prayer Complimentary eBook by Robin Duncan 2
The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com
Copyright 2011

Complimentary eBook

150 Prayers for Everyday Living

By Robin Duncan

The Miracles in Prayer Handbook
may be purchased at

Published & Distributed by
Robin Duncan

All Rights Reserved
Copyright 2011

* * * * *

Miracles in Prayer Complimentary eBook by Robin Duncan 3
The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com
Copyright 2011

From the Author

It is with great joy that I share this Miracles in Prayer Handbook with you.
I hope you will find it to be a steady companion that calms your mind, quiets
your fear and offers you peace and miracles when you need them most.

Every time you engage in prayer, you are calling upon God, the highest and
wisest part of your mind, for an answer. There is no greater or wiser place
to turn than directly to God, the Source of Divine Intelligence, to receive
the guidance, wisdom and answers you seek. With your willingness combined
with the strength of God, your fearful thoughts can be undone and the
memory of peace can be restored to your mind. It is through this gentle and
loving process that we begin to remember the Truth of who we are and the
all-encompassing love our Creator has for us.

The concepts and spiritual foundation of the prayers came from my own
personal journey and experience of miracles, along with many of the
principles I learned from A Course in Miracles. Throughout the book, you
will find that I use a conversational style. Please feel free to customize the
prayers when you practice them to ensure they are specific to your
particular needs and concerns.

I encourage you to carry your handbook with you and practice the prayers
daily. With your intention to turn to God in prayer for every decision and
concern, you will experience more peace than you have ever imagined and will
find that miracles become a natural part of your daily life. May God bless
you and guide you as you go forward together.

In love and gratitude,

Robin Duncan

Miracles in Prayer Complimentary eBook by Robin Duncan 4
The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com
Copyright 2011

Table of Contents


Inviting Miracles
How Come My Prayers Havent Been Answered?
Avoiding the Temptation for Blame
The Blessing of Forgiveness
Thy Will Be Done

1. Crisis & Overwhelming Circumstances
2. Divine Guidance and Support for Emergencies
3. Faith, Trust & Surrender
4. Inviting Miracles
5. Lost or Missing Animals
6. Lost or Missing Person
7. Making a Reservation for Peace
8. Natural Disasters
9. Personal Devastation
10. Severe Pain or Injury
11. Stolen Property

12. A Call For Love
13. Solving My One Problem
14. The Goal of Peace

15. Accepting Myself
16. Being on Time
17. Car Accidents
18. Communication
19. Courage
20. Creativity
21. Decision Making
22. Gambling
23. Gratitude

Miracles in Prayer Complimentary eBook by Robin Duncan 5
The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com
Copyright 2011

Table of Contents


24. Healing Wounds of the Heart
25. Holiday Stress
26. Loving Myself
27. Motivation to Allow Change
28. Personal Power & Self Confidence
29. Problem Solving
30. Procrastination
31. Releasing Guilt & Shame
32. Safety and Protection
33. Self Acceptance & Worthiness
34. Self Judgment & Criticism

35. Abundance & Prosperity
36. Acquiring a New Vehicle
37. Bankruptcy, Foreclosure & Repossession
38. Being a Good Receiver
39. Breaking the Pattern of Lack
40. Buying Property
41. Claiming my Inheritance
42. Contracts, Negotiations & Legal Proceedings
43. Credit Card Debt
44. Financial Grievances Towards Others
45. Lawsuits
46. Lawsuits towards Others
47. Loss of Income or Business
48. Major Obligations and Tax Debt
49. Money & Resources
50. Paying Bills & Expenses
51. Selling Property
52. Tithing
53. Truth vs. Illusion

Miracles in Prayer Complimentary eBook by Robin Duncan 6
The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com
Copyright 2011

Table of Contents


54. Addictions
55. Cancer
56. Chronic Pain
57. Compulsive Behaviors
58. Depression
59. Healing & Transformation
60. Heart Disease
61. Homelessness
62. Loved Ones with Addictions
63. Preparing for Surgery
64. Relief from Pain
65. Responding to Diagnosis
66. Severe Pain
67. Terminal Illness
68. Weight Loss

69. Abusive Relationships
70. Anger & Resentment Towards God
71. Anger & Resentment Towards Others
72. Anger & Resentment Towards Myself
73. Betrayal
74. Divorce or Separation
75. Finding a Love Relationship
76. Finding Peace in Turmoil
77. Finding Peace under Siege & Attack
78. Healing a Relationship
79. Healing from a Breakup
80. Marital Concerns
81. Resisting the Temptation for Conflict
82. Self Acceptance & Worthiness
83. Setting Boundaries with Others

Miracles in Prayer Complimentary eBook by Robin Duncan 7
The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com
Copyright 2011

Table of Contents


84. Business Performance
85. Interviews
86. Promotions
87. Sports Performance

88. Extraordinary Loss
89. Finding a New Home
90. Layoffs & Terminations
91. New Career or Life Path
92. Passing of a Loved One
93. Searching for a Job
94. Starting a New Job

95. Family Gatherings
96. Family Members in Turmoil
97. Family Members with Illness
98. Loved Ones in the Hospital
99. Loved Ones in the Military
100. Loved Ones in Turmoil
101. Parents
102. Pets

103. Acne
104. College & Higher Education
105. Grades & Homework
106. Peer Pressure

107. Fear of Darkness
108. Schoolwork

Miracles in Prayer Complimentary eBook by Robin Duncan 8
The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com
Copyright 2011

Table of Contents


109. Abandonment
110. Being Alone
111. Claustrophobia
112. Death
113. Dentist
114. Driving
115. Future
116. Heights
117. Nightmares
118. Phobias
119. Public Speaking
120. Test Anxiety

121. Caretakers
122. Childbirth
123. Clutter
124. Computer Problems
125. Conflict with Neighbors
126. Dating
127. Hair Loss
128. Infertility
129. Loss of Loved One
130. Lost or Missing Items
131. Miscarriage
132. Traffic
133. Travel
134. Weddings

135. 2012
136. Earthquakes
137. Economy

Miracles in Prayer Complimentary eBook by Robin Duncan 9
The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com
Copyright 2011

Table of Contents


138. Epidemics
139. Fire
140. War
141. World Peace

142. I Am Abundant
143. I Am Loved
144. I Am Safe
145. I Am Whole
146. I Am Worthy
147. Ending Illusions
148. Ending Illusions Mantra
149. Ending Illusions Practical Example
150. The Truth

The Witness


Miracles in Prayer Complimentary eBook by Robin Duncan 10
The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com
Copyright 2011

A Call for Love

Please pray for me, she cried, before she hung up the phone. My longtime
friend was once again up against the wall. Back and forth the pendulum swung,
each time bringing her closer to impending disaster. There had been successes,
but each success was always followed by an even darker fate. With desperation
in her voice, she felt her destiny was engraved in stone. Prayer was the only
answer now; the last chance for survival in her progression towards doom.

Even if youve never experienced walking the plank before, you can probably
imagine what it feels like. Without options, you place one step in front of the
other; each step taking you closer to death. Inside there is only despair and a
fleeting hope that God Himself might airlift you to safety. Already consumed by
fear, your heart beats faster and faster. Your mind is squarely focused on your
future of doom.

What now? Should you pray, squirm, plead, or yell for help, or should you shut
your eyes and take it like a man? Something inside keeps fighting until theres
no fight left. Something within keeps bargaining until the very last moment.
Your mind tells you that these are your only two options, fight or surrender,
and in this case, surrender means loss or death. In either case, you lose.

What if you learned there is another choice? Would you be interested?
You might not be, until it is YOU that is on the plank. Then, youll wish you
had listened or jotted down some notes. At that point, the other option will
mean everything to you and your fate will depend on your decisive response.

At some point in time, everyone still experiences the plank of doom. It might
involve something large or small. It might have to do with your job, a relationship,
your finances, your family or even your health. But somewhere along the way,
youll be presented with a hopeless, impossible situation and youll have no idea
what to do about it. With the help of this book, youll be ready. Youll know what
to do and how to respond to ensure your safety and a peaceful outcome.

In A Course in Miracles, it says:
You are in an impossible situation only because you think its possible to
be in one. (Ch. 6 IV.10:1)

Miracles in Prayer Complimentary eBook by Robin Duncan 11
The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com
Copyright 2011

If youre feeling courageous, we can continue on together. On the following
pages, youll learn some practical prayers that will help to dissolve your fear
and lead you to much greater happiness, health, peace and abundance. Your lower
mind (i.e., your ego mind) wont like it one bit. Its likely to resist these prayers
on every level. It would much rather you clean out a closet or wash your hair,
than read this book. The lower mind or ego is the part of your mind that is
dedicated to fear. As your fear dissolves, your ego dissolves and its death grip
on you is undone forever. The ego does not dissolve without a fight. Its like the
Wicked Witch of the West (from the Wizard of Oz), dedicated to chaos and
determined to cause pain until she is completely dismantled by a splash of water.

Well, get your water glass ready and kiss your fear goodbye. With your
willingness, you have invited miracles. With a few simple prayers and some daily
practice, peace will return to your mind and heart and your lower mind will never
control you again.

Miracles in Prayer Complimentary eBook by Robin Duncan 12
The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com
Copyright 2011

Inviting Miracles

Miracles are the result of a shift in perception. They are not the result of
chance, coincidence, being fortunate or from being in the right place at the right
time. In order to experience miracles, it is not required that we know or even
understand the Truth about God or Gods creation. Your part is to have a little
willingness to see things differently and then you can receive a healed perception
from your Higher Mind (aka: Source, God, Divine Wisdom, Divine Intelligence,
Divine Love, etc.). Once our fearful thoughts are healed, miracles are a natural

If all it takes is a little willingness to invite miracles, you might be wondering
why our Higher Mind hasnt already stepped in and healed our thoughts or
rescued us a long time ago. In order for our Higher Mind to intervene on our
behalf, it must be invited. This is because it is wholly loving. Out of love, our
Higher Mind will never invade, attack, push, force, manipulate or even persuade
us to think differently. If it did, it would be attacking our minds. It waits
patiently for our invitation because It knows that we cannot alter the Truth of
who we are, not even with our greatest misperceptions, mistakes, failures and
illusions. The worst we can do is to delay our happiness.

Miracles in Prayer Complimentary eBook by Robin Duncan 13
The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com
Copyright 2011

How Come My Prayers Havent Been Answered?

There are many who have prayed to God and have felt their prayers have
fallen on deaf ears. Every form of prayer is sacred because it is an attempt at
communication with God.

Many people pray to God in the form of a prayer of supplication (i.e., to fill a
void or a perceived lack), not realizing that this type of prayer is actually
reinforcing their belief in lack and inadequacy. For example, if someone feels
they need more money, they might pray to God and ask for money. This form
of prayer has inconsistent results because the individual is still focused on the
illusion of lack, instead of looking to what is causing the experience of lack.

One of the greatest things I ever learned is that Gods will is my will and my
will is Gods will. This, of course, made no sense at the time, but over time,
I was shown the reality of this important principle. When we were created,
we were created as the effect of God. In other words, God is the Cause
and we are the effect of the Cause; much like a ray of the sun is the effect
of the sun. Being the effect of God, the Cause and Creator, we do not have the
ability to change, alter, improve or destroy ourselves. An effect has the capacity
to do what it was created to do, but it will never have the ability to change itself.

As the Children of God, we are created as whole, complete and perfect in the
image and likeness of God. Essentially, we are made out of the same stuff. As
such, we have tremendous power, magnitude and ability that is beyond our level
of understanding. We are so powerful, in fact, that whenever we think a thought
and add in a little passion and focus, our thought shows up in front of us as if it
is real. This is called a projection. It is much like the movie theater, only the
movie in front and around us is being projected from our own thoughts. In other
words, everything we see with our eyes and experience with our senses is a
projection from our thoughts and belief system.

All of that seems straight-forward, until we realize that the movie we project
with our thoughts can scare the @#$%*! out of us! Once we become frightened,
we become so preoccupied with the movie (i.e., the projection or illusion) that we
forget who we are and that we, as the projector, have an option to change out
the movie.

Miracles in Prayer Complimentary eBook by Robin Duncan 14
The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com
Copyright 2011

The bottom line reason that many of our prayers are not answered is because
we are asking God to change out our movie instead of asking God to change out
our thoughts that are creating the movie.

In Truth, we do not have the ability to alter or change ourselves, but we do
have the ability to think we can and what we think we will see, feel, hear,
smell, taste and experience, and then believe to be real.

Our saving grace is that we have never actually altered ourselves, not even with
our greatest misperceptions, judgments, mistakes, failures or illusions. We have
delayed the experience of our happiness. Since we are eternal beings, we still
have plenty of time to enjoy our happiness; however there is no time like the
present to get on with it!

Once we understand the laws of cause and effect and accept that it is our
thoughts that are creating our experiences, we realize that we are not the
victim of our circumstances. We can then invite our Higher Mind (i.e., our
Divine Intelligence) to heal our thoughts and restore our mind to peace.

Through our willingness to invite healing, we create a space within our mind just
large enough for our Higher Mind to enter and bring us a healed perception.
As our perceptions are healed, the Truth of who we are returns to our minds
and our natural state of peace, happiness, health and abundance is restored.

Avoiding the Temptation for Blame

Once we realize that our thoughts create our experiences, there is a great
tendency to feel responsible for all the misery, pain and suffering that has been
experienced. It is very important to not blame or judge yourself. Any action of
judgment or blame will only validate that the projection (i.e., the movie or illusion)
is real and this will only cause delay and hold the illusion in place.

Miracles in Prayer Complimentary eBook by Robin Duncan 15
The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com
Copyright 2011

The Blessing of Forgiveness

The action of forgiveness is an affirmation and alignment with Truth. Many
people forgive their grievances against one another, but they do not forget.
This form of forgiveness holds the grievance in place because the determination
to never forget is the declaration that true harm has been done and will not
be forgotten.

If we go back to the Truth of who we are, we remember that we are the effect
of God and, in Truth, we cannot be changed, altered or diminished. True
forgiveness acknowledges the Truth as God created it. In the light of true
forgiveness, negative effects are undone and peace and freedom are the result.

Thy Will Be Done

Until the love of God is experienced, we might be reluctant to fully surrender
into power of the words Thy will be done. For many people, these words have
carried a heavy and fearful vibration because God has been judged as wrathful.


The punishment we experience is the result of our own punishing thoughts and
judgments. The beauty and grace of Gods love is experiential. With a little
willingness to see things differently, God, being pure Love, will prove Itself to
you. You will notice that every one of the prayers in this book is finished with
the words Thy will be done. This is an acknowledgement that God is pure love
and wants only your greatest happiness.

For Example, imagine that you were referred to a famous decorator who is
excellent in remodeling homes. You decide to hire them and invite them into your
home for a major remodel. At first, youre not really sure if you can trust them,
so you give them one little room to start with. To your surprise, their work is
amazing and even greater than you ever thought possible. Then, one by one, you
let them redecorate each room until the whole house is beautifully remodeled.
At some point, you might find that you trust their abilities and expertise even
more than your own. In fact, the next time you remodel, you might trust them
to take on the whole project because they already know your every hearts desire.
Miracles in Prayer Complimentary eBook by Robin Duncan 16
The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com
Copyright 2011

In this same way, the love of God will prove Itself to you. If you offer a little
willingness within your mind and heart, your Higher Mind will lead you back to the
happiness, joy, health and abundance that is your birthright as a Child of God.


By practicing the prayers in this book, you will find that your fears start to
dissolve and peace gently takes over. As your mind is restored to peace, you
reclaim the power and magnificence of what God created within you. You are
loved, whole and complete, now and forever. In the reality of Truth, you will find
that Gods will is your will and your will is Gods will. In Truth, they are one and
the same because we are one with God. In the absence of fear and judgment, your
every joyful thought is a happy manifestation and co-creation with Divine Love.

Miracles in Prayer Complimentary eBook by Robin Duncan 17
The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com
Copyright 2011


1. Crisis & Overwhelming Circumstances

Dear God,
I call upon the power of Your strength, guidance and protection. I surrender
this whole situation to You so I can receive Your blessing of a peaceful outcome.
I am willing to remember that in the presence of Your light, there is no darkness.
In the awareness of Your love, there is nothing to fear. Please lift me high above
this situation so I can remember the safety of Your love for everyone involved.
Please guide me through every step to take and advise me on what to do. Please
heal any part of my mind that is holding on to fear, pain or distress of any kind.
I trust that You are with me and I will not doubt the power of Your loving
protection. Thank you, in advance, for helping me to see this whole situation
differently. Thank you for giving me strength and peace of mind so that I
can hear Your voice as I move through this.
Thy will be done. Amen

2. Divine Guidance & Support for Emergencies

Dear God,
I do not know how to respond to my situation and I call upon Your guidance to
tell me what to do and how to do it. I will rely on Your certainty about what
needs to happen here. I have reserved a space for You in my mind and heart,
and I ask You to enter that space and guide my every step. I invite You to heal
my mind of any trace of fear or doubt. Im willing to know that it is not up to
me to have a perfect mind or perfect thoughts. My part is to be willing to
not hold on to the fearful thoughts that occur to me, and to leave room for
Your loving thoughts and guidance to enter. I will know when I am listening to
You whenever I feel peaceful and compelled to take action. Until then, I will
be patient and will stand in the certainty of Your love. I will not rely on my
own preparedness; however I am willing to be certain about Yours.
Thy will be done. Amen

Miracles in Prayer Complimentary eBook by Robin Duncan 18
The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com
Copyright 2011


3. Faith, Trust & Surrender

Dear God,
I have been going through many challenges and Ive lost touch with my faith.
I call upon Your love to restore my faith. I want to experience the happiness
that is Your will for me. When I forget to have faith, I ask that You remind
me with very clear signals. I will not use what I see with my eyes to determine
whether or not Your love is at work in my life. Im willing to trust You and have
faith that You are guiding me safely through every obstacle, and that Your will
is for my perfect happiness. In the presence of Your love, there is nothing to
fear. I seek to remember the safety of Your protection, the bounty of Your
love, the wholeness of my being and the abundance of heaven. Help me to see
through Your loving eyes and to think with Your loving thoughts. I surrender
this whole situation to You and ask for a peaceful outcome.
Thy will be done. Amen

4. Inviting Miracles

Dear God,
I need a miracle! Im in an impossible situation and I have no idea what to do or
how to do it. My mind is nearly consumed with fear. I am learning that miracles
are the result of a shift in perception; therefore, I am willing to see my situation
differently. I gladly surrender all of my fearful thoughts to You and ask that
You replace them with Your loving and peaceful thoughts. Please be my guide and
decide for me about everything. I release my need for a specific outcome and
trust that with Your guidance, a peaceful outcome is assured. I will know I am
following Your voice when I feel peaceful and compelled to take action. In the
meantime, I will do all I can to stay in peace and listen for Your guidance. Thank
you, in advance, for miracles and for the comfort of Your blessing and safety in
every step I take. Thy will be done. Amen

Miracles in Prayer Complimentary eBook by Robin Duncan 19
The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com
Copyright 2011


5. Lost or Missing Animals

Dear God,
One of my pets is missing and I need Your help. Im willing to remember that
You are present every-where and in Your presence nothing is lost. Your Divine
Wisdom is all-loving and all-powerful. In the presence of Your light, there
is no darkness. In the awareness of Your love, there is nothing to fear.
I surrender this whole situation to You and thank You for guiding my precious
one back home, quickly and easily. I ask for Your calm and reassuring thoughts
to replace my worries and fears. I trust that Your Divine plan includes their
safety and well being. Thank You for surrounding them in Your loving light and
for ensuring their protection as they find their way. I ask the Angels to guide
them in the light and safety of Your love, as they make their way back home
again. Thank You, in advance, for a peaceful outcome in all respects.
Thy will be done. Amen

6. Lost or Missing Person

Dear God,
I just found out that someone I love is missing and my thoughts are racing
into fear and panic. I surrender all of my fearful thoughts to You. I call upon
Your perfect wisdom to guide everything to ensure the complete safety and
protection of my loved one. Please take my fearful thoughts from me and
heal them for me. Im willing to trust that Your love ensures our safety and
well-being, and there is nothing to fear. In the presence of Your light, there
is no darkness. No one can be harmed, threatened or in danger when they are
surrounded by the light and protection of Your love. Please take my fears and
replace them with Your certainty of a peaceful outcome. I place my loved one
in Your capable hands and trust, with all my heart, that they are safe and
secure. Thank You, in advance, for their safe and immediate return.
Thy will be done. Amen

Miracles in Prayer Complimentary eBook by Robin Duncan 20
The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com
Copyright 2011


7. Making a Reservation for Peace

Dear God,
Id like to call ahead and make a reservation for peace. Regardless of my
circumstances or the severity of my challenges, I trust that You are walking
with me and there is nothing to fear. Thank You, in advance, for a happy,
peaceful, abundant and miraculous outcome to my situation that is far beyond
my greatest expectations. I trust that You are skillfully handling every detail
on my behalf. With Your Divine guidance, I am assured that the right people,
resources, events and circumstances are being perfectly aligned for my greatest
happiness and highest good. I gratefully accept the abundance of Your blessings
and trust that Your swift response to my request is a natural part of Your love
for me. Thank You for replacing all of my fears, misperceptions, illusions and
self-judgments with the abundance of Your love and miracles.
Thy will be done. Amen

8. Natural Disasters

Dear God,
My eyes are showing me pure devastation. I am willing to realize that my eyes
show me only what my mind believes is possible. If there is any part of my mind
that is aligning with or accepting thoughts of devastation, loss or death, then
please heal those thoughts for me. In Truth, we are as You created us; eternal,
whole, safe and complete, now and forever. Help me to remember that Your will
is for our complete safety, happiness and well-being. I ask that You heal my
fearful thoughts and restore my mind to peace. I choose to see what You would
have me see and to know what You would have me know. May Your gentle voice
calm and reassure me as I remember the safety of Your love. Please give me
the strength to do what is in front of me to do and let Your loving wisdom
guide my every step.
Thy will be done. Amen

Miracles in Prayer Complimentary eBook by Robin Duncan 21
The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com
Copyright 2011


9. Personal Devastation

Dear God,
I have no words to describe the despair I feel and the feeling of darkness
all around me. Im having a hard time understanding why this happened and
how I will get through it. I am learning that I can call upon You, and You will
always respond to my slightest invitation. Im willing to consider that You
have not forgotten me or lost my file. I invite You to heal my thoughts and
show me another way to look at this. Please take my fearful thoughts and this
devastating situation and use them for the coming of my peace. I surrender
this whole situation to You and place it in Your loving hands. Please decide
for me about what I should do, what I should say and what needs to happen
to ensure the highest possible outcome. Thank You for handling every detail
on my behalf. With You as my Guide, I am assured of a peaceful outcome.
Thy will be done. Amen

10. Severe Pain or Injury

Dear God,
Im in so much pain and I need Your help. I am learning that my thoughts create
my experiences. If I am experiencing pain, then I must have accepted the idea
of pain and suffering somewhere in my mind. I accept that pain and suffering
is not Your will for me and I choose to align only with Your will. If there is any
place in my mind where I have accepted the idea of pain, or feel that suffering
is useful for any purpose, then please heal that part of my mind. I accept only
the peace, joy, happiness and comfort that is Your will for me. Help me to
remember the Truth of who I am and to accept only what You have given. I
surrender all of my fears to You and ask for my mind and body to be restored
to peace. I am as You created me. Thank You for exchanging this pain for the
comfort of Your blessings and miracles.
Thy will be done. Amen

Miracles in Prayer Complimentary eBook by Robin Duncan 22
The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com
Copyright 2011


11. Stolen Property

Dear God,
I just found out that some of my property has been stolen. I am learning
that loss and suffering are not Your will for me. I choose to see this situation
differently and ask that You heal my mind of any thoughts of pain, loss, suffering
or darkness. I am not a victim. I am whole and complete as You created me.
Im willing to see through what I see with my eyes, and into the light and
innocence You created within each one of us. I am willing to forgive those that
contributed to this experience and see them as capable of being honest, caring
and respectful of others. I have no interest in playing a role where I am a victim
and they are my perpetrator. I choose only to see the Truth of who they are,
exactly as You created them. I accept that Your will is for my happiness
and thank You for a peaceful outcome in all respects.
Thy will be done. Amen

Miracles in Prayer Complimentary eBook by Robin Duncan 23
The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com
Copyright 2011


12. A Call for Love
Dear God,
When I look within myself, I find darkness, emptiness and inadequacy. I have
done and said things Im not proud of; some I regret and others I feel ashamed
of. There are times Ive felt small, alone, afraid and powerless, and I took out
my frustrations on other people. I have stood in judgment, created conflict
and sometimes chaos, as desperate attempts to find my way out of misery.

This is a call for love. I am learning it is not up to me to find my way out of
darkness. My part is to create a space for You and then welcome You to enter.
Because You represent pure love, You will never impose, invade or manipulate my
consciousness. If You did so without my invitation, You would represent attack
instead of love. I have never truly altered myself, however through my feelings
of guilt and inadequacy, I have created barriers to my awareness of Your love.
These barriers have obscured the light from me, but they have never extinguished
it. If I will let You, You will help me undo each and every barrier that is blocking
my awareness of the presence of Your love.

Im learning that it is not up to me to know my way back to You. My part is to
not resist You as You lovingly guide me to the light within me that has always been
there. I will know I am resisting You when I feel angry, impatient, frustrated,
guilty or any other negative emotion. When I choose these emotions, I am relying
on my fear to guide me, instead of Your love. I am willing to forgive myself
completely, release the past and not let my fears, thoughts or emotions further
delay my happiness or the peace that is Your will for me.

In the quiet of my mind, I invite the memory of peace, the abundance of Your
love and the Truth of who I am. I am learning that once I make this call for
love, it is accomplished because You are as eager to answer my call as I am to
remember Your love. My return to love is certain because, in Truth, I never left.
I choose to awaken from my long slumber and from my dreams of pain, guilt,
suffering, lack, illness, sacrifice and death, to remember the greatness of Your
love and the abundance of my inheritance, even here on earth. I am one with
You and Im willing to trust that You will guide me home.
Thy will be done. Amen
Miracles in Prayer Complimentary eBook by Robin Duncan 24
The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com
Copyright 2011


13. Solving My One Problem

Dear God,
Somewhere along the way, I accepted the false idea that I was separated from
You. This misperception led to my experiences of misery, pain, lack, illness and
despair. There is a part of my mind that believes I have a multitude of problems,
yet in Truth, I have only one problem. My one problem is that I believe I am
separated from You. Once I realize that I have never been separated from You,
then all of my perceived problems will be undone. With You as my Source, I am
assured of complete happiness, health, safety and abundance, without fear or
suffering of any kind. Please heal my mind of this false idea of separation. Help
me remember that I am one with You and we have never been separated. Let
the Truth replace my illusions so I can return to my happy and natural state
of abundance that is Your will for me.
Thy will be done. Amen

14. The Goal of Peace

Dear God,
I am learning that I can bring all of my problems to You and You will help me
undo them one by one. I am discovering that what I experience with my eyes
and senses is the effect of my thoughts and misperceptions. If I dont like
what I see or feel, then it is helpful to ask You to heal my thoughts and help
me to perceive things differently. As my perceptions are healed, my outward
experiences transform as a natural result of cause and effect. I have prayed
many times for answers to my problems, not realizing that I was asking for
illusions to solve my illusions. I seek only the Truth and my goal is peace. As
my mind is healed of thoughts about lack, pain, suffering and despair, then
I will remember the Truth, love, happiness, health and abundance that You
have already given. Thank You, in advance, for restoring my mind to peace,
such that all of my illusions are healed.
Thy will be done. Amen

Miracles in Prayer Complimentary eBook by Robin Duncan 25
The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com
Copyright 2011


15. Accepting Myself

Dear God,
I am feeling powerless and depressed about my circumstances. Theres a part
of my mind that keeps reminding me of my mistakes and failures, and how it could
be different now if I had made better choices then. This part of my mind is
called the lower mind or ego and it is, indeed, committed to my pain, misery,
self-judgment and despair. Its purpose is to hide the Truth of who I am from me,
so convincingly, that I will not remember it. It is like a repetitive tape in the
corner that continues to play, but has no true meaning or content. The only
value it has is the value I assign to it. I am willing to not assign it value
whatsoever. I accept the Truth of who I am. I am whole, complete and worthy
of happiness because You created me. Please help me remember the Truth of
who I am, so convincingly, that I will never forget.
Thy will be done. Amen

16. Being on Time

Dear God,
I find it very challenging to be on time. This has been frustrating because I
feel embarrassed by my late arrivals and other people become impatient or upset
with me. Im willing to remember that other people mirror my own thoughts back
to me. If I give others a reason to judge or act out on me, then somewhere in
my mind, I must have decided that I deserve punishment. Im willing to stop doing
this, as I have no interest in persecuting or punishing myself. Please help me to
remember that I deserve only love, respect, tolerance and patience from other
people. Please give me the strength, motivation and tenacity to arrive on time
for all of my engagements, out of love for myself and for others that are present.
I surrender this situation to You and trust You will teach me how timeliness
is a joyful action of love.
hy will be done. Amen

Miracles in Prayer Complimentary eBook by Robin Duncan 26
The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com
Copyright 2011


17. Car Accidents

Dear God,
Ive been involved in a car accident and Im still feeling shocked, stressed and
vulnerable from the experience. I call upon the power of Your love to lift me
high above this situation. Your love is strong enough to handle every detail and
will ensure a peaceful outcome. I forgive myself for anything I did to contribute
to this accident, and Im willing to forgive others for anything they contributed.
I surrender this whole situation to You and ask for a peaceful, harmonious and
quick resolution, emotionally, physically and financially, for everyone involved.
I am as You created me. There is only one Cause and it is You. There is only
one effect and it is me. In the light of Truth, there doesnt need to be any
negative effects from this accident. Thank You for replacing my concerns with
the blessing of Your love and peace.
Thy will be done. Amen

18. Communication

Dear God,
I find it challenging to express myself honestly. There is something inside me
that feels unworthy of voicing how I feel, or unwilling to risk judgment or conflict
from other people. Perhaps Ive had past experiences where I was shut down,
judged or discouraged when I expressed my innermost thoughts. Im willing to
turn the past over to You for a complete and total healing. Im willing to forgive
those that responded in judgment as they have never altered the Truth of who
I am. Im willing to trust that You will give me the perfect words, exactly when
I need them to express myself honestly. Thank you, in advance, for a peaceful
and harmonious experience every time I am called to communicate with others.
Thank you for the courage to stand in Your strength. I am willing to expect
the blessing of Your miracles.
Thy will be done. Amen

Miracles in Prayer Complimentary eBook by Robin Duncan 27
The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com
Copyright 2011


19. Courage

Dear God,
I am faced with circumstances that appear to be beyond my capabilities. There
is a part of me that believes that I dont have what it takes to move forward.
Im willing to trust that You are the Source of my strength and courage. You
are the Creator and Giver of everything. I will not look to myself for answers,
or for the courage I so desperately need to do what I need to do. Because You
walk with me, I am safe. It is Your guidance and protection that surrounds me.
It is Your power and magnificence that ensures my competence. It is Your
brilliance that guides me and will give me the perfect words and actions to
secure a peaceful outcome. There is nothing to fear. Thank You, in advance,
for the highest and most miraculous experience. Please steady my footsteps
as I walk courageously in the safety of Your love.
Thy will be done. Amen

20. Creativity

Dear God,
I have a desire to step up in my creativity. I am learning that as I let go of
fear and judgment, I have a greater capacity to actualize my gifts and joyfully
co-create with You. Today, I surrender my fears, worries, blocks and self-
judgments to You and ask that You replace them with Your ever-flowing love
and inspired ideas. Thank You for helping me recognize my highest potential
and for opening my mind to comprehend the amazing gifts You have already
given me. I gratefully accept Your blessings exactly as they are. I will not
judge, minimize, dismiss or decide against You or my heavenly gifts. Thank
You for my unlimited flow of ideas, spontaneity, resources and creativity
that comes directly from You, the Source and Giver of everything. With
You as my Source, I can do anything with joy and confidence.
Thy will be done. Amen

Miracles in Prayer Complimentary eBook by Robin Duncan 28
The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com
Copyright 2011


21. Decision Making

Dear God,
There are decisions to be made and Im not sure what to do. I call upon Your
loving guidance to decide for me. In every decision, I will pause and listen for
Your guidance. If there are steps to be taken, I trust that You will tell me what
they are. When I feel peaceful and compelled to take action, then I will know
I am listening to Your voice. In all of my decisions, I will do what brings me the
greatest amount of peace, or the least amount of fear. If I choose the most
peaceful course of action in every decision, then I am always moving towards
peace. Every time I make a place for You within my mind, I align with the
greatness of Your love and the certainty of Your Wisdom. Thank You, in advance,
for deciding for me about every detail of my situation and for ensuring the
highest possible outcome for everyone involved.
Thy will be done. Amen

22. Gambling

Dear God,
I have developed a habit that is not in my best interests. What started out
as fun and entertainment, is now taking over my life in the form of financial
misery and disappointment. Even though the results are undesirable at times,
I honestly enjoy the feeling and find it hard to stop. Im willing to consider
that the power, excitement and the rush of energy I have been seeking comes
only from You. When I look for this feeling in other places, I will always find
inconsistency and disappointment. I forgive myself for engaging in an unreliable
substitute for Your love. I surrender this habit to You and ask for You to help
me to move beyond it. I want to know only my true relationship with You.
hank You for helping me to find the genuine power You have instilled in me,
and for the experience of the great happiness You have in store for me.
Thy will be done. Amen

Miracles in Prayer Complimentary eBook by Robin Duncan 29
The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com
Copyright 2011


23. Gratitude

Dear God,
I am learning that gratitude is the highest form of prayer. Each time I express
gratitude in my prayers, I acknowledge I have already received an answer to my
prayer, even if I havent seen it yet. This quickens my experience of healing, and
reduces the time and space between my prayer and the answer You have already
given. I am learning that fear causes delay. As I choose gratitude instead of
worry or fear, I align with the certainty that You are with me and that a peaceful
outcome is assured. Thank You, in advance, for Your perfect wisdom and timely
solutions to my every problem. Thank You, in advance, for the generous flow of
abundance that comes from You, my Source and Provider. In gratitude, I ask for
the awareness of Your love, blessings, guidance, abundance and miracles that
You have already given.
Thy will be done. Amen

24. Healing Wounds of the Heart

Dear God,
I feel Ive been wronged by another persons words and/or actions and Im
having a hard time seeing this situation differently. Im willing to realize that it
is not up to me to have perfect thoughts. My part is to be willing to release the
thoughts and judgments I have that are causing me pain and distress. As I release
my thoughts of judgment, hurt, pain and sorrow, I create a space for You to enter
my mind and restore it to peace. Please replace my thoughts with Your loving
grace and heal my heart so that I can find wholeness again. I am willing to see
the light and Divinity of this person. Please help me to see what You see. I
surrender this whole situation to You to ensure a peaceful outcome. Thank You
for healing all the wounds of my heart so I can experience the love, happiness
and freedom that is Your will for me.
Thy will be done. Amen

Miracles in Prayer Complimentary eBook by Robin Duncan 30
The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com
Copyright 2011


25. Holiday Stress

Dear God,
The holiday season brings up many different feelings for me. Its supposed to
be a time of family, connection and celebration, yet I dont feel I have many
reasons to celebrate. Im feeling frustrated by my circumstances and I cant
seem to pull up and out of the darkness. I call upon the power of Your love to
lift me high above my situation. Im willing to see everything differently. I
surrender all of my concerns to You and ask for a healed perception. If there
is any place in my mind where I have decided against a joyful holiday season,
then please heal those thoughts for me. Id like to make a reservation for
peace and acknowledge that everyone around me is capable of being kind, loving,
supportive and harmonious. Thank You, in advance, for my ever-flowing abundance
and for a wonderful holiday experience in all respects.
Thy will be done. Amen

26. Loving Myself

Dear God,
I find it hard to love and accept myself because there are so many reasons
why I shouldnt. Whether its my mistakes, my body, my bank account, my flaws,
or something else, I have numerous reasons for feeling powerless, inadequate
and unworthy. With my self-judgments, I have unknowingly punished myself
and delayed my happiness. I am learning that what I see with my bodys
and senses is not the Truth. It is a convincing camouflage that is cleverly
designed to hide the Truth from me. If I am willing to look past the camouflage
and into the Truth, I will find myself. I have no interest in punishing or depriving
myself for any reason. Please help me to love and accept myself and align with
Your will for happiness. As I release from self-judgment, my mind, body and
life can be swiftly restored to peace.
Thy will be done. Amen

Miracles in Prayer Complimentary eBook by Robin Duncan 31
The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com
Copyright 2011


27. Motivation to Allow Change

Dear God,
I am feeling stuck in certain areas of my life. There are times when its hard
to remember that change is even possible. Please give me the strength to look
at the areas of my life that are not working, and then surrender them to You
for healing. It is not up to me to solve, change, alter or improve my situation.
Since my best thinking got me where I am, it is not likely that my own mind
would hold the answers I seek. I look only to You, the highest part of my
consciousness, as my Source and Guide. When there are steps to be taken,
I ask that You tell me clearly what they are. I will know I am listening to You
when I feel peaceful and compelled to take action. With Your love, all things
are possible. With Your guidance, every problem is solved. With Your certainty,
I can do anything and there is nothing to fear.
Thy will be done. Amen

28. Personal Power & Self Confidence

Dear God,
Im not feeling very powerful or self confident. Im willing to realize that when
this occurs, it simply means that I am looking to myself for answers and solutions,
instead of You. Im willing to consider there is a huge constellation of actions,
events and circumstances being orchestrated that are perfectly aligned for
my highest good. From my reference point, I couldnt possibly know the best
course of action, the right timing, the appropriate order, the words to use, or
how to respond for the highest possible outcome. My personal power and self-
confidence comes from remembering that I am one with You, and that Your
power and confidence are certain. I trust You will guide my every step and
offer me the perfect resources to ensure the greatest possible outcome.
You are the Source of my power and Self confidence.
Thy will be done. Amen

Miracles in Prayer Complimentary eBook by Robin Duncan 32
The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com
Copyright 2011


29. Problem Solving

Dear God,
I am faced with a problem that I do not know how to solve. Even though I think
I have many problems, in Truth, I only have one problem. My problem is that
I forgot that I am one with You. As I remember that You are my Infinite
Source of abundance, wisdom and resources, all of my problems are solved.
I am learning that it is helpful to take my attention off my problem (the best
I can) and to place it on my oneness with You. On a practical level, I will do
whats in front of me to do, without judgment, while I listen for Your guidance.
As I focus on my oneness with You and the Truth of who I am, I bring light to
my situation. I am learning that my problems are easily undone in the light of
Truth. In the presence of Your love, there is nothing to fear. I dedicate this
situation to the Truth, and trust that peace is inevitable.
Thy will be done. Amen

30. Procrastination

Dear God,
I have a habit of putting things off until the last minute. As a result, I end
up being late or I finish things in a messy or chaotic kind of way. Im willing to
see that by avoiding my tasks and responsibilities, I am using these situations
as a means for self punishment and persecution. I am willing to stop doing this,
but I need Your help. Please give me the strength and motivation to engage my
tasks with confidence and enthusiasm. Please help me to take prompt, loving
action to complete assignments even before they are due. I am willing to love
myself and stop this endless cycle of frustration and distress. I deserve only
happiness. Thank You, in advance, for helping me approach all of my tasks in a
joyful, timely and efficient manner. With the certainty of Your love, I can do
and complete anything on time with ease.
Thy will be done. Amen

Miracles in Prayer Complimentary eBook by Robin Duncan 33
The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com
Copyright 2011


31. Releasing Guilt and Shame

Dear God,
With my words, actions or behaviors, I feel I have brought pain, harm and/or
discomfort to another. Im willing to realize that even with my greatest mistakes
and failures, I cannot alter what You created within me. In the reality of Truth,
I cannot alter the Truth or Divine essence of another person because of this
same principle. What You created within us is whole and complete, now and
forever. In order to remember Your love, I am willing to forgive myself and
release the past. I recognize that as Your child, there is nothing I could do to
diminish my innocence or Your love for me. As I forgive myself, I offer
forgiveness and renewal to every person that has ever failed, made mistakes,
suffered or denied Your love. As I offer forgiveness to myself, I give it to
everyone because they are one with me.
Thy will be done. Amen

32. Safety and Protection

Dear God,
I call upon Your safety and protection. Im facing challenges that I do not
understand or know how to respond to. Please calm my mind and help me to
feel the safety of Your Divine protection. I am willing to not judge my situation
as harmful, threatening or dangerous and ask for You to interpret my situation
for me. You are the strength in which I trust. Im willing to forgive myself for
any mistakes I might have made that contributed to my situation. My future is
safe because You are the Source and Creator of everything. In the presence of
Your light, there is no darkness. In the awareness of Your love, there is no
opposite and nothing to fear. Please guide my thoughts and steady my footsteps
so I can confidently move through this. Thank you, in advance, for a safe,
miraculous and peaceful outcome in all respects.
Thy will be done. Amen

Miracles in Prayer Complimentary eBook by Robin Duncan 34
The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com
Copyright 2011


33. Self Acceptance & Worthiness

Dear God,
I want to remember the greatness of Your eternal love. Every time I choose
to release my judgmental thoughts and feelings of unworthiness, I create a
space for the memory of Your perfect love. I did not create myself, therefore,
it is not likely that I can accurately judge who I am or what I deserve. I
choose to remember the Truth of what You created within me. As my Creator,
I will rely on Your judgment and certainty about who I am and what I deserve.
Help me to see myself with love and accept myself exactly the way I am.
Im willing to release all my self-judgments, and in their place, I accept the
beauty and bounty of Your love, support, strength and acceptance. I accept
that I deserve happiness and peace because You created me and it is my
Divine birthright.
Thy will be done. Amen

34. Self Judgment & Criticism

Dear God,
I find it very challenging to see the good in myself. There is a part of my
mind that seems committed to my own self sabotage. I try not to listen, but
many times it feels like a losing battle. I call upon Your loving strength to
support me. Please help me to heal my thoughts about myself. Im willing to
remember that I did not create myself, therefore, when I judge or deny
myself I am actually denying You and Your love. I am willing to see the light,
the goodness and wholeness that You created within me. Please help me to see
what You see, and love myself as You love me. I release the past and surrender
it into Your loving hands. Thank You for helping me to move far beyond my
limiting thoughts and back into the magnificence of what You created within
me. I will not decide against You.
Thy will be done. Amen

Miracles in Prayer Complimentary eBook by Robin Duncan 35
The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com
Copyright 2011


35. Abundance & Prosperity

Dear God,
Without realizing it, I must have taken on a belief system that includes thoughts
about lack, scarcity, suffering, sacrifice and deprivation. I recognize this because
I see the tangible evidence of this around me and in the lives of others. I accept
that what I see is only what my mind accepts as reality. I have no interest in this
belief system as it blocks my awareness of You and delays my experience of the
joyful abundance that is Your will for me. Please heal my mind of every thought
I have that is contributing to my delay of prosperity and abundance. I accept Your
love for me on every level. As a Child of God, I am worthy of Your gifts, blessings
and resources. In gratitude, I claim my Divine inheritance. I am relieved as I
remember it is not up to me to provide the resources that naturally come from
You, the Giver of everything.
Thy will be done. Amen

36. Acquiring a New Vehicle

Dear God,
I am looking to acquire a new vehicle. Im willing to open my mind and allow myself
to have an amazingly smooth and beautiful experience as I go about this. I am
willing to invite miracles and accept the transportation that You feel I deserve.
In the past, I inadvertently decided against myself on a number of occasions and
Im willing to not do that now. Thank You, in advance, for the most beautiful,
desirable, reliable, high quality, easy to acquire, dependable, affordable, timely
and efficient vehicle that is possible. I trust that You will show me the greatest
possible way to accomplish this, such that this vehicle acquisition is perfect for
me in every way. Thank You for all the right people being involved to ensure the
highest and most amazing experience of acquiring a new vehicle that Ive ever had.
Thy will be done. Amen

Miracles in Prayer Complimentary eBook by Robin Duncan 36
The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com
Copyright 2011


37. Bankruptcy, Foreclosure & Repossession

Dear God,
My financial situation has worsened and I am now facing the loss of one or more
of my assets. I find it hard to understand why this is happening to me. I realize
that I will never find the light by analyzing the darkness; therefore I will not
dwell on the pain and sadness of this event. I am learning that if I will listen to
You and seek Your guidance, that You will teach me how to live a life without lack,
loss or despair of any kind. I am willing to see my situation differently and will
follow Your perfect guidance. Please help me to rise above my circumstances and
remember the Truth of who I am. I am willing to forgive myself and release the
past, as I confidently move forward with You as my Guide and Protector. Thank
You, in advance, for a miraculous and quick recovery. With Your love and
certainty, there is nothing to fear.
Thy will be done. Amen

38. Being a Good Receiver
Dear God,
There are times when I push away the good things that come to me, such as
compliments, gifts, recognition or payments for my work. I am learning that when
I deprive myself and reject what comes to me, I am denying You and refusing the
abundance You are giving me. You are the Source and Giver of everything. Please
help me to feel worthy of receiving, enjoying and celebrating all good things that
come to me, without resistance. I choose to honor You by receiving Your gifts with
unwavering joy and gratitude. Each time I receive the blessing of someones gift,
time, money or love, I am honoring You, myself and also the Divine being who is the
instrument of Your giving. The greatest thing I can do to help others is to first
receive what You have given and then extend Your gifts of love and abundance into
the world as I have received them. This infinite circle of receiving what You have
given and then giving as we have received ensures our ever-expanding growth.
Thy will be done. Amen

Miracles in Prayer Complimentary eBook by Robin Duncan 37
The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com
Copyright 2011


39. Breaking the Pattern of Lack

Dear God,
I continue to experience a pattern of not having enough money and I need Your
help. I am learning that this is happening to me because a part of my mind is
committed to the belief that lack and suffering are real. This misperception
entered my mind the moment I thought I was separated from You, which in
Truth, is not possible and never occurred. Even though the idea of separation
is false, this part of my mind is convinced that it is true. In turn, it directs
my eyes and senses to perceive lack and suffering in everything I see. I then
use what I see to validate and reinforce my belief in lack. I am ready to be free
of this pattern. I accept that I have never been separated from You. Lack and
suffering are not real and have no power. I will no longer look to illusions to
define my reality. Let the Truth correct all the errors in my mind.
Thy will be done. Amen

40. Buying Property

Dear God,
It appears to be a good time for me to buy property. Before I engage in the
buying process, I call upon You to guide my every thought, decision and action
step. Please give me a signal to ensure this is the proper time for me to move
forward. I will know I am listening to Your guidance when I feel peaceful and
compelled to take action. Id like to make a reservation for peace. Thank You
for an easy, smooth, timely, affordable and joyful purchasing experience in all
respects. Thank You for coordinating all of the details of the transaction and
gathering the appropriate people and resources to ensure the highest and most
happy outcome for everyone involved. With Your perfect guidance, everything
is already aligned, taken care of and being shown to me now. I walk in the
confidence and certainty of Your love, light and grace.
Thy will be done. Amen

Miracles in Prayer Complimentary eBook by Robin Duncan 38
The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com
Copyright 2011


41. Claiming my Inheritance

Dear God,
I am struggling in terms of not having enough money to live on. If I am unaware
of my wealth and resources, then it must be because I am unaware of You, my
Source and Provider. You are the Cause and Creator of the universe and I am
Your holy child. The Truth of me is that I am the direct descendant of the
highest order of royalty in the kingdom. When I look into my pockets and find
there is no money, then it must mean that somewhere along the way, I denied
my Divine inheritance. My inheritance cannot be claimed by asking You to give
me money, for You have already given everything I could want, need or desire.
My inheritance is claimed by asking to remember the Truth of who I am. As I
remember the Truth, my life of poverty, suffering and lack will be replaced
with my natural state of ease, wealth and abundance.
Thy will be done. Amen

42. Contracts, Negotiations & Legal Proceedings

Dear God,
I am involved in a situation where other people seem to have influence or
control over the outcome of my situation. It appears that the results of this
event could negatively impact my future. I am willing to remember that You
are my Source and my future is safe in Your hands. I trust that Your divine
plan includes me and You have not lost my file. I surrender this whole situation
to You and dedicate it to peace. I am willing to trust You to guide my every step
and tell me exactly what to do and say to ensure the highest possible outcome.
I am willing to see everyone involved as capable of conducting themselves in a
calm, compassionate, honest, supportive and cooperative manner, regardless of
what they are showing me now. I am willing to see them as You created them
and expect only good to come from this experience.
Thy will be done. Amen

Miracles in Prayer Complimentary eBook by Robin Duncan 39
The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com
Copyright 2011


43. Credit Card Debt

Dear God,
I have a lot of credit card debt and it has become a burden on my life. Please
help me to reclaim the abundance You created for me. In Truth, I am a child
of God and I cannot create a deficit. The only reason Im experiencing debt is
because I forgot who I was. Whenever I forget the Truth, my mind creates
convincing illusions that are based on fear. As Your child, I can only bless, bring
light, love, and abundance to everyone around me. As I reclaim the Truth of who
I am, my experiences of debt and struggle are undone. I accept that my thoughts
create my experiences. Instead of asking You for money to pay my bills, I ask that
You heal any part of my mind where I have decided against my identity, or denied
my Divine inheritance. As my mind is restored to peace, my illusions of lack are
undone and I am free to claim my wealth as a child of God.
Thy will be done. Amen

44. Financial Grievances towards Others

Dear God,
Ive been financially damaged or betrayed by another person and it is adding
to my financial strain. I feel angry and powerless because there seems to be
no resolution. When I hold a grievance towards another, I am actually holding
it against myself because we are not separate. When I engage in judgment,
anger or hostility, I shut down my abundance and invite punishment. I am whole
because You created me. In Truth, I cannot be altered, damaged or diminished
by another person. Im willing to forgive this person so I can set myself free.
This person is playing a role with me to mirror my belief that I am powerless
and that is all. I will not use this experience to validate my belief or delay my
happiness and abundance. You are my Source and Supply. I release my need
and fixation on having this resolved, so You can show me that I am already
powerful and whole, financially and otherwise.
Thy will be done. Amen

Miracles in Prayer Complimentary eBook by Robin Duncan 40
The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com
Copyright 2011


45. Lawsuits

Dear God,
I am being sued and Im concerned about the outcome of this case. If it does
not turn out well, I fear I will be significantly harmed or damaged. I am willing
to turn this situation over to You and trust that my future is safe and secure
in Your loving hands. There is no judge, jury, prosecutor or individual that can
take my peace, abundance, safety and/or security, as You have given it to me.
I dedicate this whole situation to peace. Im willing to consider that all parties
to this lawsuit have the capacity to act reasonably, honestly and supportively on
my behalf. Thank You, in advance, for miracles. Please decide for me about how
this should go and what the outcome should be. My goal is peace for everyone
involved. I trust that I cannot be harmed, threatened or in danger within the
safety of Your love.
Thy will be done. Amen

46. Lawsuits Towards Others

Dear God,
I am involved in a lawsuit against another party as a means of finding resolution.
I dedicate this situation to peace and trust there is peaceful outcome for all
parties involved. I will conduct myself openly and honestly as I walk in the
strength, power and confidence of Your love. I surrender my fears and
concerns to You and trust that everything will proceed calmly, smoothly and
without delay. You created me as whole and complete, therefore in Truth, I
cannot be altered or threatened by anything or anyone outside of me. I am
willing to see all parties as capable of operating in a reasonable, caring and
cooperative manner. With Your guidance, I trust the outcome will be peaceful,
just and fair, as well as quickly and easily concluded. Thank You for Your
miracles. In Your love, a happy outcome to all things is certain.
Thy will be done. Amen

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The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com
Copyright 2011


47. Loss of Income or Business

Dear God,
I am greatly concerned because my source of income has changed. If I listen
to the outside world, I am tempted to feel frantic about my future. I am
learning that it is not in my best interest to go into fear or judgment about
my situation. I will not use what I see with my eyes to validate my fear.
Instead, I surrender this situation to You and ask for a healed perception.
You are my Source and Provider, therefore my Source of income has not
changed. I will not look to my business, my paycheck or my bank account for
safety because I will not find it there. I look only to You, my guaranteed
fortress of safety. I rest calmly because of Your constant dedication to
provide for my every need. Thank You, in advance, for my uninterrupted
and abundant flow of financial resources. I am reassured by Your certainty
that there is nothing to fear.
Thy will be done. Amen

48. Major Obligations and Tax Debt

Dear God,
I am swimming in debt and cant find my way out of darkness. I feel so heavy
and depressed because it seems I will never be free. The same challenges
keep repeating themselves and I feel like Im stuck in a bad movie. Please take
this situation from me, judge it for me and use it for my freedom. I am willing
to see my whole situation differently and leave a space for You to heal my
limiting thoughts, judgments, fears and misperceptions about money. I turn
this situation over to You and dedicate it to peace. Thank You, in advance,
for teaching me how to live a prosperous life that is free of debt, lack, worry
and obligations. Thank You for showing me my natural state of abundance as
You have given it. I am grateful that no matter what Ive done, I cannot alter
the wholeness within me or the Truth as You created it.
Thy will be done. Amen

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The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com
Copyright 2011


49. Money & Resources

Dear God,
There doesnt seem to be enough money to cover my needs and obligations.
Ive done everything I know to do and Im out of ideas. I am learning that
miracles are the result of a shift in perception from fear to love. As I choose
to trust You instead of doubt, my mind shifts out of fear and into peace, and
this creates fertile ground for miracles to occur. I accept that it is not up to
me to judge, solve or figure out how to respond to my situation. Please heal
any part of my mind that is committed to lack, suffering or sacrifice and guide
me back to the peaceful state of abundance that is Your will for me. With
Your guidance, I will know what to do and how to do it to ensure a peaceful
outcome. In gratitude, I ask for miracles to replace my illusions of lack and
despair. With You, I am safe and certain of my abundant supply.
Thy will be done. Amen

50. Paying Bills & Expenses

Dear God,
I have a mounting stack of bills to pay and I dont have the money to pay them.
I am learning that if I will come to You, that You will remind me of the Truth
and teach me how to live from my abundance. In order to experience lack or
deprivation of any kind, I must have allowed thoughts of fear and guilt to enter
my mind. I acknowledge that my thoughts have contributed to my situation and
I forgive myself. I release those thoughts now and turn them over to You for
healing. I accept Your healed thoughts for me. I have no desire to deprive
myself from money, resources, love or any other gift You have given me. I will
rely on Your certainty about who I am, what I have and what to do next. You
are the Source and Giver of everything. With You as my abundant Source and
Supply, there is nothing to fear.
Thy will be done. Amen

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The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com
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51. Selling Property

Dear God,
It appears to be a good time for me to sell my property. Before I engage in
the selling process, I call upon You to guide my every thought, decision and
action step. Please give me a signal to ensure this is the proper time for me
to move forward. I will know I am listening to Your guidance when I feel
peaceful and compelled to take action. Id like to make a reservation for
peace. Thank You for an easy, smooth, timely, prosperous and joyful selling
experience in all respects. Thank You for coordinating all of the details of
the transaction and gathering the appropriate people and resources to
ensure the highest and most happy outcome for everyone involved. With Your
perfect guidance, everything is already aligned, taken care of and being shown
to me now. I gladly receive the blessings, abundance and bounty of Your love.
Thy will be done. Amen

52. Tithing

Dear God,
I am learning about tithing and how it is a powerful means for amplifying my
wealth. Whenever I give to another, I am actually giving to myself because we
are one. In a physical universe, the form I give in is generally the form I
receive in. When I give money as an unconditional act of love, it is money that
returns to me, multiplied abundantly. The only thing lacking in any situation is
what I am not giving. By giving that which I am lacking, I reaffirm that I have
that which I am giving, and therefore it draws to me naturally and easily.
Please give me the courage to give my money without fear or conditions, so I
can enjoy the rich rewards and benefits of this principle. I can start with a
small tithe and then work up to larger amounts as my fear subsides. Please
transform my fears about money into a generous flow of wealth, blessings
and gratitude.
Thy will be done. Amen

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The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com
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53. Truth vs. Illusion

Dear God,
I am learning the difference between Truth and illusion. The Truth is that
Your will for me is for perfect happiness and that I have everything. You
have given me a full and over-flowing glass of water, in all respects, so I will
never be thirsty. When I see something that looks like less than a full glass,
like an empty bank account, a bill I cannot pay, or an empty wallet, then I will
know I am looking at an illusion. I will be able to spot an illusion a mile away
because it will look like something is missing or it will appear as if my glass is
less than full. The glass You gave me ensures that I have everything. When
I see an illusion, it is not helpful to ask You to fill my glass, because the glass
You gave me is already full. It is helpful to ask what is blocking my awareness
of the full glass that You have already given me.
Thy will be done. Amen

54. Addictions
Dear God,
Somewhere in time, I chose to hold on to something I thought would bring me
peace. I didnt realize that what I was missing was the awareness and greatness
of Your love. The quickest way to feel the blessing of Your love is to forgive
myself completely. It is not possible for me to experience feelings of guilt and
the awareness of Your love at the same time. Today, I choose to forgive myself
for my addictive behaviors and any negative consequences that occurred from
them. Even with my greatest mistakes, failures and addictions, I have never
altered myself or what You created within me. What You created is Divinely
whole and perfect, now and forever. It is in this Truth, that I accept my
freedom today. Thank You, in advance, for Your powerful strength and guidance
as I practice my freedom.
Thy will be done. Amen
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The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com
Copyright 2011


55. Cancer

Dear God,
Ive been told I have cancer and I need Your help. I am learning that illness in
any form is not Your will and it is not the Truth of who I am. In Truth, I am as
You created me. There is nothing outside of my own consciousness that can
alter, harm or threaten me. This is difficult to understand because I have to
deal with this experience on a daily basis. It is not necessary that I have perfect
thoughts or even that I understand my situation. My part is to surrender this
to You and rely on Your certainty, so healing can be accomplished. Please decide
for me about everything; who I am, what my prognosis is and what needs to
happen next. I will know what to do when I feel peaceful and compelled to take
action. I can move through anything safely and without fear because You are
holding the Truth for me, firmly in Your perfect mind.
Thy will be done. Amen

56. Chronic Pain

Dear God,
I am in pain most of the time and its hard to do or think about anything else.
I call upon Your loving strength to lift me up and show me another way to look
at this. I am learning that my lower mind uses pain, worry and/or distress to
preoccupy my mind, so I will not remember You or the Truth of who I am.
Please take this pain from me and judge it for me. Let me not use it to deny
Your love or the peace and happiness that is my birthright. Instead, I ask
that You use this experience for the coming of my peace. It is not up to
me to know how to end the pain. My part is to remember that with You as my
Guide, healing is certain. I will step back and let You lead the way. I will listen
for Your perfect guidance, as You lead me back to the peace, comfort and
happiness that is Your will for me.
Thy will be done. Amen

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The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com
Copyright 2011


57. Compulsive Behaviors

Dear God,
There are times when I act in an irrational way and my actions result in greater
challenges for me. I want to shift this destructive cycle and I cant seem to
change it on my own. I surrender this problem to You and ask for Your help in
healing it for me. I am willing to see myself differently. With Your guidance
and support, I am capable of making positive, lasting changes that lead to a more
peaceful and happy life. Im willing to pause frequently and ask for Your guidance
before I act or make decisions. Even when I have made mistakes in the past or
have acted compulsively, I have never altered the wholeness You created with me.
I ask for Your certainty about who I am and what Im capable of to replace my
thoughts about myself. I am as You created me. With Your guidance, support
and certainty, my healing is certain.
Thy will be done. Amen

58. Depression

Dear God,
I have tried to change my circumstances and nothing has worked. I am drained,
overwhelmed and my life seems pointless. I am learning it is not up to me to find
You, or to know my way out of this. Even in the darkness, You always know how
to find me. Im willing to forgive myself for not knowing how to solve this.
Regardless of how I feel or the way things appear, Your love is sufficient to
guide me back to peace. I gladly surrender my life and my being unto You and
ask for renewal in Your name. Thank You for rolling this stone away and for
deciding for me about everything; what I should do, what I should say and what
needs to happen. I will rest in the comfort of Your love and in the safety of
Your protection. Please guide me with strong signals, so Ill be able to hear
You above the noise in my own mind.
Thy will be done. Amen

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The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com
Copyright 2011


59. Healing & Transformation

Dear God,
I am feeling overwhelmed by my physical condition and my body seems to have
a mind of its own. I am feeling so much discomfort that I cant remember what
it feels like to be in peace. I realize that even when I forget the peace Im
entitled to, that You continue to hold the Truth of who I am for me, clearly in
Your perfect mind. Today, I call upon Your certainty to restore my mind and
body to peace. Please take my discomfort and replace it with Your love and
consistent comfort. I am as You created me. I release the past and let go
of every reason for pain, illness or discomfort of any kind. I forgive myself
for not knowing how to move past this and ask that You replace my anger,
frustration and despair with Your love. I choose peace instead of this and
accept the power and comfort of Your love as my shield of protection.
Thy will be done. Amen

60. Heart Disease

Dear God,
I am facing challenges with my heart and I need Your assistance. I accept
that Your love for me is total. There is nothing outside of Your love that is
capable of threatening me in any way. You are the Cause and Creator of the
universe, and in the power and presence of Your light, there is no opposite.
I accept that You created me as whole and complete. In the light of Truth,
darkness cannot come to me. I am surrounded by the details and circumstances
of this situation, but I will not use this information to define my condition or
identity. I am as You created me, now and forever, and I am under no laws but
Yours. In the awareness of Truth, all illusions are dissolved. In the presence
of Your love, there is nothing to fear. In the certainty of Your strength and
wisdom, I am blessed and assured that no harm can come to me.
Thy will be done. Amen

Miracles in Prayer Complimentary eBook by Robin Duncan 48
The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com
Copyright 2011


61. Hopelessness

Dear God,
I feel as though Ive hit bottom and there is no way out. There seems to be no
point to my life or reasons to go on. I need Your help, but Im going to need You
to do everything because I feel I have nothing left. I am learning that it is not
up to me to solve my situation. I am exhausted from my own efforts, so I will
not argue with this. I am willing to see things differently and know it is possible
for me to find my way back to peace. Thank You for intervening on my behalf.
I will leave a space for You, so You can take my hand and pull me back to safety.
I am willing to consider that despite my failures, I have never truly altered what
You created within me. I surrender myself to You just as I am. Please decide
for me about everything from this point on. I will rely on Your certainty about
who I am, what I deserve and what needs to happen next. Thank You for handling
every detail on my behalf.
Thy will be done. Amen

62. Loved Ones with Addictions

Dear God,
I feel helpless because Im watching someone I love destroy themselves. I am
learning that I can come to You with any problem and You will respond to my
slightest invitation. There is no order of difficulty in miracles. This means that
no matter how big the problem is, that You have the power and means to correct
it. Im willing to see this situation differently and recognize this person as Your
holy child. I have allowed this addiction to define them and Im willing to stop
doing that. They are as You created them, whole and complete, now and forever.
Help me to see through the addictive behaviors and into the light that You
created. My loved one is strong and capable of making wise and loving choices
for themselves. I will focus only on the Truth of who they are, and I will hold
the light for them until they join me there.
Thy will be done. Amen

Miracles in Prayer Complimentary eBook by Robin Duncan 49
The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com
Copyright 2011


63. Preparing for Surgery

Dear God,
I am preparing for surgery and I call upon Your help in orchestrating every
detail. Im willing to remember that I am safe in Your love, whether I am
conscious or unconscious. I have the certainty of Your protection surrounding
me in every moment. Thank You for ensuring that everyone involved in the
surgery is aligned, focused, supportive, trained and highly skilled in their
abilities. Your Divine plan includes me and if I am to have this surgery, then
Your plan will ensure a successful outcome in all respects. I am at ease because
You are with me. Thank You, in advance, for an amazingly peaceful, smooth,
flawless and successful surgery in all respects. Thank You also for a quick
recovery without pain or discomfort. I can relax peacefully because You are
in charge of my well being. With You as my Guide, a happy outcome is certain.
Thy will be done. Amen

64. Relief from Pain

Dear God,
I am experiencing a great deal of pain and I need Your help. Im willing to
remember that the pain I feel is not Your will for me. I am learning that it
would not be possible to experience pain if I wasnt consenting to it at some
level within my mind. Maybe Im experiencing it because its familiar, or perhaps
Im convinced it should be there because of a past injury or illness. Whatever
the case, Im willing to see it differently and I surrender it to You now. Im
willing to know that with Your help, the effects of this pain can be lifted.
Please heal any part of my mind that is committed to this pain or is consenting
to it at any level. I have no use or value for pain of any kind. I am as You
created me, now and forever. Thank You for guiding me to the perfect solutions
or whatever is needed so I can quickly find my way back to peace.
Thy will be done. Amen

Miracles in Prayer Complimentary eBook by Robin Duncan 50
The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com
Copyright 2011


65. Responding to Diagnosis

Dear God,
I received a diagnosis that is very concerning to me. With this diagnosis, it
is tempting to see myself as less than whole. I am willing to see everything
differently, and remember that I am under no laws but Yours. What You
created within me is whole and complete and I can rely on Your certainty.
I will continue to do what is in front of me to do without fear or worry or
distress because You walk with me. I trust that the medical staff and everyone
involved is being Divinely guided for my greatest possible care. I am as You
created me, now and forever. I have no use or value for pain or illness of any
kind. Please decide for me about who I am, what needs to happen and what
steps to take. My future is safe and secure because of Your certainty about
who I am and Your eternal love for me.
Thy will be done. Amen

66. Severe Pain

Dear God,
I am experiencing severe pain and discomfort and I need Your help. When I
experience pain, I am tempted to forget the power, freedom and comfort of
Your love. I have no use or value for this pain and will not use it to block my
awareness of You. Please heal any part of my mind that is committed to pain,
suffering or punishment of any kind. I call upon Your power to lift me up and
guide me to the perfect solutions for my well being. Please show me what to do
and how to respond for quick and decisive solutions. In the certainty of Your
love, all problems are corrected. In the power of Your strength, all healing is
accomplished. I claim the light and Truth of who I am and my right to a happy,
carefree and comfortable life. Thank You, in advance, for Your guidance as
You show me my way back to the peace I deserve.
Thy will be done. Amen

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The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com
Copyright 2011


67. Terminal Illness

Dear God,
I have been told that my illness is terminal and I feel the temptation to feel
powerless, alone and afraid. I surrender this diagnosis and all my fears to You
and ask that You judge this for me. I am under no laws but Yours. You created
me as whole and complete. There is nothing that can take away the Truth of who
I am. I am learning that pain, lack, suffering, illness and even death is not Your
will for me. If I am facing this experience now, it must be that I accepted
these ideas into my mind. I choose peace instead of this. If there is any place
in my mind where I accepted that illness is real or even possible, please heal
my mind and replace those thoughts with the Truth. I have no use or value for
illness and will not use it to block the peace, joy, health and happiness that is
Your will for me. Thank You for deciding for me about who I am and what needs
to happen. I place my future in Your loving hands.
Thy will be done. Amen

68. Weight Loss

Dear God,
I need Your help in losing weight. Ive tried to lose weight before and each time
I failed or gained it back. I am learning that my thoughts create my experiences.
If I did not lose the weight before, then some part of my mind was not quite
finished with it. Perhaps I kept it as a protective barrier or maybe I used it
to punish myself. Whatever the reasons are, I am done with it now. I am willing
to love myself completely and make healthy, lasting choices when it comes to
my eating and daily exercise. I call upon Your power and strength to help me.
Please give me the energy and motivation I need to exercise daily. I will pause
before eating and ask You for the highest choice on my behalf. Thank You for
easing my cravings and helping me make healthy choices to ensure my long-term
success. With Your certainty, I can do anything.
Thy will be done. Amen

Miracles in Prayer Complimentary eBook by Robin Duncan 52
The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com
Copyright 2011


69. Abusive Relationships

Dear God,
I am in a relationship that feels abusive and I need Your help. If I take steps
to make changes, Im afraid Ill end up with bigger problems than I have now.
Please take away my fear of the future and replace it with Your love. Please
give me the courage to take prompt and decisive action, if needed, to ensure
my safety and well-being. I am learning that You want only happiness for me.
If I will listen to You, You will show me how to find it without delay. With
Your support and wisdom, I am capable of doing whatever I need to do to
move towards a peaceful life. I trust that You are orchestrating every detail
on my behalf. Thank You for ensuring my safety and security at all times.
Thank You for healing any part of my mind that is invested in suffering or
is consenting to abuse. There is nothing to fear because You walk with me
and I am forever safe in Your love.
Thy will be done. Amen

70. Anger & Resentment towards God

Dear God,
There is a part of my life that feels punishing and unfair. There seems to be
a negative force working against me and I cant stop it or make it go away.
I feel angry and resentful because it appears You are ignoring my calls for
help or have turned Your back on me. Im willing to know that I cannot be
peaceful and angry at the same time. When I choose to feel anger, I block
my awareness of You and I will not hear Your guidance on how to end the pain.
I am not required to have perfect thoughts. My part is to not hold on to the
thoughts that are upsetting me. If I will make a space for You, I will hear
Your answer. I release my anger and resentment and I choose peace instead.
I release my need to judge or be right about my situation, so I can be shown
the joy, happiness, health and abundance that is Your will for me.
Thy will be done. Amen

Miracles in Prayer Complimentary eBook by Robin Duncan 53
The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com
Copyright 2011


71. Anger & Resentment Towards Others

Dear God,
I feel anger towards another person because what I feel that what they did
is inexcusable. I am learning that when I hold a grievance towards another
person, I am the one that suffers. This is because, in Truth, we are not separate.
True forgive-ness comes from understanding that what You created within me
is whole and complete and I cannot be altered by another person. My anger is
an indication that I believe Ive been altered. Because I have a belief that I
can be altered, I continue to experience the effects of my belief. I surrender
all of this to You for healing, so I can return to the happiness and abundance that
is Your will for me. I forgive them because no matter what they did or did not do,
it cannot alter me. As I acknowledge the Truth, I will see its blessing in my life.
In the light of true forgiveness, I am free.
Thy will be done. Amen

72. Anger & Resentment Towards Myself

Dear God,
I am angry and resentful towards myself. Ive made so many mistakes and now
I am stuck in the aftermath of my own poor judgment. My decisions have brought
so much misery and pain into my life that I fear Ill never find my way out. I am
learning that when I make decisions without Your guidance, it is unlikely I will
find peace or happiness. I am also learning that even when I make mistakes,
Your love is sufficient to heal every wound and restore my mind and life to peace.
When I choose anger, resentment or judgment towards myself, I unknowingly
deny Your love and turn away Your gifts. Im willing to stop doing that by
forgiving myself and releasing the past. Im willing to have the happy life that
is Your will for me and ask for You to fully intervene on my behalf. Thank You
for healing my mind of all self judgment and leading me back to peace.
Thy will be done. Amen

Miracles in Prayer Complimentary eBook by Robin Duncan 54
The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com
Copyright 2011


73. Betrayal

Dear God,
Ive been betrayed by someone and I feel angry, sad and devastated. These
feelings are consuming my thoughts and I feel miserable. I call upon Your love
to lift me up and remind me I am worthy of being treated with love, honor and
respect. I am learning that what You created within me cannot be altered,
harmed or threatened by another person. If I choose to hold on to my feelings
of pain and judgment, I will not feel the safety of Your love, or experience the
happiness and abundance I deserve. Im willing to trade these miserable feelings
for the peace that You have for me. Im willing to forgive this person, release
my grievance and turn this over to You. As I choose to forgive, I open myself
to receive Your enormous blessings and miracles. I gladly exchange this pain
for the freedom and happiness I deserve.
Thy will be done. Amen

74. Divorce or Separation

Dear God,
My partner and I are experiencing great challenges in our relationship and we
are separating from each other. There are many negative feelings between us
and I need Your help. I surrender this relationship to You so that no matter
what happens, I can expect a peaceful outcome. I am willing to release my
judgments about this person and invite the experience of peace that is Your
will for us. I acknowledge that I cannot be peaceful and angry, hurt or guilty
at the same time. I must first choose peace and then let You show me how to
get there. I choose peace today and ask that You heal every place in my mind
where I have decided against love, happiness, consistency, harmony or fulfillment.
Thank You for teaching me how to create a future filled with happiness on every
level and especially in my relationships.
Thy will be done. Amen

Miracles in Prayer Complimentary eBook by Robin Duncan 55
The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com
Copyright 2011


75. Finding a Love Relationship

Dear God,
Id like to have a loving companion to share my life with. I accept that it is
Your will to bring me happy experiences that fill my heart with joy. If I am
not experiencing my joyful desires, then it must be that somewhere in my mind
and heart, I have decided against You. Perhaps I thought You werent listening,
or maybe that Im not good enough or attractive enough, or perhaps I thought
it just wasnt possible. Whatever the case, Im willing to surrender all of those
thoughts and fears to You and ask that You heal them for me. I deserve
happiness, companionship and fulfillment because these gifts are my natural
inheritance as given by You. Thank You, in advance, for healing my mind and
blessing me with the most amazing, peaceful, loving, lasting, romantic, connected
and harmonious relationship I could ever imagine. In gratitude, I accept
Your loving gifts.
Thy will be done. Amen

76. Finding Peace in Turmoil

Dear God,
My situation seems so complicated and chaotic and I need Your help! I am
willing to trade my thoughts, fears, feelings and perceptions for Your Divine
and Perfect Wisdom. Im willing to give up my need to be right about my
judgments and my situation, so that You have room to intervene, heal my
thoughts and restore my mind to peace. I am learning that a peaceful mind
creates only peace. Please help me to remember that Your will is for my perfect
happiness. When I am not experiencing happiness, I can call upon You and trust
that You will always respond to my slightest invitation. Thank You, in advance, for
lifting me high above my circumstances and for correcting all of my fearful
thoughts. I can rest today because Your love is sufficient.
Thy will be done. Amen

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The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com
Copyright 2011


77. Finding Peace under Siege & Attack

Dear God,
Ive been attacked as if I was on a battlefield. It was surprising and over-
whelming and I didnt know how to stop it. The experience left me feeling
powerless, hurt and violated. I call upon the strength and power of Your love
to lift me high above the battleground. I am willing to see this situation
differently and allow You to restore my mind and body to peace. Im willing
to remember that You created me as whole and complete. In Truth, I cannot
be altered, damaged or diminished by anyone or anything; not even by my own
mistakes. In the light of this Truth, I forgive those that prompted the attack.
Im willing to see the Truth of who they are and look past their hostile words
and actions. Im willing to see the light that You created within them. I am
free as I release the past and accept only Your love into my mind and heart.
Thy will be done. Amen

78. Healing a Relationship

Dear God,
I surrender this relationship to You for healing. I am willing to see this person
differently and acknowledge the Truth of who they are. Im willing to know
they are capable of being kind, loving, compassionate, respectful, supportive
and understanding. I am holding a place of peace for both of us and ask for
Your help in healing this relationship. I forgive myself for any judgmental or
critical thoughts. Please take those thoughts from me and heal them for me.
If there is any place in my mind where I have decided I deserve anything less
than love, respect and kindness from others, please heal those thoughts for me.
If I am holding impure thoughts about this person, I surrender these thoughts
to You now. Thank You for Your miracles. I dedicate this relationship to the
highest experience of joy and happiness.
Thy will be done. Amen

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79. Healing from a Breakup

Dear God,
I am feeling great sadness due to the breakup of my relationship and Im not
sure how to cope. I call upon Your love to give me strength and lift me high
above my situation. Help me to remember I am worthy of a kind, loving and
lasting relationship. I release the past and Im willing to accept a future, as
directed by You, that is filled with the love, happiness and consistency. Please
heal my mind of any thought I have that aligns with loss, pain, disappointment
or inconsistency. Please heal my heart and replace my sadness with Your love
and certainty. Thank You for deciding for me about what I should say, think
and do as I go forward to ensure my path is filled with happiness. Im willing
to forgive this person for any words they have used or actions they have
taken that hurt, failed or disappointed me. Im willing to forgive myself for my
mistakes and trust You will show me a future of happiness and undisturbed peace.
Thy will be done. Amen

80. Marital Concerns

Dear God,
Im having problems in my marriage and Im not sure what to do. We are under
tremendous strain and our frustration is growing. I surrender my fears to You
and ask for a complete healing of our relationship. Im willing to see my (husband
or wife) differently. I accept that their true identity has nothing to do with
their negative actions or behaviors. Please help me to see what You created
within them, and that we are capable of being kind, loving, tolerant, wise, peaceful,
intimate, supportive and compassionate. Please help me to see through Your
loving eyes and show me the greatness that You created within us. Im willing
to look directly into the light and Truth of my partner, regardless of how they
are acting or what they are showing me now. Thank You for miracles and for
Your blessing on our relationship.
Thy will be done. Amen

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81. Resisting the Temptation for Conflict

Dear God,
Im feeling tempted to engage in judgment and/or conflict towards another
person. I find their words, habits or behaviors to be annoying or offensive.
Im willing to consider that other people simply mirror our judgments and
limiting thoughts back to us. If I am seeing someone else as inadequate,
then it must be that I am feeling inadequate. If I am judging someone else
as committed to pain, suffering, guilt, misery or attack, then it must be that
I am judging myself with hostility. I am learning that I cannot see in others
what I am unable to identify within myself. Im willing to forgive this person
and use what they are showing me as a reminder to bless and forgive myself.
Please heal my thoughts and help me to see the Truth as You created it.
Thy will be done. Amen

82. Self Acceptance and Worthiness

Dear God,
Help me to remember I am worthy of love in all of my relationships. Please
replace all of my unhealed, limiting or judgmental thoughts about myself with
Your love. I forgive myself for all past mistakes and failures and allow the
purity of Your love to heal my mind and heart. Im willing to see myself as whole,
complete, innocent and pure, as You created me. Please give me the wisdom and
strength to release of the past and claim the love and happiness that is Your
will for me. I dedicate all of my relationships to the Truth, as You created it
and trust that Peace is inevitable. Thank You, in advance, that with You as my
Source, all of my relationships are loving, lasting, harmonious and blessed.
With Your guidance and certainty, I will reach the highest levels of joy and
happiness in all of my relationships.
Thy will be done. Amen

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83. Setting Boundaries with Others

Dear God,
I find it challenging to know when to be supportive to others and when to step
back. Sometimes, I give so much of my time, energy or resources to others that
I feel drained. Im willing to remember that You are the Source and Giver of
everything. It is not up to me to be the Source for another person. When I
attempt to do this, I am acting on a misperception and that is why I feel drained.
We are as You created us; forever safe, secure and provided for in Your abundant
love. I will know the right actions to take based upon my feelings of peace.
If I feel compelled to do something for another and I feel peaceful and/or
joyful about it, then I will know I am following Your direction. When I act
from fear, guilt, anxiety or scarcity, I will know I am responding to illusions.
Please help me to know the difference.
Thy will be done. Amen

84. Business Performance

Dear God,
I have the desire to accelerate in my position and Im facing certain obstacles
that keep me from moving forward. I am learning that whenever I see a block
or something that brings up my fear or concern, that in Truth, I am looking at
an illusion. When this occurs, I can turn my fears over to You, ask for a healed
perception and then let You show me how to move forward. Please help me to see
myself and my co-workers through Your eyes and to remember our capacity for
greatness. I am willing to look past my limitations and see through my perceived
blocks. Please guide me to the most joyful experience of job fulfillment, rewards,
advancement and contribution. Thank You, in advance, for a peaceful, harmonious
and productive atmosphere where each one of us can realize our greatest and
highest potential.
Thy will be done. Amen

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85. Interviews
Dear God,
I am preparing for an interview and I need Your help. I dont feel completely
prepared and Im concerned about the questions Ill be asked. I am learning
that it is not up to me to be certain about my own preparedness. My part is
to be willing to be certain about Yours. I surrender this whole situation to You.
Thank You for guiding me with the perfect thoughts, words, actions and responses
to ensure the greatest possible outcome. Thank You for aligning the right people,
timing and circumstances such that everyone involved is blessed by the experience.
Thank You for gathering all of my thoughts and organizing them into their proper
channels so that I am ready and prepared to answer any question with ease.
With You as my Source and Guide, I am already successful and there is nothing
to fear.
Thy will be done. Amen

86. Promotions

Dear God,
I have a desire to be promoted to a higher position and to take on greater
responsibilities. I surrender this situation to You and ask for Your guidance.
I accept that I couldnt possibly know if this promotion is Divinely aligned for
my highest good. If I move towards this promotion and it should come to me,
then I will know it is aligned for my happiness. If it should move away from me,
then I will know it was not aligned for my happiness and I am equally blessed.
Thank You, in advance, for providing numerous opportunities for me to share my
gifts and talents with the world. Thank You for enabling me to advance in my
position, be valued and generously rewarded for my efforts and to develop and
grow as a person. As I follow Your plan for my happiness, I am assured of the
highest possible outcome in all respects.
Thy will be done. Amen

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87. Sports Performance
Dear God,
Id really like to step up in my performance and abilities. Sometimes I feel
maxed out or not able to move passed my limitations. Im willing to remember
that I draw all of my gifts, talents, abilities and energy from You, my Source
and Provider. Whenever I experience a fall-off of energy or inconsistency in
my performance, I can call upon You and receive immediate help. Thank You, in
advance, for providing me with an abundance of energy and the ability to focus
and perform flawlessly. Thank You for helping me move passed my limiting
thoughts and to excel in the greatness You created with me. As I acknowledge
You as the unlimited Source of my abilities, I open to a higher experience of
excellence in my performance. I am at peace with who I am and blessed with
talent and abilities far beyond anything I have yet experienced.
Thy will be done. Amen


88. Extraordinary Loss

Dear God,
I feel great sadness because something I worked hard for or invested time in
has been taken or destroyed. It feels punishing and its hard to understand why
this happened. I am learning that loss and devastation is not Your will. The only
way I can experience loss is that somewhere in time, I accepted the idea that
loss was possible. If I will surrender these thoughts to You, along with my fears
about my situation, You will correct my errors, restore my mind and offer me a
happy outcome to replace my experience of loss. I surrender my thoughts and
this whole situation to You. Thank You for using my chaos as a means for bringing
me the highest experience of joy, peace and happiness. My future is safe
because You are my Source. There is nothing to fear because my daily needs
and well-being are guaranteed by You.
Thy will be done. Amen
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89. Finding a New Home

Dear God,
I am exploring options for a new place to live. Regardless of my past
experiences, I am willing for this to be a smooth and joyful experience in
every way. Please decide for me about where it should be, what it should
look like and how the details should unfold. Thank You for providing all of
the resources, guidance, supplies, perfect timing and helpful people to ensure
that I find the happiest possible place to live. I am willing to trust You and
acknowledge that Your will for me is for complete and total happiness. I will
know when I have found the right place to live because I will feel peaceful on
every level. Thank You, in advance, for an amazing home, neighbors and com-
munity that are far beyond my greatest expectations. I am willing to receive
the richness of Your blessings and anticipate a joyful outcome in all respects.
Thy will be done. Amen

90. Layoffs & Terminations

Dear God,
I am in a situation where my employment has ended. Im willing to release my
fear and surrender this to You so it can be used for my greater happiness,
abundance and well being. I gladly place my future in Your hands and trust
that I am safe and secure. It is in the realization that I need do so little that
allows You as my Source, to do so much. I will do what is in front of me to do
as I explore the options before me. I walk confidently in the trust that You
are leading me to a greater experience of happiness, fulfillment and abundance.
I will refrain from judging my situation in order to keep my mind quiet and
receptive to Your guidance. I trust that You are guiding my every thought
and action. I accept Your plan as my only plan and I thank You for a peaceful,
harmonious and smooth transition in all respects.
Thy will be done. Amen

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91. New Career or Life Path

Dear God,
I am ready for a new career or life path. Im willing to accept myself and trust
that there have been no mistakes in where I am today. Help me to release the
past and move forward without fear, guilt, regrets or self judgment. With You
as my guide, I am capable of achieving my every hearts desire. Thank You for
showing me the type of work that will bring deep fulfillment, great happiness and
generous rewards. I release my preconceived notions about what I thought I
knew about my own happiness. I want to leave You plenty of space to show me
everything You have in store for me. Thank You for this time of joyful self
discovery and for the happiest possible outcome. I walk in confidence because
with You walk with me. With You as my guide, I am assured of a life path that
brings only joy, happiness, fulfillment and abundance.
Thy will be done. Amen

92. Passing of a Loved One

Dear God,
My heart is heavy due to the passing of someone I love. I cant seem to find
the light or my way back to peace. I call upon the power of Your love to lift me
up and surround me. I need Your strength to heal my heart as I move through
this. I accept that we are all eternal beings and that my loved one is with me now.
As I let go of the feelings of grief and loss, I will be more aware of the constancy
of their love. I ask that Your loving thoughts replace my thoughts of fear and
sadness and loss. Please steady my feet and reinforce every step so I can feel
the safety and comfort of Your love. I am willing to know that my loved one is
happy, healthy and safe in Your care and this brings great peace to my mind
and heart. In the certainty of Your love, strength, confidence and support,
I will find my way back to peace.
Thy will be done. Amen

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93. Searching for a Job

Dear God,
I am looking for a place to work and I havent had much success. I am
concerned that I might not find what I want, or I might settle and accept
something I dont really want. Please decide for me about the perfect job.
I accept that I am worthy of having the job of my dreams, regardless of my
past mistakes or experiences. In Truth, I have never altered what You created
within me. Thank You, in advance, for a job where I can feel happy, valued for
my gifts, talents and contribution, generously rewarded, autonomous, supported,
accepted by others, competent in my position and free to be myself. I am
willing to know that Your plan includes me and as I follow Your guidance,
I am assured of a happy and peaceful outcome in all respects.
Thy will be done. Amen

94. Starting a New Job

Dear God,
I am preparing to start a new job and I ask for Your support and blessing as
I move forward. Regardless of my judgments, thoughts or past experiences,
I am willing for this to be the most amazing job Ive ever had. I accept the
perfection of Your Divine plan exactly as it is unfolding before me. Im eager
to discover the gifts and treasures You have aligned for me. Thank You, in
advance, that the people I work with are harmonious, supportive, helpful and
kind. Thank You for helping me to quickly adapt to my new environment and
for ensuring that my contribution feels meaningful and valued. You are my
Source, therefore I will always be generously rewarded and abundantly blessed.
With Your guidance, I look forward to my new job and trust I will know what
to do and how to do it with the greatest of ease and grace.
Thy will be done. Amen

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The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com
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95. Family Gatherings

Dear God,
My family is planning a gathering and I have some concerns. There are certain
people attending that have a tendency to cause conflict or discomfort for
others. I am learning that my thoughts create my experiences, therefore,
I will not use my fearful thoughts to delay the happiness that is Your will for
us. Im willing to release the past and let go of all of my fears and judgments.
Please help me to see each member of my family as whole and complete and
capable of treating each other with warmth, love and respect. Thank You for
healing my mind of all concerns, so I can look forward to this gathering with
joyful enthusiasm and eager anticipation. Thank You for the great blessing of
Your love, compassion and harmony in the eyes and hearts of every one present.
Thy will be done. Amen

96. Family Members in Turmoil

Dear God,
I need Your help with a member of our family who appears troubled and unhappy.
They are taking their frustration out on the rest of the family and Im not sure
how to handle this. I am willing to remember that nothing really happens to us.
Everything is happening from us at some level. When I see this person act out
and then I feel fearful, disrespected or unloved, I am willing to surrender my
thoughts and feelings to You and let You restore my mind to wholeness. Please
remind me that I deserve love, happiness, respect and a peaceful home. I am
willing to see this person as You created them instead of identifying them by
their moods, habits and fears. I surrender this whole situation to You and ask
for peace in our relationship. Thank You for replacing my judgments, fears
and grievances with Your love and miracles.
Thy will be done. Amen

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The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com
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97. Family Members with Illness

Dear God,
I am concerned about a member of our family. This beloved one is experiencing
illness and/or pain and I feel helpless because I dont know how to help them or
solve their situation. Im willing to know that the greatest thing I can do, is to
remember the Truth about them until they can remember it for themselves.
Please help me to see their wholeness and perfection, just as You created it.
There is nothing that can alter, change, damage or threaten them because they
are one with You. I am a witness to the wholeness within them. Please help me
to keep my mind aligned with the Truth on their behalf. Thank You, in advance,
for their complete safety, comfort and protection as You heal our fearful
thoughts and guide us back to peace. In the acknowledgement of Truth,
our minds are restored to wholeness and we are free.
Thy will be done. Amen

98. Loved Ones in the Hospital

Dear God,
I am concerned about one of my loved ones in the hospital. I surrender my
fears to You and dedicate this whole situation to peace. Im willing to remember
they are whole and complete as You created them, now and forever. In Truth,
they cannot be altered, harmed or threatened. As I hold a place for Truth in
my mind, I open a space for You to enter and intervene on our behalf. Please
heal my mind of any trace of doubt, worry or fear. You are the one and only
Source and we have never been separated from You or the mighty protection
of Your love. I am willing to see this situation differently and ask for a healed
perception. Let miracles replace all of my fears. Im willing to see my loved
one as healed and whole, until they are able to remember this for themselves.
In the comfort of Your love and certainty, there is nothing to fear.
Thy will be done. Amen

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The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com
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99. Loved Ones in the Military

Dear God,
One of my loved ones is serving in the military. By the nature of their daily
activities, there appears to be great potential for harm or danger. I will not
give even one moment of my time to fearful thoughts on their behalf. Instead,
I gladly turn these thoughts over to You and ask for Your calm, loving and
peaceful thoughts to take their place. Im willing to know that wherever my
loved ones are, that You are with them and You are ensuring their safety,
comfort, protection and well being. I will stand strong in my faith and trust
that You are overseeing every detail and there is nothing to fear. Let Your
peaceful certainty replace my fearful thoughts whenever they arise. I trust
that my loved one and all of their comrades are safe, protected and provided
for in all respects. May Your angels surround them with love and comfort.
Thy will be done. Amen

100. Loved Ones in Turmoil

Dear God,
I am deeply concerned for the well being of one or more of my loved ones.
I feel worried about their situation and powerless in knowing what to do or
how to help them. I choose to remember that You are their Source and Supply.
It is not up to me to fix, change or resolve their circumstances. My part is to
love them and remember the Truth about them until they can remember it for
themselves. With Your powerful wisdom, guidance and resources, they have
everything they need to create a peaceful, happy, harmonious and abundant life.
Regardless of their actions or circumstances, they are as You created them and
their true identity cannot be diminished. I surrender this situation to You and
trust that a peaceful outcome is guaranteed for everyone involved. With Your
love and certainty, I have nothing to fear.
Thy will be done. Amen

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101. Parents

Dear God,
There are challenges regarding one of my parents and I need Your help. Being
that we are of one mind, I am willing to remember the Truth for them until they
can remember it for themselves. I am willing to see them as whole, complete,
safe, loving, abundant, fulfilled, capable and strong. Please help me to see
through the images I see with my eyes and into the Divine Truth as You created
it. I am willing to turn my fears, worries and concerns over to You and trust that
their future is safe and secure, because You are their eternal Source and Supply.
If there are steps to be taken in support of them, I trust You will tell me what
they are and will then show me how to easily and competently take action.
I dedicate this situation to peace. I am assured of their safety, comfort
and well being because of Your perfect love.
Thy will be done. Amen

102. Pets

Dear God,
I am concerned about the well being of one of Your beautiful creatures and
I need Your help. As I experience this situation, I am concerned and do not
want my fear to add to or perpetuate the problem. I surrender my fears to
You and trust that this precious being is already safe in Your loving care. I am
willing to remember the Truth on their behalf and the wholeness, happiness and
comfort that is Your will for them. They are as You created them. In Truth,
they are eternal beings and cannot be altered or diminished by anything of this
earth. In the presence of Your love, pain and suffering are never required.
Help me to feel the safety and comfort of Your love as You guide us through
this. I accept Your Divine will wherever it leads us, because only Your plan
can lead us to the peace and happiness we deserve.
Thy will be done. Amen

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103. Acne

Dear God,
I have a problem with acne and Im embarrassed about how I look. I am
learning that my thoughts create my experiences, therefore, if Im not happy
with how I look on the outside, then I must be judging myself on the inside.
Please help me to heal my thoughts about myself and see the beauty and
greatness that You created within me. I am willing to see myself differently.
Thank You for trading my judgmental thoughts about myself with Your loving
thoughts for me. Thank You for helping me to feel peaceful, comfortable and
happy in my own skin. When I feel tempted to judge myself or my appearance,
I will use that feeling as a signal to remember I am loved, whole, complete and
flawless, exactly as You created me. As I remember the Truth within myself,
my outer experiences are transformed and healed.
Thy will be done. Amen

104. College & Higher Education

Dear God,
Im looking forward to going on to college, but there are many obstacles in the
way. Everything is so expensive and my grades are not what Id like them to be.
I am learning that I can bring any problem to You and if I will give it to You,
that You will help me with it. I gladly turn this one over to You. Please help
me to see myself as capable of being accepted into the college of my dreams.
Thank You for the wisdom, resources, talents, abilities and exam scores to
ensure a peaceful and happy outcome. I am willing to remember that with
Your help, all things are possible. I accept that You have a Divine plan for
my happiness all laid out for me and I will listen for Your guidance on how to
proceed. Thank You, in advance, for an amazing, miraculous and effortless
college experience in all respects.
Thy will be done. Amen

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105. Grades & Homework

Dear God,
Im having a tough time with my grades and homework. Id like to improve,
but I dont have the interest or motivation to get it done. Im frustrated
because other people make all the decisions regarding my life and then I have
to respond to whatever they decide. If I dont do what they want me to,
then they get upset or angry with me. Please help me to see this situation
differently so it can be healed. Im willing to see that everyone involved is
acting out of support for me and my best interests. I accept that You created
me with great intelligence, power and capabilities. As I think higher thoughts
about myself, then other people will show up and mirror those thoughts to me
in a reasonable and supportive way. Please motivate me to claim my power and
to actively contribute to my own success and potential for greatness.
Thy will be done. Amen

106. Peer Pressure

Dear God,
Im feeling a lot of pressure from other people that I should be, look or act
in a different way. I am learning that my thoughts create my experiences and
whatever I experience on the outside is a projection of what I am thinking on
the inside. If I am feeling judged or pressured by others (outwardly), then I
must be judging myself as inadequate (inwardly). In order to stop this vicious
cycle, Im willing to see the best in myself and know I am capable of achieving
anything I set my mind to. Thank You for helping me to accept myself exactly
as I am. Im willing to appreciate my unique qualities and appearance as an
essential part of who I am. Please help me to see others as capable of being
accepting of me. With Your strength, I will stop giving power to the things
people say and do that are not in my best interest.
Thy will be done. Amen

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107. Fear of Darkness
(This is a helpful prayer for children to memorize and say daily or before bedtime.)

Dear God,
In the light of the sun, Your love shines on me. In the dark of the night,
Your love surrounds me. In the song of the birds, Your love sings to me.
In the scent of the flowers, Your love fills the air. Wherever I am, You are
one with me, loving me, protecting me and keeping me safe. I am safe and
all through the day or night because You never sleep.
Thy will be done. Amen

108. Schoolwork

Dear God,
You are all-powerful, all-wise and all-loving and You created me to be a part
of You. You are like the sun and I am like a ray of the sun. I will always have
everything I need because You are my Source and You want me to be happy.
Thank You for helping me with my schoolwork so it will always be easy for me.
I am very smart and able to do whatever I need to do because I am one with
You. Whenever I dont know what to do or how to do it, I can pause for a
moment and ask for Your help and You will always help me. Thank You, in advance,
for making sure I have everything I need even before I need it. This will save
me a lot of time.
Thy will be done. Amen

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The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com
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109. Abandonment

Dear God,
Ive had experiences in the past where I have felt abandoned and Im afraid it
will happen again. Im willing to remember that You are my all-loving Source and
there is no place where You and I are separate. In Truth, I cannot be abandoned
because love cannot be fragmented. I felt abandoned in the past because I
forgot the Truth of who I was and accepted the idea that I could be separated
from You, the Source of Love itself. Because I held the idea that I could be
abandoned, I had an experience to mirror my belief back to me. Within my mind,
I have the capacity to forget the Truth, but not to abandon it. Please heal my
mind of all false ideas and replace my fearful thoughts with peace, joy, happiness
and contentment. As I align with the Truth, I am assured of a life filled with
love and lasting companionship.
Thy will be done. Amen

110. Being Alone

Dear God,
I am fearful of being alone and of not having someone to share my life with.
Please take this fear from me and replace it with Your love. I trust that Your
Divine plan includes me and that You have a perfect master plan to ensure my
happiness. I release the past and place my future in Your capable hands. With
You as my Source and Provider, my life is certain to be blessed and surrounded
in love and companionship. I am grateful for all that You have given and look
forward to all that You have in store for me. Thank You for bringing people into
my life that love, accept and cherish me for who I am. Help me to release the
past and see others as capable of a joyful, lasting relationship that grows richer
over time. Thank You for a life filled with peace, happiness and the life-long
joys of loving relationship.
Thy will be done. Amen

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The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com
Copyright 2011


111. Claustrophobia

Dear God,
I feel really uncomfortable in confined spaces. I am learning that I am a light-
filled infinite being who is traveling in a finite body. It makes sense that I
wouldnt want to feel confined or restricted, as confinement is the opposite of
my natural state of being. Thank You for helping me to understand that when
I feel confined, it is my body that is feeling restricted and not me. I am not a
body and therefore, I cannot be confined. I am free because You created me.
As I remember the Truth of who I am, it is not possible that I could be confined
by anyone or anything. It is the Truth that sets us free. Whether my body
occupies the smallest space or the largest space, I am forever free and at one
with You. In the light of this awareness, I can feel safe and enjoy myself
wherever I am, comfortably and peacefully.
Thy will be done. Amen

112. Death

Dear God,
I have a fear of death and I need Your help. I am learning that we are eternal
beings and that, in Truth, only love is real and death is impossible. This is hard
to understand, given that I have seen or heard about many people who have gone
through the process of death. Im willing to consider that what I see with my eyes
is not the whole picture. If I could see that death is a transition to a higher and
happier state of being, then I would no longer be fearful. I accept that what You
created has no end and there is nothing to fear. As my loved ones make their
transitions, please replace my grief and sense of loss with Your assurance that
we can never be separated. Help me to find comfort in our love for each other
and celebration in our oneness with You. In the presence of Your love, we are
forever safe and at home.
Thy will be done. Amen

Miracles in Prayer Complimentary eBook by Robin Duncan 74
The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com
Copyright 2011


113. Dentist

Dear God,
I need some dental work and I am feeling fearful. Please take this fear from
me and replace it with the comfort of Your love. I release my past experiences
and hold a willingness to see this situation differently. Please help me remember
that Your Divine plan includes me and that You will ensure that my every need
is met with ease. Thank You, in advance, for an amazingly calm, peaceful,
comfortable and pain-free dental experience. I trust that everyone involved
in my dental care is selected by You and they are certain to be highly skilled,
competent, caring and supportive. Thank You for a speedy recovery and lasting
results that exceed all of my expectations. With Your love, protection and
certainty, I am assured of the peaceful outcome and a wonderful dental
experience in all respects.
Thy will be done. Amen

114. Driving

Dear God,
Over time, I have grown fearful of driving. Im finding that my fear is restricting
my traveling options and keeping me from driving when and where I want to.
Please take this fear from me and replace it with You calming peace, confidence
and certainty. Im willing to remember that it is Your love that ensures my safety
and security whenever I drive. With Your guidance, I am a capable and competent
driver. In the certainty of Your protection, I can enjoy the experience of driving
and safely reach my destinations. If there is any place in my mind where I have
decided against myself or my driving ability, then please heal those thoughts for
me and restore my mind to peace. Thank You for surrounding me and my car with
Your Angels when I drive and for opening my mind to greater peace, happiness
and freedom in my life.
Thy will be done. Amen

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115. Future

Dear God,
I have some fears about the future and sometimes it consumes my mind and
keeps me from moving forward. I am learning that when Im in fear, it is because
I am relying on myself and my own decision-making. I am willing to place my
future in Your hands and accept Your plan for my happiness. While I listen for
Your guidance, I will do whats in front of me to do, without judgment. I will know
I am following Your guidance when I feel peaceful and compelled to take action.
By accepting Your plan without resistance, I open myself to receive the great
blessings of my Divine inheritance. I surrender my life to You emotionally,
physically, financially and spiritually and thank You for orchestrating every detail
on my behalf. My future happiness is a natural effect of my present willingness
to accept Your love, protection and guidance.
Thy will be done. Amen

116. Heights

Dear God,
My fear of heights is keeping me from experiencing life on a higher level,
literally! If there is any place in my mind where I am holding on to this fear,
please heal my thoughts and restore my mind to peace. I accept that I am an
infinite spirit with the capacity for power and greatness beyond measure. Even
the tallest building, the highest mountain-top or the most distant star is already
within my own being. When I travel to greater heights, my infinite Self is already
there to welcome me. There is nothing outside of me because I am one with You.
Please take my fearful thoughts and help me to feel the all-powerful protection
of Your love. Please remind me that I am safe, secure and invulnerable at any
height because I am one with You. In the awareness of Your love, I am insulated
from harm or danger of any kind.
Thy will be done. Amen

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117. Nightmares

Dear God,
I am experiencing nightmares and they are keeping me from a peaceful night
of rest. I am learning that whether I am awake or asleep, my thoughts create
my experiences. Please help me to release my fears, worries and judgments
throughout the day, so I can enjoy a peaceful state of mind when Im asleep.
I am willing to place my future and my loved ones in Your capable hands. I am
willing to know that it is not up to me to analyze or solve my perceived problems.
My part is to notice when Im starting to feel concerned and then quickly turn
my thoughts over to You for healing. As I surrender my grievances about the
past and my fears about the future to You, I will hear Your guidance and
experience the tangible evidence of Your love. Thank You for ensuring my
well-being and for that of my loved ones, all throughout the day and night.
Thy will be done. Amen

118. Phobias

Dear God,
Under certain conditions, I become overly fearful and distressed. I am learning
that FEAR causes DELAY. Whenever I hold onto a fearful thought, I am delaying
the peace and happiness that is Your will for me. I have no interest in using this
phobia to delay the joyful gifts and great happiness that are Your will for me.
Somewhere in the past, I must have decided that I wasnt safe under certain
conditions. Please heal my fearful thoughts and judgments, and replace them with
the comfort of Your love. I am never outside of Your protection, regardless of
my circumstances. With Your guidance, I am capable of making wise, loving choices
for myself and my well being. If I feel fearful, I can call upon Your love to restore
my peace of mind. Wherever I am, You are. In the presence of Your love, there
is nothing to fear.
Thy will be done. Amen

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119. Public Speaking

Dear God,
I have a fear of speaking in public because I dont want to be judged, criticized
or feel embarrassed. I am learning that I am not in this by myself. Please help
me remember that You are my Source and Provider. I dont have to be flawless
in my performance, as long as I rely on the certainty of Your performance.
Im willing to trust Your ability to have the perfect thoughts, words, timing,
humor and confidence to deliver a perfect presentation through me. I am Your
Divine instrument of peace and communication. Thank You, for gathering my
unformed thoughts into their proper channels and unfolding these thoughts
exactly as I need them. I accept the greatness that flows through me and
comes not of me. With Your perfect direction, my presentation is certain to
be excellent in all respects.
Thy will be done. Amen

120. Test Anxiety

Dear God,
I have an upcoming test and I need Your help. As my anxiety increases, I tend
to lose my ability to perform and think clearly. I will do my best to prepare for
the exam, however I will rely on Your wisdom, clarity and certainty to ensure my
success. Please help me to feel calm, confident and decisive as I go through the
exam process. Im willing to allow myself the experience of great success on
every level, regardless of past experiences. With You as my Source, I have
the knowledge, resources and capacity to accomplish anything I am asked to do.
Thank You, in advance, for an easy, effortless and miraculous test-taking
experience. With the comfort of Your love and brilliance of Your guidance,
I might even enjoy the process.
Thy will be done. Amen

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121. Caretakers

Dear God,
I am taking care of another person who is unable to care for themselves.
There are times when I feel frustrated, exhausted, alone or unable to find
time for myself. Please help me remember that You are the Source and Provider
of everything for everyone and You have not lost our files. I surrender this
situation to You and trust You to provide the support and resources to abundantly
meet our needs. I am learning that it is not Your will that I should suffer or
sacrifice my peace. If or when I feel overwhelmed, I can turn to You and
remember that Your will is for my greatest happiness. If there is a task that
it not peaceful or joyful for me to do, then I can ask You for more a joyful
alternative. Please give me the strength to do whats in front of me to do
and help me to find great joy and fulfillment in my life and daily activities.
Thy will be done. Amen

122. Childbirth

Dear God,
Im going to have a baby and I have some concerns. I call upon Your love to
reassure me that every detail is in Divine and perfect order. Im willing to
know that You have carefully planned out an amazing and happy outcome for
everyone involved. Help me remember that my body is perfectly designed for
childbirth and that my labor and delivery will be calm, swift and peaceful.
Thank You for ensuring that everyone present at the birth is competent, trained
and capable of handling the birth with ease. Thank You that my baby is healthy,
strong, whole and perfect, just as You created them. I trust that the birth and
my recovery will be easier and more magnificent than I ever thought possible.
With Your Divine plan, I am certain to have a wonderful and miraculous
childbirth in all respects.
Thy will be done. Amen

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123. Clutter

Dear God,
I am surrounded by clutter and dont have the energy or motivation to clean
it up. I am learning that what I see with my eyes is the effect of my inner
thoughts and beliefs. I am also learning that it is not helpful to go to my own
mind for healing, since it is my own thoughts that created my perceived
problems. I surrender this whole situation to You and ask for healing and
radical transformation. Please heal my mind of all clutter, confusion, fear,
guilt and judgment and restore it to peace. Im willing to see myself as worthy
of a happy, clean, orderly and beautiful environment. I am relieved of all
burdens as I turn my perceived problems over to You to heal for me. With
this loving action, I will have much more time and energy to organize my
environment and enjoy the happiness, health and carefree living that is
Your will for me.
Thy will be done. Amen

124. Computer Problems

Dear God,
Im having difficulty with my computer equipment and I am not able to retrieve
my information or accomplish what needs to be done. I am learning that there
is no order of difficulty in miracles. This means that no matter what size the
problem is, I can call upon You for assistance and be guided back to peace.
When I am not experiencing peace, then I must have a misperception that is
blocking my awareness. Today, I bring all of my misperceptions to You for
correction. Thank You for healing any place in my mind that feels I should be
deprived, punished or delayed from having something I need. I ask for the
Truth instead of these thoughts and ask that You restore my mind to wholeness.
I accept Your plan as my only plan. Thank You for taking away my fear and
concerns and replacing them with Your love and miracles.
Thy will be done. Amen

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125. Conflict with Neighbors

Dear God,
I am experiencing conflict with another person and I am angry and frustrated
by their words and/or actions. Im finding it very challenging to remain peaceful
and I need Your help. I am learning that when I refrain from judgment and hold
a willingness to remain peaceful, that I am more likely to hear Your guidance and
receive an answer to solve my problem. I am willing to give up my need to be
right about my judgments, so I can be shown a peaceful and happy outcome.
When I choose to act in anger or judgment, I join with and perpetuate the
problem. When I respond in peace, forgiveness and acceptance, I invite Your
perfect and timely solutions. Thank You for lifting my thoughts to a higher
place so I can align with and receive Your wisdom. Thank You for Your ideal
solutions to ensure everything is peacefully resolved between us.
Thy will be done. Amen

126. Dating

Dear God,
I am learning that fear causes delay, therefore I need Your help when it comes
to dating. Please take my fears and help me to see myself as whole, complete,
desirable and worthy of a loving relationship. I trust that Your Divine plan will
ensure my happiness. Thank You, in advance, for a loving partner and friend
to share my life with. Please help us to see the greatness within each other,
without judgment, and to experience a deeply fulfilling relationship based on
love without fear. I release my hurts from the past and ask that all of my
relationships be healed and made whole. Thank You for a spectacular dating
experience in all respects. I will be patient with Your timing as I enjoy the
blessings of every Divine encounter You send my way. Thank You, in advance,
for a loving, lasting partnership of the soul.
Thy will be done. Amen

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The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com
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127. Hair Loss

Dear God,
I am concerned because Im losing my hair and I gladly surrender this problem
to You for healing. I am learning that there is no order of difficulty in miracles
and for every problem there is a Divine correction, regardless of its size or
complexity. Please let miracles replace my fear. If there is any place in my
mind where I am holding onto worry, doubt or stress, please heal that part of
my mind. I am willing to trust You and Your plan for my happiness. Please decide
for me about the challenges I face and show me exactly what to do and how to
do it. Im willing to listen and follow Your guidance in all respects. With Your
confidence, I am strong. With Your comfort, I am calm. With Your protection,
all of my loved ones are safe and secure. With Your resources, I am abundantly
provided for. I can relax in the safety of Your love.
Thy will be done. Amen

128. Infertility

Dear God,
It is my joyful desire to have a child and I have some concerns in this area.
Today, I surrender all of my concerns to You for healing. I hold a place in mind
for the experience of an amazing pregnancy from the sacred instant of conception
to the miraculous moment of delivery. With You guiding my every step, I will
be a loving, capable and confident parent in all respects. If there is any place in
my mind where I am fearful or have decided against pregnancy or parenthood,
please heal those thoughts for me and restore my mind to peace. release the
past and ask for Your love and miracles to replace all of my fears. Thank You,
in advance, for bringing me the greatest experience of pregnancy, childbirth
and parenthood. I gladly receive the abundance of Your blessings with only
joy and peace in my mind and heart.
Thy will be done. Amen

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129. Loss of a Loved One

Dear God,
There are no words to describe how I feel. Please hold me in Your heart and
surround me with Your love. I am willing to accept that there are reasons for
this that are beyond my understanding. Help me to see that there is nothing
I could have done to change this. I accept that the decisions about when we
come and go are made between You and the Soul as part of a carefully thought-
out plan to fulfill their eternal path. Please give me Divine understanding and
remind me often that my loved one is safe and happy in Your loving care.
Please heal my heart and breathe Your love and strength into me. Replace
my sadness and grief with the love, joy, happiness and beautiful moments that
we have shared together. We are one with each other and our love can never
be separated. In the light of this awareness, I will find my peace.
Thy will be done. Amen

130. Lost or Missing Items

Dear God,
I have misplaced or lost something that is important to me. I am learning that
in the presence of Divine Wisdom, nothing is lost. Everything has its perfect
place and its whereabouts are known by You with clarity and certainty. I am
willing to quiet my mind and allow You to communicate with me, so that I can be
shown where this item is and it can be returned to its rightful place. I trust
that this will be easily accomplished and corrected in perfect Divine order.
If for some reason, this item is more divinely needed in another place or with
another person, I release my need to have it with me and trust that all of my
needs are abundantly fulfilled by You. Regardless of the outcome, I am safe,
whole and entitled to peace and happiness. Thank You, in advance, for miracles
and for Your perfect guidance and loving response.
Thy will be done. Amen

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The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com
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131. Miscarriage

Dear God,
I had a miscarriage and I dont understand why this happened. Im willing to
consider that everything has a perfect time and place. For some important
reason, it wasnt the right time for this little one to enter. Help me to accept
the things I dont understand and to trust Your wisdom and Divine plan for my
happiness. When the timing is right, I accept that every detail will be perfectly
aligned for my babys highest good and greatest happiness. Please help me to
love myself and release my grief and sadness. I will not use this experience to
deny Your love or block the great blessings You have in store for us. I will rely
on Your strength to find my way back to peace. Thank You for healing my heart
and reminding me that heaven is working on my behalf for the highest good of
everyone involved.
Thy will be done. Amen

132. Traffic
Dear God,
I am stuck in traffic and Im concerned that I will not get to my destination
on time. I am learning that wherever I am, I am exactly where I am intended
to be. I am also learning that I will find peace once I give up my desire to control
reality. I dont think I have mastered this one, so I need some help today!
I am willing to release my concerns and accept Your plan for me, without
resistance. I trust that You are acutely aware of my needs and that You are
carefully arranging every detail on my behalf. I will not use this situation to
delay the happiness that is Your will for me. Thank You, in advance, for ensuring
that I reach my destination in a timely manner. I will find peace right where
I am because You are with me. Thank You for a safe, smooth and easy journey
and a peaceful outcome in all respects.
Thy will be done. Amen

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133. Travel
Dear God,
I am preparing to travel and would like to make a reservation for peace. Thank You
for arranging every detail on my behalf including: the perfect transportation, money,
resources, weather, timing, food, provisions, safety and all the wonderful people I will
meet along the way. I will travel with confidence in my heart because You are with
me and my well-being is assured. Thank You, in advance, for a smooth, amazing and
miraculous trip in all respects. I accept Your plan for my happiness and look forward
to the treasures, blessings and joyful encounters You have in store for me. With Your
perfect planning on my behalf, a peaceful and happy outcome is certain.
Thy will be done. Amen

134. Weddings

Dear God,
I am planning my wedding and look forward to the joy of being married. I call
upon Your love to guide us as we go forward together. With You as our Guide,
we can walk confidently in peace, trusting that all of our needs will be abundantly
met. Thank You for giving us patience, compassion, acceptance and understanding
in our relationship. Thank You for sanctifying and strengthening our love with
Your light, such that no darkness can come to us. If we forget the Truth about
one another, please remind us, so we can get back to the peace and happiness
that is Your will for us. Thank You, in advance, for the most beautiful wedding
in all respects. I am making a reservation for peace so that all those who join
us or whose lives we touch, will be blessed by our union. Thank You for the
blessing of Your love on our lives together.
Thy will be done. Amen

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135. 2012

Dear God,
I am feeling anxious about 2012 because there are many people that are
planning for disaster and/or devastation. I surrender this to You and ask that
You heal my mind of all fear, worry and doubt. While there are many fearful
opinions, I will stand in the safety and certainty of Your love. I am secure
because there is nothing outside of Your Divine plan for my happiness. In the
awareness of Your love, there is nothing to fear. In the light of Your protection,
I am safe from harm of any kind. It is not required that I be free of fear.
My part is to turn my fearful thoughts over to You as they occur and let You
restore my mind to peace. Please help me to see through Your eyes, to think
with Your thoughts and accept only what You have given. I am safe and at
peace in Your Divine love and protection, now and forever.
Thy will be done. Amen

136. Earthquakes

Dear God,
I am fearful of earthquakes because Ive seen the devastation they can cause.
Please heal these darkened images from my mind. I choose to hold only peace in
my heart on behalf of Mother Earth and for those who are in fear, until there
is a unanimous choice for peace. Through our Divine right to happiness, we
celebrate our safety and joyfully anticipate our future. I am learning that what
I see with my eyes is the outward effect of my inward consciousness. Instead
of asking You to prevent earthquakes, I ask that You heal my mind of any thoughts
of earthquakes, disasters, loss, fear or destruction and restore my mind to peace.
Thank You for the blessing of Mother Earth. In love and appreciation, I send
my calmness, quiet peace and enormous gratitude into the earth that she may
feel the soothing bliss of my contentment.
Thy will be done. Amen

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137. Economy

Dear God,
If I were to listen to the daily news, I could easily go into fear, worry and
distress about the economy and its effect on my future. I am learning that
what I hear with my ears and see with my eyes is the effect of my past
thoughts. If I want to have a future that is unlike the past, I must create
a space for peace in my mind in order to have peace, now and in the future.
Therefore, I will not use what I see with my eyes or hear with my ears to
define my condition or validate my fears about the economy. Instead, I will
rely on Your certainty that what You created is only good, happy, whole,
complete and abundant. In Truth, there is nothing to fear and my future is
filled with invulnerable peace, joy, happiness and abundance. I can move forward
with a carefree and happy heart because my future is in Your loving hands.
Thy will be done. Amen

138. Epidemics

Dear God,
Many people believe that epidemics are a natural part of life on earth.
Concepts such as contagion, virus and disease have become common in our
daily lives. I am learning that repetition does not define the Truth. The Truth
is that we are one with You and the perfection You created within us cannot
be altered. illusions are seen as real because of the power we give them and
our unquestioned belief in their reality. I seek only to know the Truth of who
I am and accept only that which You have given. I am as You created me. Please
help me to reclaim the perfection and wholeness of my natural state of being.
In the light of Truth, I am invulnerable to illusions of any kind. I will do what
is in front of me to do, without judgment or fear, trusting that my safety and
well-being is preserved by Your ever-present certainty.
Thy will be done. Amen

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139. Fire

Dear God,
I am feeling threatened by a nearby fire and I need Your help. Please heal any place
in my mind where I have accepted that loss, damage, destruction or despair are even
possible. I am willing to see all of this differently. As Your child, safety and happiness
is my Divine birthright. Please heal my fearful thoughts and let the Truth correct all
the errors in my mind. I am learning that it is not up to me to be free of fear. My part
is to not hold on to my fearful thoughts as they occur. In this gentle space, I accept
Your protection and reassurance that there is nothing to fear. Thank You, in advance,
for the highest experience of peace and safety for everyone involved. I will remain calm
and confident as I follow the peaceful and loving guidance I receive. Thank You for
ensuring our safety and well being in all respects.
Thy will be done. Amen

140. War
Dear God,
In war, I see the death and destruction that has brought centuries of hatred,
grief, pain, sorrow, scarcity and loss. Despite what I see with my eyes, Im
willing to consider there is another way of looking at this. It is our thoughts
that create our experiences. Our long-standing belief in pain, suffering, loss
and sacrifice is producing this misery and this is not Your will for us. If I will
accept the grace of Your wisdom, my thoughts can be healed and the Truth can
be restored to my mind. As You heal my thoughts and beliefs, the projection of
pain and suffering I see with my eyes will be transformed to peace. I will not
use these darkened images to reinforce my belief in pain or block the awareness
of Your love. I have no use or value for war, pain, loss or destruction of any kind.
I gladly surrender these thoughts to You for complete and total healing from my
mind on behalf of all mankind. Instead of asking You to stop the war, I ask that
You help me to forgive my grievances and heal my mind of all fear and judgment.
As my mind is healed, the beauty, innocence and grace of Your creation can be
unveiled to bless my eyes. I accept that Your will is for our happiness. I choose
peace today and will be vigilant on its behalf.
Thy will be done. Amen

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The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com
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141. World Peace

Dear God,
I hold a joyful vision of peace in my heart that encompasses all generations
of mankind. Despite what I see with my eyes, a gentle voice still calls to me
and reminds me that we have not fallen from Your grace. I am learning that
with my willingness, I can invite the memory of Truth back into my mind. As
he Truth is remembered, the illusions of pain, suffering, loss and despair are
undone and are replaced with the calm serenity of Your love. In the light of
Truth, there is no darkness. In the presence of Your love, there is nothing to
fear. I realize that I cannot be angry and peaceful at the same time, therefore,
I choose peace today. I forgive those who have trespassed against me because,
in Truth, they have never altered the eternal wholeness and perfection that You
created within me. It is on this basis that I forgive them and free my Self.
I am learning that the memory of Your love can only return to a peaceful mind.
It is through my willingness to forgive that I create a home for peace and invite
the memory of Your perfect love back into my mind. If there is any place in my
mind where I am holding onto judgmental thoughts of anger, hatred or resentment,
please take those thoughts from me and heal them for me. I choose only peace
and ask that You replace my fearful thoughts and grievances with Your loving
thoughts and miracles. As my perceptions are healed, my mind will clear and
the tangible experience of a loving, peaceful world will rise to bless my eyes.
Thy will be done. Amen

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The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com
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142. I Am Abundant

Dear God,
I am as You created me. There is nothing of this earth or outside of me
that can alter, harm, damage, threaten or take away my ABUNDANCE or my
SOURCE OF ABUNDANCE. You are my Source and Provider and created me
as ABUNDANTLY BLESSED in all respects, now and forever. Even with my
greatest mistakes and failures, I have never altered the Truth of who I am
or my capacity for ABUNDANCE. Only the Truth is true. In the light of Truth,
all illusions are dissolved. In the presence of light, there is no darkness.
In the awareness of Your love, there is nothing to fear. I am one with You
and I gladly claim my Divine inheritance of love, happiness, health, wholeness
and abundance as You have given it. Thank You that I am always abundantly
provided for and I can rest in the safety and certainty of Your love.
Thy will be done. Amen

143. I Am Loved

Dear God,
I am as You created me. There is nothing of this earth or outside of me that
can alter, harm, damage, threaten or take away the LOVE that You have given
me. You created me in Your perfect love, now and forever. What You created
within me is the Truth of who I am and only the Truth is true. In the light of
Truth, all illusions are dissolved. In the presence of light, there is no darkness.
In the awareness of Your love, there is nothing to fear. I am one with You and
I gladly claim my Divine inheritance of love, happiness, health, wholeness and
abundance as You have given it. Thank You for the certainty of Your love and
that even my greatest illusions have never altered the Truth of who I am.
Thy will be done. Amen

Miracles in Prayer Complimentary eBook by Robin Duncan 90
The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com
Copyright 2011


144. I Am Safe

Dear God,
I am as You created me. There is nothing of this earth or outside of me that
can alter, harm, damage, threaten or take away the safety that You have given
me. You created me in the Divine safety and protection of Your love and light,
now and forever. What You created within me is the Truth of who I am and only
the Truth is true. In the light of Truth, all illusions are dissolved. In the
presence of light, there is no darkness. In the awareness of Your love, there is
nothing to fear. I am one with You and I gladly claim my Divine inheritance of
love, happiness, health, wholeness and abundance as You have given it. Thank
You that I can rest in the safety and certainty of Your protection and that
even my greatest illusions have never altered the Truth of who I am.
Thy will be done. Amen

145. I Am Whole

Dear God,
I am as You created me. There is nothing of this earth or outside of me that
can alter, harm, damage, threaten or take away the wholeness that You have
given me. You created me as whole and complete, now and forever. What You
created within me is the Truth of who I am and only the Truth is true. In the
light of Truth, all illusions are dissolved. In the presence of light, there is no
darkness. In the awareness of Your love, there is nothing to fear. I am one
with You and I gladly claim my Divine inheritance of love, happiness, health,
wholeness and abundance as You have given it. Thank You that I can rest in
the safety and certainty of Your love and that even my greatest illusions
have never altered the Truth of who I am.
Thy will be done. Amen

Miracles in Prayer Complimentary eBook by Robin Duncan 91
The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com
Copyright 2011


146. I Am Worthy

Dear God,
I am as You created me. There is nothing of this earth or outside of me that
can alter, harm, damage, threaten or take away my worthiness of Your love.
You created me as worthy of receiving Your love, abundance and blessings, now
and forever. Even with my greatest mistakes and failures, I have never altered
my worthiness. What You created within me is the Truth of who I am and only
the Truth is true. In the light of Truth, all illusions are dissolved. In the
presence of light, there is no darkness. In the awareness of Your love, there
is nothing to fear. I am one with You and I gladly claim my Divine inheritance
f love, happiness, health, wholeness and abundance as You have given it. Thank
You that I am worthy of all of Your Divine gifts and blessings and I can rest
in the safety and certainty of Your love.
Thy will be done. Amen

147. Ending Illusions long version
(Hold your judgment, problem or concern in your mind and say)

There is a little and insignificant part of my mind that has a belief in what
I am experiencing now. This belief is false and it is based on a misperception.
I am looking at the consequence of a misperception. It is the function of the
bodys eyes and senses to bring this experience to me to validate my belief.
I am looking at an illusion based on a thought I had that is not true. It is not
real and it does not mean anything. I will not give it power or assign it value.
It has no power or value of its own. Illusions have no negative effects unless
I use them to delay my happiness. I have no interest in illusions and there is
nothing to fear. I am one with God and I stand in the light and Truth of who
I am. I ask that all of my illusions be replaced with miracles. As a child of
God, I deserve only joy, peace, happiness, health and abundance.
Thy will be done. Amen

Miracles in Prayer Complimentary eBook by Robin Duncan 92
The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com
Copyright 2011


148. Ending Illusions Mantra
(Hold your judgment, problem or concern in your mind and say)

There is a little and insignificant part of my mind that has a belief that ___________
and I am looking at it now. It is the function of the bodys eyes and senses to bring this
to me to validate my belief. It is not real and it does not mean anything. It is not up to
me to solve this because it is not real and there is nothing broken. I will not give it power
or assign it value. Illusions are not real and I will not use them to perpetuate my belief
as a means of delaying my happiness. I am as God created me. I accept only the joy,
happiness, health and abundance that He wills for me.
Thy will be done. Amen

149. Ending Illusions Mantra Practical Example
(Example of applying this mantra on the belief of not having enough money)

There is a little and insignificant part of my mind that has a belief that I dont
have enough money and I am looking at it now. It is the function of the bodys
eyes and senses to bring me experiences of not having enough money to validate
my belief. It is not real and it does not mean anything. It is not up to me to solve
this because it is not real and there is nothing broken. I will not give it power or
assign it value. Illusions are not real and I will not use them to perpetuate my
belief that I dont have enough money as a means of delaying my abundance.
I am as God created me. I accept only the joy, happiness, health and abundance
that He wills for me.
Thy will be done. Amen

150. The Truth

There is only God. There is only the power of God. There is only the presence
of God. There is no opposing power. Sin, disease and death are not real and there
is nothing to fear. Pain and suffering are never required. In the presence of God,
there is only good. In the light of Truth, there is no darkness. In the awareness
of joy, happiness, wholeness and abundance, there is no pain, sadness, illness or
deprivation. Only the Truth is true. I dedicate this whole situation to the
Truth and peace is inevitable.
Thy will be done. Amen
Miracles in Prayer Complimentary eBook by Robin Duncan 93
The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com
Copyright 2011

General Note:
The following is a prayer that can be shared with another person for their benefit, or you can have someone
else read it to you in times of distress. In the blank space below, list the name of the person that can most
benefit from a witnessing of Truth. It is helpful to look directly into their eyes as you read it to them, if

The Witness
(Insert Name) , I am a witness to the Truth of who you are.
I am aware of the wholeness and greatness within you,
and your capacity to move far beyond fear and illusions.
I join with you in the willingness to remember
that you are as God created you.
There is nothing of this earth that can
alter, harm or threaten you in any way.
You are innocent, whole and complete, now and forever.
In Truth, there is nothing you can do to alter me,
or to harm or diminish another.
You can only bless.
There is no thought youve ever had,
nor anything youve ever done
that has diminished your
purity, greatness and value.
In Truth, you are loved, whole and safe
from harm or loss of any kind.
Only the Truth is true.
As you invite Peace, Your Higher Wisdom
will tell you what steps to take, if any.
Together, we declare our freedom.
In gratitude, we accept our true identity and
open to receive our Divine inheritance.
Together, we create a home for Peace
and claim the power, grace, happiness, safety
and enormous abundance that You have given us.
Where two minds are joined as one,
God is present. And so it is. Amen

Miracles in Prayer Complimentary eBook by Robin Duncan 94
The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com
Copyright 2011


Robin is one who knows her purpose and is rare in her ability to silence her ego and bring
pure Spirit into all of her work. Her work is healing, comforting and inspiring to all who
are open to its message. My experience of her Divinely inspired prayers, has been to
feel immediate comfort and peace in whatever difficult situation is presenting itself.
She a walking ball of Love!
Wendy Mackowski

You are an Angel of Earth. You have liberated me from the prison of fearful and limited
thinking. I have come to know extraordinary peace by following your enlightened teachings
and powerful prayers. I feel like I have tapped into this well of abundance that has no
end. It's magical and best of all its grounded and rooted in a love that also has no end
and is ever present and available at any moment, in the midst of any situation, anywhere
on earth, every day! In a nutshell, I have been radically and wonderfully transformed
and am excited to see what is yet to come.
Deborah Keith

Robins teachings have given me a new sense of strength, a sense of the expansive power
in which I have the ability to manifest resolutions even during the times when I did not
know the answer. Her kindness and prayers have been an inspiration in my life.
Rebeka Lopez

"Robin's prayer books have given me such peace and inspiration during times of stress
and fear. I actually carry one in my purse at all times so that whenever I fall into my old,
habitual fear thoughts, I can have a handy manual at my fingertips to transform those
thoughts into soothing, loving, high-vibrational prayers. If you want God's help to see
your situation differently, but don't know how to ask for it, Robin's prayers are the
passport to peace!"
Jaime Kalman

Being a preacher's kid I have prayed a lot in my life, but it was not until I met Robin that
I understood the true principles of miracles, applied those principles and experienced
miracles. I am so grateful for the blessings that Robin's teachings have made in my
life. Prayer has become a beautiful connection to God's guidance and I am experiencing a
peace and calmness that I have never known before.
Anne Pettersen

Miracles in Prayer Complimentary eBook by Robin Duncan 95
The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com
Copyright 2011


The language that Robin uses while saying a prayer has been so comforting and loving
that it has inspired me to be more free with my students and clients and given me
permission to come from the heart. This very special prayer book which is more like
a manuscript written for every possible situation you could ever encounter. Whole,
Perfect and complete. Peace and blessings to you.
Lauren Serna

When I hear the prayers about foreclosure, divorce, and money problems, even though
these do not specifically apply to me, I feel so calm and peaceful for all the people I
care about who are experiencing these issues. I just know that everything will be okay
for them and I am not worried.
Jeanne Duncan

I have a colleague who always seems to want to attack me whether it is in belittling my
work, speaking over me or just being nasty. I am often tempted to react defensively when
I speak with her. Robins prayers helped me to remember that in Truth, I have nothing to
fear and I have no reason to be anxious when I have to deal with this person. Saying this
prayer before I have to interact with her centers me, sooths me and guides me. The more
I stay focus on her True light, using Robins prayer for receiving guidance, the more our
relationship has become peaceful instead of punishing. I am so grateful to learn how to
love her instead of fear her.
Melia Pavloff

Robin, your beautiful spirit of compassion and tenderness always remind me that Gods
lap is big enough for me, and that I can lounge there, all wrapped up in a blanket of grace,
hope and peace. I will always be grateful for helping me learn how to "renew my mind"
and experience Gods plans "to prosper me and give me a hope and future.
Anne Mazzeo

I am deeply comforted when Robin prays it's like she's looking right into my heart.
I know her willingness for bringing a higher thought to any situation allows Spirit to speak
Truth right through her. She just shines with the brightness of Spirits Love for us all
when she prays and teaches and I love her so much for that. Thank you Robin for helping
us to remember the Truth of who we are and for your surety of that Truth when it's
hard for us to know! Love you!
Marta Gladney

Miracles in Prayer Complimentary eBook by Robin Duncan 96
The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com
Copyright 2011


Robin has a presence about her, which can only be described as angelic. Her compassion
and natural intuitive abilities enable her to drill down to the heart of an issue for a more
complete and permanent transformation. I have had the opportunity to participate in
many of her Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) sessions and the almost instant results
are amazing! You may be tapping as a group, but the natural flow of her divinely guided
words feel like they were spoken just for you. The peace that you feel in Robin's
presence is confirmation that she is "walking the walk" and that her techniques work.
Kim Flood

"Robin's sensitivity and wisdom reaches into your heart and allows your spirit to find
peace, inspiration and happiness at so many beautiful levels of love that it leaves you
feeling confident that you will succeed in whatever you wish to accomplish. Her sincerity
and love comes from her heart and for me, she is that beacon of light that gives me the
courage to keep forward and believing in myself and knowing that I can succeed in my own
spiritual path. Robin is a treasured friend and mentor and I am so grateful that our paths
have crossed in this lifetime. You are truly a beautiful spirit and I am so proud of you!
Bernadette Hileman

Robin is all love, all heart, and after spending time with her, Ive noticed my own prayers
and meditations filled with even more love; my sense of deep personal peace amplified
and more easily available.
Krystal Rushing

Robin is clearly guided by the Divine. It seems that she integrates prayer into her
everyday sentences. Her voice is angelic and her choice of words is always perfect.
You feel like the prayer is REAL and they work! Robin helps me to be aware of and to
actualize the Oneness of Who we are. Any time Im with her or hear her voice, I sense
peace and walk away having retained the calm and tranquility knowing everything is as
its supposed to be.
Kay Packard

Your prayers have been like a warm, gentle shower for my soul. They made me feel
lighter, and cleaner in my thinking and feeling. I would conduct myself in a kinder more
compassionate way towards others. Your prayers are a sure way to connect to the
Divine. Much love and gratitude
Rosa Maria Garcia
Miracles in Prayer Complimentary eBook by Robin Duncan 97
The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com
Copyright 2011


Robin Duncan has changed my life forever. I went from being an angry motorcycle
biker to being a Professional Healing Practitioner and Shaman. In my new profession
I enjoy working with bikers and helping them to find the peace that I have found.
Robin is the master of whatever she does. She is my Angel. Love and peace.
Shaman Silver Hawk, David Kerr

I used to pray for specific outcomes to resolve my situations, to relieve myself of
worries, sadness, or stress; however sometimes the problem was so challenging I would
feel stuck and not know what to do. Now one of my favorite ways of prayer is to stop
and ask God for guidance and to decide for me. I release my worries, doubt and concerns
knowing I am in good hands. It is like giving it to a higher power or a loving parent. Just
as I do for my children, God does it for me. Even if I dont get my wish, I know it was
or my best interest and something better will show up. With great gratitude and love
Shohreh Dadfar

Miracles in Prayer Complimentary eBook by Robin Duncan 98
The Miracles in Prayer Handbook may be purchased at MiracleCenterStore.com
Copyright 2011

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