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Our 9 Simple Sabbath Witnesses!

The following ARE our NINE daily WITNESSES of the Sabbath Truth! Day by day
they point to us the True Sabbath Day, and by a qui! searh E"ER#$NE an
diso%er the&!!! Why don't you try loo!ing the& up(
1. The Weekend.
The term weekend is not very old. It wasn't there in biblical times.
Please ask yourself this question: If a week begins ! the "irst #ay of the week$ how comes
it later %!#& !'(IT) Two #ays*
+oreover$ we were given by ,od &I- days to (./ and !% day for .%&T. It wasn't
"I0% days to (ork and T( days for .est1 &omeone must have stretched the duration of the
(eekend from one day to two days.
23nd the 4erson who did this was the 5ittle )orn Power of #aniel 6:78$ of whom it was
4ro4hesied that he would think to change times. 9ut that's another to4ic. :In case you desire
that study$ 4lease tell me.;<
To understand the weekly cycle$ you may read the following te=ts:
%=odus 7>:?$@>A B@:@8C@6A BD:7@A and #euteronomy 8:@B$@D.
2. Our Calendars.
E4 until the late F>s$ almost 355 calendars had &unday as the "I.&T day of the week$ G
&aturday as &%0%!T).
%ven today$ most calendars have maintained the same 4osition CC 4osting &unday on the slot
of the "irst #ay$ and &aturday on that of the &eventh #ay.
Hheck your calendar.
Question: )ow can it be that the minority who maintain that &aturday is the true &abbath hold
such a large sway over the greater maIority who think otherwise that they can dictate
how calendars are 4ublished*
Answer: 9ecause it is not their influence$ but that of our )eavenly "ather CC 4ointing us to the
3. Encyclopedias and ictionaries.
The words &abbath$ &unday$ and &aturday in any 5# encyclo4edia or dictionary will
give you the answer. Just check it u4.
!. The "e#s.
%ver since the days of 3braham :the first Jew;$ there has never ceased to be a Jew on the face
of the earth. 3nd these 4eo4le have 35(3K& ke4t the &abbath CC T #3T%1 :They seem to be
like ,od's living clock and witnesses to all future generations.;
&o we can thus confidently and credibly say that our counting system I& correct and accurate1
$. The %istoric &sa'e o( the Word )Sabbath*.
The word &abbath can be found in over @>> of our ancient languages. Traditionally$ all
these ethnic grou4s knew and ke4t the true &abbath.
ne good e=am4le to be cited was when the Italians went into %thio4ia in their scramble and
4artition for 3frica. They found that after many centuries of seclusion$ the %thio4ians were still
Our 9 Simple Sabbath Witnesses!
kee4ing the &aturday &abbath.
+. The ,uran and the Sabbath
The Luran was written in the days of Pro4het +ohammed :in the 6th Hentury;. In it$ a certain
class of Hhristians that had forfeited the biblical &abbath is strongly condemned by the 4ro4het.
.ead Luran 7:M8A D:D6A 6:@MBA@M:@7D.
&ome good e=4ositions from the internet are below:
a. htt4:''www.messageCofCgod.com'&abbath.htm
b. htt4:''www.worldslastchance.com'forCmuslimsConly'whatCdoesCtheCquranCsayCaboutCtheC
-. The .assion Week.
%verybody knows that Jesus was crucified on ,ood "riday and that )e arose on %aster
&unday :or is it .esurrection &unday'3scension &abbath*;.
.ead the chronology of the events that took 4lace:
a. +ark @8:D7$ John @?:B@$ 5uke 7B:8DA
b. +atthew 76:M7A G
c. +atthew 7F:@A +ark @M:@$7A 5uke 7D:@$7A John 7>:@.
The ste4s are:
a. )e died on the &I-T) #ay$ "riday :biblically referred to as Pre4aration #ay;.
b. )e .%&T%# on the &%0%!T) #ay$ &aturday :the 9ible &abbath;.
c. )e 3.&% on the "I.&T #ay$ &unday.
/. The 0iddle Cross
Question: (hat do the 9I, T).%% monotheistic religions in the world :Islam$ Judaism and
Hhristianity; have in common*
Answer: They all share a set'fi=ed chronology that 4oints out ()%! the true &abbath is1
5et me e=4lain this conce4t.
a. Just as Jesus was hung between two robbers$ so$ too is ,od's &abbath hedged in between
the T( days of worshi4: of "riday :Islam; and &unday :&ecular Hhristianity;.
b. Just as one thief s4oke in disbelief and the other !5K asked to be remembered$ Islam
reIects the &avior while Hhristians don't obey in everything1
.ead this in 5uke 7B:B? C D7.
9. The 1ood 2e#s 3ible.
"inally$ here is T)% 53&T &I+P5% P."1 .ead +atthew 7F:@ from your ,# !%(&
9I95%1 The 4roof is .I,)T )%.%1
It H5%3.5K states that Jesus not only .ested on the &abbath #ay$ but that )e arose on a
Lastly, ask yourself: Could ALL these NINE Witnesses have been coached to give such
false! testi"onies, or is it that they are bur the Lord#s "essengers of $ruth% And is it
&ossible that the tiny co""unity of 'abbath(kee&ers is ca&able of single handedly
&lotting cons&iracy theories for ALL these NINE )AC$' to their favour%
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Our 9 Simple Sabbath Witnesses!
)od bless you as you &editate on these day*to*day witnesses who are biblial, fatual based!
'idney ,aul Achia N7>@D
Phone: O78D.67@.7M7.>B7A %mail: sidneyachiaPgmail.com
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