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Chapter -1 First Order Differential Equation s

Exact equations and Integrating factors
Solution by Substitution
Bernoulli Equations
Linear and Non Linear model: Growth and decay, Newton law of cooling, !ixing, "o#ulation
!odeling with first order equations, $rthogonal tra%ectories
Chapter -2 Higher order linear differential equations
"reliminary &heory Linear equations: I'", B'", (omogeneous equations, )ifferential o#erator,
Su#er #osition #rinci#le, Linearly inde#endence and de#endence, *undamental set of solution,
+eduction of order
(omogeneous Equations with constant coefficients
!ethod of undetermined coefficients for non homogeneous equation
'ariation of #arameters,
,auchy - Euler Equation
Sol.ing system of Linear Equations
!odeling with (igher order differential equations: I'"/s#ring mass systems, Series ,ircuit
0nalogue1, B'"/)eflection of a Beam1
Chapter -3 Series solutions of second order linear equations
"ower Series and "ower series solution
Solution near an ordinary #oint
Solution near regular singular #oint
Bessel function and Legendre function
Chapter -1 Functions
,once#ts of user defined functions
"rototy#es and )efinition of function
"arameters and #arameter #assing
,alling a function
+ecursi.e function
Chapter -2 Pointers
Basics of #ointers
"ointer to #ointer
"ointer and array
"ointer to array
0rray of #ointers
*unctions returning a #ointer
Chapter -3 Structure
Basics of structure
Structure members
0ccessing structure members
Nested structures
0rray of structures
Structure and functions
Structures and #ointers
Chapter - D!na"ic "e"or! allocation
Introduction to )ynamic memory allocation
Chapter -# File "anage"ent
Introduction to file management and its functions
Chapter -1 'ntroduction to En(iron"ent and En(iron"ental Studies
)efinition and ,om#onents of En.ironment
+elationshi# between the different com#onents of En.ironment
!an and En.ironment relationshi#
Im#act of technology on En.ironment
En.ironmental )egradation
!ultidisci#linary nature of the En.ironment studies
Its sco#e and im#ortance in the #resent day Education System
Chapter -2 Ecolog! and Ecos!ste"s
Introduction: Ecology2 $b%ecti.es and ,lassification
,once#t of an ecosystem2 structure and functions of ecosystem
,om#onents of ecosystem2 "roducers, ,onsumers, )ecom#osers
Bio2Geo2 ,hemical ,ycles2 (ydrologic ,ycle, ,arbon cycle
Energy *low in Ecosystem
*ood ,hains
*ood webs
Ecological "yramids
!a%or Ecosystems: *orest Ecosystem, Grassland Ecosystem, )esert Ecosystem, 0quatic
Ecosystem, Estuarine Ecosystem
Chapter -3 $atural )esoueces
+enewable and Nonrenewable resources, ex#loitation and conser.ation, +ole of indi.idual in
conser.ation of natural resources
4ater resources: 4ater sources2 Surface and Ground water sources, Indian and Global scenario
Land as a resource, social issues
*orest resources: )efinition and ,lassification of *orests Ecological and Economic im#ortance
and benefits of forest, Indian scenario, )eforestation: causes and effects, remedial measures
*ood resources: Sources of food, Global and Indian food demand scenario, Limits of food
#roduction, En.ironmental effects of 0griculture
Chapter- Hu"an Population and En(iron"ent
"o#ulation Growth, 4orld and Indian scenario, "o#ulation and En.ironmental )egradation,
!althusian theory, $#timum theory, "o#ulation ex#losion - ,auses, Effects and ,ontrol
5rbani6ation: 5rban #o#ulation growth and En.ironmental #roblems
Chapter -# &!pes of En(iron"ental Pollution
4ater "ollution: Introduction - 4ater 7uality Standards, Sources of 4ater "ollution:
Industrial ,0gricultural, !unici#al8 ,lassification of water #ollutants, Effects of water
#ollutants, Eutro#hication
!arine #ollution
0ir "ollution: ,om#osition of air, Structure of atmos#here, 0mbient 0ir 7uality Standards,
,lassification of air #ollutants, Sources of common air #ollutants li9e "!, S$
, N$
Natural <
0nthro#ogenic Sources, Effects of common air #ollutants
Land "ollution: Land uses ,Land degradation: causes, effects and control, soil erosion
Noise "ollution: Introduction, Sound and Noise, Noise measurements, ,auses and Effects
&hermal "ollution: ,auses and effects
+ole of indi.idual in the #re.ention of #ollution
Chapter -* Energ! )esources
Global and Indian energy demand scenario
*uture "ro%ections, ,on.entional and Non2con.entional sources of energy
0d.antages and Limitations
5tili6ation, Ex#loitation and related En.ironmental #roblems
En.ironmental im#lications of Non con.entional Energy Sources3
Chapter -+ ,lo-al En(iron"ental 'ssues
,limate ,hange
Global 4arming and Green (ouse Effect
0cid +ain
)e#letion of $6one layer
Chapter -. En(iron"ental /cts and )egulations
List of #re.alent En.ironmental 0cts
Brief descri#tion related to the #ur#ose with at least fi.e im#ortant #ro.isions 4ater /"re.ention
and control of #ollution1 0ct =>?@
0ir /"re.ention and control of #ollution1 0ct =>A=
En.ironmental "rotection 0ct, =>AB
Chapter -0 En(iron"ental Ethics
En.ironmental Ethics, $b%ecti.es of ethics
Ethical theories, ,ode of Ethics
Im#ortance and limitations of ethics
En.ironmental Ethics in India
Chapter -1 Cross-cultural Co""unication
!eaning and ,haracteristics
Barriers and )ifferences
Globali6ation and cultural com#lexities
Chapter -2 ,roup Co""unication
)efining a team
4hat is your role in a teamC
0d.antages and challenges of wor9ing in a team
,auses for the failure of a team
&y#es of team members
&hings to do before you %oin a team
"oints to remember while %oining a team
Chapter -3 Spea1ing S1ills
&y#es of #resentations: !anuscri#t, !emori6ation and "ower "oint/Indi.idual and Grou#1
"lanning #resentation
)eli.ering #resentation
!anaging #ost2#resentation question2answer session
Chapter - )eading S1ills
,ommon reading errors
)ifferent reading s9ills
,om#rehending 0uthors #oint of .iew and central idea
Inferring lexical and contextual meaning
Chapter -# 2riting S1ills
"roof reading
Sentence #attern
Business letters /Inquiry to ad%ustment1
"rofessional Email writing
Email etiquettes
0bstract and "rDcis
!emo writing
Chapter -1 Engineering Dra3ing /ids
)rawing instruments
/a1 Instruments 2 ty#es, s#ecifications, methods to use them and their a##lications3
/b1 "encils 2 grades, a##lications, sha#es of #encil ti#s and their a##lications3
)rawing "a#ers - material, si6es of #a#er
Chapter -2 Planning4 5a!out and Scaling of Dra3ing
BIS2S"2@B for #lanning and layout of )rawing Sheets
Scaling techniques using #lane scale in Engineering )rawing
Chapter -3 5ines and Di"ensioning
)ifferent ty#es of lines
)imensioning methods
/a1 0ligned method3
/b1 5nilateral with chain, #arallel, #rogressi.e and combined dimensioning3
Chapter - ,eo"etric Constructions and 5oci of Points
&o construct #olygons :
/a1 &riangle
/b1 Square E +ectangle3
/c1 "entagon with s#ecial method
/d1 (exagon with s#ecial method3
Geometric construction related with circles < arcs3
&o draw loci of #oints located on a gi.en mechanism3
Chapter -# Engineering Cur(es
,onic sections3
/a1 ,once#t and understanding of focus, directrix, .ertex and eccentricity and drawing of
conic sections3
/b1 5sing .arious methods, understanding construction of :
i3 Elli#se /arc of circle and concentric circle methods1
ii3 "arabola3
iii3 (y#erbola3
,ycloidal ,ur.es /,ycloid, E#icycloids, (y#ocycloid1
/a1 In.olutes of a line3
/b1 In.olutes of a circle3
/c1 In.olutes of a #olygon3
S#iral /0rchimedean s#iral and logarithmic s#iral13
&o draw tangents and normals at s#ecified #oints of a gi.en cur.e3
Chapter -* Pro6ection of Point4 5ines4 Planes and Solids
+eference #lanes, conce#t of quadrants3
$rthogra#hic #ro%ections3
=st angle and Frd angle #ro%ections and their symbols3
"ro%ection of #oints3
"ro%ection of lines - determination of true length and inclinations for following cases3
/a1 Line #arallel to one or both the #lane/s13
/b1 Line #er#endicular to one of the #lanes3
/c1 Line inclined to one #lane and #arallel to the other3
/d1 Line inclined to both the #lanes without (& and '&3
"ro%ection of "lanes :
/a1 &y#es of #lanes3
/b1 "ro%ection of #lanes #arallel to one of the reference #lanes3
/c1 "ro%ection of #lanes inclined to one reference #lane and #er#endicular to the other3
/d1 "ro%ection of #lanes inclined to both reference #lanes3
"ro%ection of solids3
/a1 &y#es of solids3
/b1 "ro%ection of solid with its axis #arallel to one of the reference #lanes3
/c1 "ro%ection of solid with its axis inclined to one reference #lane and #arallel to the other3
/d1 "ro%ection of solid with its axis inclined to both reference #lanes3
Chapter -+ Orthographic Pro6ections
&y#es of #ro%ections 2 orthogra#hic, #ers#ecti.e, isometric and oblique: conce#t and
'arious term associated with orthogra#hic #ro%ections3
/a1 &heory of #ro%ection3
/b1 !ethods of #ro%ection3
/c1 $rthogra#hic #ro%ection3
/d1 "lanes of #ro%ection3
,on.ersion of sim#le #ictorial .iews into $rthogra#hic .iews3
Illustrati.e #roblems on orthogra#hic #ro%ections3
Chapter -. 'so"etric %ie3
Isometric axis, lines and #lanes3
Isometric scale - construction only3
)ifference between isometric #ro%ection and Isometric drawing3
Isometric .iew E isometric drawing form gi.en orthogra#hic .iews3
Illustrati.e #roblems limited to ob%ects containing lines, circles and arc sha#es only3
Chapter -0 De(elop"ent of Surfaces
)e.elo#ments of cylinders, cones, #risms and #yramids3
No3 + 5 0 &otal
= Engineering drawing aids3 G GG GG GG GG
:, F
"lanning, layout and scaling of drawing3
Lines, dimensioning3 G G= GF GF G?
Geometric construction and loci of #oints
located on mechanisms3 @ G= GF GF G?
H Engineering cur.es3 B G= G= GH G?
"ro%ection of #oints, lines, #lanes and
solids3 =G GF GF GA =@
? $rthogra#hic #ro%ections3 G G: GB GB =@
A Isometric .iews3 G GG G: GA =G
> )e.elo#ments of Surfaces @ GG G= GB G?
=G )emonstration of :) ,0) Software G G= G= G: G@
&otal :@ G> :G @= ?G
Unit Unit &itle Distri-ution of &heor! 8ar1s
Cogniti(e le(el
9:loo";s ta<ono"!=
) U /p /n E S! &otal
I *unctions H H =G :G
II "ointers H H GG =G
III Structure H H H =H
I' )ynamic memory allocation H H H =H
' *ile management # # > =G
&otal 2# 2# 2> >> >> > +>
5nit 5nit &itle )istribution of &heory !ar9s
+ 5 0n 0# E Sy &otal
I *irst $rder )ifferential Equations : F F @ =:
II (igher order linear differential equations B B B =A @ @G
III Series solutions of second order linear
: @ @ A =A
&otal =G =F =F FG @ GG ?G

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