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Thesis 6/11/201 Page 2

I wanted to offer my understanding of Universal mechanics and the one
simple Primary Source of Power / Force from which all secondary forces (
fractals of the the Primary) are derived. The One and only true Prime Force
driving all Universal motion in its macro and micro aspects is simply
Electromagnetic Energy and related frequency variations of itself.
Electromagnetism and related frequency is responsible for creating field
affects that influence any body moving through that field. It can either
apply a push or pull effect, acting in the very same way as one would expect
of the Gravitational Force, one is just an explanation of a perspective that
allows it to be understood simply, particularly in the way that Gravity
usually exerts a pulling force. All Universal Mechanics are based on EMF
strings and are arranged accordingly. Movement occurs along these
String Fields."
So there is nothing other than Electromagnetic frequency variations,
including harmonic coherence affects as well as interference or discordant
variations that account for All Activity from cosmic body's in motion to
atomic motion, planetary configuration, even effecting the planet's related
Eco behavior, which leads straight into organic molecular behavior, bio-
molecular mechanization, quantum behavior, etc.
If You understand the brain mechanics involved in manifesting a Thought or
Idea as it arises, you will see that Thought is simply an neural
electromagnetic stimulation directed as a signal through the brain center.
The human body creates it's own unique EM field affects that are
detectable, often referred to as the Aura of a Person.
Where I am leading is if you want to understand human nature, impart
knowledge, even wish to positively affect human behavioral patterns, first
we must master an understanding of The Power that created it All in the
first place. All Systems in the known Universe are powered by harnessed
frequencies in conjointment with Electromagnetism, the Force that is the
Consciousness and the Consciousness that is the Force.
Those that understand the Force understand the Mind of "God". So then
when One learns the language with which This Mind speaks...One can truly
know everything.


Thesis 6/11/201 Page 3

In agreement with my theory, I also wanted to inform that the issues
concerning bees, some species of butterfly and most species of flying bird
are not just affected by the poisons and toxins we generate, but mostly what
is happening is a massive disruption in the internal mechanisms these
animals use to not only to navigate but to communicate and that disruption
is caused by the overwhelming signal transmissions of radio signals, etc.
and the electromagnetic field generators (ex. HAARP) altering the natural
fields of the Earth resonance frequency, referred to as the Schumann
Resonance, roughly vibrating at 7.83 Hz.
When this frequency is altered or disrupted, all species dependent on this
communication will also be disrupted and disturbed. Their natural behavior
will be negatively affected and Dis-ease will follow. This is a Topic of Major
Concern that must be rectified immediately as the health of these species
and the rest of the Planet are dependent on this remediation.

Thank You,

Noria Serafini

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