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The FAST FOOD Fat Loss System:

Table of Contents:

I. Overview....Page 2
II. The RulesPage 5
III. The Science...Page 7
IV. Sample Meal Suggestions.Page 12
V. The Label Reading Tool.Page 14
VI. Tips for Navigating Restaurants...........................................Page 15
VII. A - Z Restaurant Guide...................................................Page 17
VIII. Protein Powders..Page 35
IX. Whey Protein.Page 36
X. Vegetarian Protein..Page 41
XI. Egg Protein.Page 45
XII. Smoothie Recipes..Page 46


Overview of the program FAST FOOD

The Fast Food Fat Loss System is built around the emerging science of how food
impacts our ability to feel full and satisfied after meals as well as how food
stimulates or suppresses future cravings for food.

Research in animals, now being confirmed in humans, has taught us that certain
food combinations may be the culprit behind our inability to regulate what we eat.

If you have ever felt that addiction like pull towards certain foods, then you know
exactly what we mean by this.

Foods that combine salt and/or sugar/starch short-circuit our hunger and craving
centers in the brain making us eat more at the current meal and crave more of
the same foods at future meals.

This understanding is very powerful. Once you realize this, you start to
understand why some cultures that eat very high fat diets, but little sugar or
starch (i.e. some hunter gatherer societies) remain thin and disease free. And
how other cultures that eat lots of starch but not a lot of fat (i.e. Asian cultures)
also remain thin and have less disease.

Now, to be clear, there is still much we do not understand about these
associations, but we have already been working with these concepts in the
Metabolic Effect clinic for sometime.

Let me tell you two stories:
Story 1: Dale

Dale was a long haul trucker. He came to my clinic for help with weight loss and
his new diagnosis of diabetes. His wife sent him, he told me. I could tell he
thought I was weird from the get go. He said, I dont believe in all that woo-woo
new age stuff.

He told me what he ate. I eat where my truck stops, he said. Vending machines
at rest areas, soda and snickers bars at truck stops, fast food and greasy diners.
Most of his meals were literally right out of an Exxon Mobile gas station.
You cant tell a guy like Dale to go to Whole Foods and get some organic Kale
and fresh Salmon. I knew I had to make this change as easy or easier than his
current lifestyle. I told him to trade his vending machine soda and chips for water
and nuts.
I said switch your candy bars for hotdogs, but throw off the bun. We talked about
munching on Slim Jims and apples instead of crackers. I told him to order eggs
and bacon at the greasy spoons. I said to forget about calories, and to eat before
he got hungry, felt cravings, or started getting energy lows.
He still thought I was weird. Hot dogs with the bun thrown off? Thats weird, but I
can do that. That is what I wanted to hear, he could do it.
He went away and I thought I would never see him again. Three months later I
walk into my waiting room and there is Dale, all 30 pounds less of him. He was
beaming. He said, Doc, I did what you said. I went on that Slim Jim diet, and I
lost thirty pounds, and I am off my diabetes drug!
I was floored! This guy ate cured Slim Jims, salted nuts, fatty hot dogs, bacon,
eggs, and aspartame filled diet soda. These are things I would have considered
poisons before I met Dale. But, he lost thirty pounds, got off his metformin and
felt in control of his health for the first time in his life.
The funny thing was his plan for change was not predictable. It did not
resemble any thing I had prescribed for anyone else. And there were no
supplements involved. In truth, I did not think this plan would do much good. But I
did use a few key things I learned from my clinical experience, and some
emerging research:
1. Fat was better than starch for diabetes/obesity.
2. Fat and sugar/starch combined cause the hunger and craving centers to
crave more of the wrong foods.
3. People need change that is doable.
4. Never force a plan to a person, instead adapt your plan to the individual.
5. An inferior solution that is easy, always beats a better program that is not.
All of this led to a successful outcome for Dale, but another person may not have
fared so well. They would have required their own tailored solution. A couple of
years later I decided to revisit the ideas that Dale brought to light.

Story 2: Jade


One day I was perusing social media and I saw a nutrition discussion between a
high fat proponent and a low fat proponent. One was essentially a low carber
and the other a low fat advocate.

In this discussion mention of the movie Supersize Me came up. This movie was
a popular documentary where a guy ate nothing but McDonalds for a month. He
set up rules for himself such as he had to have everything off of the menu at
least once, and he had to say yes if they asked him do you want to supersize

I remember first watching this show, and while I am no fan of McDonalds I
thought it was clearly rigged against the fast food chain. The girlfriend was a
vegan and the two were health advocates and clearly had a point to prove. This
of course did not make the findings any less interesting.

But I wondered what would happen if I did the same exact thing. At McDonalds
every day for 30 days, breakfast, lunch and dinner? But instead of the rules set
in Supersize me, I would set rules based on the emerging science I was starting
to understand.

I would never combine anything that had fat and sugar/starch. This meant
French fries, shakes, and burgers with buns were out. So too were apple pies,
breaded chicken sandwiches and nuggets.

I too would have to eat everything on the menu at least once so long as it did not
violate the starch/sugar and fat combo rule.

I also set a rule that I must have some type of produce at every single meal.
Either fruit or salad.

I also set a rule that I could only drink water, black coffee or unsweet tea. In
other words, no soda, juice or diet soda.

That was it. I set out and followed the diet religiously for a full 30 days. This was
agonizing for me. I hate MacDonalds and even when I was a kid it was not my
favorite fast food place. Wendys had that distinction.

I did my blood labs and my body fat % and weight before and then after the
experiment. I also made a commitment not to change my workout routine at all.
In fact I decreased my activity daily to mostly walking and 1-3 weight training
sessions per week.


A typical day on this plan looked like this:

Breakfast: 2 egg McMuffin with the buns thrown off. Apple & Walnut Side

Lunch: A Salad and some type of burger with the bun thrown off and the meat
and cheese and/or bacon thrown into the salad.

Dinner: A salad and some type of burger or grilled chicken sandwich with the
bun thrown off and the meat thrown into the salad.

Snack: Only occasionally. Typically a burger eaten without the bun.

What do you think happened? I lost 9lbs over 2% body fat and had a very slight
change in my cholesterol, fasting blood sugar and triglycerides for the better!!

Moral of the story? FAT LOSS HAPPENS ANYWHERE. I looked better, I felt
better and my blood labs improved a bit (they did not get any worse thats for

The Rules

Now obviously as a natural health care provider I sincerely wish that no one
would eat fast food and that everyone had the time, money, skill and know-how
to eat all their meals at home and load them full of organic produce and free
range meats and juicy wholesome organic fruits.

The fact is, that is simply not a reality for most people. We live in a fast paced
world where many are time starved and cash strapped. It is simply irresponsible
in my opinion not to create something that real people living in the real world can
use to reach their goals.

A perfect plan no one can do is not only not a perfect plan, but a recipe for

My hope is that you use the information in this book to begin regaining your
health right now and learn how to eat a little more healthily at the places you
already frequent. If you follow this simple strategy for eating out, you will see
improvements for in your health, fitness and weight loss.
The most important thing to know is how to manage a convenience based diet to
not only minimize its fat storing potential, but also to use it to burn fat. The Fast
Food Fat Loss system is defined by the acronym FAST FOOD. These 8
rules/guidelines are all you need to know to follow the system.

F= Fat. Always choose to eat foods high in fat versus foods high in
starch/sugar. In other words, it is far better to eat eggs and bacon than
hotcakes and sugary oatmeal.
A= Avoid. Avoid the combination of high fat and starch/sugar at all costs.
This means French fries, breaded chicken, burgers with the buns, milk
shakes, dessert pies or any other food that combines fat and starch is off
limits and not allowed on this program.
S= Salad. A salad is mandatory with every meal except breakfast. These
salads should NOT include any starchy foods (no croutons, or wontons),
can include lean or fatty protein (i.e. chicken breast, fish, pork, hamburger
or steak), and must only include vinegar based dressings (balsamic
vinaigrette or non-creamy Italian dressings only). A salad is defined as any
meal containing salad and other veggies but no starch. These types of
salads would include burger with extra vegetables but without the buns,
burrito bowls without the starchy rice or beans, and stir-fries without the
rice. In other words, these salads can be created on the fly from
T= Taste. Only a taste of starch is allowed. No more than 3 big bites or 5
small bites of starchy or sweet foods are allowed per day. Given the high
fat and high sodium content of convenience meals, starch/sugar must be
completely avoided.
F= Fruit. Real, whole and unsweetened fruit should be eaten whenever
possible every morning for breakfast. This does not include sugary fruit
smoothies and fruit juices; these are more akin to candy then fruit.
O= Only. Only drink water, unsweet tea, unsweet coffee, zero calorie Life
Waters or Vitamin Waters. No other beverages are allowed including diet
sodas, fruit juices, alcohol, and the popular coffee desserts many now
O= One. One free meal every week. Every week eat as much as you like,
of whatever you like, within a 2 hour time period.
D= Do. Do some exercise everyday. To get the most out of this program,
you should aim to walk every day for 30 to 60 minutes, and do 3 weight
training circuit sessions per week. These workouts are described below in
the workout section.

The Science of Fast Food Fat Loss
Currently there are two camps in the world of weight loss and fat loss. In one
camp, you have those who believe it is all about calories; and in the other camp,
there are those who claim it is all about hormones. In the calorie camp, fat is the

enemy since it contains the most calories; and in the hormone camp, starch and
sugar are the enemy since they have the largest impact on the number one fat
storing hormone, insulin.

Interestingly, both programs deliver results if they are followed. The reason? Both
avoid one of the worst food combinations for fat loss: fat and starch/sugar
combinations. Fat and sugar (starch and sugar are synonymous), when
combined, not only contain a large amount of calories, but can have a huge and
negative impact on fat storing and fat burning enzymes.

This document gives the rationale and science behind why fat and sugar/starch
combinations may be so detrimental and how to use this knowledge to make
eating out more fat loss friendly.

The Fat Gain Formula
Want to know what the fat gain formula is? (F + S) x St= Fat Gain. High fat (F)
along with high sugar (S) combined with stress (St) is the recipe for fat gain.

I can hear the calorie zealots now scoffing at the ridiculousness of this assertion.
Sure, you can get fat overeating anything, including broccoli and chicken breasts.
Except that it is virtually impossible for any free-living human to do.

A high fat/sugar combination has been shown in mammals to completely disrupt
the normal metabolic regulation that occurs with either high fat or high sugar
diets. So, this combination is not only a higher calorie diet, but it seems to have
the impact of assuring we continue to crave high fat, high sugar foods in the
future as well.

The combo of high fat with high sugar may alter brain chemistry in a way that
disrupts the natural ability to self-regulate calorie intake.

Fat & sugar sabotage willpower
Here is how it works: you have a control center for appetite in your brain that
resides in a place called the hypothalamus. There are chemicals that stimulate
eating, Neuropeptide Y (NPY) and Agouti Related Peptide (AGRP). And those
that suppress food intake, Proopiomelanocortin (POMC).

Think of NPY & AGRP as the feeding gas peddles. They make us hungry and
make us eat. Think of POMC as the brakes on food intake. If you are wondering
how hunger hormones like ghrelin and leptin figure into this, they work by
impacting these chemicals.


Two diets containing the same number of calories can impact these hunger
regulation chemicals differently. Fat and sugar in combination seems to short
circuit the hunger centers resulting in a constant desire for food.

An Interesting Study
A study published March 2010 in the International Journal of Obesity looked at
this issue in rats. The animals were fed a base diet of standard rat chow. Then
they were given free access to extra fat (HF), extra sugar (HS), or extra fat and
sugar (HFHS).

Imagine you were a part of a study where the researchers gave you a normal
healthy diet but then put you in a group that had free access to bacon, cream
cheese, and other high fat items. The HF group. Or perhaps you end up in the
group that got the standard healthy diet with additional access to cotton candy,
pixie sticks, Coca-Cola, and other high sugar no fat items. The HS group. Or
maybe you got to be in the high fat and high sugar group, receiving a normal
healthy diet plus cupboards stacked with cookies, cakes, pastries, ice cream, and
other foods loaded with both fat and sugar which you could eat freely. The HFHS

So, what do you think happened? Well, rats exposed to all you can eat palatable
foods like this do what we humans do. They eat the normal rat chow and then
chow down on the fat and sugar items. All three groups consumed extra calories
and gained weight. But within a week or so, two groups, the HF and HS groups,
were able to self-regulate their food intake, lower their calories, and adapt by
shutting off hunger.

This natural adaptation did NOT occur with the high fat and high sugar
combination group. In other words, eating a high fat, high sugar diet caused a
loss in the ability to properly regulate appetite almost like an appetite stimulating

The researchers wanted to understand why, so they looked for other hormones
or nerve signals that may have caused this. And what they discovered is that
something about the high fat, high sugar diet was being communicated to the
brain via the gut and liver. While they didnt say what was involved, we have
written about the gut hormones before in this blog and this blog.

You many be wondering if this same thing happens in humans. One interesting
study published in the February 1992 issue of The American Journal of Clinical
Nutrition says it does.


In this study, humans who had unlimited free access to highly palatable vending
machine foods ended up eating 1500 extra calories a day and gained five
pounds in just 7 days!!

With a cherry on top
There are several other studies that show a similar effect. I have linked another
for you HERE. But there is one more very interesting piece to this story.

Remember we talked about the fat storing formula as being (F+S) X St: fat
combined with sugar magnified by stress? Stress is like the cherry on top of the
fat storing hot fudge sundae.

If you are a savvy fat loss lifestyler or fitness professional, when you think stress
you think cortisol. And if you are really savvy you will also think catecholamines.
And if you are really, really savvy you will think of one more hormone, NPY. You
have seen that before, right?

NPY is involved with hunger in the brain, and it is also released from the
sympathetic nervous system during times of stress. When you are under acute
stress, you release more of the catecholamines and cortisol. When you are under
chronic stress, you release more NPY. And unlike the catecholamines and
cortisol which are mainly catabolic hormones (i.e. they burn fat), NPY makes you
gain fat, especially when it is around with cortisol.

When NPY is released in large amounts, it causes fat cells to go from immature
baby fat cells to full grown mature fat cells. And cortisol makes the body more
responsive to NPY. In other words, NPY makes us grow more fat cells, and
cortisol makes it more efficient at doing it.

Confused? Here is what I just said. Chronic, continuous stress releases a unique
mix of NPY and cortisol. Cortisol combined with catecholamines, like it is in short-
term stress, helps us burn fat. Cortisol combined with NPY, as it is in chronic
stress, equals increased fat cells.

For a cool study on this whole mechanism see HERE.

Another interesting aside about some of these studies on rats. Even when you
feed mice high amounts of fat and sugar, obesity is not guaranteed. But add
stress on top and BOOM, it seems you can induce obesity very easily.


One final note on the stress weight gain response: low calorie diets increase
cortisol levels and perceived psychological stress and some researchers believe
this is one of the key reasons they fail. See these studies HERE and HERE

The fat gain formula (F+S) x St
If you read this section carefully, along with the resources provided, you will
notice a couple of things that are interesting. A high fat diet that has the same
number of calories as a high fat/high sugar diet has a very different impact on

The metabolism adapts to the extra calories in a high fat diet by decreasing
appetite so that after a few weeks the calories are no longer high. This explains
why studies on the high fat Atkins diet usually show a low calorie, not high
calorie, intake over time. The metabolism adapts.

The high fat and sugar combination creates the exact opposite changes in the
hunger signaling molecules in the brain and results in insatiable hunger that
continues. Ironically, this change is almost exactly the pattern seen in starvation.

We can see that high fat, high sugar foods are not just simply high calorie, but
they also cause us to lose our ability to regulate and suppress hunger. They
cause hyperphagia (the fancy medical term for continuous eating). And when we
add chronic stress on top of this, we create the perfect fat storing atomic bomb.



Fast food is
a necessity
for some
primary life
concern has to be about convenience. Fast food meals include any meal out, and
this includes more sit-down establishments. But, these meals focus on the typical
fast food establishments that include the burger joints (McDonalds, Burger King,
In & Out Burger, 5 Guys, and others), chicken places (Bojangles, Popeyes
Chicken, KFC, and Chik-Fil-A), Mexican inspired (Taco Bell, Chipotle, Baja
Fresh, Moes, and Qdoba) and others (Long John Silvers, Sbarro, etc.).

This also includes pizza places, Asian cuisine take out, and sit-in all-you-can-eat
cafeteria types). Gas station foods also fall into this category. These contain
nuts, seeds, jerkies, hot dogs and burgers (remember buns are off limits), and
fruits (apples, oranges, and bananas are normally found near the register).

Any place where you are not doing the cooking and can be defined as a
restaurant is on the list of fast food or convenience foods. This means your
favorite fancy dining restaurant is on the list.

The Meat Stack - This is a term we use to describe the idea of stripping the bun
off of a sandwich and eating only the middle. The meat becomes the bun. This
works great for breakfast sandwiches.

The Meat Salad - This describes the idea of taking any sandwich, wrap, or
burrito, doubling up on all the vegetables, removing all the starch and dumping
out what is left and eating it with a fork. The bun, wrap, or tortilla is removed.

The Fruit and Nut Snack - This is a snack that consists of fruit and a handful of
nuts such as the McDonalds Apple & Walnut Salad.

The Protein Shake and bar snack and/or meal replacement - These handy
pre-made protein shakes can be found in gas station convenience stores or
grocery stores as well as at places like GNC and The Vitamin Shoppe. They are
the ultimate in fast food convenience. Not all are the same however, so you will
need to read labels and find one that suits your tastes.

Fast Food Breakfast:
- Sausage/bacon/ham biscuit without the bun (FFFL Meat Stack), large
apple, medium black coffee and water
- Scrambled eggs, two apples and water
- Meat Stack, 5 small bites of oatmeal and water
- Starbucks banana chocolate Vivanno add extra protein (This is the only
acceptable Smoothie in the world of fast food given its lower sugar content
and the extra protein you can request).

Fast Food Lunches
- Salad with chicken breast (remove croutons and add Italian or balsamic
dressing). Water.
- Two grilled chicken sandwiches with double tomato, double onion, double
lettuce, double pickle. Throw off the bun (FFL Meat Salad). Unsweet black
- Chicken burrito bowl, no rice or bean, double veggies and double salsa.
Vitamin water zero.
- Chicken stir-fry with vegetables and no rice.

Fast Food Snacks
- Sliced apples, handful of nuts
- Starbucks banana chocolate Vivanno add 5 scoops protein powder
- Beef jerky and apple

Fast Food Dinner
- Fish teriyaki, no rice
- Sushi (sashimi style) with mixed vegetables
- Double bacon cheeseburger with double tomato, double onion, double
lettuce, double pickles and without the bun (Meat Salad)
- Chicken, fish, steak plus vegetables


When eating processed foods, use this simple label reading tool. If you are
someone that does better on lower carb foods, follow the sugar burner
recommendations. If you are someone more impacted by stress than food,
follow the muscle burner recommendations. If you are neither or dont know
which you are, follow the mixed burner recommendations.

Tips for Navigating Restaurants For Fat-Loss
Fat-Loss Happens Anywhere

Eating a meal at a restaurant can be an enjoyable experience even when fat-loss
is ultimately your goal. Here are some tips to remember to help you navigate the
experience. Always remember to ask questions. Most restaurants are now used
to making accommodations for patrons so dont be afraid to ask your server for
clarification on how the meal is prepared, if you can swap out a certain food for
another, to leave off or add something, etc.

*If you have the ability to access the menu on-line for a restaurant that you will be
visiting - take the time to review the menu so that you can go into the restaurant
having a plan. If you dont have the ability or if it is a last minute thing - always
choose protein and fibrous veggies as your main meal. If including a starch with
the meal, limit the consumption to 3 to 5 bites only.

*Going to a restaurant completely famished will cloud your decisions when you
get there. Have a little something before hand if possible to take the edge off. A
protein bar, some nuts, a piece of fruit...

*An alcoholic beverage will count towards your starch bites. If you opt to have an
alcoholic beverage skip other starchy foods with your meal. Be sure to drink your

*Look for words on the menu that say grilled, baked, broiled, roasted, or steamed
and avoid ones that say fried, creamy (i.e. - Alfredo sauce), and smothered
(unless the food is smothered in veggies).

*Choose salad dressings that are vinaigrette in nature. Leave off things like
croutons, fried tortilla strips, and breadsticks.

*If you go to a fast food restaurant - be hesitant of ordering combo meals that
come with things such as french fries. You will be more tempted to eat those fries
if they are in front of you. Order items individually.

*Italian Restaurants - beware of the bread-basket. Order a salad immediately to
give you something to munch on while others have the bread. If everyone that
you are dining with is in agreement - you can ask the server not to bring the
bread in the first place. Some Italian places will serve pasta with an entree so ask
the server if you can swap for veggies instead. You may be able to get a side
salad instead. If you want that Chicken Parmesan, but want to avoid the breading
and frying - ask them to grill the chicken instead and then throw the sauce on the
grilled chicken and add some cheese. You will still get all the flavors while
avoiding the breading and frying.

*Asian/Japanese Restaurants - Avoid noodle dishes and opt for protein and
veggies. You can use your starch bites, if you choose, for some rice.

*American/Burger/Diner Restaurants - Grilled chicken, burgers, and salads are
always an option here. Follow the F.A.S.T. F.O.O.D. protocol for the best ways
to navigate the burgers and salads.

*Mexican Restaurants - If you are going to indulge in some chips - use your
starch bites. But keep in mind that once you start eating them they may become
a trigger food for you, and you may not be able to stop. Fajitas are always a good
option here. Pick your protein and ask for extra veggies. Instead of rolling the
fajitas in a tortilla - put some of the fajitas on your plate, add a dollop of
guacamole and salsa and eat the meal like that. Avoid the beans and rice
especially if you have already indulged in the chips.

*Remember to eat slowly and savor each bite. Enjoy the experience and the
people you are with. Fat-loss friendly meals are available anywhere, and
recognizing them will become easier with time if you employ the tips stated
above and the ones from the protocol.

A - Z Restaurant Guide

This A to Z Restaurant List can serve as a guide for choosing foods
at that particular restaurant that will follow the Fast Food Fat Loss
System. The foods have been taken directly from the restaurant
menu. The foods for each particular restaurant are not the only foods

that will follow the Fat Loss System but rather some of the choices to
give you a good start.

Always check the menu at the actual restaurant to verify that what is
listed here has not changed in terms of ingredients and such. Also
keep in mind that some menus will vary by state and/or location.

When foods are listed as a sandwich or biscuit, the expectation is to
remove the bread and use the inside as the food consumed thereby
adhering to the protocol.

Ask for a lettuce wrap for burgers, grilled chicken patties, etc., even if
it is not listed on the menu to see if the restaurant can accommodate
the request.

A & W (http://www.awrestaurants.com/menu)
*Papa Burger (leave off Papa Sauce)
*Original Bacon Double Cheeseburger
*Original Bacon Cheeseburger
*Grilled Chicken Sandwich (where available)
*Coney Dig
*Coney Cheese Dog
*Hot Dog

Applebees (http://www.applebees.com)
*Blackened Tilapia
(Ask to double-up on the seasonal veggies and omit the fried
red potatoes.)
*7 or 9 oz. House Sirloin
*Bacon Cheddar Cheeseburger
*House Salad without croutons

Arbys (http://arbys.com)
*Roast Beef
*Beef n Cheddar
*French Dip & Swiss

*Grand Turkey Club
*Roast Turkey Farmhouse Salad with Balsamic Vinaigrette or Light
*Chopped Side Salad
*Breakfast Option - Bacon/Egg/Cheese Biscuit

Au bon pain (http://aubonpain.com)
*Breakfast Bar
(Scrambled Eggs, Scrambled Eggs with Ham & Cheese,
Sausage & Peppers)
(Chicken Cobb with Avocado, Garden Salad - leave off
croutons, Side Garden Salad)
(Fruit Cup, Mixed Nuts, Hard Boiled Eggs)

Back Yard Burger (http://www.backyardburgers.com)
*Classic Back Yard Burger
*Classic Double Back Yard Burger
*Junior Back Yard Burger
*Mushroom Swiss Burger
*Black Jack Burger
*1/3lb. Bacon Cheddar Burger
*California Club Burger (Option - turkey burger or grilled chicken)
*Classic Turkey Burger
*Turkey Club
*Wild Turkey
*Grilled Chicken sandwich
*Garden Fresh Side Salad
*Grilled Chicken Salad

Baja Fresh (http://www.bajafresh.com)
*Baja Bowl (leave out rice and beans / pick your protein)
*Chicken & Roasted Veggie Bowl (leave out rice and beans)
*Steakhouse Bowl (leave out rice, beans, and corn)
*Surf & Turf (leave out rice, beans, corn, and sour cream)
*Baja Ensalada - (leave off tortilla strips / pick your protein)
*Mango Chicken Salad (leave off chipotle glaze / dont eat shell)
*Side Salad (leave off tortilla strips)

Barberitos (http://www.barberitos.com)

*Salads (Regular, Grilled, or Healthy - ask for no beans and no
*Fajitas (chicken or steak - do not eat the taco shells provided)

Biscuitville (http://www.biscuitville.com)
*Scratch-Made Biscuits
(Sausage, Bacon, Country Ham, Steak, Pork Chop (if not
breaded) Smoked Sausage, Grilled Chicken, Turkey Sausage -
All of the biscuits are available with egg and cheese, or make
it a club with lettuce, tomato, cheese, bacon and pickle).
*Ultimate Biscuits
(Double Meat/Double Cheese - choose from sausage, bacon,
country ham, turkey sausage)
*English Muffins - turkey sausage BLT, grilled chicken club
*Low Carb Platters (any will meet the guidelines)

Blimpie (http://www.blimpie.com/index.html)
*Ultimate Club Salad
*Deli Subs
(Blimpie Best, Turkey & Provolone, The Club, Ham & Swiss,
Roast Beef & Provolone)

Bob Evans (http://www.bobevans.com)
*Breakfast - served all day (A La Carte - eggs and meat)
*Farmers Club Sandwich
*Farm-Grill Chicken Club
*Grilled Chicken
(Omit mashed potatoes and double-up on the fresh steamed
*Heritage Chef Salad
*Hickory-Smoked Ham & Swiss Sandwich
*Farm Favorite Chicken Sandwich
*Big Farm Hamburger or Cheeseburger
*The Three-Cheese Burger
*Blackened Whitefish
*Grilled Salmon (Omit glazed carrots and double-up on steamed

Bojangles Famous Chicken (http://www.bojangles.com)

(Sausage, Bacon/Egg/Cheese, Country Ham & Egg, Country
Ham, Egg & Cheese, Sausage & Egg).
*Grilled Chicken Club Sandwich
*Grilled Chicken Sandwich
*Garden Salad
*Grilled Chicken Salad
*Roasted Chicken Bites
*Green Beans

Boston Market (http://www.bostonmarket.com/home)
*Rotisserie Chicken
*Turkey Breast
*Rotisserie Chicken Carver
*Hand Carved Roasted Turkey Carver
*Roast Beef Brisket Dip Carver
*Mediterranean Chicken Carver
*Garlicky Lemon Spinach (regional item)
*Green Beans
*Fresh Steamed Veggies
*Mediterranean Salad

Buffalo Wild Wings (https://www.buffalowildwings.com)
*Naked Tenders
*Grilled Chicken Salad (leave off croutons)
*Build Your Own Burger
*Juicy Steak Burger
*Build Your Own Grilled Chicken

Burger King (http://www.bk.com/en/us/index.html)
*Breakfast Sandwiches
(Ham/Egg/Cheese, Sausage/Egg/Cheese, Bacon/Egg/Cheese)
*Bacon Cheeseburger
*Bacon Double Cheeseburger
*Big King
*Whopper Jr.
*Tendergrill Chicken
*Chicken, Apple & Cranberry Garden Salad (ask for no dried
*Garden Side Salad


Carls Jr. (http://www.carlsjr.com)
*Breakfast Biscuits
(Maple Sausage/Egg/Cheese, Bacon Bacon Biscuit, Loaded
Omelet Biscuit, Bacon/Egg/Cheese, Sausage/Egg/Cheese,
Monster Biscuit)
(Philly Cheesesteak Six Dollar Thickburger, The Single or
Double Cheesesteak Burger, The Original Six Dollar Thickburger,
Famous Star with Cheese, Super Star with Cheese)
*Charbroiled Atlantic Cod Fish Sandwich
*Grilled Chicken Salad (leave off croutons)
*Garden Side Salad (leave off croutons)

Carrabbas (https://www.carrabbas.com)
(Johnny Rocco Salad, Harvest Salad, Side Salad, Italian Cobb -
pick your protein)
*Mama Mandolas Sicilian Chicken Soup (can request no pasta be
*Wood Grilled Chicken or Salmon
*Grilled Tuscan Skewers
*Filet Fiorentina

Checkers (http://www.checkers.com)
(Big Buford, Cheese Champ, Bacon Cheese Champ,
Baconzilla, Checkerburger or Double Checkerburger with or with
out Cheese, Bacon Double Checkerburger, Bacon Cheese Double
Cheese, Cheese Double Cheese)

Chick-fil-A (http://www.chick-fil-a.com)
*Breakfast Biscuits
(Bacon/Egg/Cheese, Sausage/Egg/Cheese)
*Breakfast Platters
(Bacon or Sausage platter - minus side biscuit)
*Chargrilled Chicken Sandwich
*Chargrilled Chicken Club
*Grilled Market Salad (minus the granola)
*Side Salad/Fruit Salad

Chilis (http://www.chilis.com/EN/Pages/home.aspx)
(House Salad, Caribbean Salad - leave off dried cranberries -
can pick grilled chicken or grilled shrimp, Santa Fe Chicken -
leave off crispy tortilla strips and ranch dressing)
*Fajitas (Trio, Steak, Chicken, Combo Fajitas)
*Sirloin (6 or 10 oz)
*Burgers (Oldtimer, Classic Bacon, Mushroom & Swiss)

Chipotle (https://www.chipotle.com)
*Burrito Bowl (Leave out rice and beans/ pick your protein)
*Salad ( Leave out beans / use salsa as the dressing)

Cook Out (http://www.cookout.com/index.php)
*Char-Broiled Burgers
*Hot Dogs
*Char-Broiled Chicken
(Original style, Cajun style, Club style, and Cheddar style)
(Fresh Char-Grilled Hamburger, Char-Grilled Chicken)

Cracker Barrel (http://www.crackerbarrel.com)
*Breakfast - served all day (Eggs - any style with choice of meat /
*Country Dinner Plates
(Pick your protein and two sides. Protein - grilled chicken,
half-pound chopped steak, hickory-smoked country ham,
spicy grilled farm-raised catfish fillet, grilled pork chops, lemon
pepper grilled rainbow trout. Two Sides - fresh apple slices, whole baby
carrots, cucumber/tomato n onion salad, fresh seasonal fruit, fresh
steamed broccoli)
*Grilled Chicken Salad (no sourdough croutons)
*Country Chef Salad (no sourdough croutons)
*House Salad/Tossed Salad (no sourdough croutons)

Culvers (http://www.culvers.com)

(The Culvers Bacon Deluxe, Mushroom Swiss, ButterBurger
The Original, Cheddar ButterBurger, Cheddar ButterBurger
with Bacon, ButterBurger Cheese, The Culvers Deluxe)
*Grilled Chicken Sandwich
*Beef Pot Roast Sandwich
*Shaved Prime Rib Sandwich
(Garden Fresco with Grilled Chicken - leave off croutons,
Garden Fresco - leave off croutons, Side Salad - leave off

Del Taco (http://www.deltaco.com/index.html)
*Breakfast (Egg & Cheese Muffin)
*Burgers (Cheeseburger, Double Del Cheese, Bacon Double Del
*Deluxe Taco Salad
(Beef or Chicken - leave off beans and sour cream/dont eat
the tortilla bowl)

Dennys (http://www.dennys.com)
(Eggs and meat A La Cart, Santa Fe Skillet (leave out
potatoes), Hearty Breakfast Skillet (leave out potatoes), Fit Fare
Veggie Skillet with Egg (leave out potatoes)
*Prime Cobb Salad (leave out potato sticks)
*Chicken Cobb Salad (leave out potato sticks)
*Build Your Own Burger
*Sirloin Steak

Dunkin Donuts (http://www.dunkindonuts.com/dunkindonuts/en.html)
*Breakfast Sandwiches
(Bacon/Egg/Cheese, Egg/Cheese, Ham/Egg/Cheese, Spicy
Smoked Sausage, Sausage/Egg/Cheese, Sliced Turkey,
Turkey Sausage)

Elevation Burger (http://www.elevationburger.com)
*The Elevation Burger
*Vertigo Burger

*Veggie Burger #1

(The #1 veggie burger is made with veggies and cheese - not
with starches.)
*Half-the-Guilt Burger (one beef patty and one veggie #1)
(6 month-aged cheddar cheese, organic bacon, mushrooms,
lettuce, tomato, ketchup, pickles, mustard, raw onions,
jalapeos, hot pepper relish)
*Mandarin Oranges
*Side Salad
*All burger can be wrapped in lettuce.

Firehouse Subs (http://www.firehousesubs.com)
*Speciality Subs
(Italian, Hook & Ladder, Firehouse Meatball, Smokehouse
Beef & Cheddar Brisket, New York Steamer, Club on a Sub, Steak
& Cheese, Engineer, Firehouse Hero)
*Other Subs
(Smoked Turkey, Sliced Chicken, Corned Beef Brisket, Roast
Beef, Pastrami, Honey Ham, Veggie)
*Chef Salad

Five Guys (http://www.fiveguys.com)
*Hamburger/Little Hamburger
*Cheeseburger/Little Cheeseburger
*Bacon Burger/Little Bacon Burger
*Bacon Cheeseburger/Little Bacon Cheeseburger
*Hot Dog (cheese dog, bacon dog, bacon cheese dog)
*Veggie Sandwich/Cheese Veggie

Friendlys (http://www.friendlys.com)
*Breakfast Scramblers
(Choose from Garden Vegetables, Meat Lovers, or Chorizo)
*Create Your Own Burger
*Spinach Salad
(no Ciabatta croutons / use Balsamic Vinaigrette instead of
suggested dressing)
*Burger Salad
(no Fronions / use Balsamic Vinaigrette instead of suggested

Golden Corral (http://www.goldencorral.com)
*Everyday Items

(assorted steamed veggies, pot roast, fresh fruit,
gilled-to-order USDA sirloin steaks - dinner only, rotisserie
chicken, sweet potato - can be used following the guideline for
*Hot Buffet Items
(assorted steamed veggies, bacon wrapped sirloin, baked
fish, beef brisket, boneless spiral cut ham, fajita chicken or steak,
rotisserie chicken, salmon, carved turkey)

Great Steak (http://www.thegreatsteak.com)
*Cheesesteaks (Original Philly, Great Steak, Super Steak, Chicagoland)
*Chicken Philly (Original, Ultimate)
*Grilled Sandwiches (Turkey Philly, Ham Delight)
*Salads (The Great Salad, Chef Salad, Garden Salad)

Hardees (http://www.hardees.com)
*Breakfast Biscuit
(Monster, Loaded Omelet, Bacon/Egg/Cheese, Sausage,
Country Ham)
*Low Carb Breakfast Bowl
(The Six Dollar Philly Cheesesteak, The 1/4 lb. or 1/3 lb.
Philly Cheesesteak, Original/Cheeseburger, 1/3 lb. Mushroom
Swiss, 1/3 lb. Bacon Cheese, 1/3 lb. Frisco,
2/3 lb. Monster Thick)
*Turkey Burger
*1/3 lb. lox carb thick wrapped in lettuce
*Charbroiled Atlantic Cod
*Charbroiled Chicken Club
*Side Salad
*Ask if they can Trim It with the burger of your choice which
means wrapped in lettuce.

IHOP (http://www.ihop.com)
(T-Bone Steak & Eggs, Simple & Fit Two Egg Breakfast, Create
Your Own Omelette)
*Mushroom Spinach Burger
*Bacon Cheeseburger
*Classic Cheeseburger/Hamburger
*Mega Monster Cheeseburger

*Grilled-Balsamic Glazed Chicken

In-N-Out Burger (http://www.in-n-out.com)
*Ask for your burger Protein Style and it will come wrapped in
*Double Double Cheeseburger

Jack in the Box (http://www.jackinthebox.com)
(Egg White/Turkey Sandwich, Bacon/Egg/Cheese Biscuit,
Sausage/Egg/Cheese Biscuit, Extreme Sausage Sandwich)
*Bacon Insider
*Sirloin Cheeseburger
*Ultimate Cheeseburger
*Bacon Ultimate Cheeseburger
*Jumbo Jack w/ Cheese
*Jumbo Jack/Jr. Jack
*Grilled Chicken Strips
*Sourdough Grilled Chicken Club
*Side Salad
*Grilled Chicken Salad
*Chicken Club Salad (swap the ranch dressing for their Low Fat

Jasons Deli (http://www.jasonsdeli.com)
*Salads (The Big Chef, Chicken Club)
*Salad Bar
*Build your own Sandwich
*Fresh Fruit Plate or Cup

Jersey Mikes (http://www.jerseymikes.com)
*Sub in a Tub (Make any Sub into a Salad)

KFC (http://www.kfc.com)
*Kentucky Grilled Chicken
*Green Beans


Lone Star Steakhouse (http://www.lonestarsteakhouse.com)
(Pick the steak of your choice and two sides. Side selections -
fresh green beans, steamed spinach, steamed broccoli,
classic dinner salad)
*Mesquite - Grilled Chicken or Pork Chop
*Burgers (Lone Star, Swiss and Mushroom)
*Texas Cheesesteak (Ask to get it served on a platter.)

Longhorn Steakhouse (https://www.longhornsteakhouse.com)
(Mixed Green, Grilled Chicken & Strawberry, Grilled Salmon, 7
Pepper Sirloin, Grilled Chicken)
*Burgers (Bacon & Cheese, Steakhouse Burger, Primetime Burger)
*Steaks (Choose your steak and a side.)
*Sides (green beans, fresh vegetable medley, steamed asparagus)

Manchu Wok (http://www.manchuwok.com/home)
*Beef and Broccoli
*Pepper Steak
*Chicken and Mushrooms
*Chicken and Snow Peas
*Garlic Green Beans

McAlisters Deli (http://www.mcalistersdeli.com)
(Italian Chopped Salad, Grilled Chicken - leave off croutons,
Garden Salad - leave off croutons)
*Classic Sandwiches (The Italian, Grilled Chicken, Deli Classics)

McDonalds (http://www.mcdonalds.com/us/en/home.html)
*Breakfast McMuffins
(Egg, Egg White Delight, Sausage, Sausage w/ Egg,
*Breakfast Biscuits (Bacon/Egg/Cheese, Sausage, Sausage w/ Egg)
*Big Mac
*Quarter Pounders
(w/ Cheese, Bacon/Cheese Quarter Pounder, Deluxe Quarter
Pounder, Double Quarter Pounder w/ Cheese)
*Hamburger/Cheeseburger/Double Cheeseburger
*Bacon Mc Double

*Grilled Chicken Classic
*Premium Grilled Chicken Club
*Side Salad
*Premium Bacon Ranch Salad w/ Grilled Chicken
(swap out ranch dressing)
*Side Salad
*Apple Slices

Moes Southwest Grill (http://www.moes.com)
*Earmuffs Burrito Bowl
(Leave out rice and beans/ pick your protein. Can pick
add-ons such as grilled mushrooms, cucumbers, etc,.)
*Close Talker Salad
(Leave out beans/ dont eat shell / pick vinaigrette / can pick
add-ons / pick protein)
*Personal Trainer Salad
(Leave out beans / dont eat shell / pick vinaigrette / can
pick add-ons)

Nathans (http://www.nathansfamous.com)
*Beef Hot Dogs with choice of toppings
(cheese, sauerkraut, red onions, salsa)
(Cheeseburger, Super Cheeseburger, Bacon Cheeseburger,
Double-Beef Burger)
*Chargrilled Chicken
*Chargrilled Chicken Club

OCharleys (http://www.ocharleys.com)
*Fresh Cedar-Planked Salmon
*Fresh Grilled Atlantic Salmon
*Rib-Eye Steak
*Slow Roasted Prime Rib
*Burgers (Bacon/Cheddar, Classic Cheese)
*Sides (Fresh Broccoli, Grilled Asparagus, House Salad)

Olive Garden (https://www.olivegarden.com)
*Garden Fresh Salad (can add salad toppers)
*Parmesan Roasted Asparagus
*Herbed Grilled Salmon
*Center Cut Filet Mignon
*Garlic Rosemary Chicken

*Grilled Chicken Toscano
*Mixed Grill
*Steak Toscano

On the Boarder (http://ontheborder.com)
*Sizzling Fajita Salad (pick your chicken or steak, leave off sour
*Fajita Grill
(pick your protein, leave out tortillas, rice, beans, and sour
*Mexican Grilled Chicken (leave out rice)

Outback Steakhouse (http://www.outback.com)
(California Chicken, Aussie Chicken Cobb - leave off
croutons, House Salad)
(fresh steamed broccoli, grilled asparagus, steamed green
beans, seasoned mixed veggies)
*Grilled Chicken on the Barbie
*Filet & Lobster Tail or Grilled Shrimp
*Sirloin & Grilled Shrimp
*Perfectly Grilled Salmon
*Grilled Mahi
*Lobster Tails

Panera (https://www.panerabread.com/en-us/home.html)
*Breakfast Sandwiches
(Egg/Cheese, Bacon/Egg/Cheese, Sausage/Egg/Cheese,
Steak/Egg, Mediterranean Egg White, Breakfast Power Sandwich)
*Fruit Cup
(Spinach Power Salad - no frizzled onions, Chicken Cobb
Salad, Classic Salad - can add chicken, Greek Salad - can add
chicken or shrimp)

P.F. Changs (http://www.pfchangs.com/index.aspx)
*Chicken Chopped Salad
*Shaking Beef
*Beef with Broccoli
*Asian Grilled Salmon

*Oolong Chilean Sea Bass
*Spinach Stir-Fried with Garlic

Qdoba Mexican Grill (http://www.qdoba.com)
*Breakfast Burrito (Ask for the Naked - no tortilla / pick protein)
(Ask for the Naked / leave out rice and beans / pick protein
and add-ons)
*Taco Salad
(Ask for the Naked / pick protein and add-ons - no bean
and corn salsa)

Red Robin (http://www.redrobin.com)
(Gourmet Cheeseburger, Royal Red Robin,
Bacon Cheeseburger, Sauted Shroom, California Chicken
Burger) Red Robin will wrap their burgers in lettuce.
(Avo-Cobb-O, Simply Grilled Chicken - leave off croutons,
House Side Salad - leave off croutons)

Red Lobster (http://www.redlobster.com)
*Wood-grilled Burger
*Bar Harbor Lobster Bake (leave out linguini)
*Crab & Roasted Garlic Seafood Bake (leave out corn and potatoes)
*Portofino Seafood Bake (leave out wild rice pilaf and bread)
*Wood-Grilled Lobster, Shrimp & Scallops (leave out rice pilaf)
*Broiled Seafood Trio
*Create Your Own Combination

Ruby Tuesday (https://www.rubytuesday.com)
*Salad Bar
*Grilled Chicken Salad (leave off croutons)
*Grilled Salmon Salad (leave off croutons)
*Steaks (Petite Sirloin &Lobster Tail, Top Sirloin, Petite Sirloin)
*Classic Burgers
(Rubys Classic, Classic Cheeseburger, Bacon Cheeseburger)
*Avocado Turkey Burger
*Avocado Grilled Chicken Sandwich
*Prime Burgers

(Triple Prime Burger, Triple Cheddar Burger, Triple Bacon
Cheddar Burger)

Salsaritas (http://salsaritas.com)
*Pick the Bowl - add the protein and the toppings
(leave off rice and beans)

Sbarro (http://www.sbarro.com)
*Salads (Garden Fresh, Greek, String Bean and Cherry Tomato,
Tomato and Cucumber, Fruit Salad)
*Sausage and Peppers

Schlotzskys (http://www.schlotzskys.com)
(Salads are served with a side of breadsticks - forgo the
breadsticks. Turkey Avocado Cobb - leave off beans and
croutons, Italian Chopped Salad, Garden Salad, Turkey Chef)
*Sandwiches - leave off signature dressing on the sandwiches
(The Original, Turkey Bacon Club, Roasted Turkey, Angus
Roast Beef & Cheese)

Shoneys (http://www.shoneys.com)
(Breakfast Buffet - choose eggs your way, protein, and fruit.
Build your own omelet / Philly steak and cheese omelet)
*Grilled Wild-Caught Salmon
(double-up on steamed veggies and forgo rice)
*8oz Steakhouse Sirloin
*Chef Salad
*House Salad (no croutons - can add chicken or steak)
*Burgers (Shoneys Double Decker Steak, All-American, Mushroom

Sonic Drive In (http://www.sonicdrivein.com)
*Sonic Cheeseburgers
(Bacon, Double, Bacon Double, Jr. Double, Jr. Deluxe)
*Sonic Hamburgers (Jr. Burger, Jr. Deluxe Burger)
*Grilled Chicken Sandwich

Starbucks (http://www.starbucks.com)
*Breakfast Sandwiches
(Bacon/Egg/Gouda, Ham/Egg/Cheddar,
*Seasonal Harvest Fruit Blend

Subway (http://www.subway.com)
*Breakfast Sandwiches
(Bacon/Egg/Cheese, Black Forest Ham/Egg/Cheese, Breakfast
B.M.T., Egg/Cheese, Steak/Egg/Cheese, Sunrise Subway)
*Subway Salads
(Subway will basically take your favorite protein from the
sandwiches and turn it into a salad. Just be sure to avoid the
creamy dressings.)

Taco Bell (http://www.tacobell.com)
*Cantina Bowl
(Leave out rice, beans, roasted corn salsa, and the creamy
dressing. Use salsa as dressing if vinaigrette is not available.)
*Fiesta Taco Salad
(Choice of chicken, beef, or steak. Leave out rice, beans, and
tortilla strips. Dont eat shell.)

Taco Del Mar (http://www.tacodelmar.com)
*Baja Bowl (pick your protein, leave off rice, beans, and sour cream)
*Taco Salad
(pick your protein, leave off beans and sour cream / dont eat
the shell)

TGIF (https://www.tgifridays.com)
(Balsamic-Glazed Chicken Caesar - the Caesar dressing is a
vinaigrette - leave off croutons, Fridays House Salad - leave
off croutons and breadstick)
*Burgers (NY Cheddar/Bacon, Cheeseburger, Turkey Burger)
*Steaks (Sirloin, Flat Iron, Rib-Eye)

Waffle House (http://www.wafflehouse.com)

*Breakfast (eggs and protein Al la Cart, Steak and eggs, Omelets)
(Garden Salad, Grilled Chicken Salad, The Avondale Salad,
Bacon Chicken and Cheese Salad)
*Burgers (Build your own or choose from one on the menu.)

Wendys (http://www.wendys.com)
*Daves Hot n Juicy Single, Double or Triple
*Son of Baconator
*Jr. Bacon Cheeseburger
*Jr. Hamburger
*Jr. Cheeseburger or Deluxe
*Double Stack
*Ultimate Chicken Grill
*Apple Pecan Chicken Salad (Ask for no dried cranberries.)
*Chicken BLT Cobb Salad (Swap out creamy dressing)
*Garden Side Salad
*Apple Slices

Zaxbys (http://www.zaxbys.com/home.aspx)
*The Caesar Salad
(Ask for the grilled chicken and use the vinaigrette dressing.)
*The Blue Salad
(Ask for the blackened chicken, no fried onions and Texas
Toast. Use the vinaigrette.)
*The Cobb Salad (No fried onions, and no Texas Toast. Use
*Side Salad
*Side of Celery Stalks (swap Ranch Dressing)
*Grilled Chicken Sandwich

Zoes (http://zoeskitchen.com)
*Greek Side Salad
*Grilled Chicken Marinara (Choose roasted veggies instead of
*Protein Power Plate
(Steak - leave off potatoes / Chicken - forgo rice pilaf
Shrimp - forgo rice pilaf)


Protein Powders

In a convenience lifestyle, protein powders are one of the most
versatile and powerful tools you can have. Simply substituting your
morning cereal with a protein-based smoothie can cause dramatic
changes in health, energy, fitness and weight loss.

Here is a very simple formula to know if your protein powder is going
to do the trick or not. This formula is for the protein powder plus all
additions to the shake (i.e. these rules must hold even when you add
fat, fruit etc to the shake)

Good= Protein + Fat within 10 of Total Carbs + Fat
Better= Protein + Fat equals Total Carbs + Fat
Best= Protein + Fat exceeds Total Carbs + Fat

The following are some suggestions for acceptable protein powders.
This list only represents a small sampling of protein powders on the
market. You may find one that meets the requirement that is not on
this list and that is certainly an option.

By far the two most favorite brands in terms of taste, tolerability (i.e.

less digestive complaints) and convenience are Isagenix brand
shakes and Biotrust shakes. These have been so successful and
requested in our clinic we now recommend these over all others. If
you are just starting with protein shakes or have been unable to find
one you like, these are the ones you should get.

In order to make your shakes more hunger suppressing, you may
want to add additional scoops of protein plus add fiber if needed,
such as apple pectin. It is best to use a liquid base that is sparse in
calorie and carbs and also has a low allergy potential. These include
water, unsweetened almond milk, or unsweet low fat coconut milk.

Where you see ranges presented in the following tables, they are
referring to the range that the brand will have depending on the
flavor. Consult the website for the flavor of your choice to see the
exact nutrition facts.

The individual websites are included for your reference and to
certainly do more research about each of the products. You may want
to also visit www.amazon.com and/or www.vitacost.com as those two
sites may have your particular protein at a better rate.

Whey Based Protein

About Time

Nutrition Facts
Calories 100
Total Fat 0g
Carbohydrates <1g
Fiber 0g

Nutrition Facts
Protein 25g

About Time protein offers cold processed, micro filtered 100% whey
protein isolate. It has no artificial sweeteners, no lactose, no gluten,
no sugar, and no growth hormones. It is available in 10 flavors,
including Banana, Birthday Cake, Chocolate, Chocolate Peanut
Butter, Cinnamon Swirl, Mocha Mint, Peanut Butter, Strawberry,
Vanilla and Unflavored. About Time offers a trial pack of any two


Nutrition Facts
Calories 100-110
Total Fat 0g
Carbohydrates 8g
Fiber 0g
Protein 20g

Biochems protein is Ultra-Filtered/Micro-Filtered Whey Protein
Isolate. It is free of hormones and artificial sweeteners. It is also
gluten and wheat free. It comes in chocolate fudge and vanilla.


Nutrition Facts
Calories 150
Total Fat 2g
Carbohydrates 8g
Fiber 4g
Protein 24g

Biotrust is a very high end ultrapure and time released whey protein.
It contains prohydrolase to help with digestion and the cows are
hormone free. This is a favorite it taste from patients at the Metabolic
Effect clinic. It comes in chocolate and vanilla. Biotrust also has
several other functional foods that are very well liked including bars
and protein cookies.

Isagenix IsaLean & Isalean Pro

Nutrition Facts
Calories 280
Total Fat 6g
Carbohydrates 21g
Fiber 6g
Protein 36g

Isagenix is a full meal replacement. Their whey comes from New
Zealand, free-range cows that are grass-fed (free from herbicides,
pesticides, etc.), milked and rested according to season and free of

hormones, antibiotics, and steroids. Isagenix calls them happy
cows, and the whey is exclusive to Isagenix. There are no artificial
sweeteners. The IsaLean Pro comes in Chocolate and Vanilla.
Isagenix products are sold through representatives.

Jay Robb

Nutrition Facts
Calories 110
Total Fat 0g
Carbohydrates 1g
Fiber 0g
Protein 25g

Jay Robbs Protein Isolate contains no artificial sweeteners, no
artificial flavors, no artificial colors, no soy, no lactose, no sugar and
is rBGH Free, non- GMO and comes from grass-fed cows. It comes
in vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, pina colada, tropical dreamsicle, and
unflavored. Jay Robb offers a sample kit that contains one individual
packet of all flavors except the unflavored.

Life Source Nutrition

Nutrition Facts
Calories 120

Nutrition Facts
Total Fat 2g
Carbohydrates 5g
Fiber 2g
Protein 25g

Life Source Protein comes from certified grass-fed cows that are
certified disease-free, certified pesticide-free, certified chemical-free,
certified hormone treatment-free and certified GMO free.

Teras Whey

Nutrition Facts
Calories 110
Total Fat 1.5g -2g
Carbohydrates 3g - 5g
Fiber 0g - 1g
Protein 20g - 22g

Teras Whey uses USDA certified organic whey protein concentrate
that comes from ethically treated cow sources. The product uses
stevia and is gluten free. The whey protein comes in coffee,
blueberry, bourbon vanilla, fair trade dark chocolate, and plain
flavors. The company sells individual packets for samples.


Plant Based Protein

About Time

Nutrition Facts
Calories 119 - 122
Total Fat 2.5g - 3g
Carbohydrates 1g - 2g
Fiber 0g -1g
Protein 20g - 24g

About Time Vegan is non-GMO, gluten-free, soy-free, and dairy-free.
The protein is a blend of proteins from peas, brown rice, and
pumpkins. It doesnt contain artificial sweeteners. It comes in both
vanilla and chocolate.



Nutrition Facts
Calories 110 - 115
Total Fat 1g - 2.5g
Carbohydrates 2g - 8g
Fiber 0g - .5g
Protein 20g

Biochems Vegan Protein is made from isolated, highly digestible pea
protein, organic hemp protein, and cranberry protein.

Health Force Nutritional Warrior Food Extreme

Nutrition Facts
Calories 83 - 102
Total Fat .7g - 2.1g
Carbohydrates 1.7g - 4.5g

Nutrition Facts
Fiber .8g - 1.0g
Protein 17.25g - 24.75

Health Forces Protein contains sprouted enzymatically activated,
Non - GMO, brown rice protein and hemp protein. It comes in
extreme vanilla plus, extreme chocolate plus, and natural. The vanilla
extreme plus uses the whole vanilla bean, not vanilla flavoring and
contains Rhodiola to enhance performance. The chocolate extreme
plus uses actual cacao not chocolate flavoring and has cinnamon and

Isagenix Dairy Free

Nutrition Facts
Calories 250
Total Fat 8g
Carbohydrates 22g
Fiber 8g
Protein 22g

Isagenix Dairy-Free is a blend of hemp and pea protein. It is gluten,
wheat, and barely free. It is also soy free. It comes in Natural Berry
Harvest flavor.


Nutiva Hemp Protein

Nutrition Facts
Calories 90
Total Fat 3g
Carbohydrates 9g
Fiber 8g
Protein 15g

Nutiva Hemp protein contains all nine essential amino acids. It is
cold-processed and comes in a BPA free container. It is completely

Vega Sport

Nutrition Facts
Calories 127 -134
Total Fat .2g - .7g
Carbohydrates 4.5g - 6.2g
Fiber .4g - 1.5g
Protein 25g - 26g


Vega Sports Protein is a plant based protein with a complete multi -
source, alkaline forming protein blend. It comes in vanilla, chocolate,
and berry flavors. It has 5,500mg of BCAAs and 5,000mg of
glutamine per serving.
Egg White Protein

Jay Robb

Nutrition Facts
Calories 120
Total Fat 0g
Carbohydrates 1g - 4g
Fiber 0g
Protein 24g - 25g

Jay Robb Egg White Protein comes from non-GMO egg whites from
chickens that are not treated with growth hormones. It comes in
vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, and unflavored. Jay Robb does offer a
sample kit that contains 2 vanilla, 2 chocolate, and 1 strawberry


Protein Smoothie Recipes

Appropriate Bases- water, milk, unsweetened almond milk, unsweet
& low fat coconut milk, coconut water. Appropriate extra Sweeteners-
xylitol, erythritol, stevia, truvia.
For best results, make sure the shakes adhere to these three
Good= Protein + Fat within 10 of Total Carbs + Fat
Better= Protein + Fat equals Total Carbs + Fat
Best= Protein + Fat exceeds Total Carbs + Fat

Berry Good:
20-50g protein powder, 8-10oz Skim milk or Unsweetened Almond
Milk, 1/4 frozen banana, 12-1 cup frozen blueberries. Add 1tsp fiber
(acacia,pectin etc.). Ice. Blend.

Banana Strawberry Smoothie:
20-50g protein powder, 8-10oz Skim milk or Unsweetened Almond
Milk, 1/4 frozen banana, 12-1 cup frozen Strawberries. Add 1tsp fiber
(acacia, pectin etc.). Ice. Blend.

Spice Smoothie:
20-50g protein, 8-10oz coconut water, 1 handful walnuts, cinnamon,
nutmeg, maple flavoring. Add 1tsp fiber (acacia, pectin etc.) Ice.


Pecan Pie:
20-50g protein powder, 8-10oz coconut water, 1/4 frozen banana, 1
handful pecans. Add 1tsp fiber (acacia, pectin etc.). Ice. Blend.

Chocolate Banana:
20-50g protein powder, 8-10oz Skim milk or Unsweetened Almond
Milk,1/4 frozen banana, 1teaspoon baking cocoa,. Add 1tsp fiber
(acacia, pectinetc.). Ice. Blend.

Chocolate Peanut Butter:
20-50g whey protein, 8-10oz Skim milk or Unsweetened Almond Milk,
1/4 frozen banana, 1 tablespoon peanut butter. 1 teaspoon baking
cocoa, Add 1tsp fiber (acacia, pectin etc.). Ice. Blend.

25-50g whey protein, 8-10oz Skim milk or Unsweetened Almond Milk,
Vanilla extract. Add 1tsp fiber (acacia, pectin etc.). Ice. Blend.

20-50g protein powder, 8-10oz Skim milk or Unsweetened Almond
Milk, 12 cup frozen tropical fruit (mango, pineapple, banana),. Add
1tsp fiber (acacia, pectin etc.). Ice. Blend.

Banana Coconut:
20-50g protein powder, 5 oz coconut water, 5oz coconut milk, 1/4
frozen banana. Add 1tsp fiber (acacia, pectin etc.). Ice. Blend.

Coconut pineapple:
20-50g protein powder, 8-10oz lite coconut milk, 12 cup frozen
pineapple, Add 1tsp fiber (acacia, pectin etc.). Ice. Blend

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