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City of Salem, Massachusetts

Police Department Headquarters

Paul F. Tucker

Chief of Police
Paul F. Tucker

TO: All Sworn Personnel

FROM: Captain Mark Losolfo

SUBJECT: Private Details

DATE: June 11, 2014

The following rules shall be observed by all officers working private details:

I. Availability / Seniority

a.) Detail assignments are governed by Administrative Rules & Regulations 10.0
effective 3/1/05.

b.) All assignments will be made by the detail officer or a designee of the
Administrative & Auxiliary Services Division Commander. In the absence of such
personnel, assignments will be made by the Officer in Charge. There is
absolutely NO bumping of detail assignments.

c.) Assignments by the OIC should only be made when an emergency exists or the
detail will start prior to the return of the Detail Officer. Such assignments will be
made from the availability/ seniority list left by the Detail Officer whenever
possible. The detail sheet will document the existing information and the
response from each officer called on the list. The primary phone number
provided to the detail office by officers will be used and a message shall be left
whenever possible. Further, it must be documented with a N for No Answer,
R for Refusal, NA for Not Available and A for Accepted.
d.) The person making an assignment will ensure they are made on the basis of
seniority and as equitably as possible.

e.) Officers are to contact the Detail Office concerning their weekly availability by
Monday at 6:00 a.m. and weekend availability by Wednesday at 8:00 a.m.
Failure to do so will result in an officers name being placed at the bottom of the
seniority / availability list.

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f.) If an officer becomes available during the week, he / she can add his or her name
to the availability list. This must be done by 6:00 a.m. on the days available.
Failure to notify the Detail Officer by 6:00 a.m. or failure to accept a detail as
offered will result in an officers name being placed at the bottom of the
seniority / availability list for that day.

g.) Officers assigned to a specific detail shall be responsible FOR THAT DETAIL.
Absent approval from the Division Commander of the Detail Office officers may
not swap their detail to work overtime or another detail. Cancelling a detail to
work overtime or another detail is strictly prohibited. Absent exigent
circumstances (sickness, death in the family, etc.) any change in a detail
assignment must receive prior approval by the detail officer or the Division
Commander and in his / her absence the OIC.

h.) All detail slips and hours worked must be turned in to the Detail Office by 6:00
a.m. on Monday morning. If the slip is not received by this time the hours
worked will not be submitted for payment that week.

i.) Officers will not accept a private detail assignment while assigned to court.

j.) The usage of vacation days will no longer be allowed in order to work a detail.
E-time may still be used, however must be documented with a case number,
signed card or copy of the hours used from the card and a report submitted to
the Patrol Division Commander.

k.) The Chief may designate a Special Events Detail to assign a Superior officer as
OIC on overtime. This will be counted as a detail for the day.

II. Performance of Private Details

a.) The Street Sergeant is responsible for checking the details and any deficiencies
will be reported immediately to the Division Commander of the detail office.

b.) Officers will report to detail ON TIME and will call out to Salem control when
they arrive at the site stating their radio number or name and the street they are

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on. Upon completion of the private detail, officers will notify Salem control that
their assignment has been finished. Control shall acknowledge the transmission.

c.) Officers will leave the detail only when relieved or dismissed by the contractor.
Any officer observed absent from an assigned or private detail, while such
contractor is actively working, without first reporting his absence to Salem
control will be subject to discipline. Additionally, officers will not leave their post
for any reason while road work is being performed without notifying the
contractor and receiving their permission.

d.) Officers will be in full uniform to include their hat and appropriate Hi-Vis
Yellow reflective traffic vest / jacket or traffic straps.

e.) An officer who requests relief prior to working eight hours will not be entitled to
the eight hour minimum after working 5 hours. Officers will only be entitled to
the eight hour minimum after working 5 hours when the detail is terminated
by the contractor.

f.) Officer will perform all duties requested by the company or person hiring the
officer as long as they are legal and reasonable. If the officer is unsure of the
nature of an assignment he / she should consult the Street Sergeant.

g.) Any officer assigned to a detail in which the contractor fails to appear shall
remain at the assigned location for at least one hour and then report said failure
to appear to the Detail Officer / OIC so that a communication can be made to the
contractor for an update prior to leaving.

h.) If an officer is required to sign in at a job he or she is responsible to do so.

i.) Officers working private details shall pay particular attention to motor vehicle
and pedestrian traffic directing such traffic when necessary.

j.) Talking on the phone and / or texting on a private detail is strongly discouraged
due to the safety issues it presents to the officer and those he is charged with
protecting. Additionally, it projects an extremely negative image of inattention
and carelessness to the public. Officers should only engage in such use when
absolutely necessary.

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k.) Officers will contact the detail office / OIC in a timely fashion to ensure they
arrange for relief when a detail will overlap into their regular tour of duty.

l.) Officers will not work more than (16) sixteen hours in a row or more than 16
hours in one twenty-four hour period unless the officer has received prior
approval by a captain.

m.) Officers assigned to private details for outside communities will adhere to that
communitys regulations as well as the regulations of the Salem Police

n.) Any officer who calls in sick for a private detail shall be held to the same rules
and regulations established by the Chief of Police for sick calls regarding regular
tours of duty.

o.) As a general rule the detail officer will honor requests for a particular officer,
however consideration must be given the reasonableness and fairness. All
requests must first be approved by the Division Commander.

p.) An Acting Chief is prohibited from working details on the day(s) they assume
the duties.

q.) The Patrol Division Commander shall provide the Detail Officer with a list of any
officer(s) on sick time resulting in detail restrictions so that eligibility may be
determined for officers.

III. Violations

a.) Any officer who violated these rules and regulations will be subject to the loss of
private detail work and overtime for up to five (5) days for the first infraction and
up to (30) thirty days for a second and subsequent infraction.

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