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Abortion is one of the most controversial topics across the world. The controversy
surrounding abortion is stems from mainly two groups which are on completely different ends of
the spectrum, the religious community and the science community. Both communities make
many points which will be discussed. The religious community focuses on making points which
are based off faith and holy books such as the bible, while the scientific community bases its
argument showing facts about fetuses and embryos. There is one more community which has the
most say in the top of abortion, the child bearers, the women who have the choice to give their
child a life or not.
The reasons for all this controversy are two simple questions. Why should the woman
who has to bear all the pain of giving birth to a child not be allowed to decide whether she wants
to have her child or not? While the other question is why should an unborn child who has no say
in the matter be aborted? Before delving into these two questions the causes and effects must be
discussed. There are many reasons a woman would not want to give birth to a child. A woman
might not be able to give her child the life it needs because she does not have the means to
support a child. A woman might want resort to abortion if she was in an abusive relationship.
Women might also choose abortion if they are going through an unplanned pregnancy. In
countries like India the reasons for abortion are much more controversial. In India the male sex is
preferred over the female sex. This leads to many women being forced to abort their child. This
type of abortion is usually very unsafe because it is done illegally and not done by certified
doctors. Another cause of abortion is rape. 1% of women who abort their child say rape is the
reason. The counter to the above reasons is that the problem isnt that these women are pregnant;
the problems are why are these women being raped? Why are these women subject to abusive
relationships? Why is it that certain societies prefer to have a baby boy over a baby girl?
Abortion does not only have an effect on women, but it also has effects on men and
society as a whole. Major physicals effects on women usually occur at a rate of 1 out of 100 after
first trimester abortions and 1 out of 50 after late term abortions. Physical effects are not very
common after abortion but the emotional effects are more common and the emotional toll can be
very grave. Emotional effects can include regret, anger, guilt, shame, relationship issues,
depression, anxiety, and many more effects. Men feel as if they should also have in abortion.
They feel as if the womans say in the matter counts for more than their say, but is this
something that should be disputed? Shouldnt the woman ultimately have the final say in her
decision to abort her child? While the woman who is carrying the child does have a stronger say
in her decision regarding abortion, the opinion of the man who helped create the child should be
taken into deep consideration. The effect of abortion on society has been relatively negative.
Over 50 million abortions have taken place in the United States. Is society teaching the people
that taking a life is okay? Why are people so quick to jump to abortion instead of working out a
solution? People are becoming more and more desensitised to abortion and becoming more
accepting of such a big decision should never be easy. Not only has abortion changed the
mindset of society in a negative \way it has also impacted the economy. If abortion was never
legalized more than 17 million people would be employed right now, resulting in an additional
$400 billion dollars in the economy of the United States. $47 million dollars would have been
contributed to Social Security and $11 billion dollars contributed to Medicare if abortion was
never legalized. Many people argue that abortion has stopped many children from living in poor
conditions and from living on the streets, but there are still alternatives to abortion which could
prevent a bad life for an unwanted child. Adoption and foster care are very convenient choices.
Even with such convenient choices women choose abortion. Women should be more informed
about the possible choices if they do not want a child. There are always other options, it is up to
the people to explore them.
Abortion in Canada occurs at a much lower rate than in America. From 1974 to 2010
3,191,362 abortions have occurred in Canada. Prince Edward Island does not provide abortions
in hospitals yet they are legal. Ontario had the most abortions in 2010 with a total of 28,765,
Alberta had the second most with 13,084, and B.C the third most with 12,149. The legality of
abortion is not necessarily the issue; the issue is how quickly women accept abortion as a
solution to an unwanted pregnancy. Women should be more educated when it comes to
unplanned pregnancy. They should be educated about all their possible options when they are in
a position where there cannot have or do not want a child. The controversy that comes with
abortion is generally science versus religion. Scientists say the embryo is just a tissue that still
depends on its mother and has not reached personhood. While religious people say it is murder.
People of faith say the embryo has never been given a chance to live its life which is callous and
cold hearted murder. Then there are the feminists who both support and oppose abortion. Some
say that abortion is something created by men to allow them to be as sexually active as they
desire, hence these women oppose abortion. While other women think they have the right to do
whatever they please with their body.
All in all abortion is a much bigger topic than just simply saying that women have the
right to do what they want with their body or by just saying that abortion is murder. The
circumstances that cause women to want to abort their child should be discussed before abortion
itself is discussed. Why must women be put into such devastating situations where they do not
want to keep their child? Many people say that women can always give up their child for
adoption, but why would a woman who is pregnant because of a rape want to even give birth to
the outcome of such a terrible occurrence? Women should be much more educated about all the
options they have when they are pregnant with an unwanted child. Society needs to change its
outlook about abortion. Abortion should be the absolute last option a women looks at. Taking
away a potential life should never be one of the first solutions that comes to mind when a woman
has an unwanted child.

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