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Rural Development

The Rural development Program of The Art of Living is predominantly driven by the
yuvacharyas. The yuvacharyas are the youth from the local communities in the
villages who have undergone the Youth Leadership Training Program YLTP!. This
gives them the s"ills# motivation and abilities to initiate and lead service pro$ects in
their own villages and localities based on their needs.
%nly a strong spiritual foundation brings self&esteem and self&confidence that is
unsha"eable. 't is this combination of personal inner strength# as well as s"ills and
leadership training that ensures the long&term effectiveness and sustainability of this
The () program aims at ensuring that every rural area*village has )omes for the
homeless# )ealth care# )ygiene# )uman +alues and )armony in diversity. ,et up in
-../# () cataly0es social transformation. The program aims to eradicate poverty#
misery# disease and to ensure peace and harmony in rural and tribal areas worldwide.
The individuals and communities at the grassroots become self&reliant both socially
and economically# this ensures the effects of the program are long&term and
() Achievements
Reached 12#3-3 villages
Trained --2#222 rural youth in YLTP
4onducted -5(#222 free stress&relief wor"shops benefiting more
than (#566#222 people
4onducted 1.#(22 hygiene camps and 3(#.(2 medical camps
benefitting 3#(63#(22 people
Planted more than -2 million trees
-6.( homes# (1-6 toilets# --(3 bore&wells and .21 bio&gas plants built
(( model villages developed benefiting --(#222 people
Trained over 5222 people in organic farming
Rural 7lectrification 8 Light A )ome
Light A )ome initiative laid its foundation during %ctober 32-3. The aim of this
initiative is to bring clean and affordable lighting to 952 million people in 'ndia living
in /1 million rural households who do not have access to electricity. A ma$ority of
these people rely on "erosene and other fuels to meet their lighting needs# which is
ha0ardous to both their health and to the environment.
Till now# the Light A )ome Pro$ect has touched lives of more than 5#222 such people
by providing solar home lighting systems to -#-22 such homes in :ihar# ;P# Assam
and <har"hand. The vision is to reach out to -#22#222 unelectrified homes by 32-(.
%rganic =arming
The Art of Living has been conducting 4hemical =ree =arming >or"shops since
322/. %ver the past years# more than 93#222 farmers have ta"en up the wor"shop. The
wor"shop covers techni?ues for organic farming# ma"ing the farmers aware of the
harm that is caused by the usage of chemicals in the fields and how the yield
decreases gradually due to the usage of chemicals.
<oin the revolution for change
Are you inspired and ready to ta"e on social responsibility@
>ant to be focused and be the part of the change you want to see@
Are you ready to be committed and build a team of leaders@
Then $oin the =amily & 4ontact a YLTP 4oordinator
Transform Lives
Aift a ,mile

)ands ;p for Bids in Cairobi
)ands ;p 1 Bids empowers the children of Benya# providing the tools for managing
mind and emotions# alleviating poverty and building a healthy# sustainable
%ne of the many pro$ects The Art of Living =oundation# 'A)+ and )ands ;p 1 Bids
are involved in# is with the Cairobi 4hildrenDs Aarden )ome E ,chool.
Adventist Development and Relief Agency
Adapting to 4limate 4hange to 7nsure =ood ,ecurity
4ountry8 Rwanda
This pro$ect aims to increase access to sufficient# nutritious# and safe food among
those most vulnerable to climate change in the refugee*returnee areas of the Aatsibo
and Bayon0a districts. 't see"s to do this by improving household nutrition and
income generation through climate change adaptation initiatives targeting households
and cooperatives that ta"e into account both women and men.
The pro$ect see"s to address the challenges related to climate change such as
prolonged droughts# variable growing seasons# increased storms# and unpredictable
rains. ,mallholder farmers often have little or no arable land or water for irrigation.
Deforestation has contributed to increased soil erosion and eFhaustion# and has
adversely affected water sources. All of these factors negatively affect crop
production and household incomes# limiting peopleGs ability to produce or purchase
food. The pro$ect aims to increase access to vegetables and fruits for consumption#
and create income&generating opportunities for 95#162 people.
4anadian 4o&operative Association
'mproving 4limate 4hange Resilience in =armersG 4o&operatives
4ountry8 7thiopia
This pro$ect see"s to increase economic# social# and ecological resilience of
smallholder 7thiopian farmers to climate change. The pro$ect aims to help
-3#222 resource&poor farming households in the district of =ogera in the regional state
of Amhara to produce better ?uality crops and increase their household incomes.
Activities include promoting diversified and integrated crop and livestoc" production
systems# increasing soil fertility# improving water systems# and strengthening the
capacity of local sta"eholders to negotiate and $ointly implement actions to restore
and enhance natural capital assets. The 4anadian 4o&operative Association has
successfully used integrated agricultural and financial co&operative approaches to
improve food security and promote economic growth throughout Africa.
4anadian =eed the 4hildren
Adapting to 4limate 4hange
4ountry8 Ahana
4limate change and climate variability are ma$or obstacles to ensuring that people
have access to sufficient# nutritious# and safe food in the northern part of the country.
The three northern regions are particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate
change# and the capacity of the local population to adapt is very low due to deep&
rooted poverty. This pro$ect addresses the urgent needs of more than (2#222 women
and men smallholder farmers# -/ farm organi0ations# as well as non&governmental
organi0ations and private companies to understand the causes and effects of climate
change and to implement measures to ensure sustainable access to food and
livelihoods. 'ncreased access to up&to&date weather forecasts and agricultural practices
and technologies that address climate change allow farmers to ma"e better decisions
on the use of new technologies# field preparation# and land management. The pro$ectGs
poverty&reduction ob$ectives are reali0ed through the development and scaling&up of
off&farm income&generating activities to decrease dependency on farming income.
The pro$ect also builds capacity for regional actors such as the Regional Advisory
'nformation and Cetwor" ,ystems to support initiatives to help people adapt to
climate change at the grass&roots level# and to promote the integration of a climate&
change approach into agriculture and livelihood&development programming.
4Hgep de la AaspHsie et des Iles in =rench!
>omen 7ntrepreneurs Adapting to 4limate 4hange
4ountry8 ,enegal
This pro$ect aims to reduce poverty among the people of the ,aloum 'slands by
improving the ability of 6/2 women in three villages to adapt to climate change. Low
levels of precipitation over the last 9( years have contributed to desertification and
have reduced access to fresh water. This has reduced food production# adversely
affected mangrove ecosystems# and reduced biodiversity# which in turn has reduced
shellfish and fish stoc"s J a staple food of these communities. This initiative see"s to
ensure the sustainable utili0ation and mar"eting of these resources to give local
populations the opportunity to improve their economyK ensure access to sufficient#
safe# and nutritious food# and enhance the role and position of women in local
communities. The pro$ect also see"s to ensure the transfer of s"ills and eFpertise to
direct beneficiaries and other sta"eholders.
4)= =ormerly "nown as the 4anadian )unger =oundation!
:ati Adapts to 4limate 4hange 'mpacts
4ountry8 7thiopia
This pro$ect aims to increase the food security of people in 1#552 households and their
ability to adapt to the impacts of climate change in the :ati district. The people of this
district are largely dependent on rain&fed agriculture and traditional practices to
sustain their livelihoods and food security. This ma"es them more vulnerable to
climate&change impacts. 7Fpected results include -2 community climate&change ris"
assessments# more than 1#222 women and men trained in water conservation# dry
season gardening# integrated crop and livestoc" management# and revitali0ation of
322 small&scale irrigation schemes. The initiative also proposes to strengthen the
%rgani0ation for Rehabilitation and Development in Amhara and local offices of the
Linistry of Agriculture to better support community&based pro$ects addressing
climate change.
This pro$ect would build on a recently completed 4'DA&funded initiative that
rehabilitated land and developed household livelihood strategies to reduce the areaGs
dependency on food aid. 4)= has 3. years of food&security eFperience in the )orn of
Africa# having developed best practices lin"ing food security and climate change# and
supporting local partners to scale up development activities.
7Fpanding Resilience to 4limate 4hange
4ountry8 Ahana
This pro$ect aims to increase the resilience of households vulnerable to climate
change in targeted communities in the northern part of the country through improved
access to sufficient# nutritious# and safe food and sustainable economic development.
Lost farmers depend on rain&fed agriculture and have very limited access to reliable
weather forecasts and early warning of disasters. As such# they are highly vulnerable
to climate change.
The pro$ect targets men and women in vulnerable households in 1 districts and
32 communities of the northern part of the country with two main ob$ectives. The first
is to increase the capacity of district and regional organi0ations to develop plans to
adapt to climate change and strategies to reduce the ris"s relating to climate change
that ta"e into account both women and men. The second ob$ective is to increase the
adoption of strategies and technologies by vulnerable men and women that are
designed to increase drought&tolerant crop and livestoc" production# protect and
enhance productive natural resources# and increase access to alternative sources of
4uso 'nternational
Adapting to 4limate 4hange through 7ntrepreneurship and ,trengthening of +alue
4ountry8 4ameroon
This pro$ect see"s to increase access to sufficient# nutritious# and safe food# and the
economic well&being of 3#222 women and men producers in the Lodel =orests of
4ampo&LaGan southern region! and of D$a and Lpomo eastern region! while
improving their capacities to become more resilient to climate change. The pro$ect
aims to implement a system for technical support# provide services# and create
profitable commercial businesses that are self&maintained# resilient# and managed by
the community. Targeted beneficiaries are agricultural producers in rural areas#
especially women# youth# and those in indigenous communities# who form the basis
for the regionGs agricultural food system.
The pro$ect aims to create awareness among women and men farmers and build
capacity in local organi0ations to increase the profit of agricultural activities. 't see"s
to develop efficient rural enterprises and to lin" suppliers# including farmers and
processors# with others in the food chain to give increased value to the foodstuffs
produced and respond to consumer needs or value chains! by providing support
services that help entrepreneurs including farmers! to access mar"ets and financial
and other production inputs and services.
;nion des producteurs agricoles J DHveloppement international in =rench!
4limate Resilience Pro$ect in :oucle du Louhoun
4ountry8 :ur"ina =aso
This pro$ect aims to improve in a sustainable way the food security of the targeted
area through the development of agriculture. 't will be implemented in the :oucle du
Louhoun region where farm groups and families# and more specifically women and
youth# are particularly vulnerable. Lore then 12#222 people will benefit from this
pro$ect# including women# adolescents# and those in farmers organi0ations. Among the
main effects of climate change in the country are soil depletion# reduction in the
availability of water# deforestation# and reduction in agricultural productivity# all of
which are important threats to food security. The pro$ectGs activities include8 -!
production and distribution of improved crop seeds# and sheep and goats# 3!
introduction of new crops such as cowpeas to improve family diets# 9! promotion and
demonstration of improved small livestoc" husbandry practices and techni?ues# 1!
training and demonstration related to biogas production systems using manure# and (!
reforestation using native species# including acacia.
;niversitH de Auelph J 4ampus dGAlfred
Reducing Poverty through Renewable 4harcoal&based Agro&forestry ,ystems
4ountry8 Democratic Republic of the 4ongo
The pro$ect aims to reduce poverty and increase food self&sufficiency in the country
by increasing the production of renewable charcoal ma"ala! on farms that interplant
acacia trees with cassava and corn. The pro$ect supports training in agroforestry and
entrepreneurship for 322 households and 32 graduates from the 'nstitut des ,ciences
Agro&vHtHrinaires who live on the outs"irts of the capital city# Binshasa. The training
aims to address the mar"eting of agricultural products and contributes to the creation
of employment while responding in part to the food and energy needs of communities
outside Binshasa. The pro$ect also supports the instituteGs graduates in starting
businesses in which they are offered a parcel of land that they can use to implement
this agroforestry model and generate an annual household income of as much as
The pro$ect also see"s to develop -22 hectares of acacia trees on the instituteGs land to
carry out applied research in agroforestry# including the establishment of a tree
>orld +ision 4anada
,ustainable Lar"et&led Agriculture and Resource Lanagement
4ountry8 Tan0ania
This initiative aims to improve the economic well&being of (#222 women# men# and
children in four districts J Leru# )ai# ,iha# and ,ame J of the Biliman$aro Region
through mar"et&led agricultural production by helping small&scale farmers to have
improved access to production# mar"et# and processing "nowledge# and inputs and
opportunities in order to generate more household and community income. This
region is vulnerable to high levels of rainfall variability and environmental
degradation# and as such# people have eFperienced acute food shortages. The pro$ect
also see"s to build farmersG resilience to the impacts of climate change. The local
government has eFpressed a need for institutional capacity to support greater
community resilience# and community groups report having difficulty identifying and
accessing needed services and inputs to improve their livelihoods and climate
The pro$ect builds on a pilot initiative that helped producers access insurance#
microcredit# and improved seed varieties. This initiative see"s to scale up results by
strengthening natural resource conservationK improving producersG access to
information and lin"ing suppliers# including farmers and processors# with others in the
food chain to give increased value to the foodstuffs produced and respond to
consumer needs value chains!K and strengthening the institutional capacity of service
providers and producer groups to develop more sustainable agriculture&based
livelihoods in the region.

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