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1. Vagus nerve
a) Superior laryngeal nerve passes between external &
internal carotids. deep to both
b) External laryngeal nerve is found in the mucosa of
the piriform fossa. internal
c) Voice is lost completely in complete damage of both
recurrent laryngeal nerves.
d) External laryngeal nerve goes with superior thyroid
e) Supplies stylopharyngeus muscle.f glosso pharyngeal

2. T/F
a) Perkinje cells are the only outgoing pathways from
b) Facial colliculus is formed by facial nucleus.
c) Crus cerebri are made up of Cerebral peduncles
and substantia nigra.
d) Ligamentum denticulatum is a thickening of pia
e) Posterior column contains 1st order neurons.
f) Damnage to abducent nerve results in paralysis of
lateral rectus muscle.
g) Sigmoid sinus drains into the jugular foraman to
form the internal jugular vein.
h) Stylopharyngeus muscle is supplied by the
glossopharyngeal nerve.
i) Facial nerve curves over the 6th cranial nerve to
form facial colliculus.
j) Spinal lemnisci are most posterior in the lower part
of the mid brain.
k) Lacrimal nerve supplies lower eyelid.
l) Optic radiation is close to posterior limb of internal
m) Lateral geniculate body is associated with hearing.

3. Regarding the thalamus
a) Has the body of the fornix on its superior aspect.t
b) I s separated from the lentiform nucleus by the
external capsule.f
c) Has bands of gray matter connecting the thalami of
both sides.t
d) Has the medial leminiscus ending in its VPL.
e) Has the anterior pole forming the posterior
boundary of the interventricular foraman.t

4. Following tracts go through inferior cerebellar
a) Anterior spinocerebellar tract
b) Rubrospinal tract
c) Posterior spinocerebellar tractt

5. The 3rd cranial nerve
a) Is related to the 4th and the 6th in the cavernous t
b) Closely related to the posterior communicating

6. Regarding the cerebrum,
a) Motor area for speech is supplied by the central
branch of the middle cerebral artery.
b) The lower limb areas extend to the medial surface.t
c) The fibres of the cortical tract lie in the genu and
the posterior limb of the internal capsule.t
d) Fibres in the optic radiation pass to both parietal f
and temporal lobes.

7. Regarding the basal ganglia
a) The lentiform nucleus joins the head of the caudate
b) The head of the caudate nucleus lies in the floor of
the anterior horn of the lateral ventricle.
c) The internal capsule lies between the caudate and
lentiform nuclei.
d) In damage to the basal ganglia there is paralysis of
the muscles of the opposite side of the body.
e) Dopamine is the chief neurotransmitter.

8. Loss of pain & temperature of the opposite side of the
body occurs as a result of lesion in the
a) Posterior column of spinal cord
b) Lateral part of medulla oblongatat
c) Anterior gray commisuref
d) Anterior limb of internal capsulet
e) Posterior ventral nucleus of the thalamus.

9. Uncrossed tracts in spinal cord
a) Vestibulospinal t
b) Anterior corticospinal t
c) Lateral corticospinal
d) Dorsal column
e) Lateral spinothalamic

10. Inferior peduncle carries
a) Posterior spinocerebellar tract
b) Vestibulocerebellar
c) Rubrocerebellar tract
d) Cuneocerebellar tract
e) Tecto cerebellar tract

11. Regarding anterolateral gray column of the spinal cord,
a) It extends from C2 to L2 spinal segments.
b) Preganglionic sympathetic fibers arise from cells within it.
c) Detrusor muscle contraction is initiated by fibers initiating from this.
d) Fibers conveying unconscious proprioception synapse here.
e) Nucleus Dorsalis is contained in here.

12. WOF are correctly paired?
a) Tensor veli palatine Facial nerve .
b) Sublingual gland Vagus nerve.f
c) Stylohyoid Glossopharingeal nerve.
d) Posterior 1/3 of the tongue Facial nerve.
e) Inferior sphincter of pharynx Trochlear nerve

a) The postganglionic cell body is in the brain stem.
b) Gray rami communications are located more proximal to the CNS than the white rami
c) Cell bodies of the preganglionic fibers are found in the lateral gray column of spinal cord S2
S4 segments.

14. Components of the basal nuclei include?
A. Caudate Nucleus
B. Lentiform Nucleus
C. Red Nucleus
D. Amygdaloid Nucleus
E. Claustrum

15. Regarding Lateral Spinothalamic Tract
A. In their 1st order neurons impulses conveying sharp pain travel along C fibers
B. In the spinal cord cervical segments external to thoracic segments
C. Fibres decussate in the sensory decussation of medulla
D. They contribute to form spinal leminiscus
E. They ascend in the anterior limb of internal capsule

1. a) F deep to both
b) F internal laryngeal nerve
c) T
d) T recurrent laryngeal with inferior thyroid
e) F glossopharyngeal nerve
2. a) F axons of deep cerebellar nuclei & few axons of perkinje cells to lateral vestibular nuclei
b) F facial nerve winding round abducent nerve nucleus
c) F crus cerebri , substantia nigra & tegmentum
d) T
e) T
f) T
g) T
h) T
i) F facial nerve curving over 6
nerve nucleus
j) F inferior colliculi
k) F lateral end of upper eyelid & conjunctiva
l) T fibres in most posterior part of posterior limb
m) F lateral geniculate body & superior colliculi with vision , medial geniculate body & inferior
colliculi with hearing
3. a) T
b) F internal capsule (posterior limb) . external capsule between claustrum & lentiform
c) T interthalamic adhesion
d) T medial & spinal ending in VPL , trigeminal & fibres from solitary tract ending in VPM
e) T anterior boundary by fornix
4. a) F - superior
b) F globose emboliform rubral pathway through superior cerebellar peduncle
c) T

5. a) T
b) T

6. a) F cortical branches
b) T
c) T corticonuclear in genu & corticospinal in anterior 2/3 of posterior limb
d) T reaches occipital lobe via two pathways

7. a) T
b) T
c) T (anterior limb)
d) F no paralysis
8. a) F
b) T
c) T both sides
d) F posterior limb
e) T VPL
9. a) T
b) F
c) F
d) T
e) F
10. a) T
b) T
c) F globose emboliform rubral pathway in superior cerebellar peduncle
d) T
e) F superior
11. a) F T1 to L2
b) T
c) F S2 S3 S4 segments (cells insufficient to form a separate column)
d) F posterior horn
e) F posterior horn
12. a) F mandibular nerve , nerve to medial pterygoid
b) F lingual nerve
c) F glossopharyngeal nerve . stylohyoid by facial nerve
d) F glossopharyngeal nerve
e) F cricopharyngeus by vago accessory complex (also by external & recurrent laryngeal )
13. a) F - ????
b) T white rami functionally more proximal
c) F cells insufficient to form a separate column

14. a) T
b) T
c) F
d) T sometimes classified
e) T
15. a) F A delta . slow pain in C
b) F cervical more medial
c) F decussate as soon as they enter spinal cord . medullary decussation for dorsal columns
d) T also by anterior spinothalamic & spinotectal tracts
e) F posterior limb


1) Which of the following regarding embryonic development are correctly matched?
a) Trigeminal nerve First pharyngeal arch
b) Facial nerve Second pharyngeal arch
c) Glossopharyngeal nerve third pharyngeal arch
d) Vagus nerve - fourth pharyngeal arch
e) Hypoglossal nerve fifth pharyngeal arch

2) Which of the following embryological structures contribute to the formation of the upper
a) Frontal prominence
b) Mandibular prominence
c) Maxillary prominence
d) Medial nasal prominence
e) Lateral nasal prominence

1. a) T
b) T
c) T
d) T superior laryngeal branch of vagus
e) F fifth arch rudimentary . sixth arch by recurrent laryngeal branch of vagus
2. a) F frontal portion of frontonasal prominence forms forehead . nasal portion forms bridge
of nose & medial and lateral nasal prominences
b) F lower lips
c) T lateral portion of upper lip & cheeks
d) T philtrum of upper lip , crest & tip of nose
e) F Alae of nose

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