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!"#$%# '()*+, -.

*/012* 34+
-.*/012* 34+5 '6/1$7 8)#/9*/
This interface is divided into several
sections, neatly divided by separators and
clearly labeled for the user. The default
values are shown to the right.

:#;+)9 <+$9/+=2
The user can customize the total number
of lines displayed, the width and height of
the layout itself, and the number of items
per column. These options exist within the
FontCopy node.
Translate X: int($CY / ch(../whdivide)) *
Translate Y: int(-$CY % /
ch(../whdivide)) * ch("../height")

<+=+/ <+$9/+=2
The two color options are for default items and multiple items, the default being any
value that does not coincide with the inputs in the Multiples and Strings section. The
expressions exist within the Add Color section of the Color node. Each expression
represents their respective color value on the RGB scale. The difference between these
bellow expressions is small but makes a huge difference. The changes are the ending
letter of ch(../color1 where it becomes r, g, or b. The color controls rely entirely on if

Color R Value: if(stamp("../FontCopy", copyNum, 0) % 3 == 0, ch("../color1r"),
if(stamp("../FontCopy", copyNum, 0) % 10 == 0, ch("../color1r"), ch("../color2r")))

Color G Value: if(stamp("../FontCopy", copyNum, 0) % 3 == 0, ch("../color1g"),
if(stamp("../FontCopy", copyNum, 0) % 10 == 0, ch("../color1r"), ch("../color2g")))

Color B Value: if(stamp("../FontCopy", copyNum, 0) % 3 == 0, ch("../color1b"),
if(stamp("../FontCopy", copyNum, 0) % 10 == 0, ch("../color1r"), ch("../color2b")))

>)=916=*2 #$% '9/1$72
This section contains the inputs for two multiples for their values to be calculated via
division. If the resulting number matches a text lines number, the entered word(s) will
appear on said line. For example, if the chosen multiple is 4 and the respective string is
Spring, then lines 4, 8, 12, and so on will state Spring. If the two multiple inputs share
the same text line then both words will appear on the line, with String One being the first
word. The expressions for these options exist within the Font node. It calls upon the
stamp copyNum, which is found in the FontCopy node and is valued at $CY + 1. The
multiples and strings rely entirely on if statements.

Text: `stamp("../FontCopy", copyNum, 0)` `ifs(stamp("../FontCopy", copyNum, 0) %
chs("../mults1") == 0, chs("../string1"), "")``ifs(stamp("../FontCopy", copyNum, 0) %
chs("../mults2") == 0,chs("../string2"),"")`

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