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Volume3, No.

1, 2012: 10-17 Indonesian Journal of Science Education

Muslimin The Application of Grouping Intelligence Learning..
The Application of Grouping Intelligence Learning for Improving
Creative Thinking Skill of the Tenth Grade Students of SMA Negeri X Palu
Physics Education Program, FKIP, Tadulako University
Intelligence is is a concept of the individuals general ability to adjust to the environment. In gen-
eral abilities, there are abilities that can provide very specifc individual to a condition that allows
the achievement of knowledge, skills, or specifc skills after going through an exercise. Research
variables will be used consisting of intelligence grouping learning to classroom experiments and
conventional methods to a control class and the dependent variable result of creative thinking
skills of physics. Based on this research, intelligence grouping learning can enhance creative
thinking skills of physics students than conventional learning models. Based on test statistic and
counted N-gain obtained N = 3.41 and = 1.67 at Table real level of 0.05. This means that grouping
intelligence learning affect the physics students in creative thinking skills. This is demonstrated
by the increase in the average indicators for aspects of fexibility KBK 31.13%, 35.95% Fluency
aspects and facets elaboration 24.94% for the class experiment. Control class fexibility aspect
while 21.99%, 28.43% Fluency aspects and aspects of elaboration; 35.29%. Grouping Intelli-
gence learning can enhance creative thinking skills of high school physics students in the class-X.
Key words: Grouping intelligence, creative thinking
Physics is one of the subjects that
the material needs to be understood by good
reasoning. Therefore, we often hear the com-
plaints from students that physics is one of the
subjects that is diffcult, unpleasant, and only a
few students were able to master it. Learning
diffculties are not caused solely tough mate-
rial, but also due to the way teachers communi-
cate diffcult subjects received by students and
teaching methods that are less precise.
Physics learning conditions in the feld
is still using conventional learning models
that are sourced from books and just transfer
knowledge or thoughts into the mind of the
student. To overcome these problems, the re-
search could have been implemented with sev-
eral learning models were more actively train
students and teachers only act as steering learn-
ing model students facilitator and explaining
by using pictorial riddle, Jigsaw cooperative
learning method type, demonstration method,
cooperative Stad types, graded simulation
method, contextual teaching and learning, and
the experimental method. The result showed
that the learning can enhace the activity and
the student learning outcomes. The trends in
teaching and learning in the classroom has
Received on October; Accepted on 25 October 2012
Volume3, No. 1, 2012: 10-17 Indonesian Journal of Science Education
been applied to the school, which is
one effort to encourage and enhance
creative thinking skills of Physics.
Intelligence is a concept of the in-
dividuals general ability to adjust to the
environment. In general abilities, the
abilities are very specifc. It gives the in-
dividual a condition which enables the
achievement of knowledge, skills, or spe-
cifc skills after going through an exercise.
The grouping intelligence method is
a part of a creativity that is a manivestation
of a cognitive process. Nevertheless, the re-
lationship between creativity and intelligence
do not always show satisfactory evidence.
Although, it was thought that creativity has
a linear relationship with the intelligence to
be a curve. Certain IQ scores, there is still a
signifcant correlation. Grouping Intelligence
methods are only designed to measure con-
vergent thinking process, that is the ability
to give a simple answer or a logical conclu-
sion that is based on the given information. J.
P. Guilford (in Kusumawati, Henny. 2008).
The psychologists (in Kusumawati,
Henny. 2008) argues that there are three core
components in intelligence, the ability to han-
dle the mental representation in the mind like
the concept and principles of abstract think-
ing, the ability to solve or resolve problems
and the ability to learn. Willian (in Liliawati,
2010) suggests that creative thinking skills are
cognitive skills to bring out and develop new
ideas, new ideas as the development of the
ideas that have been born earlier and skills to
solve divergent problems. The more likely an-
swer is given to a problem, the more creative
students. The answer that is given must ft the
problem. Based on the interview in SMA X in
Palu on some classes X declared that physics
is a diffcult subject. This is because in Phys-
ics, there are many theories, laws, formulas
that are diffcult for them to understand and
the boring way of how the Physics teacher
teach the class. Many students stated that
learning physics is more than just fll out the
attendance list, looking for value, and wast-
ing school time. In addition, Physics students
rarely get in the lab and use laboratory equip-
ment. In order to make students more inter-
ested and active in attending the Physics class,
to solve the problem mentioned above, there is
one of the alternatives that were attempted by
implementing intelligence grouping method.
Based on the formulation of the
problems mentioned above, this research
aims to determine the effect of group-
ing intelligence learning methods to im-
prove creative thinking skills in par-
ticular physics class X in SMA X Palu.
The used research population is all
class of tenth grade in SMA Negeri X Palu,
listed in the school year 2012/2013. The re-
search sample was mostly drawn from the
population using random ways. According
to the provision of getting the sample, there
was a class that was taken as an experimental
class and another one class taken as a con-
trol class from the tenth grade in SMA Negeri
X Palu. Research variables that will be used
for classes consisting of intelligence group-
ing experimental and conventional methods
to the control class, and the dependent vari-
able is a creative thinking skills of physics.
Muslimin The Application of Grouping Intelligence Learning..
Hypothesis testing is used to test the signifcance of difference in pretest and posttest. Mean scores
were statistically analyzed using t-test (two-sample test related) are as follows (Arikunto, 2006):
............................ (3.2)

( )

d x
2 2
: Mean of the difference between pretest and postest

: Number of the difference square (deviation) each student
N : Number of students
d : different score (pretest and posttest)
By the pair of hypothesis:
H0 : _post = _pre : There was no improvement in posttest scores compared with pretest
scores of creative thinking skills of Physics.
H1 : _post > _pre : There was an improvement in posttest scores compared with pretest
scores of creative thinking skills of Physics.
By the testing criteria that is accepted H0 if t_counted <t_tabel the real level = 0.05 and df = N - 1
and the other t prices on H0 is rejected.
Improved results of the tests, calculated based on the scores of N-gain. To obtain a score of N-
gain used formulas developed by Hake in Aries Santi (2010):

pre maks
pre post
..................... (3.2)
With : S_post : Posttest score, S_pre : Pretest score, S_maks : Ideal maximum score
) 1 (

Volume3, No. 1, 2012: 10-17 Indonesian Journal of Science Education
In this research results includes the results for the learning activities with grouping in-
telligence learning for ongoing learning, which includes (1) creative thinking skills, (2) differ-
ences in pretest and posttest, (3) students activities. Aspects about the achievement of pre-test
and post-test about creative thinking skills on experimental class and control class are shown in
Table 1.

Table 1. Data Description of Creative Thinking Skills Aspects
KBK Indicator
of Items
Pre-test (%) Post-test (%)
Exp. Cont. Exp. Cont.
1. Flexibility
Answering ques-
tions in variety
4 33.75 34.38 59.38 45.00
6 28.75 25.00 45.63 43.75
2. Fluency
Answering more
than one question
1 31.88 31.25 54.38 50.00
3 31.25 29.38 56.25 52.50
7 35.00 32.50 57.50 50.63
8 36.88 33.75 61.88 51.25
Stating reasons of
the correct answers
2 33.75 30.00 47.50 56.25
5 33.13 31.88 52.50 54.38
Table 2. N-gain Analysis of KBK Aspects in Experimental Class Students
of Items
Post-test Score
- Pretest Score
G (%)
Average of
Pretest Posttest
4 1.69 2.97 1.28 38.67
31.13 Medium
6 1.44 2.28 0.84 23.60
1 1.59 2.72 1.13 33.14
35.95 Medium
3 1.56 2.81 1.25 36.34
7 1.75 2.88 1.13 34.77
8 1.84 3.09 1.25 39.56
2 1.69 2.38 0.69 20.85
24.94 Low
5 1.66 2.63 0.97 29.04
Muslimin The Application of Grouping Intelligence Learning..
Table 3. N-gain Analysis of KBK Aspects in Control Class Students
of Items
Post-test Score
- Pretest Score
G (%)
Average of
Pretest Posttest
4 1.72 2.25 0.53 16.16
21.99 Low
6 1.25 2.19 0.94 27.81
1 1.56 2.50 0.94 27.33
28.43 Low
3 1.47 2.63 1.16 32.86
7 1.63 2.52 0.91 26.92
8 1.69 2.56 0.88 26.59
2 1.50 2.81 1.31 37.43
35.29 Medium
5 1.59 2.72 1.13 33.14

The results of the research of every aspects of
creative thinking skills physics on experimental
class and fuency and fexibility aspect is in the
medium category, while the control class is at the
low category. Fluency aspects that are still classi-
fed in this category indicates that students are not
able to pay attention to all the provided informa-
tion on the test and there is a lack of prior knowl-
edge of students about the concepts related to the
given problems. The fexibility aspect is also still
in the moderate category, because the srtudents
in providing solutions just looked at solving the
problem of one category only. This causes stu-
dents to give answers that are less diverse. Most
of the problems given in the school requires stu-
dents to be solved by giving the correct answer,
so that divergent thinking is not being developed.
Intelligence grouping learning is not able to make
the students answering diverse or varied questions
and answer the questions more than one answer.
Aspects of elaboration in the experimen-
tal class and the control class is classifed low as
being due to the grouping intelligence learning is
not maximized to make students think elabora-
tion, because students tend to give short answers
and do not state a reason of the true answer made.
The results based on the average N-gain
every aspects of creative thinking skills in class-
es that follow the conventional learning mod-
els. In general aspect of skills has increased the
least possibility because the students could not
answer the reasons of the truths that have been
made of the question. From the results of post-
test, there are only a few students who itemize
their answers. In order for this aspect can be
further explored again, the use of class should
be more properly, all groups of students must
be considered in order to get same opportunity
in deciphering the answer in detail. However, if
it is compared between the experimental class
and the control class, aspects of fexibility and
fuency had a higher increase than the other as-
pects. This is due to the grouping intelligence
learning, students usually develop their abilities
but it is limited towards answering the ques-
tions in variety and answering the questions with
more than one anwer but have not been able to
put forward the reasons of the correct answer.
After testing the hypothesis using the
t-test of a party is obtained N-gain t-counted =
3.41 and = 1.67 at t-table real level = 0.05
and df = 57. Because t-counted > t-table, the zero
Volume3, No. 1, 2012: 10-17 Indonesian Journal of Science Education
hypothesis (H0) is rejected or a counter hypoth-
esis (H1) is accepted. This means that group-
ing intelligence learning can have more in-
fuence on the creative thinking skills of the
students than the conventional learning models.
Elaboration aspect is the aspect that has a
lower increase. This is because students
are not used to describe a problem in de-
tail. Therefore, students tend to answer ques-
tions briefy without explaining the reason of
the answers that have been made. During the pro-
cess of learning by using grouping intelligence
learning is more likely to lead students to think
skillfully in fuency and fexibility, especially in
the presentation of the material and the precent-
age of the group, where the teachers often ask
whether students or groups have different an-
swers than the answers that already exist, as well
as additional points are awarded to groups that
have different and correct answers. While elabo-
ration thinking skills of grouping intelligence
learning is unearthed only when students learn
with friends in their group so that students are
trained in the deatils of a problem, especially in
writing. To be more untapped elaboration aspect,
it should be improved in managing classes and all
groups need more attention in order to have the
same opportunity to develop a detailed thoughts.
Besides, the students are required to have a high
knowledge and practice.
Based on these results, it can be conclud-
ed that the grouping intelligence learning can
enhance students creative thinking skills than
conventional learning models. Based on test sta-
tistic obtained N-gain t-counted = 3.41 and = 1.67
at t-table real level of 0.05. This means that group-
ing intelligence learning affects the students
creative thinking skills. This is demonstrated
by the increase in the average indicator for the
fexibility aspects KBK 31.13%, 35.95% fuency
aspects and elaboration aspects 24.94% for the
experimental class, while in control class, fex-
ibility aspects 21.99%, fuency aspects 28.43%,
and elaboration aspects 35.29%. Grouping intel-
ligence learning can enhance creative thinking
skills of high school students on the tenth grade
of SMA Negeri X Palu.
Muslimin The Application of Grouping Intelligence Learning..
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