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CN Name Function Exit Foramina Gaglion S/M/B Muscles Branches

I Olfactory Smell Cribiform plate of Some

Cell bodies in Olfactory epithelium ethmoid
(upper nasal cavity)

II Optic Vision Optic canal Say

III Oculomotor 5 eye muscles movement Superior orbital fissure Ciliary Marry 1. Superior levator
2. Superior rectus
3. Inferior rectus
4. Medial rectus
5. Inferior oblique
IV Trochlear Superior oblique (eye muscle) Superior orbital fissure Money Superior oblique

V Trigeminal V1 - ophtalmic Superior orbital fissure But supraorbital; supratrochlear;

Sensory upper face infratrochlear; lacrimal;
external; ext. nasal

V2 - maxillary Foramen rotundum zygomaticotemporal;

Sensory midface zygomaticofacial; infraorbital

V3 - mandibular Foramen ovale Temporalis; masseter auriculotemporal;

buccal (out & in);
Sensory lower face and motor to m. and l. pterygoid; ant. mental;
mastication muscles digastric belly; tensor
tympani; tensor veli palatini deep temporal nn;
(1st pharyngeal arch lingual n.;
inferior alveolar;
mucles) n. to mylohoid (& ant.

VI Abducens Lateral rectus (eye muscle) Superior orbital fissure My Lateral rectus

VII Facial Facial expressions Internal acoustic meatus 1. pterygopalatine Brother Facial expression: levator Greater petrosal (pre-para)
PSNS - all glands (No parotid) Motor ganglion: Lacrimal labii superioris; rizorious; -> pterygopalatine ganglion
Taste - ant. 2/3 of tongue branches - Stylomasteoid gland; depressor labii inf; frontalis; Chorda tympani (pre-para)
Sensory - pinna and ext auditory meatus foramen - behind parotid nasal/paranasal; occipitalis; gala -> submandibular ganglion
mucous gland aponeurotica; auricularis; BOTH carry taste fibers
2. submandibular orbicularis oculi (orbital +
ganglion 3. palpebrae); zygomaticus
Submandibular and minor & major; orbicularis
sublingual oris; depresspr anguli oris;
mentalis; levator labii
superioris alaque nasi;
buccinator; platysma
(shaving muscle)

Digastric (post belly)

Stylohyoid Stapedius
(2nd pharyngeal
arch muscles)

VIII Vestibulocochlear Balance and hearing Internal acoustic hiatus Says Cochlear n. and spiral

Vestibular n. and ganglion

IX Glossopharyngeal Taste - post 1/3 tongue Jugular foramen Otic Big Stylopharyngeus

PSNS - parotid
sensation - pharynx; post 1/3 tongue;
middle ear mucosa; tympanic
membrane; palatine tonsil
Motor - stylopharyngeus
VSA from carotid sinus
X Vagus PSNS abdomen/thorax Jugular foramen Brains Larynx

Motor -see muscles Pharynx (no styloph)

Sensory - larynx; part of laryngopharynx, Palatoglossus
part of the ext. auditory canal

Taste - epiglottis Soft palate (NO tensor veli

VSA - esophagus; foregut; midgut;
bronchi; lungs; heart; carotid body
XI Spinal Accessory SCM and trapezius Enter - foramen magnum Matter SCM and Trapezius

Exit -Jugular foramen

XII Hypoglossal All muscles of tongue (except Hypoglossal canal Most Intrinsic - shape of tongue
Extrinsic - move the tongue

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