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Nationwide Testing Association, Inc.

Your Source for DOT Drug and Alcohol

Testing Services

Mlke Clark

800-432-0030 - Sales, exL. 203
772 norLh 8road SLreeL | Mooresvllle, nC 28113
?our Source for Workplace urug & Alcohol 1esLlng Servlces

lf your company ls regulaLed by Lhe ueparLmenL of
1ransporLaLlon, drug and alcohol LesLlng for employees ls
Iedera| kegu|at|ons
8egulaLlons quoLed below are from Cl8 arL 382 SubparL 8 as
perLalnlng Lo drlvers of commerclal moLor vehlcles regardlng
conLrolled subsLance use.

no drlver "shall reporL for duLy or remaln on duLy requlrlng
Lhe performance of safeLy-senslLlve funcLlons when Lhe drlver
uses any conLrolled subsLance, excepL when Lhe use ls
pursuanL Lo Lhe lnsLrucLlons of a llcensed medlcal
pracLlLloner" who has advlsed Lhe drlver LhaL Lhe subsLance
wlll noL adversely affecL Lhe drlver's ablllLy Lo safely operaLe a
commerclal moLor vehlcle.

no employer "havlng acLual knowledge LhaL a drlver has used
a conLrolled subsLance shall permlL Lhe drlver Lo perform or
conLlnue Lo perform a safeLy-senslLlve funcLlon."

no drlver "shall reporL for duLy, remaln on duLy, or perform a
safeLy-senslLlve funcLlon lf Lhe drlver LesLs poslLlve for
conLrolled subsLances".

no drlver "shall reporL for duLy, remaln on duLy, or perform a
safeLy-senslLlve funcLlon lf Lhe drlver LesLs poslLlve for
conLrolled subsLances".

no employer "havlng knowledge LhaL a drlver has LesLed
poslLlve for conLrolled subsLances shall permlL Lhe drlver Lo

800-432-0030 - Sales, exL. 203
772 norLh 8road SLreeL | Mooresvllle, nC 28113
?our Source for Workplace urug & Alcohol 1esLlng Servlces
perform or conLlnue Lo perform safeLy-senslLlve funcLlons".
1ypes of 1ests kequ|red

A pre-employmenL drug screen ls requlred for prospecLlve
employees prlor Lo safeLy-senslLlve funcLlons. 1he employer
musL recelve a verlfled negaLlve drug screen before allowlng
any employee Lo perform safeLy-senslLlve duLles.


8andom LesLlng of safeLy-senslLlve employees ls requlred aL a
raLe of 30 of employees per year. 1hls LesLlng musL be evenly
spread LhroughouL Lhe year and Lhe selecLlon process musL be
made by a sclenLlflcally valld meLhod. n1A, lnc.'s cllenLs may
choose a random selecLlon frequency of weekly, monLhly,
quarLerly, or annually. Cur randoms are elecLronlcally
generaLed by a compuLer program wrlLLen Lo meeL governmenL
sLandards. Lach Llme a selecLlon ls made, every employee has
an equal chance of belng chosen.

Companles wlLh 7 ellglble employees or less may be placed ln a
consorLlum. ConsorLlums are random LesLlng pools LhaL conslsL
of drlvers/employees from many dlfferenL companles.
SelecLlon percenLages are meL by Lhe enLlre consorLlum and
are spread evenly LhroughouL Lhe year on a quarLerly basls.

osL AccldenL

800-432-0030 - Sales, exL. 203
772 norLh 8road SLreeL | Mooresvllle, nC 28113
?our Source for Workplace urug & Alcohol 1esLlng Servlces
osL accldenL drug LesLlng ls requlred wlLhln 32 hours of an
accldenL where any of Lhe followlng occurences have Laken

Lhe accldenL lnvolved a faLallLy

any of Lhe parLlclpanLs ln Lhe accldenL recelved bodlly ln[ury
requlrlng lmmedlaLe medlcal LreaLmenL away from Lhe scene

any vehlcle lnvolved recelved dlsabllng damage requlrlng Low

Lhe drlver was lssued a clLaLlon under sLaLe or local law for a
movlng Lrafflc vlolaLlon arlslng from Lhe accldenL

8easonable Susplclon

An employee ls requlred Lo submlL Lo reasonable susplclon
LesLlng when a *Lralned supervlsor or company offlclal has
reason Lo belleve LhaL Lhe employee has vlolaLed Lhe
prohlblLlons of Cl8 382 subparL. 1he observaLlons musL be
based on speclflc aspecLs concernlng Lhe appearance, behavlor,
speech, or body odors of Lhe employee and musL be
documenLed accordlngly.

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8eLurn Lo uuLy

8efore an employee can reLurn Lo safeLy-senslLlve duLles afLer
LesLlng poslLlve, Lhe employer musL ensure LhaL a reLurn Lo
duLy LesL ls admlnlsLered and a verlfled negaLlve resulL ls
recelved. ln Lhe evenL LhaL a reLurn Lo duLy LesL ls requlred, Lhe
employee musL also be evaluaLed by a subsLance abuse

800-432-0030 - Sales, exL. 203
772 norLh 8road SLreeL | Mooresvllle, nC 28113
?our Source for Workplace urug & Alcohol 1esLlng Servlces
professlonal (SA) and parLlclpaLe ln any asslsLance program


lf a subsLance abuse professlonal deLermlnes LhaL an employee
needs asslsLance resolvlng problems assoclaLed wlLh drug use,
Lhe employer shall ensure LhaL Lhe employee ls sub[ecL Lo aL
leasL 6 unannounced follow-up LesLs wlLhln Lhe nexL 12 monLhs
of employmenL. 1he SA may deLermlne follow-up LesLlng for
up Lo 60 monLhs and may LermlnaLe Lhe requlremenL for Lhe
follow-up LesLlng aL any Llme afLer Lhe mlnlmum requlremenL
has been meL. lollow-up LesLlng ls ln addlLlon Lo requlred
random and posL-accldenL LesLlng.

Drugs Inc|uded |n 1est|ng

1ype of urug lnlLlLal 1esL level (ng/ml)
Marl[uana 30
Cocalne 300
CplaLes 2000
hencyclldlne 23
AmpheLamlnes 1000
8as|c Contro||ed Substance 1est|ng rocedures

An employee shall reporL Lo a collecLlon faclllLy as soon as
posslble followlng noLlflcaLlon LhaL a drug screen musL be

800-432-0030 - Sales, exL. 203
772 norLh 8road SLreeL | Mooresvllle, nC 28113
?our Source for Workplace urug & Alcohol 1esLlng Servlces


CollecLlon of a urlne speclmen for Lhe purpose of drug LesLlng
musL be compleLed uslng a federal chaln of cusLody form and a
spllL speclmen sample klL. 1he donor musL remaln aL Lhe
collecLlon faclllLy unLll a speclmen has been provlded. AfLer an
adequaLe speclmen has been collecLed, Lhe collecLor compleLes
a chaln of cusLody form, prepares Lhe speclmen and paperwork
for shlpmenL. 1he speclmen collecLlon procedures and chaln of
cusLody are ln place Lo ensure Lhe speclmen's securlLy ls noL

LaboraLory Screenlng

49 Cl8 arL 40 seLs forLh Lhe procedures for drug LesLlng uslng
uPPS cerLlfled laboraLorles. When Lhe speclmen arrlves aL Lhe
laboraLory, Lhe prlmary speclmen ls opened and used for
screenlng. 1he spllL speclmen ls sLored aL Lhe laboraLory. Lach
speclmen undergoes an lnlLlal screen. Any speclmen found
poslLlve by Lhe lnlLlal screen musL be conflrmed by gas
chromaLography/mass specLromeLry (CC/MS) Lo deLermlne
exacL levels. nexL, Lhe resulL ls reporLed Lo Lhe Medlcal 8evlew
Cfflcer aL n1A, lnc.
Drug Screen kesu|ts
negaLlve 8esulLs

800-432-0030 - Sales, exL. 203
772 norLh 8road SLreeL | Mooresvllle, nC 28113
?our Source for Workplace urug & Alcohol 1esLlng Servlces
negaLlve resulLs are recelved by n1A, lnc. and reporLed by fax
or emall Lo Lhe company's confldenLlal conLacLs. All reporLs are
confldenLlal, Lherefore sLrlcL procedures are ln place Lo lnsure
LhaL only deslgnaLed company offlclals recelve lnformaLlon
regardlng LesL resulLs.

oslLlve 8esulLs

oslLlve resulLs are processed by n1A, lnc.'s Medlcal 8evlew
Cfflcer followlng Lhe regulaLlons seL forLh ln 49 Cl8 parL 40.
1he M8C makes every efforL Lo conLacL Lhe donor Lo dlscuss
Lhe posslblllLy of a medlcal explanaLlon. lf no medlcal
explanaLlon ls glven Lhe resulL ls verlfled as poslLlve. When Lhe
paperwork ls compleLed, Lhe resulL ls reporLed verbally Lo Lhe
company's confldenLlal conLacL and a wrlLLen conflrmaLlon ls
senL by mall marked "ConfldenLlal". 1he same procedure ls
followed Lo reporL Lhe LesL resulL lf lL ls conflrmed negaLlve by
wrlLLen documenLaLlon from a physlclan.

SpllL Speclmen 1esLlng

When Lhere ls no medlcal explanaLlon for a poslLlve resulL and
Lhe donor feels Lhere has been a posslble mlsLake, Lhe donor
has Lhe opLlon of havlng Lhe spllL sample senL Lo a dlfferenL
laboraLory for reanalysls. 1he lnlLlal resulL ls sLlll reporLed as
poslLlve Lo Lhe company, however Lhe company ls lnformed
LhaL a reanalysls has been ordered. lf Lhe reporL flndlngs from
Lhe second LesL verlfy a negaLlve resulL, Lhe lnlLlal resulL ls Lhen
verlfled negaLlve also.

800-432-0030 - Sales, exL. 203
772 norLh 8road SLreeL | Mooresvllle, nC 28113
?our Source for Workplace urug & Alcohol 1esLlng Servlces

Consequences of a os|t|ve Contro||ed Substance 1est
*for Lhls secLlon "employee" means anyone whose [ob poslLlon
requlres conLrolled subsLance LesLlng under 49Cl8
AfLer a verlfled poslLlve drug screen, Lhe followlng dlsclpllnary
acLlon(s) musL be Laken:

lf Lhe company pollcy requlres LermlnaLlon, Lhe employee
may be LermlnaLed buL musL sLlll be referred Lo a subsLance
abuse professlonal.

lf Lhe company wlshes Lo conLlnue an employmenL
relaLlonshlp wlLh Lhe employee, Lhe employee musL be
removed from safeLy-senslLlve funcLlons and referred Lo a
subsLance abuse professlonal for evaluaLlon and LreaLmenL. lf
Lhere ls a non-safeLy senslLlve [ob avallable, Lhe employee
may be allowed Lo work ln LhaL funcLlon unLll evaluaLlon,
LreaLmenL, and a reLurn-Lo-duLy LesL has been compleLed.
Irequent|y Asked uest|ons
C: WhaL ls Lhe Lurnaround Llme for a LesL resulL?
A: MosL normal negaLlve LesL resulLs are reporLed wlLhln 24
hours from Lhe Llme Lhe speclmen reached Lhe laboraLory.
oslLlve or abnormal LesLs Lake a few days longer due Lo Lhe
conflrmaLlon and verlflcaLlon process.

C: Pow much do Lhe LesL supplles cosL?
A: All convenLlonal LesL supplles are free of charge. 1hls

800-432-0030 - Sales, exL. 203
772 norLh 8road SLreeL | Mooresvllle, nC 28113
?our Source for Workplace urug & Alcohol 1esLlng Servlces
lncludes Lhe chaln of cusLody form, sample klLs, alr bllls, and
lab packs for shlpplng.

C: WhaL are Lhe opLlons for recelvlng resulLs?
A: n1A, lnc. currenLly provldes flve means of recelvlng LesL
resulLs: by mall, phone call, fax, web, or emall

C: Pow do l flnd a collecLlon slLe?
A: n1A, lnc. has a llsL of over 19,000 collecLlon slLes all over
Amerlca for our cllenLs' convenlence. lf Lhere ls noL currenLly
a faclllLy ln your area, we wlll help flnd a locaLlon for you.

C: WhaL lndusLrles besldes Lhe ueparLmenL of 1ransporLaLlon
are requlred Lo do conLrolled subsLance LesLlng?
A: lpellne, 8all, 1ranslL, & CoasL Cuard

lpellne - 8egulaLlons 49 Cl8 arL 199

8allroad - 49 Cl8 arL 219

1ranslL - arL 633

CoasL Cuard - arL 46, arL 33
If your company needs DC1 drug and a|coho| test|ng, then ca||
Nat|onw|de 1est|ng Assoc|at|on, Inc. at 800-4S2-0030 to speak to
our exper|enced sa|es representat|ves.

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