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The Book of Negroes:

NGO Assignment
By: Ramisha Asghar
MRAP (Movement Against Racism and for Friendship Between Peoples) is an anti-racist non-
governmental French organization created in 1949. In this part of the novel, Aminata is eager to see how
the map of Africa looks like. Her owner, Mr. Lindo, decided to show her the map by escorting her to the
Charles Town Library Society, which contains many books and maps. Aminata described the librarians
reaction by glancing at her and turning away at disgust (210). The librarian is demonstrating racism
towards Aminata by forbidding her to enter the library due to the colour of her skin and referring to her
as a Negroe. The MRAP organization can be used to stop such racial discrimination experienced by
Aminata since their objective is to create friendship between people limiting the segregated barrier
around the world. Promoting no racism in the library can limit racist comments directed towards slaves
by allowing all individuals to enter the library regardless of their skin colour.
Ah yes, Mr. Lindo, he said. Im afraid we dont allow Negroes here.
(Hill 210)
Amnesty International is a non-governmental organization focused on permitting the
human rights of over 3 million members and supporters around the world. In this quote,
slaves are being sent to Nova Scotia and an announcement was made saying only married
women can travel. This suggests sexism since during these times women were not
considered independent and could not move to another country and prosper on their own.
The Amnesty International organization can help this situation because they believe in
women being strong and independent individuals. This NGO would provide service
allowing single women to be independent and protest for them to travel alone.
Single women would not be permitted to journey alone, unless a man could
vouchsafe for the integrity of their character and promise to ensure their welfare
The International Labour Organization is an agency within the United Nations
established 1919 that deals with international labour issues. In this specific quote, Aminata
is describing the work she was assigned to do on the plantation. The task is rigorous since
she has to work under the sun and use her back muscle to carry heavy baskets around the
plantation. Being a slave, Aminata is doing labour under the strict orders of her owner
demonstrating the working conditions on the plantation. This organization can potentially
help slaves working on the plantation since they promote decent work for all. Forced
work under severe conditions can be stopped by this NGO since they can make the owners
change the tasks and working hours.
My task was to remove all the grasshoppers. I was under the strictest orders not to
damage the leaves, nor to disturb their faint layer of powder. I was merely to lift the
bug off gently, squish it, drop it in a bucket and keep moving from plant to plant.
International Rescue Committee is a non-governmental organization founded 1933 at the
request of Albert Einstein. The main focus of this organization is to provide humanitarian
aid to those forced to leave their homeland. In this quote, Aminata is witnessing her father
and other relatives being captivated around ropes. At the age of 11 she sees this inhumane
situation and is devastated by it. White men intruded her town and captivated many
villagers because of their skin colour. The organization can stop this violation of human
rights due to their motive of stopping forced migration. The NGO will stop the intruders
from forcing the slaves to leave their homeland by making Africa establish laws protecting
their human rights.
The other captives struggled against their ropes, but my father walked upright
and tall, rubbing wrists together until they slid free. (27)
Work Cited:
Hill, Lawrence. The Book of Negroes: A Novel. Toronto: Harper Collins,
2007. Print.

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