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Complete the following sentences using the verb (complete las siguientes oraciones usando el verbo)

Open (abrir), Close (cerrar), shut (lanzar), write (escribir), point (punto), touch (tocar), give (dar), draw (dibujar), pass
1. Please open your books to page twelve. (Por favor abran sus libros en la pgina 12)
2. Give me the pencil sharpener now. (Dame el sacapuntas ahora)
3. You have to Draw pictures of animals. (Usted tiene que dibujar pinturas de animales)
4. Wild animals are dangerous. You shouldnt Touch them. (Los animales salvajes son peligrosos. No deberas tocarlos)
5. Pass me that bag. (Psame esa bolsa)
6. Dont Shut at the people. Its rude. (No lance a la gente. Es descorts)
7. Write me a letter about your family. Ok? (Escrbeme una carta acerca de tu familia. Est bien?
8. Quikly! Close the door. Its cold outside. (Rpido! Cierra la puerta. Est haciendo frio afuera.)
9. Class is over. Can you please Close your books. (La clase se termin. Pueden por favor cerrar sus libros.)
10. Pass me the salt please. (Psame la sal por favor)
11. Youd better open your exams. (Ustedes deberan mejor abrir sus exmenes)
12. Its hot here. Open the window. (Est haciendo calor aqu. Abre la ventana)
13. Write some stories. You are good at that. (Escribe algunas historias. Eres bueno es eso)
14. Pass me a pencil please. (Pasame un lpiz por favor)
15. Touch your nose and turna round. (Toque su nariz y de media vuelta)
Aplcacion Taller
Read the dialog and answer the questions. (Lea el dialogo y resuelva las preguntas)
Exercise 1:
Martha: What horrible weather today. I'd love to go out, but I think it will just continue raining.
Jane: Oh, I don't know. Perhaps the sun will come out later this afternoon.
Martha: Qu horrible tiempo hoy. Me encantara ir, pero creo que solo continuar lloviendo.
Jane: Oh, no lo s. Quizs el sol va a salir esta tarde.
Martha: I hope you're right. Listen, I'm going to have a party this Saturday. Would you like to come?
Jane: Oh, I'd love to come. Thank you for inviting me. Who's going to come to the party?
Martha: Espero que tengas razon. Escucha, voy a tener una fiesta de este sbado. Quieres venir?
Jane: Oh , me encantara ir . Gracias por invitarme. Quin va a venir a la fiesta?
Martha: Well, a number of people haven't told me yet. But, Peter and Mark are going to help out with the cooking!
Jane: Hey, I'll help, too!
Martha: Bueno, un nmero de personas que no me han dicho. Sin embargo, Peter y Mark van a echar una mano en la
Jane: Hey , voy a ayudar , tambin!
Martha: Would you? That would be great!
Jane: I'll make lasagna!
Martha: Lo haras? Eso sera genial!
Jane: Voy a hacer lasaa!
Martha: That sounds delicious! I know my Italian cousins are going to be there. I'm sure they'll love it.
Jane: Italians? Maybe I'll bake a cake...
Martha: Eso suena delicioso! S que mis primos italianos van a estar ah. Estoy seguro de que va a encantar.
Jane: los italianos? Tal vez voy a hacer un pastel...
Martha: No, no. They're not like that. They'll love it.
Jane: Well, if you say so... Is there going be a theme for the party?
Martha: No, no. No son como eso. A ellos les encantar.
Jane: Bueno, si t lo dices... Va ser un tema para la fiesta?
Martha: No, I don't think so. Just a chance to get together and have fun.
Jane: I'm sure it'll be lots of fun.
Martha: No, yo no lo creo. Slo una oportunidad para reunirse y divertirse.
Jane: Estoy seguro de que va a ser muy divertido.
Martha: But I'm going to hire a clown!
Jane: A clown! You're kidding me.
Martha: Pero yo voy a contratar a un payaso!
Jane: Un payaso! Me ests tomando el pelo .
Martha: No, no. As I child, I always wanted a clown. Now, I'm going to have a clown at my own party.
Jane: I'm sure everyone will have a good laugh.
Martha: No, no. Cuando era nia, siempre quise un payaso. Ahora, yo voy a tener un payaso en mi propia fiesta.
Jane: Estoy segura de que todo el mundo tendr una buena risa.
Martha: That's the plan!
Martha: Ese es el plan!
What do they think about the weather? (Qu piensan ellos del clima?)
They think the weather is horrible but are hoping that the sun comes. (Ellos piensan que el clima es horrible pero
esperan que el sol salga)
What does Martha have to share? (Qu tiene que compartir marta?)
Martha wants invite Jane to the party. (Martha quiere invitar a Jane a la fiesta)
What are Peter and Mark going to do? (Qu van a hacer Peter y Mark?)
They are going to help Martha in the kitchen. (Ellos van a ayudar a Martha en la cocina)
What does Jane offer to do? (Qu ofrece hacer jane?)
Jane offers make lasagna. (Jane ofrece hacer lasaa)
How does Jane react to the news about the Italian cousins? (Cmo reacciono Jane a las noticias acerca de los
primos Italianos?)
She though the lasagna wouldnt like them, then she though bake a cake. (Ella crello que la lasaa no les gustaria
entonces penso en hornear un pastel)
What special plan is there? (Qu plan especial hay all?)
Martha wants hire a clown. (Martha quiere contratar un payaso)
Why does Martha want a clown? (Por qu marta quiere un payaso?)
Because when she was a child, she always wanted a clown. (Porque cuando ella era nia siempre quiso in payaso)
Does Martha know exactly how many people are going to come? If yes, how many. If not, why not? (Sabe
Martha exactamente cuanta gente va a venir? Si lo sabe, cuantos, sino, porque no?)
No, she invited a number of people but they havent told her yet. (No, ella invito un nmero de personas pero no le
han confirmado an)
How does Jane think people will react to the clown? (Cmo piensa Jane que la gente va a reaccionar al
Jane thinks everyone will have a good laugh. (Jane piensa que todos tendrn una Buena risa)
Is there a theme for the party? (Hay un tema para la fiesta?)
No, there isnt one, just is going to go a clown. (No, no lo hay, solo va a ir un payaso)

Exercise 2
Put in the verbs in brackets into the gap. Use will-future or going to-future. (Coloque los verbos entre parntesis dentro
del espacio. Use will-future o going to-future)
1) Philipp will be 15 next Wednesday. (to be) (Philipp ser 15 el prximo mircoles)
2) They are going to get a new computer. (to get) (Ellos van a obtener un nuevo computador)
3) I think my mother will like this CD. (to like) (Creo que a mi madre le va a gustar este CD)
4) Paul's sister is going to have a baby. (To have) (la hermana de Pablo va a tener un beb)
5) They will arrive at about 4 in the afternoon. (to arrive) (Ellos llegarn a las 4 de la tarde)
6) Just a moment. I will help you with the bags. (to help) (Un momento. Yo te ayudo con el equipaje.)
7) In 2020 people will buy more hybrid cars. (to buy) (En 2020 la gente va a comprar ms coches hbridos.)
8) Marvin is going to throw a party next week. (to throw) (Marvin va a organizar una fiesta la semana que viene)
9) We will fly to Venice in June. (to fly) (Vamos a viajar a Venecia en junio)
10) Look at the clouds! It is going to rain soon. (to rain) (Mira las nubes! Va a llover pronto.)
Excercise 3
1. - Next summer, I Am going to travel (travel) to New York. My sister lives there and she bought me a plane ticket for
my birthday.
El prximo verano, voy a viajar a Nueva York. Mi hermana vive all y ella me compr un billete de avin para mi
2. - Its getting cold. Will take (take) my coat!
Se est haciendo fro. Se llevar el abrigo
3. - Are you going to the cinema? Wait for me. I will go (go) with you!
Vas al cine? Esprame. Voy a ir con tigo!
4. - Jane and Tom arent going to study (not/study) medicine next year. Jane is going to study (study) French and Tom is
going to take (take) a gap year.
Jane y Tom no van a estudiar medicina el prximo ao. Jane va a estudiar francs y Tom va a tener un ao sabtico.
5. - Mrs Simons, those bags seem quite heavy.I will help (help) you carry them.
Sra. Simons, las bolsas parecen bastante pesadas. Yo Ie ayudare a llevarlas.
6. - Experts say the earth is going to suffer (suffer) seriously if we continue polluting
Los expertos dicen que la tierra va a sufrir en serio si seguimos contaminando
7. - Look at those black clouds.I think it is going to rain. (Rain)
Mira esas nubes negras. Creo que va a llover
8. - Bye bye Joe. I will phone (phone) you as soon as I arrive home!
Adios Joe. Voy a llamarte por telfono tan pronto como llegue a casa!
9.-What are you going to do (do) tomorrow? I am going to visit (visit) my grandparents
Qu vas a hacer maana? Voy a visitar a mis abuelos
10.-Anne: I dont have enough money to pay for my lunch. Peter:I will lend (lend) you some.
Anne: "No tengo suficiente dinero para pagar por mi comida". Peter: "Te prestare algo
Are these nouns countable or uncountable?

1. Water: uncountable
2. Fruit: uncountable
3. Coconut: countable
4. Bread: uncountable
5. DVD: countable
6. Meat: uncountable
7. Ball: countable
8. Snack: uncountable
9. Glasses: countable
much or many? - Choose the correct answer.
1) many pupils
2) much time
3) much money
4) many dollars
5) much milk
6) many children
7) much water
8) much fun
9) many dogs
10) many people
1. Agua: incontable
2. Fruta: incontable
3. Coco: contable
4. Pan: incontable
5. DVD: contable
6. Carne: incontable
7. Pelota: contable
8. Merienda: incontable
9. Vidrios: contables

1) muchos alumnos
2) mucho tiempo
3) mucho dinero
4) muchos dlares
5) mucha leche
6) muchos nios
7) mucha agua
8) muy divertido
9) muchos perros
10) Mucha gente
some or any? - Choose the correct answer.
1) We need some bananas.
2) You can't buy any posters in this shop.
3) We haven't got any oranges at the moment.
4) Peter has bought some new books.
5) She always takes some sugar with her coffee.
6) I have seen some nice postcards in this souvenir
7) There aren't any folders in my bag.
8) I have some magazines for you.
9) There are some apples on the table.
10) Pam does not have any pencils on her desk.
algunas o ninguna? - Elija la respuesta correcta.
1) Necesitamos algunos pltanos.
2) No se puede comprar ningn cartel en la tienda.
3) No tenemos ninguna naranja en el momento.
4) Peter ha comprado algunos libros nuevos.
5) Siempre lleva un poco de azcar con el caf.
6) He visto algunas postales bonitas en esta tienda de
7) No hay ninguna carpeta en mi bolsa.
8) Tengo algunas revistas para usted.
9) Hay algunas manzanas en la tabla.
10) Pam no tiene ningn lpiz en su escritorio.

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