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Republic of the Philippines

Supreme Court
" #ersus "
ON$ %OSE D$ &'&RR&(& an)
($ R$ Nos$ +,-++- an) +,-+.-
In the present Petition for Prohibition 0ith Pra1er for Temporar1 Restrainin2 Or)er3Preliminar1
Man)ator1 In4unction un)er Rule 56 of the Rules of Court! petitioner 7uestions the le2alit1 of Chapter V!
Section 8 of &$M$ No$ 9:","9."SC or the ;(ui)elines on the Selection an) &ppointment of E<ecuti#e
%u)2es an) Definin2 Their Po0ers! Prero2ati#es an) Duties= issue) b1 this Court on .- %anuar1 .99>! in
relation to Section 89 of the Comprehensi#e Dan2erous Dru2s &ct of .99.$
The antece)ent facts are as follo0s/
On - Februar1 .998! petitioner file) t0o ?.@ InformationsA+B before the Re2ional Trial Court ?RTC@ of
Iloilo Cit1 a2ainst pri#ate respon)ent %ohn Re1 Pre#en)i)o for Violation of &rticle II! Sections 6 an) ++
of Republic &ct ?R$&$@ No$ 8+56 or the Comprehensi#e Dan2erous Dru2s &ct of .99.$ The cases 0ere
raffle) to Cranch :5! a )esi2nate) special court pursuant to R$&$ 8+56! presi)e) b1 %u)2e Victor E$
(el#eDon$ Soon after! ho0e#er! %u)2e (el#eDon )isclose) that Coreen (emarino! the Philippine Dru2
Enforcement &2enc1 ?PDE&@ operati#e 0ho con)ucte) the entrapment operation a2ainst pri#ate
respon)ent! ha) close famil1 ties 0ith him$ Thus! in or)er to preser#e the inte2rit1 of the court! %u)2e
(el#eDon issue) an Or)erA.B )ate) +- Februar1 .998 inhibitin2 himself from tr1in2 the case$ The cases
0ere then reassi2ne) to the other special court! Cranch .6! presi)e) b1 %u)2e E#el1n E$ Salao$
On .> Februar1 .998! %u)2e Salao also issue) an Or)erA:B 0hereb1 she inhibite) herself for the reason
that Coreen (emarino 0as a cousinE thus! the cases 0ere en)orse) to the Office of the E<ecuti#e %u)2e
for reassi2nment$
Citin2 Chap$ V! Sec$ 8 of &$M$ No$ 9:","9."SC! E<ecuti#e %u)2e &ntonio M$ Natino or)ere) the ClerF of
Court to for0ar) the entire recor)s of the cases to Cranch :- presi)e) o#er b1 public respon)ent! the
pairin2 4u)2e of Cranch :5! 0hich 0as the special court that ori2inall1 han)le) the cases$A>B
On +5 March .998! ho0e#er! as soon as public respon)ent procee)e) 0ith the cases! Prosecutor Genneth
%ohn &maman2lon file) a Motion to Transfer Case to a Cranch of Competent %uris)iction$A6B e
7uestione) the 4uris)iction of public respon)ent to hear the cases! citin2 Sec$ 89 of R$&$ 8+56$ Prosecutor
&maman2lon also claime) that! as the prosecutor assi2ne) to Cranch :-! he 0as not amon2 the
prosecutors 0ho ha) been )esi2nate) to han)le cases e<clusi#el1 in#ol#in2 #iolations of R$&$ 8+56$
On the same )a1! respon)ent 4u)2e )enie) the motion on three 2roun)s! to 0it/
+$ This motion ou2ht not to ha#e been file) in this court for lacF of le2al basisE
.$ This court is not 0ithout 4uris)iction to hear the instant caseE
:$ The matter about the appearance of Trial Prosecutor Genneth %ohn &maman2lon shoul) ha#e been
a))resse) to the Department concerne)$A5B
Respon)ent 4u)2e thus set the hearin2 on the Motion for &)mission to CailA-B file) on +9 Februar1 .99,$
e )irecte) the cit1 prosecutor to assi2n an assistant cit1 prosecutor to han)le the case effecti#e .9 March
Prosecutor &maman2lon! ho0e#er! mo#e) for a reconsi)erationA,B of respon)ent 4u)2eHs Or)er!
conten)in2 that the trial court nee)e) a special )esi2nation from this Court in or)er to ha#e 4uris)iction
o#er the cases$ Thus! Prosecutor &maman2lon conclu)e)! absent the special )esi2nation! respon)ent
court shoul) reman) the cases to the Office of the E<ecuti#e %u)2e for re"rafflin2 to another court
speciall1 )esi2nate) pursuant to R$&$ 8+56$ To support its contention! petitioner further cite) this CourtHs
++ October .996 Resolution in &$M$ No$ 96"8"9:"SC! 0hich clarifie) 0hether )ru2 courts shoul) be
inclu)e) in the re2ular raffle$
Respon)ent 4u)2e )enie) the Motion for Reconsi)eration in its Or)er )ate) .9 March .998$A8B e
hel) that &$M$ No$ 9:","9."SC shoul) be )eeme) to ha#e mo)ifie) the )esi2nation of special courts for
)ru2 cases$ e )eclare) that! un)er the circumstances enumerate) in &$M$ No$ 9:","9."SC! Cranch :-
itself became a special court$ e further rule) that &$M$ No$ 96"8"9:"SC 0as inapplicable$
On .: March .998! the cit1 prosecutor en)orse) the assaile) Or)ers of respon)ent 4u)2e to the
Office of the Solicitor (eneral for the appropriate re#ie0 an) filin2 of the necessar1 action$A+9B Thus! on
.> March .998! petitioner file) the present petition before this Court$
On .- March .998! 0hile the Petition for Prohibition 0as pen)in2! respon)ent 4u)2e issue) an Or)erA++B
inhibitin2 himself from hearin2 the case after pri#ate respon)ent alle2e) that the former 0as biase) for
the prosecution$ The cases 0ere thereafter transferre) to Cranch :6! also a re2ular court! presi)e) b1
%u)2e Fe (allon"(a1anilo$
&bsent a temporar1 restrainin2 or)er from this Court! the trial court procee)e) to hear the cases$
The present petition raises t0o ?.@ issues! to 0it/
&t the outset! it is an establishe) polic1 that parties must obser#e the hierarch1 of courts before the1 can
seeF relief )irectl1 from this Court$ The rationale for this rule is t0ofol)/ ?a@ it 0oul) be an imposition
upon the limite) time of this CourtE an) ?b@ it 0oul) ine#itabl1 result in a )ela1! inten)e) or other0ise! in
the a)4u)ication of cases! 0hich in some instances! ha) to be reman)e) or referre) to the lo0er court as
the proper forum un)er the rules of proce)ure! or as better e7uippe) to resol#e the issues because this
Court is not a trier of facts$A+:B It is onl1 for special an) compellin2 reasons that this Court shall e<ercise
its primar1 4uris)iction o#er the e<traor)inar1 reme)1 of 0rit of prohibition$ o0e#er! in the case at bar!
since it is onl1 the Supreme Court itself that can clarif1 the assaile) 2ui)elines! petitioner is e<empte)
from this rule$
The petition! ho0e#er! must fail$
The cru< of the matter in the present case is 0hether or not this Court #iolate) Sec$ 89 of R$&$ 8+56 0hen
it issue) &$M$ 9:","9."SC! particularl1 Chap$ V! Sec$ 8! 0hich prescribes the manner in 0hich the
e<ecuti#e 4u)2e reassi2ns cases in instances of inhibition or )is7ualification of 4u)2es sittin2 in special
courts$ Petitioner insists that shoul) respon)ent 4u)2e ?no0 %u)2e Fe (allon"(a1anilo of Cranch :6@
continue hearin2 an) tr1in2 the case! it ;0oul) result in the circum#ention of the le2islati#e conferment of
4uris)iction to a court to e<clusi#el1 tr1 an) hear )ru2 offenses onl1$=A+>B
Contrar1 to the assertion of petitioner! this Court )i) not commit an1 #iolation of R$&$ 8+56 0hen it
issue) the assaile) 2ui)elines$ Rather! it merel1 obe1e) &rticle VIII! Sec$ 6?6@ of the +8,- Constitution!
0hich man)ates that the rules promul2ate) b1 this Court shoul) pro#i)e a simplifie) an) ine<pensi#e
proce)ure for the spee)1 )isposition of cases! in conformit1 0ith the ri2ht of all persons to a spee)1
)isposition of their cases before all 4u)icial! 7uasi"4u)icial! or a)ministrati#e bo)ies$A+6B &s this Court
state) in San Il)efonso Lines #$ Court of &ppeals!A+5B there must be a rene0e) a)herence to the time"
honore) )ictum that proce)ural rules are )esi2ne) not to )efeat! but to safe2uar)! the en)s of substantial
Petitioner 2roun)s its assertion on Sec$ 89 of R$&$ 8+56! 0hich states/
%uris)iction$ L The Supreme Court shall )esi2nate special courts from amon2 the e<istin2 Re2ional Trial
Courts in each 4u)icial re2ion to e<clusi#el1 tr1 an) hear cases in#ol#in2 #iolations of this &ct$ The
number of courts )esi2nate) in each 4u)icial re2ion shall be base) on the population an) the number of
cases pen)in2 in their respecti#e 4uris)iction$
Trial of the case un)er this Section shall be finishe) b1 the court not later than si<t1 ?59@ )a1s from the
)ate of the filin2 of the information$ Decision on sai) cases shall be ren)ere) 0ithin a perio) of fifteen
?+6@ )a1s from the )ate of submission of the case for resolution$
Petitioner interprets the abo#e pro#ision to mean that a court must be specificall1 )esi2nate) b1 the
Supreme Court as a special court$ Cut 0hat is Chap$ V! Sec$ 8 of &$M$ No$ 9:","9."SC if not an e<press
)esi2nation of a special courtM
Chap$ V! Sec$ 8 of &$M$ No$ 9:","9."SC pro#i)es/
Raffle an) re"assi2nment of cases in special courts 0here 4u)2e is )is7ualifie) or #oluntaril1 inhibits
himself3herself from hearin2 case$ L ?a@ Ihere a 4u)2e in a court )esi2nate) to tr1 an) )eci)e
?:@ cases in#ol#in2 #iolations of the Dan2erous Dru2s &ct! or $$$
is )is7ualifie) or #oluntaril1 inhibits himself3herself from hearin2 a case! the follo0in2 2ui)elines shall be
?ii@ Ihere there are more than t0o special courts of the same nature in the station! the E<ecuti#e %u)2e
shall imme)iatel1 assi2n the case b1 raffle to the other or another special court of the same nature$ In case
the Presi)in2 %u)2e of the other special court is also )is7ualifie) or inhibits himself3herself! the case shall
be for0ar)e) to the pairin2 4u)2e of the special court 0hich ori2inall1 han)le) the sai) case$ If the pairin2
4u)2e is also )is7ualifie) or inhibits himself3herself! the case shall be raffle) to the other re2ular courts$
&t the ne<t raffle! an a))itional case shall be assi2ne) to the )is7ualifie) or inhibitin2 4u)2e3s to replace
the case so remo#e) from his3her3their court$$$ ?Emphasis supplie)$@
Jn)er R$&$ 8+56! Con2ress empo0ere) this Court 0ith the full )iscretion to )esi2nate special courts to
hear! tr1 an) )eci)e )ru2 cases$ It 0as precisel1 in the e<ercise of this )iscretionar1 po0er that the po0ers
of the e<ecuti#e 4u)2e 0ere inclu)e) in Chap$ V! Sec$ 8 of &$M$ No$ 9:","9."SC #is"N"#is Sec$ 6?6@ of
&rticle VIII of the +8,- Constitution$ Thus! in cases of inhibition or )is7ualification! the e<ecuti#e 4u)2e
is man)ate) to assi2n the )ru2 case to a re2ular court in the follo0in2 or)er/ first! to the pairin2 4u)2e of
the special court 0here the case 0as ori2inall1 assi2ne)E an)! secon)! if the pairin2 4u)2e is liFe0ise
)is7ualifie) or has inhibite) himself! then to another re2ular court throu2h a raffle$ Jn)er these
e<ceptional circumstances! this Court )esi2nate) the re2ular court! ipso facto! as a special court O but onl1
for that case$ Cein2 a ;)esi2nate) special court!= it is liFe0ise boun) to follo0 the rele#ant rules in tr1in2
an) )eci)in2 the )ru2 case pursuant to R$&$ 8+56$
Petitioner also conten)s that the le2islati#e intent of R$&$ 8+56 is ;to maFe use of the e<pertise of trial
4u)2es in complicate) an) technical rules of the special )ru2 la0$= Thus! petitioner su22ests that in
instances in 0hich all the 4u)2es of special courts ha#e inhibite) themsel#es or are other0ise )is7ualifie)!
the #enue for the affecte) )ru2 cases shoul) be transferre) to the nearest station that has )esi2nate)
special courts$
PetitionerHs su22estion is ill"a)#ise)$ To subscribe to this su22estion is to )efeat the purpose of the la0$
Jn)oubte)l1! petitionerHs un0arrante) su22estion 0oul) entail the use of precious resources! time an)
effort to transfer the cases to another station$ On the other han)! the assaile) 2ui)elines pro#i)e for a
much more practical an) e<pe)ient manner of hearin2 an) )eci)in2 the cases$ To reiterate! o#er an)
abo#e utiliDin2 the e<pertise of trial 4u)2es! the rationale behin) Sec$ 89 of R$&$ 8+56 an) Chap$ V! Sec$ 8
of &$M$ No$ 9:","9."SC is to effect an efficient a)ministration of 4ustice an) spee)1 )isposition of cases!
as 0ell as to breathe life into the polic1 enunciate) in Sec$ . of R$&$ 8+56! to 0it/
Declaration of polic1$ O It is the polic1 of the State to safe2uar) the inte2rit1 of its territor1 an) the 0ell"
bein2 of its citiDenr1 particularl1 the 1outh! from the harmful effects of )an2erous )ru2s on their ph1sical
an) mental 0ell"bein2! an) to )efen) the same a2ainst acts or omissions )etrimental to their )e#elopment
an) preser#ation$ In #ie0 of the fore2oin2! the State nee)s to enhance further the efficac1 of the la0
a2ainst )an2erous )ru2s! it bein2 one of to)a1Ps more serious social ills$
To0ar) this en)! the 2o#ernment shall pursue an intensi#e an) unrelentin2 campai2n a2ainst the
trafficFin2 an) use of )an2erous )ru2s an) other similar substances throu2h an inte2rate) s1stem of
plannin2! implementation an) enforcement of anti")ru2 abuse policies! pro2rams! an) pro4ects$ The
2o#ernment shall ho0e#er aim to achie#e a balance in the national )ru2 control pro2ram so that people
0ith le2itimate me)ical nee)s are not pre#ente) from bein2 treate) 0ith a)e7uate amounts of appropriate
me)ications! 0hich inclu)e the use of )an2erous )ru2s$
It is further )eclare) the polic1 of the State to pro#i)e effecti#e mechanisms or measures to re"inte2rate
into societ1 in)i#i)uals 0ho ha#e fallen #ictims to )ru2 abuse or )an2erous )ru2 )epen)ence throu2h
sustainable pro2rams of treatment an) rehabilitation$ ?Emphasis supplie)$@
&s a matter of fact! this Court also issue) similar 2ui)elines 0ith re2ar) to en#ironmental cases!A+-B
election cases in#ol#in2 electi#e municipal officials!A+,B an) cases that in#ol#e Fillin2s of political
acti#ists an) members of me)ia$A+8B Foremost in its min) is the spee)1 an) efficient a)ministration of
Petitioner further points out that this Court issue) &$M$ No$ 96"8"9:"SC to )efine the phrase ;to
e<clusi#el1 tr1 an) hear cases in#ol#in2 #iolations of this &ct= to mean ;$$$AcBourts )esi2nate) as special
courts for )ru2 cases shall tr1 an) hear )ru2"relate) cases onl1! i$e$! cases in#ol#in2 #iolations of R&
8+56! to the e<clusion of other courts$= ence! petitioner submits! )ru2 cases shoul) not be assi2ne) to
re2ular courts accor)in2 to the proce)ure pro#i)e) in &$M$ No$ 9:","9."SCE in other 0or)s! the t0o
issuances contra)ict each other$
&2ain! this Court )isa2rees$
Petitioner un)erestimates the rule"maFin2 po0er of this Court$ Nothin2 in &$M$ No$ 96"8"9:"SC or in
&$M$ No$ 9:","9:"SC su22ests that the1 contra)ict each other$ In fact! both 0ere issue) 0ith a common
rationale! that is! to ;e<pe)itiousl1 resol#e criminal cases in#ol#in2 #iolations of R$&$ 8+56!= especiall1
in the li2ht of the strict time frame pro#i)e) in Sec$ 89 of R$&$ 8+56$ Coth pro#i)e for the 2ui)elines
re2ar)in2 the assi2nment of )ru2 cases to special courts$ Thus! &$M$ No$ 96"8"9:"SC pro#i)es for the
e<emption of special courts from the re2ular raffle un)er normal circumstances! 0hile &$M$ No$ 9:","9."
SC pro#i)e for the assi2nment of )ru2 cases to special courts e<cept un)er special circumstances that
0oul) 0arrant reassi2nment to a re2ular court$
Moreo#er! the e<emption of special courts from the re2ular raffle 0as not establishe) as an ironcla) rule$
&$M$ No$ 96"8"9:"SC )oes in fact allo0 special courts to ac7uire 4uris)iction o#er cases that are not )ru2
cases$ In the interest of 4ustice! e<ecuti#e 4u)2es ma1 recommen) to the Supreme Court the inclusion of
)ru2 courts in the re2ular raffle! an) this Court has the )iscretion to appro#e the recommen)ation! as the
Resolution states/
IEREFORE! E<ecuti#e %u)2es an) presi)in2 4u)2es of special courts for )ru2 cases shall hereb1
obser#e the follo0in2 2ui)elines/
>$ If! in the opinion of E<ecuti#e %u)2es! the caseloa) of certain )ru2 courts allo0s their inclusion in the
re2ular raffle 0ithout a)#ersel1 affectin2 their abilit1 to e<pe)itiousl1 resol#e the )ru2 cases assi2ne) to
them an) their inclusion in the re2ular raffle becomes necessar1 to )econ2est the caseloa) of other
branches! the concerne) E<ecuti#e %u)2es shall recommen) to this Court the inclusion of )ru2 courts in
their 4uris)iction in the re2ular raffle$ The concerne) )ru2 courts shall remain e<empt from the re2ular
raffle until the recommen)ation is appro#e)$ ?Emphasis supplie)$@ In conclusion! the t0o sets of
2ui)elines are e<amples of this CourtHs foresi2ht an) pru)ence in the e<ercise of its rule"maFin2 po0er$
These 2ui)elines 0ere issue) to pre#ent or a))ress possible scenarios that mi2ht hin)er the proper
a)ministration of 4ustice$
IEREFORE! in #ie0 of the fore2oin2! the Petition for Prohibition is DISMISSED for lacF of merit$

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