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Digital Re-print -

May | June 2014

The importance of a secure supply chain
Grain & Feed Milling Technology is published six times a year by Perendale Publishers Ltd of the United Kingdom.
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Copyright 2014 Perendale Publishers Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form
or by any means without prior permission of the copyright owner. Printed by Perendale Publishers Ltd. ISSN: 1466-3872
ith the global population
expected to reach nine
billion by the year 2050, the
question of how to produce food for all
those extra mouths is a worrying one
for anyone involved in agriculture.
Suppliers of feed and grain to the worlds
livestock and animal industry are under
immense pressure to not only provide an
efficient service, but to ensure that products
meet tough safety standards.
While few companies are completely
transparent about their supply chain
intense competition makes them wary of dis-
closing too much in a market where trust
and reliability is a crucial element of business,
customers need to see the full picture.
Its a point that Chris Barnes knows all
too well, in his new role as head of supply
chain and procurement at pathogen control
specialist Anitox.
Trust is what underpins the client rela-
tionship in any business, says Mr Barnes and
the animal feed safety industry is no different.
Coupled with that is the expectation
from key customers, of an ever increasing
range of value-added services and innovative
products that will improve their feed conver-
sion ratios (FCRs), adds Mr Barnes.
Supplying clean and safe feed is of para-
mount importance to businesses in the feed and
grain market, especially where animal health is
concerned - there is no room for error.
As a specialist in the control of pathogens
and microbes in feed, Anitox has to ensure
that its products reach customers in the
best possible condition, being able to fulfill
potential and perform at maximum efficacy.
In this marketplace your commercial
success is dependent on the reliability and
performance of your products. Anitox prides
itself on its science-backed approach to busi-
ness, so the challenge is to build a supply sys-
tem that reflects this principle while building
us a reputation as a reliable supply partner.
In the feed safety industry that kind of
reputation is invaluable, says Mr Barnes.
Understanding demand
Supply excellence starts with a thorough
understanding of a companys clients businesses,
he explains. That means gathering a full under-
standing of demand and how it fluctuates
fundamental knowledge if youre to ensure your
product is in the right place at the right time.
Theres no substitute for this. Neglect it
and all confidence will be lost.
Mr Barnes cites the example of one of
the companys main products, Termin-8.
Its a feed additive thats used to eliminate
pathogens and microbes from animal feed.
To reach the intended results and fulfill
customers expectations, our product must
be delivered on time, in a safe and secure
manner. Part of the success of our products
depends upon a fully-functioning supply
chain system, that can guarantee safe passage
of our product so that it delivers the results
we promise.
Armed with the knowledge and under-
standing of a clients demand profile, fore-
casting models can identify and highlight
occasions when the supply chain might fall
short, as well as predicting when product
needs to be readily available for despatch.
Planning to match demand is the core of
a solid and reliable supply chain model.
Global supplies
Modern global trade means many manu-
facturing companies are reliant on raw mate-
rial supply from anywhere in the world,
thanks to ever more efficient transportation
Of course, while that means costs can
be reduced, it brings with it a particular type
of risk.
Price and quality may dictate that you
buy your raw materials from halfway across
the world, Mr Barnes acknowledges.
But the further the product has to travel,
the more likely it is that something will go
wrong at one point or another.
In a supply chain role, youre prepared
to expect the unexpected. What is Plan B?
For us, its about ensuring theres always
someone else who can supply your most
important raw materials at very short notice.
No matter what the problem, or whose
fault it was, telling your customer that our
supplier let them down simply wont suffice.
We must be prepared to present alterna-
tives and work on a solution to supply our
customers needs.
Supply chain links
Its inevitable that supply chain links will
break from time to time, but the measure
of a good company is how well it deals with
those situations.
Demand fluctuation presents us with
our trickiest challenge, continues Chris,
which results in two problems in particular:
over-stocking and short supply time.
Over-stocking can mean a prod-
uct is stored for longer than anticipated.
Sometimes that happens in locations that
arent ideal for long-term, or even medium-
term storage. That can result in product loss
and economic losses.
Meanwhile, short supply creates the
opposite problem: an inability to fulfill an
order while leaving the customer with a loss
of confidence and without the product it
needs, Mr Barnes.
Now that Anitox is in an expansion
phase, that brings with it an entirely new set
of challenges. Growing size and customer
base demands that plans are put in place to
stop gaps appearing.
If youre moving into new areas, then
inevitably it increases the distance between
the production base and the customers
At Anitox, for example, we have half of
our manufacturing sites in North America
and yet our customer base is global. By 2020
we expect to be doing more business in
Latin America and Asia than the rest of the
world put together.
Were continually scrutinising our supply
chain, to identify and resolve potential risks
with our manufacturing set-up. The constant
reassessment of potential solutions, whether
thats relocating manufacturing plants, build-
ing new ones or looking for alternative
sourcing to better supply our wider markets,
means were always best placed to react to
Creation of new local manufacturing
plants can bring huge benefits, creating
new business opportunities and increas-
ing consumer confidence by shortening
the link in supply but theyre reliant on
having the volume of product flowing into
that area.
By predicting and modeling this type of
movement, we can make plans that allow
us to secure an efficient supply chain system
into the future, says Mr Barnes.
Whatever the line of business, customer
commitment and confidence-building is
enhanced through the creation of honest
and transparent supply chain models. Not
only does it identify potential risks, but it also
forces the business to address any problems
The importance of a
secure supply chain
50 | May - June 2014
ith the global population
expected to reach nine
billion by the year 2050, the
question of how to produce food for all
those extra mouths is a worrying one
for anyone involved in agriculture.
Suppliers of feed and grain to the worlds
livestock and animal industry are under
immense pressure to not only provide an
efficient service, but to ensure that products
meet tough safety standards.
While few companies are completely
transparent about their supply chain
intense competition makes them wary of dis-
closing too much in a market where trust
and reliability is a crucial element of business,
customers need to see the full picture.
Its a point that Chris Barnes knows all
too well, in his new role as head of supply
chain and procurement at pathogen control
specialist Anitox.
Trust is what underpins the client rela-
tionship in any business, says Mr Barnes and
the animal feed safety industry is no different.
Coupled with that is the expectation
from key customers, of an ever increasing
range of value-added services and innovative
products that will improve their feed conver-
sion ratios (FCRs), adds Mr Barnes.
Supplying clean and safe feed is of para-
mount importance to businesses in the feed and
grain market, especially where animal health is
concerned - there is no room for error.
As a specialist in the control of pathogens
and microbes in feed, Anitox has to ensure
that its products reach customers in the
best possible condition, being able to fulfill
potential and perform at maximum efficacy.
In this marketplace your commercial
success is dependent on the reliability and
performance of your products. Anitox prides
itself on its science-backed approach to busi-
ness, so the challenge is to build a supply sys-
tem that reflects this principle while building
us a reputation as a reliable supply partner.
In the feed safety industry that kind of
reputation is invaluable, says Mr Barnes.
Understanding demand
Supply excellence starts with a thorough
understanding of a companys clients businesses,
he explains. That means gathering a full under-
standing of demand and how it fluctuates
fundamental knowledge if youre to ensure your
product is in the right place at the right time.
Theres no substitute for this. Neglect it
and all confidence will be lost.
Mr Barnes cites the example of one of
the companys main products, Termin-8.
Its a feed additive thats used to eliminate
pathogens and microbes from animal feed.
To reach the intended results and fulfill
customers expectations, our product must
be delivered on time, in a safe and secure
manner. Part of the success of our products
depends upon a fully-functioning supply
chain system, that can guarantee safe passage
of our product so that it delivers the results
we promise.
Armed with the knowledge and under-
standing of a clients demand profile, fore-
casting models can identify and highlight
occasions when the supply chain might fall
short, as well as predicting when product
needs to be readily available for despatch.
Planning to match demand is the core of
a solid and reliable supply chain model.
Global supplies
Modern global trade means many manu-
facturing companies are reliant on raw mate-
rial supply from anywhere in the world,
thanks to ever more efficient transportation
Of course, while that means costs can
be reduced, it brings with it a particular type
of risk.
Price and quality may dictate that you
buy your raw materials from halfway across
the world, Mr Barnes acknowledges.
But the further the product has to travel,
the more likely it is that something will go
wrong at one point or another.
In a supply chain role, youre prepared
to expect the unexpected. What is Plan B?
For us, its about ensuring theres always
someone else who can supply your most
important raw materials at very short notice.
No matter what the problem, or whose
fault it was, telling your customer that our
supplier let them down simply wont suffice.
We must be prepared to present alterna-
tives and work on a solution to supply our
customers needs.
Supply chain links
Its inevitable that supply chain links will
break from time to time, but the measure
of a good company is how well it deals with
those situations.
Demand fluctuation presents us with
our trickiest challenge, continues Chris,
which results in two problems in particular:
over-stocking and short supply time.
Over-stocking can mean a prod-
uct is stored for longer than anticipated.
Sometimes that happens in locations that
arent ideal for long-term, or even medium-
term storage. That can result in product loss
and economic losses.
Meanwhile, short supply creates the
opposite problem: an inability to fulfill an
order while leaving the customer with a loss
of confidence and without the product it
needs, Mr Barnes.
Now that Anitox is in an expansion
phase, that brings with it an entirely new set
of challenges. Growing size and customer
base demands that plans are put in place to
stop gaps appearing.
If youre moving into new areas, then
inevitably it increases the distance between
the production base and the customers
At Anitox, for example, we have half of
our manufacturing sites in North America
and yet our customer base is global. By 2020
we expect to be doing more business in
Latin America and Asia than the rest of the
world put together.
Were continually scrutinising our supply
chain, to identify and resolve potential risks
with our manufacturing set-up. The constant
reassessment of potential solutions, whether
thats relocating manufacturing plants, build-
ing new ones or looking for alternative
sourcing to better supply our wider markets,
means were always best placed to react to
Creation of new local manufacturing
plants can bring huge benefits, creating
new business opportunities and increas-
ing consumer confidence by shortening
the link in supply but theyre reliant on
having the volume of product flowing into
that area.
By predicting and modeling this type of
movement, we can make plans that allow
us to secure an efficient supply chain system
into the future, says Mr Barnes.
Whatever the line of business, customer
commitment and confidence-building is
enhanced through the creation of honest
and transparent supply chain models. Not
only does it identify potential risks, but it also
forces the business to address any problems
The importance of a
secure supply chain
50 | May - June 2014
Hydronix sensors include:
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Hydro-Mix VII
The Hydro-Probe XT has been specically designed to
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The Hydro-Mix VII is a ush mounted sensor that is
ideally suited to installation in mixers, augers or the inlet /
outlet of grain dryers.
Both sensors offer a choice of digital measurement
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Hydro-Probe XT
Hydronix digital, microwave moisture sensors are
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control in feed meals and pellets, grain, cereal and pulses.
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your process
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Largest effective die
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and rollers
May - June 2014 | 51 GRAIN
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This digital Re-print is part of the May | June 2014 edition of Grain & Feed
Milling Technology magazine.
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online magazine on our website, and as an archive of individual features on
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have been used as point of sale materials, promotional materials for shows and exhibitions etc).
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