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Indeed all praise is due to Allah (swt).

We praise him, we seek His help, we seek His forgiveness and we

seek refuge with Him from the evil of our souls and the evil of our actions. Whomsoever Allah (swt)
guides, none can misguide and whomsoever Allah (swt) leaves to stray, none can guide. I bear witness
that there is none worthy of worship save Allah (swt), the One who has no partner, and I bear witness
that Muhammad (saw) is His servant and Messenger. The best speech is the speech of Allah and the best
guidance is the guidance of Muhammad (saw). The worst of all matters are those newly introduced in
the religion. Every newly introduced matter is an innovation and every innovation is going astray. All
going astray leads to Hellfire.

We ask Allah (swt) that he make this action sincerely for Him, as all good contained in these notes is
from Him, and we ask Allah (swt) to forgive us for any errors as they are all from us.
Please use these notes to complement your personal notes and not to supplement them

Jazakum Allahu Khairan,

Scribe Team

Table of Contents
Intro ........................................................................................................................................................ 4
What are the reasons for their greatness? ........................................................................................... 4
Chapter 1: THE BEST HUMANS AFTER THE PROPHETS .............................................................................. 5
Definition of the Sahabah .................................................................................................................... 5
Status and Rights of the Sahabah ......................................................................................................... 7
The Ranks of the Sahabah .................................................................................................................. 10
Ahll Bayt ( The Prophets SAW family) ............................................................................................... 12
Our Position towards the Sahabah ..................................................................................................... 14
Our Position Ahll Sunnah wal-Jamaah regarding the fitnah .............................................................. 14
Prohibition of Insulting the Sahabah .................................................................................................. 15
Chapter 2: AHLL BAYT ........................................................................................................................ 16
Khadijah bint Khuwaylid (radiyAllahu anha) The Ultimate Wife/Spouse ......................................... 16
Sawdah Bint Zamah (radiyAllahu anha) Essence of Cordiality ........................................................ 17
Ali ibn Abi Talib (radiyAllahu anhu) Striving to Improve Ones character ......................................... 18
Jafar ibn Abi Talib (radiyAllahu anhu) Relationship with People of the Book ................................... 19
Chapter 3: LEGACY OF GIANTS ............................................................................................................... 20
Chapter 5 Stepping Up From A Zero To A Hero ................................................................................... 28
Nuaym ibn Masud (radiyAllahu anhudiyAllahu anhu) Opposite Gender Temptations/Music ........ 29
Hamzah Ibn Abdl-Muttalib radiyAllahu anhu Idle Life/Hesitation Before Reversion to Islam ........ 30
Umar ibn al khattab radiyAllahu anhu Toughness/Violence ........................................................... 31
Musab Ibn Umayr radiyAllahu anhuLuxury .................................................................................... 32
Bilal ibn Rabah radiyAllahu anhu Slavery ........................................................................................ 33
Umm sulaym bint malhan radiyAllahu anhuA.................................................................................... 35
Did You Know ................................................................................................................................. 37
Chapter 6 Heroes but Still Human ................................................................................................... 37

What are the reasons for their greatness?

1. They were selected by Allah swt, as was done by the disciplines of Jesus AS, as is
shown in Suratl Maidah ayah 111:

And [remember] when I inspired to the disciples, "Believe in Me and in My messenger
Jesus." They said, "We have believed, so bear witness that indeed we are Muslims [in
submission to Allah]."

2. They lived a unique life and had unique experiences:

They saw the Prophet SAW directly with their eyes
They dealt directly with him SAW
Their level of emaan was higher as the Quran was documenting their lives

3. The unseen was made a live show for them by the Prophet SAW:
When the Prophet SAW invited Kisra, the ruler of Persia, to Islam he rejected
the offer and sent two of his own messengers to tell the Muslims to submit to
him. Our Prophet SAW first invited these two messengers to accept Islam.
Then he left them, saying that he would inform them of his decision the next
day. At that time, he told the messengers what Allah SWT had revealed to
him: "Allah will send many tribulations to Khosrow by means of his son
Shireveyh, who will kill him in such-and-such a month, on such-and-such a
night, at such-and-such an hour." When the Persian messengers returned
home they discovered that the Prophet SAW had predicted Kisras death
They saw Jibreel as a man

4. They were given the good news of Jannah while they were still alive
This was not exclusive to the ten promised Jannah who were:
1. Abu Bakr as-Siddiq radiyAllahu anhu
2. Umar ibn al-Khattab radiyAllahu anhu
3. Uthman ibn Affan radiyAllahu anhu
4. Ali ibn abi Talib radiyAllahu anhu
5. AbdurRahman ibn Awf radiyAllahu anhu
6. az-Zubayr ibn al-Awwam radiyAllahu anhu
7. Abu Ubaydah ibn al-Jarrah radiyAllahu anhu
8. Talhah ibn Ubaydillah radiyAllahu anhu
9. Said ibn abi-Waqas radiyAllahu anhu
10. Zaid ibn Said radiyAllahu anhu

Bilal ibn Rabah radiyAllahu anhu was promised Jannah in the following

Narrated Abu Huraira: At the time of the Fajr prayer the Prophet asked Bilal,
"Tell me of the best deed you did after embracing Islam, for I heard your
footsteps in front of me in Paradise." Bilal replied, "I did not do anything worth
mentioning except that whenever I performed ablution during the day or night,
I prayed after that ablution as much as was written for me."

Khadijah was given salaam from Allah SWT and Jibreel and promised Jannah

Definition of the Sahabah

Linguistic Definition

Sahabi comes from the root word of Sahiba which means to a company. Sahabi therefore
means companion.

Technical Definition

By default a Sahabi is a companion of the Messenger of Allah SAW whether male or female.

Who is a Sahabi?

1. Whoever met or saw the Prophet sallahu alayhi wa sallam
Duration? Does not matter, whether they met the Prophet SAW for second
or knew him for decades.
Age? - Does not matter, as long as the child could distinguish between right
and wrong.

Sahih Bukhari Volume 21, Hadith No, 250
Blind? They did not literally have to see the Prophet SAW
Excludes Mukhadramun (witnessed Jahilliyah and Islam without physically
meeting the Prophet SAW)

2. While believing in him
Meeting the Prophet SAW after his prophethood
Excludes any Kafir who met him and then accepted Islam afterwards and did
not see him again

3. Died as a Muslim
Even if there was a period of Riddah (apostasy) in between

Excludes the Murtaddun (apostates). After the death of the Prophet SAW
there were Sahabis that during the Caliphate of Abu Bakr radiyAllahu anhu
that stopped paying zakat, which took them out the fold of Islam.

Q: Is Isa AS a companion?
A: Yes because he fits all of the categories.

How Companionship can be proven?

1. Al-Tawatur something repeated constantly
2. Al-Shuhrah fame
3. Mentioned in Hadith asked the question or in the narration that is authentic
4. Statement of a Tabii
Tabii = someone that came after the Prophet SAW death and met a Sahabi
e.g. Imam Malik
TabiIl-Tabiun = someone that met a Tabii
5. Statement of the Sahabi himself

When did the First Generation (Qarn) End?

Qarn is defined as:
1. The generation of the Prophet SAW.
Al-Qarn was mentioned in the famous hadith in which the Prophet SAW said,
The best of the people are those of my generation (Qarn)
2. Ibn Tayymiyahs definition
Al-Qarn refers to the time period when the majority of a given generation

3. In Arabic
Al-Qarn equals a 100 years.
Or a horn

The generation of the Sahabah ended with Ali ibn abi Talib in 41 A.H. (661 CE).
The generation of Tabiun ended with Abdullah ibn Zubayr in 73A.H. (692 CE).
The generation of TabiIl-Tabiun ended with the Omayyid dynasty in 220 A.H. (835
Status and Rights of the Sahabah

Jannah is yearning for Them

Indeed Jannah looks forward to three: Ali, Ammar and Salman. Note this hadith is weak
as classified by Ibn Hibban and al-Albani.

The three referred to in this hadith are Ali ibn abi Talib, Ammar ibn Yasir and Salman al-
Ali ibn abi Talib the son in law of the Prophet SAW and cousin accepted Islam at the
age of ten.

Ammar ibn Yasir and his family were amongst the first to revert to Islam and as
such they suffered and were tortured by the idolatrous Meccans. To ease their pain
the Prophet SAW would continuously say to them, Patience oh family of Yassir, for
you are destined for Paradise.
Ammar was the son the first female martyr in
addition his father and brother died as shaheeds.

Salman al-Farsi radiyAllahu anhu came from a highly respected Zoroastrian family
from a town near Ispahan. One day while passing by a church, he was attracted by
the voices of men praying. Drawn by their worship, he ventured in and found it
better than the religion of his upbringing. On learning that the religion originated in
Syria, he left home, against his father's wishes, went to Syria and associated himself
with a succession of Christian anchorites. He came to know from them the coming of
the last Prophet SAW and the signs accompanying his advent. He then traveled to
Hijaz where he was seized, sold into slavery, and taken to Madinah, where he
eventually met the Prophet SAW. When he found in the Prophet SAW the fulfillment
of all the signs of which he had been informed by his Christian teachers, he took

Sahih al-Tirmidhi, v5, p233
his Shahada. Being a slave prevented Salman radiyAllahu anhu from being at the
battles of Badr and Uhud. The Prophet SAW helped him gain his release from
slavery by planting with his own hand three hundred palm trees and giving him a
large piece of gold. Once a free man Salman radiyAllahu anhu took part in every
subsequent battle with the Prophet SAW.

Truthful in Their Covenants

In Suratl al-Ahzab ayah 23 Allah SWT says:

Among the believers are men true to what they promised Allah. Among them is he who has
fulfilled his vow [to the death], and among them is he who awaits [his chance]. And they did
not alter [the terms of their commitment] by any alteration

1. When Anas ibn Nadhir, the uncle of Anas ibn Malik,missed the battle of Badr and
said, If Allah SWT extends my life I shall fight in the next battle. During the Battle
of Uhud Anas watched Sahabis put down their swords and retreat from battle after
hearing that the Prophet SAW was killed. Anas scolded those that fled and kept his
covenant with Allah SWT and died as a shaheed.

Allah SWT is pleased with Them

In Suratl Bayyinnah ayah 8 Allah SWT says:

Their reward with Allah will be gardens of perpetual residence beneath which rivers flow,
wherein they will abide forever, Allah being pleased with them and they with Him. That is for
whoever has feared his Lord.

Allah SWT was pleased with them when they were pleased with Him azza wa jal, as they
were thankful for the bounties he had bestowed upon them. Being grateful to Allah azza wa
jal shows that you are content with your deen. Note that being grateful is not just an action
of the tongue but it is an action of the limbs and of the heart as well.

Imam Shafii rahimullah said, Pleasing Allah SWT is not pleasing the people and
pleasing the people is not pleasing Allah.

They were described in Previous Books

In Suratl al-Fath ayah 29 Allah SWT says:
Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah; and those with him are severe against the disbelievers,
merciful among themselves. You see them bowing and prostrating [in prayer], seeking bounty
from Allah and [His] pleasure. Their mark is on their faces from the trace of prostration. That
is their description in the Torah. And their description in the Gospel is as a plant which
produces its offshoots and strengthens them so they grow firm and stand upon their
stalks, delighting the sowers - so that Allah may enrage by them the disbelievers. Allah has
promised those who believe and do righteous deeds among them forgiveness and a great

Note that severe against the disbelievers does not mean aggress against them as Allah
SWT says in Surat`l Mumtahanah ayah 8:

Allah does not forbid you from those who do not fight you because of religion and do not
expel you from your homes - from being righteous toward them and acting justly toward
them. Indeed, Allah loves those who act justly.

Sacrificing their Homes and Wealth
The Muhajirun are those that after13 years of persecution and torture in Makkah left
everything that they had and their families and followed the Prophet SAW to Madinah.
AbdurRahman ibn Awf radiyAllahu anhu the wealthiest man in Makkah was amongst them
and arrived in Madinah with nothing. When the Prophet SAW paired the Muhajirun with
the ansar (the people of Madinah) AbdurRahman was linked with Sad ibn ar-Rabi'ah
radiyAllahu anhu. Sad in the spirit of generosity and magnanimity with which the Ansar
greeted the Muhajirun, said to AbdurRahman:

"My brother! Among the people of Madinah I have the most wealth. I have two orchards and I
have two wives. See which of the two orchards you like and I shall vacate it for you and which
of my two wives is pleasing to you and I will divorce her for you." To which he replied: "May
God bless you in your family and your wealth. But just show me where the suq (market) is"

The Messenger of Allah SAW is ordered to keep their Friendship
In Suratl Kahf ayah 28 Allah SWT says:

And keep yourself patient [by being] with those who call upon their Lord in the morning and
the evening, seeking His countenance. And let not your eyes pass beyond them, desiring
adornments of the worldly life, and do not obey one whose heart We have made heedless of
Our remembrance and who follows his desire and whose affair is ever [in] neglect.

Components of the Best Nation
The three conditions in order to have the best Ummah are described in Suratl Ali Imran
ayah 10.

1. Enjoing al-Marauf (i.e. Tawheed and all that Islam has made halal)

2. Forbidding al-Munkar (Polytheism, disbelief and all that Islam has made haram)

3. Increasing belief in Allah SWT

Unshakable Imam (faith)
During the Battle of Ahzab the Jews and others created coalitions against the Muslims. To
which the Sahabah replied, Allah SWT is sufficient for us as described in Suratl Ali
Imran ayahs 172-174:

Those [believers] who responded to Allah and the Messenger after injury had struck them.
For those who did good among them and feared Allah is a great reward - Those to whom
hypocrites said, "Indeed, the people have gathered against you, so fear them." But it [merely]
increased them in faith, and they said, "Sufficient for us is Allah, and [He is] the best Disposer
of affairs." So they returned with favor from Allah and bounty, no harm having touched them.
And they pursued the pleasure of Allah, and Allah is the possessor of great bounty.
The Ranks of the Sahabah
1. People of Badr
-Badr in Arabic means full moon
1. In Suratl al-Anfal ayah 12 when Allah SWT says, Verily I am with you, so keep
firm those who have believed in this ayah He SWT is referring to those that
fought in the battle of Badr.

2. Jibril asked the Prophet SAW, What do you consider those that witnessed Badr
amongst you? He said, The best of us. Jibril replied, We also consider the best of
those who participated in Badr.

3. The Prophet SAW said, Allah SWT said to the people of Badr, Do what you wish, I
have forgiven you.

2. People of the Tree (Bayah of Ridwan)
-Bayah in Arabic means pledge

In the 6 A.H. the Prophet SAW and 1400 hundred Sahabis made the journey from Madinah
to Makkah with the intention of performing Umrah. The Quraish forbid the Muslims from
entering Makkah so the Prophet SAW appointed to Uthman bin Affan, who belonged to
one of the most powerful families in Makkah, as the suitable envoy. Uthman went to Abu
Sufyan and other chiefs and told them that the Muslims had come only to visit and perform
Umrah, and that they had no intention to fight. But the Quraish were adamant and not
prepared to grant them the permission to visit Al-Kabah. They, however, offered Uthman
the permission to perform Umrah, if he so desired in his individual capacity, but Uthman
declined the offer saying: "How is it possible that I avail myself of this opportunity, when
the Prophet SAW is denied of it?"

The Muslims anxiously waited for the arrival of Uthman with mingled feelings of fear and
anxiety. But his arrival was considerably delayed and a foul play was suspected on the part
of Quraish. The Muslims were greatly worried and took a solemn pledge at the hand of the
Prophet SAW that they would sacrifice their lives to avenge the death of their Companion
and stand firmly behind Prophet Muhammad SAW under all conditions. This pledge goes
by the name of Bayat Ar-Ridwan (a covenant of fealty). The first men to take a pledge were
Abu Sinan Al-Asadi and Salamah bin Al-Akwa, who gave a solemn promise to die in the
cause of Truth three times, at the front of the army, in the middle and in the rear. The
Prophet SAW caught his left hand on behalf of Uthman. This pledge was sworn under a
tree, with Umar holding the Prophets hand and Maqil bin Yasar holding a branch of the
tree up, which is why those 1400 Sahabah are known as the people of the tree.

The Prophet SAW said, No one who gave me the Pledge of Allegiance (bayah) under the
tree will enter hellfire.

Q: Can you name some of the Sahabah who took part in the Bayah of Ridwan?
A: Ali ibn abi Talib radiyAllahu anhu, Umar ibn al-Khattab radiyAllahu anhu, Talhah ibn
Ubaydillah radiyAllahu anhu and Abu Bakr radiyAllahu anhu to name a few.

3. al-Muhajirun

4. al-Ansar

Ahll Bayt ( The Prophets SAW family)

Linguistic Definition Family of the household
Technical Definition Family of the Prophet SAW

Ahll Bayt consists of:

1. They are Ali ibn ali Talib, Aqil ibn abi Talib (brother of Ali), Jafar ibn abi Talib
(brother of Ali), al-Abbas ibn Abdul Muttalib (uncle of the Prophet SAW) and their
children from Banu Hasim and Banu Muttalib.

The Prophet SAW said, `Banu HJasim and Banu`l Muttalib are one.`He then
interlocked his fingers together.

Note there are some deviant sects that believe that Ahl`l Bayt only includes Ali, Fatimah and
al-Husayn and al-Hassan, which is incorrect.

2. The Prophet`s wives are part of Ahl`l Bayt which is proven in Surat`l al-Ahzab ayahs
28-33 in which Allah SWT commands the Prophet SAW to say to his wives the
And abide in your houses and do not display yourselves as [was] the display
of the former times of ignorance. And establish prayer and give zakah and obey
Allah and His Messenger. Allah intends only to remove from you the impurity [of
sin], O people of the [Prophet's] household, and to purify you with [extensive]

The Wives of the Prophet and His Children

1. The Prophets SAW wives are also his wives in Jannah. In Suratl Ghafir ayah 8 Allah
SWT says:

Our Lord, and admit them to gardens of perpetual residence which You have
promised them and whoever was righteous among their fathers, their spouses and
their offspring. Indeed, it is You who is the Exalted in Might, the Wise.

This ayah means that if a rightoues spouse is on a higher level in Jannah they can
request their spouse to be brought up to their level.

2. The 11 agreed upon wives of the Prophet SAW are:
1. Khadijah bintu Khuwalid radiya Allahu anha
Khadijah was the most beloved to the Prophet SAW, once the Prophet
mentioned Khadija near Aisha, Aisha responded: "She was not but an
old lady, and Allah replaced her with a better one for you." He replied:
"Indeed Allah did not grant me better than her; she accepted me when
people rejected me, she believed in me when people doubted me, she
shared her wealth with me when people deprived me, and Allah
granted me children only through her."
2. Sawdah bintu Zamah radiya Allahu anha
The Prophet SAW married Sawdah two years after the death of
Khadijah, at the time Sawdah a recent widower was in her about 70
eyars old.
Sawdah died in 22A.H.
Those that want to tarnish Islam always sat the Prophet SAW was a
man of lust, but his first wife was 15 years his senior and his second
wife was in her 70s.
3. Aisha bintu Abi Bakr radiya Allahu anha
The daughter of Abu Bakr as-Siddiq radiyAllahu anhu
Died on the 17
of Ramdan in 58 A.H.
The Prophet SAW married Aisha when she was 9 years old which was
the cultural norm for a girl to marry young once she reached puberty.
Also, Aisha was engaged prior to marrying the prophet SAW.
Aisha was also the only one amongst the mothers of the believers that
was a virgin at the time of marriage.
4. Hafsa bintu Umar radiya Allahu anha
5. Zainab bintu Khuzaymah radiya Allahu anha
6. Umm Salam bintu Abi Umayyah radiya Allahu anha
7. Zainab bintu Jahsh radiya Allahu anha
8. Juwairiyaah bintu Al-Harith radiya Allahu anha
9. Umm Habibah bintu Abi Sufyan radiya Allahu anha
10. Safiyyah bintu Huyay radiya Allahu anha
11. Maymunah bintu Al-Harith radiya Allahu anha

3. The Prophet SAW children are:
1. al-Qasim
2. Abdullah (who was also known as al-Tayyib and al-Tahir)
3. Ibrahim
4. Zaynab
Was the oldest and married Abu al-Aas ibn al-Rabee
5. Ruqayyah
The first wife of Uthman ibn Affan who died during the Battle of Badr
6. Umm Kulthum
The second wife of Uthman ibn Affan
7. Fatimah
The youngest of the Prophet SAW children
The wife of Ali ibn abi Talib
Fatimah only lived for six months after the death of the Prophet SAW

Note that all of the Prophets SAW children are from Khadijah radiyAllahu anhu except for
Ibrahim, who mother was Mariyah the Coptic.

Our Position towards the Sahabah

The Methodology of Ahll Sunnah wal-Jamaah with regards to the Sahabah

1. Loving them is a sign of Imam (faith)

2. Asking Allah azza wa jal to forgive them and to be pleased with them, praising them,
and mentioning their merits.

3. They are the best of all people after the Prophets

4. Studying their lives, narrating their Biograhies, and following their way.

5. They are all trustworthy (Udul)
An example of this is the number of authentic hadith narrated by them, since
a condition for a hadtih to be authentic the character of the speaker is
scrutinized. If their speaker was known to be untrustworthy the hadith
would automatically become weak.

6. They are not infalliable

Our Position Ahll Sunnah wal-Jamaah regarding the fitnah
1. To refrain from mentioning what occurred between them in a negative way.
The Prophet SAW said, If my companions are mentioned, then refrain: and if the stars
are mentioned, then refrain: and if the Qadar of Allah is mentioned; then refrain.

2. All narrations reported regarding these events fall into the following categories:
a. Fabricated narrations that have no basis
b. Narrations based on the true events but contain much exaggeration and false
c. Authentic narrations

3. Our Position toward these authentic narrations:
With regards to the actions themselves
With regards to those who performed the actions
i. They may be correct and eran two rewards, or they may be mistaken
in their judgment and earn one reward and Allahs forgiveness. This is
for a person who is qualified and does his own ijtihaad
ii. They would admit that they were mistaken and would repent fro it.
No one should be criticized for a sin he/she repented from.
iii. Although they may have erred, they have many good deeds and can be
forgiven through different avenues.

4. We cannot compare between the amount of god they have done for Islam and the
few mistakes hat they made.

Many of the Tabiun used to say regarding the fighting that occurred between the
Sahabah: Allah has saved our hands from it, so we should save our tongues from it

Prohibition of Insulting the Sahabah
The Prophet SAW said, Do not curse my companions. Do not curse my companions. I
swear by the One in whose Hand is my soul, if any one of you were to spend in charity
an amount of gold equivalent to the mountain of Uhud it would not be equal to a
handful, or even a half, given as charity by one of them.
1. Sabbl Sahabah means using inappropriate language regarding them, insulting them,
cursing them, or saying anything which discredits them or casts doubt upon their

2. If one believes it is lawful to curse them, this is Kufr
The Prophet SAW said, Whoever curses my companions then curse the curse of Allah,
His angels and the believers will be upon him.

3. If one curses the Sahabah in general or majority of them, or claims that they are
misguided or Kuffar; this is Kufr

4. If one curses a well-known Sahabi, such as one of the four Khulafa or Ahll Bayt, or
claims that he/she is misguided or Kuffar; this is Kufr

5. If one accuses one of the Prophets SAW wives of adultery, or indecency, or Kufr; this
is Kufr.

6. If one insults one of the Sahabah or says bad words about him/her without saying
something to cast doubt upon their Islam or rightness, he has not committed Kufr
but has committed a sin and should be chastised.

Note this includes making statements such as he was a miser, He was a coward, He was
not a good leader, etc.
Chapter 2: AHLL BAYT
Khadijah bint Khuwaylid (radiyAllahu anha) The Ultimate Wife/Spouse
Masterful at the Art of Capturing the Heart
Khadijahs Challenges
Balancing business and family
Raising children whose hearts are attached to Allah SWT
Husband spends time away in seclusion and travelling
Disbelievers vehemently opposed her husband , causing him pain and injury,
needing comfort and support at home

Our Challenges
Balancing career and home life
Raising children whose hearts are attached to Allah SWT
Husband spends time away in seclusion and travelling
Husbands face struggles and opposition at work, needing comfort and support at
Capturing the hearts if our husbands, enticing them to look forward to coming
home, not elsewhere for what they desire.

Lessons What can we derive from the Story of Khadijah?
Spouses should be a solid support for each other, making the home a safe sanctuary
for each other.

We can balance all responsibilities in life if we make a conscious effort to analyze or
organize and put in a full effort.

We should always try out best to never speak harshly to each other in marriage

Sisters, we should not begrudge our husbands the seclusion thy may need to
recharge themselves, or be upset with them if they travel frequently for work.

Welcome your spouse (both husbands and wives) with a compassionate smile and
truthful reassuring words of comfort.

Sawdah Bint Zamah (radiyAllahu anha) Essence of Cordiality
Superglue of the Prophet SAW Household
Sawdah radiyAllahu anhu embraced Islam in Makkah and then immigrated to Abysinnia
(Ethiopia). All of her family was not Muslims at the time and then her husband passed
away. When the Prophet SAW was given the choice between Sawdah radiyAllahu anhu (a
widower with children) and Aisha radiyAllahu anhu (who was a young virgin) he chose
Sawdah. The Prophet SAW married her to teach us:

To give more than to take from marriage
To set an example for us which is to take care of our divorced and widow
To have her take care of his own children.

Sawdah radiyAllahu anhu was teaching Aisha radiyAllahu anhu how to be a wife and take
care of the Prophet SAW. When she grew older and was becoming ill Sawdah gave up her
night to Aisha radiyAllahu anhu so she could remain in the company of the Prophet SAW
and be with him Jannah.
Sawdahs Challenges
After her husbands death she had no one to take care of her
Using her humour to cheer the Prophet SAW up
Acting as a mother figure to her step daughters Fatimah and Umma Kulthium
Her desire to be raised up among, the wives of the Prophet SAW when Prophet SAW
almost divorced her.

Our Challenges
A lot of divorced or widowed women are being neglected in the society today with
no one to take care of them
Spouse trying to cheer up the other if theyre going through a hard time in their life
Animosity between a step-mother and a step daughter

Lessons What can we derive from the Story of Sawdah?
We dont always have to marry for getting something but sometimes to also giving
something. i.e. to help and support someone.
It doesnt always have to end up with a divorced, there has to be an alternative
solution, go find it.
Always yearn for the akhirah even if it means considerable sacrifice in the dunya.
Ali ibn Abi Talib (radiyAllahu anhu) Striving to Improve Ones character
Shadowing the perfect character
Ali ibn Abi Talib was the cousin of the Prophet SAW, he was the son in law of the Prophet
SAW because he married Fatimah. He was also the father of al-Husayn and al-Hassan
(masters of the young people in Jannah).

When the Muslims were opening Khabar, the Prophet SAW said that he would give the
banner to a person who loves Allah SWT and the Prophet SAW, and that Allah SWT and the
Prophet SAW love him. So after fajr prayer Umar radiyAllahu anhu was standing in the
Prophets SAW view in order to be chosen. When the Prophet SAW did not find the Sahabi
he was looking for then he asked, Where was Ali? To which they said, Ali was sick at
home because he couldnt see out of one of his eyes. The Prophet SAW asked for Ali to be
brought and blew in his hands placed his hand on Alis eye and healed it. At that point all
the Sahabah knew that Ali radiyAllahu anhu was the man that was loved by Allah SWT and
the Prophet SAW.
Alis Challenges
To unite and stabilize the ummah
When he accepted Islam it must be hard for him to fit in with his friends
Living in poverty of the dunya
Played an integral part in the Hijrah
Strove to keep his intention pure
Dealing with people who were idolizing him.

Our Challenges
Theres a lot of disunity amongst the Muslims today, we must unite
Its hard to maintain our Islamic identity in the Western society
Living in poverty of the din
We struggle with our intentions every second of our life

Lessons What can we derive from the Story of Ali?
Entrust the youth in our communities because they will carry the banner of Islam

Fight with yourself to always keep your intentions pure

In matters of fitnah when the situation is unclear then always play a neutral role

Always keep your word and fulfill your trust even in dealings with non-Muslims.

Jafar ibn Abi Talib (radiyAllahu anhu) Relationship with People of the Book
Distinction by Charming Dialogue
Jafar radiyAllahu anhu was hailed to be the best in Manners from the Sahabah who
migrated, and was chosen by them to be their spokesperson. Beautiful speech can sway the
hearts of whomsoever Allah chooses.
Jafars Challenges
Presenting his and his companions case in Najashis court
Giving dawah to the King
Living as a minority in non-Muslim land, maintaining Islam image and practice.

Our Challenges
We get opportunities to give dawah every day to our neighbors and colleagues but
we fail to do it
Balancing our identity as Muslims and Westerners.

Lessons What can we derive from the Story of Jafar?
Dont be hasty in your judgments, always listen to both sides of the story
Your dawah should always start with the most important principle of Islam,
monotheism, before other topics
Be positive and inclusive in your dawah.

This chapter is a glimpse of what the Sahabah left behind them as a legacy. They
understood the reality of this worldly life and made it a safe passage to the eternal life in
What is the legacy you will leave behind?
Am I going to leave behind knowledge?
Am I going to leave behind righteous children that will make duaa for me?
Am I going to leave behind a contribution to a charity that will contribute to me after
my death?
Or a car by mortgage, children that do not worship Allah swt, etc
What is the legacy that you will leave behind that will benefit the people and you?
The prophet pbuh said [when the son of Adam (radiyAllahu anhu) passes away, his
records of deeds will be blocked except for 3 things, and one of the three things are
righteous children. This is knowledge that leads you to Allah swt, this is knowledge that
will benefit you in this life and the eternal one.
Education Aisha Bint Abi Bakr (radiyAllahu anhuA)
What knowledge are we teaching our kids now?
o Aisha radiyAllahu anhu lived 47 years after the prophet pbuhs death, she
was spreading knowledge during this time.
Education of our children is not only schools responsibility
Supplement school learning with life lessons
o Ie. make a slogan a week with your children, ie. charity, honesty etc.
Strive to reach Umars radiyAllahu anhuA level of humility
o Umar radiyAllahu anhu left a debt of 80 thousand dirham. Whenever he met
someone poor he would say Your debt is mine, so he collected the debts of
the Muslims around him.
o Umar ibn al-khattab radiyAllahu anhu supplicated to Allah swt: O Allah I am
harsh so make me lenient, I am weak so strengthen me, and I am miserly, so
make me generous. Imagine if he is seeking this, what about us?

Supporting Educational Institutions and Scholars Uthman inb Affan radiyAllahu
Uthman ibn Affan radiyAllahu anhu would encourage the Sahabah to disperse throughout
the land and spread religious knowledge by bestowing generous stipends.
Do we value the efforts and intentions of the scholars and learned people in our
community who strive to educate our fellow Muslim, young and old?
Do we show them our support by donating to their missions in money, time and
Some Muslim countries, to some extent, continue to support their institutions and
scholars, but how can we support and strengthen our institutions and scholars in
lands that do not have such an infrastructure.
There are three types of people:
1. People who make things happen
2. People who watch things happening
3. People who hear about things that happened
Step up and ask for your rights, be patient and claim your rights because no one else will
get them for you.
Dawah Abu Bakr al-Saddiq radiyAllahu anhu
Would it be right to be ruthless in days of ignorance and weak in Islam?
Where is our passion, conviction and initiative to further our own knowledge so that
we, in turn, can make dawah to others and help them to increase theirs, inshallah?
Are we complacent within our own communities, allowing misguided or corrupt
leaders to lead us into innovations?
Perpetually increase our own knowledge
Require proof of authenticity
Protect authentic information
Respectfully correct fellow Muslims, providing proof to them
Gently ask non-Muslims questions that will challenge their beliefs
If the woman is educated the entire home is educated.
Abu Bakr radiyAllahu anhus time when people stopped giving Zaka, he said a
yankhuso el deen wa ana hay? Do we say this? And when Omar radiyAllahu anhu
said to him are you going to attack them for this and Abu Bakrs response is in our
book (p.53) Would it be right to be ruthless in days of ignorance and weak in

Muslehoom=righteous BUT they act and react in a merciful and wise way; and they enjoin
in good and forbid evil).
In Suratl Yusuf ayah 108 Allah SWT says, obligating us to make dawah

Say, "This is my way; I invite to Allah with insight, I and those who follow me. And exalted is
Allah ; and I am not of those who associate others with Him."
Three main reasons why people hate people who are telling the truth:
1. Personal gains (MONEY)
2. Arrogance people dont accept the truth because of arrogance
3. Ignorance - the prophet pbuh recited surah Hamem to the man who was yelling at
him and he let him finish with a smile. After he was done yelling the prophet pbuh
asked a farekht ya aba waleed and then asked if he can speak like he has without
being interrupted.

We Are Dignified by Islam Umar ibn al-Khattab radiyAllahu anhu
Indeed Allah has dignified us by Islam. So we shall not search for dignity in anything other
than it.
Where do you look, other than Islam, for dignity?
Status through job, wealth, or beauty does not give us dignity
Adopting attitude and behavior of Sahabah gives us dignity
Umar radiyAllahu anhu was guiding the camel while the maid road it when he came to take
the keys of Jerusalem, his clothes had 17 stitches. Subhan Allah.
Walk the Talk Live Islam! Umar Ibn Al-Khattab radiyAllahu anhu
Do we taste the sweetness of faith?
Do we live Islam because we feel its intrinsic accord with our pure nature?
Do we surrender ourselves to Allah swt and stay within the boundaries of Islam,
both inwardly and outwardly?
Is our dawah only the verbal sort that falls on deaf ears?
Curb you tongue use the best of words both during anger and peace.
Be kind and generous to non-Muslims they are not sub-human
Be patient, always
Represent Islam in you appearance.

Military Hospitals Rufaydah Bint Saad radiyAllahu anhu
She was the first professional nurse in Islamic history who participated in the battles of
Badr, Uhud, Khandaq and Khaybar, as well as others.

Do mothers today teach their daughters their duty for the ummah?
Rufaydahs father was a doctor and he passed that knowledge to her.

Migration Umm Salamah (Hind Bint Hudayfah) radiyAllahu anhu
Tormented by the estrangement from her loved ones, she would return daily to that place,
remaining there weeping until the sun went down.
Do we have our priorities straight? Is Islam, Allah swt and His Messenger SAW,
always our number one priority?

Be brave! Make hijrah to whatever land Islam takes you

Umm Salamah and her husband accepted Islam, her husband was one of the ones who
migrated out of Mecca and after that when she was to follow her husband they
captured her son and did not want her to go. She wanted to migrate to her son and at
the same time she did not want to leave her son so she had to wait 3 months. At the
end, they let her go with her son.

Surah 49 Al Hujurat, ayah 14 this is the criteria of who is the best in the sight of
Allah SWT:

The desert Arabs say, "We believe." Say, "Ye have no faith; but ye (only)say, 'We have
submitted our wills to Allah,' For not yet has Faith entered your hearts. But if ye obey
Allah and His Messenger, He will not belittle aught of your deeds: for Allah is Oft-
Forgiving, Most Merciful."

Note the most honorable of you to Allah is the one who fears Allah most.

Courage- Talha Ibn Ubaydullah radiyAllahu anhu

when later convinced of his error, he courageously changed his mind and withdrew.

Are we conscious of our promises and oaths we make everyday, 17 times a day
Iyyaka Nabudu wa Iyyaka Nastain

Talha was one of the greatest sahaba, one of the 10 promised jannah. He was a very
handsome man. Remember in the battle of uhud when the prophets helmet was stuck
to his cheeks and then he used his own teeth to pull it off. The prophet pbuh said to
Talha that he was more handsome now than before. Talha also acted like a shield
when the kufar were around him.

Our Prophet SAW used to say, whoever wants to see a shaheed walking on earth, then
look at Talha.

State Departments and organization Umar Ibn Al Khattab radiyAllahu anhu

1. The first to introduce public ministry and payroll registry of the officials and soldiers.
2. The first to establish the record keeping (minutes) of messengers sent to governors
and heads of states.
3. The first to appoint police forces to keep civil order and discipline the miscreants

Do we have accountability and transparency in our affairs, be it at the individual,
family, local masjid, or national level, even as an ummah?
Are we disciplined in our lives, our family, and our society?
Do we overlook the unbecoming conduct of our children?
Do not be a complacent parent
Again, walk to talk! Be the adult you want your child to become.
Correct ourselves, this will correct our family which will correct the ummah.
Umar radiyAllahu anhu has placed many rules and organizational elements in his
society, ie. police security, he used to stay up and watch the neighborhood while
people slept so he can keep it safe.

Be a Pioneer Umar ibn al-Khattab radiyAllahu anhu

the first to make the lunar year the official calendar for the Muslims

Where are the muslims today?
What is the impact of the billions of Muslims on this planet?
Will you stand up and make a change in your community?
Youth centres lunge atmosphere, authentic books, and lots of coffee!
Support networks for elderly immigrants activities that build friendships,
conversations clubs with their age groups, help the isolated elderly muslims enjoy life
Islamic psychologists, combine since of psychology with brilliant teachings of Islam
New Muslims moms groups rides to doctors, babysit to give mom a nap, cook meals
Islamic womens shelter with focus on healing families, not tearing them a part
Be creative and bold
Best three who can make dawah are: a doctor, a teacher and a sheikh because when
they stand in front of people, people trust them, they have creditability.
Dr. Redas professor said to him The monster is very weak, and the monster is not as
big as you think. When you get close to him, you will see that he is very tiny and very
weak inside.

Loyalty to our Friends Abu Bakr al-Saddiq radiyAllahu anhu

They were able to be themselves with one another and they bought out the best in one

What kind of friends do we surround ourselves with?
Are we concerned about whom our children or spouse befriend?
Take time to test people before trusting implicitly
Gently modify your childrens model from fictitious media personalities
Inspire your childrens to want to learn about sahadah
Teach them to analyze/ criticize what they learn in media and society around them
Use Islamic teaching as ruler with which to measure.
Umar radiyAllahu anhu said is he your friend? And the man said yes, and then Omar
radiyAllahu anhu said did you travel with him and he said no, and then he asked
did you deal with him in matters of money and he said no after that he said he is
not your friend. Therefore, check your friends well WELL.

Leadership Abu Bakr al-Saddiq radiyAllahu anhu

Obey me as long as I obey Allah and His Messenger SAW. If I disobey them I have no right
to be obeyed.

Do we step up to shoulder responsibilities for our communities, fulfilling their needs
o Be it religious needs to worldly?
Do we only fight for the leadership titles and chairs without being worthy of them,
aiming for status and fame, remaining heedless to responsibility involved?
Do we hand together and demand justice and authenticity without our community
today, against a tyrannical leader, or an ignorant and self-serving leader?
Take leadership role
Be an example for whole community

Education and Upbringing of Children Umar ibn al-Khattab radiyAllahu anhu

care of camels, wrestling, horsemanship, oration and genealogy, reading and writing, and
time management

Why is it that our children do not out grow their childhood until they are in their
20s and 30s
Train your children to be successful and productive leaders of community
Give them chores, require significant effort, reprimand for laziness or refusal
Teach children money and time management from early age
Teach children skills they will need in adulthood
Consider the type of husband/wife you would like your child to become and make
action plan to train them for that
Do not procrastinate or waste time you can relax doing something beneficial
Show Allah swt you mean it when you say, Alhamdulillah for free time

The Prophet SAW said to a man while he was advising him: "Take advantage of five matters
before five other matters: your youth, before you become old; and your health, before you fall
sick; and your richness, before you become poor; and your free time before you become busy;
and your life, before your death."

Shyness Uthman ibn Affan radiyAllahu anhu

Shyness beautifies its beholder, be it make or female.

Have our youths become so shameless now that they are proud to hangout in pubs,
with girls/boy friends?
Modify thoughts, speech and actions do not allow people to question your
dignity/integrity or spread slander
Consider how you are representing Islam to non Muslims
They wont buy the cow if he can get the milk for free, respect yourselves

Uthman Ibn Affan radiyAllahu anhu was well known for his shyness. When he went to visit
the prophet pbuh, and the prophet pbuh was sitting at home with Aisha radiyAllahu anhu
and Abu bakr radiyAllahu anhu came in and Umar after that and part of his leg was
showing and he the prophet pbuh did not cover his leg but when Uthman radiyAllahu anhu
came in, the prophet pbuh covered his leg and when they asked why, he replied How can I
not feel shy of a man that he angels feel shy towards?.

Modesty Ali ibn Abi Talib radiyAllahu anhu

Ali radiyAllahu anhu would work with his hands even if it meant that it only brought him
enough dry dates which would sustain him.

Be proud of honest living and righteous earnings
Curb your desires
Remember that your not gaining respect by trying to fit in with university,
crowds, respect the Muslim in you
Do not fight the fitrah

Note - Modesty is not only a piece of cloth but a mind set.

Generosity Abdl Rahman ibn Awf radiyAllahu anhu

Jibil came to me and said, Order Ibn Awf to entertain guests, feed the needy, give the one
who asks, and spend first for those he supports. If he does so, he will be purified.
There are many organizations and Islamic agencies with their own agendas but is
there real solidarity and trust Islamic brotherhood? Or is our division shadowed by
slogans of tribalism, nationality, or ethnic pride?

Be impartial give where there is a need

Create Islamic organizations/associations without personal agenda

Successful Businessman Uthman ibn Affan, Rahman ibn Awf, al Zubayr ibn al-Awwam
radiyAllahu anhu

Al Zubayr radiyAllahu anhu said, I never bought a defective commodity and did not search
for profit, but Allah blesses whatever He wills.

Note greed does not increase your wealth

Good Manners and Etiquette - AbuUbaydah Ibn Al-Jarrah radiyAllahu anhu

Take note. How many people clean their garments yet stain their religion? And how many
people dignify themselves yet disgrace their religion? Wipe out evil deeds by performing
good ones. For if anyone commits an evil deed larger than the distance between heaven and
earth, the one good deed might overpower his evil one.

Focus on detail refine ourselves
Be mindful of offense to others, dont remember the goods that you have done but
be mindful of the harm that you have done to others.
Take note of what offends ourselves and be careful not to do it to others.
Chapter 5 Stepping Up From A Zero To A Hero
The Human Side of the Sahabah
Nuaym ibn Masud (radiyAllahu anhudiyAllahu anhu) Opposite Gender
From Perpetual Pleasure Seeker to Seeking the Pleasure of Allah
He was a man from tribe of khatafan and his main two concerns were for women and
music. He lived in a place between Makkah and Madinah, whenver he wanted pleasure he
would go to either Makkah or madinah; the more money he spent the more pleasure he got
but he was never satisfied.
When Nuaym discovered that the people of Madinah, the Quraish and his people wanted to
come together to fight the Muslims, Nuaym started to question himself and his life? Why
were they attacking Mohammed pbuh and his followers? Was he doing something evil, etc?
After thinking about all these issues, he decided to be a hero instead of a Zero.
He became Muslim and went to the Prophet pbuh who told him to not tell anyone that he
was a Muslim. He went to Banu Khuraytha and then told them that they have a covenant
with his own people and that if Mohammed pbuh was to win the battle that he would
destroy them. Then he told them to tell Banu Khuraytha that what would happen if they
lost the war with the Muslims and since there is no guaranteed he was not going to do it.
After his own tribe, he went to the Quraish and made them worried and have doubts
amongst themselves. When they were divided, at night Allah SWT sent the winds which
destroyed them.
Nuayms Challenges
love of opposite gender
love of music
questioning life and his actions against the prophet pbuh
severing tribal ties and alliance

Our Challenges
Using women as advertising commodity
music is one of the most popular means of entertainment today
Love of same gender
Questioning our purpose in life and acting upon it

Lessons What can we derive from the Story of Nuaym?
Dont just blindly follow people, try to always question your decisions
One man can make a difference
Allah SWT used his soldiers to protect the Muslims.
Keeping good company is essential to being a good person.
When seeking guidance, if were sincere then Allah swt will surely guide us to the
right path.

Hamzah Ibn Abdl-Muttalib radiyAllahu anhu Idle Life/Hesitation Before
Reversion to Islam
From friend of the Elite to Friend of Islam
Although Hamzah was Muhammeds uncles, the two were very close in age and more like
brothers and friends than extended relatives. As their futures rolled on, they drifted along
their own unique paths; one towards idleness, leisure and the pursuit of status, the other
toward seclusion, meditation, and later, prophet hood.
The prophet pbuh was in the Kabah and then Abu Jahl (Amr ibn Hisham was his real name,
and his other title was Aba al Hakam) came and started to curse and insult him. Meanwhile
Hamza was hunting and someone ran into him and said youre hunting and leading your
idle life while your nephew is being harassed. Then Hamza asked who was harassing him
and then he ran to Makkah and pushed Abu Jahl and told him fight me. Then Hamza told
Abu Jahl unconsciously Are you going to attack my nephew while I am on his path?
Hamzah then went home and reflected upon what he said; then he asked for Allahs
guidance and accepted Islam.

Hamzahs Challenges
Enjoying company of the Quraysh elite
Enjoyed having life free of major conflict or struggle
Hesitating to revert to Islam due to requirements of denouncing religion of
forefathers and way of life he was accustomed to
Struggled with inner conflict that comes with decision to revert

Our Challenges
Want to fit in with popular crowd or western society
Dont want to have to defend or explain our religious beliefs to non-Muslims
Fear of denouncing our parents or grandparents beliefs (for non-Muslims
considering reversion)
Inner conflict and doubts about what is right and true.

Lessons What can we derive from the Story of Hamzah?
When in doubt, ask Allah SWT with sincere heart, to guide us to the straight path,
and he will inshaallah
Islam changes and alters a person, helping them become a better person
Analyze our societal beliefs, questions intelligence / motive involved and compare
to wisdom of Islam
Pressure of tradition can be overwhelming, but true inner peace comes from
obeying Allah SWT (submitting).

Umar ibn al khattab radiyAllahu anhu Toughness/Violence
From Firecracker to Fierce Defender of Islam
Before his reversion to Islam Umar radiyAllahu anhu hatred was so great that he one day
resolved to kill the Prophet and thus relieve the Quraysh of its burden, restore its ravaged
unity, and re-establish respect for the gods that Muhammad had castigated. On the road to
Darul Arqam he was met by a passerby who stopped him, and informed him that his own
sister and her husband had become Muslims, and advised him to put his own house in
order before undertaking any other projects. Umar was furious to hear that his sister and
her husband had become Muslims. He immediately changed his direction from Arqam's
house to her house to investigate the allegation.
Umar exploded in wrath and struck his sister in her face. The blow caused her mouth to
bleed. He was going to strike again but the sight of blood made him pause. He suddenly
appeared to relent, and then in a changed tone asked her to show him what she was
reading. She sensed a change in him but said: "You are an unclean, and I cannot allow you
to touch the Quran
Umar immediately went away, washed himself, returned to his sister's home, read the text
of Qur'an, and then went to the house of Arqam where he formally accepted Islam.
Umars Challenges
Fearing personality
Before Islam sought to have influence through violence rather than intelligent
Our Challenges
Difficulty controlling anger
Youth join gangs trying to gain power/prove strength
Some husbands think they need to be taught to gain wifes respect
Some husbands try to beat their wives to gain submission
Influence is powerful (more) when gained through self-control
Do you believe that there is a creator that created you?
Do you think he created you for a purpose?
Who can give you a good life?

Lessons What can we derive from the Story of Umar?
Man was tough guy and abuser
Use your strength and conviction in positive way
Words of allah in quran, can provoke an immense reaction

Musab Ibn Umayr radiyAllahu anhuLuxury
From Affluent Complacency to Embassador of Allah
When he was young he used to hear about the prophet pbuhs message, and therefore he
went to listen to what was he saying. Then once he heard what the prophet pbuh was
teaching he fell in love and embraced Islam.
His mother was very rich and once she heard that he had embraced Islam she was not
happy and she told him that if he did not leave Islam she would disown him and therefore
she locked him in the house. Then he escaped and went to the prophet pbuh.
Musabs tribe and family denied him and the prophet pbuh saw him and he looked so
different and the prophet pbuh had tears in his eyes. And when he was killed in battle of
badr and the prophet pbuh wanted to cover his body they didnt have enough cloth to cover
his body because if they covered his face his legs would show and the vice versa. And then
the prophet pbuh made dua: Oh Allah, I am pleased with Musab. I pray that you are
pleased with Musab. Please make him a martyr.
Musabs Challenges
Defying powerful mother
Shackled and disowned by mother
To urge mother to accept Islam
To endure pity of others
Maintain patience with tests of poverty after such affluences
Our Challenges
Displaying Islam in our appearance regardless of negative response from others
Defying societal pressures regarding fashion and material possessions
Avoiding usury - not owning a house or carrying balance on credit card
Dinging courage to make dawah to family members

Lessons What can we derive from the Story of Musab?
Musab sacrificed the world and its comforts for Allah swt
Focus on how great his sacrifice was and the reward that comes from that
Obey the Creator, not the creation
Those most beloved to us may at times be the biggest challenges for us
Resist the temptation to buy in to the whims of fashion
We do not need a big, beautiful house this will give us temporary pleasure
Being involved in usury is like waging war against Allah swt
Bilal ibn Rabah radiyAllahu anhu Slavery
From Menial to Magnificent Muadhdin
By Allah, if you had refused to sell him (Belal) except for one hundred ounces (of gold), I
would have paid it!
There is a place called al batha where Bilal was dragged and tortured in the heat of
Makkah, and the only thing he would say was ahadun Ahad.
After the death of the prophet pbuh, on that day Bilal was making the adan when he got to
ashadu ana muhammed rasoul allah he couldnt continue and he fell down into the
ground. Then he said that he would never make the adan again and everyone was crying
after that he moved from Madinah to Syria. Then one night Bilal saw the prophet pbuh in
his dream and he saw him saying ahajartuna ya bilal and then as soon as he got up, he
packed up and went to Madinah. Upon his arrival to Madinah he noticed that the assigned
muadhdhin was late so he gave the adan. Everyone in Madinah woke up for fajr and
thought the prophet pbuh had returned, because they heard Bilals voice again and they
were all crying.
On his death bed, Bilal said: Do not cry. Tonight I am leaving you but tomorrow I will be
with the Prophet pbuh.
Bilals Challenges
To maintain patience with life of slavery
Endured constant torture
Endured public humiliation
Our Challenges
To maintain patience with those who have rights over us
Slavery to our desires monetary, materialistic, physical
Slavery to a bad habit, fame, fake beauty
Medias propaganda against Islam, peoples response to that
Lessons What can we derive from the Story of Bilal?
Islam promotes equality regardless of social class, job, colour, race or gender; all
Muslims are equal in the eyes of Allah swt. We are only distinguished by our deeds
Intentions should be to please Allah first, and then our actions will be blessed
Do not be one of the mutaffiffin, fulfill the rights of those around you with patience
and without distain, for we all want our due rights
Keep in mind that material and physical pleasures will be waiting, for us to enjoy
them eternally in jannah, in shaallah, if we are patient in this life, stay away from
haram and strive for purity and piety, we do not need them here.
We are stronger than we think, we are and we can endure or overcome far more
than we gave ourselves credit for. So fight against your desires for bad habits
Allah swt will not test us with more than we can endure
Allah swt blessed Bilal with a legacy
Umm sulaym bint malhan radiyAllahu anhuA
From Ignorance to Epitome of resilience
A Muslim man can acquire no benefit after Islam greater than a Muslim wife who makes him
happy when he looks at her, obeys him when he directs her, and protects him when he is away
from her in herself and his property.
The mother of Anas ibn malik, her husband was Malik ibn Nadr, and she lost her husband
after he served the prophet pbuh 10 years. Upon hearing that Umm Sulaym was widowed
Abu Talhah asked for her hand in marriage. A man like you, Abu Talhah , she said, is not
(easily) turned away. But I shall never marry you while you are a kafir, an unbeliever. She
then went on to say I swear to you, Abu Talhah, and I swear to God and His Messenger
that if you accept Islam, I shall be pleased to accept you as a husband, without any gold or
silver. I shall consider your acceptance of Islam as my mahr.
Abu Talhah left and reflected deeply on what Umm Sulaym had said. He came back to her
beaming with happiness. I have taken your advice to heart. I declare that there is no god
but Allah and I declare that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.
Umm Sulaym and Abu Talhah were married. Anas, her son, was pleased and the Muslims
would say: We have never yet heard of a mahr that was more valuable and precious
than that of Umm Sulaym for she made Islam her mahr.
When Umm Sukayms son died she bathed and shroud his body and told her neighbours
not to tell her husband. When he returned after a long day at work, he asked her how the
boy was. She said: He is quiet and calm. Then she served him dinner and gave him a very
pleasant night. In the morning, she said to him: Have you heard of those people who
borrowed something from their neighbors and used it for their purposes. When the owners
claimed it, they found it hard to give it up. He said: That is unfair. She said: Your son was
lent to you by God. Now He has claimed him back. Abu Talhah reported this to the Prophet.
He commended Umm Sulaym and prayed for the couple: May God give you all the blessings
of your night. After that night Allah swt blessed them with 10 children who all memorized
the Quran.
Umm Sulayms Challenges
Death of her husband
Death of her child and being patient and wise in not telling her husband the sad
Refusing to marry abu talha unless he becomes a Muslim.
Our Challenges
Being patient and content with the death of a loved one
Marriage today is mostly based on monetary and physical attributes of a person,
rather than the deen.
Lessons What can we derive from the Story of Umm Sulaym?
Be content with the Qadr of allah for the reward of the patient is without bounds
Never compromise the din when looking for a prospect in marriage because
everything else will wither away but the din will always stay with you.
Did You Know

The blissful days with the prophet SAW came to an end and Madinah wept over the death
of the dearest man ever to walk the Earth. Bilal radiyAllahu anhu was asked to make
Adhan before the burial of the Prophet. He started the call: Allahu Akbar, but when he
came to the name of the prophet SAW, he was sobbing so heavily, he could not continue. He
said: By Allah I will not say the Adhan anymore. He asked the khalifah, Abu Bakr
radiyAllahu anhu to allow him to go to al-Sham to fight in the Way of Allah, where he spent
the rest of his life.
He made adhan only twice since then. The first was when Umar came to al-Sham. The
second was after he beheld the Prophet in his dream, saying to him: Oh Bilal! How is it that
you never visit me? He set out for Madinah and upon his arrifval, Hasan and Husayn
requested him to call out the Adhan. He could not refuse them, for they were very dear to
him. As soon as he began, the people of Madinah cried openly with anguish at the memory
of the Prophet SAWs time. Even the women came out of their houses weeping. He left
Madinah and passed away a few days afterwards in Damascus.

Chapter 6 Heroes but Still Human

It is imperative to study the live of the Sahabah, sins and all, to gain a realistic impression of
who they truly were, thus enhancing their human qualities and making them realistic role
models that we can,a nd should, try to emulate, inshaAllah. But we must always keep in
mind that they are the best people after all of the prophets, and give them the respect they
Abu Dharr radiyAllahu anhu - Racism/Nationalism.
None of us has the right to judge someones superiority or worth other than Allah, and He
informed us of this through the example of the Prophet SAW
Once abu dharr, who was a poet and who was a white man and was the leader of
his people, was talking to Bilal radiyAllahu anhu and they had an argument and
therefore Bilal asked him again. And then he said dont you understand the son
of a black women? and then Bilal radiyAllahu anhu did not say anything and
then Bilal went to the Prophet pbuh to complain. He then said Bilal he made fun
of me with the blackness of my mother and then he said call him when he
talked to Abu dharr the prophet pbuh said have you done this? And then the
prophet pbuh said to him, that abu dharr still had ignorance in him. Then abu
dharr went to Bilals house and placed his face on the ground and said to step on
his face then bilal went down to the ground and brought him up and said that
he only wanted to remind him that he did not choose the color of his mother and
that he could never step on the face of a man who prostrates to Allah swt and
that they are brothers.
Racism is not tolerated within Islam and Allah SWT only judges us based on our
deeds and intentions; we should look at a persons piety rather than their colour,
cast or tribe.
Forgiveness should be given readily and completely
Harbouring ill-feelings is never beneficial
Importance of controlling anger and guarding the tongue
We should treat others how we expect to be treated
Abu Dharr was ashamed to be associated with characteristics that were pre-
Highlighting a persons mistakes is better done privately.
Khalid Ibn al-Walid radiyAllahu anhu Mistreatment of Fellow Muslims
The Prophet SAW raised his hands and cried: Oh Allah! I am innocent of what Khalid has
done; O Allah! I am innocent of what Khalid has done!
Once the prophet pbuh sent Khalid to present Islam to a tribe and when Khalid
radiyAllahu anhu went to that tribe they reacted towards him repulsively
because he did not speak the same dialect as him and therefore he killed them.
Then the prophet pbuh made duaa that he is free from what Khalid has done
because he never told him to do that.
wa ma nasr ela men 3end illah this is in the Quran because some of the
Muslims start to think that al nasr was coming only because of Khalid. Omar
radiyAllahu anhu told Khalid after a battle that he was coming down from being
the commander of the army of the muslims. And when Khalid passed away he
wrote in his will that he wanted his sword and horse to be given to Omar
radiyAllahu anhu.
Human life is sacred
If we commit an injustice uponanyone we should compensate them fairly
according to Islam
people of greater knowledge are more deserving of our respect
Arguments over insignificant issues should be avoided
We should be hasty when seeking forgiveness.
Aisha Bint Abu Bakr radiyAllahu anhu Jealousy
One day, he spoke of her and I grew very jealous and told him, Was she not an old lady
whom Allah has replaced for you with a better woman? He got angry and said, No, by Allah!
Allah did not replace her with any better woman
Aisha Bint Abu Bakr radiyAllahu anhu - And Not Disputing with the Messenger SAW
You (women) are like the women who tried to entice Yusuf into immorality
Reference: Safi-ur-Rahman al Mmubarakpuri, Ar-Raheeq al-Makhtum (The Sealed Nectar)
On the night of Aisha, um salamah sent a dish of food and Aisha slapped it out of
her hands. When the maid came with the food, the prophet pbuh saw the dish
broken on the ground and he took it and presented the good part of the food to
the sahabah and said your mother is jealous.
There was another time when she referred to one of the other prophets wife
who was more beautiful and she said to stay away from her and she signaled
with her hand the short one. After that the prophet pbuh said she has said
something really bad.
One time she was upset at the prophet pbuh and then she asked if she wanted
her judge as abu Bakr and she said yes and then the prophet pbuh asked her
would she like to talk first or he and she said her and then she said this man
who claims to be a prophet and then abu bakr slapped her and she went
hiding behind the prophet pbuh.
Jealousy is common between co-wives and may stem from insecurity
The prophet pbuh had immense love for khadijah radiyAllahu anhu
The role of the wife is to believe in her husband and support him with whatever she
has, to bear his children and educate them according to Islam
o if a women prays 5 times a day, obeys her husband and fasts Ramadan she
can enter from any of the 8 doors in jannah.
A good wife tries her best to avoid upsetting her husband.

Hatib ibn Abi Baltaah radiyAllahu anhu Revealing Military Secrets
I swear by Allah that I have not done this act as apostate, forsaking Islam.
Reference: Ar-Raheeq al Makhtum (The Sealed Nectar) Biography of the Noble Prophet
SAW. Safi-ur-Rahman al-Mubarakpuri. Dar-us-salam Publication. Riyadh-Saudi ArAbua
(1996). Chapter: The Conquest of Mecca.
he was one of the people who the prophet bpuh told him from where he was
going and gave the letter ot a lady and then Hatib went and got her to give him
the letter because he said that they would strip her naked until they take the
letter. After wards they the muslims captured him and asked why he did that
although omar ra said let me cut off this kafers head. And they found out that he
had a family in mekkah that no one would protect. And then the surah came
down, and then the prophet pbuh went and told him not to because allah swt
called him muminoon
Allah swt informed the prophet pbuh that Hatibs actions and the breach of the
covenant before it took place
The role of military tactics
It is a husbands duty to protect his wife and children
The label of hypocrite cannot be brandished freely
Their status of those who fought in the Battle of Badr
Uthman Ibn Mazum radiyAllahu anhu Encroaching Upon the Rights of Others (his
You will be wealthy, but you are today far better in your piety and devoutness than you will
when you are wealthy.
Uthman radiyAllahu anhu was one of the best of the sahabah
One day he was sitting with the sahabah and the prophet bpuh said that there
will come a day that they would be dressed in different clothes in the same day
and he asked them if they liked that and then he said they would have this in
Jannah. Then Uthman decided to stop having intimacy with his wife and then the
prophet pbuh told him that our body has a right on us, Allah has a right on us
and that our husband has rights on us.
Both men and women have the right to be satisfied sexually within marriage
We should not desire wealth as it may not necessarily be good for our deen
Islam is a moderate religion, and encourages us to take the middle way
Extremism is not encouraged
Unnamed companions Mockery of Others
The Prophet SAW said: Are you laughing at Ibn Masuds legs? On Allahs scales of justice they
are heavier than than the mountain of Uhud.
Reference: http://www.thewaytotruth.org/stories/colorandrace.html. Chapter 12: Abd
Allah ibn Masud the First Reciter of Quran
Abduallah ibn masood used to imitate the prophet pbuh even when he was short
and was trying to get through a low space because the prophet pbuh was tall and
was bending. Subhan allah
He had a beautiful voice and Dr.Reda would love to hear him reciting in jannah.

We should not make fun of peoples bodies
If we have nothing good to say about people we should not say anything
Appearance is superficial; Allah SWT sees us according to the state of our heart
We should not judge people according to their looks but their hearts which we
cannot see.
Maiz radiyAllahu anhu and the Ghamidiyyah woman radiyAllahu anhu Stories of
Prevention is better than cure
Both committed adultery but it was Maiz was the first one who did it.
The prophet pbuh turned away from him three times and he did not turn away
from him and repeated to the prophet pbuh to be judged even though he knew
that would get stoned to death. Then after he was dead by stoning and then two
people said why would anyone do this to themselves to die like a monkey and
then the prophet was so upset to hear their comment and he told them to go eat
the dead meat of the donkey because that is what they did by talking of him that
way and told him that allah has accepted Maiza repentance and that he is in
Importance of repentence and seeking forgiveness regardless of the worldly
Conditions for capital punishment
Demonstrates the severity of the act of adultery
Purifying ourselves after all sins regardless of the severity
Once a person has accepted the appropriate punishment, we should not hold this
against them

Abdullah ibn Jahsh radiyAllahu anhu Killing During the Sacred Months
In Suratll Baqarah 217, Allah SWT says,

They ask thee concerning fighting in the Prohibited Month (1
, 7
, 11
, 12
). Say: "Fighting
therein is a grave (offence); but graver is it in the sight of Allah to prevent access to the path
of Allah, to deny Him, to prevent access to the Sacred Mosque, and drive out its members."
Tumult and oppression are worse than slaughter. Nor will they cease fighting you until they
turn you back from your faith if they can. And if any of you Turn back from their faith and die
in unbelief, their works will bear no fruit in this life and in the Hereafter; they will be
companions of the Fire and will abide therein.
Abu Mahjan al-Thaqafi radiyAllahu anhu Drinking Alcohol (punished twice)
Fear your sins more than you fear the enemy as your sins are more dangerous to you then
your enemy. We Muslims are only victorious over our enemy because their sins outnumber
ours, not for any other reason. If our sins were equal to those of our enemy, then they would
defeat us due to their superior numbers and resources.
Battle of al Khadaseya was going on but he was caught and was just watching the
battle and did not fight. He was crying because he was only watching the battle
and he was not fighting like everyone else. Then he asked the wife of Saad to give
him his sword to go fight and after he was done fighting he would come back.
Then Saad saw him fighting and said if I did not die by horse by my hand and
did not tie saad, I would think that was him because he faught 3 nights getting
out by saads wife and then going back when he was done fighting. Then saad
said would alcohol stop you from jannah and then he said no and changed his

40 archers radiyAllahu anhu (the mountain of archers)- Not Following Commands of
Prophet Muhammad SAW
The archers on the mountainside committed a fatal mistake that turned the whole
situation upside down it had almost brought about the death of the Prophet SAW
The battle of uhud and the prophet pbuh told them that even if they saw birds
eating off their bodies to not leave their place but then after those Muslims on
the mountain thought that they had won, then these two men saw them and they
were not Muslims at the time and the non muslims were surrounded and
Mistah ibn Thathah, Hamnah bint Jahsh, Hassan ibn Thabit radiyAllahu anhu
The Incident of the IFK: Slander
By Allah, I know that you have heard this story that people are saying and it has become
fixed in yourself and you have believed it. If I were to sya to you that I am innocent, you
would not believe me. If I were to confess something to you and Allah knows that I am
innocent you would believe me
In Suratll Nur ayahs 11-12 Allah SWT says:
Those who brought forward the lie are a body among yourselves: think it not to be an evil to
you; On the contrary it is good for you: to every man among them (will come the punishment)
of the sin that he earned, and to him who took on himself the lead among them, will be a
penalty grievous.
Why did not the believers - men and women - when ye heard of the affair,- put the best
construction on it in their own minds and say, "This (charge) is an obvious lie" ?

Always keep in mind these words of Allah SWT:
In Suratll Zumar ayahs 53-54 Allah SWT says:
53. Say: "O my Servants who have transgressed against their souls! Despair not of the Mercy of
Allah. for Allah forgives all sins: for He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
54. "Turn ye to our Lord (in repentance) and bow to His (Will), before the Penalty comes on
you: after that ye shall not be helped.
In Suratll Nisa ayah 48 Allah SWT says:
48. Allah forgiveth not that partners should be set up with Him; but He forgiveth anything
else, to whom He pleaseth; to set up partners with Allah is to devise a sin Most heinous indeed.
In Suratll Furqan ayahs 68-70 Allah SWT says:
68. Those who invoke not, with Allah, any other god, nor slay such life as Allah has made
sacred except for just cause, nor commit fornication; - and any that does this (not only) meets
69. (But) the Penalty on the Day of Judgment will be doubled to him, and he will dwell therein
in ignominy,-
70. Unless he repents, believes, and works righteous deeds, for Allah will change the evil of
such persons into good, and Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful,

Ali ibn Abi Talib Using Strength for Matters of Good

Whoever will read their biographies with understanding and insight, and will come to know
the reqards bestowed by Allah upon them, he will certainly realize that these are the best
among humans after the Prophets. Neither there has been anyone like them nor will there be.

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