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The cat is a feline whose history and origin back to ancient Egypt. Egyptians inoculated a few
drops of their blood to the cats to protect them from disease and evil spirits. It was forbidden
to kill a cat, and the penalty for doing so was death, was much respect for this animal existed
when the cat died the Egyptians shaved their eyebrows as sign of mourning.
In Celtic tradition relates that witches regarded to black urchins cats as their best friends.
Witches used their cat, as his servant and also was said that the cat was a person transformed
by a spell. During the Middle Ages came the false belief that black cats were unlucky because it
was thought that they met mandates of witches and that gave rise that fans sacrifice
thousands of cats.
- In nineteenth century Britain, where a black cat strolled in front of a couple just about to
married represented happiness and fertility to the couple
- In the past, sailors believed that brought good luck to have a black cat on board, but
couldnt pronounce the word "cat" because it would bring great misfortunes.
- Women of sailors used to have a black cat at home to ensure that their husbands would
return safely
- In some regions of the southern United States still believes that if a cat is allowed to
approach a human corpse, a horrible misfortune will befall the family of the deceased.
- In Sicily, a black cat represents the evil eye.
- In Kentucky there is a belief that the visit of a black cat in a house is a sign of good luck, but
if the cat decides to stay, in which case it would mean misfortune.
Is most countries black cats represent bad luck. For that, people avoid view when a black cat
crosses in front of them and they prefer to have other animals as pets.
I believe in that superstition, because when I was young I went to a sleepover at the house of
my neighbor and her black cat ran around the house, scratched her furniture and meowed
during midnight. The cat seemed to be mad or possessed. For that reason I don't like cats,
especially black cats.

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